View Full Version : one campaign 2 dm's

2014-01-25, 07:54 PM
So a friend of mine and i have always wanted to co dm a campaign where there are two parties one good and one evil t and we would each run a party in a world we have created and played in complete with its own geography,major cities,and notable npcs. We have a lock on some of the more obvious mechanics to run this system smoothly by playing on the same nights in the same house so we can communicate things between eachother so there are no chronological related mishaps both meta and in game. I would like to hear from anyone with suggestions on what to look for to minimize mistakes and make the overall game fun for everyone. Side note the probable end game is a massive pvp battle which dictates who the winning party is. Im down for any suggestions. You have thanks

2014-01-25, 07:57 PM
When I saw that title, I was going to say that makes a campaign easier then I read the post lol.

Thats not gonna be easy honestly. Its rather difficult to pace things equaly in two groups I've found. I'd plan on covering a set amount of days or something for each group, so that they always end at the same time. One might finish earlier in the night than the other, but at least then you don't have to worry about getting too mixed up.

2014-01-26, 03:57 AM
i have done this once in the past and i found that it is much easier if you have all the dungeons or adventures preplanned out so gold and xp flow into both sides at the same rate, and if one gets too far ahead, the other runs more often to catch up.

Dr. Azkur
2014-01-26, 04:17 AM
I've done this before (I was one of the DMs) and we quickly dropped the idea of having all of us playing at the same time and at the same house. We were too many and it just didn't work out. Metagaming between both tables wasn't a problem because we made a good job on antagonizing both parties, who met the first session, so telling stuff to each other just wouldn't happen (I also always keep my players on the dark so there wasn't much they could tell to the other party either way).

The most important thing is communication between Dungeon Masters, both must be very clear on how both parties are doing so one can speed up or slow down in order to keep them in balance.

When you plan your dungeons, write everything down and keep the numbers the same for both, in fact just use the same dungeons for both parties, they will never know.