View Full Version : Swimming/Watershaper theme

2014-01-19, 04:45 PM
I'm running a game in which a fair bit of action will be taking place underwater.

One of my players has taken the Watershaper theme, which gives him a swim speed equal to half his regular speed, which in this case gives him Swim 3. He's wearing heavy armor, which reduces that by 1, for effective Swim 2.

The rules for swimming say that you make an athletics check as part of a move action. If you succeed, then you can use your normal movement speed except that you have to spend 1 extra square of movement for each square you enter while swimming.

The Swim DCs are not particularly difficult, and all my players but one should be able to succeed on the hardest DC in the book 75% of the time or more. Thus, they will be swimming along at the same speed (or faster, once the armor is taken into account). This doesn't seem too fair to the guy who took Watershaper. On the other hand, he can shift where the other characters can't.

I'm thinking to grant him his full speed as a Swim speed (minus the armor penalty, of course). I could bump all swim DCs up by 5 or so, but that will make everyone else frustrated as they waste turns going nowhere.

I feel like that the speed increase is a good solution, but I just thought I'd post this to see if anyone else had thoughts on the subject.

Kurald Galain
2014-01-19, 05:08 PM
In any underwater campaign, having to roll an athletics check every round in order to move gets annoying real fast. That's also completely not how swimming works in real life, either.

Personally, I would rule that normal characters move at half speed in water, and anyone with swim speed moves at full speed. Furthermore, characters with no swim speed may have to deal with waterbreathing equipment. Finally, note that many monsters with a swim speed get +2 to hit against anyone who doesn't.

2014-01-19, 10:14 PM
In any underwater campaign, having to roll an athletics check every round in order to move gets annoying real fast. That's also completely not how swimming works in real life, either

Yeah, the swimming rules are a source of some annoyance. I made another thread a while back on changes to make for an underwater campaign.