View Full Version : Pathfinder Online?

2014-01-20, 10:42 AM
I have seen people playing D&D on the computer with each other just like on table top. Any idea where I can find such a thing? Easier to play on a computer than in person. Let me know guys!
Ex. Spoony's Counter Monkey.

2014-01-20, 02:14 PM
I've done it. You have to get it together as normal, and it's harder to keep interest up.

2014-01-20, 02:28 PM
Roll20 is a pretty good program for it, although you could probably just do it over Skype or an IRC client if you're willing to skip using a battlemap.

As for where to find games, just ask around on gaming websites. There's probably someone out there looking for a group.

2014-01-20, 04:22 PM
I wouldn't say that Roll20 is a good program for it, but it's one of the ones available with the least barriers to entry. It's really lacking a lot of things that my group needs. We have to use a bunch of other tools to track things and prepare them. The maps are difficult to align (especially if youre playing a paizo module which generally doesnt make things line up to 5 foot grids very nicely...), vision and lighting settings leave a lot to be desired. And there's nothing in it thats ruleset specific, so you need to find another place to store your character sheets.

I felt like Fantasy Grounds 2 had the best featureset, but the pricing was a little crazy. Either every player buys a client copy for $20 and the GM buys a server copy for $40, or you all pitch in and buy a special license for like $150 that lets you host and connect as many clients as you want. They did a good job of integrating the CRB into the ruleset, character sheets, spells, and monsters are all there... but you have to find your own tokens (+manually convert them to proper size/format), and if you want to use any custom content, you will be typing it all in there manually. Figuring out how to build extensions yourself isn't tough, but having a background in computers is helpful.

Some groups even use Google docs to run their games. Really depends on what kind of features you want, how much automation you expect. At the end of the day, you just need to be able to roll dice together and show a battle map.

2014-01-20, 05:01 PM
My group plays on MapTool (which is free), and communicates over Skype (without video).

The only tricky thing with MapTool is it works with Java6, not the later versions, so you'd want to install Java6 in addition to current Java (so your browsers will all behave normally). Then you have to tell the MapTool launching file to use Java6, not the other one. I know that sounds tricky, but there's a forum and a whole community behind MapTool so the answers are all available.