View Full Version : Greyhawk - Why doesn't Iuz have better troops.

2014-01-17, 10:27 PM
After reading a few threads, I can't but wonder...how comes a demigod with 5 divine ranks and Iuz's resouces can't do better?

He could create and control a few infectious undead, and order them to create an army of undead under their control.

He could enslave a few Efreets and use their Wishes to get Irom Golem Manuals and Scrolls of Simulacrum (of himself) and raise an army of Constructs and Simulacrums. Or even better, create 10 HD Simulacrums of a 20 HD Advanced Efreet and make them cast wishes like crazy.

He could use permanent Teleportation Circles to send those troops everywhere he wished.

But he sticks to orcs marching around, backed by some demons...why?

2014-01-17, 10:36 PM
He probably spent good money sending them to stormtrooper marksman academy, and isn't about to waste it by making them effective at what they do.

2014-01-17, 10:44 PM
For one thing Iuz's strategy and tactics predate 3e by some time. Like all the way back.

You could fluff this as a leader who became set in his ways a long time ago, or a deity whose worship and divine ranks depend on his meeting his worshippers' expectations. But if you want the actual reason it's the above.