View Full Version : Olympian build help.

2014-01-22, 01:25 AM
So, I recently found the Olympian class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13322347&postcount=11) for Pathfinder here on the forums, courtesy of Midwoka. It looks fun, and like the kind of thing that would fit right into the campaign I'm playing in, but I'm not sure how to build it most effectively. I'm starting at level 10, with standard WBL and 20 point buy.

From what I can make out, it's a decent frontline fighter, but suffers from MAD much like a Paladin would. Normally, I'd dump dex on that sorta character and wear full plate to make up for it, but the Olympian isn't proficient in any armor at all, so I don't wanna go three feats deep just to get my AC up. Should I dump dex anyways, and just rely on Con and my d12 HD to get me through the day.

Powerwise, I'm not quite sure what to grab. I'm pretty sure I should take Incredible Leap and Wings, because constant flight is pretty darn awesome. Other than that, I'm kinda conflicted - Elemental Fist is cool, but I don't know how useful it really is. Exceptional Blow is cool and gives me some utility on my punches, but you really need the various elements to bring it and the similar powers to their full potential. Size control is awesome, and Implacable provides free out of combat healing.

The origins are similarily varied. Call of the Wild is cool and provides the ability to turn into a pouncer, and I think the bonuses stack with Righteous Might, right? Bonded Artifact would let me have armor I'm proficient with without needing to waste a feat. Draconic is my favorite, flavorwise, but the breath weapon is just so mediocre.

Any of you guys have any recommendations?