View Full Version : Dragon Sun IC

2014-01-26, 04:57 PM
Dragon Sun!


The twin burning suns blast down upon the city of Tyr. The air shimmering and the stench of the city, the spices and the incense thick enough to cut with a knife. It has been 2 months since the dragon overlord - Khalak - of Tyr was cast down by a band of brave adventurers delving deep in the heart of the ziggurat at the heart of the city overlooking the great arena. Now the arena is filled with tents as a vast bazaar has opened up and all manner of goods are for sales.

Children with plates of dates and sundried olives walk through selling their fruit for a few ceramic bits per handful. Grubby looking kank farmers with great vats of fermented Kank honey are kept busy by crowds slaking their thirst. In the southern corner the chittering of insectile kanks and the reptiallian barking of Inix can be heard. Many of the stalls sells weapons and armour looted from the arena armouries and many muscled and scarred ex gladiators can be seen in the crowds.

The crowds part for the heroes as they leave the shaded entrance to the Ziggurat, many of your names fast becoming legend throughout the city, though the meeting with King Tithian and the new ruling council has been less than fruitful. The new council intent on allowing slaves from other cities and accompanying merchants to remain slaves as they rule that trade with the still dragon rules other cities of the tablelands is essential to the survival of a free Tyr. Even worse is the vast mobs of scribes, clerks and junior Templar law keepers has not changed with the the death of Khalak.

Even as you march through the markets the screaming begins as a shadow blots out the sun and half a dozen figures swathed in robes in the crowd throw back their robes revealing weapons, armour and wands beneath. In every case the glittering symbol of Draj emblazoned upon them! The dragon banks in the air above stopping to a hover for a second, its voice booming across the city "Bow beneath mighty Androponis and accept him as your new masters or die!". The market explodes into a sea of screaming people, even the gladiators quailing in the face of draconic power! The six armed and deadly warriors prepare for battle, two festooned with weapons looking like soldiers or gladiators - one holding a massive three faced trikal, the other with a long toothed carrikal and mekillot hide shield, one nocking arrows to his long bone bow, two unarmoured but flames and lightning crackling around the wands in their hands and the last clutching a symbol of Drajin one hand and a long snaking five headed alahauks in the other, each head shaped like one of the dragons.

Welcome to Tyr
You've just finished a council session with the Templars in the Ziggurat when the assassination/domination squad from Draj shows up to screw with the market!

Be honest in what spells you normally have active.
1 Dragon - black and huge
2 melee types
1 ranged type
2 arcane types
1 divine type


Dragon [roll0]
hit squad [roll1]


The dragon and the six man hit squad are scattered in the market.
Please choose a starting square within 15ft of the entrance to the market
Row AE squares 10-12

Please also choose a picture of the web that I can use as your token

2014-01-27, 11:36 AM
Ashen hardly notices the group of warriors entering the arena as he looks through the merchants' stands. He hears the shouting, but thinks nothing of it. He is still looking for penance for his master's family to make up for his death. If nothing else, he would be a good pupil and show them favor. However, just in case, he has a spell prepared in the back of his mind should anyone attempt to cause him or his companions harm.

One merchant trembles and flees his stand as Ashen comes to. Seeing a beautiful necklace, he considers taking it, but decides to leave it instead. His flesh itched, what was left of it, and he absent-mindedly scratched it. He was still getting used to his new form. He stood only a few feet above the ground, five at most, but he was a terrifying visage. He usually hid beneath his cloak, but the hood had torn during the fight with Khalak and he could not hide his gruesome features now. His flesh is dying and falling from his face, neck, and hands. The rest of his body is moderately well covered by tattered robes covered in skittering runes. His hand comes to rest upon the whip resting on his hip. He turns to examine the booths between the new soldiers and himself; he observes them as they push others to the ground and demand subservience, but does not rush to intervene.

Starting at AB10.

2014-01-27, 01:21 PM
Kek'Klik quickly started speaking to a dra. He wished to buy a Mekillot and a home on its' back. His g’tok-dra had grown to the point they required a place for the dra during na.

Zer seek mekillot; Kek'Klik want! g’tok-dra need mekillot so they no dre.

The shop keeper seemed confused as Kek'Klik tried to speak to him. He asked someone if they could help translate kreen-speak. Eventually another dra helped the shop keeper... He stated 1 moment and went to speak to another sleeper.

Kek'Klik wait. He nodded as he spoke.

Then the crowd started to scream. Kek'Klik activated his ring of arming as he turned.

I am going to say Kek'Klik is at AD 14 if that is alright with you.

2014-01-27, 11:40 PM
The pale elf that you know as Lamisalor sits as per usual on the back of her giant turtle companion.

bottom left square of Atum is in AE 10, with 5ft of elevation.

do we [roll0] initiative?

Active buffs which all last hours/level and Lamisolar has active during daytime activities are:
Elemental Body (Fire) [immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning, and are not subject to extra damage from critical
hits or flanking. Fire immunity, burn]
Cloud Wings [+30ft to fly speed]
Greater Mage Armor [+6 armor bonus]
Dragonsight [Darkvision 170ft, Blindsense 85ft, 4x human vision in lowlight, 2x in normal light, 1/2 penalties to spot from distance ]
Superior Resistance [+6 resistance bonus to saves]
Overland Flight [40ft good fly speed]

2014-01-31, 08:23 PM
Guh! Tyr is a free city now! Gerrick yelled. Gracie! The loud, deep dwarven bellow provoked a shifting of earth as a a massive worm erupted from the ground just long enough for the squat humanoid to leap on before it dove back under the sands.

After a moment, the great maw of the beast gashed a whole in the land before whipping it's body sharply and producing a vile stinger to embed into the body of one of the arcane casters. At the same time a flurry of jabs from Gerrick's lance punctured the flesh of arcanist.

Gracie Attack
Power Attack (Shock Trooper) 10:
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] to confirm
[roll3] damage
Poison: DC 28 or [roll4] Strength damage.
NOTE: AC has -10 penalty

Gerrick's Attack
Power Attack (Shock Trooper) 5:
[roll5] to hit
[roll6] + [roll7] damage +4 (All of this is tripled!)

[roll8] to confirm

[roll10] to hit
[roll11] + [roll12] damage +4

[roll13] to confirm

[roll15] to hit
[roll16] + [roll17] damage +4

[roll18] to confirm

Note: has -5 to AC

Note: End charge occupying square V5 to X8, but just below them. Attacking the guy at U5 with all attacks.

This means I threaten all of them!

2014-02-01, 12:01 PM
At the sound of the giant worm crashing through the earth, Ashen curses "Heat of the desert night, aid me now," under his breath. A faint heat begins to emit from his hands as he turns to see what has caused all of the commotion. "Slavers?!" he yells to the others.

Cast Darkfire.

2014-02-02, 02:59 PM
Keth clicks his beak in dismay as his adversaries reveal themselves. "Androponis? I was under the impression that he styled himself a democrat. I'm disappointed we don't get to vote on the matter." The aaracockra took to the air, kicking up particles of dust from the arena floor beneath him. Still holding his parasol in a claw, he synthesizes a pair of spells in a single magical burst. First, a single ray of kaleidoscopic color springs from his hand, hurtling toward one of the armored warriors. Then, a suffocating wall of sand materializes, pinning the aggressors in grit.

Start AE 11. Move 20' straight up. Cast Arcane Fusion, creating Wall of Sand on the casters and Ray of Enfeeblement on one of the melee types.

Ray of Enfeeblement: [roll0] vs. touch. [roll1] Strength penalty.

Wall of Sand: target to cover as many opponents as possible, focusing on arcane and divine (you haven't specified which is which/where they are on the map). I'm thinking Y-P 5&6 (180' ft). No save, no SR. Opponents caught inside are blinded, deafened, can't speak or breathe. Spells with verbal components cannot be cast, all others require DC 20+ spell level concentration check. Requires full round action and Strength check to move through. See Spell Compendium page 235 for more info.

2014-02-03, 10:29 AM
Kek'Klik started chanting and moving his clawed hands as he often did. After a long moment a large scorpion materialized and was ready to join the fight.

My 1 scorpion will start at square y10 for his top left square :)

2014-02-03, 04:03 PM
The market erupts into violence and death! The massive ashworm that crests the surface briefly before vanishing is terrifying in its intensity, even more so for the poor mage that it descends upon! The stinger ravages his body before the lance from below spits his body in twain with a single massive thrust, dangling like a macabre flag from Gerrik's lance.

Like sneak attacks on crits the additional d6's are not multiplied.

Nearer to the entrance the kreen begins muttering and beside him a massive scorpion slowly starts to materialise into being! Likewise the desert Halfling that seemed carved from sand begins to glow with a dull fire as black flames join the parching energy leeching from his dead hands.

The aaroaka floats up into the sky upon a vast cloud of sand that engulfs the area and covers both the surviving enemy casters, save the mage that vanishes at the last second appearing a few paces behind, in a cloud thick sand that also engulfs the tails of both the dragon and the massive ashworm lurking just beneath the surface. The ray of dark energy streaking towards the melee types goes astray, the man's hide bound shield deflecting the shield at the last possible moment.

Rows 5-6 catches the enemy cleric and part of the ashworm and the dragon
- THe mage uses Abrupt Jaunt to hop out of the way


The cleric within the mist under the massive wall of cover is safe from the piercing lance and attempts to burst free. The mage at the back looks up at the floating bird man and shouts angrily running to the back of the satdium! A flickering selection of mirror images of himself appearing before with an angry shout he gestures and a vast cloud of flaying sand and a massive burst of sand explore towards the party! The wind tearing at them all and ripping around the air beside him...

Strength check for the cleric [roll0] aiming for 15 to move 10ft

Quickened mirror image [roll1] images
Flaywind Burst that catches the scorpion, Asha, Keth and Kek'Klik
-- Ref DC 23 for half of [roll2] damage
-- Fort DC 23 or knocked prone (medium), rolled/blow [roll3] x 10 if small or medium flying

The two melee types both turn to face the massive ashworm and dwarven driver. The half naked one with a crazed look and the massive trikal shouts and shrieks expanding upwards as he gains in stature with his rage. The more silent one lashing out with sword and shield

Sword and shield one attack Gerrik
[roll4] dmage [roll5]
[roll6] dmage [roll7]
[roll8] dmage [roll9]

Barbarian does his mountain rage and expands and attacks Gracie
[roll10] dmage [roll11]
[roll12] dmage [roll13]
[roll14] dmage [roll15]

The archer strides forwards rolling and tumbling to avoid anything attacking him. Spinning from both lance and scorpion... As he leaps up the arrows flying free striking towards the scorpion summoning kreen...

tumble [roll16]
- Pop up and manyshoot
-- [roll17] damage [roll18] + [roll19]
-- [roll20] damage [roll21] + [roll22]

To the other end of the arena the Dragon just sits and roars slightly before leaping forward landing amidst the mess of tents and stalls. Demolishing all in its path. The sheer majesty of rolls over the party with almost bone crushing force before it unleashes a massive cone of acidic liquid bile and molten and sand!

Dragon flaps forward Fear Aura WILL DC23 negates 210 ft radius
Breath weapon empowered breath 50ft cone catching all heroes except Gerrik/Gracie [roll23] acid damage REF DC26 for half
-- recharge [roll24]


2014-02-03, 04:19 PM
Lamisalor is still loitering in the entrance to the market (AD12)
Standard casts haste on all her allies closest to her
Swift uses minor shapeshift to gain 16 temp HP.

[roll0] Will Save
[roll1] Reflex Save

2014-02-03, 10:37 PM
Keth scowls as his feathers are scoured by dust and acid. Though the pain is enormous, he calls upon reserves of arcane strength to put his plan into action. He rises through the air, and fires twin rays at the dragon which had just scorched him, seeking to diminish the creature's reserves of strength.

Cast Greater Teleport to T12. Activate 2 charges of Belt of Battle for an extra standard action. Cast Twinned Shivering Touch.

Touch attack 1: [roll0]
Touch attack 2: [roll1]
Dex damage 1: [roll2]
Dex damage 2[roll3]

5' step away to S13.

Rise 20' in elevation. Cast Twinned Ray of Exhaustion at dragon, rolls OOC. If Keth is targeted with an attack next round, he will cast Greater Mirror Image as an immediate action in response.

2014-02-04, 08:58 AM
As the breath washes over Ashen, he turns to face the dragon and utters an unearthly scream in return, his jaw seeming to drop from his face as his mouth opened wide to sustain it, and then he vanishes, reappearing behind one of the stands closer to the group of men and the sand wall. Rushing to the closest of the infiltrators, he reaches with both hands for the man's face.
Activate Shadow Cloak's Jaunt to move across the market stands to the attackers.
Dessicating Touch attack:[roll0]
Damage from DT: [roll1]
Damage from Darkfire: [roll2]
I am still semi-uncertain about tokens, so just put me next to the closest person.

2014-02-06, 05:03 PM
I assume, with my new size, that I occupy the squares V5-W6, but even if I didn't I have enough movement to do as I please here.

Gracie reels in fear at the scream of a dragon, but Gerrick quickly prompts her to lay waste to the battlefield anyways. Thrashing about as she moves, she surges past both of those who engaged her in melee, while Gerrick directs her movements so as to dodge the incoming attacks. Having started to move, she surges through the cleric and crashes angrily into the arcane caster before diving under ground and reappearing next to the arcanist. Just as Gracies comes to a halt, Gerrick lets loose a trio of jabs, aiming to finish the mage off before he can do any real harm to the party.

FRA: Trample
Move so as to hit all the two nearby caster and end my turn above ground at AC 5 - AD 6, running past the melee dudes.
Enemies cannot attempt a reflex save against my trampling as per the trample feat.
Strength Check vs Cleric:
[roll0] (+4 from feat, +4 for being larger, +9 for STR score, -2 Fear)
Strength Check vs Wizard?
[roll1] (+4 from feat, +4 for being larger, +9 for STR score. -2 Fear)

Tail sting vs Cleric:
[roll4] STR damage unless DC 28 Fort save

Tail sting vs Cleric:
[roll7] STR damage unless DC 28 Fort save

FRA: Full Mounted Attack



NOTE: Anyone trampled must spend a FRA just to stand up from being knocked prone as per stamp into sands.

Rolls to avoid AoO

Vs Sword n Board:
NEW AC:[roll14] Lower than actual, remains the same

Vs Zerker
AC: [roll15] Lower than actual, remains the same

If Cleric chooses to make AoO instead of resisting damage:
AC:[roll16] Lower than actual, remains the same

If Mage decides to make AoO instead of resisting Damage:

To resist being knocked prone, make a STR check vs my check. OR you may make an AoO.

If the Cleric stops me from moving by succeeding on two strength checks in a row (second check is against [roll18]) Make Gerrick's attacks against the cleric instead.

2014-02-14, 03:21 PM
As the massive gust of razor sharp wind and a vast cloud of bile and sand cover the area where the heroes are fighting the brave Champions of Tyr move to strike back! At the back still in the shadows of the ziggurat's gates the pale elf with a wave of her hand releases an incantation and reality blurs for her and her allies as time seems to slow, trails of blood ooze slowly though the sky, dust whirls like a languid wave and the trikal and sword blows of the assailants move they are passing through tar.

@ Greenpotato, could you please add a little more "flavour" to your posts. I try to add flowery descriptions to my posts and in general I feel that playser should do so as well. I'm not looking for lots, just more than a single line.

Even as the hasting magic spread around Keth rises into the air, a pair of rays of dark energy shooting from his outstretched hand towards the massive and angry looking dragon! The impacts shroud the dragon in dark energy and send the beast sprawling forward as the necromantic blast leeches the strength and vitailty from its colossal muscles.

Even as the winged sand shaper takes to the sky the small cloaked halfling vanishes in a cloud of shadows appearing beside the nearest of the attackers, hands of black fire leaving the man's arm a blackened and wizened husk!

Dessicatint fire touch does 39 damage
D20 save rolls were 3 and 5
- Spell resistance for Keth [roll0] and [roll1]

On the left hand side of the market the ashworm spins around in a swirling cloud of dust and sand before diving towards the wizard standing all alone... The melee brutes spin and slash at the ashworm as it departs and then there is a scream as it leaps upwards beside the other wizard, the bulk of the worm pinning the caster and all his mirrored copies to the ground before the stinger plunges into one of them. The man's suffering is not over as Gerrik stabs downwards twice more seeking to hit the correct image amongst the multitude present.

AoO from melee types
- Trikal toting barbarian [roll2] dam [roll3]
- Sword fighter [roll4] dam [roll5]

Wizard opposed is pointless! - and OUCH!
Stinger [roll6] 7 hits him
Gerrik 1 (hit) [roll7] 6 hits him
Gerrik 2 (miss) [roll8] 5 is wasted as it misses
Gerrik 3 (hit) [roll9] 4 hits him

Fort Save [roll10] to avoid the 9 strength damage
:- He's hoping for mirror images to save him!


Denied their prey the twinned melee killers spin round before leaping to attack Gerrik and Gracie once more. The barbarian leaping int othe air bringing the trikal down in a brutal arc as he gives up any thoughts of defence! The sworded one being more cautious and giving a single precise stab, though overstepping leaving himself open...

Barbarian leap attack shocktrooper charge (PA8)
- Trikal toting barbarian VS Gerrik [roll11] dam [roll12]

- Sword fighter [roll13] dam [roll14]
----- He's using Robilar's so you are +4 to hit and damage him

The mage still lying in the sand looking at the world from an upside down perspective merely opens his hand releasing a great cone of acid. The blast of the acid soaking Asha and the 20ft high Keth and the front of the great ziggurat.

Acid blast [roll15] acid Ref DC22 for half

The cleric seeing his friend assailed by the vile and strange looking halfling composed partially of sand strides forward, recognising the vile lich for what it is he merely channels a wave of positive energy directly into Kesha seeking to purify the dry dust lich.

Move and cast defensively Heal
-- Concentration DC 21 [roll16]
-- Will DC 21 for half of 120 damage

The scout, scarred and burned by the savage attack of the dust lich vaults backwards 10ft before relasing a pair of arrows at the undead monstrosity.

Tumble - auto pass
Many shot [roll17] dam [roll18] + [roll19] skirmish
Many shot [roll20] dam [roll21]

The dragon howls in angry rage a beam of absolute blackness streaking from its mouth towards the flying sorcerer, just before its Kesh's form explodes into a selection of mirror images...

Now with blindsight is the dragon bothered by mirror image?
- Eneveration [roll22] [roll23] -ve levels

2014-02-14, 06:39 PM

2014-02-15, 06:26 PM
Lamisalor gives a sharp whistle, calling Atun (her tortoise) to her both verbally and via their shared mental connection. She then begins to whisper to herself as invisible energy flows around her, rippling the air, and wispy animal shapes begin to form in her open palms.

Free Handle animal: Heel [roll0] while using empathetic link to project distress at him, to let Atun know Lamisalor is in trouble
1 Round Loose repel wood to begin casting summon natures ally VI

2014-02-17, 08:56 AM
Asha grimaces and twitches in agony as positive energy flows through her, but he powers through the disgusting itch, through sheer force of will. As the acid hits him, however, he seems unfazed by it. It eats at his clothing and some of his skin seems to drop like sand to the ground. He ignores the caster who cast the acid cone, walking from it as if it had not happened.

When he is closer to the cleric, he breaks into a full spring before hurling a mass of black energy at it. "Al-Ishtus shows no favor in those who would stand against him! Feel your insides rot, and your organs burn! Feel your skin dissolve and know in your heart the terror of the sands!" The mass of energy blasts to the cleric.

Cast Harm on the Cleric. 150 points of damage, DC23 Will for half. It cannot kill, but if it reduces him to 1, activate Belt of Battle for 3 charges, granting me an additional full round of actions, with which I will make a touch attack agaisnt him with Darkfire (active 14 more rounds) [roll0] for [roll1] damage. Move action to move over and watch Keth as he falls. Free action DMM to Quicken Cure Light Wounds for [roll2].
As the cleric begins to collapse in pain, Asha grabs its arm, the other hand grasping his own belt. "Al-Ishtus looks forward to meeting you in the afterlife." he whispers to the cleric as he channels terrible, intense heat into the man, who screams in agony. Then, clutching his belt, he moves to where his ally falls from the sky. No use letting him die, he has future purpose, Asha thinks. As he catches the falling monster, he focuses on Al-Ishtus, praying for a hastened spell to aid the wounds.