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View Full Version : The Spellslinger [3.P base class, PEACH]

2014-01-25, 01:18 PM
The Wizards have never cared much for Gunslingers, and the feeling is mutual. The Wizards preferred learning things from books, sitting in libraries and learning ultimate arcane power, staying away from the fight until they knew just how to end every one of their foes. The Gunslingers eschewed this in favour of taking up a volatile weapon and firing upon their enemies, leaping from cover to cover while blasting down their foes with reckless abandon. To combine these two styles of fighting would be absurd: almost heretical.

That, however, is exactly what the Spellslingers do. Bold and fearless, they combine magic and firearms in a way that few would have dreamed of - not merely the use of enchanted firearms, but moreover the use of firearms to fire spells at their enemies.

Role: The Spellslinger's almost unlimited capacity to cast combat spells allows for a strong combatant, while a low number of prepared spells cast from two different lists allows the Spellslinger to be a decent backup caster, or even a primary spellcaster for a lower-power party.

The Spellslinger
Max Spell Level
Spell Capacity0th1st2nd3rd4th5th6th

1st+0+0+2+2Spellslinging, Armour Casting

2nd+1+0+3+3Combat Style


4th+3+1+4+4Enchanted Guns +1


6th+4+2+5+5Improved Combat Style

7th+5+2+5+5Swift Preparation

8th+6/+1+2+6+6Enchanted Guns +2

9th+6/+1+3+6+6Improved Evasion

10th+7/+2+3+7+7Improved Dive

11th+8/+3+3+7+7Combat Style Mastery

12th+9/+4+4+8+8Enchanted Guns +3, Swift Preparation

13th+9/+4+4+8+8Stare Down Death

14th+10/+5+4+9+9Seeker Bullet

15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+9Greater Dive

16th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Enchanted Guns +4

17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Swift Preparation

18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+11Stare Down Destruction

19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+11Phasing Bullet

20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+12Devastation Spell, Enchanted Guns +5, Perfect Dive

{This is 3.5 material, and does not appear in Pathfinder}
[This is Pathfinder material, and does not appear in 3.5]

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d8

Class Skills:
The Class skills of the Spellslinger are [Acrobatics], {Balance}, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, {Hide} Intimidate, {Jump} Knowledge ({Architecture and} Engineering), {Listen}, {Move Silently} [Perception], Profession, Ride, Sleight of Hand, {Spot}, [Stealth], Survival, Swim and {Tumble}.
{Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) Χ 4}
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Spellslinger is proficient with all firearms, including special Spellslinging weapons. They are also proficient with simple weapons and light armour, but not shields.

Spellcasting: A Spellslinger casts arcane spells which are drawn directly from the Cleric and Sorcerer/Wizard lists - the Spellslinger need not learn spells, and simply prepares them as needed. A Spellslinger must choose and prepare spells ahead of time.

To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the Spellslinger must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Spellslinger’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the Spellslinger’s Intelligence modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a Spellslinger can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. The Spellslinger's base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Spellslinger. In addition, Spellslingers receive bonus spells per day if they have a high Intelligence score.

Unlike a bard or sorcerer, a Spellslinger may know any number of spells. Spellslingers must choose and prepare spells ahead of time by getting a good night’s sleep, and spending a full hour meditating on the ways of magic, telepathically bargaining with planar entities for their spells or otherwise acquiring their spells - in any case, they are simply forced to spend an hour in the same place, taking no other actions. While so doing, the Spellslinger decides which spells to prepare.

Armour Casting: A Spellslinger takes no penalties for casting spells in light armour. Spellslingers still take the full arcane spell failure chance for casting spells in medium or heavy armour, although Spellslinging (see below) is unaffected.

Spellslinging: Although Spellslingers have a limited number of spells per day, they can also use their special Spellslinging abilities to fire spells out of their own special firearms.

A Spellslinger begins play with two special revolvers, which are 1-handed weapons (treated as light for the purposes of fighting with two weapons) and one special rifle with a revolving canister, which is a two-handed weapon. These firearms may only be used by a Spellslinger - other classes find them strangely inert and useless - and have a special control in them which causes them to detonate when the Spellslinger dies, when they go more than 500 feet from the Spellslinger, or at the Spellslinger's will (A free action will detonate any one weapon of the Spellslinger's choosing). Detonated weapons deal 1 fire damage to anyone or anything touching them, and are henceforth useless pieces of scrap. A Spellslinger may remake these weapons during daily preparation of spells, or else spend 10 minutes per revolver or 20 minutes for the rifle rebuilding them - it is assumed that the Spellslinger's Spell Component Pouch contains the required tools and materials to do this.

Due to the magical nature of the weapons, they do not require powder nor shot, and therefore cannot misfire. They also have automatically revolving canisters which have a telepathic link to the Spellslinger and revolve to a chamber of the Spellslinger's choice. However, due to the volatile nature of magic, their range increment is drastically reduced.

Table: Spellslinger weapons.
Firearm[/td]Damage (S)Damage (M)CriticalRangeCapacityWeightTypeSpecial
Special Revolver1d61d8*410 ft64 lbsB and PSpellslinging[/tr]
Special Rifle1d81d10*410 ft1215 lbsB and PSpellslinging

Spellslingers may load a number of spells into their guns depending on the levels of those spells and the Spellslinger's class level. The guns, between them, including any other Spellslinger's weapon that the Spellslinger has loaded spells into, may hold a number of Capacity Points' worth of spells equal to the Spellslinger's Spell Capacity, given on Table: The Spellslinger. Spells use a number of Capacity Points depending on their level, as given on Table: Capacity Points.

Table: Capacity points.

The Spellslinger may load a number of spells into each weapon equal to its own capacity, of a level up to the maximum level given on Table: The Spellslinger. To do this, The Spellslinger chooses spells from the Spellslinger spell list (This is a special spell list, which is given later, not the Cleric and Sorcerer/wizard spell lists), then spend a number of rounds preparing these spells equal to the number of Capacity Points they wish to use. They can use any spell of a level they can cast, and do not have a set number of spells known. It then takes a full-round action to load each weapon, and then they are ready to fire. They may unload a gun as a free action, even if they are not in possession of that gun.

The Spellslinger does not use up spells when loading weapons for Spellslinging - a Spellslinger's spellcasting and Spellslinging are two entirely separate abilities, and are completely independent of each other.

Each spell forms a "bullet" which does damage when fired from the gun, but due to its telepathic link to the Spellslinger, the Spellslinger may choose to have the bullet disintegrate harmlessly when it hits. The Spellslinger may also fill the remaining spaces in the guns with "bullets" that do not contain any spells at all - they simply do damage (or don't, as the case may be). Each of the guns has its own set of spells loaded therein, but the barrel of the guns automatically rotates to the spell the Spellslinger wishes to fire - they need not be fired in order.

The Spellslinger can use the spells in the gun as Spell-like abilities, with the same DC as is they were spells (Save DCs of INT+Spell level+10) by firing the gun at the ability's target. Though they are Spell-like abilities, they may be the subject of Metamagic feats with the exception of those which change the target, range, cast time or components of the spell (For example, Enlarge Spell, Quicken Spell, or Silent Spell). Metamagic which changes the area of the spell's effect (Such as Widen Spell) can only be used on Cone, Cylinder or Radius spells (Widened fireball is acceptable, Widened Lightning Bolt is not).

Any spell that the Spellslinger uses in this manner requires a successful Ranged Touch Attack from the weapon in which it is loaded, which can be done as part of a full-round attack action. The Spellslinger takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to the spell's level. The spell's range field is ignored unless it has an area of effect - the spell just requires the target to be in range of the weapon. This means that "Personal" or "Touch" spells affect the target as though they were the caster or creature touched. The Spellslinger may choose whether or not the weapon itself actually does damage.

The Spellslinger may attack unattended objects or make sunder attacks as normal, but spells which would not affect objects still do not.

If the spell has multiple shots (eg Magic Missile, Scorching Ray) the Spellslinger rolls for each separately. It's still one shot. Only the first ray, missile, etc actually deals damage with the weapon, but the others do their normal damage.

If the spell has multiple targets but is not a spell which actually fires anything (eg Feather fall) it does not affect any extra targets, only the target hit.

If the spell has a cone effect, the Spellslinger may choose any square for the emanation to start in. The emanation is cast from the square behind the chosen square, exactly as though the Spellslinger had Charged a creature in that square and then cast the spell normally (all this means is that the cone can't face back towards the Spellslinger, nor sideways, but must emanate away.) The Spellslinger may then choose to roll to hit any creature in that square with the gun, and must roll to hit any other creature in the area with the spell. All attack rolls take range penalties based on the location of the chosen square, not the actual creature.

If the spell has a radius or cylinder effect, the Spellslinger chooses a square to be the centre of the spell - if this is a cylinder effect, the Spellslinger may choose whether this is the actual centre, or the centre of the bottom circle. In any case, the Spellslinger makes an attack roll. Success means that the Spellslinger may hit the target creature with the gun. Failure means not only that the shot misses but that the spell misses as though it were a ranged splash weapon. The Spellslinger must then roll to hit any other creature in the area with the spell. All attack rolls take range penalties based on the location of the chosen square, not the actual creature.

If the spell has a line effect, it resolves as normal, up to the range of 100 feet, but the Spellslinger must make an attack roll to hit each person in the spell's area of effect with the spell, and may roll to hit the first person in the line with the gun itself. All attack rolls take range penalties based on the location of the actual creature.

Wall of Fire and Blade Barrier work in a similar way to line spells, taking up an area of 100 ft*5 ft, and retaining their normal height. The difference is that any creature who was missed by the effect (but not by the gun) may make a free five-foot step to move out of the effect. A creature who cannot move is hit by the spell's creation anyway. The spells last their normal duration.

Wall of Ice and Wall of Force work as above, except that they must be cast into an unoccupied space and so no attack rolls are made and the shot itself does no damage. However, they can be cast up to a creature or obstructive object within 100 ft, in which case the spell has a shorter length, but the Spellslinger may make an attack roll against the obstructing creature to hit it with the gun.

The secondary bolts from Chain Lightning require attack rolls. Range penalties are calculated as though the Spellslinger were standing where each new secondary bolt emanated.

Death Knell resolves after the gun deals damage, if the Spellslinger chooses to deal damage (so if a shot causes a creature to be Dying, Death Knell kills them and the Spellslinger gains the benefits. If they're already dying, the Spellslinger can make the shot deal no damage, they still die and the Spellslinger still gets the benefit.)

Dimension Door causes the Spellslinger to go to a square next to the struck creature or object. The Spellslinger chooses which square this is out of those available. Alternatively, the creature goes to a square next to the Spellslinger, of the creature's choice. The Spellslinger chooses which of these happens upon casting.

True Strike may apply to the shot which is fired, in which case the Spellslinger simply gets +20 on the attack roll, or it may apply to the target hit, in which case their next attack gets a +20 to the attack roll. The Spellslinger may choose which of these is the case upon casting.

Spellslinger Spell List:

Single Target:
Acid Splash
Ray of Frost
Disrupt Undead
Touch of Fatigue
Cause Minor Wounds**

Single Target:
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Mage Armour
True Strike*
Shocking Grasp
Cause Fear
Chill Touch
Ray of Enfeeblement
Enlarge Person
Expeditious Retreat
Feather Fall
Reduce Person
Touch of Gracelessness
Cause Light Wounds**

Multiple Shots:
Magic Missile

Burning Hands

Radius of Effect:

Single Target:
Protection from Arrows
Resist Energy
Acid Arrow
Daze Monster
Hideous Laughter
Touch of Idiocy
Ghoul Touch
Bear's Endurance
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Eagle's Splendour
Fox's Cunning
Owl's Wisdom
Cause Moderate Wounds**
Death Knell*

Multiple Shots:
Scorching Ray

Radius of Effect:
Sound Burst

Single Target
Protection from Energy
Deep Slumber
Hold Person
Halt Undead
Ray of Exhaustion
Vampiric Touch
Flame Arrow
Cause Serious Wounds**

Radius of Effect:

Line effect:
Lightning Bolt
Searing Light

Single Target
Lesser Globe of Invlunerability
Dimension Door*
Resilient Sphere
Phantasmal Killer
Cause Critical Wounds**
Death Ward
Freedom of Movement


Radius of Effect:
Ice Storm

Wall Effect:
Wall of Fire
Wall of Ice

Single Target
Slay Living
Spell Resistance

Cone of Cold

Cylinder of Effect:
Flame Strike

Wall Effect:
Wall of Force

Single target:
Greater Dispel Magic
Greater Heroism

Multiple Shots:
Chain Lightning*

Radius of Effect
Freezing Sphere

Wall Effect:
Blade Barrier


Single Target
Plane Shift
Power Word: Blind
Finger of Death
Ethereal Jaunt

Prismatic Spray

Radius of Effect
Delayed Blast Fireball

*These spells have special effects as given above.
**These spells are similar to the "Cure Wounds"/"Inflict Wounds" and "Heal"/"Harm" spells of the same level, but they always deal whichever of positive or negative energy damage is harmful to the subject. If both harm the subject, it deals half of each. If both would heal the subject, the spell is ineffective.
***See the Devastation Spell ability.

Combat Style, Improved Combat Style, Combat Style Mastery: These class features work exactly the same as the Ranger class features of the same name, save that they only operate with firearms.

Evasion, Improved Evasion: These work exactly as the Rogue class features of the same name.

Enchanted Guns (Su): At fourth level, and every fourth level thereafter, the Spellslinger's Spellslinging guns gain a +1 enhancement bonus. At eighth level, part of this enhancement bonus may be swapped out for weapon special abilities as normal.

Dive: At fifth level, a Spellslinger learns to fire and jump for cover at the same time. To do this, the Spellslinger may make a jump check, using Dexterity in place of Strength, and a full attack as a single full-round action. Roll the result of the jump check. The Spellslinger may then make as many attacks as possible, at any point during the jump. They must be made in order of attack bonus, save that the Spellslinger must start with a normal attack, then alternate between attacks from two-weapon fighting and normal attacks, so the Spellslinger cannot make a later attack from an earlier location. The Spellslinger then falls prone in the final square.

The Spellslinger is treated as having a running start.

Swift Preparation: At sixth level, the spellslinger only requires a number of full-round actions equal to half the number of Capacity Points used, rounding up, to reload (Plus the normal action which is required to put the actual "bullets" in). At eleventh level, this is reduced to a quarter, and at sixteenth level this is reduced to an eighth, still rounding up in both cases.

Improved Dive: At tenth level, the Spellslinger can hide as part of a dive, rolling a hide check as normal, so long as the Spellslinger lands behind an appropriate piece of cover.

Stare Down Death: When a Spellslinger of at least thirteenth level uses a firearm, the Spellslinger no longer provokes attacks of opportunity, including through the use of Spellslinging.

Seeker Bullets (Su): At fourteenth level, the Spellslinger's bullets ignore concealment, including total concealment.

Greater Dive: At fifteenth level, the Spellslinger's dive no longer provokes Attacks of Opportunity.

Stare Down Destruction: When a Spellslinger of at least eighteenth level casts a spell, the Spellslinger no longer provokes attacks of opportunity and does not need to make concentration checks.

Phasing Bullets (Su) At nineteenth level, the Spellslinger's bullets can be fired through solid objects, force effects or anything else which would prevent them hitting their target - only missing their target or the target moving out of range will stop them. Emanations which occur afterwards can still be blocked (so someone sitting in a metal box when a bullet with Pillar of Flame attached would be hurt by the bullet, but saved from the pillar).

Perfect Dive: At twentieth level, the Spellslinger need not fall prone after a dive.

Devastation Spell:

At Twentieth level, the Spellslinger may spontaneously cast a single arcane spell of the seventh level (or lower, if they so wish) from the Cleric or Wizard/Sorcerer spell list each day.

Spellslingers may also use a special Devastation spell. Each time the Spellslinger reloads the spellslinging weapons, if none of the Spellslinger's guns have a Devastation Spell loaded, the Spellslinger may put one in. This does not take any additional time nor use any Capacity Points; the Spellslinger simply chooses a spell and load it. However, a Spellslinger who wishes to load a Devastation Spell must spend at least two full-round actions loading spells.

A Devastation Spell is otherwise simply a seventh-level Spellslung spell.

2014-01-25, 01:19 PM


Pslingers are similar to Spellslingers, save that they use psionic power instead of magical power to charge their guns.


Pslingers have the power point progression of the Psychic Warrior, but use powers drawn directly from the Psion/Wilder spell list. They gain their ability to use powers in the same way they would normally prepare spells, although they needn't actually prepare powers. They get bonus power points from a high intelligence modifier, and their save DCs are intelligence-based.

This class feature replaces Spellcasting and Armour Casting


Pslinging works exactly as Spellslinging, except that the Pslinger uses psionic powers instead of spells, which are drawn from the Pslinger power list and are used as psi-like abilities. Their Capacity is doubled at each level, but they use the power point cost instead of capacity point cost. Powers can be augmented as normal to this end.

Psionic Dimension door works like Dimension Door, Energy Wall works like Wall of Fire or Blade Barrier and Wall of Ectoplasm works like Wall of Ice or Wall of Force, for the purposes of Pslinging. Each retains its own effect, however.

Pslinger power list:

Single Target:
Crystal Shard
Psionic Daze
Dissipating Touch
Energy Ray
Entangling Ectoplasm
Force Screen
Inertial Armour
Mind Thrust
Defensive Precogntion
Offensive Precognition
Offensive Prescience

Radius of Effect:
Psionic Grease

Single Target:
Concussion Blast
Ego Whip
Specified Energy Adaption
Energy Push
Energy Stun
Inflict Pain
Recall Agony

Swarm of Crystals

Radius of Effect:
Mental Disruption

Single Target:
Dispel Psionics

Psionic Blast

Radius of Effect:
Energy Burst
Eradicate Invisibility

Line effect:
Energy Bolt

Wall Effect:
Energy Wall

Single Target:
Death Urge
Psionic Dimension Door*
Psionic Freedom of Movement

Wall effect:
Wall of Ectoplasm

Single Target:
Power Resistance
Psychic Crush
Shatter Mind Blank

Single Target:
Psionic Disintegrate
Fuse Flesh

Breath of the Black Dragon

Single Target:

Energy Wave

Radius of Effect:

*This Power has special effects as given above.
***See the Devastation Power ability.

This feature replaces Spellslinging

Stare Down Destruction:

This class feature works for Psionic Powers instead of spells. It is otherwise unchanged.

Devastation Power:

At twentieth level, the Pslinger can use a single seventh-level power from the Psion/Wilder spell list each day, without paying its point cost. The Pslinger must pay the point cost to augment it normally, and the limit to the number of points that can be spent is determined as though the Pslinger had spent points on the power normally.

Pslingers may also use a special Devastation Power. Each time the Pslinger reloads the pslinging weapons, if none of the Pslinger's guns have a Devastation Power loaded, the Pslinger may put one in. This does not take any additional time nor use any power points; the Plinger simply chooses a spell and load it. However, a Pslinger who wishes to load a Devastation Spell must spend at least two full-round actions loading spells. The Pslinger may augment the Devastation Power, but must pay the point cost to augment it normally, and the limit to the number of points that can be spent is determined as though the Pslinger had spent points on the power normally.

A Devastation Power is otherwise simply a seventh-level Pslung power.

Spellslinging feats:

Extra Capacity
Prerequisites: Capable of Spellslinging first level spells, or equivalent (eg Pslinging first level powers).

You gain +2 capacity. This capacity bonus is increased as normal, so Pslingers get +4 instead.

This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time, you must be able to Sling a spell of a level one higher, and you gain an extra +1 capacity. For example, the second time you take this feat, you get another +3 capacity for a total of +5.

Change log

Minor edits
Specified weapon sizes.

Added Combat Style line, Evasion line, Enchanted Guns, Dive line, Stare Down Death, Seeker Bullet, Stare Down Destruction and Phasing Bullet.
Changed spellcasting progression to fit maximum Spellslinging level.
Added Pslinger

Minor edits. I'm getting good at this.
Added feats.

Please post away!

The Cats
2014-01-25, 04:42 PM
This looks really cool, I would definitely like to play one! OK, let's get PEACHy

So he draws spells from divine and arcane spell lists, but the spells are always arcane. OK. But how does he learn spells? You mentioned bargaining with extra-planar creatures. That sounds interesting, but how does it work?

Arcane Armour Training
There's a feat with the same name but a different effect. Don't know if it matters at all but just throwing that out there.

Why not just call them spellslinging weapons? Can spellslinging be added to any other kind of firearm? Are resources and tools required to craft new weapons? Why the automatic destruct? Just making the spellslinging only work for the spellslinger makes more sense. I'd be pretty choked if my only weapons exploded if I get captured and my gear taken away. At least making it an optional thing would avoid getting screwed like that.
So does loading your gun take away from your spells per day? How do you learn spells on the spellslinger spell list? Are the DC's etc. of these spells governed the same way that your other spells are?
Do your bullets have to hit a creature to activate the spell? I'm imagining aiming a dimension door bullet at a wall or something.
Can you make a normal, non-spell'd bullet deal no damage? Could lend to some funny moments.

So that's really all I could come up with. This is a great concept that makes me think of a million badass-awesome possible moments in battle and roleplay. Good work.

2014-01-25, 05:28 PM
This looks really cool, I would definitely like to play one! OK, let's get PEACHy

So he draws spells from divine and arcane spell lists, but the spells are always arcane. OK. But how does he learn spells? You mentioned bargaining with extra-planar creatures. That sounds interesting, but how does it work?
The Spellslinger draws spells directly from the Cleric and Sorcerer/Wizard spell lists. I should probably explain that better. The bargaining with extraplanar creatures is just an explaination of what he might be doing for the hour - he's clearly not praying to his non-existent deity or studying his non-existent spellbook.

Arcane Armour Training
There's a feat with the same name but a different effect. Don't know if it matters at all but just throwing that out there.

This is me thinking it was a class feature with the same effect. Changed it.

Why not just call them spellslinging weapons?
The number of times their names are actually mentioned makes it easier to refer to them in full.

Can spellslinging be added to any other kind of firearm? Are resources and tools required to craft new weapons?
No, or the text would say so explicitly. I suppose I could add some mutterings about their SCP containing the required tools.

Why the automatic destruct? Just making the spellslinging only work for the spellslinger makes more sense. I'd be pretty choked if my only weapons exploded if I get captured and my gear taken away. At least making it an optional thing would avoid getting screwed like that.
It's so that Spellslingers can give each other their guns in combat if needed, but you can't just march off with your cohort's guns so that you have a spare. You can get them all back in 40 minutes, though, so if your gear is more than 500 feet away you probably weren't getting it back in that time anyway unless you're good enough at kung fu that you didn't need them in the first place.

So does loading your gun take away from your spells per day?
No. It doesn't say that it does, does it?

How do you learn spells on the spellslinger spell list?
Again, you don't.

Are the DC's etc. of these spells governed the same way that your other spells are?
Good catch, yes they are.

Do your bullets have to hit a creature to activate the spell? I'm imagining aiming a dimension door bullet at a wall or something.
No, they don't. Dimension Door even specifies "Or object," but it bears mentioning a bit earlier.

Can you make a normal, non-spell'd bullet deal no damage? Could lend to some funny moments.
If you really, really want.

So that's really all I could come up with. This is a great concept that makes me think of a million badass-awesome possible moments in battle and roleplay. Good work.


The Cats
2014-01-25, 05:39 PM
No. It doesn't say that it does, does it?

No, it doesn't say that. But it does have a spell per day table and two separate mechanics for 'casting' spells. It's an easy conclusion to jump to that bears clarification. Just because something is or is not explicitly stated in the text does not always make it clear. You can put away the condescend-tion.

2014-01-25, 05:57 PM
No. It doesn't say that it does, does it?

No, it doesn't say that. But it does have a spell per day table and two separate mechanics for 'casting' spells. It's an easy conclusion to jump to that bears clarification. Just because something is or is not explicitly stated in the text does not always make it clear. You can put away the condescend-tion.

I wasn't trying to be condescending, I was literally checking that I hadn't actually said that it did (which seemed unlikely, but bluh). I'll make it a bit more obvious, though I have no idea how it would reduce your spells per day when you can do it half-way through the day.

While we're here, any ideas for the semi-dead levels?

The Cats
2014-01-25, 06:07 PM
Man. There needs to be like, standardized emoticons to explain a comment's tone or something. This is getting embarrassing.

If you want to stick with the theme strictly you could give the ability to add stuff to your special weapons, or maybe (very) limited grit-like stuff that uses capacity instead of grit points? Throw some skilly stuff in there or something?

2014-01-25, 06:53 PM
Man. There needs to be like, standardized emoticons to explain a comment's tone or something. This is getting embarrassing.

If you want to stick with the theme strictly you could give the ability to add stuff to your special weapons, or maybe (very) limited grit-like stuff that uses capacity instead of grit points? Throw some skilly stuff in there or something?
I instead decided to steal from Rogue, Ranger and Arcane Archer. How does it look now?

The Cats
2014-01-25, 07:13 PM
Looks high tier. Don't know if you really need that many features: After all, even the 'dead'levels have spell and slinging progression. Sure be fun to play as-is though.

2014-01-25, 07:22 PM
Looks high tier. Don't know if you really need that many features: After all, even the 'dead'levels have spell and slinging progression. Sure be fun to play as-is though.

It's still T3 - I mean, all I did was give it some bonus feats, a way of getting out of AoOs and reflex halves, some ways to hit people who are trying to kill me from behind a wall, and a nifty and fluffy dive for cover attack. Hardly the end of the world, right?

Any I like the idea that the class isn't just doing "More of the same" every level - it always has a new trick, rather than more of the same. Makes it less "Yay, I can use slightly more Spellslinging!" and more "Yay, I can now make an awesome dive attack thing!"

I mean, just looking at a few (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/cavalier) random (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus) PF (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard) classes, (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian) even the ones with spells have few or no dead levels.

What about the abilities themselves?

The Cats
2014-01-25, 07:53 PM
I think spellslinging is a much more powerful ability than you give it credit for. That plus access to spells from both the wizard and cleric lists is high tier 3 on it's own.

No comments on the abilities themselves. They all fit the theme and are self-explanatory. There's just a heck of a lot of them.

Also noticed you can spellsling higher level spells one level earlier than you could cast them normally. Is this intentional?

2014-01-25, 08:10 PM
Also noticed you can spellsling higher level spells one level earlier than you could cast them normally. Is this intentional?

...No, no it isn't. Nice catch. Anyway:

That plus access to spells from both the wizard and cleric lists is high tier 3 on it's own.

For the record, remember that other 6-level spellcasters have access to spells which are normally above 6th level (bards have Greater Shout, Summoners have SMIX, and so on), without which they'd all be low tier 3 instead of mid tier 3. Spellslingers... well, don't, and are severely limited in the spells per day department. The Spellslinging is powerful, yeah, but doesn't actually do much to improve its tier. Remember Greater Kill Everything, the class feature that allows you to kill anyone, no save, no SR, but still only makes you T4? Spellslinging is combat stuff, the actual spells they cast are noncombat stuff, end result should be T3 even with class features.

The Cats
2014-01-25, 08:31 PM
For the record, remember that other 6-level spellcasters have access to spells which are normally above 6th level (bards have Greater Shout, Summoners have SMIX, and so on), without which they'd all be low tier 3 instead of mid tier 3. Spellslingers... well, don't, and are severely limited in the spells per day department.

Yeah definitely didn't consider/notice any of those things. Having access to all the 6th and under spells of clerics AND wizards makes for an incredibly versatile character in addition to the combat prowess. But yeah, still T3. High rung on the T3 ladder but T3.

About dive:
Dive: At fifth level, a Spellslinger learns to fire and jump for cover at the same time. To do this, the Spellslinger may make a jump check and a full attack as a single full-round action. Roll the result of the jump check. The Spellslinger may then make as many attacks as possible, at any point during the jump. They must be made in order, starting with a normal attack, then alternating between attacks from two-weapon fighting and normal attacks, so the Spellslinger cannot make a later attack from an earlier location. The Spellslinger then falls prone in the final square.

So you jump, then full attack, then land prone right?
If you're doing a full attack, does it matter what order you make the attacks in? Is there supposed to be some restriction to the number of attacks you can do based on how far you jump?

2014-01-26, 06:27 AM
Yeah definitely didn't consider/notice any of those things. Having access to all the 6th and under spells of clerics AND wizards makes for an incredibly versatile character in addition to the combat prowess. But yeah, still T3. High rung on the T3 ladder but T3.

About dive:
Dive: At fifth level, a Spellslinger learns to fire and jump for cover at the same time. To do this, the Spellslinger may make a jump check and a full attack as a single full-round action. Roll the result of the jump check. The Spellslinger may then make as many attacks as possible, at any point during the jump. They must be made in order, starting with a normal attack, then alternating between attacks from two-weapon fighting and normal attacks, so the Spellslinger cannot make a later attack from an earlier location. The Spellslinger then falls prone in the final square.

So you jump, then full attack, then land prone right?
If you're doing a full attack, does it matter what order you make the attacks in? Is there supposed to be some restriction to the number of attacks you can do based on how far you jump?

Right, let's break this up.

So you jump, then full attack, then land prone right?

"To do this, the Spellslinger may make a jump check and a full attack as a single full-round action. Roll the result of the jump check. The Spellslinger may then make as many attacks as possible, at any point during the jump...The Spellslinger then falls prone in the final square."

So, yes.

If you're doing a full attack, does it matter what order you make the attacks in? Is there supposed to be some restriction to the number of attacks you can do based on how far you jump?

"They must be made in order, starting with a normal attack, then alternating between attacks from two-weapon fighting and normal attacks, so the Spellslinger cannot make a later attack from an earlier location."

So this basically means that if you have 4 attacks from a high BaB (Barbarian levels or something), an extra shot from Rapid Shot, and three extra attacks from TWF/ITWF/GTWF, you have to take them in the following order:

- Attack from your main hand at -2 from rapid shot.
- Attack from your off hand at -2 from rapid shot and -2 from TWF.
- Attack from your main hand at -2 from rapid shot.
- Attack from your off hand at -2 from rapid shot, -2 from TWF and -5 from ITWF
- Attack from your main hand at -2 from rapid shot and -5 from iterative.
- Attack from your off hand at -2 from rapid shot, -2 from TWF, -5 from ITWF and -5 from GTWF
- Attack from your main hand at -2 from rapid shot and -10 from iterative.
- Attack from your main hand at -2 from rapid shot and -15 from iterative.

So, you're alternating between main hand and your off hand, but otherwise taking them in order of Attack bonus.

Let's suppose our SpS 16/Brb 4 does this dive attack. I've changed it so that she counts as having a running start, because that makes sense. With a DEX of about 30 by this point (Though Jump is actually STR-based, but whatever let's play PF instead), as well as 23 ranks or 20 ranks +3 from class skill, she has a +33 to her check, and she gets +4 for having fast movement. She rolls a total of... let's say 49, and this is rounded down to 45, so she goes 45 feet.


Now, the Spellslinger would very much like to get some of her less accurate shots out of the way to fire her low-level spells at creature 1, who is in her first range increment anyway, and then use her first attack to shoot a Fireball at creature 2, just so she can make sure that she hits creatures 2, 3 and 4 at the long range. However, she can't do that, and she has to use her most accurate shots first. She instead decides to go forwards two squares, and fire a lightning bolt straight through creatures two and four.

Basically, it requires the player to think about how they're actually going to do this, which is half of what Spellslingers are about. The other half is about shooting people in the face with guns.

EDIT: Also, you should totally check the second post.

2014-01-26, 01:44 PM
So let me get this straight. After you load your guns to their capacity, and fire off all the spells in whatever order you want, you can spend a couple minutes to reload them? And the spells slung from your guns do not count towards your spells per day? That already sounds so much more fun that Pathfinder's Spellslinger. Although, assuming it all works as I envisioned, I think an interesting mechanic would be the ability to lower a spell's capacity a bit, but have to fire off the spells in the order you loaded them.

Also, little nit pick, but isn't it shouldn't the names go Dive, Improved Dive, then Greater Dive?

2014-01-26, 01:51 PM
So let me get this straight. After you load your guns to their capacity, and fire off all the spells in whatever order you want, you can spend a couple minutes to reload them? And the spells slung from your guns do not count towards your spells per day? That already sounds so much more fun that Pathfinder's Spellslinger. Although, assuming it all works as I envisioned, I think an interesting mechanic would be the ability to lower a spell's capacity a bit, but have to fire off the spells in the order you loaded them.

Also, little nit pick, but isn't it shouldn't the names go Dive, Improved Dive, then Greater Dive?

Yeah, pretty much. Didn't actually know that Spellslinger was a thing, but hey, archetypes. Bluh.

Yes, they probably should. Duh.

Glad you like it. :smallbiggrin: What do you think of the Pslinger, too?