View Full Version : Gargantuan Weapons On a Large Creature

2014-01-17, 02:25 AM
If you used the half minotaur template on the Goliath race from Races of Stone you end up with a large creature with powerful build, so they can use huge weapons. If you use the Monkey Grip and Wield Oversized Weapon Feats then you have a character able to use gargantuan weapons. Can anyone help me figure out the range on a gargantuan reach weapon like a spiked chain in this situation?

2014-01-17, 02:41 AM
A weapon’s size category isn’t the same as its size as an object. Instead, a weapon’s size category is keyed to the size of the intended wielder. In general, a light weapon is an object two size categories smaller than the wielder, a one-handed weapon is an object one size category smaller than the wielder, and a two-handed weapon is an object of the same size category as the wielder.

And a spiked chain is considered a two-handed weapon so it is treated as a gargantuan object of the same size category.

A gargantuan creature normally has 20ft reach, and the spiked chain gives you 10ft of reach.

After adding these two statistics, the weapon would have 30ft reach. With enlarge person or a similar buff you would have 35ft reach.

2014-01-17, 03:00 AM
Virtual size increases offered by monkey grip or the like don't affect a character's reach.

Also of note is that monkey grip, powerful build, strongarm bracers, etc are all different sources of the same effect and generally don't stack, just as the size increase effect of divine might and enlarge person don't stack.

2014-01-17, 09:43 AM
minor nitpick but i thought that the spiked chain (like all reach weapons) doubled reach. so 40ft? If it just added 10ft then a medium char with a normal reach weapon would have a 15ft reach and that doesnt sound right...

If your looking to optimise reach thought then id check out the willing deformity (tall) from HoH for +5ft, the warshaper prestige class for another 5ft (wont work natively with the race you mentioned but its tasty as hell) and the great reach bracers for +10ft reach 3rounds/day if im remembering it right you can chose the order of effect for these things so even without the warshaper PrC which you dont qualify you would have 20+5(tall)+10(GRB)*2= 70ft reach for 3 times a day and 50ft/day for the rest

Person man wrote a pretty comprehensive list for these effects a few years ago here- http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7081777

EDIT- Im pretty sure what kelb said about not stacking is correct, youd have to make sure you only had one of each to stop overlap. Can i get a ruling on a half-minotaur changling warshaper with monkey grip, willing deformity (tall), great reach bracers and a spiked chain? i make it
10ft(base)+5(warshaper)+5(tall)+10(GRB)*2(huge spiked chain)=40ft reach all day + 60ft 3rounds/day :smallamused:
oh and with some kind of enlarge person effect would you be huge with a gargantuan chain with 50ft (70ft 3/day) reach?

EDIT EDIT- maths fail

2014-01-17, 11:21 AM
There's also the abberant feat "Inhuman Reach" that allows you to increase your reach by 5ft per size category of your character. So that would tack on an additional 10ft for a total of 80ft reach 3 times a day and 60ft reach on every other attack.

2014-01-17, 11:35 AM
hmm inhuman reach says that it gives 10ft extra reach if your natural reach is more than 5 so if the char was enlarged it would be

15ft(base)+5ft(warshaper)+5ft(tall)+5ft(inhuman reach)+10ft(GRB)*2(GSC)= 60ft or 80ft 3/day, unenlarged 50ft or 70ft 3/day

thats pretty damn feat intensive though which is why i left it out... youd need- EWP (spiked chain), willing deformity, deformity (tall), abberant blood, inhuman reach, and monkey grip. (6 feats) just to make it work... although you do seem to get more bang for your buck with inhuman reach than willing deformity and they both take 2 feats so go with that if your feat starved. (also you could leave out monkey grip because it only effects damage, not reach)

my problem is is leaves little to no room for the trip/cleave/whirlwind attack shenanagins that this is begging for

EDIT- the inhuman reach im reading on d&d tools is pretty ambiguiously worded, i am no longer convinced that it gives you a 10 foot increase if you have a greater reach than 5. Its just a flat +5 regardless (just like tall). am editing the numbers above now...

EDIT the second- dont actually do this, your archer will cry...