View Full Version : A Cleric of Revenge

2014-01-19, 09:56 AM

I'm looking for a little build advice here.

I'm creating a character who was a priest of Pelor, but was tormented and twisted by evil doers whist trapped in another plane for many years, has escaped, and now lives only for revenge against his tormentors. To this end I like the idea of being a Cleric worshipping no god (he renounced his god, the petty games deities play with mortals have grown to sicken him), but instead the philosophical principal of vengeance. A pure avatar of vengeance if you will.

What I am looking for are flavourful suggestions for domains, feats and prestige classes that would fit such a concept. Any and all suggestions welcome!

Ideally I would like a balance of fluff and optimisation. It needn't be high op, but should be playable. For instance if you suggest PrCs then they should be full casting unless it is too good a fit for the fluff to pass up!

EDIT: Oh, 3.5 for this one please! Most books are fine, but we're playing 'no subsystem', so no Tome of Battle, Psionics, or Incarnum.

2014-01-19, 12:12 PM
I would change the alignment to caotic neutral, or at least true neltral. IMO a selfish quest like vengeance is more compátible with CN.

I would go with planning domain (not because of it giving you free extend spell), but the guy you mentioned knows who he want to destroy, and it fells more realistic (and cool) if he spends every waking hour plotting how to make those bastards miserable.

The second domain I would link to how he wants to take vengence, does he want to simply kill them? Death Domain. Does he want to wipe their very existance from this world? Destruction. Does he want them do destroy one another? Domination.

But the best choice would be Planning and Retribution, they make the best theme for a vengenace oriented cleric IMHO.

2014-01-19, 12:28 PM
Retribution is pretty damn mediocre as domains go, however. It comes with exactly two spells that are not already cleric spells- fire shield and spell turning. Fire shield is mediocre, and spell turning, while a great spell, is also in the Luck and Magic domains, both of which are all in all much better. The Wrath domain is slightly better, although it's mostly blasty/angry spells, and the domain power is pretty crappy as well. Suffering is pretty neat- it gives Eyebite, Horrid Wilting, and Enervation, though for some reason it includes Symbol of Pain as an Eighth-level spell. If you're character's really messed up in the head, Madness comes with some neat toys. Hatred's alright, although it's sort of Capital-E Evil. Fate's a good'un, but I'm not sure it's what you're looking for. Aside from that, I can't really think of any domains that fit your theme.

2014-01-19, 12:40 PM
Domains that I can reasonably see as available (pulled from this (http://home.comcast.net/~ftm3/ASMoNM/domains.html) list), depending on the flavor and extent of revenge/vengeance you're going for:


2014-01-19, 02:26 PM
Good stuff!

Yeah Planning and Retribution are good thematically. A bunch of the others could work too though.

And yes I would totally agree that his alignment has changed from neutral good. Very much neutral on the good-evil axis - not wanting innocents to get hurt as such, but not going to go out of his way to stop it happening if it will slow down his hunt. Not sure where he will lie on the chaos-law axis though. I could see arguments for either side, so maybe its more true neutral.