View Full Version : Church, Leadership, Classes? 3.5

2014-01-20, 08:12 PM
I'm a 1 level cloistered cleric dip crusader. 10th level.

My character is starting the church of st cuthbert in this region, who is still alive in this setting. Spreading the word is his primary goal. A goal crafted AFTER character creation (8 charisma) womp womp womp...

9-Might Makes Right (Str to Leadership Score)

I plan on taking Land Lord at 12 (Hundreds of thousands of gold to only be spent on structures *churches)

Legendary Captain- gives bonus' to your Leadership score but the other, naval based, class features do not sync well with my character.

The Question
Are there any other classes, feats, that would make since with my holy warrior of retribution? All printed 3.5+FRCS books allowed - excluding dragon mag

2014-01-21, 04:17 AM
power of faerun has sum more rules on leadership and churches that could help you