View Full Version : Easy Bake Wizard Handbook

2014-01-17, 01:42 AM
Easy Bake Wizard Handbook
The Easy Bake Wizard is a build that utilizes several ACFs, feats, racial substitutions and other options to create a Wizard that can function without a spellbook, can cast some spells spontaneously, and that can sometimes pass for a sorcerer.

Easy Bake in my initial posting of the build some time ago refers to it being a slimmed down (no spellbook, familiar, or scribe scroll) version of an arcane spellcaster; similar to how an Easy Bake Oven produces snacks that are basically reduced down versions of desserts.

The Easy Bake Wizard gains lots of spell known. It does not have a familiar, it does not have a spellbook, and it does not have Scribe Scroll. However, it can gain additional spells by burning magic incense instead of using magic ink. Kind of like Gandalf.


Pros of playing an Easy Bake Wizard:
No Spellbook – DM can't have the spellbook stolen for RP reasons anymore
No Familiar – No little ball of XP liability
Lots of spells known for free

Cons of playing an Easy Bake Wizard:
No Familiar - no ACF options like Abrupt Jaunt
No Scribe Scroll - nothing to trade at first level for a bonus Fighter feat or other ACF
No additional spell slots from being a Specialist Wizard
You have to be an Elf (unless you can get by with 20 less free spells known and one less spell slot)

2014-01-17, 01:43 AM
Building an Easy Bake Wizard: The Basics

Elf: Gray (MM) or Fire (UA) – No LA, best Elf option because of Int bonus

Drow (MM) – LA +2, if you can buyoff the LA then it is an okay option, not the most optimal though - Savage progression may work however (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a)

Celadrin (DragMag #350, can possibly be combined with Lesser Planetouched option PgtF) – LA +1, counts as an Elf, mediocre option at best

Wizard Alternate Class Features:
Elf Wizard Racial Substitution Level (RotW)

Eidetic Spellcaster ACF (DragMag #357) – No Familiar, No Spellbook, No Scribe Scroll – spells stored in your mind, burn magical incense to learn more for same price as writing more into a spellbook

Domain Wizard ACF (UA) – free spells known for not being a specialist wizard (Transmutation and Conjuration are awesome, Divination could be interesting when combined with Spontaneous Divination)

Collegiate Wizard (CArc) – not compatible with prestige classes unfortunately, gives you lots of spells known for free

2014-01-17, 01:45 AM
Some Additional Resources

Other Useful Class Features:
Spontaneous Divination ACF (CC) – give up 5th level bonus feat to spontaneously cast divination spells, not too shabby

Feats to give you more spells known:
Greyhawk Method (DragMag #315) – can be used with prestige classes advancing spellcasting, gets four spells known per level instead of the normal Wizard 2, does not stack with Collegiate Wizard - though there is some debate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=282689)

Aerenal Arcanist (PGtE) – gain one additional spell known when gaining a level of wizard

Nexus Method (DragMagazine #319) – spontaneously cast Summon Monster I – IX, very nice

Arcane Disciple (CD) – need a decent Wis score to be useful

Bloodline feats – varies depending on the Bloodline

Other Feats:
Reserve Feats: Acidic Splatter, Invisible Needle, Winter's Blast, or Fiery Burst (CM) – gives you a damaging option every turn in combat if you start to run low on spells, sometimes better than using a weapon

Summon Elemental (CM) - reserve feat that gives you a pet elemental, can be useful for in and out of combat

Eschew Materials (PHB) – no need for spell components if you choose the right spells

Vow of Poverty (BoED) – Easy Bake combined with Eschew Materials and other feats can make a spellcaster that can be mostly gear independent. That said, I would only suggest this option in a campaign with little access to magic items

Obtain Familiar (CArc) / Improved Familiar (MM) – gain a familiar with double the benefits thanks to Elf Wizard racial sub or gain a tougher familiar that scales with your level even if you take a prestige class (as long as it advances your caster level)

Alacritous Cogitation (CM) – This gives you the ability to leave one slot open when preparing spells so that you can cast any spell you know of the slot's level or lower

Uncanny Forethought (EoE) – requires Spell Mastery which is next to useless for Easy Bake. Basically Alacritous Cogitation except Int mod number of slots instead of only one with a small penalty to CL when casting them or standard action cast a spell from the spells chosen with Spell Mastery

Faerie Mysteries Initiate (DrgMag #319) – if going with Gray Elf you might as well have decent HP and an excuse to take Nymph's Kiss (BoED)

Affiliations and Magical Locations:
The One and the Five (PHBII) - Affiliation score of 11-20 (Of the Mind) nets you three spells instead of two when you gain a level of Wizard

Blackstaff Academy (CoS:W) - nets you three spells instead of two when you gain a level of Wizard, requires Favored in the Guild feat.

I have heard that there are possibly some other guilds, organizations, or magical locations that can give you spells known. If anyone finds any please post a comment.

Spellwurm (MoE) - grants you the ability to prepare the spells Mage Armor, Ancient Knowledge, and Blur without the aid of a spellbook.

2014-01-17, 01:46 AM
Prestige Classes

One thing to note is that prestige classes may not advance the additional spells known that the Easy Bake Wizard normally receives. Collegiate Wizard, Aerenal Arcanist, and the Elf Wizard racial sub specifically mention that the additional spells known are only added when gaining a Wizard level. The Greyhawk Method however, does leave you some leeway when it comes to prestige classes. It says “You gain four new spells of your choice to add to your spellbook each time you gain a level in a class that allows you to prepare and cast arcane spells (such as wizard).” If you have a lenient DM they may allow you to get around this prestige class issue. That said there are some prestige classes that can give you some options.

Prestige Classes that give you more spells known:
Sand Shaper (SandS) – for the loss of 1 caster level you gain 43 spells known, nice

Mage of the Arcane Order (CArc) – Spellpool can potentially give you access to any wizard spell

Exalted Arcanist (BoED) - requires Spontaneous Divination or other spontaneous casting option, gets you access to some interesting cleric spells as well as the Exalted spell list.

Other Prestige Classes:
Incantatrix (PGtF) – Awesome as usual for a metamagic focused caster

Ultimate Magus (CM) – advances a spontaneous arcane caster along with Wizard. Beguiler (PHBII), Knight of the Weave (CoV), Nar Demonbinder (UE), and Sublime Chord (CArc) can make interesting options for the spontaneous side.

Mystic Theurge (DMG) – advance divine casting with Wizard. Usually lackluster. Interesting options for the divine side would include Archivist (HoH), Cloistered Cleric (UA), and Ur-Priest (CD)

2014-01-17, 01:47 AM
Spells Known Per Level:
Spells known per level with basic Easy Bake Wizard set up (Elf Racial Sub + Collegiate Wizard + Domain Wizard)

Level. Spells known
1. 7+Int mod 1st level spells, 1 1st level spell from domain, all cantrips
2. 5 1st level spells
3. 5 2nd level spells, 1 2nd level spell from domain
4. 5 2nd level spells
5. 5 3rd level spells, 1 3rd level spell from domain
6. 5 3rd level spells
7. 5 4th level spells, 1 4th level spell from domain
8. 5 4th level spells
9. 5 5th level spells, 1 5th level spell from domain
10. 5 5th level spells
11. 5 6th level spells, 1 6th level spell from domain
12. 5 6th level spells
13. 5 7th level spells, 1 7th level spell from domain
14. 5 7th level spells
15. 5 8th level spells, 1 8th level spell from domain
16. 5 8th level spells
17. 5 9th level spells, 1 9th level spell from domain
18. 5 spells of any level
19. 5 spells of any level
20. 5 spells of any level

Total: 111+Int mod spells known, all cantrips

Spells Per Day:
Spells per day with basic Easy Bake Wizard set up (Elf Racial Sub + Collegiate Wizard + Domain Wizard)

Spells per day = Normal Wizard + 1 slot per level able to cast usable for Domain spells only (Domain Wizard ACF) + 1 additional spell slot of highest level able to cast (Elf Racial Sub)

2014-01-17, 01:48 AM
In Progress

For the most part you'll probably want to choose spells that have multiple uses (like Summon Monster) and focus on buffing and battlefield control.

Easy Bake Wizard Spellbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=4488.0)

2014-01-17, 01:49 AM
Reverved Post One

2014-01-17, 02:09 AM
Okay, feel free to post comments

2014-01-17, 09:26 AM
EDIT: I apologize for my ignorance. That said, nice job compiling and stuff.

2014-01-17, 09:32 AM
Either this is homebrew, in which case it's in the wrong forum, or it's using rules that aren't particularly common (a Wizard with no spellbook, for example), and needs to be better explained instead of being treated as though self-explanatory.

2014-01-17, 09:40 AM
Eidetic Spellcaster ACF (DragMag #357) – No Familiar, No Spellbook, No Scribe Scroll – spells stored in your mind, burn magical incense to learn more for same price as writing more into a spellbook

Looks fairly well explained to me...

2014-01-17, 09:48 AM
Either this is homebrew, in which case it's in the wrong forum, or it's using rules that aren't particularly common (a Wizard with no spellbook, for example), and needs to be better explained instead of being treated as though self-explanatory.

These are indeed real things that were not made up. They gave where it came from and explained it quite well in my eyes. It is not some big wombo combo to prepare spells with out a book...it's just an acf.

2014-01-17, 10:52 AM
1. Nice job compiling and explaining, gorfnab.

2. None of this is homebrew, so this looks like the right forum.

3. If you're suggesting Mystic Theurge, you might consider Arcane Heirophant as an option, as well, given that it's a Theurge with actual Class features.

2014-01-17, 11:03 AM
One thing to note is that prestige classes may not advance the additional spells known that the Easy Bake Wizard normally receives.

Couldn't it be argued that, since prestige classes caster levels allow you to "gain new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level", it should work ?

2014-01-17, 11:07 AM
Under "Cons," you should probably add "Can't use a Blessed Book for decreased learning costs."

2014-01-17, 11:14 AM
To be honest, Collegiate Wizard might be understood as stacking with Greyhawk Method. I recommend taking a look at this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=282689) thread for further information.

2014-01-17, 11:45 AM
Arcane Devotee 1 (Prestige class listed in PGtF and FRCS) lets you spontaneously cast 1+Cha spells, which are automatically enlarged. It helps you be an even more spontaneous wizard.

Under "Cons," you should probably add "Can't use a Blessed Book for decreased learning costs."

I believe Eidetic Wizards can still choose to use spellbooks normally if they want. Nothing in the ACF removes the ability to do that.

2014-01-17, 02:41 PM
Erm, good generally, but you should put this in the homebrew section.

Either this is homebrew, in which case it's in the wrong forum, or it's using rules that aren't particularly common (a Wizard with no spellbook, for example), and needs to be better explained instead of being treated as though self-explanatory.
I'm quite staggered that these are the first comments.

Regardless, nice work so far! I'll surely be using this.

2014-01-17, 03:04 PM
Couldn't it be argued that, since prestige classes caster levels allow you to "gain new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level", it should work ?

Echoing this. If it pertains to spells known or spells per day or caster level, PrCs advance it. It doesn't have to be in the "Spells" class feature.

Granted, some DMs will argue that spellbook spells are not spells known, but that screws over normal builds too.

2014-01-17, 04:08 PM
I'm quite staggered that these are the first comments.

Regardless, nice work so far! I'll surely be using this.

I'm not; I believe the reason why I (and the other poster) responded the way we did was because it was unclear the handbook was detailing to an obscure ACF from a Dragon Magazine, which should have been included in the thesis, or the original post, because, otherwise, it's extremely unclear as to how the core mechanic is being achieved, given it's just filed into the rest of of the ACFs section.

Basically, the handbook is a good idea, but the design is fundamentally unsound.

2014-01-17, 04:36 PM
I'm not; I believe the reason why I (and the other poster) responded the way we did was because it was unclear the handbook was detailing to an obscure ACF from a Dragon Magazine, which should have been included in the thesis, or the original post, because, otherwise, it's extremely unclear as to how the core mechanic is being achieved, given it's just filed into the rest of of the ACFs section.

Basically, the handbook is a good idea, but the design is fundamentally unsound.

Nothing wrong with the design at all.

2014-01-17, 06:25 PM
Nothing wrong with the design at all.
I think he meant the structural design of the post, not the design of the build itself.

Isamu Dyson
2014-01-17, 06:37 PM
Can't the GM just take the incense away?

2014-01-17, 06:39 PM
Can't the GM just take the incense away?

That just stops you from learning spells from scrolls and others' spellbooks, IIRC. You still get the automatic spells each level, which is why the build is set up to get lots of them.

2014-01-17, 06:44 PM
It's good to see this in handbook form!

That just stops you from learning spells from scrolls and others' spellbooks, IIRC.
You recall correctly. An Eidetic Wizard does not require incense to prepare her spells each day.

Hence the attraction of the Easy Bake Wizard - you don't need to deal with spellbook hassles.

2014-01-17, 07:45 PM
Spell Mastery->Uncanny Forethought->Practiced Spellcaster Wizard is a 3 feat chain which allows you to cast any spell known to you spontaneously. It does take a full round action (this is a down side but it can be mitigated), but you can always ride a mount (or a druid wildshape into a flying beast) and not worry about the lost of your move action. The practiced spellcaster takes away the other negative for uncanny forethought which is the cater level loss.

Assumming you have 18 starting int, and you get a +2 item at level 7, 11, 14, and a +5 tome at level 17 you get the following number of spontaneous spells per day.

4 Spells: Level 1 to 6
5 Spells: Level 7
6 Spells: Level 8 to 10
7 Spells: Level 11 to 13
8 Spells: Level 14 to 15
9 Spells: Level 16
11 Spells: Level 17 to 19
12 Spells: Level 20

The question is how many spells do you really need spontaneous? You still cast the other spells normally as a wizard but do you really need more than 6 spontaneous spells each day and these spells can be any spell that is in your spell knowledge (aka your spell book or your mental memory.)

A normal 8th level sorcerer may only know 11 different ways to modify the universe (ignoring catnips), while a 8th level wizard may have a 100 different ways to modify the universe, 50 of which he learns for free due to domain wizard, collegiate wizard, and the elvish substitution level. Furthermore on odd class levels a wizard gets a whole level higher of spellcasting than a sorcerer.


You can also take the feat true believer and get boccobs tome of the ancient lore (or you can craft one yourself with the secret page spell). You can't use the feat till 9th level (but you can take the feat earlier) but the Tome of Ancient Lore allows you to learn every wizard spell that you are able to cast, (I am now describing the MIC version) you have a 50% chance for the desired spell if the spell is the highest level you can cast, and a 100% chance if the spell is 1 level lower (or further) than you are able to cast.


And your picture of Gandalf smoking is badass, I am not smoking the halfling's weed for enjoyment, I am smoking the halfling's weed to learn about the secrets of the universe and commit said secrets to memory :smallwink:

2014-01-17, 07:46 PM
Can't the GM just take the incense away?

The incense is akin to a wizard's scribing inks and materials. He only needs it to learn additional spells, and can always gather more, just as a regular wizard would acquire his inks.

2014-01-17, 07:56 PM
Spell Mastery->Uncanny Forethought->Practiced Spellcaster Wizard is a 3 feat chain which allows you to cast any spell known to you spontaneously.

Another such trick would be combining the Spontaneous Divination ACF with Versatile Spellcaster (Races of the Dragon) - spend two of your spontaneously cast divinations to cast any spell you know of one level higher. It may not be the most efficient use of spellslots, but having access to the right spell right now can be worth its weight in gold - and with the Easy Bake Wizard's massive library of spells, your odds of having the right spell are quite good.

2014-01-17, 08:07 PM
Easy ways to get movement due to losing your move action due to casting a spell as a full round action.

Ride a mount (or your party’s druid)
Travel Devotion, If you dip a level of cleric (and have a cha of 12 or higher) you can use travel devotion at least 3 times a day. So for 3 encounters (and 1 use of your swift action) you can spontaneously cast spells and still move every round. If you do this option consider taking the complete divine web enhancement class called dweomerkeeper.
Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker: 1/day swift action to move up to your speed. Magic Item Compendium, 500 gp
Anklet of Translocation: 2/day swift action 10 ft movement. Magic Item Compendium, 1400 gp
Belt of Battle: 3/day swift action gain a move action, or use more charges to get a different action type. Magic Item Compedium, 12,000 gp
Shadow Cloak: 3/day as a response to an attack as an immediate action you can teleport 10ft in any direction you can see or you can get concealment for 1 round. Drow of the Underdark, 5,500 gp.
Quicken any form of Teleport Spell such as dimension hop or benign transposition.
Circle of Rapid Casting any form of teleportation spell such as dimension hop or benign transposition.

Another such trick would be combining the Spontaneous Divination ACF with Versatile Spellcaster (Races of the Dragon) - spend two of your spontaneously cast divinations to cast any spell you know of one level higher. It may not be the most efficient use of spellslots, but having access to the right spell right now can be worth its weight in gold - and with the Easy Bake Wizard's massive library of spells, your odds of having the right spell are quite good.
I understand but this will get DM involved with rule lawyering while you are casting those divination spells spontaneously you do not have spontaneous spell slots (but you do have spell slots and the sentence require spontaneous spells is a different paragraph) and thus it may not work via the rules, you can split the issue both way.

2014-01-17, 08:38 PM
I made a spontaneous wizard build a while back, and I feel like it might deserve some mention here, with all the talk of spontaneous casting.

THE SPONTANEOUS WIZARD (“Schrodinger's Wizard”)

Race: Any Elf (can be any other race, but those don't get the Elven Generalist substitution level)

Class: Wizard (Elven Generalist, Domain Wizard, Spontaneous Divination, Eidetic Spellcaster) 7/Arcane Devotee 1 or 2/ Wizard +X

{table="head"]LEVEL |CLASS| FEATS | OTHER
1 | Wiz |Spell Mastery (Prereq for Uncanny Forethought) |No spellbook lol. No familiar or Scribe Scroll either.
2| Wiz ||
3 |Wiz| Uncanny Forethought (reserve Int mod of spells/day, cast as Full-Round action at -2 CL)|
4 |Wiz|
5 |Wiz| [Bonus feat is traded out for Spontaneous Divination]|Spontaneous Divination
6 |Wiz| Enlarge Spell|
7 |Wiz | |
8 |ArcDev| |[PrC into Arcane Devotee. Remember the skill ranks requirement]
9 |ArcDev| Nexus Method (convert any spell into a SM of that level) |
10 |Wiz ||
11 |Wiz ||
12 |Wiz |Alacritous Cogitation (optional), [Wizard Bonus Feat] |
13 |Wiz |
14 |Wiz||
15 |Wiz| [feat] |
16 |Wiz | |
17 |Wiz ||
18 |Wiz| [feat], [Wizard Bonus Feat] |
19 |Wiz ||
20 |Wiz ||
21 |Wiz| Epic Spellcasting (Duh)|

Total spontaneous Castings per day:

Convert [Cha mod] + 1 prepared spells into any spell of your choosing (These are enlarged for free)
Convert any prepared spell into a Divination spell of that level or lower
Convert any prepared spell into a Summon Monster of that level or lower
Leave [Int mod] +1 spell slots open, spontaneously cast any known spell out of them

Notes & Potential Modifications

You can take these feats in basically any order you want, just remember that Spell Mastery is a prereq for Uncanny Forethought
And Enlarge Spell is a prereq for Arcane Devotee
If you want spontaneity at 1st level, you can be a bonus feat race (and take Spell Mastery + UF at 1st level), but you lose out on Elven Generalist. It's a decent tradeoff.
This build can be any race, just take out Elven Generalist if you're not playing as an Elf.
Alacritous Cogitation kind of sucks. Replace it if you want a different feat.
Feel free to drop the second level of Arcane Devotee. I only took it to make up for the lost point of BAB, so if you have something useful to do with that level, go for it.
The build leaves you like 4 free feats, most of the levels after 5 can be replaced with PrCs, and the trick is complete by roughly level 9. Feel free to add dips, PrCs, and feats to taste.

2014-01-17, 09:09 PM
It's common to overlook, but the Elven Generalist Wizard3 substitution level doubles the benefits of many familiars, but not initiative. Hummingbird's +4 initiative is still pretty kickin', and hey, you can still deliver touch spells with it!

Savage Drow (LA0 Drow) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a) is another option for Elf Wizard. A male Drow Wizard can dip a level of Drow Paragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#drowParagon) for extra effects.

2014-01-17, 11:40 PM
I understand but this will get DM involved with rule lawyering while you are casting those divination spells spontaneously you do not have spontaneous spell slots (but you do have spell slots and the sentence require spontaneous spells is a different paragraph) and thus it may not work via the rules, you can split the issue both way.

The feat in question makes no mention of "Spontaneous Spell Slots" (as you note), only that you may "use two spell slots of the same level to
cast a spell you know that is one level higher." That DMs may make house rules barring this use of the feat is another issue, but the RAW seems clear enough. But perhaps it is a discussion for another thread (I do believe this one has come up before).

2014-01-18, 03:42 PM
So have we determined if CW and Greyhawk Method stack?

Do they replace the 2 gained normally at every level are in addition to it?

2014-01-18, 03:54 PM
So have we determined if CW and Greyhawk Method stack?

Do they replace the 2 gained normally at every level are in addition to it?
As-written, both feats replace the normal two spells you'd gain at each Wizard level (setting it to 4), rather than adding to it. They therefore don't stack; if you're already gaining 4 spells per level from one of the feats, the other feat won't give you any more.

EDIT: If you're arguing the extremely dubious "Collegiate Wizard and Greyhawk Method each give you 4 spells in addition to what you get at each level" interpretation, the Normal section of the feat makes it obvious that it's a replacement effect.

For them to stack, one or both would need the Aerenal Arcanist kind of wording, i.e. "you can add one additional spell to your spellbook."

2014-01-18, 05:20 PM
Well lots of feats have Normal section applied to it.

But nither say they are replacements of the 2 at the beginning or that they are replacements.

Otherwise why not have them worded "In replacement of the normal 2 spells gained every level you now receive 4 spells per level" or something of the like

2014-01-20, 07:00 PM
It's common to overlook, but the Elven Generalist Wizard3 substitution level doubles the benefits of many familiars, but not initiative. Hummingbird's +4 initiative is still pretty kickin', and hey, you can still deliver touch spells with it!

Savage Drow (LA0 Drow) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a) is another option for Elf Wizard. A male Drow Wizard can dip a level of Drow Paragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#drowParagon) for extra effects.
Nice catch on the familiar benefits and the Savage Drow.

Arcane Devotee 1 (Prestige class listed in PGtF and FRCS) lets you spontaneously cast 1+Cha spells, which are automatically enlarged. It helps you be an even more spontaneous wizard.

PGtF version just seems to allow adding the effects of Enlarge Spell (without increasing casting time or level) to a number of spell per day as opposed to allowing the spontaneous casting of spells.

Handbook has been updated.

2014-01-20, 09:16 PM
This thread... it has summoned me.. I must... I must resist posting... ARRRGHHH!!!

Easy Bake Wizard!

Here's my version of the recipe for one of my favorite ways of playing D&D, an Easy Bake Wizard. Put the Sorcerer to shame (well, at anything except metamagic-heavy blasting...sorcerer has a ton of ACF's for that, which you don't get...)!

Easy Bake No "Worries" Wizard

1 Gray Elf (SRD, MM1, but see substitutes)
1 Wizard Class (PHB, SRD)
1 Elf Wizard Racial Substitution Level (Races of the Wild)
1 Eidetic Spellcaster Alternative Class Feature (Dragon Magazine #357 -- the core of the build!)
1 Spontaneous Divination Alternative Class Feature (Complete Champion, be sure to check out the errata online!)
1 Collegiate Wizard Feat (Complete Arcane)
1 Greyhawk Method (Dragon Magazine #315, optional, requires DM adjudication)
1 Aerenal Arcanist feat (Player's Guide to Eberron, optional)
1 Eschew Materials feat (PHB, SRD)
1 Domain Wizard variant, Transmutation or Conjuration domain (SRD, Unearthed Arcana, optional)
Flaws, to taste (SRD, Unearthed Arcana, optional, but necessary if you want all those feats by level 3)
Extra bits, optional, see later instructions!

Mix in bowl, and be sure to top with any one of these feats:
Acidic Splatter, Winter's Blast, or Fiery Burst (all from Complete Mage)

Notes: if it doesn't turn out right when playing it in a zero wealth game, you picked bad spells. You have lots of spells to choose, so you are less likely to pick bad spells, but it is still possible. Be sure to look at the various wizard handbooks for how to pick solid, powerful, versatile spells. And it is very thematic that you can do stuff like leave a slot open to spend 15 minutes preparing the correct spell you need in it, or take Uncanny Forethought or Alacritous Cogitation, or Nexus Method, consider taking those later. And you automatically just 'get' spells like a sorcerer... no need for scrolls or anything. This Wizard idea relies on exactly zero found scrolls and zero need for items to scribe things into his spellbook, and with Eschew Materials and the right spells chosen, doesn't even need a Spell Component Pouch (just don't take any spells with focuses or components more than 5 gp)! Also, some people might think that this trading out the ability to specialize three times, but that isn't what is going on. Due to differing language between the various options, that isn't what's happening. Some of the stuff says that 'if you don't specialize, you can do this', some of the stuff says 'by removing the ability to specialize entirely, you gain this ability.' Order in which the abilities are taken matters.

Further, some more possible ingredients to take include:

-Alacritous Cogitation feat at level 6 (Complete Mage)
-Another Great option for race is a Lesser Fey'ri (Players Guide to Faerun and Races of Faerun) with LA Bought off (the LA buyoff option is in the SRD and Unearthed Arcana; choose the powers to get the minimum LA for that race). This lets you make use of that Alter Self at will; read the handbook on the uses of Alter Self, it's fantastic.
-Get the Nexus Method feat from Dragon Magazine #319! This lets you spontaneously cast the summon monster line, and apparently adds all the spells to your spellbook! If you do this, you probably want the Transmutation Domain rather than the Conjuration Domain, to maximize spells known.
-Another option is Lesser Celadrin. You combine the rules in Player's Guide to Faerun and the rules in Dragon Magazine #350 to get Lesser Celadrin, they work fine.
-Also, Fire Elf (UA/SRD) works well too.

-If you ask for houserules, consider these two:
-Permission to house rule that you can take Uncanny Forethought (Exemplars of Evil) at level 9, with the Alacritous Cogitation (Complete Mage) and the Eidetic Spellacster ACF taking place of the Spell Mastery prerequisite, without access to the 'spell mastery' capability from that feat
-Hopefully permission to house rule for the character to count Autohypnosis (XPH, SRD) as a class skill, to describe the character's eidetic memory being useful for things other than spellcasting (assuming the GM uses Autohypnosis in his game! Or get it's abilities shunted into Concentration, or whatever)

Some numbers:

Basic Wizard: Start with 3+Int mod L1 spells, +2 each level as baseline
Elf Generalist Wizard: +1 wizard spell at start, +1 each level beyond baseline
Collegiate Wizard (this is superior to Greyhawk Method, due to more spells when starting the game): Instead of 3+int and +2 each level, baseline is set at 6+int and +4 each level
If Greyhawk Method & Collegiate Wizard Stack: +2 spells per level
Aerenal Arcanist: +1 each level beyond baseline, including L1 if you take it then
Domain Wizard (Transmutation or Conjuration): One specific extra spell of each spell levels; +9 spells over career (cantrip is already known)
Nexus Method: Apparently automatically gets you the entire Summon Monster line!

So at level one, with a 20 int (cause Grey Elf or whatever, or 21 if you start at middle aged...), without flaws, assuming Greyhawk Method and Collegiate Wizard don't stack you know:
13 level one spells, plus mage armor or expeditious retreat automatically
At level 2, you gain six new L1 spells
At level 3, you gain 6 spells of up to spell level 2, and levitate or web, depending...

With flaws, if Greyhawk Method and Collegiate Wizard DO stack, you get:

15 level one spells, plus mage armor or expeditious retreat automatically
At level 2, you gain 8 new L1 spells
At level 3, you gain 8 spells of up to spell level 2, and levitate or web, depending...

Essentially, you end up with a more versatile Sorcerer, who has access to a TON of spells, and can always get the right spell for the job... even with no gear whatsoever. And no Vow of Poverty (ewww, exalted! And not able to gather even useful cheap equipment!) needed to be useful without wealth!

Finally, if you want to gain access to even MORE spells, the Mage of the Arcane Order prestige class can be useful.

2014-01-20, 11:25 PM
The Robe of Mysterious Conjuration is effectively the nexus feat 3/times a day but you get to use your summon monsters as a standard action.

2014-01-20, 11:31 PM
The feat Ancestral Relic allows you to create and modify an item. One item you may want to change is a normal staff into a runestaff. With a runestaff you effectively get 5 new spells of any spell on your spell list, and you get to sub out prepicked spell slots and swap them with the spells on your runestaff.

2014-02-09, 07:49 PM
Can you do the Easy Bake Wizard in Pathfinder?

2014-02-09, 08:01 PM
Can you do the Easy Bake Wizard in Pathfinder?

I don't believe so. I haven't seen anything in PF to let wizards operate without their spellbooks.

2018-07-24, 07:30 AM
Can you do the Easy Bake Wizard in Pathfinder?

Actually, there is something...sort of similar? The Spirit Whisperer archetype allows the Wizard to cast spells like a Witch does, by "communing" with her familiar. This explicitly "replaces" Spellbooks, but not the ability to learn new spells from scrolls.

Dunno if there are similar "cast spells spontaneously as a Wizard" things, but that archetype would seem to do it. Of course, you're sort of just replacing the inanimate spellbook with the animate familiar that can still be removed or damaged, but it's a step in the right direction.

2018-07-24, 08:58 AM
Actually, there is something...sort of similar? The Spirit Whisperer archetype allows the Wizard to cast spells like a Witch does, by "communing" with her familiar. This explicitly "replaces" Spellbooks, but not the ability to learn new spells from scrolls.

Dunno if there are similar "cast spells spontaneously as a Wizard" things, but that archetype would seem to do it. Of course, you're sort of just replacing the inanimate spellbook with the animate familiar that can still be removed or damaged, but it's a step in the right direction.

Pick yourself as a familiar.
Problem fixed.(there is a playable race that can also be picked as a familiar)

Oh I am sorry for the necroing.

2018-07-24, 07:48 PM
Pick yourself as a familiar.
Problem fixed.(there is a playable race that can also be picked as a familiar)

Oh I am sorry for the necroing.

Oh jeez, totally did not see the post date. Oops! Guess I'm a necromancer now. Time to visit a bellmaker...

Forum Staff
2018-07-25, 09:47 AM
Looks like you already noticed the mistake, but for the record: Please don't post to threads from four years ago.