View Full Version : The Stick Awards II: Second Edition (BotH [#0201-#0300]) [Semi #1]

2014-01-20, 04:01 PM
Welcome to The Stick Awards II: Second Edition! :smallsmile:

The Stick Awards are handed out to the best strips of all time as chosen by our fellow Playgrounders.

Over the next few days, we're taking a bit of a break and entering The Best of the Hundred Tournament for Comics #201 - #300 as we take the time to decide which of the strips really are the best of best.

For full details about the Stick Awards, and any questions about them, please check out the main thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=283609).

To read more about the original Stick Awards, created by Nazzo, the 102nd, please read his thread here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34791)

To vote in this thread, simply state which comic of the five listed is your favorite. Bolding the number of the comic (Like this) helps it stand out.

Voting, which only lasts five days during the Best of the Hundred Tournament will close on January 25th, 4pm EDT. Any votes made after that will NOT count toward the totals.

The winner of this semi-final will go on to the finals which will be held after the second semi-final is done. The two strips that get the most votes during the semis that DIDN'T win, will also reach the finals. So voting is extra special important this time around, as it will determine who the 'Wild Card' entrants are.

Last week, :roy: 298 The Future is Forged in the Fires of Today (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0298.html) triumphantly took back its award that had previously been shattered and became the final entrant of this Best of the Hundred tournament.

Ah? But who will the winner of the tournament be? Let's find out. :smallsmile:

Once again, the field has been narrowed. But not narrowed enough for the Finals. So vote for which strip you think should get that rarified honor in.....

................THE STICK AWARDS II:
..............(Semi-Final #1)

202 - Scanning... (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0202.html)
216 - Perfect Combo (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0216.html)
223 - Love, in the Abstract (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0223.html)
236 - Mean Girl (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0236.html)
250 - Oh no, he DIDN'T! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0250.html)


No "What Haley Said" translation this time, as there isn't one in the only strip it matters. Use your imagination, if you must. :smalltongue:

2014-01-20, 04:11 PM
250 - Roy character development? Check. Miko showing how overbreaing she can be? Check. Roy finally standing up to Miko for real? Check.

2014-01-20, 04:30 PM
Hm... I narrowed it down to 223 and 250 for me. Roy and V both get some development in these. However, I think 250 will win out in the end.

2014-01-20, 04:37 PM
202 and 216 are really funny. 250 will probably win, and even though it is certainly a very strong candidate, I'll go instead with 223 , great both in humour and charcater development.

2014-01-20, 04:39 PM
Man, this is really tough. I don't want to jump on the bandwagon, but 250: Oh no, he DIDN'T! is probably the best strip out there. Consider me a wagon-rider.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-01-20, 04:46 PM
I'm gonna vote 250. 216 is my runner up choice.

2014-01-20, 04:51 PM


Gift Jeraff
2014-01-20, 05:04 PM
#216216216216216hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahadeathhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahadonttrustburlewsl ieshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaiwouldsay theyrecomingbutintruththeyrealreadyherehahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabehindyouha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah216

2014-01-20, 06:02 PM
Oh snap! I'm voting for 250!

2014-01-20, 08:05 PM
It was a toss up between 223 and 250, but I think 223 just edges out.

2014-01-20, 08:10 PM

*Sneak attack hug*

2014-01-20, 08:51 PM
223 for me

2014-01-21, 12:16 AM
236 Haley is hilarious here.

David Argall
2014-01-21, 01:29 AM
236. No question. Mind you. I don't think I voted for it earlier, but compared to the other survivors...

2014-01-21, 05:12 AM
While I really like 236, and the introduction of the multipurpose lead sheet is good, too - the last row of panels in 250 - Oh no, he DIDN'T! is just to great to not vote for it.

2014-01-21, 05:52 AM
I also like the lead sheet, but 250 is a great strip in just about every way. Shame about 251. :smallfrown:

2014-01-21, 07:11 AM
I'll vote for 250 for Haleys excellent expressions.
Although it pains me to vote for the "character development" strip :P

2014-01-21, 10:18 AM
250 because starting a comic with the burning remains of the inn was just brilliant.

2014-01-21, 08:38 PM
Voting for 223: Love, In the Abstract. It's a nice strip and it does a good job of developing several of the characters and relationships in a very short space.

2014-01-21, 09:38 PM
250 seems to be doing fine, so I'll send a vote the way of 216.

2014-01-21, 11:58 PM
250 for the amazing last line (and gesture :smalltongue:)

Olorin Maia
2014-01-22, 10:27 AM
I imagine that 250 will win, but as 216 was the strip that introduced me to Order of the Stick, I cannot help but vote for it.

2014-01-22, 03:27 PM
223. 250 is also good, but I prefer 223.

2014-01-22, 05:12 PM
I'm going to vote 223, even though everyone loves 250.

2014-01-22, 10:05 PM

Killer Angel
2014-01-23, 07:30 AM
250 is probably the best one, but i'll waste my vote on 202. I've always found it too much funny.

2014-01-24, 02:23 PM

2014-01-24, 08:27 PM
Put me down for 236.

2014-01-25, 04:00 PM
In an possible upset shocker, the winner of the Best of the Hundred in the Original Stick Awards (Stick Awards Classic?) for this grouping goes down in flames with one measly vote. :smalleek: This vote just goes to show that forums can and do change over time. Well either that or all the Belkar fans are busy elsewhere at the moment. :smalltongue:

Anywho, as for me, I've never really liked 223 as much as others seem to. And 216 is cute and all, but, meh.

So 202, 236, or 250.

Hmmmm. Taptaptap. I want to vote for 202, as it really does deserve some love. But 250 edges it out so so barely.

And with that.....


:roy: 250 - Oh no, he DIDN'T! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0250.html) is the winner of this semi-final! It now moves on to the finals for the Best of the Hundred tournament (201-300).

:vaarsuvius: 223 - Love, in the Abstract (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0223.html) is currently holding down Wild Card spot #1 with 8 votes and :roy: 216 - Perfect Combo (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0216.html) and :haley: 236 - Mean Girl (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0236.html) are currently sharing Wild Card spot #2 with 3 votes apiece.

Full Results are as follows:

.............THE STICK AWARDS II:
......... (201-300 | Semi-Final #1)
{table]|Comic Number | Votes Received | Vote Percentage |
202 |
1 |
216 |
3 |
223 |
8 |
236 |
3 |
250 |
13 |

Please join us as we continue the Best of the Hundred tournament, in this thread here.