View Full Version : Conversion Character

2014-01-22, 05:56 PM
hello guys.i have a moon elf 16 rogue/13 fighter in 3.5. how you think will be converted in 2nd edition? keep in mind must be multiclass in ad&d. so what you think?dex 25 without items etc...

2014-01-22, 06:15 PM
I'm not sure about the moon variant, but a straight Elf Fighter/Thief should get you 15/14 or so. I'm not sure about the XP equivalence, it's always a bit moot at high level in AD&D — though the Thief should be 1 level ahead anyways.

2014-01-22, 06:19 PM
you think so eh?i think its a bit little that...i don't know.you can say to me "yes but you have and the cap of elves in max level for each class with the dex bonus)...:).ih the conversion of 2nd to 3rd its like 20 rogue/18 fighter...

you keep the highest and 18/2=9.so its 29 level and you split however you want...

and in 3.5 the shade have 4 ecl so its like 33 level character...its like 23/20...but that in ad&D its beyond measures... :p

2014-01-22, 07:35 PM
find a copy of the old 3rd ed conversion book on line and work backwards, as far as level caps most ppl i knew just ignored them but they were aweful high in 2nd ed iirc anyway.

Dr. Azkur
2014-01-22, 10:27 PM
Build it from scratch on 2e with the 3.5 version in mind, no need for weird calculi.

2014-01-23, 12:38 AM
find a copy of the old 3rd ed conversion book on line and work backwards, as far as level caps most ppl i knew just ignored them but they were aweful high in 2nd ed iirc anyway.

It's available online I think — it's also useless.

I had forgotten about the racial level limits because I never played in a group which used them.