View Full Version : Arms of Plenty vs Evard's Menacing Tentacles

2014-01-19, 10:04 PM
Hey everyone! This is my first post here, although several Google searches have led me to these forums in recent weeks.

Our entire party recently wiped, so we've started new characters. We're currently at level 10 and I'm playing an Enlightened Fist (prestige class from the Complete Arcane). I've got 1 level of Monk, 6 of Sorcerer, and 3 Enlightened Fist levels.

So my caster level is actually 8, not 10, and I've got all my current spells picked out already, but I'm planning things for future levels.

Anyway, I'm rambling at this point. None of that is super relevant, haha. The actual question I have is this:

If you had to pick between "Arms of Plenty" and "Evard's Menacing Tentacles," which would you choose?

Arms of Plenty seems to have more potential to deal damage due to the automatic Rend attack if both claws hit the same opponent. It doesn't specify that the claw attacks are free actions, but it does say that they can make attacks in addition to those with weapons, and with no penalty.

Evard's Menacing Tentacles, on the other hand, seems to have the advantage of allowing the tentacles to make attacks of opportunity, and it also specifies that they have a 10 ft range as well.

Oh, and also being free actions, I would assume that even with making tentacle attacks, I could cast a spell, take a move action, etc, whereas with Arms of Plenty, I'd have to use the Full Attack Action, which is a little more limiting.

Is there anything else I might be missing? I'm kinda leaning toward the Menacing Tentacles at this point, but only slightly.

By the way, if you couldn't tell already, this is my first campaign :P

*EDIT: made title more specific

2014-01-19, 11:59 PM
Definitely the tentacles. Reach is extremely useful (especially on natural weapons, which can deliver touch spells for you), and the fact that both tentacles can attack even if you do something else that round (like move or cast) is even better. They even give you multiple AoOs without Combat Reflexes.

2014-01-20, 12:03 AM
I would choose arms then have them Fuse Arms... -ed if I was allowed.

2014-01-20, 12:36 AM
Awesome. Thanks, guys!

Well that settles it, I'm going with the tentacles. I hadn't even considered the ability to cast touch spells through them. I can already do that with my Unarmed Strikes, thanks to the Enlightened Fist class.

I wonder if that would allow me to use Arcane Fist more than once in a turn? From what I understand, the spells used themselves don't actually have a casting time when used for Arcane Fist, as if they were Quickened, basically.

Anyway, that might be the subject of a whole new thread, or more likely, it's been covered here already at some point. There's an Enlightened Fist Optimization thread that I've skimmed and bookmarked.

Oh, I just thought of a new question regarding the tentacles and the limits of free actions. The spell "Wraithstrike" (from either Spell Compendium or Complete Adventurer) lets melee/natural weapons resolve as touch attacks.

Could I cast that in addition to attacking with the tentacles? If each tentacle attack is a free action, and Wraithstrike is a swift action, can I do all 3 plus use my own Unarmed Strike? That would be phenomenal!

2014-01-20, 01:25 AM
The answer to your last question is yes.

2014-01-20, 05:43 AM
Could I cast that in addition to attacking with the tentacles? If each tentacle attack is a free action, and Wraithstrike is a swift action, can I do all 3 plus use my own Unarmed Strike? That would be phenomenal!

Definitely. However, keep in mind that the tentacles aren't natural weapons or weapons at all. They're a spell effect centered on you. That's because the spell says you can "direct them" as a free action instead of giving you two tentacle attacks.

On the other hand, Arms of Plenty actually gives you two claw attacks, so any other effects that buff natural attacks would apply to them. For example, your Wraithstrike would turn them into touch attacks.

Grizzled Gryphon
2014-01-20, 07:09 AM
On a related note, for more free-damage-without-an-action-goodness, check out the spell Cloud of Knives. Nothing like a free ranged attack. Goes nicely with the Tentacles.

2014-01-20, 09:35 AM
Definitely. However, keep in mind that the tentacles aren't natural weapons or weapons at all. They're a spell effect centered on you. That's because the spell says you can "direct them" as a free action instead of giving you two tentacle attacks.

On the other hand, Arms of Plenty actually gives you two claw attacks, so any other effects that buff natural attacks would apply to them. For example, your Wraithstrike would turn them into touch attacks.

Ah, good point, I hadn't considered that. So there's another advantage for Arms of Plenty.

Still, the reach and attacks of opportunity with Menacing Tentacles will probably come in handy a bit more often.

Are the tentacles able to be destroyed? I didn't see anything regarding HP or anything listed for them, and Evard's Black Tentacles are specifically immune to all forms of damage.

2014-01-20, 10:52 AM
No, they can only be dispelled. They're the better option, unless you've got a build that focuses on natural attacks.