View Full Version : [pathfinder] custom race design, character build advice

2014-01-20, 12:32 AM
Okay, so I am going to soon be playing in a new pathfinder game. The DM is allowing custom races with an 18RP/Advanced restriction, or a 24RP/Monstrous restriction if it takes a +1 ECL.

Yes, pathfinder has no ECL, here is his version. Whenever experience is calculated, the character is assumed to be one level higher. As no experience is ganed for killing anything 6 or more levels below you, he stated that around mid levels is when this really may hurt.

So I am assuming I will do my best to stick to a 18RP/Advanced race; though at-will spells are limited to monstrous, and could be sexy enough to suck up an ECL. As are some other potential abilities.

I already have a few races designed, and am working on a few more. But I do like to get input and inspiration from others. Here are some concepts I am thinking of fleshing out; and some can be done just fine with standard races - but if a custom race would do it better, why not?

A couple of other points;
- Taking a negative 2 in a stat for an extra 4 RP is okay.
- Taking a negative 2 in a skill for an extra 2 RP is okay.
- Pounce and Rake have both been okay-ed as racial abilities, costing 2 RP each.

So what custom race would you build, for either 18 or 24 RP, for any or all of the following concepts?

- "Holy Gun" style paladin; but since the archetype blows, a Gunslinger/Paladin. I am thinking this character should be the ultimate blacksmith as well as a gunslinger/paladin, and able to craft magic items. I know this does not all mesh necessarily, but it can work out if done right. My initial thought was a "half-dwarf" type of race...not sure why.

- Tiny sized magic user, probably a flyer. Chaotic. Pixie-like. Any type of magic user, arcane or divine, prepared or spontaneous.

- The most interesting non-evil cleric focused race you could think of. Combat medic, battle cleric, whatever; just unique and interesting and still optimized.

- The most immune race possible - damage reduction, high saves, spell resistance, natural armor, dodge bonuses, whatever. And which class it is optimized for.

- Something unique you would want to build for yourself!

2014-01-20, 12:43 AM
To clarify, I am fine with and encourage optimization - but I want a focus on flavor. And I do not want anything made of pure cheese, or that screams munchkin.

And I am not asking for full builds, though if you're inspired and want to do so, please share. Just inviting other view points, opinions, and input for me to use as I build some fun new stuff.

If you're not familiar with the race building rules, they are from the Advanced Race Guide, and aside from the adjustments mentioned above, the rules can be found here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/creating-new-races

Craft (Cheese)
2014-01-20, 02:30 AM
A couple of other points;
- Taking a negative 2 in a stat for an extra 4 RP is okay.
- Taking a negative 2 in a skill for an extra 2 RP is okay.
- Pounce and Rake have both been okay-ed as racial abilities, costing 2 RP each.

Important question: How many times can you tank a stat to get 4 RP to spend? How many times can you tank a skill to get 2 RP? I'll assume you can only do this once each, but if you can do more, then you can make races much more powerful than these. Also, I just wanted to say, this is a terrible idea and I don't think your DM has quite thought it through all the way.

- Tiny sized magic user, probably a flyer. Chaotic. Pixie-like. Any type of magic user, arcane or divine, prepared or spontaneous.

Hmm, let's go with a tiny, flying wizard:

Fey type - 2 RP
Tiny Size - 4 RP
Ability Scores: Greater Paragon (-2 CON, +4 INT, -2 CHA) - 2 RP
Advanced Intelligence +2 - 4 RP
Ability Penalty: -2 Strength - -4 RP
Skill Penalty: -2 Climb - -2 RP
Flexible Bonus Feat - 4 RP
Fly 50 ft. (Average) - 8 RP

Total: 18 RP

You get -4 STR, +2 DEX, -2 CON, +6 INT, -2 CHA, Fly 50 ft. (Average), and a bonus feat of whatever you want (just like humans). I'd ditch the Fey type and go with humanoid, but unfortunately you can't be a Tiny Humanoid: Fey is the cheapest type that qualifies. Swap INT and CHA for a tiny flying sorcerer instead.

- The most interesting non-evil cleric focused race you could think of. Combat medic, battle cleric, whatever; just unique and interesting and still optimized.

Uhh, I'm not really sure what you want here, but how about an angelic super-aasimar?

Outsider (Native) type - 3 RP
Ability Scores: Flexible (+2 STR, +2 WIS) - 2 RP
Ability Penalty: -2 CON - -4 RP
Skill Penalty: -2 Swim - -2 RP
Halo - 2 RP
Fly 50 ft. (Average) - 8 RP
Flexible Bonus Feat - 4 RP
Quick Reactions - 2 RP
Greater Spell Resistance - 3 RP

Total: 18 RP

You get +2 STR, -2 CON, +2 WIS, Fly 50 ft. (Average), SR 11+HD, Improved Initiative for free, a bonus feat, and a kickass Halo on top of all that. Switch those STR and WIS bonuses to DEX and INT/CHA and this is just as good for arcane casters as it is for clerics.

- The most immune race possible - damage reduction, high saves, spell resistance, natural armor, dodge bonuses, whatever. And which class it is optimized for.

Feel free to switch the ability bonuses/penalties around however you like (and that skill penalty too)

Undead Type - 16 RP
Ability Scores: Greater Paragon (+4 CHA, -2 STR, -2 INT) - 2 RP
Ability Penalty: Intelligence -2 - -4 RP
Skill Penalty: Knowledge (Any) -2 - -2 RP
Greater Spell Resistance - 3 RP
Skeletal Damage Reduction - 2 RP

Total: 17 RP (1 more RP to spend on whatever you want)

You're immune to all mind-affecting, bleed damage, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, stunning, nonlethal damage, ability drain, energy drain, damage to physical ability scores (Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength), exhaustion and fatigue, death from massive damage, and any effect that requires a fortitude save unless that effect also requires a fortitude save. Oh, and you don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe. You get SR 11 + HD and DR 5/Bludgeoning.

As for fluff, tell them you're Xykon.

EDIT: You said you wanted other ideas too, and I was bored so here's one:

Humanoid Type - 0 RP
Ability Scores: Advanced (+2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 CON, +4 WIS, -2 CHA) - 4 RP
Ability Penalty: -2 Charisma - -4 RP
Skill Penalty: -2 Diplomacy - -2 RP
Advanced Strength +6 - 15 RP
Multi-Armed (4 arms) - 8 RP
Pounce - 2 RP
Weapon Familiary: Wakizashi, Hand Crossbow - 1 RP

Total: 24 RP

Monstrous, but it packs quite the wallop: +8 STR, +2 DEX, +2 CON, +4 WIS, -4 CHA.

Step 1: Take Multiweapon Fighting and Double Slice, and get yourself 4 Wakizashi (which you're automatically proficient with thanks to weapon familiarity).
Step 2: Pounce things you don't like.

For extra fun, get Battle Jump and the ability to fly. (Warning: Craft (Cheese) is not responsible for any books that may be thrown at you or friendships that may be ruined.)

Fluff: You're a bizzare Oni half-breed from Tian-Xia, or whatever the equivalent is in your campaign setting.

2014-01-20, 12:47 PM
Thanks! I love it...

As of yet, it would seem at least two different ability penalties and two different skill penalties have been okay with the DM. It was not discussed what, if any, hard limit might exist; but I would not push it too far. Also, if the second penalty is to the same ability score, I would reverse the process of additive RP (gaining -4, -3, -2, -1 instead of spending +4, +5, +6, +7).

And you are correct; this could be very broken in the hands of a powergamer or munchkin. Luckily, at least for this one game, we are all of the same mindset when it comes to power levels, roll vs. role play, etc.; and I am not worried about any munchkinism.So while your concern is valid in general, it is not too worrisome for this one specific use.

I appreciate your input; I had not thought an undead subtype would be feasible - I never even bothered trying to actually make one, It simply didn't occur to me that with the ability to grab the bonus RP, that 16 could be softened to a 10 or even 4 RP cost!

As to the cleric concept - I am not sure what I wanted either, lol. I was just curious to see how that would be interpreted and carried out.

2014-01-22, 06:22 PM
Just bumping this up to the top, since it got moved and fell to page 4. Would love some further input.

2014-01-24, 01:47 AM
Weird custom races, yay! Cool idea. Should work ok as long as players as well as the DM work with party balance in mind and has enough system mastery to understand and avoid OP/UP combos (in comparison to the other PCs).

I think Craft's suggestions are great, so I'll go for the 'something unique' - an 18 RP half-giant half-dwarf race:

Caurakin ('cavernborn' in dwarven)
Humanoid (dwarf, giant) type - 0 RP
Large size (+2 str, -2 dex, +1 CMB/CMD, -1 AC, -1 attack) - 7 RP
Ability Scores: Flexible (+2 STR, +2 Dex) - 2 RP
Advanced Constitution (+2 CON) - 4 RP
Ability Penalty: -2 CHA - -4 RP
Dual-Minded (+2 Will) - 1 RP
Defensive Training: aberrations ('Deep Warrior (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/dwarf)') - 1 RP
Stability (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/dwarf) - 1 RP
Skill Penalty: -2 Swim - -2 RP
Skill Penalty: -2 Knowledge (nature) - -2 RP
Fast (40 ft. base speed) - 1 RP
Dwarven Weapon Familiarity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/dwarf) - 1 RP
Natural Attack: Gore - 1 RP
Reach (10 ft.) - 1 RP
Powerful Charge (Gore) - 2 RP
Pounce - 2 RP
Dark Vision (60 ft.) - 2 RP
Languages: Common, Dwarven

Fluff and racial feats added on request!

This basically blends dwarven racial traits with large size and traits suitable to a deep-dwelling warrior race allied with dwarfs. With a net +4 str, +2 con, large size and reach, the caurakin is of course excellent for most melee builds (especially those with a focus on control), and even more so for chargers due to the gore attack, Fast and Powerful Charge traits. I still consider it far from cheesy, seeing that it helps with class balance using traits that are most advantageous to non-caster classes and some that are downright detrimental to full casters.

Hope you like it!

EDIT: And here's a half-orc version:

Black Orc
Humanoid (giant, orc) type - 0 RP
Large size (+2 str, -2 dex, +1 CMB/CMD, -1 AC, -1 attack) - 7 RP
Ability Scores: Standard (+2 STR, +2 WIS, -2 CHA) - 0 RP
Advanced Dexterity (+2 DEX) - 4 RP
Ability Penalty: -2 INT - -4 RP
Dual-Minded (+2 Will) - 1 RP
Skill Bonus: +2 Intimidate ('Intimidating (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/half-orc)') - 2 RP
Skill Penalty: -2 Knowledge (nobility) - -2 RP
Skill Penalty: -2 Knowledge (nature) - -2 RP
Sprinter (+10 ft. speed to charge, run, withdraw) - 1 RP
Fast (40 ft. base speed) - 1 RP
Orc Ferocity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/half-orc) - 2 RP
Orc Weapon Familiarity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/half-orc) - 1 RP
Reach (10 ft.) - 1 RP
Rock Throwing - 3 RP
Pounce - 2 RP
Dark Vision (60 ft.) - 2 RP
Light Sensitivity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-orc) - -1 RP
Languages: Common or Orc

2014-01-24, 04:03 AM

One I was working on is, oddly enough, a half-dwarf/half-orc. I call them Dvarokai. When I finish I will post.

2014-01-24, 09:48 AM
For immunities or RP, it's tough to beat the plant type.