View Full Version : Looking for Movement Impairing Spells

2014-01-18, 12:39 AM
I am currently planning a Swiftblade, with a focus on mobility and teleportation. I want some tactical and offensive spells; focusing upon impairment, escape, and mobility. For this purpose, conjuration spells are more interesting than enchantment.

So far I have Black Tentacles, Web, Force Wall, Force Cage, and Slow. I am looking for other suggestions, since you all have more experience than I. Thanks!

2014-01-18, 01:01 AM
Solid Fog- No matter your speed, you now move 5ft/round and cannot see an inch ahead of you.

Bands of Steel- You are now trapped by steel bands, unable to move. If you manage to avoid the worst, you're entangled.

Entangle- A druid's 1st level staple spell.

Mass Avasculate- Not only are you causing the victim horrible, indescribable pain, but his unlucky allies nearby are now entangled by animate blood vessels... coming from him.

Deadly Lahar- You're being slowly melted by fiery lava, and this one weighs down so much, it actually slows your movement to a crawl.

Hold Person- Enchantment, I know. But you can't move.

Freezing Fog- Like Solid fog, but if you try to move, you're being stung by deadly snow flakes.

I'm sure there are more out there.

2014-01-18, 01:22 AM
Alright, I'm not double checking these, but I'm sure a quick search on dndtools will turn up any inaccuracies.

- drifts of shalm (PHB2)

- path of frost (Dragon Magic)

- earth reaver (SpC)

- bones of the earth (PHB2): creates an obstacle that could impair movement

- blizzard (Frostburn): DM might need to rule on this, but I'm pretty sure it creates a snow field, which qualifies as some kind of difficult terrain

- obedient avalanche (Frostburn): I think this is the one that can bury people, which obv impairs movement

- wall of water (not sure): combine with freezing effects (frostfell, hehehe) to great hilarity

2014-01-18, 03:21 AM
Baleful polymorph; among other disadvantages will slow some enemies.

Glitterdust; blinded enemies also move slower. See also Blindness/Deafness.

Wall of just about anything.

Summon monster 2+; summon giant spiders to web your enemies.

2014-01-18, 02:39 PM
Iron bands of binding are expensive at 26,000 gp but they are a ranged touch, no save, no SR, just plain screwed attack against anything Large or smaller. Don't throw them on a balor unless it's an emergency, but besides that almost nothing is capable of breaking them.

Resilient sphere is another spell. Normally single target save-or-screwed have issues because they hit fewer foes, foes save, and major foes have SR or immunity. But reflex is the lowest save on average, this is SR no, and few things are immune. You'll be surprised how often you can bubble spam foes. Golems especially. Forget grease, who cares about a -4? Just plain win instead. Also good for protecting yourself or allies in an emergency.

Sleet storm is awesome too, especially in large areas. Don't leave that one out. It's like grease & solid fog combine, disrupt casting from being weather, put out fires, widen to blanket all foes, yet don't hurt innocent civilians and somehow it all ended up at lower level. Short of a 40 foot wide or smaller room, few problems cannot be solved by a sleet storm.

Levitate neither speeds you up nor slows down foes, but it makes for awesome movement manipulation. It is not merely "discount fly", because it is also usable at range on both allies and objects. It's the "I'll save him/it" spell whether it be saving an ally from death or nabbing the plot point so that a "fight to save X before Y" is suddenly "just a fight". And yes between combat you do get all the utility of slower flight too for overcoming obstacles.

As you get into the higher levels the Bigby's hand spells are nice.

2014-01-18, 02:47 PM
Although it gets about the effect in a different way, Wrack (SpC, FC2) isn't a bad one. I once had an Abishai knock the party Wizard out of the fight for eight whole rounds with that one.