View Full Version : How much of Pathfinder is open game content?

2014-01-22, 02:25 PM
Can I use the online SRD and download from these links: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/downloads is that considered unlawful reproduction of the game content? Or can myself and all of the folks in our Pathfinder group use the PDF files without breaking any content copyright laws?

2014-01-22, 02:54 PM
Let me see if I remember how this works. I'm not a lawyer, but using PDfs you did not purchase or are not offered freely is probably not legal.

The SRD is legal, though. It's a difference between the product and the content.

2014-01-22, 02:58 PM
What about downloading this PDF? https://docs.google.com/a/students.kuyper.edu/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxwYXRoZmluZGVyb2djfGd4OjZi N2QwZWQ0MWVkMGVhZTA

2014-01-22, 03:00 PM
It's marked as open content. Go for it.

2014-01-22, 03:05 PM
Thanks random internet consultant! :D *crosses fingers he doesn't get sued* xD

2014-01-22, 03:07 PM
Unless you're actively profiting from it, they're probably not going to care all that much.

2014-01-22, 03:08 PM
Let me see if I remember how this works. I'm not a lawyer, but using PDfs you did not purchase or are not offered freely is probably not legal.

The SRD is legal, though. It's a difference between the product and the content.

I see you have a degree in fake laws.

2014-01-22, 03:09 PM
Everything on the website in OP is safe to use. The mechanics are all open, but most of the fluff has been scrubbed

Paizo has realized the real money in gaming is selling picture books & minis. They've basically moved to the pay-for-hats model that many successful electronic game devs use.

2014-01-22, 03:20 PM
I see you have a degree in fake laws.

It's useful when handling Youtube "Copyrights." :smalltongue:

Hunter Noventa
2014-01-22, 03:23 PM
Everything on the website in OP is safe to use. The mechanics are all open, but most of the fluff has been scrubbed

Paizo has realized the real money in gaming is selling picture books & minis. They've basically moved to the pay-for-hats model that many successful electronic game devs use.

And adventure paths. aka 'Episodic Content'.

2014-01-22, 07:15 PM
The Mod Wonder: Do not ask for legal advice on the forums.