View Full Version : Arknid v2 vs Tag (The Crowd Calls for Blood)

2014-01-26, 10:42 PM
The crowd is in an uproar as the two contestants are brought into the arena and unshackled in their opposing corners. The gigantic gates behind each of them would usually close with a deafening din of metal and stone, but any sound the gates would make is drowned out by those seeking entertainment. Both of them knew to expect this, but actually experiencing it was something else entirely. As the two fighters prepare to defend their lives, Arknid is first off the blocks!

Tag wears loose clothing over a fine chain shirt, so that he will always be able to move as fast as possible.His hair is tied into a braid that falls all the way to his knees, and which whips around as he darts across the battlefield, twisting and turning like a mad snake.


Initiative Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16872383&postcount=1006)

Necroticplague, you're up! Please post a description of Arknid along with your actions.

2014-01-27, 09:58 AM
Arknid wages towards the center of the arena like blood on the battlefield. The many scars in his hide shows while he may be new to gladiatordom, he most certainly isn't to battle. He wears clothing of what appears to be the hides of many animals kept together by crude sewing and leather straps, with a couple nails holding some thicker ones together. In some of the straps a series of axes are entangled/embedded. From the elbows down, his arms darken from their normal tanned color, ending with pitch black fingers, far more pointed than an average human. What skin remains a normal hue has several marks showing symbols of battle, down to an unusual tattoo on his face.
double move to j11.

2014-01-27, 10:10 AM
"Up down, all around, see the big man coming" Tag mutters to himself, dancing back and forwards. He hops around so fast he appears to disappear into a blur. Always bouncing, he circles his foe, readying himself for combat.

Before game (DM only)
I understand we had six rounds before the battle began, aye, in which do take whatever actions we needed? If that's correct, I'm going to take the following actions. If we get less than that, then I'll lose a few.
1st: Apply purple worm poison to main-hand kukri. On a 1, I poison myself: [roll0]
2nd: Apply giant wasp poison to off-hand Kukri. Similarly, poison myself on a 1: [roll1]
3rd and 4th: Apply oil of Keen Edge to each Kukri, raising their threat range to 15-20.
5th: Drink a potion of Barkskin.
6th: Drink a potion of Blur (duration 3 minutes), and assume Stance of Clarity as a swift action.

Double move action to square M3.

2014-01-27, 03:00 PM
Arknid notes as the quick man tries to blaze blaze past him, smartly staying away from his blades and fists. He smirks at the efforts. Another fight, another coward who tries to hide themselves. This one, however, has the weakness of still being groundbound. He's going to regret that soon enough. As Arknid's lumbering form begins to throw himself at the blurry one, his hand seeking purchase.
full-round action to charge, using the attack to initiate a grapple.
Touch attack:[roll0]
Miss chance ( since I suspect some kind of concealment is at work): [roll1]. In case that fails, I can re-roll:[roll2]. Numbers 01-(100-%concealment+1) is hit, everything above is a miss.

2014-01-27, 04:26 PM
Tag braces himself for the charge, waiting as Arknid charges forwards. He mutters to himself as the barbarian stomps closer and closer:


As soon as Arknid is within reach, Tag bounds to one side and, with a flying kick and a joyful grin, attempts to redirect his foe to one side.

Immediate action.
Roll a dexterity check, opposed by my result of [roll0] If I win, Arknid gets no attack and is moved to O4.

Martial lore dc11
Counter charge manoeuvre.

2014-01-27, 04:59 PM
Dex check against movement:
Also, holy crap, a dex mod of 10?

2014-01-27, 05:03 PM
Not a dex mod of ten, I have another bonus to that roll. But it was not enough, meaning I am grappled, aye?

Aaaaaw dear.

2014-01-27, 05:28 PM
Arknid didn't expect the counterattack, though the attempt to dodge was expected.He managed to plant himself in time to avoid moving any more than he wanted to though, taking advantage of now knowing exactly where his opponent is as he grasps at his leg "Nice moves, got any more?"

Well, you can still roll grapple to stop this from from working right now, so you aren't grappled yet.

2014-01-27, 05:47 PM
"Ah-ha! Try this one, brutish person!" Tag slashes with a kukri at Arknid's face, hoping to slash and gash and trash until he is released!

Swift action: change stance to Blood in the Water.
Standard action: attack with the main-hand kukri.
Attack roll: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirmation: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Crit range is 15-20. Also if the attack hits, make a DC24 Fort save or take [roll4] Strength damage.

And for the sake of completion, an opposed grapple check:[roll5]

2014-01-27, 06:09 PM
Arknid doesn't even try to dodge the kukri, no selling it right into his face. Which merely bounces off his rough skin with a 'THUNK' more suited for hitting wood or rocks than for flesh and blood. "Try sharper knives, those would probably help.I'll show you mine."With this, he reaches his free hand towards to man, jamming his pointed fingers into the ribs.
Standard:Attack with my Claws.
Miss Chance:[roll0],[roll1], same formula for hit/miss as last time.
confirm (if needed):[roll3]

2014-01-28, 04:08 AM
"i think, tall and broad one, that your claws are blunter still! My turn next" Tag slashes again, slashing with the Kukri.

standard action to attack.
Attack roll [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Crit confirmation [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Crit range 15-20.
If it hits, DC24 Fort save or take [roll4] Strength damage.

2014-01-28, 06:34 AM
"Point made well enough. Looks Like We'll have to do this the long, painful way then." With this, he reaches out to try and crush his opponent under his mighty hands.
Standard;Grapple Check to deal damage.
(the extra at the end is improved grab, which states that "Each successful grapple check it makes during consecutive rounds automatically deals claw damage")

2014-01-28, 09:07 AM
"Curse your unusually dense head!" Tag shouts, slashing back with the Kukri.

Standard action to attack again.
Attack roll: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirmation: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Crit range 15-20.

If hits, DC24 fort save or take [roll4] strength damage from poison.

2014-01-28, 10:27 AM
Rolling claw damage, since I seem to have broken code.

is the +10 before or after the -4 for grappling? Just trying to double check, since I know a lot of people don't read the grapple rules. If its after, that hits, fort save [roll1].

2014-01-28, 12:05 PM
Arknid easily grabs the smaller creature, despite his concealment and his attempts to thwart the larger combatant's charging strike. As the two wrestle, the smaller man pricks Arknid's thick hide with one of his kukris. The damage is minimal, but Arknid feels an odd shock zip through his veins that turn his muscles to rubber!


Tag takes 11 damage and remains grappled! Arknid takes 1 damage and is poisoned for 3 STR damage! Necroticplague is up!

The feral template does not bestow Improved Grab or Pounce upon Arknid. From the text:

Special Attacks: A feral creature gains additional special attacks depending on its Hit Dice, as shown on the table below. It gains the special attacks indicated in the row corresponding to its monster Hit Dice, plus all those in previous rows.
Since you don't have any monster Hit Dice (only those from class levels), you gain the other abilities of a feral creature but none of the special attacks.
Changing stances or initiating maneuvers requires a successful opposed Grapple check as a standard action. Assuming you win the grapple check, you can then use stances/maneuvers that require a swift or move action. You cannot initiate standard action maneuvers while grappled unless you have a way to gain more standard actions in a turn. As such, you could not previously change stances while grappled.

2014-01-28, 12:34 PM
Yup, it is indeed including that penalty. I'd normally be at +14 to attack.

Oh dear. That's not good. In that case, I'm still in the Stance of Clarity, so AC is +2. That said, I fear a quick defeat, as grappling is something I was not prepared for, and that's some serious damage.

2014-01-28, 07:21 PM
However, the previous line does not say "monster HD", just HD. In addition, special qualities are gained based on normal HD, not these mysterious "monster HD".Plus, the term "monster HD" is never defined anywhere within the rules. Well, the "monster" isn't but HD are.

2014-01-28, 10:24 PM
From the SRD section on Improving Monsters:

Each of the monster entries describes a typical creature of its kind. However, there are several methods by which extraordinary or unique monsters can be created using a typical creature as the foundation: by adding character classes, increasing a monster’s Hit Dice, or by adding a template to a monster.
Arknid has chosen to add character classes rather than increasing any Hit Dice. Therefore, he does not gain the special attacks granted by monster Hit Dice. Also, "monster hit dice" are mentioned here and there throughout Savage Species, always separate from class levels. Thus, Arknid has 0 monster hit dice. You still consult the table under the Feral Creature, but without any monster Hit Dice you don't gain any of the special attacks.

2014-01-28, 11:33 PM
But he has advanced by increasing hit dice: 4 of them, with d10 HP, good fort and poor ref and will, and full Bab. The HD, however, are distinct from the class level because there are things that can alter the HD even with class staying the same(like many undead turning all HD into d12, regardless of source). While it says it can advance by those three methods, it in no way says that they are exclusive.

2014-01-29, 09:11 AM
Again we have another disagreement of readings that comes down to the exclusive nature of "or." You chose to advance by class level rather than advancing the monster's hit dice. Therefore, you gain things earned exclusively by class level (class features, in this case) and do not gain things that monsters may gain by advancing monster hit dice (size increases or, in this case, special attacks). The two are always exclusive; though a class grants you Hit Dice in that class, it never advances monster Hit Dice (except in the special case of monster classes).

In regards to the feral template specifically, I understand that the text makes a general statement about special attacks being granted by Hit Dice. However, in the very next line it makes a specific statement that the special attacks of the feral template are granted by monster Hit Dice. Since you have no monster Hit Dice and all class Hit Dice, you gain no special attacks from the feral template. My ruling stands. It's your turn.

2014-01-29, 09:31 AM
Arknid doesn't even note the unremarkable cut, which barely has but a drop of blood slip out before befor it ceases to do so anymore. The poison, however, strikes him with much more force, sending a shiver through his system. "What you lack of my last foe in hiding, you gain in underhandedness. It matters not, for even my muscles softened are more than a match for yours." With this, he continues to crush his foe within his mighty grip.
grapple to deal damage:

o.k., that works. On a related note, "xor" should really enter more common use to solve these kinds of problems.

(Husky's turn now, above spoiler isn't anything you need to worry about.)

2014-01-30, 08:38 AM
Tag's tiny eyes bulge as Arknid continues to squeeze the life out of him. Meanwhile, the superfluous wound dealt by Tag's kukri seems to stitch itself together.


Tag takes 10 damage from the grapple. HuskyBoi, you're up!


Agreed. IF we could all express ourselves using coherent AND consistent logic, THEN the world would be a better place. :smallbiggrin:

2014-01-31, 06:16 AM
Tag is being held tight, and attempts to make an escape! On foot, he has a much better chance of fighting.

Escape Artist check to get out of the grapple: 1d20|+6
Messed up the roll, took it again in the OOC one.

Messed up a roll. Second attempt:


I realise I'm rather late on this, but should I not have got an attack of opportunity against the initial grapple attempt? Or does Necroticplague have a feat/ability preventing it?

2014-01-31, 06:51 AM
Arknid feels this man try and writhe within his grasp and squeezes down with his ands to try and prevent his escape, however weakened he is.
opposed grapple roll: [roll0]

2014-01-31, 07:19 AM
He wriggles and twists and curls before flying like Arknid's grasp like a jigged-up cricket. Landing on the ground he pulls away quickly, before switching stances ready to continue the fight!

Holy blazes, I can't believe those rolls actually worked... let's hope it does some good.

So that was a standard action to escape, a move action to get to I3 (provokes an attack of opportunity), and a swift action to change to the Blood in the Water stance.

Arknid can take his attack of opportunity, and then it's his turn.

2014-01-31, 07:29 AM
Realizing that his foes strength lies is his mobility, he react to him turning to move away by reaching to grasp again, trying to draw him back in.
trying to use this to grapple again :)
Miss chance (sAme rules as all of the last times):,
touch attack:[roll1]

2014-01-31, 07:30 AM
Because I broke one of the miss chance rolls:[roll0]

2014-01-31, 07:34 AM
How do Necroticplague, can I ask a question please? I'm just a bit confused about which numbers are a miss on the concealment. Since they've been fairly different so far it hasn't mattered yet, but I'd like to be clear for future reference. I'm on a 20% miss chance, so are you taking 01-20 as the miss chance, or 81-100?

Touch attack missed, so it's your turn. Also, do I get an AoO for the attempt to grapple me?

2014-01-31, 08:56 AM
No problem, I'm happy to answer any questions. I don't provoke AoOs for grappling. 81-100 misses for the miss chance.

Arknid again charges to try and grasp at the man before he can do something tricky, like re-poison his blades. Arknid comes in low, preparing himself on case he tries to counter like last time.
Charge to initiate grapple (repetitive, but it seems my best bet.)
Touch attack:[roll2]

2014-02-04, 07:07 AM
Sorry for the delay in posting, I've been home and spoilt with mum-cooked meals and my old workbench. Back on track now!

No! Seized again! Tag will lash out with the other blade, in the hope of causing his foe some damage!

Attack with the off-hand kukri.
Attack roll: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirmation: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Crit range is 15-20. If I hit, make a DC18 Fort save or take [roll4]dex damage.

2014-02-04, 06:39 PM
Arknid ends up taking another slash that manages to draw blood, however little it soon stops doing so. Feeling this new venom course through his system, he resumes the crushing of his enemy with renewed will. "It'll take quite a bit more than that to keep me down, do you have any more tricks, rat?"`
Standard to grapple to inflict damage
Dort save vs. poison:[roll2]

2014-02-05, 03:14 AM
Was that a critical hit or just a regular one? Rather dramatically affects my next rolls and moves.

2014-02-05, 05:27 AM
Was that a critical hit or just a regular one? Rather dramatically affects my next rolls and moves.

Only attacks can crit. That was just a grapple check, not an attack (just like how this isn't targeting your AC).

2014-02-05, 06:08 AM
Only attacks can crit. That was just a grapple check, not an attack (just like how this isn't targeting your AC).

Tag's attack, I mean. It was within the crit range, and rolled 22 to confirm. I get a boost from both the crowd and other stuff if it was a crit. Sorry, should have specified.

2014-02-05, 06:42 AM
Tag's attack, I mean. It was within the crit range, and rolled 22 to confirm. I get a boost from both the crowd and other stuff if it was a crit. Sorry, should have specified.

A crit confirm is also against AC right? yeah, it fails to confirm, the attack barely hit as is.

2014-02-06, 09:17 AM
The two combatants fiercely battle back and forth, with Tag trying to elude Arknid and the larger man trying to maintain a wrestler's hold on the halfling. One of tag's blades pricks Arknid's skin, but again the wound is sealed in a matter of seconds. The larger of the two men shrugs off the cold shudder of the poison trying to force its way through his system and tightens his grip on Tag.



Tag takes 9 damage from Arknid's grapple. HuskyBoi, you're up!

2014-02-06, 09:26 AM
No! Strike back, don't let him squeeeeeeeeze me!

Attack roll: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirmation: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Crit range 15-20, come on dice, be good to me!

2014-02-06, 06:33 PM
As his foes fumbling a blow barely manages to even glance off of him, Arknid continues his crushing grasp "What, nothing? Not even an actual weapon? Ran out of freshly envenomed little needles already?"
grapple to do damage:

Good thing I've been keeping him grappled, or you might actually do enough damage to actually inconvenience me slightly.

2014-02-07, 09:56 PM
"Shwsh you. I'm trying to concentrate on fighting!"

Strike back with a kukri.
Attack roll: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirmation: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

I think... just think... that Tag might not win this match :smalltongue:

The grappling has been the absolute death of him as he's not been able to pull off most of his tricks, and my grapple/escape artist skills just aren't high enough to get away. Ah well, we live and learn!

Well I will. Tag won't.

2014-02-08, 11:22 PM
"And clearly, you need all the help you can get on that front, because you clearly aren't doing a good job now."
Continuing to bring on the grapple-based pain.

To your credit, the STR poison was an excellent idea in this situation, turning your chances from "impossible" to merely "unlikely."

2014-02-10, 03:09 AM
"I regret nothing except my inability to win this fight!" Tag cries defiantly, attempting to twist free from his captor's grasp.

Standard action to roll escape artist and escape.
Escape Artist: [roll0]
If that succeeds, he'll move twenty-five feet away (I've been forgetting his movement bonus) to D4.

2014-02-10, 06:54 AM
"I, on the other hand, don't regret that in the slightest."
Opposed to keep him: [roll0]
Opposed to do damage:[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2014-02-10, 07:02 AM
"AAARGH, NO! I am crushed, crushed like a giant ha-haaaaaam..."

Tag screams, bellows, and then slowly dribbles out his last words, as the breath is crushed from him, and consciousness fades away.


2014-02-11, 09:43 PM
Arknid's opponent passes out in his arms. However, the crowd is not content to call of the hounds at that point. They chide the gigantic warrior on, forcing him to squeeze as Tag's tiny eyes bulge and his lifeless form eventually collapses, the last breath choked out of it.


Arknid wins!