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2007-01-22, 09:32 PM
Anybody here play UD (http://urbandead.com)?

I maxed out long ago, but I still log on for 5 mins a day just to have fun defending Caiger.

I like the whole wiki teamwork or at least communication through it.

The only skills I didn't take are zombie skills that are only useful against survivors. I'm not a rotter either.

2007-01-22, 09:58 PM
Yes, actually. I haven't maxed out yet, but I'm working on it. I also don't plan on taking any zombie skills if I can avoid it.

When I do max out, I might make another character, this time a consumer.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-01-22, 10:04 PM
Started playing it, got my character into double digits then got bored and quit.

2007-01-22, 10:29 PM
Been playing almost a year now. main character's name is Vexan, look me up on the wiki, I'm starting outa new group.

2007-01-23, 12:36 AM
Bah. I maxed out the human tree a while ago, killed myself, and realised just how boring the zombie grind was. I got a few skills to help me get to a revive point, but that's it. Maybe I should start a new character.
Note: Get Free Running! Very essential now, as almost all buildings are extremely barricaded.

2007-01-23, 07:05 PM
Yes, actually. I haven't maxed out yet, but I'm working on it. I also don't plan on taking any zombie skills if I can avoid it.

When I do max out, I might make another character, this time a consumer.

You should at least get ankle grab and the other movement one. Otherwise getting to the revive point is kinda a drag.

2007-01-23, 08:06 PM
Zombie skills are GREAT in a siege, because hey. While you wait for a revive, you can scuttle over to the siege-location, attack a zombie for some XP and to keep yourslef busy, the scuttle back over to the rev point... and do it EFFECTIVELY. I, personally, have every zombie skill except Ransack (which i'm going to get soon, just because I've almost got the XP to burn) and Brain Rot (which I'll never get!). :D

blue chicken
2007-01-23, 08:15 PM
Heh...more than a year now, ranking officer with the Malton Fire Department. Oddly enough, it was a link from the Department of Emergency Management's site that led me here to Order of the Stick those months ago...

...and ah, come on! You've gotta take the zed skills too, guys. Because everyone's vain about their character level at heart. Or maybe it's just me, heh heh...

2007-01-23, 10:07 PM
I refuse to take zombie skills that only work against survivors, like the moaning thing or an infectious bite. And I have over a thousand XP sitting around, waiting for a new skill to be added.

Interesting story:

Today, I was being a good samaritan and healing the wounded in Caiger. I clicked on this guy at thirty HP, "poptop" and found that he had moved off. He also killed the generator and showed off his offensive language skills, apparently simultaneous with my attempted healing of him. Angrily, I begin searching for him in surrounding buildings, noticing SW Caiger go dark along with my native SE. I never did find him, but I added him to my contacts with a red tag.

All I can say is that I'm glad I hadn't healed him a split second sooner.

I'll get him though...

Anyway, if anybody's hanging in Caiger, keep a lookout for this guy. According to a radio broadcast and an eyewitness account, (from when I logged on a few hours later) he also is a prolific PKer as well as GKer.

2007-01-24, 09:06 AM
I decided to try it out, went fireman. You might find me messing around vallis plaza fire station.

2007-01-24, 09:32 AM
I'm an urbandead player, joined the warseers ages ago. I like Urbandead for the politics. I remember Daris, and when the =][= symbol coverd Eastonwood.

Sadly, politics killed my clan, everyone plays nexus war's now. We got in a stupid PK war with gangsta Busisness (they killed us first, but apprently, one unoffical warseer tagged over one of their symbols). This resulted in a devestating Servivor vs servivor battle, and then a Zombie Horde broke off from the Mall tour, and settled, now my home is the centre of a new zombie republic.

2007-01-24, 09:44 AM
I havent had any trouble for now, logged off at a factory that was barricaded.

2007-01-24, 06:31 PM
Good move. Never stray from your safehouse, avoid hordes and pick on single and/or wounded Zeds in the beginning. Buy H2H combat or free running next.

Side note: Every fence in the entire game has been cut. Wirecutters aren't necessary anymore.

2007-01-25, 07:49 AM
Moved safe houses, the one I was in got attacked. Ran out of action points outside a hospital due to the entrance being heavily barricaded. Proceeded to assault said hospital as a zombie.

2007-01-25, 06:34 PM
Okay, this GKer, Poptop, has apparently killed every generator in Caiger, and the nearby autorepair and NT buildings. Annoying. I just spent all my AP setting up two generators, one of which I managed to fuel. Grrrr...

2007-01-25, 07:19 PM
Zombies rule, if only for the fun that can be had rambling in zombish. Here's an older one with my maxed zombie Fleshburger:

You smash at the barricade. Part of it collapses. The last few sections of it fall away.

You fumble open a door and, leaving it ajar, enter the building.

You say:
Mamma zhaaz grr'g ah man brrg ah gaan agghanz hh'z haag, brr'g mah graggar, nah h'z gaag.
Mamma raab hag zhaaz bagaan - bah nah ahg gaan an zhraan ag ARRR arrraaahhh.
MAAMAAAA.ARRR-RR-RR-RRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr.gaghan'gh maahn zha maag ra graa, aagh ahm naag baag agan zhaz gaam zhamarrah, garrah an, garrah an.nazzang rarrah mazzrz.

Zhrr raagh.mah zhaam haz gam.zang zhabbarz zhan mah zbaan, bagagz aaghn arr zha zham.garrbah abrabaggah, ahb gag zha gaa.gagga rahb rah arr bahang and HRAAZ ZHA ZRRRZH.
MAAMAAAA.ARRR-RR-RR-RRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr.ah zhah rannah gaah, zamzhamhz raahzh ahg nabar baan bahrn ag ARRR.

*insert badass guitar solo here*
Ah zaa a raggr zharraraghar ab a man- zgarrabaazh zgarrabaazh rahr rah zhr zha hraangangah?
Gahrararr-gahrararr gahrararr-gahrararr gahrararr-hragahrarr.MAGNABBAGARRRrr-rrr-rrr-rrr.
Ah'm zhaz a barr bah, hram a barr hrammarah.

*piano bit*
Azzah gaam, azzah gah, raa rah raag mah gah?
BHAZMARRNAG! NAAH, raa rahr nag raag zha gah!
Rag hahm gaaah!
BHAZMARRNAG! NAAH, ra rahr nag raag zha gah!
Rah hahm gaaah!
BHAZMARRNAG! NAAH, ra rahr nag raag zha gah!
Rah hahm gaah! RAHR NAG RAG ZHA GAH! Rah hahm gaah! RAHR NAG RAG ZHA GAH! Rah hahm gaah! RAHR NAG RAG ZHA GAH! Ah, rag mah gaa-AAA-AAA-aaa. NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!
Ah mamma-mahah mamma-mahah! MAMMA-MAHAH RAAG HAHM GAH. BAHARRZHABAB haz a zhabbar brr'g azhag har maah, har maah, har MAAAAAAAAAHHHH!

*insert more badass guitar*
Zah rha zhaang hra gaan zgaab mah an zbaan mah ah-aaz? Zah rha zhaang hra gaan rab mah an raahb ma zha gAHH-aaahhh?
Ahhh, bah-baaah, gan zhr zhaz hrr mah bah-baah, zhaz gagga gahg arrg, zhaz gagga gahg raahg agghah haaahrr.

*big creshendo, finale guitar, etc.*
Nazzang rarrah mazzarz.annahran gan zaah.nazzang rarrah mazzarz.nazzang rarrah mazzarz.zha maaaahhhhh.

Anah raah zha raang brarrrzzz.

You say "Zahngah, zahngah. Ahrh bah harh arrh naghg."
[Thankyou, thankyou. I'll be here all night.]

You say "Ah ahz gabagahgah ah ah zah zahmbahz ah zah ahn Bannah Hahgz."
[That goes out to all the zombies in Penny Heights]

JohnTha1337 (http://urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=606047) said "okay, whatever the hell you're doing, plz leave, because I have no idea what you're saying, i have no Zombish translator, and I need XP. PLz leave, I cannot know whether you're going to kill me when I run out of AP" (11 seconds ago)

You graagh threateningly, your call echoing out into the streets.

You say "Ahgah ah mahn zambahz gahn ahz zah rahbahah? Ah grahb! "
[Waddya mean zombies can't use radios? Ah crap!]

JohnTha1337 attacked you for 3 damage. (5 seconds ago) (They're still here.) .and again. (2 seconds ago) .and again. (0 seconds ago)

You say "Gahz zahmz zah brahgz, ah? Ahnarah, hahrh rah ah gahang ranagh? Ahz nahz za gahb ahn ah ah zah gahg rah hra gahnz."
[Guess them's the breaks eh? Anyway, how we all going tonight? It's nice to be out of the cold for a change.]

JohnTha1337 said "wtf?" (19 seconds ago)
JohnTha1337 attacked you for 3 damage. (5 seconds ago) (They're still here.)

You say "Hah man, ah grahang za hab hra gahnahzahzahn harh, ah mahn ahrh zah baggang zah agz?"
[Hey man, I'm trying to have a conversation here, you mind where you're putting that axe?]

JohnTha1337 attacked you for 3 damage. (16 seconds ago) (They're still here.) .and again. (6 seconds ago) .and again. (1 second ago)

You say "Hahrh rahg ah zahm harmanz? Nah mannarz. Ah zahb hab hra zahg ah za mahrrah ahbahg ah Mrh GahnRah."
[How rude are some humans? No manners. I should have a talk to your mother about you Mr JohnTha.]

JohnTha1337 attacked you for 3 damage. (27 seconds ago) (They're still here.)

You say "Rahg - zah ahz rahrrah gahbang ahnahang ah nah."
[Look - that is getting really annoying you know.]

You bite JohnTha1337 for 4 damage. They drop to 46 HP. They become infected.

You say "Ah! Hah ah rahg zahm aggarz ah?"
[Ah! How you like them apples eh?]

JohnTha1337 said "okay, whatever the hell you're doing, plz leave, because I have no idea what you're saying, i have no Zombish translator, and I need XP. PLz leave, I cannot know whether you're going to kill me when I run out of AP" (11 seconds ago)

You graagh threateningly, your call echoing out into the streets.

JohnTha1337 said "OMFG! F----! I AHTE YOU! NOW THIS GREAT CHAR IS DOOMED! I HATE YOU!" (19 seconds ago)
Stinkfist the 1st attacked you for 3 damage. (15 seconds ago) (They're still here.)

You say "Nah arrah zmah harmahn, ah ahnrah gahb! Ab zah gah."
[No worries small human, I've only got 4 AP to go.]

JohnTha1337 said "I NEED A FAK, I'M INFECTED!" (16 seconds ago)


You say "Ah zarrahang amahzahz mah harman."
[Your suffering amuses me human.]

JohnTha1337 said "all I can say is wtf. Now I'm screwed, wasting AP and this is my best char. F--- YOU TO F----- HELL FLESHBURGER!" (1 minute ago) .and again.
*Leaves building*

You say "Ah ahnrah bahg ham ahnz. Ha ah zgrahngz man."
[I only bit him once. what a strange man."]

You have run out of Action Points.


I've also had long conversations with people when I've broken in four nights in a row - even closing the doors as an act of good will. Then someone shot me so I busted in and killed everyone (mwahahahaha!) - though I did let the talkative ones escape.

2007-01-25, 07:33 PM
You're lucky to catch them logged in. The only way to be sure they are is to attack a heavily populated building, but then you get your shotgun-riddled zombie ass handed to you by the survivors.

I must admit that I never listen to zombies when they talk, unless they "Mrh?" and I have a syringe. Oh, and I ZK at revive points to be first in line. Basically, I'm a jerk to anybody who's not alive, whether they want to be or not.

2007-01-26, 12:36 AM
I made another char. straight to zombie this time.

The Orange Zergling
2007-01-26, 12:49 AM
Made about 3 chars... didnt get far with any of them, the chance to hit when attacking is too abysmal for my tastes.

2007-01-26, 12:57 AM
Ive been playing pretty much since it came out. Been hanging out in creedy and giddings until the zeds took it over. Now theres no more survivors to munch on so I've decided to take a holiday to Caiger. :smallbiggrin: I used to play a survivor exclusively, thinking about how horrible it would be to be a zombie. People assume that since Im maxed out and I have a real name for my character, Im a survivor. Nope. :smallsmile: Thanks for rezzing me, now youre on my blacklist forever. (I color my enemies black)

2007-01-26, 01:17 AM
The name Nuk Chorris is already taken, must try Holden Magroin and Mike Roch

2007-01-26, 06:02 PM
I used to play Urban Dead shortly after it started up. Because I have no self-control when it comes to gaming, I promised myself that I'd quit playing when I maxed my character out with every skill available (I made an exception for Brain Rot when it came out - didn't want that one.). Eventually I maxed out and stopped playing, which was fortunate because I was getting too involved in the politics of it. It's amazing how much time a game with a limited number of action points per day can take up if you let it.

When I played, I had a fireman. I took free running and barricade-building as quickly as possible. My preferred tactic (which was novel at the time) was to move into a nondescript building near a hospital, fire department, and police station. What do these three buildings have in common with each other? They're locations that are invariably overpopulated with people, heavily barricaded, and surrounded by zombies seeking to get to the chewy center. Once there, I'd barricade my HQ and as many surrounding buildings as possible up to the maximum that permitted free-running access. My goal was to create too many targets for zombies to search every single location while simultaneously making the neighborhood as appealing as possible for survivors to move in and spend their action points on killin' zeds.

Ah, good times...

2007-01-26, 06:53 PM
I came across the dirty GKer today, or rather, I recognized his corpse. Somebody beat me to him. Curse.

blue chicken
2007-01-26, 06:57 PM
Hey, Ad'Lan! It's blue chixen! Word! How crazy is that, seeing you here? The 'Seers are still around...and Eastonwood's in decent shape right now. Sometimes your pub is even 'caded!

2007-01-26, 07:06 PM
Um, okay...which of us are you addressing?

2007-01-27, 03:16 PM
If, like any rational human being, you wish to be a zed, start as a policeman to stock up on a bit of exp the easy way first, then switch over once you have enough for a few levels.

I have a few maxed out zombies, though I quit playing when I reallized it would be impossible for z's to every actually 'win.' being outrageously outnumbered, having changes made to the game whenever you start making progress, the fact that most people don't like playing a 'bad guy,' etc...

But I digress. As a Z, you don't have to deal with the frustration of looking for a revive, of being team-killed, of dealing with pricks in general. Z's generally help each other out, and have many skills designed for just that. And of course, there's nothing more satisfying than recruiting another member to your ranks. Well, except perhaps finishing off a barricade, GRAHing to let your neighbor's know soup's on, and logging in a few hours later to find the 'shelter' littered with new recruits, with many more applicants having been dragged outside as well. Even with the game's failings, I can't help but to feel a since of accomplishment and community at having been a part of such an undertaking.

One last note, if you're a Z and trying to make progress, I'd recommend picking your targets. If there's only one guy there who can do barricades, get him first. Otherwise go for the rezzers first. Save the lvl 1's for last, they're the most harmless and most likely to leave the game if they die a bunch in their first couple of days playing ayways, or most likely to be someone's extra char that fades out from inactivity after a couple of days.


(funny UD comic)


(funny UD newspaper articles, must-read for any fans of the zombie genre)

2007-01-27, 03:24 PM
Hey, Ad'Lan! It's blue chixen! Word! How crazy is that, seeing you here? The 'Seers are still around...and Eastonwood's in decent shape right now. Sometimes your pub is even 'caded!

It is? Great! I am actually just stocking up in yagatoon right now, I am on the way down south to reopen the pub soon.

My brother is still playing, though he has kinda ignored being a warseer, I think he is a ZKer now.

I tried contacting the Neo Warseers, I am not interested with the fight with GB, I did not start it, I want to finish it.

2007-01-28, 06:16 AM
Theres a large mob on Dunell Hills, 18 or so. Just managed to break into a safe house.

2007-01-28, 07:43 AM
I maxed both human and zombie skills long ago (except for brain rot). Haven't played in a long time, but last I checked I was dead - couldn't find a safehouse in time. Hmm, let me see what's new...


Yup, still dead.

2007-01-28, 01:51 PM
Large mob of eighteen...I remember those days. :smallwink:

2007-01-29, 08:17 AM
:P. the safe house is still open, everyone is off line XD

2007-01-30, 01:07 AM
I signed up and tried this yesterday, still trying to get the hang of things.

2007-01-30, 01:21 AM
Zombies are somewhat easier to play, no need to find a safe house or anything.

2007-02-04, 12:41 PM
Ooh ohh! I play!

Also, anyone with generator/fuel would be welcome at Stickling Mall. Spies for the Mall tour '07 keep destorying the damn generators, and ammo is running low. Ta.:smallsmile:

2007-02-04, 01:16 PM
Caiger is still clear. Any idea when the mall tour will be coming here.

2007-02-04, 01:27 PM
I'm a Zombie, by the name of Zac Corly. In life, I'm a Lone-Wolf Zed hunter, but I've been reduced to being a Zombie.


--EDIT-- I've just spent all my AP smashing at one barricade. How much time do you need to spend to take em' down? I hit about 35 out of the 50 goes.

2007-02-04, 01:30 PM
I think someone was constantly repairing it.

2007-02-04, 01:40 PM
I think someone was constantly repairing it.

Hmm. We had 18 zombies poised to strike outside. Well, I say poised but they weren't online.

And bugger! Maybe I should log on at 1 in the morning and catch them unawares :smallwink:

2007-02-04, 02:53 PM
Latrobe building has around 200 zombies next to it, with around 150 corpses in a pile XD

2007-02-04, 03:17 PM
I've been playing for about six months now. I've got one maxed-out survivor who's sitting back and popping off zeds in Stickling, one almost-maxed-out survivor who just joined the Zone Defenders down in the SSZ, and one maxed-out zombie who's wandering from suburb to suburb looking for fresh meat.

There's a well-populated wiki for the game that I frequent as well.

2007-02-04, 05:45 PM
Latrobe building has around 200 zombies next to it, with around 150 corpses in a pile XD

Huzzah Caiger!

2007-02-04, 11:03 PM
I just created a fireman and a zombie, but I'm not exactly sure how to play. Oh well I'll figure it out.

2007-02-04, 11:27 PM
You should at least get ankle grab and the other movement one. Otherwise getting to the revive point is kinda a drag.

Well, by "if I can avoid it" I meant I'm trying not to become a zombie.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-02-04, 11:30 PM
Know what we should play? Hardcore Urban Dead. Start as a survivor. If you die, make a new character.

Oh yeaaaah.

2007-02-04, 11:48 PM
I've been playing for a little over a week now, as a fireman wandering around Fryerbank.

2007-02-05, 05:51 AM
Gah! Ran out of action points before I could get to a safe spot!

I found a shotgun shell though. And learnt that my flare gun was apparently one-use...

EDIT: logged in quickly to use a few recharged action points, managed to find a barricaded place to move into. Yay for me!

2007-02-05, 06:41 AM
Man when I first started playing UD I immediately knew I wanted to play a zombie. No doubt about it. I started a handful of other characters but you better believe I had more fun as a zombie, hands down.

I joined MT'06 near the tail-end, around February... when it became obvious the bots inside Caigar were unstoppable, and the Mighty Warlord Xyu officially disbanded the Tour, he invited me to come on as an advisor for the Shining Ones. If you ever fell victim to one of our outward spiral hunting patterns, I apologize personally.

Anyway, with another character I started the Dunningwood Warriors... that was pretty fun too but TSO was where my heart was. Eventually I got bored with the game because the realities Kevan faced in keeping the Harman/Zambah sides balanced made me jaded.

Still, it was fun. Did any UDers jump on the NexusWar bandwagon?

2007-02-05, 11:53 AM
Latrobe building has around 200 zombies next to it, with around 150 corpses in a pile XD

And may the Zambah god bless those 200 - my alt is one of them :smallbiggrin: I'm only lv 2, but I've already broken into the building 3 times. I love being GMT sometimes, no-one is on to repair the barricades :smalltongue:

The SN is Rraghle Gruugh, come 'n 'ave a go if ya think 'ur 'ard enuff.:smalltongue:

2007-02-05, 11:54 AM
Im there too :P

Broken in twice.

2007-02-05, 12:01 PM
Hehe, I logged on just now to find it ransacked with 28 Zs inside:smallbiggrin:

Now attacking Caiger! Rawr!

2007-02-05, 12:07 PM
Im one of them inside :P

The around 100 people inside just dis-appeared.

2007-02-05, 12:19 PM
Odd. I would claim it's a trap, but I don't see how that works.

EDIT: It says they were getting smashed on the wiki page. Maybe they pulled back until they can stage a reasonable attack. Seems likely as I dunno why else they'd bother.

2007-02-05, 12:23 PM
The place is ransacked, moved to top left corner of Caiger, any idea when the mall tour is coming here.

2007-02-05, 12:28 PM
What are some good strategies for starting a zombie character? 1 of mine got shot in the head (I did a terrible job parking) and the other is just to tired to walk anymore. What is the best place to hunt?

2007-02-05, 12:28 PM
Try to join a horde. they usually break into buildings. And mines been shot to the head who knows how many times.

2007-02-05, 10:50 PM
Bagged a GKer today. The idiot stayed in the building and someone sprayed his name and crime on the wall. Normally I take that kind of thing with a grain of salt, but this individual happened to be on my red list. Only the fourth P/GKer I've nailed. (yes, I keep a kill count in my profile :smallbiggrin: )

2007-02-06, 09:14 AM
Zombies just broke in to caiger :P

2007-02-06, 03:44 PM
I'm top left as well now. Die, Caiger, die:smallbiggrin:

No news yet, we're still holding them at Stickling (my main character). I did just single-handedly repel a minor incursion into the entry point though. And we finally have more generators, woo!

2007-02-06, 07:38 PM
Dropped two upper left Z's and restored generator power to lower right. We definately need more survivors here...

2007-02-07, 12:14 AM
Whats your character name, you might have killed me :P

2007-02-07, 05:00 PM
Hehe, Caiger looks like it's in a spot of bother. I'm suprised somewhat actually; the Mall tour '07 hasn't got many less than the Caiger lot have got, yet they seem to have a much harder job breaking in. Only 3 inside Stickling today, me and someone else mopped them up no problem.

2007-02-07, 06:08 PM
heretic144 is my main char, and the one in Caiger. Looks like SE is all that's left and there are 78 Z's inside, although the cades are up. I'm dumping bodies and healing, so they won't know I'm logged on. I would shoot them up, but I have little or no ammo.

2007-02-07, 10:37 PM
Double post, but Caiger just got overrun again.

These idiots all "evacuated" (re: ran off) ad refused to stay and fight. I chose to stay when I ran out of AP and got killed for my trouble. Ah, well. I'll get revived soon enough.

In other news, my alt is at the YRC and we just spotted Maltonian Inquisition (http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Maltonian_Inquisition%2C_The) spray paint. This is not good...

We've been plagued by them before. They strike at the same time, all nine of them, and they usually drop between ten and fifteen people, targeting members of The Abandoned and the YRC crew. We generally get one or two of them depending on if they run out of AP at the clinic or further away. I keep thinking it would be great to get a group together to hunt them down, operating the same way they do.

2007-02-07, 10:40 PM
Hah, I guess I missed with the wrong zombie so now my fireman is a zombie. How would one go about getting revived as a human?

2007-02-07, 11:43 PM
Find a revive point designated by spray paint. According to the sacred ground policy, all cemetaries are revive points, so your best bet is to find one of those.

It helps to be able to identify NT buildings from the outside, but I think just about any cemetary will work, especially if there is a line there.

2007-02-07, 11:46 PM
I used to play, as Rockphed and a couple other names that I won't mention to preserve other people's innocence. I should log on and find out what happened to my old group, the DHPD. I kinda quit 6 months ago because I couldn't log on with my internet service.

Funnest thing in the world is joining an alt-hoard. Only problem was that I started a new zed to do so, and never really leveled up much.

2007-02-08, 07:35 AM
LoL Now my zombie character has been revived and my fireman is still dead. Luckily I know how to get my zombie back to being a zombie :). Alright I'll try to hunt down a cemetery with my fireman that died.

2007-02-08, 12:39 PM
I have a character there, Kalir, and I started the Dual Nature Policy on the Wiki.

Why? Check my userpage there for the why.

Also, badass zombie guitar solos should always be respected, even if THIS IS YOUR BEST CHAR.

2007-02-08, 06:37 PM
*bows to Kalir*

I just was wandering around with my alt after the Inquisition struck (as I predicted) and I ran across one of the perpetrators. Yay for redlists and shotguns! Actually, the noob didn't even have a flak jacket.

Captain van der Decken
2007-02-09, 09:23 AM
I started recently, as a zombie. It's going fairly smoothly,(keep finding people hanging around outside) although I'm having trouble finding somewhere safe to go offline.

2007-02-09, 11:13 AM
I got a skill today. hooray for 50% hit chance

2007-02-09, 06:24 PM
Capped another PKer!

Two in two days. I am on fire!

This one didn't actually do anything. His profile said he was part of Red Rum though.

This makes me think that the YRC is in for another Valentine's Day Massacre, this time from multiple fronts.

Gather around, younglings, and hear the tale of horror.

A few years back, the Yagoton Revivification Clinic was puttering along as usual, when on Valentine's Day, members awoke to the following message...

RedZeko dropped seventeen good men and women that day. It is theorized that his followers, The Disciples of Zeko, struck first, softening up targets for RedZeko to destroy. Every anniversary since and even during the rest of the year, The Disciples strike, leaving tens of broken corpses in their wake...

Anyway, the Zekoites are idiots in the sense that they choose to PK right at the most effective revive point in the game, but that doesn't make them not annoying. (seriously, you're dead until you stand up, at which point one of the other NINETY survivors staying there revives you immediately.)

2007-02-09, 07:25 PM
I'm over at Stickling after I got tired a few months back at Caiger. But there's not much structured happenings, so...I'm Mattaeu (http://urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=234026), anyone want for reinforcements or aid?

2007-02-10, 10:51 PM
This is a guess, but is it bad mojo to go around attacking zombies as another zombie? Just asking because I believe I was just on the recieving end of some z on z violence.

2007-02-10, 11:04 PM

My dead Caiger Survivor just nailed two Z's today, with his teeth and claws.

Revive lines can get competitive. :smallbiggrin:

And the first one was wounded...

Single Shot Zombie
2007-02-16, 04:52 AM
With all the heavy action at Stickling Mall right now, one wonders what'll happen once the Tour gets their undead posteriors to Santlerville.

And my zombie feral alt hanging around back at Caiger (Barhah) Mall has nothing to do now, and I'm too lazy to shift him (not to mention that I have someone else alive at Santlerville). So there he stays. :P

Captain van der Decken
2007-02-16, 11:19 AM
Awesome feeding today. In a safehous full of zombies and survivors, and the zombies are winning.

I've almost levelled twice..

2007-02-16, 08:52 PM
Survived V-Day at the YRC!


I even found a PKer nearby. Get this--As I was blowing him away, some guy logs in, sees him wounded and starts healing him. By the time I stopped the other guy, the PKer was healed back to 48 from 18, and I had started into him at 60. I was low on AP and out of ammo by the end, so I just told everybody to finish him and they did.

My Caiger zed ZKed another two Z's in the revive line. I kill about four times as much as a zombie.

I don't get all these people who say that the game is rigged in favor of the survivors. It's really not. It takes a full day of searching to get ammo to kill a Zed and a half, in a powered PD. Zombies? They can just grab and go. Not to mention dying. What a drag. Sure, we outnumber you nearly 2 to 1, but being dead is a semipermanent state for us and a negligible inconvenience for you.


Anyway, the big accomplishment was dodging Zekoites and Rummies with my YRC alt. Yay for surviving the attack that never happened. Actually they attacked Bale Mall instead of us, and it fell partly because of this...ah well, more people to show up for revives.

2007-02-17, 06:35 PM
Oh, so THAT'S who Bale Mall fell to. It was all over the radio that it fell to PKers, but no-one figured out who.

2007-02-17, 07:46 PM
Yep, Red Rum and Zekoites. Probably others too. Maybe some Neon Knights.

2007-02-20, 12:52 AM
As of this posting, the wiki says that Caiger is currently in zed hands. Is this true?

Linky (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2056222#post2056222)

2007-02-20, 03:17 PM
Yes, I was there. The cowards all retreated after NW fell. I stayed though.

2007-02-22, 12:24 PM
Hey ho. Ive been a player of urbandead since about the week it came out. I played about half a dozen characters before I finally got lucky with one and now I've got all the skills (save brain rot). I play both sides of the field, but Im always polite and never play a zombie when Im alive. Its pretty nice to not worry about getting revived. Somebody will do it on a whim eventually. Being a zed is fun anyway.

I still haven't gone to Caiger Mall. I usually hang out on the east side of town (usually Dulston, Pitneybank, or Fort Creedy. I helped in all the recent major seiges. As a survivor except for Creedy. :D).

Maybe Ill pop over to Caiger and say hello. (My character is Steve Harvey)

2007-02-23, 01:48 PM
Caiger is a bit anticlimactic at the moment. Although I haven't logged on since being on vacation. (I get back tomorrow night)

Hey, starwoof, do you remember when Wirecutters were actually useful? [/dreams]

An uncut Junkyard would be amazing.

2007-02-23, 09:19 PM
I ditched my wirecutters months ago to make room for more shotguns. I used to carry them, just in case... but not anymore...

I got resurrected this week. I forgot how boring relying on guns can be, though its a great way to earn xp. I'm saving up my AP so that I can go to Caiger. I might show up dead though. :smalltongue:

2007-02-23, 09:26 PM
That would be a better idea. From what I know, you won't last long there as a Harmanz.

2007-02-23, 09:30 PM
Oh yeah... we they got the mall didn't we they. Anyway, I need to move out of Rhodenbank. *snooze*

2007-02-23, 09:34 PM
My Caiger char is probably still dead, weeks after the fall. Every day a couple get revived...and about five get ZKed...partly my handiwork :smallamused: ...I always make sure to ZK the ones who actually sleep directly outside the NT. That's just bad manners.

Until I get a syringe, viva YRC!

2007-02-23, 09:37 PM
Eventually the zeds will get bored and move off, probably. I don't know how it works out west but on the east side zombies have short attention spans.:smalltongue:

Is the Big Bash still active? I was a part of that for a month or two but then I got lost and wandered back to Creedy.

2007-02-23, 09:40 PM
Yeah, the Z's get bored when there's nothing to kill except each other and they move off, leaving the survivors an open target.

Besides, all of the dead Caiger defenders are ZKing like mad, out of boredom.

Of course, a good fourth of the defenders all ran off when they saw NW fall...cowards...:smallfurious:

2007-02-23, 09:44 PM
Heh. I've been in a few mall seiges (Treweeke, Giddings, etc...). The zeds broke through all but the NW corner. There were like 5 survivors left before I bailed. I'm quite proud of that one. :smallbiggrin:

Now at Giddings everyone just bailed early...

2007-02-23, 10:38 PM
Ever been to a Survivor victory siege? I was at Caiger the Siege before it fell the first time. That was pretty tight.

2007-02-23, 10:41 PM
No, but I'd like to. I've been part of a zombie victory siege though... as both a human and a zed. :smalltongue:

2007-02-23, 10:43 PM
Fickle, aren't you. :smallwink:

I personally only kill Zeds and PKers. I refuse to take Zombie skills that only are useful against survivors. It makes me appear a bit lower in level, but since I'm maxed out in things that matter, I'm still a formidable player.

2007-02-23, 10:48 PM
As a harman I only kill zeds and people that I actually see PK people. I also avoid getting killed as much as possible and help people out.

As a zed I shamble around killing people that sit outside buildings, though I've been known to kill one person and then point other people towards shelter. Usually I just kill people and yell 'Barhah!'. Great fun.

I've got all the skills so that I can do what needs to be done. Plus I like to think that new players look up to me. :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-23, 11:00 PM
I kill PKers if they have a PKer group listed in their profile. Or if I hear their name over the radio. I could be played like an accordion. :smallbiggrin:

I think I'm usually right.

2007-02-24, 02:25 PM
My main character is a zombie with the Mall Tour (great fun!). Haven't maxed out yet, but I got most of the important skills.

My other character that I play a lot is a fairly low level PKer. Started him off with the intention of being a zombie hunter, but got bored of that pretty quickly. Besides, someone needs to provide a bit of excitement to all those bored harmanz sitting in the malls. :P

2007-02-24, 03:06 PM
I made a character but i found the game hellishly repetertive

2007-02-25, 05:26 PM
It is if you don't get involved with the culture of the game. Read some wiki stuff.

2007-02-25, 05:30 PM
Used to play, forgot my character, restarted just today under "Klaus Gruber," a fireman, and "Dash Andrews" a cop. I used to play zombie, so I figured survivors could be fun too. Maybe I'll meet up when I'm actually good enough with a weapon to kill one zombie.

2007-02-26, 08:36 AM
Its starting to get fun now that I found a good base. My survivor is hanging out at St. Alexander's hospital (some district not sure which), and since there is a mall outside there are always zombies to kill. My two zombie characters are doing ok, but they seem harder to level. None the less they both have the 50% chance to hit and one has rending hands the other has memories of life. I have no clue which district they are wandering around in.
EDIT: Starwoof I love that avatar

2007-02-26, 08:16 PM
Okay, there are apparently no revive points around Caiger. Grrrr...

On a happy note, my other character revived two people and I have another couple PKers on my redlist now, for later execution.

Captain van der Decken
2007-02-28, 12:19 PM
Since I just got combat revived again, would I be better off taking Free Running or Diagnosis? Or some other skill? (Can I take Scent Trail/Death without Scent Blood?)

Saithis Bladewing
2007-02-28, 05:26 PM
Since I just got combat revived again, would I be better off taking Free Running or Diagnosis? Or some other skill? (Can I take Scent Trail/Death without Scent Blood?)

Free Running if you're a survivor, Diagnosis if you're a Zed.

2007-03-01, 12:09 AM
Diagnosis if you're a pker :smallbiggrin: that is the most fun part of the game right there. For any pker pkers, I'm by mitchem mall if you want to try your luck..... Mwahahahaha!

2007-03-01, 06:24 PM
*packs bag full of shotguns*

You'll be hearing from me shortly...:smallamused:

2007-03-01, 09:11 PM
Ive been in Caiger Mall singing campfire songs and roasting harmanz for the past few days. Its kinda boring. I think Ill go back to Giddings.

But now I can at least say Ive been to Caiger Mall. :smallbiggrin: Plus I can buy a shirt. Well, another.

2007-03-01, 09:19 PM
Had I money, I would too buy a shirt.

2007-03-02, 06:14 PM
Come try your luck, Heretic. Your death will be swift.

2007-03-02, 06:19 PM
Not likely. That character has died all of once.

2007-03-02, 06:22 PM
Not likely. That character has died all of once.
My character has 100 more needle-wounds in his neck then. :smallbiggrin: And probably about a thousand more bites, cuts, and bullet wounds.

2007-03-02, 09:42 PM
Well, said wimp character hangs around low-danger areas healing and reviving. Recently it has gotten a lot more deadly, but I have been lucky.

My other character, however...he's a total needle whore...everyone gets a poke.

Oddly enough, they're both maxed out.

2007-03-03, 10:29 PM
I just looked at the game stats and 54% are Z's!!!

And it's actually a higher figure, because dead bodies are just sleeping Z's. So add the difference between the dead and reviving bodies and recalculate...they actually have 56% I think.

This is unacceptable survivors! :smallfrown:

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-04, 05:12 PM

My feral Zed was wandering around and found the Mall Tour, which is great. I'll have to tag along. And probably join a group sometime.

2007-03-05, 03:00 PM
what defines a feral zed?

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-05, 03:15 PM

Hey, I'm almost at Lumber Mall now. Looks like fun.

Headless Gunner
2007-03-07, 12:11 AM
Oh, so THAT'S who Bale Mall fell to. It was all over the radio that it fell to PKers, but no-one figured out who.

Ah, I know the answer to this one. Bale Mall fell to the combined PKer attack of Red Rum and the PKer Alliance. We called ourselves the St. Valentines Day Cherubs and made the hit on 2/14. It was quite a slaughter.

I probably know some of you guys in UD. I play Headless Gunner, PKer of the Creedy Guerilla Raiders, and primary antagonist of the Creedy Defense Force. I'm also one of the leaders of the PKer Alliance.

You Caiger Mall guys probably know my alt who tends to terrorize Caiger more than I do.......Knightmonger of Brotherhood of the Reckoning.

2007-03-07, 12:16 AM
I probably owe you one. If not for me then for the Freelancer's Guild.

2007-03-07, 06:55 PM
Freelancers! Hell yeah!

Headless Gunner
2007-03-07, 07:09 PM
I don't remember having ever PKed one of them. I try to keep record of who I kill and what group they're in. I generally only PK Creedy Defence Force members because they cheat, spy, and zerg horribly.

My alt (or I) won't kill anyone below Level 5 because I don't want to run anyone away from the game by PKing them when they just get going. In that respect I try to be somewhat consciencious about it. I also try and help newbies find the information they need to enjoy the game better and make contacts that will help the PKer community grow.

I've been playing UD over a year and a half and still enjoy it a lot. I've made a lot of friends from all over the world.

2007-03-07, 07:29 PM
Hmm, so youre a nice PKer. Its ok, I wasnt actually going to hunt you down anyway. If I see you in the street Ill probably say hello and maybe gnaw on your leg for a bit. :smallbiggrin:

All the other Freelancer's Guild members have like, vanished. The entire point of the group is that we arent organized, but it would be nice if I could boss people around a smidge. :smallannoyed:

EDIT: Im away for a week and giddings mall gets overrun! I have no contingency for this! Where do I hang out now? I think Ill go back to Treweeke...

2007-03-08, 06:30 PM
What do you guys think about the new encumberance limits?

I think they're realistic and good...

But unless the Zeds get an equally inconvenient nerf, I think that the game balance is currently.

Notice how that since the switch, 10% of survivors are now Z's...

That's a very radical switch. Before, fluctuations were much smaller.

I logged in and had 140% encumberance. It's not fun dropping five shotguns, even if they were empty. :smallmad:

2007-03-08, 06:35 PM
I havnt gotten revived, but Im probably pretty mad, because I was basically hovering around maximum encumbrance.

2007-03-08, 06:39 PM
Yeah. The think that if you were totally maxed out, then you now have 168% encumberance. At least that is what the wiki says.

So they basically slashed the inventory in half. And shotguns now are half again as heavy. :smallannoyed:

I'm not too pleased with this. Especially since Kevin is apparently wasting his time on superficial crap like statues from museums (which, by the way, encumber 20%) when he's not nerfing suvivors.

First the syringes, now the inventories...what will be next?

2007-03-08, 07:29 PM
New changes? Hmm... I haven't logged on in a while. I seem to remember having four shotguns and five pistols. And full up on ammo. Ouch.

2007-03-08, 07:32 PM
Well, supposedly ammo weighs less and guns more, hence forcing us to reload more instead of just having vastly more weapons than ammo.

2007-03-09, 04:42 PM
Yeah, ammo (of either type) is 2%, shotguns are 8%, and pistols are 4% (I think). I dislike the new rules, nut there isn't really any way around them, so I'll just have to live with it.

Oh, by the way, mitchem mall is currently falling, if it hasn't already, so any help securing my hunting ground defending the mall would be greatly appreciated.

2007-03-09, 06:14 PM
There'd better be a Zed nerf in the next month to balance things out.

Right now the survivors are on the run in most places, although the YRC is showing signs of improving.

2007-03-09, 07:18 PM
Oh, by the way, mitchem mall is currently falling, if it hasn't already, so any help securing my hunting ground defending the mall would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, was that your mall I just trashed? I'm sorry. :smalltongue:

Seriously, though. I was gonna try my hand at fighting against the Mall Tour, but the survivor inventory nerf took all the fun out of it. :smallannoyed:

2007-03-09, 08:42 PM
I don't remember having ever PKed one of them. I try to keep record of who I kill and what group they're in. I generally only PK Creedy Defence Force members because they cheat, spy, and zerg horribly.

Pft, I resent that. AFAIK we don't cheat or zerg. People who break that rule get kicked real fast and I've seen it happen several times. As for spying, read our mission statement for what is and is not acceptable. All I've ever seen when people claim this is "OMG CDF zergers!!1" I've never, ever seen anyone ever present any actual proof. Or rather, it has happened, those are the times heads roll and people get kicked.

Sorry if I seem a little defensive. I've no actual dislike of you Headless. From what I've seen, you're much less of a jerk than most pk'ers. But I'm rather loyal to the CDF and it always bugs me how we get repeatedly slandered. Some people just need someone to hate. Er, wait, are you talking about those jerks from the Crossman Defence Force:smallwink:

Anyhow, ranting aside. UD is fun, if a little repetitive. Really you've got to get involved in a group and the metagame to keep things interesting. Even then it gets old after awhile. I would find it much more interesting if Kevan took an active interest in the game and actually changed stuff in the game world sometimes. And I'm not just talking about buffs and nerfs. Take the forts, the update is nice. Or would be if you could dump zombies outside the gates. But you can't so they just stay inside, making the forts a bigger deathtrap than ever before. Bad mojo.

2007-03-10, 02:00 AM
Im a good friend of the CDF. Or at least I was, but then Cowboy Up left. I've never slandered you guys, because I've never seen a single CDF zerger or PKer or anything. I have murdered slanderers though.

Because Im a Freelance Guilder! I do what I want!

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-10, 02:09 AM
The Mall Tour's moving so fast. All the survivors are running away.
At least we're hanging around to trash the suburb this time.

*wonders where next*

2007-03-10, 02:54 AM
Eh. Personally, I think that either survivors are due for a buff, or zombies are due for a nerf.

Making survivors less fun to play is not exactly a good way to fix the balance problems, in my opinion. But, I've gone through all this on the wiki--to summarize, I'd rather see zeds get more fun to play, not necessarily more powerful.

2007-03-10, 02:56 AM
Personally I think zeds should have a blood vomit attack ala Metal Slug or 28 Days Later. It wouldnt do any damage but would infect people automatically with a good accuracy. Maybe also deal 1 damage to the zed in question.

I dont know why I havnt suggested it yet.

2007-03-10, 05:02 AM
*raises hand*

Oh, me! Me! I play!

I'm running 5 different characters at the moment, 2 zeds and 3 harmanz.

And I must agree, in order to really have fun with the game, you've gotta get involved with the meta and join a group. My main is a Firefighter in the MFD, the largest survivor group in Malton. Working with a team makes the game SO much more fun.

2007-03-10, 11:14 AM
Personally I think zeds should have a blood vomit attack ala Metal Slug or 28 Days Later. It wouldnt do any damage but would infect people automatically with a good accuracy. Maybe also deal 1 damage to the zed in question.

I dont know why I havnt suggested it yet.

Coolest Idea Ever.

2007-03-10, 11:28 PM
I pronounce today heretic day, the day when my Caiger main got revived after being dead since the second fall of Caiger...

I don't even know where I am. I got sick of ZKing the revive line, especially after the revives stopped coming. So I wandered west until I saw lit buildings and finally found a NT with a blessed revive point with no line. Bliss! :smallsmile:

2007-03-10, 11:31 PM
Personally I think zeds should have a blood vomit attack ala Metal Slug or 28 Days Later. It wouldnt do any damage but would infect people automatically with a good accuracy. Maybe also deal 1 damage to the zed in question.

I dont know why I havnt suggested it yet.

I tried suggesting something like that, but it got shot down.

2007-03-10, 11:33 PM
Mechanically, it would just mean that the Z's use it first and then set in with the claws and stuff.

The point of the current infection rules are to make the bite option more attractive, because right now it pretty much sucks unless you're hurt.

2007-03-11, 04:38 PM
Really? I bite all the time... I have hella good luck with it.

2007-03-11, 10:04 PM
I think the wiki's combat calulator says it's worse than the claws.

I usually try and grab on with a claw, then bite until I lose my grip.

2007-03-11, 10:41 PM
I wish Hand to Hand Combat worked for zombies so we could have some fun with human weapons.

2007-03-12, 01:23 AM
Now I got the idea of midget zombies being thrown around >.<

2007-03-12, 02:20 PM
I use the bite myself... sacrificing a 5% chance to hit to potentially deal 25% more damage and the chance of infection seems like good stuff to me :smallsmile: Of course, that's not factoring in the grabby thing that improves your hit chance, because my zoombah don't have it yet, but meh.

2007-03-12, 08:00 PM
I'm under siege by the most inept horde ever.

They almost equal us in number and we only have one building, which is a NT with no genny...and somehow they can't break in...:smalltongue:

No, we're not zerging...

2007-03-12, 08:26 PM
I'm a survivor at Treweeke. Pretty boring... just saving up guns so I can ninja someone to get xp.

I wish there was a way to permanently kill. As it stands right now, a determined zombie could potentially break into a mall by himself- or just keep trying until the guy barricading leaves. There's no drawback for the zombie. And it also means that whenever a mall comes under siege, there is no way for the defence to win.

2007-03-12, 08:31 PM
I think headshot should be improved and/or zombie attacks weakened.

2007-03-12, 08:35 PM
Perhaps headshot gives a 1% chance of permanently killing a zombie? That would discourage mall sieges, and make it possible for the defenders to win. And it would still be rare for your zombie character to die, because of the low chance, and the fact that they need to be lvl10 or higher to have it.

2007-03-12, 08:38 PM
But statistically I'd be dead now...

Whats your characters name and what part of Treweeke are you in? I want to yell obscenities at you. :smallwink::smalltongue::smallbiggrin:

Heres me (http://urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=37556) in case anyone wants to hunt me down and eat my brains.

2007-03-12, 08:59 PM
Perhaps headshot gives a 1% chance of permanently killing a zombie? That would discourage mall sieges, and make it possible for the defenders to win. And it would still be rare for your zombie character to die, because of the low chance, and the fact that they need to be lvl10 or higher to have it.

Over half of standing survivors have Headshot, so I think this would strongly unbalance the game.

I think that Headshot penalties should be doubled instead.

2007-03-12, 09:54 PM
I wish there was a way to permanently kill. As it stands right now, a determined zombie could potentially break into a mall by himself- or just keep trying until the guy barricading leaves. There's no drawback for the zombie. And it also means that whenever a mall comes under siege, there is no way for the defence to win.

At one of the battles of Caiger Mall, they managed to drive off the zombies, so there IS a way for the defence to win.

Anyway, I joined the mall tour because of the stupid inventory nerf, and I must say zombie attacks are already weak enough. They almost never hit and do terrible damage.

What they SHOULD do is get rid of the encumbrance thing and pretend it didn't happen.

2007-03-12, 09:58 PM
Humans win mall seiges all the time. We were really close at Treweeke last year and giddings has done it at least once...

2007-03-12, 10:59 PM
They could add in more zombie hunter skills, having only one is really lame.

2007-03-12, 11:05 PM
They could add in more zombie hunter skills, having only one is really lame.

I second that. Some new zombie hunter skills would be waaaaay more useful than that stupid inventory nerf and useless trinkets.

2007-03-12, 11:34 PM
...as long as zeds can establish regional superiority in numbers, they can already overwhelm any defense with sufficient metagaming. I was at Blackmore for both battles, then at Stickling when it got ranShacked. They can do it.

2007-03-13, 05:19 PM
Humans win mall seiges all the time. We were really close at Treweeke last year and giddings has done it at least once...

I would say that humans win mall sieges by default, simply by holding the mall, even if there is no opposition.

The problem with this is that then people only notice when a mall falls.

The first few sieges of Caiger were nice and clean, easy to see who won. But with the lesser known malls, it's hard to notice what's a 'siege' and what's just minor activity unless the Z's win. Of course this means that it seems like the Z's win more sieges than they actually do, since they can just pack up and say it never happened.

EDIT: It seems the YRC has fallen. Perhaps a dozen people inside an unbarricaded buidling faced with seventy-five Zombies. No hope, especially with the new inventory restrictions.

2007-03-13, 10:20 PM
EDIT: It seems the YRC has fallen. Perhaps a dozen people inside an unbarricaded buidling faced with seventy-five Zombies. No hope, especially with the new inventory restrictions.

Hahahaha! I was one of those zombies!

2007-03-13, 11:14 PM
The Malton-wide conspiracy to shut down all the NecroTech buildings is true! THE APOCALYPSE IS AT HAND! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

2007-03-14, 05:56 AM
That isn't the point about the malls- the way the defenders win is by waiting for the zombs to get bored and leave. The zombs can't be killed- so if they grouped up, stuck together, and just kept attacking, they couldn't lose.

2007-03-14, 03:21 PM
If you are a survivor I wouldn't show up in Nichols mall. There are roughly 300 zombies there at the moment. I'm not sure how many survivors are left, but I'm not among there numbers.

2007-03-14, 09:03 PM
If you are a survivor I wouldn't show up in Nichols mall. There are roughly 300 zombies there at the moment. I'm not sure how many survivors are left, but I'm not among there numbers.

I have recently left there, after killing my fair share of you puny humans. Wow, my two zombie characters might have killed either of you...I feel so powerful!

2007-03-15, 02:28 AM

my survivor character, Dr.Branch, keeps dying
this whole damn suburb has been taken (shuttlebank) anyone operate there?

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-15, 02:31 AM
Ugh. I used my last AP to get into a group of zombies.

It was a revive point.

2007-03-15, 12:47 PM
If you are a survivor I wouldn't show up in Nichols mall. There are roughly 300 zombies there at the moment. I'm not sure how many survivors are left, but I'm not among there numbers.

I'm participating in that siege and so far it seems like the survivors are "winning". The zombies are only concentrating on one corner, and any time we manage to break in, 6 zombies, at most, manages to get inside before the barricades come back and the zombies are thrown out again.

2007-03-15, 02:02 PM
I'd say that the surge in the Zed population is due more to Mall Tour '07 than the inventory changes. I'm glad to see the population swing towards the zeds again - it's a zombie horror game! There's not much horror when the zeds are only 35% of the population. :/

2007-03-16, 11:28 PM
But being in a city wherethere are 14,000 zombies would be pretty horror filled, almost regardless of the percentage that they make up.

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-17, 08:32 AM
I'm participating in that siege and so far it seems like the survivors are "winning". The zombies are only concentrating on one corner, and any time we manage to break in, 6 zombies, at most, manages to get inside before the barricades come back and the zombies are thrown out again.

Just finishing off the last survivors now. At least this mall held out for a while. Unlike the others. Did most of the survivors just run away?

2007-03-17, 01:25 PM

I thought I'd never see the day.

2007-03-17, 02:39 PM
Meh, my survivor got killed. waiting for a rez.

Mawhrin Skel
2007-03-17, 03:05 PM
I suppose I could link to my character. Too lazy to read the rest of the thread.


The Malton-wide conspiracy to shut down all the NecroTech buildings is true! THE APOCALYPSE IS AT HAND! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

There are like three players trying to do this. None of the large zombie groups are interested afaik. Firstly, sitting in an NT is dull. Secondly, the game would be rebalanced if this strategy ever looked like working.


Isn't that the ugliest wiki page ever?

2007-03-17, 05:38 PM

Isn't that the ugliest wiki page ever?

Wow... that is one messed up page...

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-17, 05:58 PM
I've seen worse.


2007-03-17, 06:13 PM
Isn't that the ugliest wiki page ever?

Shhhhh! You'll hurt its feelings! Ugly pages are pages too!

2007-03-18, 08:12 AM
Again... there is no way for the defenders to win in a mall siege, if the zombies can keep their $417 together long enough to break through.

Oh, and we have roughly two hundred people here at Treweeke mall, and another hundred in the surrounding buildings. Bring it on.

2007-03-18, 11:30 AM
I should note that the afaik, the origin of the Malton wide NT destruction idea was on the Shacknews boards. That indicates to me that, no matter what the actual numbers say, this is something to at least worry about.

2007-03-18, 12:12 PM
Ahhh yes

First I had a scout (I think), because the free running was great. I maxed him out in all survivors skills (and i had enough points so that when new ones were added i was able to get them)

I used to be in a group called the People's Defence Front of Chudleyton, until it was ripped apart by zombies, so i ended up in ceiger.

Then i stopped playing.

Then my friends had a zombie hoard, so i jumped out of the window, and now have a zombie :P


Yep sooo me :)

2007-03-18, 01:04 PM

Both my characters are alive at the same time. Granted, one of them is at 5 HP and infected, but at least he's inside a powered, populated hospital.

My other character was briefly killed and his NT safehouse salted. That lasted a good two days. The Z's just don't have the attention span required to hold us out.

2007-03-18, 01:13 PM
Wow yeah....started today as a "zed". Im now both blow away and scared of the vast political intricacies you people have formed. You have gang wars...zombie gang wars. I LOVE THIS GAME!

Mawhrin Skel
2007-03-18, 04:03 PM
I should note that the afaik, the origin of the Malton wide NT destruction idea was on the Shacknews boards. That indicates to me that, no matter what the actual numbers say, this is something to at least worry about.

Firstly, the Shacknews horde was disbanded when they ran out of worthy foes.

Secondly, I'm sure the mass NT denial idea has been proposed many times independently. It is a bit obvious. It became possible when ransack was introduced.

Won't happen though, unless a lot of zerging happens.

2007-03-18, 05:09 PM
Hey I'm one of those people in Treweeke mall. I'm really low level though, scout with firearms proficiency and free running. I do have a slew of equipment though, shotgun, pistol plenty of ammo for both, medpack, fire axe, binoculars, spray can and of course like 15 radios.

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-18, 05:10 PM
I wouldn't really expect any real sieges there for a while, though. Mall Tour's come and gone already.

2007-03-18, 05:17 PM
I hope you're right. I'm itching for a counter-attack to take back Caiger. That'll only happen if the other malls are left alone.

My almost-dead character is now at full and inside Dowdney Mall, if anyone's in the area. The place is a survivor haven. Every single resource building I have seen or passed through is EHB and powered. :smallsmile:

2007-03-18, 06:00 PM

2007-03-18, 06:11 PM
Has anyone noticed that the number of active players has dropped by about 2000?

It used to be 42,000 if I remember correctly...:smallannoyed:

2007-03-18, 06:44 PM
Has anyone noticed that the number of active players has dropped by about 2000?

It used to be 42,000 if I remember correctly...:smallannoyed:

* blames the inventory nerf *

2007-03-18, 07:02 PM
Exactly my point. Kevan is losing players thanks to the nerf. I read on the wiki, one guy had 234% encumberance upon logging in. He did have a christmas tree and four generators, but still...

2007-03-18, 09:01 PM
I had 120%, mostly because of my christmas tree. Under the old system, I wasn't even close to full. :smallannoyed:

2007-03-18, 09:09 PM
Being a zed I never have to worry about the weight of objects.....just the guilt.....the overwhelming guilt... :/

2007-03-18, 09:25 PM

You should set up that tree and we can see if the tree counter goes up. I think it only shows trees that are set up.

That would throw a curveball to the people betting on 'Dead Tree Day' on the wiki. :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-18, 09:37 PM
I'm gonna go log in just to check how much encumbrance I have now.

EDIT: Well, I'm dead. Figures.

2007-03-18, 09:48 PM
I tend to stay in the low 90s while fully equipped. Gonna go jump out a window now, considering at this point I'd rather be a zombie. Then again, I'd always rather be a zombie.

2007-03-19, 01:09 AM

You should set up that tree and we can see if the tree counter goes up. I think it only shows trees that are set up.

That would throw a curveball to the people betting on 'Dead Tree Day' on the wiki. :smallbiggrin:

Sorry. I already set the tree up. A few hours later, I hear on the radio "I'm taking this tree down. Christmas is over."

If I ever find out who did it... :smallfurious:

2007-03-19, 06:59 PM
Spoilsports. :smallmad:

2007-03-19, 09:05 PM
I feel confident that within the next few days Ackland mall WILL be ours..............brains.............

2007-03-20, 05:28 PM
Come take a whack at Dowdney, we could use some excitement.

Seriously, I've been there for two days and I'm already bored. The only thing happening is a tiny little PK war, which is more like a cat fight than a brawl. I refilled my (admittedly smaller) inventory with syringes, guns and FAKs...ready to kick some ass.

2007-03-20, 05:55 PM
Went Undercover Zombie Spy and got myself a fencing foil at the sports store. Now all I need is a katana and I'll be a trenchcoater zombie.

2007-03-20, 06:18 PM
I hit people with hockey sticks. It doesn't do as much damage as when I just hit them normally, but it's way more satisfying. Imagine an undead mighty duck cross-checking a guy before devouring him.

2007-03-20, 11:57 PM
I made a medic a while ago who refused to hit anyone with anything except a crowbar. Lousy weapon, but good times!

2007-03-21, 12:27 AM
I made a medic a while ago who refused to hit anyone with anything except a crowbar. Lousy weapon, but good times!

You didn't name him Doctor Freeman, did you?

2007-03-21, 01:23 AM
Anyone with N tech rezzes could come to shuttlebank, milard park. Im one of the zombies there. Or maybe one of the nearby building so im the one whose rezzed. Maybe at some specific time to meet.

2007-03-21, 01:28 AM
Went Undercover Zombie Spy and got myself a fencing foil at the sports store. Now all I need is a katana and I'll be a trenchcoater zombie.

...you can get foils now?

...I guess that's kind of cool. Not.

2007-03-21, 02:03 AM
Theres... stuff in sports stores?



2007-03-21, 02:23 AM
What is the Urban dead I so most totally want to play it.

2007-03-21, 02:32 AM
Urbandead (http://urbandead.com)

There it is. We will eat your brains. Graaagh!

Single Shot Zombie
2007-03-21, 12:25 PM
Come take a whack at Dowdney, we could use some excitement.

Seriously, I've been there for two days and I'm already bored. The only thing happening is a tiny little PK war, which is more like a cat fight than a brawl. I refilled my (admittedly smaller) inventory with syringes, guns and FAKs...ready to kick some ass.

They came, they raided, they left. Dowdney wasn't this peaceful round the end of February. Even with the PK war on, things are still running like clockwork.

And I'm sick and tired of whacking at cades. Have had to do that almost every time I want to reach Finch Monument to revive people now; the entry point is almost always overbarricaded. That's around 10 AP spent each time with a crowbar. I could revive one extra person with that AP. Urgh. :smallyuk:

(I make it a point to open the cades first before leaving.)

2007-03-21, 01:09 PM
They came, they raided, they left. Dowdney wasn't this peaceful round the end of February. Even with the PK war on, things are still running like clockwork.

And I'm sick and tired of whacking at cades. Have had to do that almost every time I want to reach Finch Monument to revive people now; the entry point is almost always overbarricaded. That's around 10 AP spent each time with a crowbar. I could revive one extra person with that AP. Urgh. :smallyuk:

(I make it a point to open the cades first before leaving.)

Give in to your anger... become a PKer!

Seriously, I HATE it when people over'cade the entry point. So many times, I've been stranded outside because of that. If the inventory nerf hadn't happened, I would've become a PKer and just shot everyone I found in the entry building.

Single Shot Zombie
2007-03-21, 01:21 PM
Give in to your anger... become a PKer!

Scrounging for ammo takes time. Not to mention that I wouldn't be very welcome in the area. A zombie would be easier to manage than a PKer, and I've already got a feral alt munching on people's brains.

Seriously, I HATE it when people over'cade the entry point. So many times, I've been stranded outside because of that.

Thus, I always make it a point to check/clear the cades before venturing out. Hopefully, I won't be active at the same time as the jack***es that are overcading. Think I strained my back, though; should pop over to Dowdney one of these days to scrounge up some muscle relaxant........

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-21, 01:53 PM
Hildebrand's holding out well. Me and 5 other zombies managed to break in and smash the radio, but they rebarricaded and repelled fairly quickly. 'Cades might be weak enough for more to get in, but I doubt it.

Cowardly ol' me hopped outside with my last AP.

2007-03-21, 01:56 PM
Hildebrand's holding out well. Me and 5 other zombies managed to break in and smash the radio, but they rebarricaded and repelled fairly quickly. 'Cades might be weak enough for more to get in, but I doubt it.

Cowardly ol' me hopped outside with my last AP.

Hahaha! I think I was part of that raid! Assuming it was the same radio being smashed. :smalltongue:

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-21, 01:57 PM
Well, it was just now. NW corner.

2007-03-21, 02:00 PM
Ooooh, nevermind, then. They must've installed a new generator after I went in. Just logged in and joined the party in the NW corner. Got a guy down to 9 HP and ran out of AP. >_<

2007-03-21, 03:38 PM
Whenever my zeds are combat-revived in a heavily-'caded area, I make it a priority to overbarricade the entrance point(s) to the block. With decent zed activity in a suburb, you can kill more people that way than hacking at 'em with an axe.

Whenever I find myself alive, I try to do that for a couple days while freerunning between buildings to find anyone that managed to finally sneak indoors damaged. Then it's time to get the axe out!

2007-03-21, 05:53 PM
One of my old targets killed me. He said that I called him a pker when I killed him. I don't remember doing that. I guess I'll go have to kill him (again) and apologize for calling him a pker.

2007-03-21, 05:57 PM
I wonder if you're entered in the Rogues Gallery yet. Probably not, but if you keep at it, then you will.

2007-03-21, 05:58 PM
Rogue's Gallery? Elaborate!

2007-03-21, 06:03 PM
I'm probably not in the gallery yet, as my kill count is only 18 (I think), but I usually go after high-level characters. It's more fun that way.:smallbiggrin:

2007-03-21, 06:04 PM
Yes, the fabled Rogues Gallery (http://www.ud-malton.info/Rogues_Gallery). :smalltongue:

EDIT: Kinda ironic that we, of all people, just simu-ed on this thread.

2007-03-21, 06:12 PM
Sweet, I'm on it!

What does the bounty thing mean? Also, how do you leave coments. I tried to figure it out, but it didn't work

2007-03-21, 06:14 PM
No idea. I sometimes check to add people to my redlist, but I'm not very familiar with how it works.

2007-03-21, 06:15 PM
I added the guy who killed me :smallfurious: to my contacts list. I should try to find him on the gallery, see if it works.

2007-03-21, 06:21 PM
My deathlist is any contact in black. I only have one guy on my deathlist, a higher level zombie who refuses to kill survivors, and rather just goes around and kills other zombies without warning, reviving with a parter to, if possible, finish you off with a headshot, before starting over. Whether he's a zombie or not.

What an *******.

2007-03-21, 06:25 PM
Black contacts are those who must die for me as well. I add jerks and people who revive me away from revive points. Red is my kill-later list. It consists entirely of guild mates... which is why the freelancers guild is so scattered, come to think of it...

2007-03-21, 06:27 PM
Incedentally, does anyone know how to remove contacts?

I think I am running close to full and I'd rather remove greenlisted allies than redlisted enemies.

2007-03-21, 06:27 PM
Oh yeah. I hate people who revive me away from revive points, although in some cases it's good EXP. I got three characters, and one of them is SO gonna be a rotter, because it seems no one will allow me to play undead long enough to kill more than one person.

But I suppose I'm the extreme. When in zombie persona, I can and will kill former comrades for the sake of RPing.

2007-03-21, 06:33 PM
I'm thinking of making a Zed alt, and was wondering if you get Xp for killing someone via infection.

2007-03-21, 06:34 PM
You didn't name him Doctor Freeman, did you?

Ha, no, his name was Public News Anchor. I created him in hopes of joining the Channel 4 News Team. (http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Channel_4)

2007-03-21, 06:42 PM
I'm thinking of making a Zed alt, and was wondering if you get Xp for killing someone via infection.

Nope! You don't even get XP for the damage they take from it. Just from the initial bite itself.

Incedentally, does anyone know how to remove contacts?

Just go to your contacts list, and choose "Delete contact" in the drop down list next to their name.

Ha, no, his name was Public News Anchor. I created him in hopes of joining the Channel 4 News Team.

Just checking. I was sitting around in a mall with someone named Doctor Freeman. A PKer came in and shot him for having such an unimaginative name.

2007-03-21, 06:46 PM
Nope! You don't even get XP for the damage they take from it. Just from the initial bite itself.

That is most unfortunate

2007-03-21, 07:07 PM
But infecting people does make their life miserable for a little while. :smallamused:

2007-03-21, 07:10 PM
Bah. They should have the decency to RP it out and either get healed or play a zombie a bit, as opposed to dying and rezzing at the earliest possible oppurtunity.

2007-03-21, 07:30 PM
Nobody dies from infections. They always stop before that happens. Perhaps they'll wound themselves by taking action and someone else will finish them off.

2007-03-21, 07:34 PM
Infections make people go away when you have low AP.

2007-03-22, 11:20 AM
Meh, still waiting for a rez. I got a pistol, an axe, some flack jackets, and some shotgun shells. I need freerunning and a shotgun :P

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-22, 12:17 PM
When the Mall Tour's over, I'm thinking of getting a revive and playing as a survivor for a bit, for a change. And for a Flak Jacket. *want*

It's likely I'll have to wait for a combat revive though.

2007-03-22, 02:22 PM
Infections don't really kill anyone, but it does cause them to use their AP non-productively, since they have to find an open entry point, freerun to a hospital, search for a FAK, and apply it (or waste time waiting for someone else to heal them).

Personally, I infect people because I might just be helping out some of my zed brethren. I hate it when I get revived and healed, because I try to rely on an infection killing me as a survivor simply as a method of getting past barricades (rather than having to jump out a window and beat the 'cades down).

Combat Revival is highly suboptimal.

2007-03-22, 02:42 PM
Combat Revival is highly suboptimal.

True, but it gets on a lot of zombie's nerves. :smalltongue:

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-22, 02:45 PM
Exactly. My contact list is people who combat revived me. And one who swore at the horde.

Buy Scent Blood (http://www.urbandead.com/skills.cgi?buy=m)
Buy Scent Trail (http://www.urbandead.com/skills.cgi?buy=x)

Buy Feeding Drag (http://www.urbandead.com/skills.cgi?buy=S)
Buy Death Rattle (http://www.urbandead.com/skills.cgi?buy=z)
Buy Feeding Groan (http://www.urbandead.com/skills.cgi?buy=M)
Buy Ransack (http://www.urbandead.com/skills.cgi?buy=P)
Buy Flailing Gesture (http://www.urbandead.com/skills.cgi?buy=T)
Buy Brain Rot (http://www.urbandead.com/skills.cgi?buy=B)Well, since I just got a level, which should I choose? I really don't know.

2007-03-22, 02:57 PM
I'd go with either Feeding Drag or Feeding Moan. Or Death Rattle if you're feeling silly.

2007-03-22, 03:03 PM
True, but it gets on a lot of zombie's nerves. :smalltongue:

Yeah I know! Some ass just revived me outside the Ackland mall siege! (Then of COURSE some zombie farmed me for xp.....not complqaining though) I just wasted 20 AP dieing and getting up and as soon as I do? The barricades fall! thats 20 AP of brains wasted! oh well......im gonna die in there anyway...

2007-03-22, 03:14 PM
Well, speak of the devil. I just got combat revived. Then again, it makes sense, since I was attacking a reviver at a revive point, but still...

Might as well take the opportunity to shoot some zombies/dismantle the barricades from the inside.

2007-03-22, 03:23 PM
Might as well take the opportunity to shoot some zombies/dismantle the barricades from the inside.

Wouldn't that be a little counterprodctive?

And in other news the Ackland horde is now up to 130 with four of ys making it inside....yeah......we're boned...

EDIT: Oh Goody!!! I was headshotted..........twice? And now i need to spend 20 AP?! This is some kinda glich right? I thought you only needed 15 (Assuming you dont have ankle grab)

2007-03-22, 05:48 PM
Huzzah! My characters were revived! Giddings mall (and ogmern, he who killed me), feel my wrath. Mwa ha ha ha ha.

EDIT: some little ***** just killed my main after he revived because he knew that I was a pker. I might have to leave soon. After I have my vengeance, of course.

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-24, 08:47 AM
Huzzah! Broke in again. Though the 'Cades will probably go straight up again. Spent my last AP dragging someone out into the street. I have a feeling the survivors could probably win this one.

2007-03-26, 07:37 PM
Both my characters walked into almost-breakins. Sweet. Basically, I make the rounds to this PD. It has zero 'cades and FIFTY noobs inside. Amazing me has them back to VS++ in no time, before the Z's could get in. My other character logged on to the sound of collapsing light barricades. I know because they went from QS to Light while I chewed out this idiot for barricading the revive point. :smallfurious:

Had them back to Heavy and then de-barricaded the revive point. There were two Free Runningless noobs inside, but they'll live. (eventually) :smallwink:

Anybody else do the thankless job of 'cading, healing, or genny scrounging? I think we have too many trenchcoaters and not enough resource personnel. I don't even remember the last time I capped a Z...musta been two weeks ago.

2007-03-26, 08:07 PM
Anybody else do the thankless job of 'cading, healing, or genny scrounging? I think we have too many trenchcoaters and not enough resource personnel. I don't even remember the last time I capped a Z...musta been two weeks ago.

I used to do that back when I was a low-level Scientist. But, after I finally got some firearm skills, I started killing zombies just so I could get all the XP I need to max out.

And then the inventory nerf happened and I lost all interest in being a survivor. :smallannoyed:

2007-03-26, 09:47 PM
Recently Ive taken to grabbing as many healing packs as I can and scouring the area. Because of the inventory nerf I usually have to make multiple trips. There was one guy who I threatened to kill if he didnt get inside before he died after I healed him.

2007-03-26, 09:54 PM
I like being a healer.

The only problem is that my char who is near a lot of injured people has no FAKs and isn't near an unransacked source of them.

For contrast, my other character is babysitting barricades at a mall, has six FAKs but no wounded people near him. :smallmad:

I'm probably the most inefficient player ever...

Captain van der Decken
2007-03-27, 10:06 AM
Being at 99 xp with no nearby survivors, should I just maul a random zombie? I'm a little unsure about attacking another zed.

2007-03-27, 10:45 AM
Being at 99 xp with no nearby survivors, should I just maul a random zombie? I'm a little unsure about attacking another zed.

Do it!

I have two zombies on my "enemy list" for attacking me while I was a survivor, so I maul them whenever I have some AP and nothing to do. :smallsmile:

2007-03-27, 12:29 PM
From my experience, Zeds don't seem to mind so much if you take a quick nibble on them.

At least I hope not. I'm screwed otherwise.:smallwink: