View Full Version : Record of Lodoss War

Lord Iames Osari
2007-01-23, 08:57 PM
I watched this series over break, and I gotta say I liked it a lot.

Who else has watched it, and what did you think?

2007-01-23, 09:04 PM
I've watched (I believe) all the episodes. It was definitely better than any other DnD film adaptation I've seen, but, then again, I could say that about a lot of really, really bad shows/movies. Even so, I liked it okay, even though it had its shortcomings. The mage, cleric, and thief, for example, just seemed thrown in there for the sake of having a mage, cleric and thief, because every party needs one. It was the various warriors who got all the love in terms of characterization/personality/action, however. I thought the antihero was good, though. His name escapes me, but he was the one with the really evil sword.

It had a few shortcomings, but it was an overall plus for me. While I enjoyed watching it well enough, it probably isn't something I'd watch again, or necessarily reccomend to other people.

2007-01-24, 11:23 AM
I've seen 'em all. I say eh. It was a boring predictable plot. Only reason I watched the whole thing was because it was part of the start of our rl gaming sessions. The standard fantasy clinches and nothing really good going for it.

You know...besides Lodoss Island.

"Your cookies suck!"

2007-01-24, 11:58 AM
I watched the whole series on the Toonami Reactor before they took it down, and it was pretty good. The best part was the opening theme...I still have that on my winamp playlist.

2007-01-26, 11:01 PM
I watched it one time...don't remember much about it..

I do seem to remember the color purple constantly being associated with evil.

2007-01-27, 02:04 AM
I've watched it three or four times, the first time was at least a good 5 years ago, I believe it was on showtime. I liked the series, not the most orignal series of all time, but it was entertaining and i liked the bad guy knight...
Ashram was his name, I have an avatar made from a pic of him that i used years ago on some site i dont even remember

2007-01-27, 04:27 AM
The first part I thought was pretty good, if cliche, but after the first set it seemed to have internal continuity problems. It's alright though, esp coming from someone who is usually annoyed by cutesy anime crap.

2007-01-27, 12:34 PM
The first part I thought was pretty good, if cliche, but after the first set it seemed to have internal continuity problems. It's alright though, esp coming from someone who is usually annoyed by cutesy anime crap.

I found that the first 1/2 of the OVA coupled with the first 1/2 of the TV series just gets the story across so much better than the OVA by itself. I didn't like the 2nd 1/2 of the TV series remotely as much, though.