View Full Version : IC-Lelaine

2014-01-22, 05:07 PM

As you awake, you realize the day has finally come. It is the day for the reaping of the 73rd games. A day that has stood out in your memory as long as you can remember. The feeling of dread fills your stomach. Something feels off, but you're not sure why.

You rise and dress for the occasion, as does everyone throughout the district. Everyone wants to look nice for the ceremony. You never know when you might get chosen after all. So you better look your best.
Leaving your home, you join the mass exodus of people heading to the Reaping. The peacekeepers presence is throughout the streets. Their clean white uniforms and faceless helmets impress upon you a cold reality. Everyone is going. The silence of the crowd as they walk betrays another fact. They know that two children are going to die. Not today, but because of the events of today. It's a sobering fact. It hangs over the air like a heavy fog.

Just like all the other children of the district, you line up with the children of your age. Girls on one side, boys on another. Your blood sample is taken as peacekeepers check everyone in for the reaping. Children around you try to stay brave, especially for the younger ones. But they're all afraid.

And then the capital Visitor comes up on stage. Your heart sinks.
The time for Tributes has come. Please post your character's general appearance and his/her mannerisms as the reaping takes place. How it goes down is completely up to you.

2014-01-24, 01:12 PM
A medium sized girl, lithe but with unusually strong arms that her short-sleeved white dress couldn't hide, she left her mother's small house slowly. Her pale hair was cut short as normal and fell haphazardly around her head in a halo.

Lelaine followed the other girls into ranks in the courtyard, her feet adding to the monotonous thudding that was the tramp of hundreds of children heading to what could be their deaths. She kept her head low and thought about the morning, when her father had forbidden her from spending it working, and instead they had had a small picnic in the forest, with strange fruits and mushrooms he had found for the occasion. In her pocket was a little stick man woven in a complicated arrangement of wicker that her mother always made her take to the Reapings for luck. It had worked so far.

She placed her hands in her pockets as the female tribute was called, clutching the wickerman for luck. She had never taken tesserae, instead working for her father and mother to provide the income they needed. She planned on being around for her parents, or at least her mother when she was old.

"Lelaine Varra." Ice flooded through her. There was a muted whisper, a sigh from the crowd as they realised they were safe for another year. The girls next to her didn't even know who she was. "Lelaine, is Lelaine here?" The announcer was getting edgier, and the girls next to her were glancing around with everyone else, looking for someone crying or fighting the crowd.

"I-I'm h-here." her voice faltered on the words ashe stepped forward with a blank look on her face. She cleared her throat. "I'm here." She strode on to the stage in a haze. She wasn't, this wasn't meant to happen. This hadn't been how it was meant to go. Anguish twisted her face and she let out a half sob as she strode onto the podium, and stumbled slightly, causing an enforcer to step forward and help her, but she shoved him off and reached the centre of the stage and glared at the Capitol announcer. She didn't pay much attention when the boy was called, someone named Odath, a half-elf like her maybe? He looked bitter, she thought, but who wouldn't in their situation.

She let them cheer her but she was still encased in ice. She didn't feel any of it, fear, desperation, pride in her district. She only felt anger, hate and loathing for all this. She finally understood how her father felt, who had lived so long under the Capitol's rule. She would burn all of this down if she could, but instead she would die in their sick games.


In the waiting room a few minutes later she was greeted by her parents, the first time she had ever seen them in the same room together. That alone shocked her from her reverie, and tears fell from her eyes as she ran forward to embrace them. Her mother wept uncontrollably, and she saw tears falling rapidly from her father's cheeks as well, but he remained silent for a long time.

Afterwards, she only remembered one thing either of them had said, her father saying: "You will do things out there that would turn a man's blood. Do them, without hesitation. Do them. Don't hesitate. You will come back to me, Lel."


By the time she was on the train she felt as though the day should be over, not beginning. So much had already happened and she was worn out from the fear and the anger and sadness. But the woman from the Capitol was buzzing about them, and the two former winners, Blight and Joanna were there as well, though more relaxed. She examined Odath as she took a seat, trying to size up her competition, but couldn't really tell a lot: he looked just as poor as her, and probably was. She thought she might have recognized him, he did look familiar, but no memory stirred. He glanced over to her, and she quickly averted her eyes, uncomfortable with a stranger seeing her looking. She noted Blight's friendliness and Joanna's laid back confidence: these people had both won, had both killed their fellow tributes and been the last standing. That was a reminder to what could be done, if she tried, if she was strong enough and if she was lucky enough. A lot of 'ifs'.

"Be careful of your tone," the boy warned their Capitol woman unexpectedly, causing Lelaine to stir in surprise, realising she hadn't been paying attention again.
She racked her brains for what they had been talking about and started actually listening: this was going to be tough, but she owed herself and her parents her best effort.

"And getting those capital people to like you is going to increase your chances." Aw damn... That was not her strong suit. She knew that. She was not a people-person. Not even a person-person.

"Um, so what are we doing once we reach the capital?" She asked. Being forewarned of these kind of things might help her come up with something to say or do to impress people, or at least, maybe that was what the Capitol woman did; help her come up with ideas.

"So, looking nice is all we have to do right?" She asked awkwardly, "Damn, what do I do in the interiew?" She added anxiously, as she remembered the process from last year.

I skipped a lot to catch up and tried to fold in the events of Odath's thread.

2014-01-28, 05:55 PM
Blight smiles a little as she finally begins to speak up.
"Well like I said, we'll take the process one day at a time. When we arrive at the capital tomorrow, you two will be cleaned up by specialists and dressed in fine clothes. Then they'll parade you about the capital, as all of it's citizens cheer for you. Soak it up, as it can be a bit of a ego boost."

After he next two questions, he pauses for a moment.
"At the parade, all you need to do is look confident and stand tall. It's important not to look weak." Blight pours himself some water and take a long drink before finishing. "As I said, we'll spend more time on the interview in a few days. For now, know that you need to make yourself appear either tough or likeable. Obviously many of the males decide to appear to tough, but it's actually risky. Likeable tributes get sponsors. Tough appearing tributes usually get sponsors... after they've proven themselves. That can be getting a high rating, or by killing several on the first day. I personally think the former is the better way to go, but it has worked for some to try the latter."

Great Job with that.

2014-01-28, 06:52 PM
Lelaine blanked out Blight's first words: she didn't care about clothes or specialists. They could do whatever it was they would do, and she would wear it, and that would be that.

The rest though, that required thought. Tough or likable was an easy choice; even if Lelaine wasn't male, she knew she was handy in a fight and had the strength to back that up. She also knew she was a loner, and poor at making friends or keeping them. So ratings or killing...

There it was, the brutal reality of her situation once more reared its head and she shut her eyes against the onslaught of images of past Games: the slaughter of tributes at the Cornucopia, children beaten to death with makeshift weapons. It would be awful.

Lelaine sat quietly in thought, not trusting herself to open her mouth in case her insecurities came out. It would be a sign of weakness to her fellow tribute, and she had no intention of showing that: not when looking tough was all she had.

2014-01-29, 12:33 PM
Blight's words fall upon the two tributes like a sack of rocks. Just as Lelaine grows very quiet, so does Odath. It is clear the words of Blight have hit him hard, and he stays quiet for a moment. Finally he leans over the table and asks "So, what do I gotta do to get a high rating?"
After Odath's question, Blight smiles quickly and answers with little hesitation.
"That's easy. When the time comes, you show them that you are good at killing. They want a good show, and the better your talents, the better their show will be."

2014-01-29, 01:35 PM
"Better give them a show then," Lelaine muttered grimly. She knew she was handy with an axe, and she was strong: she'd show those bossy careers, and the rest of the capitol. For her father, she would show them!

Looking out of the window she took in the vista passing by at incredible speed. Landscapes that were totally foreign to her reckoning passed in a blur, too fast for her to comprehend, and she let herself relax and take them. She didn't want to think about the Games anymore: for now, she just wanted to remember her family and think about the forest.

2014-01-31, 09:52 PM
Out of time post with Stylist

Lelaine had never felt so clean that was for certain, but more than the cleanliness, she couldn't decide if she liked the experience. The comforting dirt under her nails and the smell of wood and ash was gone, replaced by... was that some sort of perfume? She wasn't quite certain what the heady aroma was.

The other downside to this scenario was her current nudity. Kora, her stylist, seemed to have no awareness of the doubt Lelaine might be feeling and worked heedlessly of the blushes she elicited. In response to this, Lelaine tried to show as little of her discomfort, and relaxed herself as the stylist busied herself making measurements and calling out changes to whatever outfit was being prepared. The determined stylist was not completely devoid of emotions though: she seemed gleeful about whatever was behind the curtain at the back of the room, and thus Lelaine's trepidation mounted as to what her stylist was so keen to make her wear.

Finally, out it came and Lelaine was far more surprised than horrified. It took her a few moments in the mirror to work out what it was supposed to be, at which point she decided her stylist clearly had no idea what life in the forests of district 7 was like.


The dress was revealing in all sorts of ways around the front and the back, but Lelaine noted that it managed to hide her bulky arms and shoulders beneath large green fan shapes. The flowing skirt seemed demure except for the slash to one side, which Lelaine was certain would open wide during their chariot ride. Lastly, an ornate headdress was placed reverently on her brow and Lelaine barely recognised herself.

Kora stood back to admire her work and began to babble about her influences and her 'take' on the usual styles: "You see, everyone dresses district 7 up in trees, and it's so dull, so boring. And there are plenty of other plants, so I just found the most exotic ones, to spice you up of course. You could smile deary. You were dull and now you're not."

The woman in the mirror was intimidating and strange. Mysterious, and maybe even attractive. At that thought, anger surged in her and Lelaine stormed from the room. They made her into this! They couldn't just change who she was, not for their games, not to watch her die. It was wrong, so wrong, and for the millionth time since the Reapings her blood seethed like it never had in the forest with her father, and she felt a burning hatred of everything about the Capitol. She wasn't ready for whatever was to come, but she vowed, neither were they.

2014-02-01, 12:22 PM
Before we get ahead of ourselves here, let me post this. it's a welcome to the capital post that we were just waiting on.

The speeding train catches your attention as it suddenly begins to slow. For the last hour the train has been speeding along mountains and shooting through tunnels. Finally it comes out of a final tunnel and the sun shines down upon it. With it now slowing, the train track curves to the side and allows you to see in the distance the capital.

A gigantic metropolis, it is comprised of countless metal buildings that stretch into the sky towards the clouds. Never in your life have you seen such tall buildings. Scattered along the skyline are floating ships that hang in the sky.


The train continues to slow, and eventually closes into the city. People line the track, waving to you as the train enters the capital. The capital citizens are an odd bunch, all dressed in bright colors with bizarre hairstyles and some even have odd grafts on their bodies. The sheer number of them decorating the pristine streets is mind boggling to you.


Once the train stops, your chaperone takes you to a nearby building. There a team of highly trained capital employees take over cleaning you. They scrub you clean on a level you've never felt before, removing a layer of skin from your body, thoroughly washing your hair, waxing body hair, and picking any specks of dirt that may be under your nails.

2014-02-01, 12:39 PM
After the parade, Odath and Lelaine are escorted to a skyscraper building while still being driven around in the elegant chariots. The other tributes are being escorted back in a staggered grouping of twos. As two balded headed humans in red jumpsuits open the door for the two, Lelaine glances back. She sees the tributes from District 1 pulling up behind them. Both human, and both eighteen, they stare boldly at the two Half-elves before them. The male leans over and whispers something to the girl. They promptly laugh a mean sounding laugh, and it's clear that it was at your expense.

In the lobby Blight, Johanna and Eleeza are waiting for them along with a large number of Mentors and Chaperones from other districts. They take the two of you to a elevator and Johanna pushes the big 7. Once the doors close, they finally speak. "The new stylists have some interesting taste. I don't think I've seen plants done before." Johanna mutters.
"Better than that ugly plaid jumpsuit I got back in the day" Blight chuckles. "Well she wears it well at least."
"You both did good." Blight says encouragingly.
"No. The tears were a mistake on your part. Don't let the cameras see you cry again."

After a few moments, the door opens. Before you is a large floor that is quite on scale with the train. A large living space is before you, and the dining area that she can immediately see appears to be almost the same size as her house. A bald female servant in a blue jumpsuit appears to be finishing up loading a table with food, once more it is filled with more than the five could ever hope to eat.
"You'll each have your own rooms. Let me show you to them, so you can get changed and then we can eat" Eleeza says, trying to lighten the mood. "They should have just delivered a wide variety of clothes that fit you, now that you've been fitted."

2014-02-01, 02:29 PM
Lelaine stormed through the open door, and headed straight for the room as soon as the attendant directed her to it. She still felt humiliated by what had happened, and she had no desire to listen to anymore of Joanna's scathing comments or Blight's fake encouragements. A rational part of her mind had already worked out what the looks of the District 1 tributes meant: they thought she was weak.

But most of her thought process wasn't focused on that. Instead she fumed at the fact that the Capitol had already taken her dignity twice over: her body first and then her pride had each been swatted by that ridiculous chariot ride, and this was only the beginning.

She curled up in the bed, her frustration preventing her from marveling at the comfort and luxury that surrounded her. Instead she rocked herself steadily as her anger and frustration worked their way through her.

An hour later she felt recovered enough that she ventured into the central room once more, though she still didn't feel ready to face Joanna.

2014-02-02, 02:37 AM
I'm going to assume you changed out of the plant dress. Otherwise, there would be some conversation about that.

Returning to the main hall, Lelaine is slightly relieved to find it mostly empty. The table has been mostly cleared, but a plate with a small assortment of food has been left out. Eleeza stands over by the large window, looking down upon the Capital. Hearing you coming, she turns. "There you are child. We were worried about you. I put some food aside for you."

2014-02-02, 05:54 AM
Yup: dumped that straight away! :smallbiggrin:

"Thank you," Lelaine replies timidly, before sitting herself down and picking at the meal. The silence stretched for an uncomfortable length of time until Lelaine broke it by asking anxiously: "Have you seen Odath, or the mentors? Were they...?"

2014-02-03, 04:54 AM
"Were they... what?" She says, honestly confused.

"After Odath ate, he mentioned being tired from the long day. He went to bed. I believe Blight also went to his quarters and Johanna has stepped out for the evening. Is there anything you need that I can help with?"

Suddenly the bald female comes from no where, placing a glass of juice on the table for Lelaine. She bows slightly and slinks away.

2014-02-03, 01:44 PM
"Were they angry with me?" Lelaine forced herself to say. "I'm just not used to being looked at like that, and I was angry with myself for not being able to be as confident as everyone else. It's different back in the districts."

As the shaven haired servant delivers the glass, Lelaine takes it with a smile and tries to thank the servant but is too slow. "Thank yo-. Oh, am I not meant to talk to the servants?" Lelaine asks Eleeza.

Climb DC 20 [roll0]
Take 10 on Acrobatics for 16
Fort DC 12 [roll1] +2 for Acrobatics +4 for climb = 15! Pass, just...

2014-02-03, 03:51 PM
"There was no anger that i sensed. Well maybe from Odath, but I don't think that's directed at you dear. The mentors know that it's alot of strain on the tributes. I'm sure they understood."But if you're feeling a bit homesick, maybe this will help. Turning to the window, she plays around with a curved black control. The windows change from transparent to a view-screen, and displays the downtown capital. Hitting the buttons on the control, she manages to get it to flick through multiple scenes before it settles on a wooded area. The trees are thick and tall, and immediately Lelaine recognizes it as woods from near here home. Or at least very similar to it.
"Ah... so relaxing"

"Thats a Avox dear. They can't talk. But I supposed you can talk to them if you want... " Her voice regarding the avox is much less sweet of a tone than she had been using with Lelaine. It's clear she thinks less of Avoxs.

2014-02-03, 04:30 PM
Lelaine watched the the panels change with clear surprise on her face. It actually was relaxing, like being back at home, and Eleeza was by far the least demanding of her new companions. In fact, though she was strange, Lelaine found her welcoming nature incredibly attractive and she was reminded of her mother's circle of friends back in the district, who had always welcomed her, even if she had mostly shunned them in return.

"Thank you, that is much better," she replied. It might be a trick of the Capitol, but it was one that she didn't have the strength to rail against right now, and it was easier to just enjoy it.

Eleeza's comment on the 'Avox' was confusing at first; it almost seemed like the Capitol thought they weren't people: maybe they weren't. "Are they enchanted?" She asked, wondering if they were puppets shaped like men, "Or are they created like that. They aren't people are they?"

2014-02-05, 01:06 AM
She smiles and quickly dismisses the question as if there was something wrong about it. "No, they aren't considered people anymore. But such talk about Avox's are considered rude, and illegal."


Lelaine returns to her room and finds Odath knocking on it. When he notices it, he is startled for a moment before he awkwardly begins to speak. He blushes and tries to keep a formal tone. "I'm not good at this kind of stuff but..." he says, before taking a long uncomfortable pause"I think we should form an alliance."

2014-02-06, 08:34 AM
Anymore...? Lelaine felt a chill as Eleeza closed off their conversation. That woman had once been a person, and the Capitol had done something to her, something that it was illegal to talk about. Icy fear and fiery anger battled in her as she thought about the Capitol once more, and hatred burned brighter than both.

She was just trying to get to sleep when she heard the knock. She imagined it must be Blight at first, and cautiously she rose, smoothed her nightdress down and then opened the door. To her surprise, Odath, her fellow tribute faced her looking anxious. "I'm not good at this kind of stuff but..." he says, before taking a long uncomfortable pause "I think we should form an alliance."

What? An alliance? They didn't know each other, and neither had any idea about what to do! And you couldn't trust someone else in the arena, not completely.

Confusion past across Lelaine's face, and she managed to voice her surprise and incredulity: "An alliance? Why? Why me?" Recovering her composure a little she added more articulately; "I don't know you, I don't even know if I can trust you. And only one of us can win."

2014-02-06, 07:06 PM
He licks his lips and looks around the corner to make sure no one is listening. Just to be safe he whispers, "Can I come in? After closing the door, Odath forces his response from his throat, "You don't need to work with me, but it will increase your odds of surviving. Even if we simply make a truce, that'll be one less person trying to kill you." His tone changes a shade darker, more sober, "Besides, I've seen it in other games. They hunt in small packs killing off the weaker tributes until they're the only ones left. I'm not asking you to hunt people, but maybe we could watch each others' back." His eyes wander up to hers, and he murmurs, "Please." He doesn't realize he's staring and wont give up until he gets an answer.[

2014-02-07, 06:03 AM
Lelaine listened to Odath's quiet suggestions, and realised he seemed far more human now than he had ever before. "Alright then," Lelaine mutters, before repeating herself with more force. "I'm not going to shy away from killing the others. I've decided that." Her assertion was undermined however by the quaver in her voice. "But I promise that I won't attack you in the arena, until... Well we'll deal with that when it comes to it."

Though the conversation was dark and awkward, Lelaine took Odath's hand and guided him into the room. "For district 7, and our families. We'll do this."

* * * * * * * * *

Re: Test 4 - (Lelaine will Rage in order to boost her con and will save)

2014-02-08, 10:28 AM
Odath sighs out, "Thank you. he straightens himself out and affirms, "Its a truce then, until there are no others standing. After that he awkwardly mutters something about needing rest, and shuffles to the door. Before stepping back, he looks back at Lelaine one more time. He pauses for a moment as if deciding which words he should say before murmuring, "Have a good night."

2014-02-08, 12:53 PM
"Night," Lelaine responds as Odath leaves, but she didn't sleep, instead tossing sleeplessly in her bed as she considered the consequences of Odath's courage. She had no problem not killing him, and she even thought she might trust him a little, but would they be like the careers, stalking the hopelessly week? She would have to talk to him tomorrow evening, maybe in front of Blight and Joanna to prove she was serious about the Games. She would need to know how they could work together, and what he could bring to the table.

Wrapped in her thoughts, she fell asleep still fretting anxiously.

2014-02-12, 12:33 AM
After the second day of training, Lelaine and Odath return to their private apartment where Eleeza and Blight are getting ready for dinner. To Lelaine's relief, Johanna isn't present. Once dinner gets going, Blight dives right into business. "So you two, you've had two days to view the competition. What do you think?"

2014-02-13, 06:13 AM
Lelaine listened to Odath's comment and nodded. He seemed to have it right. "Odath's right. The careers seem to be close, and a bunch of them were in the pool together on the first day I think. What can we do against the career pack?" She had her own idea, unimaginative as it was, but everyone knew you could always fight fire with fire. But would it work? An anti-career pack?

"Some of them look like they'll be lambs to the slaughter," she added, "Ralla from 5, and the two from 12. There's the bulky half-orc; he doesn't seem very bright."

Lelaine noted that Odath was being circumspect about their arrangement, but if Blight and Joanna were going to help them, then they would need to know. With a glance towards Odath she spoke up: "We've decided to work together. Allies. Will that help us? And what about the other tributes? Some of them will make alliances; the brother and sister."

2014-02-13, 11:23 PM
"The careers teaming up isn't exactly something new. They do it every year, as far back as I can remember. But try not to get intimidated by them. They do a lot of the dirty work that needs to be done in the games. I certainly don't like them, but those weak tributes you mentioned... if they don't kill them, then it's more likely you'll have to do it. I know neither of you have had to take a life before, or... at least I hope not. But when that time comes, it's much easier for you to live with when it's in self defense." Blight stares off for a moment, lost in thought. Perhaps troubled by some bad memories.
"My advice on the careers is avoidance. They'll slowly turn on one another, until there's only one left. Two careers never last til the last two. Be a survivor. Get what you need, and lay low. Survive. It's the best strategy.

If you've decided to work together, you have my blessing. I want both of you to live. But everyone knows that isn't a possibility. So just keep that in mind. You don't have to turn against each other. Maybe just an agreement that when there's only so many left, say five tributes total, you split up and go separate ways. That's how Johanna did it, and it worked well for her."

Thinking again, he adds "As for allies... Just remember that they are a mixed bag. Bigger groups mean you travel slower generally, more food is required, and you're easier to track. Of course it offers more resources and safety, at least in theory. But allies who know that you two are working together are going to view you as a stronger threat. Like that brother /sister team. You know they won't betray each other. And likely a group would expect the two of you won't betray each other. So when the time for betrayal comes, pairs from the same districts usually get stabbed in the back first. So I'd recommend against it. But the choice is always up to the two of you."

2014-02-14, 04:49 AM
"Kaitlyn and Cass told me that Ponine is trying to form a group of the weak tributes. I don't know if it is some kind of plan, or just an anti-career pack. It seems weird. Suspicious even."

"But Cass asked me if I wanted to join her and Durass, maybe Kaitlyn too. I think Cass is definitely gifted, and probably Durass too. I don't know what they can do exactly, but it is worth remembering. I asked them if I could bring you in Odath, but if you want to join another alliance..."

2014-02-15, 12:46 AM
"I don't think its safe for you to stay with them. I can't-" he catches himself too late, "Wont. I wont hurt you until the careers are gone. I never go back on my word. I don't think anyone else can give you a guarantee like that. He pauses for a moment, "Just one thing though, regardless of whether you go with me or not, promise me you wont get too close to the cornucopia."

2014-02-15, 06:36 AM
"Thanks," she replied, surprised and quite effected by Odath's show of compassion. "I won't stay with them long: just at the start. Once I'm on my feet and some of the competition is gone I'll leave. If... Maybe we'd do better in separate alliances? We could still stop the two groups coming to blows, or at least both survive if that does happen?" She didn't understand why Odath felt so willing to protect her. They only had their race and district in common, and those meant little, even though if she won it would mean food for everyone in their home. She hadn't thought him the type to rank his district above his own life.

2014-02-16, 03:17 PM
Odath's eyes have a certain fiery appearance as he replies. "If you won't come with me, I'm going alone." Lelaine can sense a unusual amount of emotion coming from him.

2014-02-16, 04:14 PM
"No, that's not what I meant," Lelaine replied, surprised by her own emotion as well. She had not expected to like this boy, let alone feel guilt that she had hurt hi somehow. "I meant that Cass and Kaitlyn don't trust you enough to bring you into the alliance, and no one wants to be in the largest alliance. But, if we both started out in separate alliances, we could play them, all of them. We could stop the two groups coming to blows, and if they did, get out before either of us was hurt. And after the first day, after the cornucopia, we can meet up. We'll be safer with friends for that first battle, but once it's over, then I'd rather be with you. Honestly." She hoped that she had convinced him, since she rather feared that he was crueler and more cunning than she could ever be, but despite those anxieties, she still felt compelled to work with him.

2014-02-16, 10:50 PM
I felt it better to not edit this one.

Odath let out a nervous chuckle and said, "I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not exactly the manipulative type. But I think you could be right. If we meet up after the cornucopia, it'll be safer. But I want to be with someone I trust. I have truces with some of the other tributes but I don't trust them." He lowered his voice and then murmured, "Not like I trust you." The half-elf wasn't sure what he should do in this situation, he knew he was burning with anticipation, and noted something alight in the girl's eyes, but he wasn't sure what that had meant. Does he grab her and force a kiss? Does he ask her permission? Does he just not do anything and then leave to his own bedroom?

He didn't allow himself time to rationalize his way out of it. He was awaiting his probable execution, nothing but her seemed to matter. He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. He was awkward and didn't know what to do with his hands so he backed off and gave her a chance to speak. He blushed and blurted out, "Okay. Um. Wow. Was that...? Do you want to...?" He spun his hands around as if that would help make his speech more clear, trying to vaguely gesture the bedroom.

2014-02-17, 03:45 AM
Lelaine's feelings of relief having calmed him, suddenly turned to surprise and shock as he tried to kiss her. She didn't push him away, but she withdrew obviously. She had never- never-

For an awkwardly long time, Lelaine turned away from her fellow tribute uncertainly, but finally composed her thoughts and faced him once more. "Odath, I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't think. I- I don't know you. I mean I trust you, and I don't know why, not when we're about to go into that. But I don't, I'm not. I don't know if I return your feelings." She looked down guiltily; had she led him on? Had she drawn him in? She had brought him into her bedroom that first night, that was true, but she had been upset, confused after her weakness in the parade. She just didn't know how to handle this, she had barely even had acquaintances in the district, now she had friends, and someone who wanted to be more, and she didn't know how to deal with that.

"But, in the Arena, I'll still go with you. After the cornucopia, we'll find someway of meeting up, some sign, some location." If he was honest, then a callous part of her indicated that he would want to betray her the least, but still, she felt something...

2014-02-17, 08:52 AM
Also did the previous incident happen in front of Blight and Joanna? I imagine not, but we didn't actually leave them...

If the conversation and kissing incident did not happen in front of the mentors, then:

Lelaine rose early and sought out Blight, to ask him his opinion.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Testing Post:

Lelaine felt uncertain as she entered the testing room. So much had changed for her in the past week, and all of it had increased her hatred of the Capital and what they were about to make her do. Conflicted she stepped up to a side table where she had asked for them to lay out various naturally occurring objects.

Demonstration 1

She began to weave pieces of bark and read, just as she had been taught by her mother, but this time she was not doing it to make bowls or baskets. She knotted the pieces around two twigs and then selected a sharp stone which she carefully tied in, even as she used the tension in her trap to keep it poised. Then with one careful prod of her twig the trap closed, the stone shearing through her twig (17).
She looked up, but though they had seemed intent to begin with, the judges seemed to be staring at her with less focus now. Didn't they know how valuable traps for hunting game were? She could live in the arena for weeks like this!
She began another one, but her hands fumbled even as her anger built. She wanted to punish them, but without focus, her fingers crushed the spindly reeds she had chosen (7).
She glanced up to the clock on the wall. Much of her time had gone already, though she knew her later demonstrations would use less time. She hurried over to the table once more, and gatherer up larger detritus, branches and long strands of fern. She worked in a frenzy, but her anger burned cold, her mind was precise. She finished the net just as one of the judges joked about something with one of his comrades.
She spun back to the judges and strode towards them as though heedless of the mess she had left on the ground. Then with one action she grabbed the nearest dummy and slid/threw it into the net, which immediately snapped together, the branches swinging up to impale it multiple times, and ropes of plant matter binding it (22).

Demonstration 2

In her current state she could already feel the blood magic calling to her. She had kept it subdued all this time, but she had known she would likely have to call on it during her time in the Arena. She did so now, darkness pooling in her hands before spreading out and dimming the whole room, casting it into shadow, and making the impaled dummy look even more morbid.
Even as the darkness hung there, glowing pools of light sprung into existence dancing weirdly around the room, but not illuminating it. They drew the eye with their mysterious glow and erratic movement.
Finally Lelaine closed her eyes and pictured her father showing her how to control the darker side of her nature. You are the ice and you are the fire. Control them, let them rage, but do not be consumed. It was a fine line, between the two, and Lelaine stepped into chill cold that hovered just out of sight. In that moment violet light sprung up around her, illuminating her face in flickering light.
She allowed the whole effect to linger for a few moments, whilst the judges sat in silence, before she dismissed it.

Demonstration 3

She then approached the weapon rack, this time with haste. She could feel the chill setting in. She had let herself be drawn to much into the ice. Now it was time for fire.

She picked up the largest axe she could find, a greataxe, and then turned and with a yell charged over towards the target dummies. With one great swing she carved the dummy in half, destroying it completely.
But she was not done. The anger was still building in her, more and more, burning. She had never released it in such a way before; she had lived peacefully in the forest. With a cry that turned into a snarl her fingers turned to claws, and glowed faintly with a greenish light. She slashed out frenziedly at the nearest dummy, but just missed its arm (7). But she didn't let up, bringing her other claw in to smash the dummy's arm asunder, knocking its pretend blade away (23). Without pause she brought her claws up again and smashed the faces of two different dummies, one claw severely denting the dummy (19), whilst the other took its head clean off (20).

Her anger still boiled inside her, but she took a step back, then a second and let the fire abate. She shook her head, fatigued, but she maintained her composure and bowed to the examiners, before leaving with her head held high.

Demonstration 1, skill rolls, Craft (Trapmaking) +4 [Fluff to come following rolls]

Demonstration 2, Magic.
Standard Action: Darkness SLA
Dancing Lights SLA
Faerie Fire SLA

Demonstration 3, Attack rolls Axe + Claws
Enter Rage Edit: With new trait Angry Person, each of these attacks has +1 to hit and to damage
Greataxe: [roll3] +1
Damage: [roll4] +1

Claws against a dummy's head (-4 to hit for Called Shot)
[roll5] +1, Damage: [roll6] +1
[roll7] +1, Damage: [roll8] +1

Claws against a dummy's arms (-4 to hit for Called Shot)
[roll9] +1, Damage: [roll10] +1
[roll11] +1, Damage: [roll12] +1

2014-02-17, 11:22 AM
I can only presume that said mentioned incident did not happen in front of anyone.

You rise early in the morning. Moving about, the only sound is coming from the kitchen where the avox is preparing breakfast. It takes a couple gentle raps on his door, but Blight answers eventually. "Lelaine... What's going on? Everything alright?" He says groggily, his tone not being the calm and friendly one she's used to but still not unfriendly in nature.

2014-02-17, 01:05 PM
"Last night... Odath... He tried to kiss me." It wasn't like she was asking for relationship advice. She wouldn't even do that with her parents, but she was so confused right now, and Blight, well he had experience with this thing. "You heard that we're going to ally int he Arena, and now I think I know why Odath wanted to, but... What does this mean?"

Also, I would like to note at this point that I will be taking the District 7 trait 'Angry Person' for 500 XP, which rather fits Lelaine.

I'm also assuming that we could take any other district's traits, but I really don't think I can justify taking Career, despite the benefits :smalltongue:

Next level Lelaine will be taking a level of ranger, if you needed to know.

Having seen the Angry Person trait, and assuming that Odath almost certainly has it, I'm kind of thinking that our builds are almost identical, or at least very similar. Anyway, I'm sure you had a chuckle at that, but obviously no need to comment on this :smallwink:

2014-02-17, 02:07 PM
Odath's brain came back down from its high and then he realized the whole situation was entirely ridiculous. He flushed and then cleared his throat, "Right. I'm sorry, that was unfair of me. I should probably go. I will see you tomorrow. Probably. We'll figure out some kind of signal before then. Until then. Good night. Um. Yeah." Odath never really had a way with words but he'd never stumbled over his words inarticulately like this before.


Blight rubs his eyes, standing in the doorway for a moment trying to wake up. Perhaps even hoping this was a dream. Finally he babbles back what he can of a response. "He's... it just happens with boys your age... Emotional times, kids get confused...He didn't try and force himself on you, did he? I'll have a talk with him after you two do your testing... And technically it doesn't change anything. Only one of you can win. That hasn't changed. So think about that."

Sorry, district traits are restricted to those districts. It's not my fault all the players in 1 & 2 dropped.:smallwink:

And yes, there are some similarities...

2014-02-17, 02:38 PM
"Yeah..." Just a silly crush. She would have guessed that, if she actually knew boys her own age. "It's just... No, you're right: nothing is different." She was already going to ally with him in the knowledge that they would have to go their separate ways. That was still the same. And Blight was right, people, young people, got confused in times like these, especially if you weren't used to others, which clearly neither of them were. It was perhaps sad to think that they may well become the best friends the other had ever had.

She knew she had difficulty with her own emotions, she needed to make sure Odath's didn't become a problem for her either, but she had no idea how to solve that obstacle right now...

2014-02-23, 12:28 PM
Lelaine returned from the testing full of anxieties, despite her lingering fatigue. She hadn't known that releasing her aggression like that would cause her to be so bestial. She glanced at her hands in wonder and fascination. She had torn those dummies apart, and she could do it to the other tributes just as easily. But that sort of power was daunting...

So much still worried her: had she done well? Would she get a good score from the judges. If she got a bad one, would the others still want to ally with her? Did she want to ally with them? She had dreams of the group camped in a forest sleeping, whilst Kaitlyn and Cass took turns slitting her throat. She thought she had done well, or reasonably so at the challenges, and people seemed to like her, at least more than in her actual district. Maybe they just thought she was naive. The backdrop to each of these dreams was inevitably Durass laughing maniacally. His face would loom into her visions with a grin and a jest, even as the other two killed her over and over again. Sometimes they also slew Odath whilst he slept, and Ralla and Zehir, and then Lelaine's own mother and father, sleeping soundly in their beds. Durass, the boy who reminded her so much of the bullies from her school. People like him were part of the reason she had been alone for such a long time.

And Odath... That alone was causing her as much of a headache as the rest of her concerns put together, which in itself was distracting and making her anxious that she was thinking so much about it! Aarrgghh...

She reentered the apartment and sought the cushioned sofa where the rest of the group was gathered awaiting the scores. She nodded to them, trying to catch Blight's eye. He had said he would be speaking with Odath: she wasn't sure she really wanted him to, but it would happen. And Joanna. Lelaine's week here had shown her so much about herself, and she was realising how like the mentor she would be, if she let her rage out. Was that the choice? No, she would choose to embrace the rage over her own death. No choice at all.

* * * * * *

After the scores were released and each person had eventually sort their bed, she went to Odath's room and knocked gently, just as he had just a few nights ago.

"Can we talk?" Lelaine asked timidly.

2014-02-25, 12:44 AM
Lelaine arrives at the apartment, finding Blight and Odath alone. It doesn't take much to realize Blight had the chat with him. Not long after, Eleeza and Johanna arrive. The five of you turn on the television and eagerly begin to await the announcement of your scores.
Perhaps to Lelaine's slight surprise, she scores slightly higher than him.


Odath was surprised to see her this late at night. It showed on his face. He stumbled over his words, replying, "Uh. Sure. Come on in." He lets her in, closing the door after her. He licks his lips nervously and asks, "So, what do you want to talk about?"


Taking this out of the IC

Lelaine was surprised by the frustration in his voice, though truly anyone who was looking ahead to the Arena ought to be feeling it. "I- I wanted to make sure we could trust each other-" she begins lamely, then cuts herself off. "yes I'm from 7 and I can use an axe. And I can kill." Whatever Durass was feeling, it seemed that he was focused on the macabre: fine, she would show him she was tough and wouldn't be taken advantage of, but her confidence in their alliance was already dwindling.

"Yeah, you look like a tough elf. So I believe you could... but will you? When the time comes, make sure you do!" He looks around at the others in the gymnasium and mumbles something while making gestures. Suddenly she hears whispers in her ears as if his lips were right next to them. <You don't have to trust me. I'll be running distraction at the cornucopia, and after that I'll stay out of your hair unless Cass can't count on you. So see that she can.>

2014-02-25, 07:43 AM
Watching the scores

She watched nervously as the scores were read out, grimacing when Kaine was awarded his score: it seemed his bite was as bad as his bark. Maybe worse. The others weren't too surprising, and she shook her head when Ralla was awarded a 5. It seemed the girl hadn't been lying about being incompetent. Ponine gained a 9, and Lelaine knew that the girl would be stiff competition. Liss, the creepy halfling surprised her with a 9 as well, and then Odath scored one as well. She was just congratulating him when her own score was read out. A TEN! She couldn't believe it. The others turned to her, and she caught Joanna's eye, hoping to get some show of support.

Her joy turned to horror however when Durass's score came on screen. 12. It was impossible. Her dread mounted. He was as dangerous as he seemed. What was she going to do...

With Odath

"I wanted to apologise about last night. I think we should put it behind us. We need to concentrate in the arena. We've both done well in the tests. We have a chance, and the others ought to be afraid of us. We should work out a system for meeting up after the cornucopia, or if we ever get split up."

"I was thinking we should always head north of the cornucopia, then leave messages, in elven; you can speak that right? Then we'll at least know where to start looking. That, or I can show you how to fold plants. My mother was a wicker worker, and my father a woodsman. I know a few tricks."

She brought out the little wicker man that her mother had given her and would be her token in the arena. She unraveled it with practiced fingers, and then retied it into a triangle, tied off at one point. "Then you point the tied off end in the direction you're heading," she explained, "And I can follow."

After Odath had taken a turn (if he wanted to) she would reshape it into the wicker man, which now looked slightly the worse for wear.

If you don't want her using her token like this, she'll just have brought strips of paper or something instead :smallsmile:

With Durass

Lelaine was becoming more and more uncomfortable around Durass all the time. "I don't plan on messing with Cass. I hope we'll be allies in the arena," She said carefully. "Are you not planning on staying with the group?" Like a spectre, circling the group, but never staying. The thought chilled her. She really wanted to know where Durass was at all times. Not knowing gave her an uncomfortable itch right in the middle of her shoulder blades.

2014-02-25, 11:32 PM
With Odath

Staying quiet, he avoids eye contact with Lelaine as she speaks. He answers her question in elvish, <"Of course, my friend.">

With Durass

<I had been planning on separating after the cornucopia, for a day or two. The careers have to be taken out if any of us want a chance to win. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm the right man for the job.>

He looks Lelaine over for a moment, before adding "You should loosen up. You look much too nervous."

2014-02-26, 04:54 AM
With Odath

"Well then, is there anything else you think we need to plan before we get in there? It seems like Durass will still strike at the Cornucopia, and Cass will as well, whilst Kaitlyn and I search for equipment. Then we'll see where we are up to. I'll keep the group from hunting you."

I'll stay with them for two days, until whatever time we began the Games on the third day. Or if Durass falls, or if 12 tributes are dead. Whichever comes first. Does that work for you?"

"<Thank you, for being someone I can trust,>" she responds in elvish.

With Durass

"Hmmph," she grunted, turning her back on him and stalking away. Well, if he didn't plan on actually being with the group for the first few days that suited her. She'd be gone before he returned, and Kaitlyn and Cass could deal with him.

2014-02-26, 02:34 PM
Odath listens thoughtfully to her explanation then realizes he has to tell her his own strategy. He inhales deeply before replying, "It might not be such a good idea to remain so close to Durass after the cornucopia. He's dangerous. He got a 12. It might be better to kill him when he least expects it. Be on your guard because he will be thinking the same way." Odath let out a sigh and then continued, "But a bigger problem is at hand. In the beginning, I'm going to summon a thick bank of fog in the Cornucopia. No one will be able to see and it will be better if you are ready, because it could put you in danger if you're not."

2014-02-26, 05:13 PM
"You're, you're a sorcerer?" she said, surprised. "Why? Will you be able to cover the whole cornucopia? I'll be wary, thank you for the warning."

"And Durass isn't staying with us. He plans on killing the careers personally I think. He seems very protective of Cass. I'm hoping that I'll only have to rely on Cass and Kaitlyn, and I think they can be trusted. To an extent."

2014-02-27, 07:13 PM
Odath chuckled, "No, not sorcery. I can't really explain it that well, but my magic isn't arcane." Quickly changing the subject, he picked up, "But that's good for you. I thoughype he was going to travel with you, but if he's going after the careers, that's a win-win situation for us. Doesn't mean you shouldn't sleep with one eye open though. You scored higher than both of those two and they may decide to get rid of you when the careers are dead. He paused, thoughtfully, then said, "I... We can keep watching each others backs after that. If you don't mind.

2014-02-27, 07:31 PM
Lelaine nods, saying: "Yeah, that's what I meant. After two days, or before if Durass or 12 tributes die, I'll begin to head north and leave markers for you to find me. Then we'll join up and work together."