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View Full Version : A Breath of Fresh BURNING: The Scion of the Ur-Dragon [3.5, PrC, PEACH]

2014-01-17, 09:10 PM
This is my latest class, this one a prestige focused on breath weapons. Please feel free to comment and criticize; I'm always looking to improve my homebrew skills!

Scion of the Ur-Dragon
http://i.imgur.com/Xee53b6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EI9KG5p.jpg
"Dragons, bah. Nothing more than overgrown lizards, with what they are now. Even the so-called 'gods' are weak and frail compared to the past. How do I know? Well, allow me to show you..."

Few things are as iconic, or as terrifying, as searching a hoard of treasure only to be met with a fearsome beast; coated in scales, wings unfurled, and breath as lethal as a natural disaster. However, despite their magnificent power, the dragons of the current era are but pale imitations of the true dragon, the first.
It is said that he was the proginitor of the twin dragon gods Tiamat and Bahamut, and that from them the world's modern dragons arose. However, dragons are mysterious beings, able to mix and blend with mortal society with ease. As such, a little bit of draconic blood, and thus the blood of the Ur-Dragon Io, can mingle and hide within people, simply waiting for the chance to burst out, the divine splendor wishing nothing more than to spring back to life, and show the material world what a real dragon can do.


Base Attack Bonus: +4
Breath Weapons: 2 breath weapons from different class or racial features, each dealing at least 2d6 damage
Feats: At least one breath or metabreath feat
Languages Spoken: Draconic

Class Skills
The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana, History, and Local, each taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int
Hit Dice: d10

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells|Auras

+2|Gift of Io +1d6, Improved Unarmed Strike|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+3|Bonus Metabreath Feat, Dragonsight|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+3|Gift of Io +2d6, Jaws that Bite, Scaled Arrogance|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+4|Frightful Presence|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+4|Bonus Metabreath Feat, Claws that Catch, Gift of Io +3d6|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+5|Improved Dragonsight, Improved Scaled Arrogance, Wyrmking's Shaping|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+5|Gift of Io +4d6, Winged Resplendence|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+6|Bonus Metabreath Feat, Wrymking's Triad|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+6|Gift of Io +5d6, Superior Scaled Arrogance|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class

+7|Wrymking's Perfection|+1 level to an invocation-using class|+1 level to an aura-using class [/table]

Weapon Proficiencies: Scions of the Ur-Dragon gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Invocations: At each level, you gain new invocations known and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in an invocation-using class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one invocation-using class before becoming a Scion of the Ur-Dragon, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level and invocations known.

Auras: At each level, you gain more auras known and auras active at once as if you had also gained a level in an aura-using class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one aura-using class before becoming a Scion of the Ur-Dragon, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining the number of auras known and active at once.

Gift of Io (Ex): At first level, and every other level afterwards, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon increases the amount of damage dealt by any of their breath weapons by 1d6, up to a bonus of +5d6 in total at 9th level.

Improved Unarmed Strike: A Scion of the Ur-Dragon gains this as a free bonus feat at 1st level.

Bonus Metabreath Feat: At second level, and every three levels afterwards, the Scion of the Ur-Dragon gains a bonus Breath or Metabreath feat. They must meet all prerequisites for them.

Dragonsight (Ex): At 2nd level, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon gains Low-Light vision, and Darkvision out to 60 feet. At 6th level, he may cast See Invisible as a spell-like ability as through he were a sorcerer equal to their character level a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier.

Jaws that Bite (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon can utilize a bite attack that deals 2d4 in Piercing and Slashing damage. This is a primary natural weapon, and so the Scion adds one-and-a-half his Strength modifier to the attack.

Scaled Arrogance (Ex): Beginning at level three, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon obtains a glossy sheen to their flesh, granting them a measure of resistance to various attacks. At 3rd level, the Scion gains a bonus to his natural armor equal to 2 + his Constitution modifer; if he didn't have natural armor previously, this bonus is instead 1 + his Constitution modifer. At 6th level, he gains DR X/Adamantine, where X is half of his class level + his Constitution modifer. Finally, at 9th level, he gains Spell Resistance equal to his 5 + his class level + his Constitution modifer.

Frightful Presence (Ex): By 4th level, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon's very presence is unsettling to foes. It takes effect automatically whenever the scion utilizes their breath weapon, charges, slays an opponent, stabilizes from death and stands back up, or takes flight. Opponents within range a range of 10 feet per class level who witness the action must make a Will save (DC 15 + one-half the Scion's class level + their Charisma modifer) or become shaken for 1d4 rounds per class level. This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the Scion of the Ur-Dragon. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Scion’s frightful presence for 24 hours.

Claws that Catch (Ex): At 5th level, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon's hands grow hard and sharp, resulting in rending nails that resemble a dragon's claws. He gains two secondary natural attacks, each doing 1d6 Piercing and Slashing damage plus his strength modifer. In addition, they gain Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat, if they didn't already.

Wyrmking's Shaping (Su): Beginning at 6th level, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon gains the ability to manipulate the overall form of their breath weapons effortlessly. They may, whenever they use a breath weapon, choose to have it appear as a line, cone, or spread of their appropriate size and level (if either would cause it to be different reaching in distances) In general, a line goes one-and-a-half times as far as a cone, and a spread exudes from the Scion's location to a maximum distance of half the cone's range.

Winged Resplendence (Ex): Upon achieving 7th level, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon grows great and powerful wings, strong enough to lift them above their lesser compatriots. They gain a flight speed equal to one-and-a-half times their normal land speed (average manueverability). If they already had a flight speed dependent on wings, they may choose the better of the two to keep; the other is lost. (If their other flight speed is from a source that does not require wings, they keep both).

Wyrmking's Triad (Su): At 8th level, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon gains a new breath weapon to use. This breath weapon is, in its natural state, a 2d6 breath weapon (plus the damage bonus from the Gift of Io class feature) of the scion's choice of either a 30-foot cone, a 45-foot line, or a 15-foot spread (plus or minus any differences in size that the scion may have). The Scion chooses Cold, Fire, Acid, Electricity, or Force; the breath weapon is of that elemental type. A character may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half the Scion's character level + his charisma modifier) to take half damage. He may use this breath once every 1d4 rounds.

Wyrmking's Perfection (Su): Upon reaching 10th level, the Scion of the Ur-Dragon finally masters the many breaths that his forefather has gifted him, and uses them to ruthless effect. A number of times per day equal to his combined Constitution and Charisma modifers, the scion may spend a full-round action mixing and reforming his multitude of breath weapons, before releasing them in a flurry of colorful destruction. This breath weapon deals damage equal to the base damage of all of his breath weapons, divided by two (before adding his bonus damage from the Gift of Io class feature), and may take the form of his choice of cone, line, or spread, all of them going twice as far as usual. The damage dealt by this mixed breath attack is nearly impossible to resist; unless a creature has resistance to all of the composite elements, this attack is not reduced by elemental resistances or immunities (DR still applies; however, this attack counts as magical and as any alignments that the scion is for the purpose of overcoming DR). Unlike a normal breath weapon, this special attack does not allow a Reflex save for half damage. After using this exhausting attack, the Scion of the Ur-Dragon cannot utilize any of his breath weapons for 2d4+1 rounds.


A Scion of the Ur-Dragon is a combatant, plain and simple. They wade into the middle of combat, letting loose bursts of furious dragonfire (or dragonice, dragonwind, et cetera) against their foes. Their nearly-endless usage of breath weapons makes them potent against groups of opponents, and their frightful presence can even make some fights a non-issue. Naturally, they're quite conceited, believing themselves better than even 'true' dragons.

Combat: Without a doubt, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon makes the most of his breath weapons. He strikes fast and hard, often needing to watch his aim so as not to injure his allies. On the off chance that he has a round without his precious breath weapons, he rushes in with tooth and nail, literally, to tear his foes to shreds. At higher levels, they can shrug off lesser attacks and even spells, and by the upper reaches of the class a scion can simply fly overhead of his enemies, burning them without fear of retribution.

Advancement: A Scion of the Ur-Dragon takes every metabreath feat they can, allowing them to shape and change their attacks to suit the current situation. Some take advantage of spellcasting, allowing them a modicum of skill whenever simply turning things into piles of ash would be difficult.

Resources: Assuming that they can stay on their good sides, a Scion of the Ur-Dragon may be able to request the help of various true dragons, who begrudgingly see the character as a startlingly potent little whelp. Otherwise, a scion may very well need to stick with his party if he wishes to keep alive; after all, as every hunter and slayer knows, dragons hold treasure, and a scion is rarely any different.


"He came by like a bolt of lightning, a winged and scaled savior! Without a moment's hesitation, he smote the bandit lord, and forced the late man's minions to grovel at his might." ~Father Ivanov, founder of the Redwing Cult

Scions of the Ur-Dragon appear seemingly randomly, as a person who studies the various ways to gain draconic breaths unlocks their own heritage. As such, it's hard to characterize them as a whole.

Daily Life: Typically, a Scion revels in their own power, although several have been known to use their potent abilties to do good in the world. Often, though, they seek new and exciting places and people, for companionship and just a little bit of showing off.


A Scion of the Ur-Dragon is often on the front lines in combat, but this does not mean that they can completely replace the fighter (or the barbarian, or warblade, or what have you). They are, after all, almost always Dragon Shaman / Dragonfire Adepts (assuming you aren't using any other homebrew), neither of which are particularly known for being the first lines of defense in battle. Instead, they should be played as guardians, protecting the other characters from a reasonable distance so that the more martial of the party can close the distance against tough foes. Most importantly, a Scion is at his weakest against foes that are resistant to his elemental breaths (until level 10, at least), or against single foes which may dodge his attacks (again, at least until level 10).

Adaptation: The Scion of the Ur-Dragon need not be a mortal with the blood of a dragon god inside them. An easy adaption is to make them a special order of draconic warriors, seeking to emulate Tiamat's multiheaded breath. These "Chromatic Knights" most likely have a full Base Attack Bonus progression, and may require being evil to join them. Alternatively, the Scion could instead be an actual dragon, one that learns to overcome its inherent abilities and utilizes strange effects. In this case, they would only need a single breath weapon to gain entrance, and would learn new breaths faster, at the cost of losing the Scaled Arrogance class feature.

2014-01-18, 01:54 PM
UPDATE: Having saw that I left any potential Dragon Shamans out in the dust, I've added growth to Aura-using classes as well. I don't see this as particularly unbalancing, honestly.

2014-01-18, 10:55 PM
The Gift of Io is a bit underwhelming, honestly. +4d6 at 14th level? That's 6d6 damage, or an average of 21.

2014-01-20, 01:25 AM
Fixed the rate of the Gift of Io class feature to be more potent. Any other tips?