View Full Version : Help [3.5e] Cold Magic

2014-01-19, 04:30 PM
Players Handbook I + II
Complete Warrior/Arcane/Divine/Scoundrel/Mage
Tome Magic (Pact magic / Binder only)
Races Stone/Wild/Destiny
Magic Item Compendium / Spell Compendium
Magic Incarnum

These are a list of the books I have at my disposal.

Ice Mage:

So, I need help finding some low level evocation spells that have the Cold Descriptor.

Long Story Short, Focused Specialist Evoker level 2.

I'm looking for some low level damaging spells with the cold descriptor.
Anyone have any ideas? Thoughts? I'd like to PrC into Ice Mage

2014-01-19, 04:52 PM
A fairly complete, but general selection here.
Level 0
Ray of Frost Evocation

Level 1
Glaze Lock Conjuration Frostburn
Ice Dagger Evocation Spell Compendium
Orb of Cold, Lesser Conjuration Complete Arcane
Path of Frost Transmutation Dragon Magic
Shivering Touch, Lesser Necromancy Frostburn
Snilloc's Snowball Evocation Unapproachable East

Level 2
Brumal Stiffening Transmutation Frostburn
Darsson's Chilling Chamber Evocation Shining South
Heat Leech Necromancy Frostburn
Ice Darts Conjuration Frostburn
Ice Knife Conjuration Spell Compendium
Icicle Abjuration Frostburn
Kelgore's Grave Mist Conjuration/Necromancy Player's Handbook II
Leomund's Tiny Igloo Evocation Frostburn
Numbing Sphere Evocation Frostburn
Obscuring Snow Conjuration Frostburn
Ray of Ice Evocation Spell Compendium
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm Evocation Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Snowball Swarm Evocation Spell Compendium
Zone of Glacial Cold Conjuration Frostburn

Level 3
Arctic Haze Conjuration Frostburn
Blood Snow Necromancy Frostburn
Control Temperature Transmutation Frostburn
Glacial Globe of Invulnerability Abjuration Frostburn
Hailstones Evocation Spell Compendium
Ice Burst Evocation Tome and Blood
Shivering Touch Necromancy Frostburn
Sleet Storm Conjuration Player's Handbook v.3.5
Thin Air Necromancy Frostburn

2014-01-19, 04:57 PM
Read through this list (http://dndtools.eu/spells/?name=&range=&spell_resistance=&area=&duration=&saving_throw=&casting_time=&school__slug=&sub_school__slug=&descriptors__slug=cold&verbal_component=1&somatic_component=1&material_component=1&arcane_focus_component=1&divine_focus_component=1&xp_component=1&rulebook__slug=&rulebook__dnd_edition__slug=adventures-35&rulebook__dnd_edition__slug=core-35&rulebook__dnd_edition__slug=dragonlance&rulebook__dnd_edition__slug=eberron-35&rulebook__dnd_edition__slug=forgotten-realms-35&rulebook__dnd_edition__slug=greyhawk-35&rulebook__dnd_edition__slug=supplementals-35&description=&class_levels__slug=wizard&spellclasslevel__level=0&spellclasslevel__level=1&spellclasslevel__level=2&spellclasslevel__level=3&domain_levels__slug=&_filter=Filter) for some ideas. Lesser Cold Orb (http://dndtools.eu/spells/miniatures-handbook--75/cold-orb-lesser--1953/) is a decent one, as there's no save and no spell resistance.

*edit* Or just look above. :smalltongue:

2014-01-19, 05:12 PM
I love you both, This is exactly what I was looking for.

x_x Dont know why I didn't think of dndtools. I go there a Lot.

I've been trying to find spells for this character and really was torn between Cold and Acid, and I know Acid has some cool spells, but fluff-wise I wanted to play an Ice-Prince kinda lad. Y'know?

Thanks a ton! I knew the giants could help me.

2014-01-19, 05:16 PM
Where is Ice Mage from? Frostburn has a Frost Mage PrC but I don't see how it specifically calls for spells with the cold descriptor. It does call for the frozen magic feat which does give a bonus to cold descriptor spells when cast in low temperatures.

2014-01-19, 05:17 PM
Make sure you check out piercing cold feat for later levels. It's in frostburn.

2014-01-19, 05:18 PM
4th level Ice Mage gets a better version of it that completely ignores cold immunity, its quite nice. I planned on taking it, I just wish half of the frostburn feats didnt Demand that you be in -20 temperatures to become really effective. My party would hate me if I kept turning every room into a freezer.

2014-01-19, 06:02 PM
Energy Substitution (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-arcane--55/energy-substitution--880/).
Also, Energy Admixture (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-arcane--55/energy-admixture--871/).

2014-01-19, 06:54 PM
Energy Substitution (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-arcane--55/energy-substitution--880/).
Also, Energy Admixture (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-arcane--55/energy-admixture--871/).

That... is fantastic. I love it.

Where is Ice Mage from? Frostburn has a Frost Mage PrC but I don't see how it specifically calls for spells with the cold descriptor. It does call for the frozen magic feat which does give a bonus to cold descriptor spells when cast in low temperatures.

My bad, Frost Mage was what I was talking about, Mixed up the names. x_x

2014-01-19, 09:29 PM
If you're building Elsa from Frozen (or at least the male version) I think a snow-adapted version of sandshaper does a pretty good job of modeling her ability to shape the snow. Especially if you can get the Conjure Ice Beast line onto your list.

2014-01-20, 02:51 AM
Just for giggles you could take the feats Snowcasting(to add the cold descriptor) and Flashfrost(to create a slippery layer of ice the the area of a cold spell you cast) and apply them to the spell Locate City.

2014-01-20, 03:11 AM
I find Ice Lance (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-guide-to-faerun--22/icelance--2285/) interesting, if not optimal.

Fax Celestis
2014-01-20, 10:47 AM

$3. See if your DM will approve this extra source.

2014-01-20, 10:56 AM
Honestly, a lot of cold spells are nice, but I'd just grab a few, Energy Substitution (Cold) or Snow Casting or however you want to apply the Cold descriptor, and grab non-Cold spells. Dragonlance Campaign Setting gives us the very manly sounding Dalamar's Lightning Lance, and there are gallons of other spells out there.

What schools have you banned?

2014-01-20, 11:27 AM
I've banned Abjuration (I know I know, it's an amazing school) Enchantment (mostly undead in this Campaign, and Necromancy (never been a fan really)

I'll post the character sheet in a minute to show you what I've got

2014-01-20, 11:36 AM
Why ban abjuration over illusion?

It seems more fitting to me that a wizard of ice would be able to protect
against cold damage but that's just me.

2014-01-20, 12:02 PM
I get ice immunity as a frost mage. Personally, I love illusion magic, and I've always loved ice magic, to mix them together sounds wicked fun.

2014-01-20, 05:38 PM
Some more feats:
Lord of the Uttercold (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-arcane--55/lord-of-the-uttercold--1791/)
Beckon the Frozen (http://dndtools.eu/feats/frostburn--68/beckon-the-frozen--201/)
Mastery of Ice and Fire (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-guide-to-eberron--13/mastery-of-ice-and-fire--1900/)

2014-01-20, 07:41 PM
mastery of ice and fire is amazing,

the other two well, Ones from a book thats not allowed, and the other we're fighting mostly undead. but its a nice thought. I'll keep it in mind.