View Full Version : [IC] Skye the Vampire Slayer Redux

lord pringle
2014-01-22, 11:15 PM
[Skye Morgan, Sam Knight, Linda Dowden, and Enrico Sanjuan]
It is the first day of the new school year. The principal is lecturing to the entire school (or at least those that showed up to the assembly) about mindfulness and how deep breathing can give you 6 extra years of life. You aren't entirely sure what he's saying, because it's very boring. The bell rings, cutting him off in the middle of telling his microphone about a singing bowl, and the four of you head off to class at various speeds. The four of you receive your assigned seats for physics. (Sam and Linda are next to each other and so are Enrico and Skye) The teacher begins droning on about the expectations of this class and clearly isn't paying any attention to anything that happens in the class.
[Margaret Webster-Jones]
The Watcher's Council sends you a E-mail. Clearly one of the junior members sent it to you, as it both contains many spelling mistakes and it is sent on technology from later the 1950's.
Dear Ms. Webster-Jnes,
Their have been reports of a merder at 225 Wes Street. The victem's profile matcheas that of your ward. Please investigate and report back.
Seriously, did no one proof read this?

2014-01-23, 02:33 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye is still in a sort of daze after the weekend's life-altering revelations. She looks around the classroom, at all the other kids, wondering if deep breathing will help them live 6 years longer. Cause it probably won't do her any good. She takes a deep breath anyway, then sighs. This is what you get for wanting drama to be part of your life, she thinks to herself. Looking to the teacher, she tries to concentrate on what he's saying, an effort that lasts almost a full minute before she has to give up. Glancing at Enrico, she nods a little, before turning her attention to the notebook in front of her. Doodling had saved her mind in many a dreary class...She draws a small skull in the corner of the page, with a rose growing out of the empty eye socket. Death was not something that had been on her mind much during her 16 years, except for when her mother passed away, but it had been playing the lead in her head for the last 24 hours. Brutal, violent death....Well....it's good to have something to take my mind off exams and mid terms, I guess...

2014-01-23, 03:55 AM
Linda Dowden

Linda hated the start of the school year, well almost everyone did she figured, but she didn't hate it because it was school, she actually liked the work, some of it anyway. But after a summer of staying away from everyone outside of her family and the girls from her dance lessons the crowds at school always gave her a headache for the first few days.

She settled into her assigned seat, she gave a weak "hello." to her seatmate before turning and trying to pay attention to the teacher. Well half pay attention, she was also counting cracks in the wall the whiteboard was hanging on, but then that was something she always did to try and block out the muffled noise of the other students minds.

2014-01-23, 08:36 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

Margaret reads the e-mail, something that still gives her quite some trouble, she greatly prefers more solid means of communication. Why couldn't they just send an encoded telegram? She looks up from the screen, she still doesn't have any furniture, except for the old table, but that can wait. This however is interesting. If this murder victim is like Skye, it means that someone could be hunting for the girl, and she is so terribly unprepared. She will have to act, to investigate, when she sees Skye again this afternoon she will prepare her, this simply is unacceptable.

She finishes her third cup of tea before she gets dressed in one of her many identical outfits. She has decided on a route to the crime scene on her map, but on her way she gets lost several times, before finally finding the place.

2014-01-23, 08:43 AM
Sam Knight

Knight settled into his seat wordlessly, sitting straight up in the seat. He wasn't really interested in physics that much, but it was more interesting than, well, nothing.

He took out paper and pen and, when the class starts, begins making meticulous notes.

2014-01-23, 07:05 PM
Linda Dowden

A few minutes into class Linda turned to the student next to her, tilting her head and giving him a puzzled stare. "Umm... Are you alright?" She asked, "You seem... quiet." too quiet, she mentally added.

2014-01-23, 07:17 PM
Sam Knight

Sam turns his head to look at Linda, and tilts his head to align with hers.
"Yes, I'm fine. Is something wrong?" he responds quietly.

2014-01-23, 07:29 PM
Linda Dowden

"Wrong? No. Nothings wrong." She said in a slightly nervous rapid fire, "You just... aren't as loud as most people. It's not wrong. I was just confused. I'm sorry. I didn't say anything." She turns back and focuses back on her notebook. This was why we don't talk to people Linda, she thought angrily to herself.

2014-01-23, 07:54 PM
Sam Knight

Sam turns his head back to his notes, and responds, "I'm sorry," with a shrug as he jots down straight lines of German onto the paper.

2014-01-24, 04:49 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye finds herself thinking of last night's dreams. Or nightmares, rather. She'd been on a ship, with tattered sails, and the smell of tar and fish rank in her nostrils. Strange, it's the first time she can remember smelling anything in a dream. And again, she was fighting. This time, a hideous creature with tentacles like an octopus, which was trying to pull the ship under the thundering waves. Shaking her head, she continues doodling a sketch of a giant squid curling its arms around a boat, with tiny stickmen raising their arms in horror. She grimaces. Seriously, I'm gonna need councelling...

2014-01-24, 06:19 AM
Linda Dowden

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I'll leave you alone now." The truth was it was a nice reprieve to not hear someone, was it something about him or did she just get better at blocking things out? Though if that was the case why just the person right next to her?

She buried her head down closer to her books, not wanting to make people think he was actually talking to her, that would be an awful thing for her to do to someone on their first day.

Just assuming this is his first day. If not ignore that part.

lord pringle
2014-01-25, 02:07 PM
[Margaret Webster-Jones]
When you arrive at the location, the police have cordoned off the house. From a vantage point in your car, you can see into the house. You can see the slayer's dead body being placed into a body bag. Twice. If you want to get closer, roll me Perception plus Notice
[Physics Class Team]
The temperature of the class room drops about 5 degrees. From the ventilation shaft, everyone can here a small noise. "Slayer..." It murmurs.

2014-01-25, 02:27 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye shivers a little when the temperature drops, then again when she hears the murmuring. What the…..am I being Punk'ed? She looks around at the others, to see if anyone else is reacting to this or if it's just her. Cause the latter would probably mean she's crazy…She turns her focus to the ventilation shaft, then raises her hand to get the teacher's attention. "May I be excused?"

2014-01-25, 02:32 PM
Sam Knight

Sam looks up from his paper, and leans over to Linda,
"Did you sense a drop in temperature?" he asks quietly.

2014-01-25, 04:48 PM
Linda Dowden

Ignoring Sam's odd phrasing, who was she to talk, she nodded slowly, "Yeah, it was weird. I'm sure it's nothing though." She said, though she did look over to where the girl was asking to be excused. That was odd timing.

2014-01-26, 08:31 AM
Enrico Sanjuan

At the back of the class, Rico keeps an eye at Skye. Drumming his pencil against his desk, he chooses to wait a bit.

2014-01-27, 07:07 AM
Margaret looks on from a distance. She swallows, she never really liked this side of things, she's rather prevent than avenge deaths. She feels worried, if someone is after such girls, they might also come for Skye, who remains unprepared and unaware. She steps putof her car, into the oppressive heat which remains free of mist or rain, which adds to the sense of wrongness. Margaret heads towards the house, maybe she can find something useful, but she fears that there won't be much. Of course, the people who are gathered there might shed some light on what happened, even though their interpretations will be completely wrong.

lord pringle
2014-01-27, 02:41 PM
[Justice League of Physics]
The teacher glares at Skye for interrupting him before the temperature drops again and the teacher appears to be quite literally freezing now. The voice is louder this time. "Slayer!" Please roll initiative.
[Margaret Webster-Jones]
Even going closer, you can't get that good of a look. "HEY! What are you doing here! Can't you read! This area is restricted!" A surly looking man in a police uniform shouts at you, while running towards you.

2014-01-27, 02:51 PM
Init:[roll0] (dex 7 + fast reaction time)

2014-01-27, 05:06 PM

2014-01-28, 05:22 AM
Rico jumps out of his chair.

2014-01-28, 06:42 AM
(Oh yeah, I messed up. Thanks Yawielas!)


lord pringle
2014-01-28, 10:42 PM
The order is:

2014-01-29, 02:05 AM

Well used to improvising, Skye leaps out of her chair, shouting:"Everybody out! There's a gas leak!" She grabs her chair and runs over to the ventilation shaft.

2014-01-29, 05:18 AM
Sam Knight

Sam gently slides his chair back, and stands.
"A gas leak?" he says to Linda quietly, "I didn't know gas leaks could say words," he finishes sincerely.

2014-01-29, 06:46 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

"Oh, I'm sorry, constable. I was just making my morning walk and fear that I didn't quite notice any signs.", Margaret says, turning back to leave again. That man really is awfully rude. For a moment she almost hopes that something would happen to him, but no, that would still be terrible. But as she turns she looks past him, hoping to at least catch a glimpse of useful information.

When she returns to her vehicle she drives away again, staying will be useless, and there are other ways to uncover the information that she needs. But then it strikes her, what if they intend to harm Skye? She is vulnerable now, surrounded by sheepish teenagers and stupid teachers. She turns again, looking on her map, trying to make her way to the school.

Notice: [roll0]

lord pringle
2014-01-29, 10:16 AM
[Physics Fight]
A Spectral form phases through the vents. It's glowing blue, hovering and looks an awful lot like a stereotypical conquistador. "Slayer! You killed me, Slayer!" It reaches its hand through the iced teacher and pulls out his heart. "I shall do the same to you!"
[Margaret Webster-Jones]
As you look past the detective, you see that on one of the exact clones of Skye, there is some skin of a radically different skin tone. The detective escorts you away, mumbling, "Why can't any of these British bastards read?"

2014-01-29, 03:11 PM
Margaret Webster-Jones

Margaret drives off, this is very worrying, such a different tone of skin shouldn't occur naturally. It can mean several things, but she isn't sure what. But whatever it is, it is worrying. She would have speeded to the school, but she doesn't know where it is, and instead constantly looks at her map.

Occultism check to try to deduce what might be happening: [roll0]

2014-01-29, 06:09 PM

Linda looks around, making sure other people are seeing this and it isn't just a vision. Judging by most people's faces and thoughts, it's real, Jesus this is like one of her nightmares! Curling into a fetal position on her chair she simply stairs in wide eyed terror for the moment.

2014-01-30, 01:16 PM

Frozen in place, Rico instintcly switches to his demon form. His skin becomes green while several spikes grow in his face. He becomes overwhelmed by his demonic senses, simply staring at what's going on and trying to figure out something out of it.

Basically, I need to know what magical sight tells me.

2014-01-30, 01:52 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye gasps as the spectre rips the heart from the physics teacher. Her mind is reeling. Was this the kind of monsters ms. Webster-Jones had been talking about? It didn't look like a vampire…more like a ghost. But ghosts usually couldn't touch anything, could they? Feeling a kind of obligation to protect the rest of her classmates, she does the first thing that comes to mind, and slams her chair into the creature, shouting:"Hey! You…You big bully!" She winces a little at the lameness of that remark.

chair slam:[roll0] (dex + getting medieval, tell me if that's wrong.)

2014-01-30, 02:18 PM
Sam Knight

"Creature, I must ask you to return to where you came from. There is no slayer here, you must be mistaken," Knight says, as he charges down through the class room, dives over the teacher's desk, and attempts to tackle the, hopefully corporeal creature.

Slam Tackle
[roll0] 7 (Strength)+ 1 (Sports) + 2 (Jock)

lord pringle
2014-01-30, 10:26 PM
[Margaret Webster-Jones]
Your search of your books points to whatever did this having used magic, but quickly and sloppily. Like they just wanted to make them have a surface resemblance to Skye.
The specter is semi-tangible. The chair slams into him, but when Sam comes crashing into him, it feels an awful lot like body checking Jello. The phantom is pushed aside by Sam, but it phases through him when they smack into the ground. As it moves through you, it gets horrendously cold, cold enough to freeze a lot of your circuitry. Roll me Constitution plus Willpower.
It materializes above where it was tackled, it's face clearly much worse for wear. Bits of its skin look as if they are rotting and peeling off. It hisses out, "Sarah! How dare you show your face here again!"

2014-01-31, 07:57 PM
Linda Dowden

Linda doesn't know what's going on, but she knows that thing is dangerous and that two of her classmates are fighting it. I... I should help. Trying to creep closer and lay a hand on it briefly, maybe if she figures out what it wants they can make it leave?

2014-02-01, 09:54 PM
Rico tries to focus more, pushing the fear away from his mind. He eaves his head from side to side, clearing his thoughts, unclouding his sight. He takes a basic defensive position while he still tries silently to figure out what is going on.

2014-02-02, 02:00 PM
Skye Morgan

"Sarah? Who's Sarah?!" Skye asks, before swinging her chair at his head again.

Swing chair at head dex+getting medieval [roll0]

2014-02-02, 02:37 PM
Sam Knight

Knight stands back up, and turns back towards the creature,
"Ich habe Angst, dass ich werde Sie bitten, Unterlassung, Geschöpf zu haben," he says, then moves to grapple the creature.

[roll0] (5 Dex + 5 Kung Fu + 2)

lord pringle
2014-02-02, 03:39 PM
[Physics, Schmisics]
When the chair hits him again, it shatters into a bunch of frozen chair bits. His decay has progressed further, and the room has become almost unbearably cold. Sam manages to grab him, and he begins to become less solid. "Sarah! Just because you changed your face doesn't mean I don't know it's you! We will get vengeance..." And then he's gone.

2014-02-02, 04:44 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks at Sam, bewildered, then turns around to see if the rest of the class has fled the room or not. Her gaze lands on the unfortunate physics teacher, and she makes a small sound of dismay. How to explain this? She wasn't even sure herself what had happened. She looks at Sam again, and Linda and Rico who's still there. "What the hell was that?"

lord pringle
2014-02-02, 05:06 PM
[Physics 101]
The class has all run out of the room, leaving behind a flurry of papers and phones. The teachers body starts changing, his features becoming more and more like Skye's.

2014-02-02, 05:29 PM
Sam Knight

Knight crouches, and prods at the "teacher's" corpse with a finger.
"Ich glaube nicht, das ist der Lehrer," he says, then blinks, looking confused.
"I mean... I don't think this is the teacher."

2014-02-02, 06:43 PM
Linda Dowden

Linda quickly pulls her glove back on, shaking slightly from what she saw, both real and in the things head. "Someone... someone killed him. A girl, with a... a knife, did that to him." She nods towards the changed teacher. Oh god now their going to ask how I know that.

2014-02-03, 04:47 AM
Skye Morgan

(Is Rico still in demon form?)

Not really noticing Rico yet, Skye's eyes are transfixed on the teacher who sems to be changing into Skye herself. "……..I think I'm gonna freak out now…Is anybody else seeing this?" She looks at her own hands and down her body to make sure she's not changing in any way. Then she looks at Linda. "Do you know him? The….the iceman? How do you know that?"

2014-02-03, 07:12 AM
Linda Dowden

Linda hugs her arms awkwardly at the question, she shouldn't have said anything. ""Know him? No I just... saw it. When he was here. You didn't?" she lied, trying to pretend she didn't seek out that vision, still shivering from the cold. I don't think anyone's going to believe that was the teacher..." she points to the changed body. Then tilts her head slightly, "What's a slayer?"

2014-02-03, 09:56 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

Margaret's car comes to a halt in front of Sunnydale High, she has finally found it. She takes her bag with her, containing a few of her most important possessions, mostly spare glasses, maps and a few weapons. She walks towards the school, hoping that everything will still be fine.

lord pringle
2014-02-03, 09:32 PM
[Psychic's physics]
At this point someone has pulled the fire alarm, and people have started evacuating.
[Margaret Webster-Jones]
When your car pulls up, the police have already arrived. The detective from earlier knocks on your window. "HEY! This area is off limits!"

2014-02-04, 02:10 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye shakes her head a little. "I'm not sure.." She hears the fire alarm, and rubs her arms in the chill. "We should evacuate....but listen...What do we say? I mean...what do we say that won't get us locked up in a phsyciatric ward?"

2014-02-04, 07:25 AM
Sam Knight

Sam stands, and steps towards the door,
"Gang-related. PCP. We can't tell them the truth, after all."

2014-02-04, 07:27 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

The police, that means that something has already happened. This is very, very troubling. "Is it? And why would a teacher not be allowed into the school where she works?"

2014-02-04, 06:29 PM
Does Rico see anything with the Sight?

lord pringle
2014-02-04, 06:48 PM
Does Rico see anything with the Sight?

Roll me Perception plus Notice

[Margaret Webster-Jones]
"Oh, sorry Mrs... Wait! You're that Brit from before! Why do I keep finding you at Crime Scenes?" The detective fumbles for his police badge. "What did you say your name was?"

2014-02-05, 02:22 AM
Skye Morgan

"I guess..." Skye also heads out of the room, evacuating to the blaring sound of the fire alarm. Outside, she spots ms. W-J arguing with a policeman and gives a little wave.

2014-02-05, 04:18 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

The police really are impolite here. "I am dr. Margaret Lydia Webster-Jones. And for your information, I certainly am not married. And if you'll please excuse me, I have other things to do than engaging in idle chit-chat, I have to be there for my pupils."

She spots the waving Skye. It's a relief to her, the girl seems to be unharmed.

2014-02-05, 04:23 AM
Linda Dowden

Linda nods, people already think she's crazy enough, and follows the others out the door. Her first instinct is to break away from them once outside but she hesitates for a moment as she considers staying close.

2014-02-05, 07:37 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye still shivers a little, both from the cold and from the rather disturbing sight of a murder victim turning into a copy of herself. She looks at the others. The girl seemed nervous, and who could blame her. "You okay? Linda, right?" Looking to Sam, she asks:"What's that language you were speaking? German? Are you a foreign exchange student? Sorry. I'm babbling." She looks towards ms. Webster-Jones again, wondering if the Queen of tweed might know something about this.

2014-02-05, 08:31 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye still shivers a little, both from the cold and from the rather disturbing sight of a murder victim turning into a copy of herself. She looks at the others. The girl seemed nervous, and who could blame her. "You okay? Linda, right?" Looking to Sam, she asks:"What's that language you were speaking? German? Are you a foreign exchange student? Sorry. I'm babbling." She looks towards ms. Webster-Jones again, wondering if the Queen of tweed might know something about this.

"I recently moved to California, the Golden State, population 38,332,521 as of the 2013 census, from my home in Vancouver, Canada. My ability to speak German is a bi-product of my grandmother speaking German around the house," Knight rattles off in a practiced fashion.

2014-02-05, 12:23 PM
Linda Dowden

"Yeah. That's... me. And I'm fine, you know considering." It's not like she had nightmares about things that weren't terribly different at least once a week. " Is everybody else ok? Sam? Other Person I don't know. Sorry." she said shrugging in an embarrassed manner at not knowing the other boy's name.

She ignored the oddity of Sam knowing the exact census of California, everybody had a hobby. Maybe it was cool to know that stuff? "I think this tops the time someone glued me to my chair for worst way to start the school year." She added.

2014-02-05, 02:55 PM
Skye Morgan


Skye looks to Linda again, and offers a sympathetic smile. "Ouch….Oh well, I guess this broke the ice, at least…." She grimaces. "Sorry. Poor choice of words."

lord pringle
2014-02-05, 06:50 PM
[Margaret Webster-Jones--->Physics!]
The detective flounders and stammers for a bit before stepping out of the way and letting you through. "I'm so sorry, ma'am." You all have a strong feeling that school will be closed for the rest of today.

2014-02-05, 07:10 PM
Rico breathes slowly, trying to regain his composure.
"Uh... hello."
He realizes a little too late he still has his demon face on and panics so much that he forgets to take it off.
I kinda-sorta-maybe know a bit about what happened... Wait, nevermind, it was nothing useful.

2014-02-05, 11:03 PM
Linda Dowden

Linda gives a single blink at the sight of Rico's face before assuming it's her own talents still active from trying to see the spirit's mind, some kind of symbolism fooey now. "Ghost right? Are we going with ghost? Because I'm pretty sure you can get straight-jackets in bulk now."

2014-02-05, 11:08 PM
Sam Knight

Sam shrugs at Linda's question,
"I am not entirely sure. It was definitely something supernatural, but the exact nature of it I'm not entirely familiar with," he answers, then looks at Rico.
"And you have something on your face," he says bluntly, pointing at him.

2014-02-06, 12:29 AM
Rico quickly concentrates on getting his demon side repressed. He touches his face to make sure the spikes are gone.
I'm... uh. Allergic to ghosts. I think.

2014-02-06, 02:08 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye, having finally noticed Rico's appearance, startles. Then, when his face returns to normal, she frowns. "How did you do that....Did you have anything to do with what happened in there?"

2014-02-06, 10:10 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

Margaret walks past the policeman and goes straight to Skye. Something has happened here, and it certainly isn't good. She notices the daemon, that certainly is troubling, and Skye appears to simply talk to him. Things are going wrong here, and she has to intervene. But it has to seem natural, she can't betray who she is to these teenagers.

"Hello Skye, how are you today?"

2014-02-06, 10:36 AM
Linda Dowden

Raising an eyebrow at Skye seeing the spikes on the boy's face Linda takes a cautious half step backwards, taking a much closer look at these people than she normally would.

Using the sight on Linda's fellow students, and probably the new arrival. Things are getting all crazy-like.


2014-02-06, 10:40 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye turns to Ms. Webster-Jones. "I've been better…Something happened inside. Something bad. And very, very strange." She indicates Linda, Sam and Rico. "We all saw it. A teacher was killed. And he turned into….well….me." She shudders a little .

2014-02-07, 11:42 AM
Linda Dowden

Linda felt a look of terror pass over her face as Skye told this strange woman what had happened. what happened to not making people think they were crazy? She leaned in close and whispered to Skye, "I'm not an expert but I don't think that's how you lie..."

2014-02-07, 12:54 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks back at Linda. "Don't worry. She's already into the crazy stuff. And probably the only one who'll believe what actually happened." She introduces the woman to the others:"This is ms. Webster-Jones. She's……uh….English."

2014-02-07, 02:40 PM
Sam Knight

Knight looks curiously at Webster-Jones,
"You are aware of demons, spirits, and the undead? Well then, I am pleased to meet you, Ms. Webster-Jones! I called Sam Knight, by my peers," he states extending a hand in greeting and offering a slight smile.

2014-02-08, 10:30 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

Margaret accepts Sam's hand, "Pleased to meet you." Then she realizes that Skye must have told them things that she isn't supposed to say. This is a complication. They will have to be silenced, but that can be rather difficult to do without leaving traces. No, that will come later. For now, she merely has to maintain her cover.

"I have had the pleasure of meeting miss Morgan here just after my arrival here. I moved to Sunnydale because of the weather, my physicians tell me that it is far healthier than the fog and the rain that I'm used to. But, would you please come and visit me when the classes are cancelled? I might be able to help you understand what just happened."

2014-02-08, 05:07 PM
Rico stays silent and nervous. Then, when everyone has forgotten he was even there, he blurts out
It... it wasn't me! I think.

2014-02-08, 05:17 PM
Linda Dowden

Linda gives a soft smile and says, "It's nice to meet you Ma'am. I... I don't think I need to know any more. But..." She hesitates, she doesn't like her powers or want to use them but something happened, something bad, and that thing seemed to want to hurt Skye. Linda wouldn't want what had happened to the science teacher to happen to her worst enemy and Skye had never even been rude before. " I... I can tell you what I know, maybe? I, saw things."

Rico's blurt made her giggle slightly, "It wasn't. Promise." She tried to assure him.

2014-02-08, 06:09 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye nods a little. "Yeah….we should probably discuss this. And not here." She looks around to make sure no police or teachers or other students are uncomfortably close. "No time like the present, I guess. I doubt school will open again before tomorrow. But maybe you should all call your folks, let them know you're okay." She looks at ms. Webster-Jones. "You can fit all of us in your car, right?"

2014-02-08, 09:23 PM
Rico released a breath he didn't know he was holding and smiled at Linda. Thanks, he said, very sincerely.

2014-02-09, 09:06 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

"I think that it might fit, although there only are two seats in the back. Sometimes however we just have to make do with what's available. We shall go to my house, you can talk freely there, without being considered insane.", Margaret replies. At her house she can control the circumstances, and added to that, this afternoon the containers with her books and weapons will arrive, and some people to help her carry it all inside will be more than helpful.

2014-02-09, 09:33 AM
Linda Dowden

Linda smiled at Rico, "Any time." Turning to Ms. Webster-Jones added, I rode my bike to school. If you give me your address I can catch up." She didn't want to be a bother, or be so close to four other people.

2014-02-09, 09:36 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks at the others, her hopes rising a little. She had felt so alone last night, after the Watcher's dire news that she was destined to fight the forces of evil, and probably wouldn't live to see graduation. The way Sam had jumped in to fight that thing, and Linda and Enrico had also stayed. Maybe she didn't have to be alone, at least not in knowing something was rotten in the state of Denmark, or Sunnydale, rather. And that curious creatures crawled the night. Perhaps ms. Webster-Jones wasn't crazy after all, and the talk of vampires and demons was true. That was no ordinary psycopath coming out of the ventilation shaft. She looks from Linda, who had already agreed, to Sam and Rico. "So….you wanna come?"

2014-02-09, 09:50 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks at the others, her hopes rising a little. She had felt so alone last night, after the Watcher's dire news that she was destined to fight the forces of evil, and probably wouldn't live to see graduation. The way Sam had jumped in to fight that thing, and Linda and Enrico had also stayed. Maybe she didn't have to be alone, at least not in knowing something was rotten in the state of Denmark, or Sunnydale, rather. And that curious creatures crawled the night. Perhaps ms. Webster-Jones wasn't crazy after all, and the talk of vampires and demons was true. That was no ordinary psycopath coming out of the ventilation shaft. She looks from Linda, who had already agreed, to Sam and Rico. "So….you wanna come?"

Sam Knight

"I am prepared to embark, I have qualms against doing so," Sam says in response, glancing around the area.
"Ms. Webster-Jones, which one of these is your vehicle?"

2014-02-09, 10:33 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

Margaret opens her bag and takes out her map, filled with hieroglyphs. She points at one of them: "I live there, or rather, I just moved there."

Then she turns to Sam, indicating her Aston Martin DB9: "That over there is my car, I hope that it isn't too far below your expectations."

2014-02-09, 04:41 PM
"Yes, I think." Rico says trying to sound confident as a shy smile forms in his face. "Or I could go with Linda in her bike. Whatever works..."

2014-02-09, 05:27 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye smiles a little, relieved. "Cool. Perhaps we should go before anyone thinks to start asking us questions, then." She heads for ms. W-J's car, her smile disappearing when she starts thinking about the situation again. What if that creature wasn't dead? Again, that is. Deader. Dead as in gone. What if he is still out to get her? She takes a deep breath again, like the principal said, but doesn't feel any better.

2014-02-09, 05:38 PM
Linda Dowden

"I don't think I can peddle hard enough to get us both there. Sorry." Linda tells Rico, looking apologetically at him. She turns back to Skye, " I think we need to wait for them to let us go. Especially you, I mean, the teacher loks like you now right? It would be bad if they told your parents you were... ummm, dead?"

2014-02-09, 05:45 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye turns to Linda. "I'll call my dad. If I stay for questioning, I'll never get out if here."

2014-02-10, 06:11 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

"Don't worry about any invesigation, authorities normally ignore this sort of thing, and otherwise I will deal with any questions. I can carry all but one of you in my automobile, so I propose that miss, I'm sorry, I believe that I must have missed your name? rides there on her own."

2014-02-10, 05:14 PM
Rico just nods, kind of quite. OK, I'll go in the car then, he mumbles.

2014-02-10, 06:30 PM
Sam Knight

Sam stares at the car for a moment, as if thinking, then, his head flicks back to Ms. Webster-Jones.
"Yes, this vehicle is suitable. I do agree that we should make haste to Ms. Webster-Jones's residence with our respective modes of transportation."

2014-02-11, 08:09 AM
Linda Dowden

"It's Linda. I'll just call my folks then and ride over..." Linda says, carefully moving past the others, as she passes by Ms. Webster-Jones she briefly grabs her arm and whispers, "Be careful" quietly to her before hurrying off to get her bicycle.

2014-02-11, 08:15 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye gets into the back of the car, figuring one of the boys might need the extra legroom in the front. She fastens her seatbelt, and waits for the others to get in, while wondering if the Watcher's place really was the best place to take these students, considering the weapons lying about. But perhaps ms. Webster-Jones knew what she was doing. She gets out her cellphone, and calls her Dad to let him know she's okay.

2014-02-11, 08:17 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

MArgaret takes the driver's seat, and departs as soon as everyone is in the car: "Skye? You know this town a little better than I do, so would you please give me some directions?"

2014-02-11, 08:21 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks up, finishing her phone conversation, then nods. "Sure. Take a left at the next intersection, then straight ahead. I'll let you know when to turn."

lord pringle
2014-02-12, 10:33 PM
[Linda Dowden]
On your way to the address, you pass the construction sight for the new shopping center. Roll me perception plus notice.
[The Watchermobile!]
As you are nearing the house, your car stops and the thermometer drops to as low as it can go.

2014-02-13, 02:06 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye freezes. Literally. "He's back...We should probably get out of the car..." She adresses ms. Webster-Jones. "This is what happened in the classroom. It got cold, then this...this apparition appeared....almost like Hamlet's dad. Except this ghost ripped the heart out of the science teacher. We fought him, but he was like jello. Then he disappeared." She quickly unfastens her seatbelt and opens the car door, getting out.

2014-02-13, 07:51 AM
Sam Knight

Sam nods in agreement,
"I assume that that is not the Air Conditioning function of the automobile. I agree with Skye, prepare yourselves for combat," he too exits the car.

2014-02-13, 07:54 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

"Ah, this is interesting, but I agree, we should get outside, it gives us some more space to move.", she exits the vehicle, still calm on the outside. She stands close to Skye, this is something that she couldn't use, this might harm her cover.

2014-02-13, 03:50 PM
Rico gets out of the car stays behind the more confident students. He concentrates on spikes, since he doesn't understand what kind of weird power he has. With a grunt, he gets his demon face on, spikes and all. He looks around and concentrates on his Sight.

2014-02-13, 03:51 PM
Rico gets out of the car stays behind the more confident students. He concentrates on spikes, since he doesn't understand what kind of weird power he has. With a grunt, he gets his demon face on, spikes and all. He looks around and concentrates on his Sight.

Sam Knight

Sam looks at Rico again, and echoes his earlier statement,
"You have something on your face again."

2014-02-13, 04:25 PM

"I know." He grins. "This time it's on purpose."

2014-02-13, 04:26 PM
Sam Knight

Sam pauses for a moment, then nods,
"Very well, carry on."

2014-02-13, 04:31 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks at Rico, frowning concerned. "Do I need to worry about you to? What…What are you?" She glances to ms. Webster-Jones, figuring this was one of the things she'd been talking about, but first things first: Where was the knight in translucent armor?


2014-02-14, 04:31 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

Margaret looks at the boy's face, that is quite extraordinary. He definately cannot be trusted then. But the others seem to not accept that, so it will have to be done quietly. There of course are more pressing matters, like what this thing they keep talking about is. "So, could you please tell me a little more about your encounter in the school? It might be helpful to know what you saw there."

2014-02-14, 06:09 AM
Skye Morgan

"It looked like a knight or something. He was bluish, almost see-through, and very cold. He said something about a Sarah...that she'd killed him, and he'd do the same thing to her. Rip her heart out..." Morgan looks around for a more suitable weapon than a chair.

2014-02-14, 06:14 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

"That sounds peculiar. I suggest that we go inside, there is a small collection of weapons there, and I believe that they might prove useful in this situation."

Occultism: [roll0]

lord pringle
2014-02-14, 11:29 PM
[Who Watches The Watcher's House?]
Ice begins forming on the car, but nothing else happens. It seems like it's waiting on something.

2014-02-15, 06:52 AM

Linda slows hey bike to a stop and peers at the scaffolding for a minute. She considers calling the others briefly before remembering she doesn't actually have their numbers. Taking a deep breath she leans her bike against a tree and carefully tries to sneak closer for a better look.

2014-02-15, 12:47 PM
Skye Morgan

"I suggest we get to the house….Less chance of anyone else just happening by…" Skye looks around, then to the others.

2014-02-17, 08:45 AM
Margaret backs away towards the house. She opens the door: "Now, don't touch anything unless I tell you to. Some things can be rather dangerous."

2014-02-17, 09:00 AM
Sam Knight

Sam backs away from the car as they walk towards the house, still facing it in case the vehicle attempts any funny stuff.

2014-02-17, 09:04 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks around before entering the house, wondering what her fellow students will think of ms. Webster-Jones' unorthodox accessories.

lord pringle
2014-02-18, 05:36 PM
[Linda Dowden]
The pulse of magic appears to be coming from a hole in the foundation of the basement. It doesn't look like there are any construction workers around, but there is one security guard roaming around the perimeter.
[The Watchercave]
The Watcher's Council has delivered the crates of books and weapons. There is a note attached written in Latin.
Please return confirmation of receiving this and confirmation of meeting with The Slayer.
~The Watcher's Council

2014-02-18, 06:00 PM

Linda chews her lower lip for a moment, the energy strikes her as odd, and the longer she can put off having to explain what she saw to everyone, especially the two that looked almost inhuman when she tried to see them, the better. But then, she shouldn't keep them waiting, Ms. Webster-Jones looked normal, and whatever Skye picked up didn't scare her. She couldn't leave them alone. She'd just go back and check later. She moved away and back to her bike and started towards the house.

2014-02-19, 07:38 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye walks past the crates, and goes looking for a suitable weapon in case the frozen knight turns up again. Preferably something sharp and heavy, like an axe or an ice pick. Then she suddenly thinks of something, and turns to the others. "We should stay by the door in case Linda comes, I don't want her out there alone with that thing..."

2014-02-19, 08:41 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

"So, a ghost then, one of the classics. And probably of the summoned kind, they don't tend to move around a lot. And unfortunately, they are rather hard to harm by traditional means. And please, don't touch the crates with the blue letters on them, they contain my books. But feel free to break open the red-lettered ones, some weapons might be helpful"

The crates contain a wide variety of weaponry, of many different types and materials. Margaret really seems to like collecting every possible weapon.

occultism to determine how to beat up a ghost: [roll0]

2014-02-19, 10:19 AM
Sam Knight

Sam digs through the crates. His programming with firearms restricts itself to the weapons of World War II era Germany, but he assumes the knowledge may also be applicable to modern weaponry.
Best to be on the safe side, he thinks, removing a baseball bat or axe handle from a crate and heading for the door.
"I will watch the car and assure that the creature does not attack Miss Linda upon her arrival. If it does appear, I apologize in advance for any collateral damage upon your vehicle, Miss Webster-Jones."

2014-02-20, 10:19 AM
Rico just stays around, mostly silent.

2014-02-20, 02:50 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye picks up an axe and stands in the doorway, watching Sam head out to the car. She looks up and down the street, wishing she had thought of getting Linda's phone number, so that she could call her and tell her it was dangerous to come here.

lord pringle
2014-02-21, 05:27 PM
[Linda Dowden]
As you head towards Ms. Webster-Jones's house, you see her car stopped in the middle of the street.
[The Watchercave]
The car doesn't move. It's windows are defrosting and the engines are starting up.

2014-02-21, 05:43 PM

Seeing the car in the middle of the street instead of parked normally, Linda speeds up, calling out, "Hello! Is everybody ok?" As she gets close.

2014-02-21, 05:47 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye waves to Linda from the door. "Hurry! Inside! We're fine, but it got cold again! He might be back..."

2014-02-21, 11:15 PM
Skye Morgan

Skye waves to Linda from the door. "Hurry! Inside! We're fine, but it got cold again! He might be back..."

Sam Knight

Sam escorts Linda up to the house, keeping himself between her and the car.
"To clarify Miss Morgan's statement, it got supernaturally cold within the vehicle, beyond what one would expect from an Air Conditioning unit," he says, pointing his baseball bat at the car threateningly.

2014-02-21, 11:44 PM
Linda Dowden

Linda nods and hurries inside, she appears to be somewhat caustious of Sam and his bat but once inside starts talking. "I'm sorry I took so long, I saw something on the way over, this weird glowing coming out of the foundation of that construction site between here and the school. I... I didn't get to close, I wanted to hurry here in case, stuff happened." She said in a rush, wanting to say everything while she still could.

2014-02-22, 06:37 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks up and down the street before closing the door behind them. Looking to Linda, she says:"A glow? Weird…Perhaps it's connected…"

2014-02-25, 02:51 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye looks to the Watcher. "What do you think? Is something coming, or should we talk about what happened?"

2014-02-26, 05:38 AM
Margaret Webster-Jones

"And you would be Linda, I presume? But you said that you encountered something peculiar, something glowing. Do you by any chance have any sort of mystical ability?"

2014-02-26, 01:19 PM
Linda Dowden

"That's me, yeah. Well it was sort of, under the foundation at that construction site." Linda answered, trying to nonchalantly ignore the question about if she was of the spooky persuasion. But the nervous glance she cast around the room at the question likely gave her away.

2014-02-26, 01:55 PM
Skye Morgan

"I suggest we get into the livingroom and talk…Nothing is happening yet, but if it does, we'll be a little more ready this time. You can tell us about the glow at the construction site, Linda, and perhaps ms. Webster-Jones can tell us something about the ghost. I mean…that's kinda your hobby, right? Weird stuff? The supernatural? History?" Skye says, rather nonchalantly, to the Watcher, trying to give the others an explanation for the various tomes and books and medieval weapons scattered about.

lord pringle
2014-02-28, 01:05 AM
By this point, the car appears to have calmed down. It hasn't moved or had any obvious signs of ghostly activity. Something is clearly fishy.

2014-03-02, 05:37 PM
Linda Dowden

Linda moves off to the side and answers Skye, describing the energy she saw in as much detail as she can.

2014-03-03, 04:57 AM
Skye Morgan

Skye frowns a bit, unsure what to make of it. She feels out of her depth, and looks towards ms. Webster-Jones for answers. "This is all very strange. My grandma's talked of weird stuff happening in Sunnydale, but I've never noticed anything myself. Or maybe I've just not paid attention. Untill now."