View Full Version : Chrono Trigger-style Double and Triple Techs in D&D: where are they?

Isamu Dyson
2014-01-19, 05:57 PM
What sourcebook has rules for the closest equivalent to Chrono Trigger's Double and Triple Techs (http://chrono.wikia.com/wiki/Tech)?

2014-01-19, 06:06 PM
There are only a couple I can think of - the Fling Ally feat from Races of Stone, and several of the White Raven maneuvers from Tome of Battle.

The system doesn't lend itself particularly well to double- and triple-teaming like Crono Trigger, since it's turn-based instead of realtime. It's possible to hold initiative, but higher dex just help you go first, not go more often, like it does in the game.

2014-01-19, 06:34 PM
The closest thing you're likely to find are "Teamwork Benefits", which aren't even that close.

Apart from that, your players can create any sort of Double-Triple-Quadruple-etc. "Tech" they want by mutually readying actions to all go when someone does something specific. I'd recommend the use of the Action Points system to simulate "Tech" points.

Isamu Dyson
2014-01-19, 06:49 PM
Combining attacks is fine, and i'll even settle for hacks/houserules that modify existing options available to any character (specific Feats and Classes that enable Techs do not interest me).

For instance? The Wizard could cast a Fireball or Scorching Ray on a Fighter's greatsword or a Ranger's arrow and have it go off simultaneously with the relevant warrior's attack (nothing harmful will happen to them, of course).

Manly Man
2014-01-19, 06:55 PM
This actually sounds like a good basis for a homebrew ToB discipline.

Manly Man
2014-01-20, 07:16 PM
Idea for discipline name: Vicious Harmony?

2014-01-20, 07:22 PM
I played in a game where my wilder would use twinned telekinetic thrust and schism twinned telekinetic thrust to get all our allies into position around one enemy then our Druid would activate her held standard to cast mass snakes swiftness.

It wasn't the most optimized thing to do but it was a hellova lot of fun to get that much action done in one turn and everyone got to have a slice of the beat down we unleashed.

2014-01-20, 07:37 PM
What sourcebook has rules for the closest equivalent to Chrono Trigger's Double and Triple Techs (http://chrono.wikia.com/wiki/Tech)?
There is the Cooperative Spell metamagic feat from Complete Arcane, and the Incantatrix (Player's Guide to Faerun) gets Cooperative Metamagic.

2014-01-20, 07:39 PM
Combining attacks is fine, and i'll even settle for hacks/houserules that modify existing options available to any character (specific Feats and Classes that enable Techs do not interest me).

For instance? The Wizard could cast a Fireball or Scorching Ray on a Fighter's greatsword or a Ranger's arrow and have it go off simultaneously with the relevant warrior's attack (nothing harmful will happen to them, of course).

There isn't really anything like that.

2014-01-20, 07:54 PM
There isn't really anything like that.
Oh, I don't know... there's the Spell Storing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#spellStoring) weapon property, and various spells in Spell Compendium that temporarily grant various bonuses to weapons.

2014-01-20, 08:25 PM
I think if my players were creative enough to used readied actions to try to mimic double/triple techs, I might have a heart attack because they don't normally work together on anything but flanking, and even that can be iffy.

As for homebrew, possibly take inspiration from the Duskblade's higher level channel feature for the caster side of the teamwork feat and call it "Channel ally". For the physical side, enhance the precision damage teamwork feat to function as the "physical half" of the channel ally feat and always grant precision damage when channeling spells. Then throw in an automatic "aid another" bonus on said teamwork attacks to attack rolls and rolls to overcome SR.

I like the ToB homebrew idea, too.

Leaving the realm of Homebrew... I don't know the rules for Item Familiar off the top of my head, but possibly have an item familiar bastard sword or PAO your familiar into a bastard sword and give it to the party BSF and have it hold touch spells for you to discharge on the fighter's next attack?

2014-01-20, 08:34 PM
Leaving the realm of Homebrew... I don't know the rules for Item Familiar off the top of my head, but possibly have an item familiar bastard sword or PAO your familiar into a bastard sword and give it to the party BSF and have it hold touch spells for you to discharge on the fighter's next attack?Ooh, that could almost certainly work. Wouldn't want Polymorph Any Object, though, as that kills the familiar's Int score. Buy your familiar a Skin of Proteus (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#skinofProteus), or be an Egoist and simply manifest Metamorphosis on your Psicrystal to the same effect. If you're a high enough level Psion, you can use Channel Power and sit in the back while manifesting powers through your psicrystal that way, letting the party fighter do any touching required. For that matter, if you've got two Psions, and a TWF Ranger/Rogue, you could do the same thing, and get all three of you involved....

For that matter, if you are a Psion Egoist, you could totally become the weapon yourself.

Another option would be to load up a Ring of Spell Storing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#spellStoringMinor) for the Fighter, letting the Fighter cast.

2014-01-20, 08:38 PM
Vrocks and maybe some of the abilities of hags and covens? :smallconfused:

2014-01-20, 08:45 PM
Vrocks and maybe some of the abilities of hags and covens? :smallconfused:
Also Shocker Lizards and Formian Workers.

2014-01-20, 08:53 PM
You can always buy the party spellblades attached to a multi-target spell, cast said spell on everyone in the party, bounce it back and forth (multiplying the number of spells each time), and all firing it together.

Fax Celestis
2014-01-21, 01:13 AM
I think there's a weird almost 4e feat in MM-V (probably the hobgoblin section) that might be a good starting point for making asynchronous multi-techs.

2014-01-21, 01:44 AM
I think there's a weird almost 4e feat in MM-V (probably the hobgoblin section) that might be a good starting point for making asynchronous multi-techs.

Battle Magic Tactics? (MMV page 84)

Mage Slayer (MMV page 85) looks suspiciously like what Roy was trying to learn to defeat Xykon.

Isamu Dyson
2014-01-21, 01:49 AM
Monk + Phantasmal Killer = a whirling dervish of death all over the battlefield complete with authentic illusionary screaming skulls flying from their body.

2014-01-21, 02:07 AM
Create Water+Cold Spell as per rules for wet targets in Frostburn.

Any of the numerous means of guaranteeing Sneak Attack, the marbles/grease variety not the flank variety+Sneak Attack.

Fear Stacking.

Nauseated+any CC that requires a Standard or Full round action to break out.

Edit: I'm pretty sure there are some better combat spells to wet targets with, so that you're doing something meaningful with your action instead of just giving someone else a bonus.

Fax Celestis
2014-01-21, 10:36 AM
Battle Magic Tactics? (MMV page 84)

That's the one. All you have to do is add an effect based upon how many tokens (and whose, if you want to get fancy) clear off at the end of the turn.

2014-01-21, 11:31 AM
War Weaver Prestige.
Casting spells like celerity with a gish would make multiple actions together.
Combine that with Smiting spell/Quicken Spell and you have party wide touch spell combination.