View Full Version : Code: Ingre's Deathwish

2014-01-20, 12:56 AM
This is your situation:
You're hanging twenty feet above the floor, level with the other lights. They loll across the room in midair, dim and blinding, through the mad gaudiness and controlled laughter and clink of chat. The costumes. Your value as a novelty ended a long time ago to these people—and it wasn't much, even if you touched their minds with Sylvan.

In the past you've played with whispering into other people's minds. Sometimes randomly, sometimes based on who looked most likely able to respond (or realize it was you). Once or twice you've even started a conversation this way. The first time you even made a friend.

He's looking at you now, from the other side of the room. You have practiced this gaze; you've been to a lot of the elite's parties together since you arrived in Overlook. With his head he gestures the balcony doorway.

When you waft outside back where there is gravity, he (Rieth) is leaning out into the night where hundreds of windows are ablaze. Everything true or discrete about the buildings is eliminated. Flakes of revel wash up to you. Rieth turns, stroking his face, saying, “So I've learned some interesting things. I'm glad we decided to come tonight, after all.” You chat for a bit. “...they're leaving tomorrow, you know [the soldiers]. That's what the beacon over the cathedral is lit for.

I'm also leaving. Not with them. ...To the elves, first of all. [Pause.] Some important things are going on there. I don't know if you were listening, earlier, but I met an elf who was here looking for someone. Which surprised me because I didn't think there was an elf in Overlook. Apparently he's visiting, but naturally that only made it harder to get a word alone...
We did talk, though, finally. A great deal. And he's invited me to come back with him, to the forest. You are right that we've had enough of this, the invitations, the new nobility. The yelling. So my question is whether you're going to come as well.”
Once more that cool level look he has developed or repurposed as a way of addressing the faceless.

“I'm guessing there won't be many books. I don't know how much that means to you. Elves are better than books I think. Too many libraries here and too many amanuenses. Doesn't it appall you how many mages stay in the cities like scribes?...”

Rieth sets the highly fashionable headpiece under his arm behind his crests and unties his tail. He leaps onto the stone railing and poises against the night, perfectly balanced. He looks absurd. Or maybe you have heterodox criteria.

This house is an ancient building but the owner and most guests are strapping-rich humans, dwarf-heterodox wealth newly piercing the city. The false gravity has ended or will shortly; the griffons are being brought out. It is late at night. You have a roof if you want it with Rieth, whose temporary apartment is on the western slope (middle-city). In day you have access to the Grand College's library, including a page-turning servant.

Your companion is a warlock who you know has a fey patron. He's told you about how his deal happened but that takes a while to tell. Notably, though, the Feywild (the bright reflection of the world from which fey and eladrin originate) has been cut off from the world for almost a lifetime. No contact, magic fails.

2014-01-20, 05:47 PM
The glow flickers and crackles and whistles like wind in trees.


clutter noise
It certainly sounds more interesting than this. ----same same same


luxury - parties

read left to right. Incidentally, I hadn't thought of Sylvan as nonverbal - more that a ball of light and lightning and fluff has incompatible vocal hardware humanoid languages. The sort of fantasy language you have in a book where animals can communicate across species - everything makes its own sounds and don't fuss about how they understand each other. Does that work?

2014-01-21, 11:49 PM
“That makes me glad.
I’m going to make my exit then. It sounds like the adventurers have all been turned loose down there. [Your stay here has overlapped with a flood of them.] I’m going to the guild, who knows when we’ll meet adventurers again. And they may be terrible or young but many are in fact highly smart.

Personally I’m hoping to find Edgar Sommerfield, you know that noble’s son, the one who’s supped to have—you know, with the Shadowfell. Good to know any version of the truth and I know he’s been helping out here.

We’re meeting Chassarel, that’s his name, as soon as he finishes whatever it is.” He grimaces. “Elves don’t like to rest. I think we need a horse. Said he’d come calling at the apartment no later than seventh bell.”

Rieth dismounts and winds his way back among the crowd, out through the waning lights. If you also want to leave, you can hover through the panning shoulders of the guests in the main room, where a griffon with painted feathers is being led to the platform. You see a woman with long red gloves reach forward to stroke its neck. And further out you see that the half-lit wingrooms have been settled into by small groups playing some other axis of prestige or business. That the walls are stone these new inhabitants have not disguised. Above the middle of the courtyard a stuffed roc hangs in midair, suffused with light, and bathed in its shadow the whole courtyard is a like a star. There was music in this glare; now three groups in blue robes or in makeup* hover around. You place these intermediate in seriousness between the spectators and the settled-down.

From one circle the tall figure of Lord Ondrian stands out, and as you pass by you hear Lord Eng saying: “Is it immoral to devise the entire setup just so that you can murder indiscriminately?”

The party is pretty wide open but it is that time of night when to you everything humanoid seems smaller and smaller.

*most dwarves are wearing green, to honor the war

2014-01-22, 09:38 AM
The wisp follows at speed, but as it passes the lords, it lets out a few faint snaps.
