View Full Version : Opinions please on these Ranger Archetypes

2014-01-24, 05:59 PM
I would really appreciate the opinions of the many knowledgable forum-goers on the following Ranger Archetypes (and combos) and their quality for character builds:

1. Infiltrator (Adaptations instead of Favored Terrains)

2. Shapeshifter (Shapeshifting instead of Favored Terrains)

3. Spirit Ranger/Woodland Skirmisher (Divination and one Spell Spontaneously each day instead of Hunter's Bond, More Spells in exchange for only one Favored Enemy and Terrain) ("Focused Specialist w/More Spells")

4. Trophy Hunter/Urban Ranger (Firearms instead of Hunter's Bond, Disable Device and Favored Community instead of Favored Terrain) ("Wild West Sheriff")

5. Urban Ranger/Wild Stalker (Disable Device and Favored Community instead of Favored Terrain, Barbarian features instead of Favored Enemies, a combat Feats, and Hunter's Bond) ("Thug")

None are for a specific campaign right now, more just thoughts about potential future characters to lay or use as NPCs.

Thanks for your thoughts!

2014-01-24, 06:30 PM
I've never played any of these, but here's my takes:

Infiltrator has some cool abilities, but you can't use multiple adaptations at the same time. Gives you some flexibility, but pretty meh.

Shapeshifter: Locks you into natural weapon fighting style, gives you some pretty underwhelming combat bonuses (note many bonuses are enhancement and will not stack). Pass.

Spirit Ranger/Woodland Skirmisher: This could potentially be pretty cool, and the restricted favored enemy is mitigated if you start at a later level and constantly prepare tons of Instant Enemy. The loss of the animal companion and camouflage seems like a high price to pay for a meager divination, though, I'd stick to just Woodland Skirmisher. Let the party wizard/druid/cleric worry about divination.

Trophy Hunger/Urban Ranger: I don't know enough about firearms to comment. If you're in a specific campaign where you're more frequently in urban environments, it could be useful.

Urban Ranger/Wild Stalker would be pretty good in an urban environment (again, it's pretty campaign specific). Rage powers are a pretty decent trade for combat feats, but you'll still only ever rage as a 17th level barbarian, and miss out on the damage reduction (you're gonna be much squishier than a straight Barb, remember).