View Full Version : Mosswood Random Encounter

2014-01-19, 08:34 PM
On the edge of the Mosswood forest are the ruins of an old wizard's laboratory, an unsuccessful venture which was overrun by goblins as soon as they realized that the mage had shiny objects. Nevertheless, the old bastard had one last laugh on the goblins: He'd been experimenting with augmenting creatures to create killing machines, and when the wizards go off doing that it always seems to end up with owlbears. Well, it seems this one was no exception, and the goblins have avoided the southern bank of the Scumspeech river ever since. But unfortunately this does not seem to be possible at the moment, as the owlbears have spotted you first...

Roll for initiative. The bears are currently across the river, which is relatively wide and shallow, but they do not plan on remaining there for long. The last time I played a goblin, I was killed by an owlbear (you might know the owlbear in question), so consider this sweet revenge.

Erik Vale
2014-01-19, 09:04 PM
Ghorg: [roll0]
Marg: [roll1]

"Steady.... Ready to run..."

Ghorg pulls out his pistol, holding it out as he feels the world slow around him.

Ghorg will fire his pepperbox. Marg readies a move action to move away from the owlbears
Hit: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]*2, *5 if Crit.

Bang goes a hit die.

2014-01-19, 09:23 PM
The bullets bury themselves in the red-furred owlbear's fur, who screeches but keeps on splashing through the water.

2014-01-19, 09:52 PM
Itru points at the owlbears, saying

"Those are Redfeather, Blackblood, and Stonefur.
Redfeather is the offspring of Blackblood and Stonefur. The older ones are more dangerous.
Blackblood has harmful, acidic blood and Stonefur has fur and feathers as tough as plate."

She then has her dire bat mount fly 30 above them and hexes Blackblood and Stonefur with Evil Eye (targeting saves on both, DC 22 will.)

2014-01-19, 10:39 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

I'm gonna be cocky and assume I got a 15+. :smallsmile:

Scab doubles over laughing, rolling on the ground, clutching himself.

"Stone for fur means rocks for brains!
Acid blood means ****ting pains!
What happens when you mate the two?
Rocks for brains AND runny poo!"

This is punctuated with enormous, horrible gastro-intestinal sounds, apparently issuing from hidden bladders full of air, grunts, and obscene gestures.

That would be my free action to mock the hell out of Redfeather, just cause hey - he's closest. Costs me a Repertoire point, so I'm down to 14. DC 21 Will save or a -4 to attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for the encounter.

We'll follow that with a 5 ft. step and full attack, shall we?
His rolling in the dirt ends with a sudden, jingling leap to his feat.

One hand disappears into his bizarre, jangling mess of an outfit, and, quicker than the eye can follow, there's one - no, two - wait ... how much crap can one little goblin juggle?

With a huge, ****-eating grin, Scab hollers: "Here's something to wipe with!"

And it all goes flying at the hapless owlbear in the lead. The various items seem to include a broken comb, a currying comb, three rotten fish, a half-eaten turkey leg, what looks like a cheap weathervane's rooster, the largest brasserie any of you have ever seen, a ball of what appears to be pork fat, and a full inkwell ...

Ahem. This is gonna be a lot ... -2 for range, so that's 8 touch attacks at +10, 2 at +5, each with a trip check at +16. Crit on a 19-20.

Recall that if he fails his save vs. mockery, that's a -4 on his roll to resist the trip. My size mod is already subtracted.

Attack/confirm: [roll1]/[roll2]
Damage/crit: [roll3]+[roll4]/[roll5]+[roll6]
Trip: [roll7]

Attack/confirm: [roll8]/[roll9]
Damage/crit: [roll10]+[roll11]/[roll12]+[roll13]
Trip: [roll14]

Attack/confirm: [roll15]/[roll16]
Damage/crit: [roll17]+[roll18]/[roll19]+[roll20]
Trip: [roll21]

Attack/confirm: [roll22]/[roll23]
Damage/crit: [roll24]+[roll25]/[roll26]+[roll27]
Trip: [roll28]

Attack/confirm: [roll29]/[roll30]
Damage/crit: [roll31]+[roll32]/[roll33]+[roll34]
Trip: [roll35]

Attack/confirm: [roll36]/[roll37]
Damage/crit: [roll38]+[roll39]/[roll40]+[roll41]
Trip: [roll42]

Attack/confirm: [roll43]/[roll44]
Damage/crit: [roll45]+[roll46]/[roll47]+[roll48]
Trip: [roll49]

Attack/confirm: [roll50]/[roll51]
Damage/crit: [roll52]+[roll53]/[roll54]+[roll55]
Trip: [roll56]

Attack/confirm: [roll57]/[roll58]
Damage/crit: [roll59]+[roll60]/[roll61]+[roll62]
Trip: [roll63]

Attack/confirm: [roll64]/[roll65]
Damage/crit: [roll66]+[roll67]/[roll68]+[roll69]
Trip: [roll70]

2014-01-19, 11:30 PM
The various objects pelt the owlbear, opening gashes in its fur and cracking its beak, sending it crashing down on the ground. It crawls back and cowers, moving back between its parents, who screech menacingly.

2014-01-20, 01:19 AM
YEEEEK! Dips squeeks at the owlbears, clearly terrified. What would Griswald the Brave do? Run and hide! Hahaha! He shouted before rolling to the side and vanishing from view.

Move to M14 and Hide in Plain Sight

[roll0] Stealth

2014-01-20, 07:19 AM

Cursing the fact that with all his preperations, he had forgotten something so simple as a wand of Entangle, Sliver's left hands move towards his belt and with a simple spoken "Shield" his wand of the similarly named spell appears in it.
At the same time, his right hand, formed into a claw, sees a ball of searing heat build in its grasp, one that suddenly shoots out towards the owlbears.

Target is Blackblood:
attack: [roll0] vs touch
damage: [roll1] fire damage

Also, way to go making the kid owlbear sympathetic with the cowering and hiding behind mama. I feel bad now.

Important for EVERYONE:

All allies within 30ft of me (green square) and I myself gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks and saves.

2014-01-20, 08:57 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Decisions, decisions...

Daes, with her ears flopped down like a pair of plaits and a sleepy eyed glance over towards the owlbears, seems quite frankly, unimpressed. Of course, she's also more than a few feet off the ground, hovering as billowing shadows that curl and seep 'round her cloak's hem keep her aloft quiet easily, so maybe it takes a bit more, really, to phase her. She does look, with some degree of loftiness at Itru while she explains the situation, and bobs her head a few times.

"Right, well, then, let's get started, shall we? I think the meat needs a good open flame, first..."

Her cloak's shadows fan out like wing tips, carrying her far up above, well out of owlbearclaw reach, her hands twitching out arcane gestures, her lips let loose similar verbal twitches, before she casually lobs a glowy green marble over at them, intending to let the fireball take care of the rest when it goes up in an emerald flame explosion.

Centered a fireball on R17. Currently Daes is hovering about 30 feet overhead from her starting position. While I'm not going to twink and exclaim how she has mage armor or anything pre-prepared, since she flies as her primary mode of transportation and the effect lasts for 24 hours, I'm going to assume she cast Fell flight and has been floating for hours...

Fireball damage: [roll1]

2014-01-20, 07:28 PM
Blackblood, fur and feathers blackened by the fireball, lumbers steadily through the water. Stonefur shields Redfeather protectively with her body, and together they submerge partway in the river, protecting themselves from further fire attacks.

2014-01-20, 10:04 PM
Itru starts laughing in a creepy high pitch while she has the bat move in between Blackblood and Stonefur.

"Hihihihi.. time to go to sleep!"

Using my move action for Cackle.
Using my standard action for the Slumber hex on Blackblood and Stonefur (DC 22 Will or sleep for 10 minutes).
Using one of the mount's move actions to reposition. Flying 20 feet above the ground.

2014-01-21, 02:43 PM
Dips shifts his weight slightly, invisible to most, onto his back leg, prepared to spring out and stab someone.

Diediediediediediedie, I don't want to die, so you need to diediediediediediediediediedie. Dips chants over and over in his head.

Ready action to partial charge (or regular charge, I can never remember which systems allow for readied full charges)

Trigger: Owlbears leave the water.
Action: Charge the Owlbear in the back.

[roll0] (+2 from charge if full charge)
[roll1] Damage from blade typo! and [roll2] sneak attack if the didn't see me coming. (I think I am stealthed)

2014-01-21, 02:44 PM
[roll0] damage for the sword.

2014-01-21, 09:09 PM
Blackblood pauses for a moment as Itru's magic buzzes around him before shaking off the momentary sleepiness and continuing on through the river. Stonefur yawns and collapses into a deep slumber, and Redfeather paws anxiously at his mother.

Erik Vale
2014-01-21, 09:12 PM
Ghorg returns his pistol to his slot, placing both hands on his Double Hackbut, he takes a moment to sight in and fire, Marg then moves away.

Vital Strike with Double Hackbut on Blackblood

Hit: [roll0]
Crit Conf: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

... I seem to like rolling 19's to hit, just so very almost a crit.
Marg then does a double move directly away from Blackblood, adding 100ft of space between them.

2014-01-21, 09:17 PM
The blast takes the dark-furred owlbear in the chest, sending up a spray of his black, viscous blood that sizzles as the drops hit the water.

2014-01-22, 12:26 AM
"Mangy matted fur is fine,
Balding patches are divine,
But it's a shame, where there was hair,
Now there's fire everywhere!
And what small bits are still unsinged
Have melted to a gooey fringe!
Though it's rude, I have to stare ...
This truly is an OWL-BARE!"

Capering in a ridiculous, rolling dance, Scab finishes his rhyme with a flourish of bells and a cascade of garbage.

Another Will save, this one for Black Blood, or suffer the -4 to pretty much everything.

And here are the 10 touch attacks and trip checks for our ... not so furry friend. Crit on a 19-20.

Attack/crit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage/crit: [roll2]+[roll3]/[roll4]+[roll5]
Trip check: [roll6]

Attack/crit: [roll7]/[roll8]
Damage/crit: [roll9]+[roll10]/[roll11]+[roll12]
Trip check: [roll13]

Attack/crit: [roll14]/[roll15]
Damage/crit: [roll16]+[roll17]/[roll18]+[roll19]
Trip check: [roll20]

Attack/crit: [roll21]/[roll22]
Damage/crit: [roll23]+[roll24]/[roll25]+[roll26]
Trip check: [roll27]

Attack/crit: [roll28]/[roll29]
Damage/crit: [roll30]+[roll31]/[roll32]+[roll33]
Trip check: [roll34]

Attack/crit: [roll35]/[roll36]
Damage/crit: [roll37]+[roll38]/[roll39]+[roll40]
Trip check: [roll41]

Attack/crit: [roll42]/[roll43]
Damage/crit: [roll44]+[roll45]/[roll46]+[roll47]
Trip check: [roll48]

Attack/crit: [roll49]/[roll50]
Damage/crit: [roll51]+[roll52]/[roll53]+[roll54]
Trip check: [roll55]

Attack/crit: [roll56]/[roll57]
Damage/crit: [roll58]+[roll59]/[roll60]+[roll61]
Trip check: [roll62]

Attack/crit: [roll63]/[roll64]
Damage/crit: [roll65]+[roll66]/[roll67]+[roll68]
Trip check: [roll69]

2014-01-25, 06:34 AM

Realizing that distraction may be more useful than increasing ones defenses, Sliver calls upon his connection to all things living. A moment later a single eagle appears next to Blackblood and attacks the creature.

Sliver himself excchanges his wands, now armed with two wands of magic missiles and extricates himself from the fight with a quick trip through the astral plane.

'Only one huh? Even my powers don't like this fight it seems.'

Standard Action: Summon Eagle (SM II) (Just somewhere adjacent to blackblood)
Move action exchange wand of shield with wand of magic missile and draw another MM wand with other hand.
swift action: teleport 25ft backwards

Eagle attacks:
Talon 1: [roll0] for [roll1] slashing damage
Talon 2: [roll2] for [roll3] slashing damage
Bite: [roll4] for [roll5] piercing damage

2014-01-26, 10:18 AM
Feeling tinges of guilt over this, no matter how bloodthirsty and bunny-eating the owlbears may be, Daes feels it time to put them out of their misery. The draconic-lapine-cannon zips upstream, risking danger by hovering only 6 feet above the water, as the crisp scent of o-zone crackles all around her. Her eyes seem alight with literalness and then to seal the deal, sparks and tiny currents of lightning arc from one eyeball to the other.

FIRE IN THE HOLE!!! she yells before her jaw drops and a pillar of electricity thunders out towards the pair of owlbears in a neat little line, sparks and bolt tendrils reaching and stretching from the blast's body without apology...

Dragon's breath spell, using a Line of Lightning so I get +10 to the damage: [roll0]. Reflex DC20 for half damage...

2014-01-27, 08:00 AM
The pillar of electricity sears through the group, leaving Redfeather unconscious, a mound of matted, bloody fur rising out of the current. Stonefur steps in front of him, snapping her beak threateningly. Blackblood, smoke rising off his patchy hide, charges forward out of the water and takes a swipe with his great paw at the goblin who sent all the junk flying his way.

Charge to H19 and attack Scab. I believe Marg gets an AoO, but no one else.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll]1d8+10[/roll
Grapple: [roll1]

2014-01-27, 08:19 AM
Again - Blackblood didn't fall down? Check my trip rolls - there was a 35 in there. Or two.

Oh, and don't forget the -4 to all rolls. :smallsmile:

2014-01-27, 08:39 AM
Actually, no. I just checked the statblock (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/owlbear/owlbear-siege)- it has CMD 41 against trip.

2014-01-27, 09:02 AM
As the huge claws come swiping down, Scab falls on his back, laughing and jingling.

Stupid rassafrackin' PF rules, monkeying with my perfectly good build by allowing a static number instead of a MUCH more likely-to-be-funged ROLL ...

... You remembered the -4 on his grapple, I hopes?

And Escape Artist, blowing a free action to add Cha a la Jester's Repertoire: [roll0]

2014-01-27, 06:06 PM
Where I charged.

Where I rerolled my a damage.

Before the Owlbear can even reach a goblin, Dips in upon them, blade flashing angrily into its legs. Bleed! Died, go away! Ehhehahahaeeee! Stupid nasty monsters! Dips cackles after landing the blow.

If it wishes to continue on to attack Scab, he will provoke an AoO from me. Otherwise he can do nothing, since he already initiated the charge.

[roll0] to hit on AoO, which is a crit. Neat. So double the first damage, not the second.
with [roll1] damage and [roll2] sneak attack if appropriate.

2014-01-27, 08:35 PM
Dark blood arcs out from the slash, spattering onto Dips and eating at his warty skin. Scab evades the groping claw, and the owlbear turns its attention to the other goblin.

Dips takes acid damage, Ref save DC 23 for half but it's likely to be relevant anyway.

2014-01-27, 09:34 PM

Watching the ... Father? Mother? protect its young, Sliver can only whisper "Sorry" before ten projectiles fly out of his two wands, five each impacting one of the still standing Owlbears.

Fullround: Activation of both MM wands via Dual Wand wielder.

5 magic missiles vs Blackblood:

5 magic missiles vs Stonefur:

2014-01-27, 09:45 PM
Ouch! OUCH! It burns! No! Dips screeches at the painful blood, ducking away from it, only to allow it to hit his bulbous head.

[roll0] Reflex save.

2014-01-27, 09:46 PM
Sparks fly as the missiles impact on Stonefur's hide, knocking her back. A great, desperate hoot escapes from her sharp beak as she sees the spell bury itself in her son's body. With a mad sort of fury, she flings herself forward towards the attackers.

2014-01-27, 11:16 PM
Sounding both thoroughly offended and highly annoyed, Itru yells between sinister laughs "Blegh! I said go to sleep!"

Itru targets Blackblood with Slumber again. DC 22 will or sleep for 10 minutes.
She uses her move action to continue Cackling.
The bat mount will use its first move action to attempt to hover. If that fails it will move 20 feet in Blackblood's direction. Yay for not rolling under 6. I hadn't realized a Dire Bat would be so bad at flying in Pathfinder.

2014-01-29, 11:19 AM
The owlbear starts, shakes his head back and forth drowsily, and collapses. A deep snore shakes his body.

2014-01-31, 09:15 PM
With a series of hideously indecent gestures, Scab throws his entire body into a bawdy limerick while juggling garbage from his pockets.

"My darling is cold as a stone,
My darling was always alone,
But my acid blood melts her
By the time I have felt her
She's softened enough for the bone!"

... And finishes by hurling the juggled crap at Stonefur.

Touch attacks!

Attack/crit: [roll0], [roll1]
Damage/crit: [roll2]+[roll3]
Trip: [roll4]

Attack/crit: [roll5], [roll6]
Damage/crit: [roll7]+[roll8]
Trip: [roll9]

Attack/crit: [roll10], [roll11]
Damage/crit: [roll12]+[roll13]
Trip: [roll14]

Attack/crit: [roll15], [roll16]
Damage/crit: [roll17]+[roll18]
Trip: [roll19]

Attack/crit: [roll20], [roll21]
Damage/crit: [roll22]+[roll23]
Trip: [roll24]

Attack/crit: [roll25], [roll26]
Damage/crit: [roll27]+[roll28]
Trip: [roll29]

Attack/crit: [roll30], [roll31]
Damage/crit: [roll32]+[roll33]
Trip: [roll34]

Attack/crit: [roll35], [roll36]
Damage/crit: [roll37]+[roll38]
Trip: [roll39]

Attack/crit: [roll40], [roll41]
Damage/crit: [roll42]+[roll43]
Trip: [roll44]

Attack/crit: [roll45], [roll46]
Damage/crit: [roll47]+[roll48]
Trip: [roll49]

2014-01-31, 10:00 PM
The flurry of junk mostly splinters against her rocky fur, but a gigantic carp's tail smacks her in the face and a broken-legged stool knocks her off balance, sending her crashing back into the river.

Erik Vale
2014-02-01, 04:03 PM
Ghorg let's go of the Hackbut, withdrawing his Rocket pistol and firing it into the group of owlbears still in the river, Morg moving to close range.

Targeting Stonefur [Ranged Touch Attack]
Hit: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]*2+4=48, and 20 Damage to anyone in 20ft, Stonefur Also catches fire, She also takes 6 Bleed unless she succeeds a DC 19 Reflex.
Damage is halved with a DC 19 reflex save.

2014-02-01, 09:24 PM
"Ow ow ow owww!"

Hopping about, Scab flails wildly, bells jangling, as his ass emits a merry column of smoke.

Ref: [roll0], with evasion.

2014-02-02, 11:14 AM
"Eek!" Itru yells as the fire nearly blasts her off her mount. When the smoke clears she pulls up her nose and uses her long fingers to puts out a burning pluck of hair on the dire bat's ear. Both Itru and the bats are black now.


2014-02-02, 10:35 PM
The explosion leaves Stonefur dazed and blackened, hot steam rising from the surface of the water. Blackblood awakens, bleeding heavily and with his fur burned off.

Just Daes now, right?

2014-02-04, 09:35 PM
Think Daes needs to spend more spell ammo to breath lightning on her foes? Think again.

Though not *as* charged, the little rabbit lets out a tremendous death pillar of electicity aimed towards Papa Owlbear without any trace of sympathy nor mercy... beyond that in theory it won't hurt as much...


2014-02-05, 07:56 AM
The pillar of electricity slams into Blackblood, sparking on every hair and sending him tumbling backwards into the river. Seeing the lifeless body of both her husband and her child at her feet, Stonefur gives mournful hoot and retreats back through the water, moving with surprising speed for a crature of her bulk.

Stonefur retreats 60 feet backwards. Unlessyou want to chase her or continue from range, I think we can call this tst run over.