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2007-01-24, 08:22 PM
Please help me balance this monstrosity. Note, this is based somewhat off of the Warhammer 40k Chaplain. I was doing this for a friend, and just went all in.

Not all those devoted to the gods become clerics. Some take on a more martial aspect and become champions for their cause, spreading his faith and protecting his flock. Though paladins sometimes serve as these champions, many find that a paladin is more devoted to what they call a higher cause instead of the deities will. Therefore many churches train chaplains to serve in the place of Paladins. These holy warriors serve only their god, and will zealously give their lives for him if needed.
Most Chaplains become adventurers to spread the word of their god and further his gods agenda. A chaplain gathers allies so as to be able to take on greater challenges, and in the hope that he can one day fully introduce his allies into his deities religion.
The Chaplain is a primarily a support character, using his litanies, auras and spells to strengthen his allies or weaken his enemies, though he does have some powerful offensive spells in later levels.
A Chaplain must be devoted to his deity path, and therefore must share his deities alignment.
Chaplains often exhibit the personalities of their deity's personality, but they are no more limited in personality than the Clerics that head the worship of their deity. Most enjoy the company of others, especially if they are preparing for a momentous undertaking.
Other Classes
Chaplains and Clerics get along very well if they serve if they serve similar deities, or extremely well if they serve the same deity. If the cleric and Chaplain serve very different deities, conflicts within the party will occur often. Chaplains and paladins get along reasonably well, but paladins wonder why the chaplains does not realize the greater truth and serve it, while chaplains wonder why the paladins do not serve a god, instead choosing some abstract cause. With other classes, relations depend on the deity of the chaplain's deity, for instance a chaplain of St. Cuthbert will have good relations with a monk, but poor ones with the rogue
A Chaplains most important stat is Charisma, followed by Wisdom and Constitution

The Chaplain
{table=head]Level|Base AttackBonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|0lvl|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th
1st|+0|+0|+0|+2| Litany,Litany power 1 |2|-
2nd|+1|+0|+0|+3| Alignment Aura, Detect opposing alignments |3|0|-
3rd|+2|+1|+1|+3| Aura, aura power 1 |3|1|-|-
5th|+3|+1|+1|+4|Litany power 2, Wisdom of War |3|3|1|-|-|-
7th|+5|+2|+2|+5|Unbreakable Will, Litany, Aura, aura power 2 |3|3|2|0|-|-|-
8th|+6|+2|+2|+6| |3|3|3|1|-|-|-
9th|+6|+3|+3|+6|Litany power 3 |3|3|3|2|-|-|-
11th|+8|+3|+3|+7| Aura, aura power 3 |3|3|3|3|1|-|-
13th|+9|+4|+4|+8|Litany power 4, Litany |3|3|3|3|2|0|-
15th|+11|+5|+5|+9|Litany, Aura, aura power 4 |4|4|3|3|3|2|-
17th|+12|+5|+5|+10|Litany power 5 |4|4|4|4|3|3|1
19th|+14|+6|+6|+11|Aura, aura power 5 |4|4|4|4|4|4|3

Weapon/Armor Prof- All simple and the deities favored weapon, all shields(not tower), Light and Medium armors

[B]Alignment-The Chaplain must have the same alignment as his diety.
Skills-(2+Int),Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidation, Knowledge(religion, noblity/rolalty), Listen, Profession, Sense Motive, and Spot
Alignment- As cleric, with deity's alignment(note, must have a deity)
Alignment Aura- as cleric
Detect opposing alignments- as detect(good, evil, lawful, chaotic), usable 1 per day per point of Wis mod.
Unbreakable Will- The Chaplain is immune to fear effects
Wisdom of War-the Chaplain adds his wisdom bonus to his AC
Litany-At 1st Level and every 3 levels thereafter the Chaplain learns one litany. He can activate it as a standard action. These litanies affect everyone within 30 feet+ 10feet/5 levels, as a sonic, mind effecting ability (silence centered on Chaplin prevents any effects). This ability is usable (CHA modifier+CON modifier+Chaplain levels) rounds per day, due to the strain it puts on a Chaplain’s vocal cords. He can split up the uses per day any way he wishes, but he must make a concentration check to continue his sermon if adverse conditions would effect him, as casting a spell. The check DC is (10+ litany power+ modifier as specified by the table in the PHB). The save DC for a litany is 10+litany power+ Cha modifier.
Litany Level- this is the Litany Level for DC(non cumulative, it replaces a lower value)
Auras-Effect all allies or enemies within 30ft, as long as you have less than total concealment and they can see you. He gains one at first level and one every five levels afterward. He can only have 1 aura active at one time(not counting the Alignment aura, which is always active and may not be switched out)Any x in the aura is defined by the Aura power. Spells assume caster level= the chaplain's level, and the DC for all Aura's is determined with Cha as the main casting stat.

Litany of Courage-+1 morale bonus to allies saves, double for fear effects(doesn’t stack with Steadfast Visage). For every 4lvs above 1st, this bonus increases by 1.
Litany of Fear- -1 morale penalty to enemy saves, double for saves against fear effects. For every 4lvs above 1st this penalty increases by 1.
Litany of Prowess- +1 morale bonus to enemy attack and damage rolls. For every 6lvs above 1st, this bonus increases by 1
Litany of Weakness- -1 morale penalty to enemy attack and damage rolls. For every 6lvs above 1st, this penalty increases by 1Auras
Aura of protection-armor bonus X(sacred/profane)
Steadfast Visage -gives a +X (sacred/profane)bonus to saves vs. fear effects to Chaplain and all allies within 30ft. Also, it gives a X (sacred/ Profane)bonus to all saves
Aura of Sacrifice-Chaplain gains fast healing X, takes all damage dealt to allies
Aura of Fear- as Fear spell
Retributive Aura- deals X damage to any enemy who damages the Chaplain or his allies who is within 30 feet. The damage is any type the Chaplain wishes as he activates the aura.Have to go now, I will come back

Lord Iames Osari
2007-01-25, 12:31 PM
hm. You've got some issues with the table that need to be fixed, but otherwise this seems alright.

2007-01-25, 02:55 PM
This is a chaplain:
This is a Chaplin:


Smart-alecky spelling corrections aside, I like the idea of a party-buffing religious type. (Buffing like a bard, rather than buffing like a cleric, that is.) At least, that's what this seems like to me. And it seems like a solid idea. Balance, I'm not sure about yet. What spells does he get?

2007-01-25, 03:13 PM
Just managed to fix the table, now here is more of the class.
Spellcasting- The chaplain casts spells with his Wis modifier, and does not need to prepare a spell to cast it. Instead, he may spontaneously cast spells until he reaches his daily limit, which is replenished like normal for casters. If he moves to far away from his deity's alignment(like a cleric), he loses all spell casting ability. Also, a good chaplain casts all cure spells at +1 caster level, and all inflict spells at -1 caste level, vice versa for evil chaplains.
Spells Known- The Chaplain learns spells as a bard

Spell list-
0 level spells
Cure light wounds
Inflict light wounds
Detect Magic
Read magic
Bless water
Hold person
1st level spells
Cure/inflict moderate
Shield of faith
Cause fear
Magic weapon
Divine favor
Bull’s strength(the line)
Restoration, lesser
Shield other
2nd level spells
Cure/inflict serious
Mass cure light
protection from energy
remove curse remove disease
magic circle X
scorching ray
align weapon
3rd level spells
cure/inflict critical
Mass cure Moderate
Remove curse
Remove Blindness/Deafness
Remove Disease
Create food or water
Searing light
4th level spells
Mass cure Serious
5th level spells
Mass cure critical
6th level spells
Mass heal
True Resurrection
Bigby's clenched fist*
Cloak of chaos/Shield of law/Holy aura/unholy aura (note: chaplains usually replace Bigby with "deity's name", unless deities associated with arcane magic)

New Aura
Vigor- same as Dragon shaman aura of same name

2007-01-27, 08:17 PM
some balance help, please
Also, new litanies or auras would be appreciated

2007-01-30, 04:08 PM
Anyone have an idea? Anyone?

2007-01-30, 08:56 PM
I'd suggest using Perform (oratory) as part of the Litany ability, although that might step on the Bard's toes a bit.

Several of the mechanical parts could stand to be clarified or rephrased -- details like saying that litanies are a sonic, mind-affecting effect, auras are (Su), and so on.

Aura of Sacrifice, I'm a bit iffy about, but I guess it's not overpowered... and the chaplain does get a d8... Wait a minute, maybe that's my problem: Can you turn auras off? (I would suggest letting Aura of Sacrifice target only selected allies, but then you could select allies who are well out of combat and just enjoy the fast healing. Perhaps if it only worked on damage received through the aura's power?)

Call the litany and aura levels something other than 'level'. Too many 'levels' will confuse people.

Perhaps litanies should only be useable for a certain number of rounds per day? Then you can blow it all on one long sermon, or space it out to a few short homilies (maybe have a limit on just how many though).

I'd suggest a 'Litany of Confidence' or some such, that boosts skill checks. ('Aura of Confidence' sounds better, but I don't think we want it to be a permanent aura.)

How about an Aura of Calm? I don't know what it does, it just sounds right. And more auras and litanies that boost non-combat things, either general ones like Confidence above, or specific ones (I'm imagining a boost to Diplomacy, but I don't know what to call it).

Basically, for litanies I'm just thinking of subjects the chaplain could preach on; for auras I'm thinking of adjectives you might associate with such a character, personally.

(And as per my previous post, can you tidy up the spelling and grammar? Specifically, spell it consistently as chaplain, not chaplin... it's distracting. :smallsmile: I know, I'm picky, but...)

2007-01-31, 05:12 PM
On your post, Peregrine, the following:

I will call the Litany and Aura level abilities "X power" to avoid confusion, changing after this post.

Litanies- I guess they should be sonic, mind effecting abilities, after all, that is what they are. Your suggestion about the duration is interesting, and I think it is a nice way to avoid it seeming like a total rip off of Bardic music. How about (Chaplain levels+ CHA+ CON) per day? At first level that would give about 6 rounds of usage, assuming 16 CHA and 14 CON. The naming Idea is good, so what would you call the current litanies? I am not the greatest on naming things.

Auras- My mistake, Auras work like the Dragon Shaman Aura's, only one works at a time, with the exception of the Aura of Alignment, though if the class could use it, there is a way to use 2 at once, like the shaman.

I currently have steadfast visage as a separate item, but I that should be moved to the aura section as one aura, so do you have a suggestion for a good replacement ability or 2?

And on the subject of Aura of calm, how about it giving a small bonus on Diplomacy checks, like around 1/2/3, and then make it provoke a will save for anyone to make an overt hostile action, except for the Chaplain.

P.S.Sorry about the spelling, I am trying to find them all, but I miss them every once and a while.

2007-02-01, 09:21 AM
I like the idea of this. I may just use this. Can I play test this for you in my game? Do you have this in a neat word document?:smallsmile: :smallsmile: :smallsmile: :smallsmile:

2007-02-01, 04:52 PM
Unfortunately, I typed from my handwritten copy directl into this, but I am making a compilation.

2007-02-04, 01:23 PM

I could really use some help, please.

2007-02-07, 05:13 PM
Some fluff would be nice.

2007-02-07, 09:07 PM
Oops :smallredface:
I forgot to add that part.
Thank you Leather book wizard working on it now

2007-02-08, 09:05 PM
Here is the perliminary Flavor.

Not all those devoted to the gods become clerics. Some take on a more martial aspect and become champions for their cause, spreading his faith and protecting his flock. Though paladins sometimes serve as these champions, many find that a paladin is more devoted to what they call a higher cause instead of the deities will. Therefore many churches train chaplains to serve in the place of Paladins. These holy warriors serve only their god, and will zealously give their lives for him if needed.

The Chaplain is a primarily a support character, using his litanies, auras and spells to strengthen his allies or weaken his enemies, though he does have some powerful offensive spells in later levels.
A Chaplain is devoted to his deity, and therefore must share his deities alignment.
Other Classes
Chaplains and Clerics get along very well if they serve if they serve similar deities, or extremely well if they serve the same deity. If the cleric and Chaplain serve very different deities, conflicts within the party will occur often. Chaplains and paladins get along reasonably well, but paladins wonder why the chaplains does not realize the greater truth and serve it, while chaplains wonder why the paladins do not serve a god, instead choosing some abstract cause. With other classes, relations depend on the deity of the chaplain's deity, for instance a chaplain of St. Cuthbert will have good relations with a monk, but poor ones with the rogue
A Chaplains most important stat is Charisma, followed by Wisdom and Constitution

Now the tables messed up, but I am going to have to fix it tomorrow afternoon, sorry for the inconvieniance.

2007-02-10, 06:41 PM
This reminds me of a song.
" Oh the chaplains in the army wear a collar 'round their neck. If you don't listen to them, you'll all wind up in heck!"
Cookie to anyone who knows where the song comes from.

2007-02-11, 12:11 PM
Ok, fixed the table and added some minor flavor.

2007-02-12, 07:55 PM
Does no one see a problem with this?
Please, I can't think of other good litanies or auras to give this guy. Does any one Have some suggestions?

2007-02-14, 11:06 PM
Is there no love for this guy?