View Full Version : Alone and Afraid (Titan World, IC)

2014-01-19, 04:45 AM
This is the in-character thread of the Titan World game run by Palus Abel.

Link to out-of-character thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=326317)
Link to dice-rolling thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=326315)

{TABLE=head]Player | Character | Playbook| Agility | Execution | Awareness | Discipline| Rage| Equipment
Ulm11 | Nathan (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16822510&postcount=4)| The Tactician Lv.0| +2 | +3 | +2 | +0 | +1 | Spare Blades
Valik Sparks | Zane (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16821622&postcount=3)| The Warrior Lv.0 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +3 | Spare Gas
Deerpoob | Walther (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16821571&postcount=2)| The Natural Lv.0 | +3 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0 | Spare Blades
have a cow | Alesaunder (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16823496&postcount=5)| The Leader Lv.0 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +3 | +1 | Spare Gas


Start play at Level 0, as normal. Note, this means that only Basic Moves may be used during the first mission.a
Assign +3, +2, +2, +1, and +0 amongst your five stats; this is a one point boost all around compared to vanilla character creation.
Flare guns are six-shot revolvers containing two red, two green, and two black flares. One flare gun and a full complement of flares are standard issue and do not take up an inventory space. Characters may carry a second flare gun and a full complement of flares that together take up one inventory space as normal.
Though play begins at Level 0, Playbooks must be chosen beforehand.
Maximum of one character per Playbook unless otherwise stated. First come, first served.
The Shifter Playbook and its Moves are prohibited unless otherwise stated.

2014-01-19, 04:04 PM
The gate out of Shiganshina District was cranked upward with agonizing slowness. The Seventh Team of the Survey Corp sat upon their horses burning with various combinations of anticipation, fear, and righteous fury as the outside world revealed itself through the growing opening. At the head of the formation, Team Leader Cain Mattheus boomed what could be the last speech the Seventh Team would ever hear.

"I will not speak long. Comrades, know only this: we will be victorious! Many of us may die. All of us may die. But so long as we fight, humanity will never be defeated! Your efforts are part of something greater than yourself. We venture forth not for our own sakes, but for the fate of all mankind. Thus I say to you, go! Fight with all the power in your body! Everything lays in front of us, and nothing behind! Fight! Fight!" He raises his sword and roars mightily, and most if not all of the Seventh Team joins him in his cry.

The setting is the usual place, but this game takes place before the Colossal Titan broke through Wall Sina.

Valik Sparks
2014-01-19, 06:22 PM

Zane drew his sword and raised it high into the air, crying out with the troops surrounding him.


His was loud and mighty...but his eyes were wide with the fear of the unknown. Could the other recruits see that his hands were shaking..? That he could barely hold his sword?

He gritted his teeth tightly. Knuckles white as he put away the sword and galloped towards the Wall he'd spent his entire life hiding behind. The one thing between him and his family, and the legions of gigantic, bloodthirsty monsters that wanted to consume everything he knew and loved. He couldn't allow that. He wouldn't allow that. He would stop them. Find a way to kill them. All of them. He had to.

"Zane.. you're coming back, right?"
"You'll be here for my birthday won't you? I'm gonna be 13! I'm gonna join the military and be a soldier just like you!"
"Silly girl, when I come back, we won't need a military anymore. I'm gonna make the world safe again for my baby sisters, Ok? I love you..."

Zane found himself with his eyes closed, fighting back tears. "No..." He whispered under his breath. The time for tears was over now. He had to be strong now... Strong. For them.

And just like that, as the sun's rays blasted down on his face, the looming shadow of the Wall no longer bearing down on him, his horse galloping free through the wide open space, amid the rest of the Legion. A smile crossed his face. Perhaps not the most genuine, but he was good at putting on an act. This was the Zane that everyone knew. This was the Zane that they would only ever know.

Looking to his left and right, he offered a grin to those surrounding him, lifting a hand to wave. "Nice day for a Expedition, isn't it?"

"The name's Zane." He said with a wink.

2014-01-19, 07:00 PM

As Nathan cheered with the rest of the squad he was not cheering at the idea of exterminating every last titan. He was cheering because for the first time in a while he was once again a part of something bigger then himself, that he could actually depend on others to support him if things went wrong. Of course due to what they were all doing their was a very strong chance of everything going wrong and if fate truly hated him then once again he could be left alone and Nathan doubted that he could mentally handle that type of strain.

So caught up in his thoughts Nathan didn't even feel the leather from the reigns being forced deep into his palms until one of his fellow squad mates called out to him. Quickly shaking his head to banish his inner demons Nathan allowed a moment to regather his thoughts before replying.

"I couldn't care less about the weather, I am just glad to be finally heading outside of those damned walls. Anyway, I'm Nathan."

"So what convinced you to try and become a part of this merry little operation?"

2014-01-19, 09:18 PM

Alesaunder let out a wry smile at Mattheus' little speech. He'd given much the same speech regularly throughout his career as a cadet.

Circumstances may change, but a leader is still a leader. he thought to himself. They hide their personal insecurities so they can inspire their comrades to forget their fears. We all must be a little crazy, cheering at the start of a journey most of us won't come back from. I wonder if...

Before he could drift too far into thought Alesaunder was interrupted by one of the soldiers near him.

"Zane and Nathan, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Alesaunder," said Alesaunder, attempting to hide his dark thoughts with a smile. "I guess I joined the army to hurry up and put an end to all this titan mess. I just want to go back to my farm and be left alone, but without titans looming over everything. What lapse of sanity caused you to join?" he said jokingly.

2014-01-20, 05:11 AM

Walther joined in the cry, though his heart wasn't quite as in it as some of the more foolhardy recruits, he wasn't looking for glory or revenge or excitement, he was more interested in the world outside the walls, animals and places unlike anything else, or so he hoped. He had hatred for the titans sure but he was also painfully aware of the groups morality, they likely would be thinned upon return and that could make anyone nervous.

He eyed the other recruits, some he recognized from training but none he could call friend, not yet. He rode along and found himself listening in on a few others introducing themselves to each other, he decided he could at least remember names if nothing else.

"Nathan Zane, Alesuander... " attempting to match faces with there names he noticed to late he was muttering out loud, surely they knew the risk and we're just putting up a strong front as he was right? He simply desired to see what he could in his life, better to die making an escape attempt then to quietly sit in his cage, who knew he might do so good.

Valik Sparks
2014-01-20, 07:11 AM

Zane let his head roll back as he gave a boisterous laugh. "Lapse of sanity? HA! I was never sane to begin with!" He gave a wide grin, looking between the two cadets beside him. "Nathan and Alesaunder. Sweet. I can remember that -maybe. But as for me? I'm not here for any other reason but to kill a hundred of those dumb-faced giants and come back to brag about it!" A third cadet caught his eye. The kid was muttering to himself; had a real serious look on his face. Zane steered his horse over towards him (Walther).

"Yo! Spot me your name, buddy. And do me a favor and smile! We're outside the freaking Walls, man!" He charged ahead on his horse for a brief moment, and then started to...stand...up?

With a mischievous grin, Zane slowly pulled up his legs, planted his feet on the saddles beneath him, and stood atop his horse, wobbling dangerously, but he just started to laugh. "FREEDOOOOOM! YEAH! HAHAHAHAHAOHFRICK--" The jostling of the horse proved too much, and Zane's foot slipped, causing him to crash down atop his horse, his chin banging the saddle hard as he clung to the equine's mane for dear life. It continued to gallop on as he groaned with pain and slowly pulled himself back into proper riding position.


Agility Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16827416&postcount=2) for Zane's stunt.

2014-01-20, 07:40 AM
"You there! Stop messing around! If you do that while there are Titans around, you will be dinner before you can even scream. Take this more seriously. Damn kids..." Mattheus continued muttering to himself as he spurred his horse onward. Despite the Leader's obvious dissatisfaction, Zane's stunt managed to lighten the atmosphere a little. A few chuckles rumbled here and there, and even the ones that remained silent at least smiled. Eyes glided away from the failed stunt to the lands the lay around them. There were no trees directly outside the walls so as to provide better line of sight and line of fire to the cannoneers atop the wall. Being completely out in the open made some members of the Seventh Team feel safe, and others absolutely terrified. Many of the latter group sighed with relief at the approaching trees; forests were a fine stage for the Maneuver Gear. "No Titans have yet been sighted," Mattheus called quietly. "Remain vigilant."

2014-01-20, 10:18 AM

Nathan didn't even try to hold back his laughter as he watched Zane humiliate himself in front of the entire group. Well at least this trip should be interesting.

"Zane, try not to get yourself killed before we even see the bloody Titans."

Noticing the forrest around him Nathan continued talking but was visibly distracted as tried to see what was around him.Anyway, I joined up because it seemed like it would be better to die whilst doing something then to bleed out in some damned gutter."

2014-01-20, 07:36 PM

Alesaunder laughs loudest of all at Zane's antics, but this is only a part of the mask he constantly wears over his emotions. Inwardly he is worried.

If something like this had happened in battle, instead of laughing someone would be dead. If he can't stand on a horse without falling off how does Zane manage to use his maneuvering device?

Alesaunder lends Zane a hand getting back into his saddle. "Whoa there, here let me give you a hand. Why don't you sit still a while and tell me a little bit about home. Do you have family, or maybe a girl you've got your eye on?"

2014-01-20, 07:39 PM

Walther blinked as Zane came up beside him "Uh... Walt, Walther.. " he said simply and was just about the speak when the young man took off and decided to try and... Show off? Make people smile? How didn't know what he was trying but despite himself Walther let out a sort of half chuckle half sigh, it was nice that people still managed to enjoy life in such an existence.

He rode along and found the trees, looking at the sun through them he felt his heart lift, this was why he was here... nature, the earth was apparently a vast place, so much more then there small little circle of rock, but he kept an eye lower watching for the familiar naked forms of there hated foe.

Valik Sparks
2014-01-20, 09:35 PM

Zane just gave a sheepish grin as he bounced clumsily on his horse, half falling off, finding himself berated by various voices from all directions. He was much more grateful than he let on for Alesaunder's steady hand helping him back into his saddle. He whispered a quick thanks to his fellow cadet, and then continued to ride as normal.

He looked to either side, at Nathan, at Alesaunder, and over his shoulder at Walther, smiling all the while. "Do I have a family..?" He started, hesitating a moment before continuing. "Yeah, for sure. Couple'a parents, and two little sisters. Collie and Mayflower. Sweet as strawberries, those two..." His voice trailed off. His smile seemed to falter, but he quickly snatched it back.

"A girl? Man I've had my eyes on plenty. And they can't seem to take their eyes off the Zane-Lane either, if yah know what I mean. Heh."

2014-01-21, 10:46 PM

"The 'Zane-Lane?' Is that what you call yourself? I can see why a single man like you joined the army," Alesaunder laughed as he slightly elbowed Zane is the ribs. "There was a little lady I had my eye on back home. She lived on a farm a little ways down the river from mine. I was fixin' to begin courting her when her pa went and gave her hand in marriage to Klein Hizenbach for political reasons," Alesaunder said the last part with a sneer. He lowered his eyes and sighed, "But I doubt you care to hear any more of that story. Needless to say if I had my druthers I'd be back on the farm with that pretty little thing by my side."

At this point Alesaunder began to exam forest, trying to keep busy to help him forget about the past. He noticed a bird feeding it's young. Then another bird, presumably the other parent, came up and nuzzled against the first. He sighed.

2014-01-21, 11:47 PM

"Zane-Lane..." Walther echoed Alesuander's comment and actually chuckled, he had to admit he was worried that an expedition like this would be all gloom and serious business, of course he could see why that might be the case considering but he was glad to see it might actually be not a terrible way to spend what might be his last days, even if it did have a horrid end...he was hoping to avoid that part.

He breathed deeply, despite the air being the same in and out of the city the trees made it feel nicer somehow, fresher and Walt took the early calm to enjoy the scenery he had so longed to see as a child.

2014-01-22, 04:32 PM

With nothing to distract him for the fear of what could be coming for them Nathan turned to Walther before trying to jolt him out of his solitude. "I know your still alive Walther but it would be nice to have some confirmation on that fact. What possessed you to join this group of nut jobs? What type of life do you have back home? Surely there is something you want to say in what could very well be our last moments."

As he finished talking Nathan pulled out one of his swords and begin to give it an experimental swing. He had used bladed weapons both in practice and on the streets but this would be the first time it mattered so much, so the need to get a good feel for the blade was more important then anything else. Besides it was either that or mull ambush positions, and do to the nature of where the group was he doubted their would be any positions of note that he could take advantage off.

2014-01-22, 11:23 PM

He thought for a long moment "why... I guess it's a chance for something else, I don't like being in the walls, I don't like sitting and waiting for death, I'd rather see this, the trees and the mountains even if it risks my life, at least if I'm going to die I can take a few of them down too" He tried to sound confident, he was scared, of course he was, but he was good at hiding it when there was nothing to threaten his life directly, he could only hope he could maintain that composure when it came down to it and it mattered.

He looked to the others in the group and seemed to agree with silent sentiments, he checked his sword and stretched his legs on each side of his horse, stretching the muscles he relied on to get him around and out of danger.

2014-01-23, 07:31 AM
Mattheus called for an abrupt halt with a raise of his arm. His gaze was firmly set in the distance. "Titans," he breathed with scarcely contained rage. He stood up on his horse and drew both his swords. His only other signal was to point in the direction of the ambling horrors. After that, he was gone, hurtling toward the destroyers of mankind to enact their doom, or ensure his own in the attempt.

2014-01-23, 12:24 PM

I will not be the last one in this time. Nathan snarled as he activated his 3DMG and flew into the trees. Letting out a loud whoop he flew through the trees focussing only on the feeling of complete freedom as not even gravity laid claim to him as he moved ever closer to the oncoming Titan. In the midst of his excitement Nathan had come in too fast and when he stopped he was in the branch right in front of the Titan's face.

With no time to readjust himself Nathan launched headfirst at the Titan knowing full well that this could very well cost him his life. Thanks to his time brawling on the streets Nathan was able to come in at a good enough angle so that while he missed the neck he had slashed up one of it's arms, which should hopefully make it easier for one of his comrades to deal the final blow.

Just as he attempted to reactivate his gear to escape from the beast he felt a crushing blow hit his side, sending him flying towards the ground. It took all of Nathan's training to avoid splatting against the ground but that was little comfort to him as the impact still knocked the breath out of his lungs. Forcing himself to keep on moving he looked up towards the beast and to his horror he saw the Titan once again looking straight down at him with it's ever present toothy grin showing Nathan exactly what it had in store for him.

Recap of what happened mechanically.
Titan is now making Nathan it's top priority.
Due to almost splattering against the ground Nathan is extremely shaken up and takes -1 to Execution rolls until he has time to recover.

Valik Sparks
2014-01-23, 08:37 PM

Zane was't nearly as quick on the draw as Nathan. He was frozen, just for a moment. He had to just..stop. And stare. Titans. This was the first time he'd actually seen them. Their faces...those twisted, unnatural grins. Those huge, wide eyes. Some of them looked...happy, upset, perplexed, even afraid. Mismatching expressions plastered onto their faces. And yet, those expressions meant nothing. These creatures were little more than huge, walking Mouths. They lived to consume, and nothing else.

Zane found his teeth grinding harshly together has his gaze hardened into a glare at the lumbering creatures.

I'm going to fricking slaughter you...

With the hissing pop of hydraulics, he launched from his horse, his 3DMG cables firing into the trees and yanking him sharply into the air. He had his eyes set on one of the nearby Titans, zipping towards it, dodging around trees and firing off cables with long-practiced fluidity. But something in his peripheral made him come to a sudden halt, whirling about and whipping back around a tree he'd just shot past.

"Nathan?!" He shouted, eyes spreading wide open like saucers as he watched his fellow cadet get side-swiped by one of the beasts and nearly smash into the ground below. Relief washed over Zane as Nathan barely managed to yank himself out of the fall. But it was short lived. The Titan was looming directly over him, and he'd lost all of his combat momentum. These things were fast. It could snatch him up in a heartbeat.

He didn't think. He just acted. Blasting forward, Zane gathered every ounce of momentum he could, flying straight towards Nathan. The second he was within range, he fired over Nathan's head, and in a blur, launched right past the boy, snatching him up and carrying them both hurtling away from the Titan just as its grasping hand shot towards them. The sheer speed and weight behind the Titan's movement cause a rush of wind to rock them as they zipped by...but he did it. He got him out in time. They were both alive. And Zane was going to make damn sure they stayed that way.

Zane pulled back on the speed and landed rather heavy and clumsily onto the largest tree branch he could find, holding tight to Nathan to make sure he didn't fall. He placed his hand against the trunk, panting heavily as he looked at Nathan and mustered a weak smile.

"Dont'...freaking...do that again." He said between breaths. His smile kept it from coming out harshly, but there was fear in his eyes. Fear of what easily could have happened back there...

Lookie here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16853814&postcount=6)

2014-01-23, 09:28 PM

With the Titan staring right down at him Nathan's only option was to stare defiantly right back at it. He could try to run, but he would still be caught and most importantly the idea of being killed with his back to the enemy appalled him. So with as much dignity as he could with his knees trembling noticeably Nathan waited for the Titan to claim and devour him. "Oh god." Nathan whispered as he tried not to think about what was about to come.

Just as he had given up all hope for his life he felt something grab the back of his shirt and suddenly he was being dragged through the air away from the monster. For a second he believed that the pure terror had driven him insane, but when the swing of the Titan's arm shook them mid-flight Nathan knew that this was no dream, he was still alive. When his saviour finally landed it was all Nathan could do to stay on the branch as when the grip loosened slightly he collapsed onto his knees and began to gasp for breath as he tried to get himself into a more proper state of mind.

"Looks like ... looks like ... looks like I owe you one Zane. Nathan gasped out slowly as he begin to thank his comrade. Though initially smiling in relief the realisation of the risk he put Zane through became apparent, and at that thought his expression morphed to one of disgust with himself. "I am sorry for making you risk your own life due to my weakness, but I don't think I will be able to keep that promise. My combat skills are all that I have left and if I am unwilling to use them in case I might die, then... Nathan trailed off as he lost the will to keep on talking and instead with almost mechanical procession began to check his blades in an attempt to bury the unwanted thoughts this last incident had stirred up.

2014-01-23, 09:51 PM

Walther had thought to look in every direction but ahead, so he did not notice the titans as quickly as the others, it wasn't until there captain was calling out that he spotted them, lumbering around in what were basically terrible costumes of humans, as if they might try to hide in plain sight, but there actions and there faces were anything but human.

He switched his Manuver gear and it hissed to life, but he did not fire it like the others did, he brought his horse to a gallop and turned it, leaping towards the titans and landing, attempting to roll but he was sloppy, he wasn't use to so many roots on the ground, his knee stung but he used the momentum to clear the distance nearly as fast as his teammates with there gear, only in the last few dozen feet did he fire off, hooking around a tree and slashing for the creature, severing most of the hand that had reached towards Nathan, using the distraction of Zane's save he had enough time to continue his circuit, hooking to another tree and within a matter of seconds he was upon the beast again, this time his strike rang true and he felt the blades slice through the titans thick skin, he landed on a low hanging branch and found himself dangerously close to the rest of there opponents, fear excitement and adrenaline raced through his veins, he liked this, he hated it and yet he loved it, there was an excitement to fighting these disgusting creatures, even if at any moment his racing blood might stain the trees.

7 for positioning
8 for strike

1 for the disadvantage on the strike and given the situation I'm defaulting to the -1 to agility for the positioning roll, as it wouldn't make sense to have him low on gas when hes specifically avoiding using the maneuver gear at the start and the titan is already focused on Nathan and now I'd suspect Zane, thought he might want to swat at Walther now that he's missing a chunk of his hand XD

Valik Sparks
2014-01-24, 12:26 AM

Zane put his hand on Nathan's shoulder and squeezed lightly. "Yeah, I hear you man... We do what we have to. Greater good and all that. But your--" He stops for a second, blinking, and glancing aside. "Your life is valuable, Nathan, so...don't go throwing it away. I want us all to come back from this alive." He grinned. "Call me an idealist, but we'll see who's laughing when I totally make it happen."

He turned, looking back towards the remaining Titans. He smiled as Walther took down the one they'd just escaped. We can do this. I know we can. He quickly set his maneuver gear to go, and then leaned back, firing a cord far into the trees. "Ready for round two?" He said, flashing a toothy grin at Nathan. "Let's do it together this time. That one with the big stupid eyes over there. I'll wipe that look right off its face, and you follow up on the neck, Okay?"

He didn't wait for confirmation, leaping from the tree branch and igniting the gas to blast him along his cord and launch him towards the Titan he'd picked out. He dodged by a few trees before he closed the distance and sent himself barreling right past the monster's face. But he made a grave mistake.

He didn't release the last hook he'd shot in time, as it now stretched out behind him, dug deep into a tree, and he found his body suddenly coming to a lurching halt. He gagged as the wind was knocked out of him, his body dangling for just an instant right in front of the Titan's face. He hung there like a piece of food being offered up before it. That split second seemed to freeze in time as he stared wide-eyed into the depths of the Titan's own, enormous, hungry gaze... Its eyes were bigger than his entire body.

A gasping, terrified noise struggled its way out of his throat as he tried to twist away from the giant beast and fire off a cable to get him out of its reach...but it was far too late for that. Its hand snapped out, fingers wrapping around his body in an instant, squeezing in a manner that felt like boulders falling atop him and crushing his body on all sides. He couldn't breathe. Couldn't move. The monster opened its mouth wide, huge gobs of saliva dripping from its teeth. It leaned its head back and steered Zane towards its open jaw.

His heart pounded so hard it was painful. His voice cracked and strained as he tried to scream, every muscle in his body exerting itself. No...not here...not like this... NO! Suddenly, he was still. Something dark flashed in his eyes. His teeth bit together as a snarl crossed his face. I am NOT going to die like this. I am NOT going to die here when I have a family waiting for me to come home! I haven't even killed a single one of you @#!*&%s! Collie and Mayflower are waiting for me... They're waiting for their big brother to come back home! And like HELL am I gonna let you take that away from them!! He let out a roar like fire bellowing out from the depths of his being, and in the flash of an instant, there was a flurry of red raining in all directions.

Twisting and spinning as he somehow managed to slash his way out of the Titan's grip, Zane found himself plummeting towards the ground, and he fired off two cables, dragging him clumsily through the air, straight back, away from the Titan. He knocked into a few trees before he finally slowed himself enough to hit the ground, crash, tumble, and finally come to a halt as his back slid into a large tree trunk. He sat there, completely limp, staring down with a wide, empty gaze.

"Oh God..." He whispered. Unable to get the image out of his mind. The Titan's huge, gaping mouth. Grimy blood and flesh caked between its teeth. The horrid stench of rot wafting from its throat. "I almost..."

"I almost..."

Position and Attack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16854960&postcount=10)

Partial Success Penalties (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16854999&postcount=11)

Escape Death (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16855025&postcount=13) and Partial Success Penalty (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16855033&postcount=14)

2014-01-24, 12:43 AM

Alesaunder was shaken out of his melancholy thoughts by Mattheus' shout. Still a little bit disoriented he is one of the last soldiers to take to the air to attack the Titans. He blinked and in that moment the scene changed dramatically. One of the Titans had a gash along its arm, steam was billowing out profusely, and on the ground lay Nathan with the Titan eyeing him hungrily. With another blink, Nathan was gone. Zane had swooped in and saved Nathan from impending death.

For a moment Alesaunder felt relief. This fight was going well. But now it was his turn to try to kill the brute. "Alrighty, Zane-Lane. Wanna see how a real man takes down a Titan?" Alesaunder taunted. He shot off with a blast toward the Titan and headed towards it at top speed. As he neared even with the Titan's face Alesaunder released the cables of his 3D maneuvering gear from the tree they had been attached to and shot both of the into the Titan's gigantic cheek. This did little to phase the Titan, but along with reeling in the cables this allowed Alesaunder to spiral closer to the Titan's exposed back.

Alesaunder went for the killing blow, but the Titan suddenly stooped down to grab and eat a helpless soldier that had been smashed to the ground by another of the behemoths. Alesaunder missed his chance to kill the beast. He tried to release his gear to get away and set up another chance, but the grappling end of the cables became entangled in the Titans long, matted hair. This caused Alesaunder to perform another spiraling orbit of the Titan and he ended his aerial gymnastics clawing at the hair on the back of the Titan's head as he tried to avoid falling off.

Alesaunder's Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16855182&postcount=15)

2014-01-24, 01:02 AM

Nathan tried his best to tune Zane out. One of the few points of solace for him during training was the idea that his life had no value so he drove himself to cut himself a place into this world or quite literally get devoured by it. However something about Zane's tone caused him to relent and to softly reply, saying "I doubt that is going to happen but I can't tell you how much I want that to be the case."

In fact it looked as though Zane had a point as Walther flew in and with a couple well placed strikes sent the beast to whatever hell that it had come from. This euphoria was short lived though as he saw more Titans march towards the group and begin to slowly take their bloody tribute from his fellow scouts. Hearing Zane outline a plan to kill a Titan caused Nathan to grin softly. "I will be right behind you, and worse comes to worse I can repay your favour right now." And with that Nathan activated his 3DMG gear and launched himself after his comrade.

Following closely behind Zane Nathan was filled with grim purpose as he prepared to surgically bring a Titan down with his blades until he was forced to stop as he saw Zane crash into a tree right in front of their supposed quarry. As the beast's mouth moved towards it's intended meal Nathan let out a guttural scream as he flung himself at the Titan in an attempt to force it away from Zane. With the momentum of his 3DMG behind him, Nathan slammed into the Titan with his feet firmly on either side of it's nose as he slammed his blades deep into the monster's eyes. Letting his emotions run wild Nathan began to gorge out the Titan's eyeballs not caring anything about the world around him and instead just wanting to see his foe scream out in pain.

Coming to his senses soon after his outburst Nathan kicked away from the Titan and tried to reach a better position for another attack. Once again after a successful attack the Titan tried to snuff out his life, but this time he was ready for it and instead of continuing on to higher ground he pointed his 3DMG gear towards a low hanging branch and launched towards it, and while he could not contribute much to the current fight from here, at least he was safe for now.
Here are (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16855258&postcount=16) my respective (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16855402&postcount=20) rolls for this post.

2014-01-24, 01:55 AM

Walthers eyes looking at the incoming foes, there were many of them, more then they could handle he would guess, he inhaled and leaped back as one of the closer ones reached for him, managing to slip just out of reach of its grip, he fired of a hook and rejoined the other scouts, they were locked in combat with another of the titans, Nathan had his turn to help Zane it appeared as he had maimed the creatures face horribly, Alesaunder appeared to have tried something but he had gotten stuck and Zane was not much better off.

"this isn't going to end well... " Walther said more to himself then anything. Nathans attack was a very useful distraction, hard to see something trying to sneak up on you when you had two people hanging off your face, one of whom was attempting to skewer your eyes.

With another Swift and we'll timed slice he ended the second Titan as he had the first, but two out not what could be a hundred was not going to save them, If the fear and excitement he was feeling were battling, fear was quickly winning.

[COLOR="darkred"]"more are coming we should fall back a bit and come up with a plan"] /COLOR] retreat would buy them a few moments to collect themselves, no one was hurt short of a few nasty bruises, but if he was as shaken as he felt he knew he could not be the only one.

He had not been in there clutches or even been close to ones face but he had seen how many there were and that had been enough to know they would not live long with just this small group.

2014-01-25, 01:58 PM
Leader Mattheus downed his second Titan, marking the group's fourth kill. He looked at the chaos surrounding him and gritted his teeth. "Seventh Team! Regroup at the treetops!" With the help of his Maneuver Gear, Mattheus zipped amongst the combatants and freed them from their respective engagements. Come on! Stop screwing around.

Far out of the Titan's grasp, the fourteen remaining members of the Seventh Team looked at each other with faces strained by fear and exhaustion. "Fourteen... Only half of us remain. Pull it together." Mattheus sighed. "So... how are you holding up? This is the nature of our fight. The Titans cannot reach us where we are. We can rest here for a time."

2014-01-26, 10:33 AM

The urge to just run away and pray for the best was almost overwhelming now that he had a bit of separation from the fight. Just seeing how easily the Titans had killed most of the group was truly a horrifying site, and after being saved at the last second he knew how easily that could have been him down there in the beast's bellies. But the thing that kept him firm was the belief that while he may not have known any of the dead, just leaving them unavenged would be the most disgusting act he could ever do. Hearing the commander talk woke Nathan from his contemplation as he turned and answered his question. "As well as can be considering that I almost died and I can see most of our former comrades being devoured by those damned Titans."

Valik Sparks
2014-01-27, 07:09 AM

He moved autonomously, his mind spinning, face blank, body running on fumes. He felt completely drained after everything that had just happened. Everything...being all of, what, two up-close encounters with Titans? Good God, that was it? Just that much, and he was already finding his strength sapping? How was he supposed to do this...

How could anyone do this... How could humanity ever hope to win?

He collapsed onto one of the huge tree branches as he met up with Mattheus and...the rest. This was it? They'd lost half already..? But it...it's only been a few minutes since they engaged the Titans... He stared at Mattheus, wanting to look back at the Titans, but he couldn't bring himself to. He closed his eyes. He had to clear his head. He had to get his strength back. His will; resolve. He had to. There was no choice. It was that, or die like a helpless lamb before a wolf pack. And he was not going to go out like that...

He was not going to go out, period.

Gritting his teeth, Zane opened his eyes, and gazed solidly at the Commander. "It's worse than I thought it'd be..." He started, a little quiet, but his tone quickly increased in strength as he kept speaking. "But that's no reason to lose heart. I gave my body in service of the military to kill Titans. And dammit, that's what I'm gonna do. Those big-mouthed freaks just took half the squad." He drew his swords and bent his knees in a readied stance.

"Are we just gonna stand here and let them get away with it?"