View Full Version : LA Crazy E6 Build?

Gwazi Magnum
2014-01-22, 06:28 PM
Basic scenario:

-It's a world where the oldest's and most powerful God is the Chaos God
-All other gods are trapped/imprisoned by the Chaos God and made helpless
-In other words, nothing dependent on another deity works

-HP is rolled per level
-Point Array is: 15, 14, 12, 11, 9, 7
-Start's at Level 1
-5 Free LA granted at character creation
-Every 1000 XP after level 6 gives a free feat or ability score boost
-Once at 5000 XP over Level 6 you can purchase Epic Feats

So Basically, go crazy on suggestions/builds and idea's that you can make with this.

Bonus: I know there's a living construct template than can be put onto a Warforged.

How crazy can you get with that? That becomes the free 5 LA, plus 2 LA from living construct. With another 2 from LA buy-off this soon becomes 9LA no level loss.

Fouredged Sword
2014-01-22, 06:46 PM
Dark Pixie Spellthief 1 / Wizard 5

2014-01-22, 06:47 PM
Living Construct doesn't work with most templates because it's an acquired template, so any inherited template you want to apply has to be able to go on a construct. Living Construct gives a -2 LA, which can't make your LA go below 0 at the time it gets applied so it's not going to help negate any LA gained after it's applied.

Water Orc, Half-Minotaur, Half-Goristro (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630x&page=1)
Huge size (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm#sizeIncreases) Outsider (Augmented Humanoid, Augmented Monstrous Humanoid, Orc)

Speed 40 ft. land, 40 ft. swim
AC +11 natural
Space/reach 15 ft./15 ft.

Str 46 (14 base, +4 race, +4 half-minotaur, +8 large, +8 half-goristro, +8 huge)
Dex 11 (15 base, -2 large, -2 huge)
Con 29 (11 base, +2 race, +2 half-minotaur, +4 large, +6 half-goristro, +4 huge)
Int 8 (12 base, -2 race, -2 half-minotaur)
Wis 7 (9 base, -2 race)
Cha 7 (7 base, -2 race, +2 half-goristro)

Two slams primary, 3d6 + 1-1/2 Str, gore secondary, 2d6 + 1/2 Str
Spell-Like Abilities as Half-Fiend but replace Darkness with Levitate, Desecrate with Fear.
Half-Fiend traits but DR is X/Cold Iron.

Make it a Fighter 6 with Dungeoncrasher and Zhentarim Soldier and Physical Prowess, and take the E6 Fighter capstone feat to qualify for Melee Weapon Mastery and Improved Critical. Eventually get Devastating Critical (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#devastatingCritical): Slams, along with Fast Healing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#fastHealing) at least once. Improved Spell Resistance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#improvedSpellResistance) enough times would make you impossible to hit with SR: Yes spells. Other feats should include Knock-Back from RoS, and you can Levitate above opponents to Dungeoncrash them against the ground.

That still doesn't really compare to the Kobold that gets Wizard 9 spellcasting in E6.

2014-01-22, 06:54 PM
There's got to be an LA +5 or lower template out there to get you racial casting higher than 6th level, right? getting access to 4ths or even 5ths when everyone else is walking around with 3rds would be pretty powerful.

2014-01-22, 07:35 PM
If you use Sharn them you have Favored Soul 6 and Sorcerer 6 casting on 4 RHD. Totally not in the spirit of E6 at all, but it works. (It also explicitly stacks with Mystic Theurge, making it possible to get some 4th level spells).

2014-01-22, 07:40 PM
hatchling phaerimm? Free casting is always good.

2014-01-22, 07:44 PM
You could always play a Dragon


Take the Loredrake Sovereign archtype, and the spellhoarding Dragon Psychoses (these do stack like I think they do right?)

That's 2 levels of wizard casting on top of whatever other racial spellcasting you get from whatever dragon you are...and you're a dragon.

Try to hit level 6 before reaching your next age category and you're set for the rest of the campaign. If it goes long enough (or you get into age cursing) you can actually kind of keep leveling up through dragon HD gained from getting older.

I suggest Steel Dragon. Casting as a 1st level sorcerer (changed to Wizard through spell hoarding), 4HD/2LA (buying off the LA brings you down to 4HD/1LA, which is within the +5ECL range your DM is giving you). 1 Wizard from Steel dragon+2 Wizard from Loredrake+6 Wizard from levels=Level 9 Wizard. You'll be casting 5th level spells in e6 (try to find some prestige classes, since you're starting the game with 3rd level wizard casting).

Fouredged Sword
2014-01-22, 08:08 PM
Venerable White, Blue and Sea dragonspawn dragonwraught Loredrake Kobold wizard 6.

Str +8 Dex+4 Con +8 Int+3 Wis +7 Cha +11 + Loredrake stat mods.

Casts as a level 12 wizard with access to spells even higher through spell research + inscribing the spell into your scales. Once scribed you can use it as a scroll directly (after making copies). Research wish, scribe it 30 times and give yourself +5 to all stats, zero exp cost.

Mithril Leaf
2014-01-22, 08:53 PM
Venerable White, Blue and Sea dragonspawn dragonwraught Loredrake Kobold wizard 6.

Str +8 Dex+4 Con +8 Int+3 Wis +7 Cha +11 + Loredrake stat mods.

Casts as a level 12 wizard with access to spells even higher through spell research + inscribing the spell into your scales. Once scribed you can use it as a scroll directly (after making copies). Research wish, scribe it 30 times and give yourself +5 to all stats, zero exp cost.

Kobolds don't get to use the good Dragonspawn, that's human only or something of the nature. You have to take Abomination Dragonspawn, as per Bestiary of Krynn revised.

Instead, be a Middle Aged Phrenic Draconic Half-Fey Lesser Primordial Magic Blooded and Unseelie-Fey Half Giant who takes a level in Zhentarim Skymage at some point and picks up a Grey Linnorn for level 17 Cleric Casting.

2014-01-23, 11:44 AM
LA buyoff does not work that way. To buy of 2 levels of LA by level 6 you would have to start with +1 ECL and add another after youd bought that off... If the free LA your given doesnt count towards buyoff then you could only buy off 1LA at level 6 if you had +2LA to start. Also thats Class levels so depending on your houserules with +2LA you might not be able to do buyoff at all...

Anyway. +1 for pixie. Though I've always had a soft spot for the fey'ri race... as you have the LA for free you can take the +3 LA varient and get the juicy abilities (enervation SLA, damage reduction etc) without having to resort to lesser planetouched cheese. slap some templates on (vecna blooded or dark looks nice), Ive also enjoyed the shade template... It would help if we knew what kinda character you wanted to make, caster, melee, skillmonkey etc...

However a dark, vecna blooded pixie would be pretty much impossible to find in E6 :smallamused:

EDIT- Hmmm Im not very familiar with e6. If the rules for LA and buyoff are different i apologise.

EDIT #2- it appears that LA is completly different in E6 as in it doesnt exist. LA is pre-bought off in it lowers your point buy... You might wanna clarify exactly how this is gonna work with your DM.