View Full Version : CryWolf's Arena (Round 1)

2014-01-17, 09:35 AM
Edric vs. Tuck

Two men walk out of opposite sides of the arena. A large portcullis closes behind them, and the crowd erupts into cheers on both sides. However, on one side, some of the patrons have gotten a little drunk and begin throwing rocks at the short gnome. He fends them off and dodges them, but they distract him. The weather is beautiful, a few clouds dispersed throughout the blue, and the temperature is ideal for a day to fight to the death.

The arena walls pulse and hum, and seem to carry up to the top of the arena seating, between 50 and 60 feet up. A voice explodes throughout the air. "Welcome, challengers, to the Arena! Today, you may fight for honor, you may fight for family, but you have no choice in whether or not you fight for your lives! Fans! Please welcome our challengers, Tuck," a pause as the crowd applauds again. "And Edric! You have 30 seconds to prepare yourselves, and then the battle will begin!"

You must PM me your 3 rounds of actions. Once you both have done so, I will post crowd rolls for round 1, and then we roll initiative. Wdwune, you take a -2 penalty due to rocks (crowd rolls, all games will have them happen before the fight too), Battlechaser you have no buffs or penalties. I will post once both of you have sent me your information.

2014-01-17, 03:07 PM
As the two contenders step in and the voice fades away, the gnome shimmers and sways in the sunlight while the other man stretches. The crowd grows quiet... and the voice announces even louder:

"Let the fight begin!"

Tuck Initiative: [roll0]
Edric Initiative: [roll1]

2014-01-17, 05:34 PM
Seeing that the gnome was a tad distracted, Tuck seized the opportunity. Running straight at his opponent the halfling jumped up an dn to deliver a punishing kick to his head.

charge attack (the jump part is just RP), unarmed strike.
Stunning fist fort dc 26 or be stunned for one round.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-01-17, 10:31 PM
As Edric is distracted, his temple takes crushing hit, causing him to reel back in pain.

2014-01-17, 10:33 PM
Being distracted by the stones thrown at him, Edric barely could see the fast halfling maneuvering straight to him and kicking him in the face with painful results. His greatsword drops from his hands into the floor.

Fortitude save (including the -2 crowd penalty): [roll0] So... Edric's stunned for this round.

OOC: Edric is a dwarf, not a gnome. :smalltongue:

2014-01-18, 05:46 AM
The halfling monk wasted no time and aimed a devastating blow at the dwarf's throat.

coup de grace + stunning fist dc 26
Autohit, autocrit, so
Damage x2 [roll0] so 40
If you survive, fort dc 50 or die

2014-01-18, 08:45 AM
The dwarf, still on his foot, is not totally defenseless.

@Battlechaser: I think you have to roll the attack, since Edric's not helpless, just stunned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#stunned), so yeah, no coup de grace and no auto-hit, unless you have an instant-kill item. But anyways, the DM has the last word. :smalltongue:

2014-01-18, 09:39 AM
you might be right. I took the can't take any actions for being helpless. So
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage has been rolled in previous posr
Still doing stunning fist, fort dc26

2014-01-18, 09:42 AM
forgot it was a full round attack so
Attack 2 [roll0]
Damage 2 [roll1]
Attack 3 [roll2]
Damage 3 [roll3]

2014-01-18, 10:13 AM
Edric vigorously shakes his head, enduring the unarmed blows of the halfling monk and regaining his focus, but his sword still on the floor.

All attacks are hits, but Edric's still on his feet. :smalltongue:

Fort save: [roll0]

Yay! My turn. :smallbiggrin:

Posting in a while... :smallsmile:

EDIT: I've just PM'd IamL about something I'd like to try. CryWolf's inbox is so full I can't send him any messages...

2014-01-18, 10:30 AM
I assume the sword was still in the scabbard? Otherwise it would be on the arena floor now.

2014-01-18, 10:36 AM
I assume the sword was still in the scabbard? Otherwise it would be on the arena floor now.

"A stunned creature drops everything held, can’t take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any)."

So right, he was holding a greatsword, so it's on the floor now. I'll edit my previous IC post. :smalltongue:

Still waiting on a DM's response before counterattacking.

2014-01-18, 11:51 AM
apparently i forgot that my fists are shock enhanced, so for the next rolls I'll add the electric damage.

2014-01-19, 07:03 PM
Edric's eyes turn momentarily blue as they briefly scan his opponent while he steps back. He shakes his head in frustration: Without his sword, the armored dwarf feels a little underpowered.

He has to resort to more unusual means to defeat his opponent.

With a single word, Edric extends his hand and four rays of crackling, red energy emerge from his fingers, targetting Tuck, attempting to burn him.

5-ft step back from Tuck.

Free: Scan any magical properties on Tuck (Analize Dweomer effect, already got responses from both DMs)

Swift: Quickened, Blistering, Split Scorching Ray

· Ray 1: SR roll (just in case): [roll0], Ranged touch: [roll1], Hit: [roll2] fire dmg, and Tuck gets -2 penalty on attacks and checks until the start of my next turn.

· Ray 2: SR roll (just in case): [roll3], Ranged touch: [roll4], Hit: [roll5] fire dmg, and Tuck gets -2 penalty on attacks and checks until the start of my next turn.

· Ray 3: SR roll (just in case): [roll6], Ranged touch: [roll7], Hit: [roll8] fire dmg, and Tuck gets -2 penalty on attacks and checks until the start of my next turn.

· Ray 4: SR roll (just in case): [roll9], Ranged touch: [roll10], Hit: [roll11] fire dmg, and Tuck gets -2 penalty on attacks and checks until the start of my next turn.

Standard: Ready an action

Action: Cast the spell Arcane Fusion
Trigger: Right before Tuck makes a melee or ranged attack against me

2014-01-19, 07:23 PM
Tuck avoids the rays, twisting his short, nimble body to avoid all but the third ray at once.

2014-01-20, 12:54 AM
Tuck remains silent as the fires lick at him. With but a thought the burned skin sloughed off and revealed fresh babylike skin. Turning his attention to the offending mage the halfling hoped to finish him off before he could cast another spell.

swift: wholeness of body, heal 16 hp, 80 left
Full attack: stunning fist fort dc 26 on first one
Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4]
Damage 3 [roll5]

2014-01-20, 09:35 AM
Edric reacts quickly as both of his hands glow with arcane energy. Before Tuck connects the first blow, Edric disappears and appears floating above.

Almost immediately, five orbs of energy surround Tuck and strike right into him.

The readied action triggers right before the first attack. My initiative result becomes the count on which I took the readied action (Tuck's initiative is 26, so my initiative is now 26 too but I act immediately ahead of Tuck)

Arcane Fusion: I cast two spells (one of 4th or lower level and one of 1st or lower level), but cast defensively, just in case (+19 Concentration modifier, auto-success)

· Dimension Hop on myself: Teleport up and diagonal, up to 25-feet in total (but without getting out of the ring). My Fly spell keeps me floating.

· Magic Missile: Five missiles, 1d4+1 dmg each, targetting Tuck. [roll0] force damage total.

Note: Since my initiative changed, I suppose I should take my turn immediately, am I right?

2014-01-20, 11:37 AM
Just in case, forgot to roll the SR of the previous Magic Missile, so here it goes: [roll0]

From above, the armored dwarf had some chances against that iron-fisted halfling. He extends both hands towards him, aims, and a blast of fifteen more orbs of force emerge from his fingers and fly directly to the monk.

Then he flies away to take some distance, observe his opponent from afar, and prepare for the incoming counterattack.

Swift: Quickened Magic Missile: SR [roll1] [roll2] force dmg

Standard: Arcane Fusion

· Magic Missile: SR [roll3], [roll4] force dmg

· Maximized Magic Missile: SR [roll5], 25 force dmg

Move: Fly away from Tuck as far as possible (60-ft max), but without getting out of the ring.

2014-01-20, 03:19 PM
Most missiles dissipated before they hit the halfling, but a few made it through. Tuck ignored the pain and nodded to his opponent. He respected a good tactical move even if it had been directed at him.

A smile crept over his face as he formed a purplish orb and launched it at the dwarf, before disappearing from sight.

standard: ki blast
Ranged touch attack [roll0]
Force damage [roll1]
Swift: expend ki point for invisbility
Standard: move away for 60 feet, erratic course

2014-01-20, 04:58 PM
A non-magical purple blast of force right into his face was the last thing Edric would expect of his opponent. The blast weakened the dwarven warrior considerably, but not enough to make him fall to the ground.

As he looked around looking for his missing opponent, he decided that the best he could do was to stay in the same spot, and defend himself, ready for a counterattack.

Free: Scan the location of my opponent with Analyze Dweomer (I know it's pointless since the effect apparently is not magical, but that's what Edric would do anyways)

Swift: Burn 1 level 4 spell slot to add +4 bonus to my AC for this round.

Standard: Ready an action

Action: Cast the spell Arcane Fusion
Trigger: Right before Tuck (or someone) makes a melee or ranged attack against me

2014-01-21, 12:11 PM
Oh really. Tuck was not going to fall for the same trap twice. Let him come to me. He went over to his opponent's sword and tossed it a few feet away from him.

ooc: readied attack
Come and get it! :smallwink:

2014-01-22, 09:04 AM
@Battlechaser: Some simple questions before my turn:

1) Is Tuck still invisible?

2) Edric has damage reduction. Did Tuck's blows had any way to overcome it?

2014-01-22, 02:04 PM
still invisible.
His attacks are: magic, lawful, adamantine, ghost touch, shock. And he can overcome any DR with investment of ki'

2014-01-23, 05:15 PM
Edric sighs as it's pretty obvious the halfling is not coming or firing another of his purple blasts. Despite his wounds, he decides to take a more active role in this fight.

He moves towards his sword (that Tuck tossed back to him) and attempts to rely on his hearing sense to locate his opponent's position...

Swift: Burn one 4th level spell slot to add +4 to my AC for the rest of the round.

Move: Fly away up to 60 ft to recover my sword (I will need another move action to pick it up, though...)

N/A: Listen check to locate Tuck's position, provided he's within 30 feet of Edric's: [roll0]
(I don't know how could this work, but the typical DCs are 10 for a person trying to move slowly and silently, and 15 for a rogue trying to sneak past me)

Standard: Ready an action.

Action: Cast Arcane Fusion
Trigger: Right before someone attacks me.

2014-01-24, 10:51 AM
opposed move silently check [roll0]

Question for DM's: can you ready against an attack from an invisible opponent? Aren't you considered flatfooted then?