View Full Version : Alistair vs Andrianna (The Crowd Calls for Blood)

2014-01-20, 09:37 AM
The crowd is in an uproar as the two contestants are brought into the arena and unshackled in their opposing corners. The gigantic gates behind each of them would usually close with a deafening din of metal and stone, but any sound the gates would make is drowned out by those seeking entertainment. Both of them knew to expect this, but actually experiencing it was something else entirely. As the two fighters prepare to defend their lives, Andrianna is the first off the blocks!


Initiative Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16827847&postcount=967)

You're up, Eldonauran! Since both characters have "A" names, the tokens are marked with the second letter of each name: "L" for Alistair, "N" for Andrianna.

2014-01-20, 11:20 AM
Crusader Manuevers Granted (pick next highest if rolls are identical)

1 - Crusader's Strike
2 - Foe Hammer
3 - Mountain Hammer
4 - Douse the Flame
5 - Battle Leader's Charge

Swordsage and Warblade Manuevers expended:

Auburn hair whips in the breeze, capping the form of a lithe warrior clad in form fitting armor. A red and white stained tabard lies twisted over her form, the ends shredded and soiled by some sort of liquid, dark brown and crusted. Her face is stoically turned towards the sunlight and her eyes are half-closed, a partial glimpse of her teeth comes into view as she bites her lower lip. She carries a light shield, tipped with spikes and a scimitar rests in her right hand, light gleaming off its razor edge.

There appears to be no other weapons on her person, except perhaps the spikes the line the edges of her gauntlets. A x-shaped belt rests on her hips, containing several flasks of liquids, though what kind is unknown. Each vial looks identical and only close inspection can reveal a series of raised protrusions along the visible edge, obviously to identify the vials by touch.


Andrianna lifts her gaze across the arena and the left corner of her mouth lifts into a smirk. The noise of the crowd, the pungent scent of blood and the imminent battle before her ... Well, she would be lying if she said she wasn't the littlest bit excited by it all.

Andrianna lifts her left arm, the one wielding her light shield and seems to bite into the gauntlet behind. Pulling her head back, a small cork rest between her lips, having just unstoppered a vial of some sort. Raising her sword, she proceeds to pour a viscous and thick liquid all along the blade, murmur terms of endearment under her breath.

That completed, she drops the vial and withdraws another quickly from her belt, marching forward to begin the battle, her stride altering subtly as she does so. Shadows seem to rise from behind her a cloak her with their presence...

Standard: Use oil on weapon
Free Action: Drop empty vial
Free Action: Draw vial from belt
Swift Action: Shift into stance
Move Action: Move to square Q4

Used Keen on scimitar
Drew potion of invisibility with left hand
Shifting into Child of Shadow stance, grants concealment (20%miss chance)

Forgot to mention, I am prepared to use Counter Chrge in the event an opportunity presents itself. I'll always pick strength

2014-01-20, 02:12 PM
As per your ruling on pre-buffing, here are the buffs currently active on Alistair and their remaining durations:

Buff #1: Fell Flight invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #2: See the Unseen invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #3: Mage Armor (caster level 1, 598/600 rounds remaining) - from Alistair's Potion of Mage Armor, consuming it.
Buff #4: Entropic Shield (caster level 6, 59/60 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.
Buff #5: Pass Without Trace (caster level 6, 3599/3600 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.

Soulmeld Shaped: Girallon Arms (1 essentia invested).

Across the arena stands a tall, confident man. He is dressed in what appears to be finery, although the glint of a mithril shirt shines from underneath his embroidered vest. The man has a cruel smile, and his eyes glow a cold blue. His arms are covered by a faint blue-white layer of ghostly fur, and his hands appear to be embedded in a pair of fairly exotic weapons fashioned from the claws of a giant scorpion.

Alistair gazes out at the crowd, confident that today he would give them what they wanted to see. As his lovely opponent stalked closer, he stretches his arms out to the sides and rises effortlessly into the air to float above his opponent.

"My dear," he says in a voice like poisoned velvet, "you have no idea what kind of exquisite pain you are in for."

Then he unleashes a bolt of magical energy at Andrianna.

Double Move ending 30ft above I12.
Move: Fly 30ft. straight up
Standard: Fire Eldritch Blast, Touch Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]

Crit Confirm: [roll2], Crit damage: [roll3]

2014-01-20, 02:29 PM
A thousand pardons, I should have posted openly that Andrianna has concealment this turn.

Miss chance: (20 or lower misses)

Crusader Manuevers Granted (pick next highest if rolls are identical)

1 - Crusader's Strike
G - Foe Hammer
G - Mountain Hammer
2 - Douse the Flame
3 - Battle Leader's Charge

Swordsage and Warblade Manuevers expended:

2014-01-20, 02:43 PM
Andrianna watches the man take to the air and her eyes narrow intensely. A look of disgust crosses her face, though the slight play of her lips shows a smug amusement. "You warlocks seem to be comin out of the woodworks for this arena battle."

Her words are cut short when the blast hits her square in the chest. Her back arching in mixed pain and ... pleasure. Breathing hard after the feeling passes, she straightens, "Promises, promises. Let's see how well your actions match your words.".

Tipping back the vial in her left hand, she drinks the contents and dissappears from view, giving one wink to her opponent as her face fades into invisibility.

Standard: Drink potion (Invisibilty)

Free: Drop empty potion vial
Free: Withdraw potion from belt
Move: To square N7

Allocate 3 essentia to Yrthak Mask, remove from Bloodwar Gauntlets and Incarnate Avatar.

Withdrawing Potion of Fly

2014-01-20, 05:02 PM
Alistair currently has the See the Unseen invocation active, which means he has 24-hour duration See Invisibility.

Alistair watches his opponent quaff her potion and sneak away, but tracks her movements with his gaze. He drifts after her, a wide smile growing across his face as he mocks her loudly so the crowd can hear, "If you hide yourself so, how can the crowd see your pain? How can they cheer for your blood? I'm afraid I must punish you for trying to rob the crowd of their sport!"

He hurls another blast of magical energy at his opponent, though the shadows surrounding her still make her a difficult target.

Move: Fly to L9 (still 30ft. in the air)
Move: Fly to P5 (still 30ft. in the air)
Standard: Eldritch Blast, touch attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]
Miss chance (miss on 1-20): [roll2]
Crit confirm: [roll3], crit damage: [roll4]

Buff duration tracker.

Buff #1: Fell Flight invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #2: See the Unseen invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #3: Mage Armor (caster level 1, 597/600 rounds remaining) - from Alistair's Potion of Mage Armor, consuming it.
Buff #4: Entropic Shield (caster level 6, 58/60 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.
Buff #5: Pass Without Trace (caster level 6, 3598/3600 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.

Soulmeld Shaped: Girallon Arms (1 essentia invested).

2014-01-20, 05:33 PM
I figured you'd have it. My character, on the other hand...

And, damn. P5!? You got some movement speed, huh?

Crusader Manuevers Granted (pick next highest if rolls are identical)

1 - Crusader's Strike
G - Foe Hammer
G - Mountain Hammer
2 - Douse the Flame
G - Battle Leader's Charge

Swordsage and Warblade Manuevers expended:

2014-01-20, 05:53 PM
Surprise marks her face for the briefest of moment before she is moaning from the pain of the magic blast. Her eyes never close and she locks her gaze with the warlock as he glides closer. When her muscles obey her command again, she repeats her previous actions; drink, drop, draw and move. This time, however, she moves vertically.

"You are one to talk, dark one. Why don't we settle this on the ground instead of me chasing you across the sky. Or are you content to inflict pain on others from the ...". She pauses as she visibly rolls the word in her mouth, "Safety of the sky? Are you not man enough to bleed with your enemies?"

Standard: Drink potion
Free: Drop empty potion vial
Free: Withdraw potion from belt
Move: Take to the air, Move up 20ft vertically, still in N7

reallocating essentia back to Incarnate Avatar and Bloodwar Gauntlets.

Withdrawing Potion of Cure Serious

I am pretty sure I'm about to get charged. I will use Counter Charge as need to knock this guy to the ground.

2014-01-20, 08:32 PM
OOC: woops. For some reason I thought I was in the upper right. I'll adjust my movement accordingly. On my phone at the moment so it will be a few hours.

2014-01-21, 12:28 AM
Ok, so for some reason, I thought I was in the upper right corner. That's clearly not the case, and that affects pretty much everything.

1. Even with his normal movement, Alistair would not have been able to hit Andrianna in the first round. (She would be beyond his range) - Suggested fix - rewind the fight back to Alistair's actions on round 1 (which he would use to double move into range).

Everything would probably proceed as normal from there (with different movement in the 2nd round for Alistair, and different actions from Andrianna).

PONIES, how should we handle this? You have my apologies, because the mix-up is totally mine.

2014-01-21, 12:44 AM
I am fine with you double moving the first round if it means I get back 15 HP. :smallwink: My actions won't actually change at all, though the choice of potion drunk in the second round might.

I am ok with whatever the DM decides.

2014-01-21, 12:59 AM
Assuming PONIES is cool with it, Alistair's actions for round 1 change to:

Double move, ending 30' above square I12.

Round 2 would be the same Standard action, followed by a different move action. If Andrianna moves to the same space (N7), Alistair's Round 2 Move action would be to move to L9 (30' in the air).

Assuming PONIES is good with that, we can continue on as normal. And hopefully I won't flub anything else this fight... :smallredface:

2014-01-21, 12:06 PM
OOC: I'm good with the proposed changes. This means there is no Eldritch Blast in Round 1 from Alistair, but all other standard actions from each character remain unchanged, correct?

2014-01-21, 12:26 PM
OOC: I'm good with the proposed changes. This means there is no Eldritch Blast in Round 1 from Alistair, but all other standard actions from each character remain unchanged, correct?

OOC - Aside from Alistair's movement in round 2 (it is changed as per my post), yes.

2014-01-21, 04:07 PM
OOC: No standard action changes on my end either. I will change the potion I drew on the last round due to obviously having more HP.

Withdraw Potion of haste, instead of Cure Serious.

2014-01-23, 09:04 AM
The see invisibility goggle vendors are making a killing today as spectators clamor to purchase the eyewear in order to see what's happening with Andrianna. Her opponent, however, needs no such assistance and pierces her magical obfuscation. He sends an Eldritch Blast her way which connects with her shoulder and sends a tingle of pain coursing through her body. She responds by taking to the skies and cautiously moving to engage with the warlock.


Deadline, you're up!

2014-01-23, 11:03 AM
Alistair's eyes widen a little in surprise as his opponent lifts into the air. "I do not intend to shed my own blood this day. Yours, however, will flow freely. If you will not show the audience your pain, then at least they will see your blood."

He drifts down to be within arm's reach and eye level with Andrianna, and lunges forward, snapping his scorpion claws at her arms.

Move: Move to 20' above M8.
Standard: Touch attack to initiate a grapple (does not provoke AoO): [roll0] (might be +1 more, see below)
Opposed Grapple Check: [roll1]

PONIES, I'm a little unclear as to whether or not the Scorpion Claws enhancement bonus provides a benefit to the melee touch attack for starting a grapple. The description of the weapon implies that you use it for grappling, but I don't know if it is used for the initial touch attack as well.

I've got to run for a bit. After that, I'll do a little reading to see if I also deal damage with the grapple check. I'm a bit rusty on my grappling rules.

2014-01-23, 03:28 PM
Ok, so if I win the grapple check I deal damage. Normally, this would be as per an unarmed strike: [roll0] - this damage is lethal (Alistair has Improved Unarmed Strike)

However, the Scorpion Claws state that I can use them to deal slashing damage in such a situation. I'm unclear as to whether they just change the damage type of my unarmed strike for that purpose, or if they deal their weapon damage. (Just in case, weapon damage would be [roll1]).

Sorry for the confusion, this is the first time I've fiddled with this weapon.

2014-01-23, 05:41 PM

I am going to need a ruling on whether or not I can initiate manuevers in a grapple.

Aww, why'd you have to get all complicated with the grapple rules?

2014-01-23, 05:55 PM
Sorry, I set two goals for myself, keep the optimization ceiling relatively low, and try out stuff that I hardly ever use.

Don't worry, I'm sure you built in protections against grappling, right?

Please say no. :smalltongue:

2014-01-23, 07:26 PM
Grappling protections, me? Perhaps...

Actually, yes. A lot of it relies on what OMG PONIES rules in my previous post though I do have a way to escape them.

2014-01-28, 10:26 AM
Alistair moves to engage with the invisible Andrianna with ease, as if she were completely visible before him. He opens his metallic scorpion claws and clamps down hard, locking her in a mighty bear hug as the weapons slash at her skin.



Eldonauran, you're up! Andrianna is grappled and takes 7 slashing damage from Alistair's Scorpion Claws.

You'll take 2 damage now and 5 goes into your Steely Resolve delayed damage pool; it will be taken at the end of your turn. On the topic of initiating maneuvers while grappled, please consider the following:

To initiate a maneuver or a stance, you must be able to move.

You can't move normally while grappling. You may, however, make an opposed grapple check (see below) to move while grappling...Move: You can move half your speed (bringing all others engaged in the grapple with you) by winning an opposed grapple check. This requires a standard action, and you must beat all the other individual check results to move that grapple.

Therefore, you maintain the benefit of whatever stance you were in and cannot freely initiate maneuvers. You can move with a successful standard action grapple check, which would allow you to change stances or initiate maneuvers that take less than a standard action to initiate. If you have a way to take extra standard actions, you could also initiate a maneuver requiring a standard action.

Scorpion Claws provide a bonus on grapple checks, which is the step in the grappling process after the initial touch attack. As such, they don't give you a bonus on touch attacks to initiate grapples. On a successful grapple (such as this one), they deal their normal weapon damage (1d6+3 slashing) instead of an unarmed strike.

2014-01-28, 07:28 PM
Good to hear! Looks like we are back on track!

2014-01-28, 10:02 PM
A laugh flows out of the air, mocking the warlock in its tone. "For someone not interested in shedding their own blood, you draw all too close for your own comfort."

With that, Andrianna suddenly appears in the warlock's grasp, trying to keep her spiked shield between her and her enemy's arms. Despite her attempts, he gets a rather good hold on her. A grin is splayed across her lips and she licks a drop of blood from her lower lip. The clatter of metal rings from the stone floor below, caused by her scimitar striking the ground.

Adrianna's right fist lashes out, all her strength behind the blow. "I am no stranger to close battles, dear warlock. Run, while you can.".

Attack: Spiked Gauntlet

Free: Drop Scimitar
Standard: Attack with spiked gauntlet

Swift: Reallocating essentia
Wormtail belt 1 (AC 25)
Bloodwar Gauntlets 2
Incarnate Avatar 2

All Manuevers granted to me this turn: Crusader.
No other Manuevers expended

2014-01-28, 11:37 PM
Andrianna's blow, while viciously strong, is unable to connect due to the vice-like grip of Alistair's claws. His grin falters for only a moment before he regains control of her limbs and increases the pressure, doing his best to control her incredible strength.

He chuckles through clenched teeth as he strains to hold her in place, "I'm just as comfortable up close as I am at a distance. You'll find I'm no mere pushover in the physical arts, nor the arcane."

Standard - Attempt to Pin for 1 round (Opposed Grapple check): [roll0]

I don't recall if I also do damage, but if I do, [roll1] points of slashing damage.

Don't forget that any attacks you make while grappling are at a -4 penalty.

Also, holy crap that's a lot of damage for a spiked gauntlet attack.

2014-01-29, 06:41 PM
Maneuvers granted: Crusader

1 - Crusders Strike
2 - Foe Hammer
3 - Mountain Hammer
4 - Douse the Flames
5 - Battle leader's charge

Annoyance crosses Andrianna's features as th warlock tightens his grip. How the hell was this man so strong?! Regardless, he couldn't hold her.

"Not so fast, warlock". Andrianna's whispers as she suddenly disappears from his grasp. She reappears a good distance away and raises her voice to be heard, "Don't get too grabby. It's only our first date, after all!"

Standard: Activate soulmeld, Teleport to R3

Swift: Allocate 2 essentia to Blink Shirt, remove from Bloodwar gauntlets

2014-01-30, 07:17 AM
Andrianna's mighty gauntlet swings wide of her opponent's face, and as it splits the air by his cheek Alistair can see the metallic glove shining blue and feel it humming slightly. He reacts by constricting tighter, the scorpion claws ever clamping into Andrianna's flesh. Sensing the difficulty of continuing the fight in such a manner, Andrianna teleports out of the grapple and taunts her foe. The crowd, meanwhile, is eating it up--the violence! The humor! The smell of popcorn wafts through the arena, and the spectators willingly fork over their hard-earned coin to the vendors as if they had just had dominate person cast on them by the blessed aroma.



Andrianna is briefly pinned and takes 5 slashing damage! Deadline, you're up!

You should have another +2 to attack w/ gauntlets by my calculation, as you've got 2 essentia in Bloodwar Gauntlets and 5 damage in delayed damage pool at the start of your turn. Granted, the roll then receives a -4 penalty while grappling, but still.

2014-01-30, 11:03 AM
Alistair mutters under his breath, "My, my, aren't you full of surprises."

He calls out to his opponent, "I understand, my dear. You need your space. But here, a parting gift!" And with that, he hurls a blast of magical energy her way.

Then he bows mockingly to her as he drifts backward, farther away from her.

Standard - Eldritch Blast(Touch Attack): [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2], Crit Damage: [roll3]
Move: Fly to 25' above N13

Buff duration tracker.

Buff #1: Fell Flight invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #2: See the Unseen invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #3: Mage Armor (caster level 1, 594/600 rounds remaining) - from Alistair's Potion of Mage Armor, consuming it.
Buff #4: Entropic Shield (caster level 6, 55/60 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.
Buff #5: Pass Without Trace (caster level 6, 3595/3600 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.

Soulmeld Shaped: Girallon Arms (1 essentia invested).

2014-01-30, 01:36 PM
Appears I messed up my rolls last time. Rerolling for granted manuevers.

Maneuvers granted: Crusader

1 - Crusders Strike
2 - Foe Hammer
3 - Mountain Hammer
4 - Douse the Flames
5 - Battle leader's charge

2014-01-30, 01:49 PM
Floating above the ground, free of the warlock's grasp briefly, Andrianna's contemplates retrieving her sword. She quickly switches the potion on her left hand before deciding. Sorely tempted, she almost goes for it before being blasted with Eldritch energy. This shoves all reason from her mind for the moment.

Anger bubbling through her mind and she races towards the warlock, easily covering the distance (ends in O12). Her right fist punches out with all her rage and momentum. She WILL draw his blood!

*Andrianna has concealment this turn, since she moved.

Battle Leader's Charge

Attack: Charge
Damage: Spiked Gauntlet (+maneuver damage)

Attack: Charge
Damage: Spiked Gauntlet (+maneuver damage)

Free: Return potion to belt
Free: Withdraw a different potion
Full attack action: Initiate maneuver, charge

Essentia from blink shirt goes to Bloodwar Gauntlets
Returning haste and grabbing cure serious wounds

2014-01-30, 03:42 PM
Alistair tries to dodge the incoming attack, but he has clearly angered his opponent, and she strikes home with a hammer blow. His world explodes into pain and a surprised cry escapes his lips as the strike sends his mind reeling. His blood decorates Andrianna's spiked gauntlet for all to see.

He snarls through the pain and once again reaches out with his pincer claws in an attempt to hold her in a crushing embrace. His rage over his injuries stills his sharp tongue for the moment.

Standard Grapple, Melee Touch Attack: [roll0]
If touch is successful, opposed Grapple Check: [roll1]
If Grapple is successful, Andrianna takes [roll2] slashing damage
Move: pending grapple results - none if Grapple is successful

Buff duration tracker.

Buff #1: Fell Flight invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #2: See the Unseen invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #3: Mage Armor (caster level 1, 593/600 rounds remaining) - from Alistair's Potion of Mage Armor, consuming it.
Buff #4: Entropic Shield (caster level 6, 54/60 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.
Buff #5: Pass Without Trace (caster level 6, 3594/3600 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.

Soulmeld Shaped: Girallon Arms (1 essentia invested).

Current Damage Total: 20
Crystal of Life Drinking Hp healed: 3/30

2014-01-30, 10:36 PM

Maneuvers granted: Crusader

G - Crusders Strike
1 - Foe Hammer
G - Mountain Hammer
2 - Douse the Flames
G - Battle leader's charge

2014-01-30, 10:51 PM
Feeling her blow connect, Andrianna grins deliciously, tongue swiping out to taste blood on her lips. Her mind clears of the rage only in time to see the warlock grab at her again. She only gives a half hearted attempt at resisting before focusing her power into the gauntlet again, feeling the blood between her fingers.

"Now that we've tasted each others blood..." Andrianna whispers, "How about we get a little more intimate?". With a quick thrust, she drives her fist into his chest, fingers digging for his heart.

Attack, spiked gauntlet (+14, -4 grapple, -2 feat)

Attack, spiked gauntlet

Standard: Melee attack

Using Stone Power with the regular attack in hopes of getting 4 temp HP so that steely resolve only hits my HP for 1

Also, can I shift stances in a grapple?

Adding quick notes for book keeping.
Beginning HP: 39
Damage Pool: 5
Gained 4 Temp HP
Ending HP: 38

2014-01-31, 06:59 PM
Alistair howls in pain and rage, "I'LL SLICE OFF YOUR HEAD AND THROW IT TO THE CROWD!"

In a lightning quick move, he transitions one claw so that it catches her gauntlet and pins it to her neck, the deadly claw slowly clamping around her throat and wrist.

Standard - Pin attempt (Opposed Grapple check): [roll0]
If Grapple check is successful, Damage: [roll1]

Buff duration tracker.

Buff #1: Fell Flight invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #2: See the Unseen invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #3: Mage Armor (caster level 1, 592/600 rounds remaining) - from Alistair's Potion of Mage Armor, consuming it.
Buff #4: Entropic Shield (caster level 6, 53/60 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.
Buff #5: Pass Without Trace (caster level 6, 3593/3600 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.

Soulmeld Shaped: Girallon Arms (1 essentia invested).

Current Damage Total: 31
Crystal of Life Drinking Hp healed: 6/30

2014-02-01, 12:47 AM

Maneuvers granted: Crusader (ALL GRANTED THIS TURN0

G - Crusders Strike
G - Foe Hammer
G - Mountain Hammer
G - Douse the Flames
G - Battle leader's charge - EXPENDED

2014-02-01, 01:05 AM
Andrianna merely smirks at him as he bellows his rage and anger, until he lashes out and grabs her gauntlet, pinning it to her neck and squeezing both. She feels her throat close up and for the briefest of instants feels the first birthing throes of panic. Her arms get locked into place by the warlock's sheer skill and her entire body stiffens...

Andrianna grunts as the energy snaps around her and once again, she disappears from his grasp, only to reappear closer to her scimitar (N8, 10ft above ground). Rubbing her throat with her free hand, she clears her throat gruffly and calls out.

" Erhem.... Kinky. I wouldn't have thought you were in to choking." Her voice takes on a whimsical tone as it stabilizes into its normal taunting rhythm. "Forgive me for leaving you ... unsatisfied. A girl has to breathe."

Andrianna lifts her gauntlet to her mouth and licks a few drops of blood off one of the spikes. A mixture of the warlock's and her own. Her eyes roll back a little bit and she grins at the warlock... "Did I strike a nerve? You seem so ... angry. Can't take a punch? Hmmm?"

Standard: Teleport to N8 (10ft above ground)

Swift: Allocated 2 essentia to Blink Shirt, remove from bloodwar gauntlets
Standard: Teleport 30ft to N8 (10ft above ground)

2014-02-01, 09:05 PM
The two combatants exchange blows as they exchange barbs back and forth, leaving the crowd cheering all the while. There is something for everyone--eldritch blasts of energy, charing gauntlet punches, even close-quarters grappling. Once more, though, Andrianna evades Alistair by teleporting away from his pin.


Deadline, you're up!

ToB indicates that you have to move to initiate stances and maneuvers. Since you can't move in a grapple without winning an opposed grapple check, you'd need to take a standard action to make (and win) an opposed grapple check. That would then allow you to switch stances as a standard action. Make sense?

2014-02-03, 11:09 AM
The warlock pauses only briefly to mask his composure, his rage seeming to disappear in an instant. He flies in for the attack as he calls out, "You have a talent for drawing blood, I'll give you that. But you see, my blood is free for the crowd!"

As he says that, he lunges for Andrianna, yet again trying to pull her into his deadly embrace. As he gets close to her he says in a low voice, "For you, however, my blood comes at a price. Your life!"

Full-Round Action - Charge to 10' above N9 and initiate a grapple: Melee Touch Attack: [roll0]

If Touch Attack hits, Opposed Grapple Check: [roll1]

If Alistair wins the Opposed Grapple Check, he inflicts [roll2] damage to Andrianna.

Buff duration tracker.

Buff #1: Fell Flight invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #2: See the Unseen invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #3: Mage Armor (caster level 1, 591/600 rounds remaining) - from Alistair's Potion of Mage Armor, consuming it.
Buff #4: Entropic Shield (caster level 6, 52/60 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.
Buff #5: Pass Without Trace (caster level 6, 3592/3600 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.

Soulmeld Shaped: Girallon Arms (1 essentia invested).

Current Damage Total: 31
Crystal of Life Drinking Hp healed: 6/30

2014-02-03, 10:12 PM
Andrianna will be initiating an immediate action maneuver, Counter Charge. We make opposed strength checks. Should Andrianna win, Alistair will be redirected to square N11 and his charge attempt fails. If Alistair wins, he gets +2 to the charge attack to-hit.

Andrianna Strength Check

If Andrianna loses, or is otherwise unable to initiate the maneuver:
Opposed Grapple check

2014-02-03, 11:00 PM
Man, the dice are starting to roll your way. That doesn't bode well for me.

Opposed Strength check: [roll0]

2014-02-04, 12:58 AM
Maneuvers Expended: Swordsage
Counter Charge

Maneuvers granted: Crusader

1 - Crusders Strike
2 - Foe Hammer
3 - Mountain Hammer
4 - Douse the Flames
5 - Battle leader's charge

2014-02-04, 01:16 AM
Andrianna watches the warlock warily as he approaches, though an eager glint in her eyes must have given her away. As he rushes her, Andrianna attempts to redirect his charge without success, though her positioning gives her enough leverage to shrug off his newest grapple attempt.

"Ha!". She exclaims, "Right where I wanted you!"

In a flurry of movement, her spiked gauntlet lashes out at his chin, fist glowing with blue energy. Even after the blow, the edge of her steel shield dips and she slams the spikes into his body, her spine arching with the power behind the blow.

Wolf Fang Strike

Attack 1, spiked gauntlet (+13, -2 maneuver)
Damage, spiked gauntlet

Attack 2, spiked steel shield (+14, -2 maneuver)
Damage, spiked steel shield

Attack 1, spiked gauntlet (+13, -2 maneuver)
Damage, spiked gauntlet

Attack 2, spiked steel shield (+14, -2 maneuver)
Damage, spiked steel shield

Swift: Used by immediate action
Standard: Initiate Maneuver

Allocating 2 essentia to Bloodwar Gauntlets, remove from Blink Shirt
Using move action in place of swift to allocate essentia

2014-02-04, 11:05 AM
The quick maneuver catches Alistair off-guard, and it is a costly mistake for him. Two quick blows hit him with the force of an Ogre, and he staggers back from his injuries.

The calm mask he had summoned up shatters, and he throws himself at his opponent with an incoherent shriek of rage and desperation.

Yep, the rolls are definitely going your way now. :smalltongue:

Standard Action - Melee Touch Attack to start a grapple: [roll0]
If successful, Opposed Grapple Check: [roll1]
If successful, Damage: [roll2]

Buff duration tracker.

Buff #1: Fell Flight invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #2: See the Unseen invocation (duration 24 hours) - let me know if you actually want me to track the rounds on this.
Buff #3: Mage Armor (caster level 1, 590/600 rounds remaining) - from Alistair's Potion of Mage Armor, consuming it.
Buff #4: Entropic Shield (caster level 6, 51/60 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.
Buff #5: Pass Without Trace (caster level 6, 3591/3600 rounds remaining) - from Entropic Warding invocation.

Soulmeld Shaped: Girallon Arms (1 essentia invested).

Current Damage Total: 48
Crystal of Life Drinking Hp healed: 9/30 (Changes Pending Outcome of Opposed Grapple Check)

2014-02-04, 08:34 PM

Manuevers Expended: Warblade
Wolf Fang Strike

Maneuvers Expended: Swordsage
Counter Charge

Maneuvers granted: Crusader

G - Crusders Strike
1 - Foe Hammer
2 - Mountain Hammer
3 - Douse the Flames
G - Battle leader's charge

2014-02-04, 08:46 PM
Feeling the rush of connecting with two powerful blows, Andrianna is caught off guard by the warlock's grapple. She hadn't expected him to survive the onslaught and barely gets her defenses up in time. Giving it her all, she is almost able to throw him off again though his mindless rage gives him just the edge he needs.

There were no time for words. This was a desperate struggle for survival now. No words would save her. Calling on her borrowed power as she tries to push the warlock back with her shield, Andrianna's knuckles pop loudly as her fist closes, flashing forward in a desperate strike...

Attack, Spiked Gauntlet (+14, -4 grapple, -2 feat)
Damage, spiked gauntlet

Attack, Spiked Gauntlet (+14, -4 grapple, -2 feat)
Damage, spiked gauntlet

Standard: Attack

Using Stone Power to get 4 temporary HP, if I succeed on a hit

2014-02-04, 09:54 PM
Andrianna's gauntlet connects squarely with Alistair's face, and his vice-like grip releases instantly as he crumples forward into her arms, his life's blood pouring out of the numerous puncture wounds from her weapon.

Congratulations Eldonauran, that last strike puts Alistair down for the count (-7hp). I think the opposed grapple check that you won may have been my undoing. :smallbiggrin:

Did I even get Andrianna close to death? :smalltongue:

2014-02-04, 10:20 PM
Sagging slightly under the warlock's weight, Andrianna unexpectedly shifts her own body to take the weight, drifting to the ground and laying the warlock gently upon it. Bloody fingers slide down his face to close his eyes to this world and her lips whisper to him as his concisousness fades forever. "Rest well, warlock. I expect to join you soon..."

With her respects paid, she bends down and grips the handle of her scimitar, lifting it into the air with a war cry, "VICTORY!"

Thank you, Deadline. It was a great battle and I thoroughly enjoyed it. As for how close Andrianna came to death ....

You were able to reduce her to 28/74 HP. It would have been much lower except I had a few ways to offset damage. Steely resolve combined with Stone Power allowed me to make use of my Furious Counterstrike while taking minimal damage from it.

Your grappling was a very good way to limit much of my tactics and only my Blink Shirt saved my bacon. I had to choose between it and the Spellward Shirt for spell resistance. I'm glad I went with the Blink Shirt.

The battle leaves me with 28 HP.
I will be totaling up the rounds left for my buffs shortly.
12 rounds elapsed in total
Keen on scimitar 488/500 rds (first turn)
Fly 40/50 rds (third turn)

2014-02-05, 09:41 PM
While Andrianna has Alistair down for the count, her reverie is cut short. When she raises her sword to proclaim victory, someone in the crowd clucks their tongue. "Not yet, girl!" they call out. "Finish him!"


Dying ain't dead. Alistair is at -7 HP. The crowd calls for blood!

2014-02-06, 01:49 AM
Andrianna smirks, having known full well they would call for the warlock's lifeblood. She turns to face the warlock, settling into a stance of a different kind. Lifting her blade high, she drives the blade downward in a quick slash, wanting to draw more blood than deal actual damage, though either way it would end the warlock's life.

At least I'll be getting something out of this...

Crusader's Strike

Attack, keen scimitar
Damage, scimitar
Manuever Heals, 1d6+3, +2 stance

Attack, keen scimitar
Damage, scimitar

Swift: Shift to stance
Standard: Initiate Manuever

Shifting to Martial Spirit stance

Keen on scimitar 487/500 rds (first turn)
Fly 39/50 rds (third turn)

HP TOTAL: 37/74

2014-02-06, 09:27 AM
Andrianna's keen blade separates Alistair's head from his body with a sickening display. The crowd laps it up like a kitten drinking milk, cheering wildly at Andrianna's success...all the while hoping they'll get to see her head removed as well.

Andrianna wins!