View Full Version : Spells for a weather themed druid

2014-01-19, 10:54 AM
I'm coming back to a half completed character from over a year ago, trying to get her ready for a prospective game. Basically, I'm planning on taking druid into Stormcaster and messing around with the weather. Eventually, between Born of the Three Thunders and Stormcaster, Energy Substitution(electricity) will turn elemental blasting into a big old ball of save or suck (for a round), in addition to things like... well, I seem to have lost most of my notes on spells. I've tracked Stormwalk back down, giving me eventual teleportation, but... I can't remember what other neat weather spells I had tracked down.

What weather themed spells are out there? And not just for the druid, either. If it's neat enough, I might check with my DM on their ruling of Extra Spell.

Thank you kindly for your help.

2014-01-19, 01:15 PM
Are you going for all types of weather, or just stormy rain? Frostburn has some great spells as well.

2014-01-19, 03:16 PM
Boreal Wind is fun. I use it (a bit too much) on my druid. :smalltongue:

2014-01-19, 03:31 PM
There is a "storm druid" variant that might interest you. It can be found in Dragon Magazine #328 page 87.

2014-01-19, 04:36 PM
Just anything that could be said to create weather? That's a lot of spells. Well, assuming a reasonably broad interpretation of "weather", there's cloudburst (SpC, 49), darsson's cooling breeze (Shining South, 45), call lightning, favorable wind (Storm, 116), weather eye (SpC, 238), wind's favor (MoE, 104), boreal wind (Frost, 89), eye of the hurricane (SpC, 86), blizzard (Frost, 89), call avalanche (Frost, 90), control winds, sandstorm (Sand, 119), control weather, fimbulwinter (Frost, 93), flashflood (Sand, 114), storm of vengeance, and tsunami (SpC, 224).

So, that should make for a reasonable start. I don't know if it's too broad or too narrow, or maybe off in some manner, but it's list of spells that are generally weather themed, and also reasonably strong for the most part. Druids have a crazy number of weather themed spells, so you're unlikely to need extra spell to figure this out, but that also means that you might want to narrow things down a little. Either way, it'll work out pretty well.

2014-01-20, 05:25 AM
Are you going for all types of weather, or just stormy rain? Frostburn has some great spells as well.
I'd like to go with a wind focus, but, since I'm shooting for casting nothing but weather spells (and dropping wildshape, as it doesn't fit the character, and running a prestige class that doesn't advance my animal companion...), anything that falls from the sky is fair game.

Boreal Wind is fun. I use it (a bit too much) on my druid. :smalltongue:
Ooh... I think I'd overlooked this previously. That could certainly be fun. :smallbiggrin:

There is a "storm druid" variant that might interest you. It can be found in Dragon Magazine #328 page 87.
Oho! I'll need to get out to my... well, not so local anymore game store. That's a bit of a trek though, so could you give me an overview, please?

Just anything that could be said to create weather? That's a lot of spells. Well, assuming a reasonably broad interpretation of "weather", there's cloudburst (SpC, 49), darsson's cooling breeze (Shining South, 45), call lightning, favorable wind (Storm, 116), weather eye (SpC, 238), wind's favor (MoE, 104), boreal wind (Frost, 89), eye of the hurricane (SpC, 86), blizzard (Frost, 89), call avalanche (Frost, 90), control winds, sandstorm (Sand, 119), control weather, fimbulwinter (Frost, 93), flashflood (Sand, 114), storm of vengeance, and tsunami (SpC, 224).

So, that should make for a reasonable start. I don't know if it's too broad or too narrow, or maybe off in some manner, but it's list of spells that are generally weather themed, and also reasonably strong for the most part. Druids have a crazy number of weather themed spells, so you're unlikely to need extra spell to figure this out, but that also means that you might want to narrow things down a little. Either way, it'll work out pretty well.

Aye, there are a lot of weather spells out there. There's a lot of overlap though, which makes it kind of difficult to get the desired breadth that I'd like, especially for low levels. Thank you greatly for your contributions. All of these should be useful, though... I don't quite thing a tsunami counts as weather.

2014-01-20, 05:40 AM
Aye, there are a lot of weather spells out there. There's a lot of overlap though, which makes it kind of difficult to get the desired breadth that I'd like, especially for low levels. Thank you greatly for your contributions. All of these should be useful, though... I don't quite thing a tsunami counts as weather.
I was just throwing a wide net in tsunami's case, though I can see it fitting alright, being all natural disasterish. Anyway, if there's a particular spell effect you're seeking that's not represented on the list, I'd probably know of it if it exists.

Edit: By the by, as for trading away the animal companion and wild shape, wild shape in particular, I'd advise doing not-that. In most cases, trading away those things is going to leave you worse off at the thing you're trying to be better at by trading them off, because they're good. There are exceptions, for the animal companion at least, but they are not plentiful.

2014-01-20, 06:35 AM
I was just throwing a wide net in that latter case, though I can see it fitting alright. Anyway, if there's a particular spell effect you're seeking that's not represented on the list, I'd probably know of it if it exists.

Edit: By the by, as for trading away the animal companion and wild shape, wild shape in particular, I'd advise doing not-that. In most cases, trading away those things is going to leave you worse off at the thing you're trying to be better at by trading them off, because they're good. There are exceptions, for the animal companion at least, but they are not plentiful.

I still need some form of flight. Otherwise, I may wind up going extra spell and spell thematics or possibly original research to just... make the thematic flight spell.

As for trading the wild shape away... I'm aware that it's not optimal, but shapeshifting just doesn't really fit the character. I'd rather trade it for neat things than have it and never use it. As for the animal companion, I want to keep that, and, depending on what level this game starts at, probably will. My chosen prestige class doesn't advance it, though, so it might get abandoned at higher levels. Honestly, if I could just merge Stormcaster and Stormlord into a base class and give it part of the druid's spell list for casting, I'd probably be much happier with this character. (Actually, last time I poked at this character, I made an abortive attempt at homebrewing just that.)

Also, thank you very much for sourcing your suggestions. It makes things a heck of a lot easier to look up.

2014-01-20, 06:58 AM
I still need some form of flight. Otherwise, I may wind up going extra spell and spell thematics or possibly original research to just... make the thematic flight spell.
Master air (SpC, 139) is reasonably suiting, at least on a short term basis, particularly if you use the insubstantial feathery version. Wind walk is decent at higher levels, at least for some purposes. Wingblast (DrM, 74) is somewhat similar to master air, except it's even more thematically suited, because you get bonus wind effects. Similar for some purposes is passage of the shifting sands (DrM, 70), which grants a faster version of gaseous form which lasts for minutes/level. Finally, phantom stag (SpC, 157) gets air walk at 12th level, and flight at 15th level, and it lasts for hours/level, so that can make for a solid wind walk replacement, especially because it can also beat face. I'd just be a bat though. Bats are the best.

As for trading the wild shape away... I'm aware that it's not optimal, but shapeshifting just doesn't really fit the character. I'd rather trade it for neat things than have it and never use it. As for the animal companion, I want to keep that, and, depending on what level this game starts at, probably will. My chosen prestige class doesn't advance it, though, so it might get abandoned at higher levels. Honestly, if I could just merge Stormcaster and Stormlord into a base class and give it part of the druid's spell list for casting, I'd probably be much happier with this character. (Actually, last time I poked at this character, I made an abortive attempt at homebrewing just that.)
Those classes are also pretty meh in general. The problem with trading away wild shape is that there's not much out there to trade it for, and I certainly can't think of anything that fits thematically with weather stuff. Even the prestige classes don't really help that much with actually succeeding at weather stuff, and stormcaster in particular might actively make you worse at it, what with the lost caster level and all.

Also, if you're seeking spells from off another list, the major thing I've been suggesting a lot lately is dipping holt warden (CC, 84) for knowledge (religion) and domain slots, followed by contemplative (CD. 30) for spell domain spells to put in those plant domain slots. That gets you reasonably universal access to spells off the wizard list, though not in massive quantities, so that helps out a lot with stuff.

Also, thank you very much for sourcing your suggestions. It makes things a heck of a lot easier to look up.
You're welcome. MLA style citations are nifty.

2014-01-20, 10:00 AM
Oho! I'll need to get out to my... well, not so local anymore game store. That's a bit of a trek though, so could you give me an overview, please?
Spontaneous Casting: (by level)

obscuring mist
gust of wind
call lightning
air walk
call lightning storm
chain lightning
control weather
storm of vengeance

Deafness Immunity
Frightful Presence: Affects those within 30ft when you're attacking or charging, Will save DC 10 + 1/2 druid level + CHAmod or be shaken for 4d6 rounds. No effect on your allies or animal companions and familiars of allies. Affects animals at first, then magical beasts, fey, and vermin, and eventually all creature types.
Thunder Strike: 1/round -- A melee attack causes electricity damage and forces a Fort save DC 10 + 1/2 druid level + CONmod or be deafened for 3d6 rounds. Can be used 1/day at first, but eventually gets to 5/day. Causes 1d6 damage at first, but eventually gets to 4d6. The deafness becomes permanent at one point.
Wind Sense: Gain up to +3 on Reflex saves.
Electricity Resistance: Equal to druid level.
Improved Initiative