View Full Version : [3.5e] Feats for a Polearm-and-Shield Fighter?

2014-01-18, 02:37 AM
So, I've been working on a new character - a hoplite-esque amazon focused on using a longspear in one hand and a shield in the other.

Now... normally in 3.5e this might be kinda bad - however I was allowed to use the Pathfinder version of the Fighter class, along with the Phalanx Soldier archetype - which neatly solves some some of those issues.

The one problem is... well, I'm a little unsure what feats to pick up beyond the immediately obvious ones.

Right now here's my tentative list:

1 - Combat Expertise
Bonus Feat 1 - Improved Trip
Bonus Feat 2 - Combat Reflexes
3 - Power Attack
Bonus Feat 4 - ?
Bonus Feat 6 - ?
6 - Improved Shield Bash

Improved Shield Bash is there basically as an "oh crap" button, if say, my back is to a wall and an enemy is under my spear's reach I can still beat them senseless with the shield. Not ideal, but it'll do.

That said that leaves me with a couple open slots... there's a loooooot of options for fighter bonus feats, and several of the feats I've taken in other slots could easily be swapped into a bonus feat slot if necessary.

I'm kinda tempted to take Stand Still for enemies that are too tough to trip/immune to it, especially since this will be at least partially an underwater campaign; but I've got no experience with that feat so maybe there's something that makes it useless.

Another possibility is Improved Bull Rush and Shock Trooper... but those are kinda the antithesis of the way I see this character so I dunno.

Anything really good I should have for this, or would even weapon focus/weapon spec be worth it perhaps?

2014-01-18, 02:41 AM
Knockdown and Short Haft immediately spring to mind.

2014-01-18, 03:55 AM
Travel Devotion is always a good idea, and Improved initiative as well. Maybe something from book of nine swords could help.

2014-01-18, 05:13 AM
... why did I not know of Travel Devotion until now? <o.O> That is amazing! Definitely putting that in.

Knockdown - hrm... it definitely looks like it could be useful with Improved Trip; but googling it makes it look like it only shows up in the old Sword and Fist supplement... is there a more recent book it's been reprinted in? (I figure otherwise I need to ask the DM for permission, and said DM is already giving me quite a bit with PF Fighter and Phalanx Soldier)

Improved Initiative - I'm hesitant to be honest. While it's VERY useful at the table, this is going to be a PBP game and in a lot of those, in my experience, if you survive the first combat the DM will change to an "initiative as you post" system simply for convenience sake.

Short Haft - That's actually why I took Improved Shield Bash - since I'm going shield-and-spear, I can melee up close with my shield if necessary, and without any penalty at all rather than taking a -2 to hit. (It would almost be required if I were two-handing my spear though, so it's not a bad thought, just not relevant to this one situation.)