View Full Version : [PF] Totem Guide Animal Companion

2014-01-19, 06:58 PM
The Totem Guide (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/animal-companions/animal-companion-archetypes/totem-guide-companion-archetype) looks very interesting, especially for classes that don't get speak with animals who still want a Scout that can pass along information. Eldritch Claws as a bonus feat is nice too, and Multiattack seems useless anyway on animal companions with no secondary natural attacks.

I have a question though: It says that if the Totem Guide dies, I can get a new companion. But I can't get a different kind of Totem Guide.

Say my Totem Guide is a Roc. If my Roc Guide dies, can I get a new Roc Guide? Can I never get a companion with the Totem Guide archetype again? Can I get a new animal companion that is not a Roc and is not a Totem Guide?


2014-01-19, 09:05 PM
can't get a different kind of Totem Guide.

Say my Totem Guide is a Roc. If my Roc Guide dies, can I get a new Roc Guide? Can I never get a companion with the Totem Guide archetype again? Can I get a new animal companion that is not a Roc and is not a Totem Guide?

My best guess is that your options are:
Roc > Totem Guide
Anything else > NOT Totem Guide

Flavorfully, you have a "special spiritual bond" with Rocs, that you do not share with any other animal.

2014-01-20, 12:00 AM
Yup, you're stuck with a Roc. so there you go.