View Full Version : Ideas and help

2014-01-21, 11:44 PM
Starting a campaign themed after the movie the mist. I'm going to have the characters start in a town gathering supplies and once they meet up, a thick misty fog will roll into town and horrible monsters will spawn and start attacking the townsfolk. The ultimate goal is for the party to help them escape and once in a safe area investigate the source of the issue. I have decided that certain people in the town will have information that will be useful in helping the party discover the source of the issue.

I am asking you all to help give me little bits of information that the townspeople may have leading to understanding what may have caused it. I haven't decided the source of it yet, so any ideas are more than welcome.

Thanks in advance!

2014-01-22, 04:18 AM
Depending on the setup of your group this may be very difficult. If you have a high level divinatiin specialist, you are pretty much out of mystery very quickly.

My current idea would be a partial planeshift. This is a concept of d&d 4e called "worldfall". Where for a short time two planar sections are overlapping. I used it before and it works out pretty well.

Dpending on what you want the solution to be ( magic expriment gone wrong, epic artefact awakening due to a dark threat rising...) you can fluff out the story as you like. What is your metaplot for this group? You can wave in anything you need to further it quite nicely.

2014-01-22, 06:18 AM
A fisherman or farmer might notice changes in weather before the fog appears. Others may notice the fog comes in from every direction or originates from a specified direction. Some may find the behavior of the monsters to be suspect like they will not leave the fog or cannot for whatever reason. The wizards might find that the fog is either mostly magical or compleatly mundane. The monsters might just be riding the fog to attack because they have gained a new but very intelligent leader. A cleric or priest would find the fog is of a specific alignment or he loses access to his divine powers during a fog. A warrior may find that the monsters are not alive but more like shadows that fade away when killed and appear out of no where. Someone may find that someone blind may be compleatly unaffected by the monsters and they just run past them because the fog is actually a hallucination and the villagers just kill each other. There might have been an artifact that went missing just before the fogs happened or a certain person died. They may have messed up an offering to a god. The planets might start to align. animals may leave before a fog appears.

2014-01-22, 04:09 PM
A fisherman or farmer might notice changes in weather before the fog appears. Others may notice the fog comes in from every direction or originates from a specified direction. Some may find the behavior of the monsters to be suspect like they will not leave the fog or cannot for whatever reason. The wizards might find that the fog is either mostly magical or compleatly mundane. The monsters might just be riding the fog to attack because they have gained a new but very intelligent leader. A cleric or priest would find the fog is of a specific alignment or he loses access to his divine powers during a fog. A warrior may find that the monsters are not alive but more like shadows that fade away when killed and appear out of no where. Someone may find that someone blind may be compleatly unaffected by the monsters and they just run past them because the fog is actually a hallucination and the villagers just kill each other. There might have been an artifact that went missing just before the fogs happened or a certain person died. They may have messed up an offering to a god. The planets might start to align. animals may leave before a fog appears.

THANKS, all of these are great ideas, I will let you know if I use them and how well they play out in the story line. That's a huge help!