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2014-05-16, 07:53 AM
[The Alchemical Gardens]

"Damn it, Commander. You left too many questions unanswered."

Koutarou stepped in and looked for signs of a Gigai. Or Li's modsouls.

There's no sign of Nettle, Leaf nor Orchid. Several odd, fungoid-looking stalks turn around in their benches and seem to stare at Koutarou when he steps in. The air is humid and heavy and the three greenhouses are pretty dark inside, with last rays of the evening sun filtering through the thick glass panels.

There's a lot more inside than what Koutarou managed to glimpse in his past few visits. Each greenhouse has its own desk, workbench and tool rack, filled with all sorts of paraphernalia for chemical and alchemical experimentation. Each desk also has a set of drawers, but they're all locked, and the key is nowhere to be seen.

But most eerie are the various... ingredients grown within. The brightly coloured fungi and plants move and twist as if to follow Koutarou's movements, and the soil they're planted in boils and bubbles, as if there was something moving underneath or as if the soil is constantly changing from solid to liquid and back again. All items and benches are named in bronze plagues underneath them, but they're all written in Chinese, though many of the symbols would still be familiar to Koutarou.

Eventually, the Vice-Commander finds what he might be looking for. It's a tree, growing at the very back of Greenhouse One. Its trunk and branches seem to have grown around steel supports of the greenhouse, becoming part of its architechture, and its leaves block most sunlight from shining to this darkest corner. Before it, there's a greenish pool, in which Koutarou can see some of its roots - and tangled in them, floats a pale humanoid body. It appears to be sleeping.

2014-05-16, 09:15 AM
"I never thought I'd live to see the day I'd be creeped out by a botanist." Koutarou admitted to himself. Li had certainly taken certain liberties with the plantlife he'd been studying. But the Vice-Commander paid them no heed. He knew they were just... curious, at best.

He approached the humanoid body and gave it a light tap. If it moved, so much the better. If not, Koutarou would try to gently pry its mouth open to slip that blue pill inside...

2014-05-17, 09:33 AM
A hairy centipede crawls from a hole in the tree, its multifaceted eyes looking at Koutarou as he sinks his hands into the green, cold goo. The roots of the tree seem to move to avoid touching his skin, or maybe its just an effect caused by rippling of the liquid. The body is deeper in than it appeared at a glance, and Koutarou's arm has to reach in up to elbow's depth before touching its skin. When he does, it opens its eyelids... but it only has one, pearly eye. The other socket is empty.

2014-05-17, 01:30 PM
"Ugh. Seriously?"

Never one to miss such an obvious hint, Koutarou will push the pill into the empty eye socket as delicately as he can manage. He doesn't expect to be grabbed or anything of the sort, but as soon as he's done with that particularly disgusting task, he withdraws his arm and tries to shake the cold goo off.

2014-05-18, 05:14 PM
Suddenly, the blade, having just been drenched in oil and thus cooled down, is tossed almost carelessly into the air in Bernadette's direction.

"Good! Then perhaps you'd like to finish the blade's work for the class?"

Amusement danced in the big man's eyes. He'd clearly picked up on Bernadette's somewhat fickle mood."Of course." Bernadette nonchalantly catches the blade as it reaches her, a faint smile makes it's way across her lips as she flourishes it a bit before taking a closer look.

"Next is grinding the edge of the blade to a proper bevel, you'll want to keep the thickness in the center, and get the cutting edge down to about a millimeter thick."

((I've just realized the problem of having a character who's an expert in a field you know nothing about.))

5a Violista
2014-05-20, 12:18 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
Three Months Ago

Mikael lets go of the other Sin Rostro and leans back. "That's one heck of a good question." he crosses his arms and sits cross-legged on the ground, thinking for a moment.

"The answer to that one is... complicated. Suppose my soul is like water, while this body - whether made of baryonic or spiritual matter - is merely a vessel. If the water in the vessel is divided among enough other vessels, it will of course be emptied - but the water itself still exists. Even if all the vessels are destroyed and the water turned to vapor, it will eventually condense in the atmosphere, raining back down and coming all together in another place and time." Mikael scoops up a handful of dusts and crushes it into a perfect sphere.

"It could also be my soul is like the flame of a candle. Once the candle is lit, it will eventually burn out - but that happens completely irregardless of how many other candles it is used to light in the meantime. Even a small flame in the right place could create a raging conflagration, allowing the flame to exists and impact things long after the first candle is gone." Mikael crushes the sphere to dust. Then, he opens the zipper of his jacket and starts undressing. After a while, he puts the jacket down and moves bandages around his left shoulder so that the snake-haired creature can see the faint outline of a tattoo - a snake eating its own tail.

"This is the thing that connects us. Plato called it 'Ouroboros'. In his tale, it was the first living being - the whole universe in a single entity. It is the symbol of self-reflexivity, representing how things in the world move in cycles. It is also the symbol of primordial unity - something eternal and inextinquishable. In many ways, it is like the modern concept of a singularity. According to some contemporary theories, the whole universe travels in cycles as well. All energy, and hence all matter, originates from a single point, and will eventually return to a single point, in a cycle of creation an destruction. If this cycle can't be broken, it can be said all things not only have been and will be one, they are one." Mikael pauses for a moment to catch his breath. Then, he continues.

"Plato also presented the famous idea of the observable world being nothing but a shadow of the real one. It's like we all sit in a cavern, our backs towards the exit, looking at our own shadows cast on a wall by the light behind us. It is possible you and me both are just shadows, projections of a greater entity that transcends the dimensions observable to us. If that is the case, any change in us, our lives or deaths, do not affect the real being at all. We are just tricks of light."

The Sin Rostro listens. He nods, but doesn't respond, lost in thought. With so many heads (how many snakes did he have again?) and voices and minds, it's easy to be lost in all the thoughts he has. "I like that idea," he finally says. He looks at the large snake of his right shoulder, and explains it. "Plato's idea. We like how it sounds. If we are just something beyond what we can perceive, then life's cycle makes sense. I like it a lot." The snake just flicks its tongue back.

He looks back at Mikael. "Actually, we like how that sounds. Transcending Shadow. That's what I am called. That's my name now." I think it fits, how - thanks to Mikael - he transcended the Faceless state.

1500 hours
Palacio Real
Valentina is, as usual, there. She arrived three or five minutes early. Recently, she has been dealing with and treating with the Sin Rostro, since Mikael's visit three months ago. (Don't ask for specifics until the previous scene is completed.) Sin Rostro still unnerve her. They're strange. But they're different than most Hollows. Maybe, through the Sin Rostro, she'll learn something new. Something powerful. Something to make it so she be powerful enough to trust everyone.

All my other characters, now
((I'll deal with Nicole and my just-named Sin Rostro after my in-the-past scene is finished.

2014-05-20, 10:56 AM
[Soul Society]
Alchemical gardens

The blue pill fits neatly into the pale body's eyesocket. Nothing happens at first, and Koutarou freely pulls his arm out of the goo. Then, the goo starts to bubble, and for a moment, the body is obscured. When the bubbling fades, the goo has turned into clear water, and the body, now looking like a dark haired young human, stands up from it with uneven posture. Koutarou can see some tree roots are actually attached to its skin, as if this person was some strange outgrowth or parasite of the plant. It blinks a few times, then turns to look at the Vice-Commander.

"What day is it?"


[Hueco Mundo]
Las Noches, smaller coliseum

"You have picked yourself a good name", Mikael remarks approvingly, before focusing solely on a new Sin Rostro. Transcending Shadow can now see how the process of uplifting its brethren looks like from the outside. Blue energy in the form of a snake flows from Mikael to the faceless beings as he improves the remaining ten creatures one by one.

Soon, there are no more Sin Rostro, just eleven of these new, strange kind of Arrancar. Each of them shares the mane of snakes and multiple eyes and mouths characteristic of Transcending Shadow, but the number of snakes, eyes and mouths is always different. First has four mouths but just two eyes, second has just one mouth but seven eyes... so on and so forth.

They all look around, somewhat puzzled. The previously rather silent arena is filled with voices and chatter as the uplifted beings seek to question Mikael, each other and, of course, themselves. Mikael himself looks rather tired after all the work, and is struggling to tell them everything he told to Transcending Shadow.

5a Violista
2014-05-20, 12:11 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Las Noches, lesser coliseum

Transcending Shadow watches. Snakes - flowing energy snakes, shoulder snakes, mane snakes...he notices there's a common theme. More specifically, he notices the similarities that he has with all the other once-Sin Rostro, and how these similarities contrast with Mikael. Mikael only has one head. His snake is different. Masks. Eyes. Mouths.

Noticing that Mikael is feeling drained, Transcending Shadow helps take over the telling what he heard, as far as he remembers.

2014-05-20, 01:57 PM
When Transcending Shadow takes over the discussion, Mikael moves to sit on one of the benches. His head is aching and his thoughts are racing, as if he's just an inch away from breakthrough, from finding the right words, but somehow they always escape him.

Transcending... shadow..., the man mutters to himself, bracing his head with his arms, before standing up. "I need to sleep. Come on. Let's find cat-girl."

2014-05-20, 03:54 PM
[Soul Society]
Alchemical gardens

The blue pill fits neatly into the pale body's eyesocket. Nothing happens at first, and Koutarou freely pulls his arm out of the goo. Then, the goo starts to bubble, and for a moment, the body is obscured. When the bubbling fades, the goo has turned into clear water, and the body, now looking like a dark haired young human, stands up from it with uneven posture. Koutarou can see some tree roots are actually attached to its skin, as if this person was some strange outgrowth or parasite of the plant. It blinks a few times, then turns to look at the Vice-Commander.

"What day is it?"


"Today is the XX of YY." Koutarou replies. "I'm Vice-Commander Ishinomori Koutarou. I trust you know what you're being awakened for?"

2014-05-20, 03:59 PM
The person blinks. The eye Koutarou inserted is blue, while the other is green. "It's two months past schedule."

2014-05-20, 07:58 PM
"Two months...? So the Commander was planning on leaving earlier, then.

What do you need to know?"

2014-05-21, 01:07 PM
"What the hell, Satoshi? What are you despairing about? You've gotten this far. You've taken a step forward. Now you steel yourself for another step forward.

Again. With each repetition you get closer to your desired result. That's how I taught you, wasn't it?"

He did have a point. Given time and repetition he would get to the point he desired.

((Cripes, why did it take me this long to respond? Sorry for the excessive wait.))

Satoshi tries to shake off his frustration as he replies, "I know, I know...I just thought...I don't know, I guess I got my hopes up too soon. Kido has always been my specialty, so..." He stops mid-sentence, catching himself doing the same thing that held him back before, and takes a moment to correct his behavior. His posture relaxes a bit, and he slowly lets out a deep breath. "No, that's no excuse. You're right, sensei: I just need to keep trying and get it right, regardless of how much longer it takes."

Whether Urameshi sticks around or not, this practice will continue a few more times. Satoshi's Reiryoku will eventually start to stabilize a bit more near the end of his chant, although the Hado will still lose momentum and fizzle out at the end with each attempt. The main difference is that his resolve won't waver this time; taking his senior's advice to heart, he'll adjust his form and technique with each failure.

(Don't just use brute force,) he'll keep reminding himself silently. (Concentrate on breathing deep and letting your Reiryoku flow freely through your hands. Find a sense of balance and rhythm in the repetition...Stay calm, stay focused, and take your time; you can afford as much of those things as you need, that's what practice is all about. Don't worry about getting it done fast...Just do it properly...!)

2014-05-21, 04:46 PM
Urameshi will watch. For one thing, he's done training the other recruits for the day.

He hasn't seen Setsurou in a long time though. Makes him wonder what's on his superior's mind. And perhaps a little anxious - ever since he reinstated the Onmitsukidou it looks as if the division runs more smoothly but they see less and less of him.

5a Violista
2014-05-22, 01:13 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
Las Noches: Lesser Stadium

Transcending Shadow nods. "Yes," he says. He walks out with Mikael, leaving the other once-Sin Rostro there.

Cat-girl, at this point in time, was still looking for another Sin Rostro, with little luck. They're actually much harder to find when you're actually looking for them, it appears. Sensing for spiritual energy should find her fast enough.

2014-05-22, 10:40 AM
[Soul Society]
Alchemical gardens

"Two months...? So the Commander was planning on leaving earlier, then.

What do you need to know?"

"Leaving?", the artificial soul asks dryly. "Zheng expected to be dead or incapacitated by now. My database contains no mentions of leaving. Any such intentions must've emerged after last back-up date, three months and 1 day ago." The soul walks next to an uncovered portion of the greenhouse glass, and peers out. "Seireitei looks intact. Based on that, I presume there has been no massive scale attack from the part of Las Noches, nor Izanami, nor the Ghost King, nor the Quincies. This is unexpected. Escape of both Izanami and the Ghost King was projected to happen within few days of last back-up."

The soul wanders around the greenhouse, the fungi and plants turning away from Koutarou to follow its movements. "I expect the current situation reports to be at the Headquarters. Judging from your presence here, you have either found them unhelpful, or have been away from Seireitei and are not informed of the current situation. Which is closer to truth?"


[Hueco Mundo]
Streets of Las Noches - looking for Valentina

Transcending Shadow nods. "Yes," he says. He walks out with Mikael, leaving the other once-Sin Rostro there.

Cat-girl, at this point in time, was still looking for another Sin Rostro, with little luck. They're actually much harder to find when you're actually looking for them, it appears. Sensing for spiritual energy should find her fast enough.

"Hey!", a familiar voice shouts from behind Valentina. It's Mikael, along with Transcending Shadow. "I'm done for today. No need to look for more, I already have enough of these." Mikael points his thumb over his shoulder, at Transcending Shadow. "There's... uh... me plus eleven of them? I forgot. Well, technically there are more, but just eleven bodies." Mikael turns to look at Transcending Shadow. "Hmmm. Bodies is a bit misleading, isn't it? Do you think there should be a different words for bodies made of Reishi, for semantic clarity?"

2014-05-22, 05:22 PM
[Soul Society]
Alchemical gardens

"Leaving?", the artificial soul asks dryly. "Zheng expected to be dead or incapacitated by now. My database contains no mentions of leaving. Any such intentions must've emerged after last back-up date, three months and 1 day ago." The soul walks next to an uncovered portion of the greenhouse glass, and peers out. "Seireitei looks intact. Based on that, I presume there has been no massive scale attack from the part of Las Noches, nor Izanami, nor the Ghost King, nor the Quincies. This is unexpected. Escape of both Izanami and the Ghost King was projected to happen within few days of last back-up."

The soul wanders around the greenhouse, the fungi and plants turning away from Koutarou to follow its movements. "I expect the current situation reports to be at the Headquarters. Judging from your presence here, you have either found them unhelpful, or have been away from Seireitei and are not informed of the current situation. Which is closer to truth?"


"A little bit of both. I'm mostly up to date; the situation just hasn't actually changed much in the past three months.

The Quincy situation has mostly devolved into a Cold War of sorts. One of their major families in Japan was all but annihilated, with the survivors scattered at best and the rest of them divided against themselves. I expect the mastermind behind it to be consolidating his power in preparation for a massive assault on Seireitei proper, but our eyes and ears on the Mortal World have yet to pick up traces of such a mobilization.

Izanami is, for lack of a better term, residing within the right arm of one of the current heads of Combat Division. She seems to have taken a liking to him. Her current actions, plans or any activity are very much outside our scope to properly investigate right now.

After their last assault on Seireitei, during which they managed to recover one Reene Lucaster, the Cult went underground. They broke the seal on the Ghost King's prison, and he has since escaped it and hidden in plain sight in the town of Ikari. The Cult's influence has apparently spread significantly since. They must be preparing the battlefield to their advantage since they know we're coming and they lack the sheer numbers to overwhelm us completely, even with Von Geister on their side.

I got a message from the Captain of Internal Security a while ago. Supposedly Geister's subordinates have prepared some manner of geomantic field to increase the abilities of Hollows while simultaneously weakening our own, but the message also states 'it will be taken care of'.

The Commander has ascended to the Spirit King's Realm. I don't know how long that has been in the planning, but I received confirmation over three hours ago."

Koutarou took a pause and a deep breath as he expected the artificial soul's response. He was worried about what it kept meaning by 'backup'. When he asked much earlier of Li, the Commander stated that "if I could back myself up, I wouldn't need you". Yet if it could be done to an artificial soul... how much further would Li have to go in order to achieve that?

Considering the powers of his superior's Zanpakutou, Li likely had an understanding of life itself that towered over that of many scientists, and Koutarou frankly feared what a Shinigami could do with that much knowledge in hand. Yet, now that he could no longer ask, he feared the lack of that ever-present knowledge even more.

2014-05-23, 08:44 PM
Soul Society, Seireitei, First Division Complex, Basement Elevator Room
Three Months After Signing of Unseliee Accords, About The Same Time As Koutarou's Conversation With The Backup

The elevator room was silent. Then, suddenly, there was a *ding*, and a door opened.

And out rushed, in a barely-visible blur of motion, a whirling, contorting mass of fluttering shadows. It raced down the hall, not encountering anyone until it reached the ground floor, where it surprised one janitor and two minor secretaries as it made the final transition to the outside...

Where suddenly, the entire Court of Pure Souls, barring those ensconced in particularly sheltered places (such that they would block out Reiatsu in general) felt it. A reiatsu that was both familiar and not. It felt like cool shade on a hot summer day. It felt like the calm dark of the night, when you settled down to sleep. It felt like that subtle case of nerves you get when it's late, dark, and quiet. It felt like you were being watched by something hiding in the shadow of the building or the trees. It felt-

And then, suddenly, for a split second, it was like the air was almost...on fire. A fire that warmed and cooled all at once.

Then a roar split the air, a roar of a king among beasts, a roar of a tyrant lizard. Any who looked up would see its source, high above that it might be.

A Dragon. One made of shadow.

But while some might have held a moment of fear that it was Izanami, or some other nameless horror come to destroy them, no death rained from above, and it didn't take but a moment more for a chorus of shouts and cheers to come rising up from the den of the Pack.

They knew the reiatsu of one of their Squad Leaders, and no mistake. This was Hikaru Masaru.

And he had achieved Bankai.

The dragon circled thrice above the Court, before finally swooping down to a temporary perch on the pinnacle tower of the First Division HQ building, as if surveying its domain.

2014-05-23, 11:12 PM

Hideki has a front row seat to Masaru's spectacle.

"Are we on 'unknown giant monster alert', currently?"

Hideki's secretary checks her terminal.

"Red for three months, nonstop, Liutenant Kotetsu."

"I just needed to confirm, tell everybody to keep doing what they are doing, I am going to the ceiling."

[1st Division Pinnacle]

A rocket lands in front of Masaru, tip jammed into the ceiling of the building. Out of the back comes a hologram of Hideki.

"You know, protocol dictates that I train all available ballistae on any dragons that are sighted."

2014-05-24, 01:34 AM
Soul Society, Seireitei, First Division Complex, Tower Pinnacle
Three Months After Signing of Unseliee Accords, About The Same Time As Koutarou's Conversation With The Backup

The dragon shifts a bit, eyeing the hologram with a smirk.

"Heh. I'm sure you think that would work..."

The regal creature shifts more, bringing the black-clad, spear-wielding man on his back into full view of the holo-comm unit.

"You will have to forgive Ancalagon. He's a bit...eager. I did just unlock Bankai. It...came at a cost, though."

He frowned.

"Momoka-san will not be returning, at least...not for a long time. She bought me, us, all of us, time and space. In more ways than one."

His gaze drifts out over the Court of Pure Souls.

"Where is the Commander-General? I bear Hei Lin, and wish to return the noble weapon to its rightful bearer. I cannot sense Commander Li at the moment."

2014-05-24, 09:02 AM
[Soul Society, Pinnacle]

"The ballistae are decommissioned, actually. So we have none available. I can shoot you with the hadõ anti-air sentinel batteries if you like."

Hideki's hologram shifts a bit as Masaru himself speaks, in the wrong direction so it is actually facing away from Masaru, he probably has no visual feed from this thing.

"Former commander Li has been promoted to the Royal Guard and departed to the palace yesterday. I suggest delivering Hei Lin to the vice-commander."

"And it is a shame about miss Kobayashi."

2014-05-24, 11:19 AM
Hueco Mundo
Las Noches, Palacio Real, Meeting Room

Jehoel, as he sits down, gives Turiel an inquisitive look. He glances around the table, nodding to Valentina.

"Well, the meeting has, technically, started. As a status update, construction work has been completely finished on the first, second, and third districts. The first and third districts are now half of their previous size, with the second district twice the size of most of the others. We should be seeing a corresponding increase in productivity soon. Construction work on District 6 is continuing. The Cult within Las Noches remains well in hand; my spies have been keeping an eye on their activities. Meanwhile, Von Geister appears to have openly set up in Ikari, unsurprisingly. He appears to be engaging in geomantic restructuring of the area, likely to increase Hollow power at the cost of Shinigami. We'll have a further report on that later. The Quincy still haven't made any major moves, which is curious seeing as they're in the same city as the Court. They've likely been consolidating their power. Our Australian compatriots seem to be doing well, and have expressed an intent to correct certain mistakes. Finally, the neutral territory I've been working on has been completed, but more on that later. Anything to report on your own projects?"

2014-05-24, 10:05 PM

Finally, after several attempts, Satoshi manages to get a decent handle on prolonging his Kido's casting time. He seems at least somewhat more stable when trying to control his Reiryoku for longer periods of time, but he's definitely calmed down since Urameshi showed up. With his next try, he starts to let his Reiryoku flow but doesn't begin the chant at all for a good twenty seconds, focusing instead on maintaining his concentration. When he does start reciting the chant, his voice seems to have dropped an octave, and there's a hint of a commanding tone behind it too...

"Empower me, o boundless river of life! Water's edge, northern wind, devil's spear, bearer of a human name! Reveal the faded tapestry of mortality unto the ignorant masses and pierce the veil of silence!"

Once again, four icicles start to form in a tight formation in midair just in front of Satoshi. This time, though, they materialize quickly and don't appear flawed or cracked at all once they take on their complete, sharpened shapes.

"Hado no yon-jyu: Taihyokugi!!"

The ice spikes fly outward at high speed, maintaining their formation until they draw close to the targets and then breaking off all at once. Each one strikes its target at the same time as the others; they don't hit dead-center, but they're not very far off the mark, either. After a few seconds, the magic leaves the projectiles and they sublimate, leaving only four large dents in their targets. Satoshi slowly drops his hands to his sides, takes a deep breath, and mutters, "That was...so...satisfying."

2014-05-24, 11:07 PM
"That was a good first step, Satoshi. I'm proud of not having to deny you're my pupil." Urameshi teases.

"Now repeat fifty times. I want to see your aim improve. By the end of it you'll probvably be able to cast faster too."

Man, was he a slave-driver...

2014-05-25, 12:23 AM
[Hueco Mundo, Las Noches]
Earlier in the day

"Of course." Bernadette nonchalantly catches the blade as it reaches her, a faint smile makes it's way across her lips as she flourishes it a bit before taking a closer look.

"Next is grinding the edge of the blade to a proper bevel, you'll want to keep the thickness in the center, and get the cutting edge down to about a millimeter thick."

((I've just realized the problem of having a character who's an expert in a field you know nothing about.))
Meh, just fake it, keep it general, etc.

The big man smiles, nodes, and motions for her to continue. He will remain silent and watchful for as long as Bernadette decides to try and run the class.
Soul Society, Seireitei, First Division Complex, Tower Pinnacle

[Soul Society, Pinnacle]

"The ballistae are decommissioned, actually. So we have none available. I can shoot you with the hadõ anti-air sentinel batteries if you like."

Hideki's hologram shifts a bit as Masaru himself speaks, in the wrong direction so it is actually facing away from Masaru, he probably has no visual feed from this thing.

"Former commander Li has been promoted to the Royal Guard and departed to the palace yesterday. I suggest delivering Hei Lin to the vice-commander."

"And it is a shame about miss Kobayashi."
Masaru smiled a bit at Hideki's calm humor.

"I think I will pass on being shot by you and yours today, Hideki. Hopefully we can avoid such, ah, misunderstandings in the future? I will try to keep our enthusiasm and reaitsu reigned in.

Oh, could you pass on a request to Chouko to meet with her about my new arm, fairly soon? I'd like to be able to use both my swords again."

Though Hideki has no visual feed, it is clear he has audio. So he might detect that at the news Li simply left Soul Society, Masaru and his shadow-dragon, which had been occasionally shifting, as well as talking and so forth, seemed to go unnaturally quiet.

"Left? I see. Yes, I think I will pass on Hei Lin to Koutarou-san. Hm...ah, there he is."

Hideki will hear Masaru shifting about, before the shadow-dragon crunches some tiles underfoot. Probably getting ready to take off. Then the noise pauses.

"Hideki-san, if I might be so bold, I would request the honor of speaking a few words in honor of Momoka-san at her memorial service, if one is held."

And with a great *whoosh*, the dragon is airborne once more.

It takes it only a few moments to draw quiet near to the Gardens where Koutarou is having his conversation.

I figure Koutarou might have missed the emergence before, but unless those greenhouses are 100% shielded he'll probably feel this. Masaru is still in Bankai, and is rather agitated.
Hueco Mundo
Las Noches, Palacio Real, Meeting Room

Jehoel, as he sits down, gives Turiel an inquisitive look. He glances around the table, nodding to Valentina.

"Well, the meeting has, technically, started. As a status update, construction work has been completely finished on the first, second, and third districts. The first and third districts are now half of their previous size, with the second district twice the size of most of the others. We should be seeing a corresponding increase in productivity soon. Construction work on District 6 is continuing. The Cult within Las Noches remains well in hand; my spies have been keeping an eye on their activities. Meanwhile, Von Geister appears to have openly set up in Ikari, unsurprisingly. He appears to be engaging in geomantic restructuring of the area, likely to increase Hollow power at the cost of Shinigami. We'll have a further report on that later. The Quincy still haven't made any major moves, which is curious seeing as they're in the same city as the Court. They've likely been consolidating their power. Our Australian compatriots seem to be doing well, and have expressed an intent to correct certain mistakes. Finally, the neutral territory I've been working on has been completed, but more on that later. Anything to report on your own projects?"

Turiel finished whatever he was doing with that ring and tucked and his tools away, looking at Jehoel directly now.

"Hm. Things are going fairly well in the few projects I've dabbled in. Starting to see more blacksmiths and metalworkers cropping up, amateurs that they might be."

Considering his breadth and depth of experience, "amateur" was a fuzzy phrase with Vulkenssen.

"Been thinking about taking a few folks out on some scouting runs to the mountain cluster out west. Might be a few folks we can recruit there. Usable resources. Things like that. As for the geomancy..."

He rubs his chin in thought.

"Sounds like that 5-armed ******* Meyers is up to his old tricks. If they've moved to geomancy...are we going to go on the offensive at some point? Those folks aren't ones we want to let sit for too long."

2014-05-25, 12:51 AM

"Guess we will have to test those in another occasion then. Holding a funeral is not my prerogative, however. While I did extend an offer to join engineering, she never answered, so that is on Ishinomori."

"And sure, Chouko will get the memo about your new... Arm."

And then he is gone.

Back in his office, Hideki turns off the communication device.

"Well, lets just hope he lost the one possessed by a demented goddess, not the other one."

And the device comes online again.

"Good news, Takenaka. Hirako is in need of your unique services."

2014-05-25, 02:23 AM
[Engineering HQ - Captain's Office]

Chouko is hard at work at... something. It looks an awful lot like a head-shaped metallic object. She's wearing a soldering helmet and fusing a few chips of some sort into an empty space inside. But as Hideki's call comes up, she stops, and turns down her rather retro music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDpmVUEjagg).

"...so that square came out of his cave? I've been sitting on his arm for ages. Like, actually roosting on it with straw and torn up mail from my inbox. That arm has been incubated by my toasty hot rear-end and now I feel a little motherly towards it. Kids grow up so fast."

...Ok then.

"Let me guess, he's on his way here now?"

5a Violista
2014-05-25, 02:50 AM
Hueco Mundo
Las Noches, Palacio Real, Meeting Room

Valentina listens and makes personal judgments about the progress in all these areas.

After Turiel, she speaks up. "I've still been working with those who were once Sin Rostro, like Transcending Shadow. You know, the ones that Mikael changed when he was here." She pauses, deciding what to say. "They're still creepy and I still don't know much about the limits and specifics of their powers. However, it is noteworthy that they learn surprisingly fast. Specifics about what exactly they do changes almost daily. I've still yet to see one's Resurrección, but I believe I'm getting close."

"If it's not too much trouble, I'd like you, Jehoel, and anyone else interested, to meet with one and maybe test their limits."

As a last minute side-note, she adds, "Also, not that anyone cares, but my arm is now around the same strength as it was before." Since it blew off thanks to that Captain and regrew thanks to Clovis.

[Hueco Mundo]
Streets of Las Noches - looking for Valentina: Three months earlier

Valentina stops and turns towards Mikael. Whew, good; she can stop now.

She looks at Transcending Shadow and feels a little unnerved. Not as much as by the Sin Rostro normal; but...still, it seems like something is off. "Well, that's good," she says, nodding. "I'll pretend to know what you're talking about until I can see everything for myself." 'just eleven bodies'? What's that supposed to mean?

Transcending Shadow thinks. "Well," he says with...the lowest mouth. "The only difference between the two would be what they're made out of, and it's not like I have both; only one. Besides, whether walls are made of wood or stone, they're still called walls." He continues to think and the top mouth speaks. "However, there are other objects which have different descriptive adjectives depending on what material they're made from. Besides, if you were to use 'Spirits' instead of 'Bodies', that would lead to even more confusion. Maybe a simple adjective would be enough?" Such as 'spirit bodies'?

2014-05-25, 11:04 AM
Jehoel listens to the reports with his characteristic impassivity.

"At this point in time, Turiel, the Cult has failed to actively indicate hostile intent towards us. While it is very likely that we will eventually come to blows, I would advise that at the very least we wait until the Shinigami make their own move. It is, for the moment, their show. Of course, the will of the council can still override mine, if you wish to call a formal vote."

"Valentina, I'd be perfectly content to meet with one of your Sin Rostro to test it. And I'm glad to hear that your arm is back to full strength."

2014-05-25, 11:31 AM
[Engineering HQ]

"Are you actively trying to be raunchy or is it natural?"

"Anyway, he is going to command for Ishinomori first. You sit on that delivery for a few more hours. Apparently Kobayashi stayed behind to contain Izanami."

2014-05-25, 11:40 AM
[Engineering HQ]

"No idea what you're talkin' about, Koutetsu."

There's a pause after the second bit. "...Who? I mean, I'll pour some out for a brave homie but I've never heard of a Kobayashi." There is the sound of something pouring out of a bottle and trickling down, pattering on a metallic surface. She must be serious, whatever it is will be a pain to clean up.

2014-05-25, 12:01 PM

Hideki brings his right hand to his face under his mask and facepalms.

"No doubt. She was a former member of the SSI released from the nest a few months ago, in for looking too much at forbidden kidõ, did some jobs for Li, I extended her an invitation to join us, but didn't get an answer due to the whole project with Masaru."

2014-05-25, 12:27 PM
[Engineering HQ]

"Huh, damn shame, that." Chouko shrugs, having stopped pouring a few seconds ago. "Movin' on. Got work to do. Anything else I should know?"

2014-05-25, 12:35 PM
[Engineering HQ]

"Etiquette, economics, proper sleep schedules, quite a few things honestly."

2014-05-25, 12:39 PM
[Engineering HQ]

"Ain't got time for that s***. Takenak-out." Blip. Flipping her soldering mask back on, Chouko returns to work on her mysterious project!

2014-05-25, 05:12 PM
Koutarou halts his musings, as well as awaiting for the response of the artificial soul, to tend to something a touch more urgent.

He walks out of the greenhouse with the confident stride of a man whom did not expect to be surprised.

His spotting Masaru on top of a gigantic, shadowy dragon barely seems to faze him. But since they're friends, he does get a smile out of the vice-commander.

"...I hope he doesn't make a mess.

It's good to see you, Masaru."

2014-05-26, 01:03 AM
[Soul Society, Seireitei]

Masaru gives Koutarou a faint smile as he holsters his spear in a suddenly-appeared slot on his saddle of shadows, and reaches his one remaining (flesh-and-blood) arm around to the sheathed sword at his waist. A sword that was clearly not his.

"Here. The Commander apparently thought nothing of leaving this behind. I am already full of blades, and perhaps Former Commander Li will recognize that it is a massive stain on a Shinigami's honor to simply abandon their Zanpakutou like that."

There is actually a hint of sadness in Masaru's voice, but mostly disappointment.

"I am free of Izanami's taint, but Momoka-san sacrificed herself to drag the container with Izanami in it, the shadow-arm, into the Dangai. Who knows how long that might delay that insane monster's return."

He shifts in his saddle.

"Do you have any orders, Acting Commander?"

2014-05-26, 07:31 AM
Koutarou took Hei Lin into his hands, and nodded. He placed it at his waist next to Kokuden-ou. He would need to give it a proper stand later.

"Well, for one, it might be time to rein in Ancalagon. You don't want to keep using up energy like that... not when we have a battle in the making ahead of us.

We hunt for the Ghost King, Masaru.

As for Momoka-san, we will have to assess her situation later. For now, there's someone I need to confer with."

2014-05-26, 09:59 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
Las Noches

Mikael nods at Transcending Shadow's words, then turns back to Valentina. "You'll see for yourself soon enough. They're already on their way." Soon, the hum of Sonido echoes through the air and ten figures appear on nearby rooftops. They all are superficially similar to the strange being next to Mikael, but the details differ. Their multitude of eyes fix on Valentina. Mikael nods approvingly, then strides towards Valentina's apartment. "They're considerably more talkative than before. Hope you can deal with it." Indeed, many of the figures are chatting as they jump down to the street... with themselves. Having multiple mouths certainly helps.


Three months later; Valentina's apartment

Mikael himself hasn't been very active during the last few months. The effort of uplifting eleven Sin Rostro has made him torpid. Mostly, he just sleeps and meditates in a lotus position.

The newly-awakened Arrancars, on the other hand, could hardly be more different from their old apathetic demeanor. They've run, leaped and crawled through the nooks and crannies of the Hollow city, gathering all manners of junk and trinkets for their amusement. They seem to have taken after Mikael in their habit of constantly taking apart and rebuilding the various items he brought over from Earth. They've also been over-eager to talk about... everything really. From their past experiences as humans, to philosophy and advanced chemistry, everything is on the table. Occasionally, a few of them went to the smaller stadium to test their martial skills. They have turned out to be ferocious fighters, now that their long-repressed fighting instincts have been rekindled again.


[Soul Society]
From Alchemical Gardens to Soul Society

As Koutarou makes a hasty exit, the artificial soul silently watches, then shrugs and goes to pick up a pair of pruning shears from one of the tool racks. It severs the roots attached to its skin, then picks the lock to one of the desk drawers and pulls out a set of spare clothes.

Some time later, as Koutarou is discussing with Masaru, the artificial, now dressed in a white labcoat, walks up to him. "You took your sweet damn time", it remarks nonchalantly to Masaru, looking up at the man riding on the dragon. "It was projected this task would take you only one month. Your month. You must've been in far worse condition than Zheng-taichou thought."

2014-05-26, 10:20 AM
"...you may want to offer a name. Come to think of it, you didn't say it to me, either.

I'd introduce you, but I wouldn't know where to begin.

I'm half-tempted to call you Ozagai."

2014-05-26, 11:22 AM
Koutarou took Hei Lin into his hands, and nodded. He placed it at his waist next to Kokuden-ou. He would need to give it a proper stand later.

"Well, for one, it might be time to rein in Ancalagon. You don't want to keep using up energy like that... not when we have a battle in the making ahead of us.

We hunt for the Ghost King, Masaru.

As for Momoka-san, we will have to assess her situation later. For now, there's someone I need to confer with."

Ancalagon's shadowy projection heaved a mighty, dragon-y, melodramatic sigh.

"And I was so enjoying a chance to stretch my legs and wings, too. It was good to see you face to face, Kouatarou."

Apparently Masaru's Bankai not only creates a shadow dragon, but projects some of his sword spirit's consciousness into it! The dragon begins to shrink as Masaru hops off of it. But before the swordsman can speak...

[Soul Society]
From Alchemical Gardens to Soul Society

As Koutarou makes a hasty exit, the artificial soul silently watches, then shrugs and goes to pick up a pair of pruning shears from one of the tool racks. It severs the roots attached to its skin, then picks the lock to one of the desk drawers and pulls out a set of spare clothes.

Some time later, as Koutarou is discussing with Masaru, the artificial, now dressed in a white labcoat, walks up to him. "You took your sweet damn time", it remarks nonchalantly to Masaru, looking up at the man riding on the dragon. "It was projected this task would take you only one month. Your month. You must've been in far worse condition than Zheng-taichou thought."
Dragon and man both look at the construct with piercing eyes, but remain silent until the shadowy constructs are all gone, and intead of a spear in his hand, Masaru has two swords sheathed at his waist.

His hair is strangely immaculate, his face clean-shaven, his uniform neat and new with one sleeve tucked away. His eyes, his eerie, piercing green eyes, glared at the...construct?...before him.

"So speaks the shadow of a Shinigami who does not respect their blade in the slightest. I am sick of being randomly judged by Li or Li's constructs. You do not know my soul. You do not know my sword. You do not get to pass judgement on the requirements Ancalagon placed upon me, or that I placed upon myself. The training worked. The "medicine" worked. I am free of Izanami's taint, I possess Bankai, and all you can do is criticize me? I took years of my time to learn the Demon Arts with the express intention of making myself a well-rounded Shinigami worthy of the mantle of "Captain" for my beleaguered Division, and all you can do is complain about how long I took?
I report that another Shinigami likely condemned herself to death, devouring, or an eternity trapped in the Dangai, and all you can do is say that you think it should have taken but a month?
I have only one response to that."

Masaru gets right in the "recorder's" face, his nose practically touching its.

"**** you."

He turns and marches off, crouching to leap to a nearby rooftop. Unless stopped by Koutarou or the recorder, he will disappear in a flash of Shunpo (one notably faster and smoother than before), and begin making his way to the Engineering Division.

2014-05-26, 11:44 AM
"My apologies, Ancalagon. I'm sure you'll agree that your current form can be... cumbersome.

And to be fair, we do have rules against releasing within Seireitei limits..."

Koutarou managed to hide his impressions well... at least as far as his tone was concerned. He would have to inquire more of Masaru later.

He didn't stop Masaru's outburst. He had a certain right to be angry. Arguably, he was mouthing off at an automaton, but...

"I just hope you don't think I've been sitting on my ass while you trained. I'll have to show it to you later. But for now, I believe you do have more pressing matters to attend to."

2014-05-26, 11:01 PM
The artificial doesn't seem very concerned with Masaru's demeanor. "Your outburst confirms my hypothesis", it states as Masaru turns away. Its head swivels to look at Koutarou. "For what it's worth, you can call me Lily. Let's go to HQ and review the current situation."

2014-05-27, 08:35 AM
"Really? I could've sworn you'd be called Sakura*.

But that's as fine an idea as any. I can fill you in on the way."

*There's an old saying that a cherry tree (sakura) would normally have white petals, except that once someone buried a corpse underneath the first cherry tree. The saying goes, the tree drained the blood from the corpse and colored its petals pink.

2014-05-27, 09:36 AM
"Why in the world would you have thought that?", Lily snarks. It's not the kind of question you're supposed to answer.

It won't say much else until they get to the Headquarters, more specifically, Koutarou's and Li's offices upstairs. Once entry has been cleared, it marches into the Commander's room like it owns the place and opens the desk drawers, pulling out stuff until it finds a reiphone and a hand-written book that's apparently a catalogue of various plants.

Meanwhile, the current Duty Officer sees it pertinent to distract the Vice-Commander with all the recent plans and preparations for a strike against the Cult. Recon has detailed maps of every known Cult hotspot and has covert operatives watching the perimeter of Ikari. Internal Security is lending a hand and are supposedly doing something about the geomantic alterations to the landscape. Courtesy of SSI and Med&Log, five hundred Gigais have been appropriated and loaded with combat-ready Modsouls. They've been armed with all available human weaponry and ready to be moved against possible (read: likely) interference by the Quincies.

Strike squads from the Combat Division are likewise assembled and on high alert. They're just waiting for, say, Masaru, Najeiru and Koutarou to step in and take command.

The gears of the warmachine have been oiled and the engine is idling. It's like the whole Gotei is just waiting for someone to snap their fingers and issue an attack order already...

2014-05-27, 09:41 AM
[Soul Society]

Masaru nodded silently to acknowledge Koutarou's statement about his own growth before disappearing in a Flash Step. He was gone before Lily could speak again.

It was just a couple minutes later that he stood at attention at the door to the Engineering Division complex, pressing what he hoped was the doorbell and not the signal for Kido turrets to try and burn him to ash.

2014-05-27, 10:45 AM
It's not exactly much of a distraction. Koutarou was already aware of the broader strokes of this operation; he'd been Li's understudy long enough to figure how the former Commander-general architected combat offensives.

He wasn't intent on deviating much from the original plan. The main difference is that since the modsouls would be at the outermost perimeter anyway, their secondary objective would be to evacuate and protect the civilians, owing to the fact that unlike the Shinigami, they could be seen and interacted with by regular mortals.

All in all, the objective of the operation was relatively simple (though by no means an easy task): cut the head and the body will fall.

2014-05-27, 11:22 AM
[Soul Society]

Masaru nodded silently to acknowledge Koutarou's statement about his own growth before disappearing in a Flash Step. He was gone before Lily could speak again.

It was just a couple minutes later that he stood at attention at the door to the Engineering Division complex, pressing what he hoped was the doorbell and not the signal for Kido turrets to try and burn him to ash.

The door opens... and for a moment, it looks like no one's there. Until Masaru looks down. Oh, hey, it's Samson. The robotic cat looks expectantly at Masaru from a few paces away, as if expecting him to follow.

2014-05-27, 11:45 AM
Hueco Mundo
Las Noches, Palacio Real, Meeting Room

Valentina listens and makes personal judgments about the progress in all these areas.

After Turiel, she speaks up. "I've still been working with those who were once Sin Rostro, like Transcending Shadow. You know, the ones that Mikael changed when he was here." She pauses, deciding what to say. "They're still creepy and I still don't know much about the limits and specifics of their powers. However, it is noteworthy that they learn surprisingly fast. Specifics about what exactly they do changes almost daily. I've still yet to see one's Resurrección, but I believe I'm getting close."

"If it's not too much trouble, I'd like you, Jehoel, and anyone else interested, to meet with one and maybe test their limits."

As a last minute side-note, she adds, "Also, not that anyone cares, but my arm is now around the same strength as it was before." Since it blew off thanks to that Captain and regrew thanks to Clovis.

[Hueco Mundo]
Streets of Las Noches - looking for Valentina: Three months earlier

Turiel turns to look at Valentia, raising an eyebrow at the arm comment.

"Wait, before what? I missed something here. You know what, never mind. You want to arm wrestle after the meeting? Also, I'm definitely up for testing out these Sin Rostro. Former Sin Rostro, whatever."

Jehoel listens to the reports with his characteristic impassivity.

"At this point in time, Turiel, the Cult has failed to actively indicate hostile intent towards us. While it is very likely that we will eventually come to blows, I would advise that at the very least we wait until the Shinigami make their own move. It is, for the moment, their show. Of course, the will of the council can still override mine, if you wish to call a formal vote."

"Valentina, I'd be perfectly content to meet with one of your Sin Rostro to test it. And I'm glad to hear that your arm is back to full strength."
Turiel heaves an over-dramatic sigh.

"Yeah yeah, let the Reapers handle them, etc etc. I just really want to punch Meyers into paste, finally even the score up, you know? But if you think it's best to hold off, I'll listen. You think we should be making sure our boys and girls are trained and equipped to fight their...weirdness, though?"

- - - Updated - - -

[Soul Society, Engineering Division]

The door opens... and for a moment, it looks like no one's there. Until Masaru looks down. Oh, hey, it's Samson. The robotic cat looks expectantly at Masaru from a few paces away, as if expecting him to follow.
Masaru gives the robotic cat a genuine smile.

"Heya Samson. Good to see you. Chouko keeping you well fe-er, oiled, I guess? Oiled and charged?"

More relaxed now that he's not dealing with the criticism of Li or one of Li's backups or golems or whatever, Masaru would follow the cat as the two of them plumbed the depths of the Engineering Division.

2014-05-27, 12:18 PM
Samson doesn't respond! It's not like he has a voice module, and it doesn't seem like he has a song he can provide for this moment. Taking the twisting halls, Masaru sees some members of the division working on their own personal projects from the occasional open door. Trains, helicopters, you name it.

But nonetheless, Samson eventually stops at a closed door, extending a spindly arm from his chassis which presses a few numbers on the keypad until it unlocks. Entering the room... it appears to be a surgical suite. A long metal table is in the center, with a large, almost frightening number of tools nearby. Chouko is nowhere to be seen, but what looks like his prosthetic is, in case he wants to examine it.

Painted entirely black, it's slim, light, and yet structurally sound. Weighted in such a way to be the same or at least close to Masaru's old arm, it might still take some getting used to... but Chouko's artistry would at least do over just any old prosthetic.

2014-05-27, 01:53 PM
[Soul Society, Engineering Division]

Samson doesn't respond! It's not like he has a voice module, and it doesn't seem like he has a song he can provide for this moment. Taking the twisting halls, Masaru sees some members of the division working on their own personal projects from the occasional open door. Trains, helicopters, you name it.

But nonetheless, Samson eventually stops at a closed door, extending a spindly arm from his chassis which presses a few numbers on the keypad until it unlocks. Entering the room... it appears to be a surgical suite. A long metal table is in the center, with a large, almost frightening number of tools nearby. Chouko is nowhere to be seen, but what looks like his prosthetic is, in case he wants to examine it.

Painted entirely black, it's slim, light, and yet structurally sound. Weighted in such a way to be the same or at least close to Masaru's old arm, it might still take some getting used to... but Chouko's artistry would at least do over just any old prosthetic.
Masaru walks along quietly, nodding to the occasional Division member who notices him. The sheer range of products is fascinating to him, even if a lot of them are a bit above his head at the moment.

He waits patiently as Samson opens the door, before walking in. His eyes don't dwell over much on the array of tools, though he does note everything seems to be clean and professional. And then he sees the arm.

His one good hand reaches down to brush over it, trying to get a sense of its construction. But really, there was no point in wasting too much time on the matter.

After making sure the door was closed, Masaru went about the business of shedding his outer garments and anything on his upper body. His dignity was at least somewhat preserved alongside his modesty, but he knew this would probably involve at least a bit of blood, so better not to get the brand new uniform dirty on its first day of use.

His body is a mess of scar tissue, with the healed-over stump of his shoulder being particularly...gnarly.

2014-05-27, 02:04 PM
[Engineering HQ - Surgical Suite A5]

The intercom buzzes to life.

"You know, as much as I like this unexpected show, I think stripping in the division that has like 50,000 active cameras is something you should be careful about, bro." ...Oh. Yeah, Masaru might see the camera in the corner now.

"Also, nice goods. Gown's on the cart to your right. Be down in five beats."

Samson is... wait, is that a facepalm? Or rather, a facepaw.

2014-05-27, 03:42 PM
[Hueco Mundo, Las Noches]
Earlier in the day

The big man smiles, nodes, and motions for her to continue. He will remain silent and watchful for as long as Bernadette decides to try and run the class. As Bernadette continues her hijacked lesson, it definitely becomes clear she's used to different techniques than Turiel, but at this level everything is similar.

There are a few moments where she almost goes off on a tangent before she catches herself and continues on topic.

2014-05-27, 08:24 PM
[Las Noches]

A garganta opens in the city streets, nothing too unusual there.

And out of it falls an old man, with a spiritual pressure without peer, a warm and fatherly power, vast and unusually welcoming, where such might tends to oppress.

He is followed by three men and a woman, these arrancar with spiritual pressures much less unusual.

"Ho, ho. Clovis' descriptions did this place no justice. Let me see... To the central palaces, yes, not too hard to find on the skyline."

Von Geister starts the slow and steady walk towards the center of the city.

He honestly doesn't expect to have to walk much at all.

2014-05-27, 10:41 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Palacio Real -> Las Noches Streets

"I do. Thankfully, non-standard and paranatural combat training has been part of the standard training regimen since..."

Jehoel looks up suddenly as Von Geister makes his presence known within the city. He sighs, covering his face with one hand.

"Speak of the devil and he doth appear. And the day was going so well. Prepare yourselves if you have any affairs to get in order, then meet back up with me. Do not start a fight."

Lifting one arm into the air, Jehoel snaps his fingers to open a series of Garganta screens visible throughout the city in what has become his trademark method of communication.

"Citizens of Las Noches, this is now a type 1 scenario. This is not a drill."

Those with particularly keen senses can detect dozens of Garganta opening and closing all over the city. Jehoel himself stands, then exits the palace before vanishing in a blur of Sonído.

* * *

Jehoel reappears in front of the group of newcomers, a dozen or so meters from their position. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, taking in Von Geister's Reiatsu. He then bows, gracefully, in greeting. He straightens, then turns his attention to each member of the group in order.

"Oscar. Vanessa. Imhotep. Vincenzo. You appear to be doing well."

At last, his gaze settles on Von Geister.

"Erscheinung Von Geister. It has been too long. What brings you and yours to our fair city?"

Anyone paying attention will notice that there is a pair of Garganta screens hanging in the sky above them, although these seem to be limited to receiving information.

2014-05-27, 10:48 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Palacio Real -> Las Noches Streets

Turiel is nodding as Jehoel speaks, before his head all but snaps in the same direction as Jehoel's gaze (the entry point of the Cult). His face becomes an expressionless mask that might as well be carved from stone.

"Ah, hell."

He was gone just a moment after Jehoel.
It is just a brief moment after Jehoel arrives that Turiel does as well. Apparently he trusts his District to look after itself (which any observing would note that it is doing so, quite well in fact).

He simply raises an eyebrow at seeing a majority of the Court here, at this time. But one of them in particular earns slightly narrowed eyes and a very curt greeting.


He lapses into stony silence after that.

2014-05-27, 11:03 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Las Noches Streets)

Vanessa crosses her arms, clad in her tailored black business suit (http://demandware.edgesuite.net/aajr_prd/on/demandware.static/Sites-ltd-Site/Sites-limited-catalog/default/v1353225845290/images/shelf2/september_suit_06_1.jpg), with a light teal undershirt.

"Yurius. Vulkenssen." She has nothing more to say. However her tone has a bit more respect than she shows for most.

But really anyone who knows Vanessa Adler knows she doesn't really respect anyone in the civil sense.

2014-05-27, 11:08 PM
[Hueco Mundo - Las Noches]

Von Geister stops and looks up as the announcement goes off. As soon as he does, blight starts spreading over the nearby streets and structures.

"Ho, ho. I do wonder what a type one scenario entails."

And then Jehoel appears and makes his introductions. At this point, the patches of golden brown fungus are fairly large.

"Greetings, Jehoel, Turiel."
"Holla, Joe."

"Fairly long indeed, Jehoel my boy. I am sorry for how long it took me to visit. Very busy these past three months, rebuilding things as they were back then. Fairly easy, really, the mortals are unusually... Desolate, taking a show of spiritual grandeur or two with wider eyes than they used to. Or it would have taken even longer to spare some time to visit you kids."

"So. How have you been doing, Jehoel. Found yourself a nice girl to settle with and start a school yet? Or are you still the only fish in the pond?"

"And you, Turiel. Just look at you. It's been what, three thousand years? My long clock is still a bit off. I spent a bit too long at a different timescale."

2014-05-28, 12:16 AM
Jehoel waves a dismissive hand in the air.

"Nonsense, there's no need to apologize. As I'm sure you can guess, I've learned much about the time and effort proper leadership requires. I'm sure this age of science and skepticism has helped your cause, though."

Jehoel half-smiles, politely, at Von Geister's joke.

"Alas, the older you get, the harder it is to find good romantic companionship. I fear that I will never find anyone suitable for me in the sense you describe."

The time dilation of the Dangai was altered for this game, no? What was it changed to?

2014-05-28, 12:29 AM
200:1 remind that the original was 2000:1. That means Von Geister had a nice 300,000 years of incarceration.

"Science, scientia, knowledge. More people are seeking it, more people are doing it wrong. These are the worst sorts, really. They are dogmatically ignorant in their quest to rebuke truths they can't accept. It is practically a religion of skepticism, really."

"Common skeptics are easy to deal with. They believe their eyes, specially when they gain a functional new pair."

"As for your companionship, that is utter nonsense, but I will withhold the obvious fish pun here and dwell on the subject no further, son."

"So, I will ask it first, Jehoel. What are you up to these days? You never struck me as the type to start a realm."

2014-05-28, 12:42 AM
Fish puns. Jehoel's never heard those before.

"We are all grateful for your restraint."

He shrugs.

"Never was, may never be. Dainichi Nyoria, the most recent King of Hollows, assembled this city himself. I grew discontent, and I made some...changes. Now? I'm just doing what I always do."

This is incorrect in at least one sense, seeing as the city isn't a drowned and/or burning wasteland.

"What about you? You're free, you have your court, a stronghold, you even have followers. What happens now?"

Thank you.

2014-05-28, 12:52 AM
As Bernadette continues her hijacked lesson, it definitely becomes clear she's used to different techniques than Turiel, but at this level everything is similar.

There are a few moments where she almost goes off on a tangent before she catches herself and continues on topic.
Turiel really just lets her continue until he leaves (with a note remaining behind) for a meeting....
[Soul Society, Engineering HQ - Surgical Suite A5]

The intercom buzzes to life.

"You know, as much as I like this unexpected show, I think stripping in the division that has like 50,000 active cameras is something you should be careful about, bro." ...Oh. Yeah, Masaru might see the camera in the corner now.

"Also, nice goods. Gown's on the cart to your right. Be down in five beats."

Samson is... wait, is that a facepalm? Or rather, a facepaw.
Masaru calmly replies even as he strips down to the very bare essentials before starting work on the gown (with one hand).

"Meh. You probably have x-ray cameras or something like that. But if you sell any of these, I expect a 50/50 split on the profits, Chouko."

At this point he just wanted to get started.
[Hueco Mundo - Las Noches]

[Hueco Mundo]
(Las Noches Streets)

Vanessa crosses her arms, clad in her tailored black business suit (http://demandware.edgesuite.net/aajr_prd/on/demandware.static/Sites-ltd-Site/Sites-limited-catalog/default/v1353225845290/images/shelf2/september_suit_06_1.jpg), with a light teal undershirt.

"Yurius. Vulkenssen." She has nothing more to say. However her tone has a bit more respect than she shows for most.

But really anyone who knows Vanessa Adler knows she doesn't really respect anyone in the civil sense.

[Hueco Mundo - Las Noches]

Von Geister stops and looks up as the announcement goes off. As soon as he does, blight starts spreading over the nearby streets and structures.

"Ho, ho. I do wonder what a type one scenario entails."

And then Jehoel appears and makes his introductions. At this point, the patches of golden brown fungus are fairly large.

"Greetings, Jehoel, Turiel."
"Holla, Joe."

"Fairly long indeed, Jehoel my boy. I am sorry for how long it took me to visit. Very busy these past three months, rebuilding things as they were back then. Fairly easy, really, the mortals are unusually... Desolate, taking a show of spiritual grandeur or two with wider eyes than they used to. Or it would have taken even longer to spare some time to visit you kids."

"So. How have you been doing, Jehoel. Found yourself a nice girl to settle with and start a school yet? Or are you still the only fish in the pond?"

"And you, Turiel. Just look at you. It's been what, three thousand years? My long clock is still a bit off. I spent a bit too long at a different timescale."
Turiel gave a curt, respectful nod to the not-Oscar Knights as they responded to his presence.

He did raise a slightly sarcastic eyebrow at the pontification of the King, though. And smirked just a bit at the comment directed at him.

"Give or take a century, yes. I'm sure I wasn't quite as impressive the last time you saw me."

Meaning right after Oscar all but mauled him to death with all of his punching and slicing.

"But you'd be amazed at how good some of those exercise routines the Mortals come up with are for your health."

- - - Updated - - -
[Soul Society, SSI Compound]

Meanwhile, the current Duty Officer sees it pertinent to distract the Vice-Commander with all the recent plans and preparations for a strike against the Cult. Recon has detailed maps of every known Cult hotspot and has covert operatives watching the perimeter of Ikari. Internal Security is lending a hand and are supposedly doing something about the geomantic alterations to the landscape. Courtesy of SSI and Med&Log, five hundred Gigais have been appropriated and loaded with combat-ready Modsouls. They've been armed with all available human weaponry and ready to be moved against possible (read: likely) interference by the Quincies.

Strike squads from the Combat Division are likewise assembled and on high alert. They're just waiting for, say, Masaru, Najeiru and Koutarou to step in and take command.

The gears of the warmachine have been oiled and the engine is idling. It's like the whole Gotei is just waiting for someone to snap their fingers and issue an attack order already...
Of course, even the most skilled and well-armed army is in poor shape without good information.

Which is why Senior Researcher Michael Harada hasn't been around much the last week or so, after spending the previous week working closely with the Engineering Division. Today is no exception, and he is out.

But, there are multiple well-written notes in his work area giving very general terms of what he's doing, how long he'll be in the Mortal World, and so forth. As well as a few packets marked "in case of death, open". Morbid, but the man's had a couple of months to be morbid, when you don't count all his Kido training and general physical conditioning.

But just what is he up to off in the Mortal World?

2014-05-28, 01:06 AM
"Ha ha, still not the best at sharing your toys aren't you. Did you eat him or did you send him on?"

"And now? Now I do what I have always done, Jehoel."

Von Geister sighs.

"I start trying to build a better world for all of my family. And this time, Izanagi is not around to throw spanners in my work. Plus, I got a lot of it done in the Dangai, three hundred thousand years is a lot of time to think... Hmm, hope Argos closed the door behind me, now that I think about it, oh that is of no concern, anyway. I am sorry if I am being cryptic, but I've heard some terrible gossip about you working together with his minions of late. Oh, what would poor Izanami think if she heard of it."

Oscar does not respond to Turiel.

"Hah, got to admit that you were a scrambled yolk after that fight, ol' wyrm."

2014-05-28, 01:25 AM
Jehoel places a hand on his chest in mock sincerity.

"Terrible at sharing? You wound me. I share all kinds of things. And I consumed him."

He nods along to Von Geister's declaration of content.

"That isn't gossip at all, fact. This is my current project: I'm trying to make the world a better place, to create a reality where everyone can live in peace without trying to kill each other all the time. To that end, I've been...reconciling with various groups."

The reference to Izanami is almost pointedly ignored.

2014-05-28, 03:29 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Las Noches Streets)

"...Yurius, seeking peace. Amusing." Vanessa does not seem very amused. "I don't believe you spent all this time sealed away in a hole. Perhaps you would be decidedly less forgiving if you shared in our imprisonment." She is admittedly trying not to spark anything here, but she was never exactly a forgiving person before.

[Soul Society]
(Engineering HQ - Surgical Suite A5)

Chouko walks in, her voice echoing over the intercom for a few seconds before she remembers to turn it off. Her head bobs up and down at Masaru for a few moments.

"I was goin' to pass them around at the next womens' association, maybe spice things up a bit. Do you a solid, maybe. But I gotta say, up close, you look like hell s*** you out and set you on fire." Well, she is just saying that as a friend. "Good to have you back, though, bro." She offers a fistbump. Whether or not she takes it, she moves back into action, patting a metallic hand on the cold metal bench.

"But anyway, let's get down to the bizzle-work, right?" She probably means busy-work. "Gotta install your arm jack. Pretty simple s***, really, and you might need to revisit for a little recalibrating doctor visit, but it'll be as easy as poppin' it in like a visit to a cheap hooker." Graphic. But hey, that was her style.

2014-05-28, 07:15 AM
[Las Noches]

Jehoel shrugs.

"It certainly would have made my personality develop along different lines. As it stands, I've learned a small amount of a humility and a great deal of adaptability. Still, I've never been one to hold a grudge over trivial concerns."

Technically correct. He usually forgot about even the most severe slights due to his short attention span.

2014-05-28, 08:43 AM
[Las Noches]

Von Geister frowns slightly.

"Manners, Vanessa. Our quarrel is not with the little gods left behind, if Jehoel wants to befriend them for the time being it is his prerogative, however unsightly your elders may find it. We will push them out of the way as gently as circumstances allow, it is only right."

"But enough of this somber talk. I came here to see how the young ones have been faring, and would like a tour of the city, if you would?"

2014-05-28, 09:47 AM
Jehoel Yurius. Leader. Legend. Serial tour-guide.

"Of course. Are you willing to avoid spreading your blight everywhere? It isn't exactly easy to clean up."

2014-05-28, 09:58 AM
Von Geister snaps his finger and the blight nearby scurries off towards the blue yonder on little degenerate wings.

"Certainly, I just need to focus a bit. Lead the way."

2014-05-28, 10:46 AM
[Soul Society; Gotei HQ]

As Koutarou's discussion with his various underlings draws to a close, 'Lily' reappears behind him, carrying the book and the phone. "So, are you going to blow the whistle already, or do you have an hour or two for yourself?"


[Hueco Mundo; streets of Las Noches]

As the elite of Las Noches discuss with the ghostly royalty from the past, a black-clad form wandering on the rooftops notices them. Not feeling like interrupting or drawing attention to itself, it walks to the edge of the roof and sits down, watching the gathering from afar with its legs hanging in air. The snakes on its head and shoulders gaze curiously and whisper amongst themselves.

"So, who's the old coot?"

"The Ghost King of Hollows. Supposedly, the first one. What do you think he's here for?"

"To pick a fight, obviously. Okay, technically he probably just wants to rule Las Noches or something, but we all know what Yurius thinks of that. It's going to boil down to a fight."

"Should we tell others?"

"They already know."

"Maybe, but then they would know that we know."

"... they probably know that already, too."

"Just in case, then?"

"Ugh. Fine."

The snakes close their eyes and fall silent, lowering themselves close to the creature's scalp and back. Five of the creature's seven main eyes also close, while to continue to observe the situation. It'll have to change its vantage point soon if the group starts moving.


[Hueco Mundo; Elsewhere in the city]

While Valentina is off to meet her fellow Espada, Mikael rouses from his rest and looks for Transcending Shadow. "Hey. Mind if I talk to you for a sec?", he asks. With his right arm, he's carrying that large duffel bag again. His left clutches a heavy, metallic box. "I'll be leaving town tonight. The rest will be going with me. At first, I thought I'd ask you to come along as well, but then I thought, maybe I'd entrust you with something more special. So... can I ask you a favor?"

2014-05-28, 10:57 AM
[Hueco Mundo, Las Noches]

Oscar does not respond to Turiel.

"Hah, got to admit that you were a scrambled yolk after that fight, ol' wyrm."
"Well, you know what they say, Vinny. To make an omelet you have to break some eggs. I may have gotten scrambled a bit, but I ended up making one hell of an omelet."

Von Geister snaps his finger and the blight nearby scurries off towards the blue yonder on little degenerate wings.

"Certainly, I just need to focus a bit. Lead the way."
Turiel follows after the others, staying to one side of Jehoel. As they walk, he reaches into his toolbelt and withdraws...a plain golden bracelet, and fairly thick at that. Lots of surface for engraving. Which seems to be his intent; Turiel has also withdrawn an engraving tool and started working on the bracelet.

He seems perfectly aware of his surroundings, and is mostly just filling the time with what is (for him) idle work.
[Soul Society]
(Engineering HQ - Surgical Suite A5]

Chouko walks in, her voice echoing over the intercom for a few seconds before she remembers to turn it off. Her head bobs up and down at Masaru for a few moments.

"I was goin' to pass them around at the next womens' association, maybe spice things up a bit. Do you a solid, maybe. But I gotta say, up close, you look like hell s*** you out and set you on fire." Well, she is just saying that as a friend. "Good to have you back, though, bro." She offers a fistbump. Whether or not she takes it, she moves back into action, patting a metallic hand on the cold metal bench.

"But anyway, let's get down to the bizzle-work, right?" She probably means busy-work. "Gotta install your arm jack. Pretty simple s***, really, and you might need to revisit for a little recalibrating doctor visit, but it'll be as easy as poppin' it in like a visit to a cheap hooker." Graphic. But hey, that was her style.
Masaru returns the fistbump with a small smile.

"Most of these are old. The arm stump's new, of course. It didn't heal over the greatest, but I guess that's not going to be a big issue after today."

He calmly lays down on the table, adjusting himself to be as comfortable as he can be.

"Besides, I can testify that I was almost never on fire during my training, and my final test for Bankai was walking through fire, where all it did was trim my hair, shave me, and burn off the old ratty stuff I was wearing. Benefits of having a shadow dragon in your soul, I guess.

And I'm sure there are ladies out there that dig the beaten-up, scarred-over look.

So, this is gonna be the part that can't pop off, where the arm hooks in? Uh...I get to be asleep for this, right?"

2014-05-28, 11:14 AM
Jehoel looks up at the Garganta screens above.

"Scenario 1 has been rescinded. "

Jehoel claps his hands together, very lightly.

"Now that that's out of the way...where would you like to begin? We're currently in District 6, formerly administration. Behind you is the Grand Arena, Farming, Science, Conversion, Entry, and Prison. Ahead lies Art, Education, Philosophy, Industry, and the Grand Library, as well as the inner districts."

2014-05-28, 11:40 AM
[Las Noches]

"Ho, ho. I recall Clovis' descriptions a bit and I am curious about your farming instalations. Everyone runs on their stomach, after all. Conversion and the prisons next. Education and Inner districts last. But didn't my good jester tell you that splitting Education, philosophy, art and science was counter-productive? These are meant to go hand in hand after all."

2014-05-28, 11:52 AM
Jehoel leads the group through the Grand Arena on the way to the farming district. They don't actually enter the structure for which the district takes its name, instead circling through the sporting fields surrounding it.

"While that may be true, it isn't as simple as you make it out to be. Travel between the first three districts you named is relatively simple, but we can't simply uproot the entire science district and move it. There are a number of extremely specialized structures within the district that are delicate at the best of times, and that's not even getting into some of the more volatile long-term projects."

2014-05-28, 01:17 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
[Las Noches]

Turiel spoke up, not looking up from his engraving.

"Plus a lot of folks settled down into some of the storefronts or whatnot in a couple of those districts, and some schools got set up, and now no one wants to move from "their" spot. Besides, like Jehoel said, Education, Philosophy, and Art are all pretty much one district anyways. Science is the lone man out, and it's not like the citizens around here can't travel or anything."

He tucks away the engraving tool and brings out a polishing cloth, taking a moment to blow off some of the dust from the jewelry before getting to work polishing it.

"As for the farms, between aping off the Mortals and some of our own local innovators, they're doing a pretty good job of things. You'll see for yourself; practically brings a tear or two of pride to an Arrancar's eyes seeing their hard work."

Bit of melodrama there. Suddenly, the bracelet is tossed over his shoulder, and should be easily caught by Von Geister. If the "King" wishes to examine it, the material is pure gold, with an engraving in the Hollow language. It roughly translates to "beauty and long life to you". The workmanship, both on the bracelet and the engraving, is superb.

"A free sample for your lovely bride. I run a couple shops if the rest of you are interested, or if she'd like more. But only the first taste is free."

Apparently the Segunda Espada is not above a little aggressive marketing, even with a group he seems to intensely dislike.

2014-05-28, 01:56 PM
"Sounds like whoever made the initial design was less than knowledgeable on the subject and now you are stuck with it. But it is a small issue, I suppose. And I was more curious about what you are raising, really."

And then bracelet.

"You will have my apologies, but Reene does prefer silver over gold. She find the bright yellow tacky."

2014-05-28, 02:52 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Las Noches Streets)

Vanessa snorts at the concept of using manners. But says nothing more, simply following with her arms crossed.

[Soul Society]
(Engineering HQ - Surgical Suite A5)

Chouko listens as she gets all the instruments ready, as well as wheeling up a cart that seems to include an oxygen tank. She idly uses Masaru's remaining arm to fit in an IV.

"I can give you a few names, numbers, and mug shots if you'd like. Seems like you could stand to get laid one of these days. And yeah, once the arm jack's in, it's all done. You could even change your arm out if you want, when I make a new model, but I'm still working on wi-fi capability." She looks to the tank checking the oxygen levels and intake valve, and back to Masaru. "You wanna sleep, or be out? 'cause I could just punch you in the face until you're countin' sheep, but it's a little bit better to put you under. You haven't eaten anything in the last day or so, have you? 'cause it'd be a shame to have to tell the pack you choked on your own vomit."

2014-05-28, 07:47 PM
Turiel really just lets her continue until he leaves (with a note remaining behind) for a meeting.... After the class ends, Bernadette stays to answer a few questions and give a speech on the wonders of creative skills. Then she wanders off in the art district, taking the note and the sword she finished with her.

What does it say anyway?

2014-05-28, 08:17 PM
After the class ends, Bernadette stays to answer a few questions and give a speech on the wonders of creative skills. Then she wanders off in the art district, taking the note and the sword she finished with her.

What does it say anyway?
One of the students (or perhaps student teachers) stayed behind, giving her a raised eyebrow as she just absconds with both note and sword. But nothing is said or done to stop her.

The note:

Dear Whoever Reads This,

I have gone to an Espada meeting. Probably boring stuff. Will be by the shop again later. Roberto is on lockup duty.

Turiel Vulkenssen, Segunda Espada

So apparently the big guy whose class Bernadette hijacked was one of the Espada. Go figure.

2014-05-28, 10:37 PM
Las Noches
District 7-District 8

Jehoel nods at Von Geister's comment about lack of skill from the original designer.

"Unfortunately, he was merely a visionary warrior-philosopher and not also a skilled city planner."

It's sometimes rather difficult to determine what Jehoel actually thought of Dainichi Nyoria.

"Anyway, welcome to the Farming District."

Jehoel holds his arms open in grand presentation. The district appears to be split into two parts: a crowded residential and culinary area heavily packed with buildings, and a series of wide-open pens. It is into the fields that Jehoel leads the group.

"At this point, we primarily use Animal Hollows as our food source. They are sorted by attribute, at this point. For example, this pen contains Hollows with strong enough regenerative abilities that we can carve pieces off of them and allow them to grow back during the day (they are, these days, anesthetized during the process). Most of the Hollows are fed on a nutrient paste developed by the Science District that simultaneously sustains them and suppresses their hunger. The exception is this pen-"

He stops next to a massive, more varied holding area that takes up nearly a third of the District by itself.

"Where we have managed to create a functional ecosystem of Hollows that can reproduce themselves."

2014-05-28, 10:51 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
[Las Noches]

"Sounds like whoever made the initial design was less than knowledgeable on the subject and now you are stuck with it. But it is a small issue, I suppose. And I was more curious about what you are raising, really."

And then bracelet.

"You will have my apologies, but Reene does prefer silver over gold. She find the bright yellow tacky."
Turiel shrugs.

"Fair enough. Couldn't remember what she liked. She gets a big discount if she comes by the stand. Keep the bracelet. Maybe one of your daughters likes it."
[Soul Society]
[Engineering HQ - Surgical Suite A5]

Chouko listens as she gets all the instruments ready, as well as wheeling up a cart that seems to include an oxygen tank. She idly uses Masaru's remaining arm to fit in an IV.

"I can give you a few names, numbers, and mug shots if you'd like. Seems like you could stand to get laid one of these days. And yeah, once the arm jack's in, it's all done. You could even change your arm out if you want, when I make a new model, but I'm still working on wi-fi capability." She looks to the tank checking the oxygen levels and intake valve, and back to Masaru. "You wanna sleep, or be out? 'cause I could just punch you in the face until you're countin' sheep, but it's a little bit better to put you under. You haven't eaten anything in the last day or so, have you? 'cause it'd be a shame to have to tell the pack you choked on your own vomit."
Masaru calmly cooperates as he's hooked up to things.

"Let's get my new arm in place and see if I can get made Captain. Then we talk about getting me laid."

He gives her a wan smile.

"Um. I would rather not be out by way of punching, but I would like to be very much unconscious for this. As for eating...No, it's been about 36 hours, my time, since I ate anything, and about 20 since I consumed any liquids."

He hopes that's enough time.

2014-05-28, 11:23 PM
"Ah yes, maybe Felicia or one of the twins. Hinata deserves a treat, I would say."

And then Jehoel begins his presentation.

"Hmm. Sounds like it took you all quite a lot of effort. Didn't Clovis leave a few tumors behind before he left? Blight is very nutritious, if lacking in any innate flavor."

2014-05-28, 11:38 PM
"This district has been one of the most dynamic since the foundation of the city. It has been evolving almost constantly, and it has a good relationship with the Science District, which has benefited it greatly."

He nods at the reference to the tumors.

"We've had them under quarantine to study them."

2014-05-28, 11:57 PM
Von Geister smiles and rubs his chin a bit.

"I will be forthright and state that you will find nothing unusual in there. Why, I hear one of your girls had a nice bath of it to regrow a lost arm. Surely she is perfectly fine and healthy and has not shown any signs of mind control thus far? Ho, ho, ho."

2014-05-29, 01:21 AM
Jehoel smiles back.

"Who said we were searching for traps?"

It eventually becomes obvious that Jehoel isn't leading the group to the next district. Instead, he's taking them into the deep recesses of this one. The group eventually comes to a smaller enclosure, featuring only a single inhabitant.

"Behold, one of the finest triumphs of the science district."

It's a cow. A rather uninteresting one, to all appearances.

2014-05-29, 01:30 AM
Vanessa is the first one to state the obvious. "...It is a cow." She sounds markedly unimpressed, and yet acknowledging of the fact that Jehoel was likely about to explain otherwise.

2014-05-29, 09:15 AM
"Holstein Friesian to be precise. I will hold back my sight so you can explain it yourself, Jehoel.

2014-05-29, 11:38 AM
Jehoel smiles, a little.

"The cow is an incubator. It's composed entirely of Reishi, partially sustains itself by drawing Reishi from the air, and contains a very small artificial soul in each of its cells. For an Arrancar or Hollow, the nutritional value of its flesh will be beyond excellent. Once we duplicate the process, it will be able to breed, as well."

2014-05-29, 11:58 AM

Von Geister walks past.

"Colonial reishi organism. I honestly expected something more interesting than a cow-shaped spirit jellyfish."

"Well, moving on."

2014-05-29, 12:00 PM
Vanessa... is still markedly unimpressed. But does not say anything. Simply looking at the cow as if attempting to drill the fact that she is unimpressed into its skull.

2014-05-29, 12:12 PM
Jehoel shrugs.

"With our R&D department, I'll take what I can get."

He catches up with the rest of the group.

"You wished to see conversion, next, yes? That will be past the next District."

2014-05-29, 03:22 PM
Vanessa gives the glare for a few more moments before catching up with the tour group.

[Soul Society]
[Engineering HQ - Surgical Suite A5]

Masaru calmly cooperates as he's hooked up to things.

"Let's get my new arm in place and see if I can get made Captain. Then we talk about getting me laid."

He gives her a wan smile.

"Um. I would rather not be out by way of punching, but I would like to be very much unconscious for this. As for eating...No, it's been about 36 hours, my time, since I ate anything, and about 20 since I consumed any liquids."

He hopes that's enough time.

Chouko shrugs, picking up a needle, and offering him the oxygen mask, turning the valve on to a steady rate. "Good enough." She injects it into the IV, and Masaru might begin to feel a little groggy. "So, can't think of anything less cheesy, so gonna need you to count back from 100, bro. Unless you'd rather tell me about that rad party you had underground with the tattoo chick and some kinda massive fire-spittin' salamander." She readies her tools, putting on a surgical map, and moving to the disinfecting station, her arms sprayed with some kind of strong-smelling disinfectant. She's not really expecting Masaru to get anywhere, he should probably be out by 80. Maybe 70, given Shinigami physiology.

When Masaru is asleep, she sets to work.

5a Violista
2014-05-29, 07:17 PM
[Las Noches]
Three Months Ago

Valentina sees the Uplifted Sin Rostro approach. She shivers. Creepy, but in a different way. "Yes, I can do that," she responds to Mikael, looking at him like he's deserting her there.

Yes. She'll train them and study them. Over the three months, that's what she did. Consumed most of her time, except for the time that she herself trained or did other small things.

[Hueco Mundo: Elsewhere]
Transcending Shadow

Transcending Shadow wasn't that far away; it's almost like he knew Mikael was looking for him. Or, at least, he deduced it. Or maybe he figured Mikael leaving where he was resting meant something important was going to happen.

Transcending Shadow blinks at his right shoulder's snake, and the eyes (all six of his eyes on his face, and the eyes of that snake) remain locked for a while, as if they're holding an unspoken conversation about what it could be about. However, no conversation actually takes place.

He looks back at Mikael and blinks. "Yes, we will perform a favor for you," one mouth says. The next, below, asks, "Which favor is it you ask?"

[Las Noches]

Valentina did leave to go see the King and the rest of the royalty and cult who came along.
But, she was keeping her distance. Here's a lot of people who are much older and much stronger than she is. She's only been a Menos Grande for maybe 75 years...and here's several who are just as old and maybe as powerful as Jehoel. What can she trust them to do?

La Sexta Espada keeps her distance, but, when Von Geister talks about her right arm...she feels it. Good. It's still there.

Suou Nicole
((Finally, I've decided what happened with her over the past three months.))

Around two and a half months ago, she decided what she was going to do. She decided to not desert. Instead, she decided to find some time to think, alone - just her and her Zanpakuto to speak with.

She snuck into The Pack's The Thousand Deaths - with neither permission nor supervision from a seated officer. Specifically, the Hellpath.
The Thousand Deaths is the name of the forbidden training grounds of the Combat Division. Its entire perimeter is heavily fenced and sealed off so no one accidentally wanders in, and to train there requires the permission and supervision of at least one seated officer rank or higher from the Combat Division. There is a single mountain jutting up in the middle of a large quarry-sized pit. A series of rickety yet surprisingly stable bridges and catwalks offer transportation. Sealed doors that normally require a Combat Division seated officer or higher to open line both the walls of the quarry and the mountain itself, and each leads to one of many training courses. The courses themselves are highly dangerous, but not lethal unless you become injured with no one to pull you out. The training courses vary from the mundane to the magical to the deeply disturbing. Many make use of Kido, spatial magic, or chemicals to fool senses and provide vastly different experiences. Supposedly, there is also a separate course to train against the Shikai and Bankai of all who have ever trained here, including all the previous Combat Division officers and Kenpachis.

Just some of many of the courses included are:...

Death by Darkness - A pitch-black cavern that actually drains light from light sources where the trainees have to rely on other senses.
Death by Noise - This cavern has a constant loud buzzing that cuts off any other sound, forcing the trainees to rely on other senses.
Death by Fire - Every part of this course is on fire. Just being in this room will teach trainees to fight even when suffering massive burns.
Death by Ice - Conversely, everything in this course is chilling to the touch, where even just staying in the same place for too long can cause frostbite.
Death by Poisoning - A vast cavern filled with diluted samples of every poison ever managed to have been collected by the Combat Division. Although all lethality has been removed, every other symptom remains, forcing any trainees to fight under conditions reflective of if they've been poisoned by an enemy during combat.
Death by Drowning - A cave in absolute darkness where the air becomes so thick it turns to water, and the trainee can fight in simulated underwater conditions, including being forced to hold their breath as they fight.
Death by Cave-In - Once entering this cavern, the floor and ceiling crumble apart into a neverending pit of tumbling rocks, forcing trainees to leap from rock to rock and fight with dangerous acrobatics.
Death by Electrocution - Lightning jumps from rock to floor to ceiling here. Dodging the bolts is part of the exercise, but getting hit is eventually inevitable, at which point the trainee must learn to fight with at least partially paralyzed muscles.
Death by Vegetation - This course contains a dense, tropical rainforest, free of animals, but not free of danger, as many of the plants are animate enough to try and ensnare prey.
Death by Bamboo - A seemingly endless bamboo forest. Less dangerous than some of the other courses, and even a favorite of some of the members of the Combat Division.

And there are many more...

The mountain in the middle also contains the Hellpath, a requirement to becoming a seated officer in the Combat Division. No one quite knows what all the Hellpath contains, not even the officers who have managed to complete it. On average, it takes a Captain-level Shinigami with full access to their abilities and items two full weeks to complete the Hellpath. In order to successfully pass the Hellpath and become a seated officer, with the prior approval and supervision of at least two Combat Division officers, an applicant must endure the entirety of the course with no Kido, no Zanpakuto, and no supplies. As a result, the Hellpath is very traumatizing, taking at least a full month without any rest or interruption for most officers, and most cannot remember the full contents out of sheer shock. What can be expected, at the least, are most of the other courses in the Thousand Deaths being present in some form or another in the Hellpath, and the applicant would be required to fight at absolute peak efficiency despite famine, thirst, sleep-deprivation, and multiple other debilitating conditions. Shinigami who fail are deposited at the bottom of the mountain, while victors are deposited at the peak, though both require immediate medical attention and often suffer debilitating medical conditions including a coma for weeks before they are fit to resume duty.

Once a year, the previous Kenpachi would complete this course just to stay in shape. His record was about a week. The only one who's managed to beat that time is Kiba, who managed to complete the course in just over six days, though the fact that the conditions of the Hellpath play to his normal fighting style did provide an advantage.
Took her nearly a full two months before she crawled out. The other month? Spent in Logistics & Medicine, recovering.

She finally felt well enough to get up, expecting to be disciplined. Severely.

2014-05-30, 08:59 AM
[Hueco Mundo; Mikael and Transcending Shadow]

"Four years go, on the side of a sleet-covered road, a man died. It just occurred to me he never got a proper burial."
Mikael extends his hand to offer the box to the Arrancar. It vibrates with a steady rhytm, roughly 60 times a minute. "This belonged to him. I want you to take it to where he died and lay it to rest there. I no longer need it and it's broken anyway. I trust you know the place." Mikael waits for Transcending Shadow to take the box, then heaves the bag off his shoulder and offers it to the Arrancar as well. "The rest is more a personal wish, a suggestion. You don't have to follow it. But I had one of your kindred nick me one of those robot bodies the Shinigami use. I thought, it was a bit unfair for a such young guy to die. I don't mean to himself... well, obviously it kinda sucks to die when you have a life ahead you. But I mean more his friends and family."

"So... I want you to go and pick up where he left. Take his place. Of course, it won't be easy. That's why I think it'd be unfair to order you. You don't need to do that part if you don't like, I can't stress that enough. But... it would give them some ease of mind you did. Please?"

2014-05-30, 01:36 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
[Las Noches Tour Group]

Vanessa gives the glare for a few more moments before catching up with the tour group.
Turiel can't help but smirk a bit at Vanessa's glares, though he doesn't speak up to defend the cow-shaped jellyfish-thing.

He stays with the group as it continues the whirlwind tour of the City In The Sands.

[Soul Society]
[Engineering HQ - Surgical Suite A5]

Chouko shrugs, picking up a needle, and offering him the oxygen mask, turning the valve on to a steady rate. "Good enough." She injects it into the IV, and Masaru might begin to feel a little groggy. "So, can't think of anything less cheesy, so gonna need you to count back from 100, bro. Unless you'd rather tell me about that rad party you had underground with the tattoo chick and some kinda massive fire-spittin' salamander." She readies her tools, putting on a surgical map, and moving to the disinfecting station, her arms sprayed with some kind of strong-smelling disinfectant. She's not really expecting Masaru to get anywhere, he should probably be out by 80. Maybe 70, given Shinigami physiology.

When Masaru is asleep, she sets to work.
Masaru smirks at the crack about Ancalagon.

"He says...he's not...a...sala-"

And then he's out. Probably exhaustion. The man did just realize his Bankai and maintain it for a fair bit of time. If Chouko waits a bit to ensure he stays under, she won't be disappointed. Masaru seems to be in a deep, dreamless sleep that has left his body relaxed.

[Recon HQ->Command HQ]

One of the officers monitoring a team in the Mortal World goes pale at what comes through their headset, before gripping the shoulder of the next officer over.

"You need to keep monitoring this channel, and see if we can get any sensor data or radio signal or anything. I'm going to Command."

At which point said Officer dashes out of the Situation Room in Recon's HQ section and starts moving toward the Command Division HQ. The severity of the situation, and the still-under-construction communications infrastructure within the Seireitei, combined with the tendency of some Command officers to ignore their phones for long stretches, means that in this case said officer felt that the best option was to move there personally.

She did text the administrative assistant at the front desk of Command to let him know she would need to see the most senior officer on-duty at the time.

This is about Michael Harada's scene, but the intent is that this ultimately doesn't matter for the outcome of his fight. It's just so that there's not 3 weeks of "durr where's Harada" afterwards.

2014-05-30, 02:34 PM
[Soul Society; Gotei HQ]

Before Koutarou manages to answer to Lily, the Duty Officer intervenes. "Vice-Commander? There's a messenger on his way from Recon. One of our surveillance teams has been spotted."

2014-05-30, 03:26 PM
"...dammit. What do we know?" Koutarou asked for details.

Things just kept piling up!

2014-05-30, 08:36 PM
[Soul Society; Gotei HQ]

Before Koutarou manages to answer to Lily, the Duty Officer intervenes. "Vice-Commander? There's a messenger on his way from Recon. One of our surveillance teams has been spotted."

"...dammit. What do we know?" Koutarou asked for details.

Things just kept piling up!
It was perhaps two minutes after that notification that the young woman in a Recon Division uniform came in, slightly out of breath.

"My apologies, Sir. We received word that Senior Researcher Michael Harada's team had nearly finished planting a stealth sensor package on the grounds of the Cult's main "temple", when the signals from his three Recon escorts vanished. We...assume the worst. Harada-san himself attempted to make an emergency extraction, but before he could reach the extraction point he gave a shout of exclamation and seemingly vanished. We haven't got more than small fragments of his signal yet since. It is likely he was taken through some sort of Garganta, and is either in the Void somewhere, or far enough off-target to have poor signal thus far, or, possibly, in Hueco Mundo. The others are still working on what's most likely. That...well, that's the best we know."

She grimaced a bit.

"We suppose that the one small positive is that that was the final package to be delivered. All other sensor packages, communications relays, and Senkaimon beacons have been placed. So the overall town's landscape is prepared."

2014-05-30, 11:43 PM
"If he were in Hueco Mundo, chances are Las Noches would have contacted us. It's a lot more likely that Harada-san has been dragged into the Void - it provides significant advantage for any Hollow whose battle style does not rely on terrain for effectiveness.

I want a full team working on triangulating his signal. Focus your effort on where he would have been taken had a Garganta been opened where you lost contact.

Hurry up, the life of a comrade is at stake."

2014-05-31, 01:56 AM
[Soul Society]
[Seireitei Command Division HQ]

The Recon woman nods, but before she reaches the door, she pauses, pulling out her buzzing phone.

"Sir? There's...been a development."

[Seireitei West Gate->Seireitei Main Road Toward Command Division]

It was only thanks to the increased alert levels that someone noticed almost immediately. But boy, did they notice a Garganta openeing above the street right outside the walls of Seireitei. And disgorging...a body?

Indeed, the burned-out body of Senior Researcher Michael Harada slams home to the ground, likely breaking bones (not that he'd care at this point, just makes the corpse floppier). His face, eyes closed, is frozen in a strange expression halfway between "gentle smile" and "total confusion".

It is only moments before a couple of Recon members and a couple of Med&Log members arrive and pick up the burned and bloody corpse, eyeing his state with a bit of trepidation. Still, they know their duty. There is a partially-intact recording unit on his waist; it might have data about who he fought and how he got in this state.

They begin hauling the body inwards on a stretcher, hoping to analyze it before it fades completely...

2014-05-31, 02:21 AM
[Soul Society]
(Over Rukon)

The garganta, high above, is still open.

A figure stands over it, looking down. She uses her pesquisa to recognize the incoming figures.

She waits.

Then, Harada explodes. Not in the incendiary sense. The wind stored in his gut is forcefully exhaled. At this range she really had no power behind her control, but that didn't matter. It was just the same.

The poison gas is distributed. An aerosol form of a product from Felicia. Not the easiest of operations, but it sufficed. The Med&Log response unit chokes on particles of concentrated death. Some of them won't make it minutes. Some might survive hours. Maybe one (un)lucky soul will basically have to live with AIDS for the rest of their spiritual life.

Alexandra looks with lidless eyes over Seireitei before closing the garganta.

Koutarou was not going to be happy.

(Engineering - Surgical Suite A5)

Spinning the scalpel and saw, Chouko quickly gets to work. Robotic arms perform surgical operations at within fractions of a percentage of perfect reflex, removing the stump, leaving open nerve connections for Chouko to attach the arm jack. It is a long, arduous procedure. But without a hitch, it is achieved.

When Masaru next wakes up, he will be in a slightly more comfortable position in a bed carted into the room, his shoulder a little bit sore, but otherwise with a brand spanking new black-colored arm jack.

2014-05-31, 08:53 AM
Koutarou grits his teeth as he listens to the report.

He doesn't really need to tell MedLog members what to do. They're an efficient bunch and have specific protocols to deal with this situation.

"Right now, officer Hirako Masaru is likely undergoing surgical procedures to compensate for the loss of an arm.

I want a messenger outside the operating room. The second he wakes, I want him told we march against the Ghost King."

The Acting Commander was indeed an idealist. Even with all that had happened, there was a candle-like light of hope in his heart that this could still be resolved in a peaceful manner. This latest development snuffed the life out of that light in the most violent form possible, cutting the wick so it may never burn again.

In the years to come, history would be written about how it was Alexandra Dubois who single-handedly drove Koutarou Ishinomori to abandon all forms of diplomatic discourse during the battle with the Ghost King.

2014-05-31, 10:11 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
Las Noches District 10

After walking for some time in silence, the group enters District 10.

"Here we are. Conversion."

This District is almost completely uniform. Small, perfectly square buildings laid out in a grid pattern stretching out over the entire area. A few attendants can be seen moving from building to building, but apart from that the district is empty and eerily silent.

2014-05-31, 10:24 AM
[Seireitei, Soul Society]
[Engineering - Surgical Suite A5]

Masaru groaned as he awakened. His fleshy hand went to the arm jack, rubbing the spot where metal met flesh.

"Ugh. Hey, Chouko, you around? I think it's all working good; shoulder's a bit sore but nothing that a couple mild painkillers won't take care of."

He's clearly pretty used to pain, all told.

"Do I need to wait on plugging in my arm?"

He doesn't actually know if Chouko's there but his mind is still waking up right now.

2014-05-31, 12:50 PM
[B][Soul Society]/B]
(Engineering HQ - Surgery Suiite A5)

Chouko is just outside the (open) door, talking quietly with someone. She comes in...

...well, this is new. She looks... considerably gloomy. Masaru has never seen her like this. Well, almost. Her demeanor after being beaten by Sakadatsu comes close... but not quite. As Masaru asks questions, she just... robotically answers.

"...I can get you painkillers. You can pop your arm in whenever." She just stands looking... off, for a moment.

"...there's been a..." She hesitates. "...Harada's dead. With a bunch of MedLog folks. Ishinomori's out for blood." She's not sure where to go from there, obviously.

...wasn't she kind of friends with Harada?

2014-05-31, 01:07 PM
[Soul Society]
(Over Rukon)

The garganta, high above, is still open.

A figure stands over it, looking down. She uses her pesquisa to recognize the incoming figures.

She waits.

Then, Harada explodes. Not in the incendiary sense. The wind stored in his gut is forcefully exhaled. At this range she really had no power behind her control, but that didn't matter. It was just the same.

The poison gas is distributed. An aerosol form of a product from Felicia. Not the easiest of operations, but it sufficed. The Med&Log response unit chokes on particles of concentrated death. Some of them won't make it minutes. Some might survive hours. Maybe one (un)lucky soul will basically have to live with AIDS for the rest of their spiritual life.

Alexandra looks with lidless eyes over Seireitei before closing the garganta.

Koutarou was not going to be happy.[Soul Society] (Rukon- Pestilence)

A young man who's orchid purple scarf somehow remains billowing despite the lack of wind arrives on the scene. "I came as soon as I heard."

Looking around, there were about twelve of them, and most of those were already dead, one or two were still dying, writhing in disturbing ways. Harada's body is gone. "Is, is there anything I can do here?"

2014-05-31, 01:09 PM
[Seireitei, Soul Society]
[Engineering - Surgical Suite A5]

Masaru's eyebrows raise at Chouko's expression...then fall into a scowl as she describes what happened.

Wordlessly, he reached over, picked up his artificial arm, and plugged it in. He grit his teeth as it booted online, sending new, strange signals to his brain...

Before he was suddenly giving Chouko a hug. It's, uh, probably good he has that gown on still.

"I'm sorry. That won't take away the hurt, but I am. We're going to win this. King damn them, but we're going to win this."

His conviction is like steel. Just hearing how determined he is might give Chouko just a tiny sliver of hope.

He lets go of her, taking a few steps back. His gaze shifts down to his new arm, which he flexes repeatedly, getting a feel for the fine manipulation. He even briefly deploys a couple of the optional extras, before looking up at Chouko with a smile.

"I'm gonna need three of the best energy drink you've got, and whatever painkillers won't make my heart explode or anything alongside the drinks. Because I'm going to Koutarou, and we are going to kick their asses until they feel it 15 centuries ago."

This might also be him trying to get alone-time so he can put on his pants again. Masaru's shy like that.

2014-05-31, 01:38 PM
[Soul Society]

((I don't think Harada's body would be gone yet, but I could be wrong, based on how long it takes to dissolve.))

A ventilator-clad second responder just stares at the young man and throws him one as well. "For starters PUT THAT FRACKIN' THING ON BEFORE WE HAVE ANOTHER BODY!" He just facepalms, then looks to the scene.

"...then just start treatin' as best you can. And prayin'. ...the one in the center is done for." There is no actual property damage or a crater or anything... but there is a wide radius where things just look... wrong. Burned Grass, eroded walls.

(Engineering HQ - Surgery Suite A5)

Chouko flinches and exhales in slight surprise as Masaru embraces her, but doesn't fight it. She doesn't move her own arms, granted. As he steps away, she seems... still quite out of it... until she suddenly punches Masaru in his fleshy arm, blushing a very slight pink.

"...don't do something reckless like dying. It's not allowed. I still outrank you." She takes a deep breath before raiding a nearby medicine cabinet, and the fridge for the requested items.

Masaru may wonder what it means when there's a picture of a skull on the can. Just the skull.

2014-05-31, 02:20 PM
[Soul Society]

((I don't think Harada's body would be gone yet, but I could be wrong, based on how long it takes to dissolve.))

A ventilator-clad second responder just stares at the young man and throws him one as well. "For starters PUT THAT FRACKIN' THING ON BEFORE WE HAVE ANOTHER BODY!" He just facepalms, then looks to the scene.

"...then just start treatin' as best you can. And prayin'. ...the one in the center is done for." There is no actual property damage or a crater or anything... but there is a wide radius where things just look... wrong. Burned Grass, eroded walls.((I'm not good with timescale, you handle the bodies state.))

"R, right." The man puts the ventilator on, once it's firmly in place he runs off to one of the victims, placing his hands over them and starting the healing process. He seems more confidence in his kaido abilities than he seemed to have in his entire body just a moment before"This wasn't what I expected when I was told that they needed anyone they could get."

2014-05-31, 02:21 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Las Noches District 10

After walking for some time in silence, the group enters District 10.

"Here we are. Conversion."

This District is almost completely uniform. Small, perfectly square buildings laid out in a grid pattern stretching out over the entire area. A few attendants can be seen moving from building to building, but apart from that the district is empty and eerily silent.

Von Geister looks around, feeling the air a bit.

"I suppose immigration is not sufficiently heavy in volume for this area to be particularly crowded."

2014-05-31, 03:52 PM
Jehoel shakes his head.

"On the contrary. On average, between fifty-five and eighty percent of these buildings are full at any given time. This district provides a stable location where they can be converted without risk of being disturbed."

2014-05-31, 05:58 PM
"I can feel their presence in the structures. I said crowded, after all. I can also feel the process they are going through, it would benefit greatly from immersion in a nutrient broth to aid and quicken recovery. I must once again recommend using the blight."

Imhotep takes a step forward and looks up.


"Is that so. A shame, Jehoel, I am afraid this visit will have to end faster than I anticipated, so I need to get to the point already."

"I want you to keep your burgeoning nation out of my business. Shouldn't be too hard, in all honesty. In exchange for that, I can provide you with our fields of expertise, all under wraps of course."

2014-05-31, 06:41 PM
Jehoel sighs.

"Believe me, I would like nothing more than to keep the people of this nation out of your way. Fighting would be inefficient and pointless. Unfortunately...we are allied with the Shinigami, and that will not change any time soon. If you continue to antagonize them, we will be forced to intercede."

2014-05-31, 07:19 PM
"That is not how international politics work, Yurius. You don't need to join this war just because of an armistice and a few other non-military treatises."

"Besides, there are so many magnificent excuses you can give. Keeping the quincy from interfering with your operations, for instance, would become much harder if they turned their attention to your agents."

2014-05-31, 07:37 PM
"Existential threats to either organization do, in fact, trigger a mutual defense clause in the alliance we hold with the Shinigami. The exact terms of said state were left deliberately vague, but when multiple individuals capable of single-handedly ending all life as we know it are involved, it becomes progressively harder to quibble semantics. As long as I can justify it, I will ensure that we stay out of things."

2014-05-31, 07:52 PM
"That is good enough, Jehoel. Do your best. It is a terrible thing when family fights. And I will do what I can to keep the options easy on you as well. But now, we have business back there."


A large garganta opens behind Von Geister's knights.

"Anyone got any parting words? Jehoel, Turiel? The lady watching us from the rooftops?"

2014-05-31, 08:09 PM
[The Void]

Argos may recognize something in the absolute dark of the void. Even for a being such as Argos, it is impossible to see every little detail. But light... is not something natural in this dark place. So it should be some surprise when he begins to see flashes of green some distance away.

It may be even more of a surprise when it is recognized as Morse Code.

I W O U L D L I K E T O M E E T There is a pause, and it is repeated. Then...


[Hueco Mundo]
(Las Noches - Conversion District)

Vanessa smirks confidently, but says nothing. She was just probably amused at the idea of getting a shot at Yurius without having to force his hand.

2014-05-31, 08:43 PM
"You and yours are welcome to return at any time. I would, however, appreciate it if your faction would refrain from further attempts at espionage into Las Noches. At the very least, ones that insult my intelligence."

He waves and turns away as they leave.

"Have fun."

2014-05-31, 08:55 PM
Argos approaches Von Geister while Jehoel speaks.

"I will tell Clovis and Alexandra. Although he did mention that it was half to check if you remembered him, and half simply for goodwill."

"Knights, head back to the mortal world ahead of me. I have other matters to attend to first."

With that, he goes into the garganta, followed by Vincenzo and Imhotep.

In a flash, The Ghost King of All Hollows is where his presence was called for. A place at the edge of the Void and crawling into the Dangai.

"Well. Who is it that wishes to meet with me?"

2014-05-31, 09:18 PM
[The Void]

A young woman with wild hair sits with her legs crossed, suspended by just enough reishi as to seem as if she were sitting upon the darkness itself. This young woman is draped in a green shikakusho and a labcoat decorated with autumn floral patterns. Standing, she gives a deep bow to Von Geister.

He may notice that her hands are... stained black, to the very skin, and she has a sickly pallor over her. This one has probably been near Izanami.

"Greetings, venerable one. I am Kobayashi Momoka. I mean you no harm. I simply had a great interest in speaking with you. Excuse me if I seat myself again, I am somewhat... ill at the moment, which you may notice. I have had quite the conversation with an old acquaintance of yours." She does so seat herself, breathing somewhat heavily.

2014-05-31, 09:35 PM
[The Void]

Von Geister brings a hand to his chin and smiles.

"Yes, you do look like you have been around... Izanami, I was wondering where she was. I suppose this is as good a place as any for her to stay in for the time being."

"So, miss Kobayashi. I am all ears."

2014-05-31, 09:39 PM
[The Void]

Momoka takes a few deep breaths, looking a bit feverish, but fighting through it.

"...I have many questions for you. And not enough time to have them answered. Thus, our chosen location." Breath. "...is it true that Izanami-no-mikoto stands to consume Soul Society if there is no intervention?"

2014-05-31, 10:20 PM
[The Void]

Von Geister chuckles.

"Not quite."

"Hmm... This might demand a bit of space and a bit of time that even this place might not give you."

Von Geister releases an invigorating pulse of energy, even as the reishi of the void gathers beneath the two of them, followed by the rapidly growing blight. And from that blight he calls a vision of a three-headed wolf.

"Izanami-no-Okami. First of all hollows, devourer of worlds, gluttony itself, the baseline from which all of the lessers are derived. My wife's best friend. My esteemed lady."

"The heaven you know lies within the gullet of her corpse. Her severed heads form the thing you call Izanami. She rots away slowly and digests slower still, perhaps a few generations from now, your people will notice something odd, but the situation is not... As it should be."

"I am afraid, however. That making things right will be difficult. Difficult and quite brutal. But it is the only way."

2014-05-31, 10:37 PM
[The Void]

Momoka's state improves somewhat at the pulse of energy, keeping her from falling over during his speech. As she speaks again, however, as opposed to the weak but inquisitive rasp, her tone has changed to a more bold, strong presence that none of her fellow shinigami have seen. She takes upon herself an authority that could mimic noble tone.

"...what do you intend to do, Erscheinung Von Geister?"

2014-05-31, 10:44 PM
Where Setsurou and Momoka first met

The scenery changes, but only barely. There is a leaf of bent grass or two more than there should be. The wind makes a noise like something that shouldn't be is there.

There is a presence that is, at best, a shadow. Even in hiding, even having had years of training and practice, the sheer turmoil of a certain heart gives itself away.

And yet even in this imperfection, it would take something, or someone, who is greatly attuned to such things, such fluctuations, such instincts, to detect something is wrong.

The shadow walks as it observes the eerie calm of this place.

2014-05-31, 10:48 PM
(Outer Rukongai)

With the eyes of Seireitei focused on the Cult's movements, slipping away undetected back in actually becomes surprisingly easy. Reaching the clearing where they first met, doubly so.

Sorry to presume things go like this, but it might take us a month on "Setsurou to the rescue" otherwise.

((Is fine, and obviously switching to here, for obvious reasons.))

Setsurou finds the clearing empty. Why is it empty? It couldn't be that after this long, he's forgotten, no, Setsurou wouldn't forget the place they met... would he? Or... wait... is it empty? There's another piece of paper.


Alarms may rise as another garganta forms high above the forested outskirts of the Rukon. But the woman that tumbles out of it is not dead (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW773Eeohgo). And the garganta closes instantly.

Kobayashi Momoka faces upward in the air, a serene smile on her face as she feels the cool wind blowing about her. In a hand with skin blackened by a foul taint, she holds something white with an iron grip. Even in her feverish half-consciousness, she enjoys this feeling. Not knowing whether her message got through, not knowing whether he would be able to be here... it was all the same.

She enjoyed the flight.

But she had someone to catch her today.

2014-05-31, 11:53 PM

Von Geister brings a hand to his chin, rubbing it.

"What, indeed."

He raises his cane towards Momoka, and with a swing, he shreds the sky behind her.

"I believe I will give Izanami a case of indigestion that will not soon be forgotten."

"Now off with you, you need medical attention and I am a busy man."

The blight ripples, and sends Momoka flying into the garganta.

2014-06-01, 12:01 AM
(Outer Rukongai)

((Is fine, and obviously switching to here, for obvious reasons.))

Setsurou finds the clearing empty. Why is it empty? It couldn't be that after this long, he's forgotten, no, Setsurou wouldn't forget the place they met... would he? Or... wait... is it empty? There's another piece of paper.


Alarms may rise as another garganta forms high above the forested outskirts of the Rukon. But the woman that tumbles out of it is not dead (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW773Eeohgo). And the garganta closes instantly.

Kobayashi Momoka faces upward in the air, a serene smile on her face as she feels the cool wind blowing about her. In a hand with skin blackened by a foul taint, she holds something white with an iron grip. Even in her feverish half-consciousness, she enjoys this feeling. Not knowing whether her message got through, not knowing whether he would be able to be here... it was all the same.

She enjoyed the flight.

But she had someone to catch her today.

And catch her he does. With the utmost gentleness and care. Like she was not a person, but a moment to cherish. His steps back down are rapid and yet given of a smoothness that belied the man's kindness, his fondness for her.

There are many things that are important to Setsurou. But Kobayashi Momoka ranks so high that even his duty was secondary to this. He is almost... afraid to call out her name. So he whispers.

"...Momo. Hey, Momo!"

He dares not shake her. If she is injured, he will try to ascertain what her wounds are.

2014-06-01, 12:11 AM
[Soul Society]
(Outer Rukongai)

Momoka is not injured, but she's burning up, and the blackness staining her skin certainly doesn't look healthy. With teary eyes, she looks at Setsurou, smiling weakly. This is... quite honestly the most vulnerable he'd ever seen her. This woman always kept people at arms' length, and yet...

...she looked unmistakably, genuinely glad to be in his arms right now. "Setsu...rou... you caught me..." Her voice is weak and raspy, cut apart by shallow, tired breaths. The only strong part of her is the grip she holds on the white cloth, and that still is weakening by the moment. If Setsurou is curious enough to look... it was a first division captain's haori. There's a few bloodstains across it, but otherwise... no, that's not important right now, is it?

She wasn't dying right now, but she needed medical attention soon.

2014-06-01, 01:35 AM
Wounds, he could cover and stitch. Healing is no less an art than it is a science, though admittedly, it was not one he had yet mastered.

But this was clearly an infection. He had no medicine with which to fight it. Nothing to stall the corruption. Even if he did, there was a lot he would have to do besides give her antibiotics.

At best, he had something to fight back her fever. It wasn't even meant to be used this way; the medicine he had on him was a herb used to lower one's body heat in order to make it easier to blend in low-temperature environments.

For now, it ought to do.

"You're conscious, good. Try not to talk.

Eat this."

He slipped a pill onto Momoka's mouth and helped it down with a small canteen of water. (Thank goodness for his portable hole Bakudou.)

"I'm going to get you to MedLog. You just hang on until then, alright?"

Despite his not saying things such as "I'm glad you're alright" or any greater outburst of emotion, when he pulled Momoka closer, she could hear how fast his heart had been beating. She could sense the shift in temperature as he was warmer than usual. These were all the tiny things he kept hidden. All that he held back from others.

In this way, Setsurou, too, was as vulnerable as Momoka had ever seen him.

Holding her delicately in his arms, Setsurou proceeded to dash desperately out of the forest. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiFT3hVrBzE)

Don't you dare take the name of that song as a suggestion. I mean it. :smalltongue:

2014-06-01, 01:40 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
[Las Noches District 10]

Turiel remained silent and impassive as Jehoel and Von Geister discussed looming hostilities and responses, and then the Court left the White City.

Only when they were gone did he speak up.

"On a scale of Budapest to Shangri-La, how bad are we talking here, Jehoel?"

A nonsense question to most, the other ancient Hollow would have a pretty good idea the scale of cluster-mess Turiel was inquiring about.

"I mean, I guess worst case, if it's like the Toga Incident, I can dig some holes, but, you know, a guy wants to be prepared."

Wow, Turiel almost never mentioned the Toga Incident. He really was serious.
[Soul Society]
[Engineering HQ - Surgery Suite A5]

(Engineering HQ - Surgery Suite A5)

Chouko flinches and exhales in slight surprise as Masaru embraces her, but doesn't fight it. She doesn't move her own arms, granted. As he steps away, she seems... still quite out of it... until she suddenly punches Masaru in his fleshy arm, blushing a very slight pink.

"...don't do something reckless like dying. It's not allowed. I still outrank you." She takes a deep breath before raiding a nearby medicine cabinet, and the fridge for the requested items.

Masaru may wonder what it means when there's a picture of a skull on the can. Just the skull.

Masaru grins at the punch, play-acting as if it really hurt (it didn't).

"Yeah, I hear you, Chouko. Same goes to you."

He is dressed in a few eyeblinks, and is only taking his time with his sword belt.

"Don't count on hiding behind your rank very long, though. Soon as this most recent mess gets resolved, I intend to claim the Captaincy. The Pack needs an Alpha again."

There's conviction in his voice. Before he can ask about the can, he gets a call on his phone and has to spend a couple minutes catching Setsurou of all people up on the last couple of years of his life. Primarily centered on Momoka. Finally he hangs up and turns back to Chouko.

"So, uh...you do remember me asking for not-heart-exploding stuff, right? What's with the skull thing here?"

2014-06-01, 02:05 AM
[Soul Society]
(Clearing > MedLog)

Wouldn't dream of it!

Momoka breathes slowly, taking down the pill with a little coughing, her face flushed. She apparently doesn't take the suggestion of not talking to heart, breathing deeply to try and catch her breath. "I saw... what I needed to do..." She's still pretty teary.

"I was afraid... for my life... when I talked to her..." Her? "She... she didn't fight, though... I don't think... she's coming back..." A couple more deep breaths as she tries and mostly fails to give her breathing more depth. She lets loose an odd whimper.

"Will you... will you..." She seems to be having a hard time saying it. "...forgive me... Setsurou?" She closes her eyes, trying to hold back the tears.

An odd voice rings to Setsurou's right. But he sees nothing but an odd poof of leaves. Hey, baka, kiss her!

Momoka continues speaking, but she seems to be getting a little... tired. "...Setsurou... I... I looked for forbidden kido..." She bites her lip, orbs of salty liquid running down her cheeks. "...to find you... or bring you back..."

What are you waiting for, dummy?

"...you were... my only... real... fr..." She... dozes off, her breathing getting ragged.

Kiss her, dammit! Give her something to live for!

(Engineering - Surgical Suite A5)

"'course you are, bro from another CO!" She offers a fistbump. Then looks to the can.

"Oh don't worry about it, they're just a little dramatic. I think it's Koutetsu's family brand or somethin'. You know what a bunch of cooks they are." She looks... pretty sure? She's probably had it before, at least, her fridge was packed.

2014-06-01, 02:07 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
[Las Noches District 10]

Jehoel waits to confirm that Von Geister's retinue is gone, then snaps his fingers, opening a Garganta screen.

"Situation 1 has been recalled."

Funny, he already did that. This one wasn't projected to the entire city, though. Huh. He opens a different one, closing the first. This screen is two-way, revealing an Arrancar scientist in a lab coat.

"Jeigan. What is the status of project Bet?"
"Progressing, Lord Jehoel. We have a number of viable prototypes, but nothing truly reliable."
"I suppose that's to be expected. Keep working. And project Dalet?"
"We have made a number of strides forward. It nears completion."

Closing the screen, Jehoel turns to Turiel, waving at Valentina to join them.

"I don't know, and that worries me. Von Geister himself does not directly worry me; picking a fight with us would be highly illogical. What concerns me is the situation between the Court, the Shinigami, and the Quincy. It's a powder keg waiting to go off, and it's going to be a massive headache no matter how it pans out."

He begins walking.

"What has me worried, however, is Izanami. She was...stable is very strong word, but a non-issue until recently. Now I can't be sure how her shard will act, and I don't think that the Shinigami are taking any of the appropriate steps to deal with it."

2014-06-01, 02:21 AM
[Soul Society]
(Clearing > MedLog)

Wouldn't dream of it!

Momoka breathes slowly, taking down the pill with a little coughing, her face flushed. She apparently doesn't take the suggestion of not talking to heart, breathing deeply to try and catch her breath. "I saw... what I needed to do..." She's still pretty teary.

"I was afraid... for my life... when I talked to her..." Her? "She... she didn't fight, though... I don't think... she's coming back..." A couple more deep breaths as she tries and mostly fails to give her breathing more depth. She lets loose an odd whimper.

"Will you... will you..." She seems to be having a hard time saying it. "...forgive me... Setsurou?" She closes her eyes, trying to hold back the tears.

An odd voice rings to Setsurou's right. But he sees nothing but an odd poof of leaves. Hey, baka, kiss her!

Momoka continues speaking, but she seems to be getting a little... tired. "...Setsurou... I... I looked for forbidden kido..." She bites her lip, orbs of salty liquid running down her cheeks. "...to find you... or bring you back..."

What are you waiting for, dummy?

"...you were... my only... real... fr..." She... dozes off, her breathing getting ragged.

Kiss her, dammit! Give her something to live for!

(Engineering - Surgical Suite A5)

"'course you are, bro from another CO!" She offers a fistbump. Then looks to the can.

"Oh don't worry about it, they're just a little dramatic. I think it's Koutetsu's family brand or somethin'. You know what a bunch of cooks they are." She looks... pretty sure? She's probably had it before, at least, her fridge was packed.

Yeah, yeah, he heard you already.

Pretty soon Setsurou's lips are on Momoka's. He doesn't bother with giving the kiss much, shall we say, technique. It's meant to show his passion and nothing else.

There's a lot of it though.

"I look forward to hearing you not talking sense any other time, Momo. But right now, I want to make sure there is another time to look forward to.

There's nothing that needs forgiving. But if you give up now, I will DEFINITELY not forgive you. Save your strength, okay? We will talk more. We'll have the rest of our lives to do it. So please. Don't push yourself too hard."

2014-06-01, 02:32 AM
[Soul Society]
(Clearing > MedLog)

Momoka's eyes flutter as Setsurou's lips press against her own... then they shoot open, her cheeks taking a slightly darker tone of red. She doesn't seem sure whether to reciprocate or not... but eventually she surrenders. Momoka herself... does not have that much experience. Keeping people too far away to be in a relationship will do that.

For a moment she just sort of stares dumbfoundedly and even more vulnerably at Setsurou, obviously nowhere near ready to respond to what he just did. She does give a very slight nod in acknowledgement, however.

Haha! Knew you had it in you, baka!

The closest hospital being the west gate, Momoka... actually manages to keep her consciousness the entire time, although it seems to be partly out of shock of what just happened.

2014-06-01, 02:54 AM
It may come as a surprise to Momoka that Setsurou actually has the presence of mind to hastily disguise himself before he reaches the west gate. After all, he's not supposed to be here right now.

Not that Momoka would know that.

None of the staff on MedLog in that hospital would, either. But he won't take risks. Momoka's got enough guilt on her mind as it is without adding to being responsible for Setsurou technically abandoning his post mere hours before a major battle.

2014-06-01, 11:07 AM
[Soul Society]
(West Gate Hospital)

The Medicine and Logistics staff of West Gate hospital seem hardly sure how to react to Momoka's state, but nonetheless she is rushed in rather quickly for treatment. Setsurou himself, given the... somewhat disturbing state of her hands, is asked how much contact he had with her. If he admits to the kiss, he will probably have to undergo a cursory physical himself, but it will reveal nothing out of the ordinary.

Setsurou, of course, is not allowed to be around while she's treated, so it's likely he'll have to wait in suspense for a while...


...and so a while later, a woman with brown hair and glasses steps out, and approaching Setsurou. She talks with a rather casual tone for the situation, seeming a little bored, really. "Oi, you." She beckons, leaning in as Setsurou gets closer. "She told us who you are, but she ain't makin' much sense, so we don't really care. You brought her in just in time. C'mon." She leads the way to the treatment center itself, to Momoka, who is sound asleep, still looking rather flushed, but less on death's door. Bandages are wrapped around her hands, so it's hard to tell if they succeeded. She's clad only in a gown, they likely incinerated her clothes, due to the only thing nearby being her soul cutter and the haori.

"She's gonna keep her hands, but the damage is done. She'll prob'ly lose a bit of sensation in her fingers, but I suppose it might be better than goin' to the Takenaka-shop, depending on how you feel." She flips over the chart. "Prob'ly shouldn't be tellin' you this, but I think she'd want you to know."

"...you know about the other stuff?" She doesn't wait for him to answer. "She's so pale she's practically an albino, we think she was exposed to somethin' else a long time ago. And we detected lung damage with our tests. It's long scarred over, but... breathin' ain't always been the easiest thing on this girl, I'm sure. She's just about malnourished, and when we got near her eyes she kinda freaked out, so we put her out. We looked back and she's... only really had the one physical when she joined the service. Same thing there. Without the... y'know. Blackness eating her."

"...do you know anythin' about her?"

2014-06-01, 11:41 AM
[Hueco Mundo; Las Noches, following the Espada]

"... what's Project Dalet?", a puzzled voice come from behind Jehoel and Turiel. It belongs to a black-clad figure with seven eyes and a mane of snakes. "Oh... sorry, am I not supposed to be here?"


[Elsewhere in the City; Looking for Tamaki]

Meanwhile, another black-clad and many-eyed creature is skulking around the grand library, hoping to find Tamaki there. It'd heard he'd been training with Jehoel Yurius somewhere, but doesn't know if he ever came back from that trip, or if he opted to stay in Las Noches afterwards. It figured the library was a good place to start looking, as Tamaki had shown himself to be an eager reader. "Tamaki-san? Are you here?"

2014-06-01, 11:41 AM
"Ain't nothing ah'm at libertee to discuss, ah'm afraid." Setsurou replied in a drawl he had set aside for just this kind of situation. There's something to be said for giving people something different to focus on. It helps them to not remember more important details.

"About her eyes... yeah, ah knew that. Yew pro'ly don't wanna check her eyes. It's somethin' she be rather sensitive about.

Ah don't think there's really much ah can tell you don't already know. Far as ah'm aware, she was locked in a downright noxious envi'nment for a long time. Pro'ly some form of, whatchacallit? 'Advanced entropic decomposition'. Like the life was sucked right outta her. Bein' malnourished pro'ly has somethin' ta do with that, but then again, Momo was never what you'd call a 'healthy eater'. Comes with bein' a bookworm.

Ye'll take good care of 'er, ah'm sure?"

2014-06-01, 11:49 AM
[Soul Society]
(West Gate Hospital)

"That's a stupid question. I mean, it's not like it's our jobs or anythin'." The woman rolls her eyes. One wonders if her attitude was this bad with patients. Probably not. "Pull up a chair if you wanna stick around, but she'll probably be out for a while. I got other folks to deal with, we got incomin', supposedly some kinda gas bomb went off in the Rukon. Nasty stuff." She wanders off, leaving not-Setsurou alone.

2014-06-01, 12:06 PM
"Sometimes someone has ta ask the stupid questions, ma'am." Not-Setsurou replied.

He wouldn't be able to stick around. Someone would end up tracking him sooner or later and figure out he was where he wasn't supposed to be.

Unless, of course, he delegated. All he had to do was find someone minimally competent who could also serve as a voice and/or body double.

It's at times like these that coming from a family of uberninjas helped.

Not-Setsurou made his way out of the west gate and... vanished.

Next thing one knew, he was using one of his personal Bakudou to deliver a message.

A kneeling member of the Onmitsukidou appeared several minutes later in response.

"Hazuma Terumi reporting for duty, sir."


"Huh, that's weird." One of the members responsible for monitoring communications in the SSI cocked her head at the screen.

"What's up, Isana?" Her colleague responded.

"The GPS signal from officer Hishikawa's Reiphone shows he's been in Soul Society for the past forty-five minutes, but there's no record of him using a regular Senkaimon to get through."

"You know how it is without the high-seated. Every now and then they have to coordinate actions between this side and the other. You sure there's nothing wrong with the signal?"

"Well, there IS a tropical storm approaching the coast of the city officer Hishikawa was working at. But they don't tend to scramble our signals that badly. It's just electromagnetic interference, and besides, the storm hasn't hit just yet."

"That just means he'll have to bring it in for maintenance later, I suppose. Just flag it and leave it to the higher-ups. I'm sure it's nothing major."

"I suppose. Oh, he's back in the Mortal World now. Guess you were right. Thanks, Horii."

"No problem."

2014-06-01, 12:35 PM
[Soul Society]
(West Gate Hospital)

While Setsurou is gone, Momoka does not wake, sleeping semi-peacefully.

Momoka is in a forest filled with mist, with her legs crossed, waiting for something. Then... it comes. In a flurry of leaves, another woman forms, with red skin, yellow eyes, mid-length white hair... and a similar-colored pair of racoon ears, with a bushy white-and-black tail. A small set of spectacles sits on her nose, and she observes Momoka with an amused grin, crossing her own legs as well as her arms.

Momoka opens her eyes looking... rather cross. "...I know you had something to do with that."

Yuuazamusha just smirks. "Whatever would give you that idea?"

"...why? You knew that this would be hard enough." Momoka's tone turns sour as she chastises her zanpaktou, a vague flash of pink overtaking her cheeks. "You know I can't afford to hesitate! It is for our own good!"

"Is it for everyone's good, or your own?" Yuuazamusha closes her eyes, no longer smiling. Momoka looks... just this side of furious. "I'm trying to turn you away from the path you're heading down. Your past is twisting your judgement."

"...My past is not a factor." Momoka breathes, regaining her composure.

"Are you sure? You might believe you've overcome your emotions, but I know better."

"...are you going to act against me if I continue?"

"I'm your zanpaktou, Momo. I will fight with you. But that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"...then why do I have bankai? It is said the soul and the spirit must be as one. Why do you toy with me like this?" Momoka looks at her spirit, conflicted.

"The same reason you toy with others. You're damaged, Momo. So it only stands to logic that I am, too. Unlike other people, though, I know how hurt you really are. And I just want to give you a reason to stop."

"...I cannot stop. There is too much at stake."

Yuuazamusha opens her eyes, looking pitiably at Momoka. "I'm sorry I can't convince you otherwise."

2014-06-01, 02:22 PM
"It is a largely irrelevant side project I have tasked to some of our scientists as a personal favor. Connected to our Arrancarification refinement initiative."

2014-06-01, 04:27 PM
A snake on the creature's shoulder opens its mouth. "Irrelevant? Let's see... I suppose it could be a coincidence you decided to check on that project just after a big fish like that old coot came to visit, but I'm not inclined to buy that. Based on your words and inflection and timing, I'd say you're trying to brush it under a rug."

2014-06-01, 04:42 PM
Jehoel snorts.

"It's not coincidence at all. I checked on Project Dalet because I had already opened a communications channel to check on the contextually-relevant Project Bet. If you're that curious, project Dalet is a matter of public record, and its findings and results can be perused in section 2048C of the Grand Library. By all means, though, continue your posturing if it makes you feel better."

2014-06-02, 05:19 AM
"What's Project Bet, then?"

2014-06-02, 05:23 AM

2014-06-02, 05:29 AM
"What about Gimel, then?"

2014-06-02, 05:37 AM
"A recently completed agricultural initiative. The title has not yet been reassigned."

2014-06-02, 10:14 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
[Las Noches District 10]

Closing the screen, Jehoel turns to Turiel, waving at Valentina to join them.

"I don't know, and that worries me. Von Geister himself does not directly worry me; picking a fight with us would be highly illogical. What concerns me is the situation between the Court, the Shinigami, and the Quincy. It's a powder keg waiting to go off, and it's going to be a massive headache no matter how it pans out."

He begins walking.

"What has me worried, however, is Izanami. She was...stable is very strong word, but a non-issue until recently. Now I can't be sure how her shard will act, and I don't think that the Shinigami are taking any of the appropriate steps to deal with it."
Turiel grunts at Jehoel voicing concern. Coming from the old sea serpent, "concern" should probably inspire a healthy dose of "fear" in most others.

"Great. So it's like Athens all over again. And me without a donkey this time."

Best not to ask.

"At this point, do any of the Reapers even know how? Izanagi's long gone, and even the old bat in charge doesn't seem to know a quarter of the stuff he did. And most of the rest of them are young pups in comparison.There's a lot of them, but it's not like how to restrain her was public record or anything."

He scratches his chin.

"You're right, though. Just the Court or the Monks would be a pain. Both at the same time, in virtually the same space, with us in a mutual defense treaty with the Reapers and that new batch of Monks, all at once? Ugh. You know what, I think this is Athens and Shangri-La at the same time."

And then some guy with snakes for hair shows up and tries to act like the big dog in town. Turiel sits back to let Jehoel handle it, though, smirk on his face. Snake-hair was a newb, that's for sure.

[Soul Society]
[Engineering - Surgical Suite A5]

"'course you are, bro from another CO!" She offers a fistbump. Then looks to the can.

"Oh don't worry about it, they're just a little dramatic. I think it's Koutetsu's family brand or somethin'. You know what a bunch of cooks they are." She looks... pretty sure? She's probably had it before, at least, her fridge was packed.
Masaru takes the can and shrugs.

"What's life without mystery and drama?"

With that, he pops the top and drinks the whole thing.

I'm just going to assume it makes him feel a bit funky but otherwise gives him a nice kick of energy, instead of either exploding his heart, turning him into a girl, or giving him explosive diarrhea.

Blinking his eyes at the brief spots he was seeing, Masaru made a slight face at the taste.

"Needs less coconut."

Rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck, he smiles.

"Right. I need to see Koutarou about a collective ass-kicking for some punks in the Mortal World. Stay frosty, Chouko."

He offers her one last fist-bump, and then races off to Command Division.

[Command Division HQ]

It's perhaps a minute and a half later that Masaru lands in front of Command, swords sheathed at his side, uniform fluttering dramatically, new cybernetic arm gleaming. He walks inside, his face set in a grim line as he makes for where Koutarou is.

2014-06-02, 11:23 AM
((I'm not good with timescale, you handle the bodies state.))

"R, right." The man puts the ventilator on, once it's firmly in place he runs off to one of the victims, placing his hands over them and starting the healing process. He seems more confidence in his kaido abilities than he seemed to have in his entire body just a moment before"This wasn't what I expected when I was told that they needed anyone they could get."

Unfortunately, Kaido can only do so much. It recovers reiatsu, it doesn't eject harmful viruses. As the man he's trying to heal chokes on his own blood, he pulls something from his pocket. A pocket-watch? He holds it up, looking up with pale, dying eyes, unable to say anything but desperately attempting to pass it on.

...if he takes it, there's a small photograph on the inside of a young-looking woman holding a six or seven year old boy on her lap. The boy looks an awful lot like him. The owner of the watch just looks to this mystery man with a few nods before his eyes glaze over and he stops breathing.

After a few moments, a calm voice comes from over his shoulder. "...I'm sorry you had to see that." It's the grizzled healer that was just giving him orders a little while ago, folding his arms and looking on sadly.

2014-06-02, 12:11 PM
"Good. You're here.

I'll make this simple, Masaru-kun. Today's mission is one of extermination. No more and no less. Thanks to the sacrifice of Michael Harada, we were able to ascertain the Ghost King's current location. Internal Security has been tasked with neutralizing the geomantic field they've set up.

We're going in, as soon as that field is down.

As a side question... do you still have that belt?"


[A few minutes later]

[Seireitei, Combat Division Courtyard]

With a little help from the Engineering Division, a holographic screen is projected for the viewing benefit of the assembled Shinigami.

Koutarou steps onto a nearby podium (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNalEzDlY58).

"Companions of all stripe and gender.

Today's mission is perhaps one of the most delicate since the founding of Seireitei. As we speak, Erscheinung Von Geister, the Ghost King of All Hollows, and his minions lie in wait at the city of Ikari on the Mortal World. They were the ones responsible for the attack on Seireitei more than three months ago, as well as the death of a number of officers and colleagues in our midst - most recently Michael Harada of the SSI, as well as officers Shiro Yamaguchi, Keitarou Usanagi and Hiijima Sakazuki of the same.

However, thanks to their sacrifice, we've been able to ascertain the exact location of the enemies' main base. Von Geister is much too dangerous a man to be allowed to live, and it is our solemn duty to protect the citizens of the Mortal World. We have confirmation that his corruption already spreads in more ways than one.

I realize some of you may be confused by the objective of this mission in light of our recent alliance with Las Noches. Make no mistake - we have exhausted any and all possibilities before it came to this, and it was made clear to us that diplomacy is not an option. I only wish it hadn't cost us so much.

Shinigami of the Gotei! I come to you not as acting Commander-General but as a fellow soldier. We will not stand for meaningless bloodshed.

We will not stand for meaningless sacrifice.

Today, we fight so that our children and our children's children won't have to. Today we fight for life, to protect us and those in our care!


Koutarou pushed his fist into the air as he spoke to his subordinates, no, his fellow men and women at arms.

And thus the first step was taken.

2014-06-02, 02:20 PM
Unfortunately, Kaido can only do so much. It recovers reiatsu, it doesn't eject harmful viruses. As the man he's trying to heal chokes on his own blood, he pulls something from his pocket. A pocket-watch? He holds it up, looking up with pale, dying eyes, unable to say anything but desperately attempting to pass it on.

...if he takes it, there's a small photograph on the inside of a young-looking woman holding a six or seven year old boy on her lap. The boy looks an awful lot like him. The owner of the watch just looks to this mystery man with a few nods before his eyes glaze over and he stops breathing.

After a few moments, a calm voice comes from over his shoulder. "...I'm sorry you had to see that." It's the grizzled healer that was just giving him orders a little while ago, folding his arms and looking on sadly.The mystery man takes the watch and grips it protectively, eyes tearing up as he looks at it. "I couldn't save them." He tightens his grip on the watch.

"What now, just move on to the next and keep trying?" There wasn't much the man could do to help besides provide kaido, and he knew it.

2014-06-02, 02:47 PM
[Soul Society]

The grizzled healer just runs a hand through his hair, revealing flecks of gray in his relatively short black crop top. With a sigh, he pats his companion on the shoulder. "...they're for the morgue. We focus on the one that's fighting. Maybe she's got a shot. Quarantine to make sure none of the civvies eats it is all we can do. Your call which you want to focus on more, kid. Our job ain't always easy. Sometimes... people just can't be saved. Not against something like this."

In the background, one of this as-of-yet-nameless MedLog member's companions is being lifted onto a stretcher and hauled away. A woman with rather tan skin (which is offset by the pallor caused by the literal disease cocktail she inhaled) coughing blood into a rag, oxygen tubing wrapping around her nose. She's rather cute... a shame if she lives through this, the damage will have already been done.

"...you look green, so just let me give you a piece of advice. Some idiots might tell you not to let it get to you. Well they're lying, or sociopaths. You can't just ignore this s***. It sticks with you. You just gotta live with it, and try to make up for it. Or kill yourself. It happens. But hopefully you've got a few more years in you." He walks off, beginning the quarantine procedure.

2014-06-02, 02:59 PM
The younger medlog officer just stays quiet and listens to his grizzled counterparts advice, as he walks off, the unnamed man attempts to get his attention on last time before he leaves."My name, it's Takumi Tsukino." It seems he had a name after all, as most people do.

If he doesn't turn back, he probably won't hear what came a moment after. "I'll remember your advice."

2014-06-02, 03:06 PM
The man throws up a hand in acknowledgement. "Ueda. Make it a few more years, I might give you the rest." He seems keen to leave it at that.

2014-06-02, 03:42 PM
[Soul Society, Seireitei]
[Command Division HQ]

Masaru's eyes widened a bit at how...ruthless...Koutarou sounded, before nodding.

"Ah, no. It...I guess "crumbled" is the best word, in the fight against Izanami and its aftermath. I assumed its power returned to you. Besides, it was there to draw out my full power."

He shrugged.

"I kind of managed that myself at this point. Didn't give it much thought; part of why I went down there was to get to the point I wasn't relying on anyone else's power. No offense, mind."


[Soul Society, Seireitei]
[Combat Division Courtyard]

Squad Leader Hiraku Masaru stood at attention on the stage to Koutarou's right side, standing at attention alongside the other leading officers for this attack. He stood still, facing straight ahead as Koutarou gave his impassioned speech. His face bore a look of determination and confidence.

When Koutarou finished, he took a single full step forward, and called out.

"Combat Division! Are you prepared?"

With a single voice, every member of Combat Division called out.


Masaru gave a nod and took the same length of step backward. What else needed saying?

2014-06-02, 04:09 PM
[Before the address]

"Actually... it would be more accurate to say it boosted what was naturally yours in the first place. At first, I thought the whole point of it was to 'create power where there was an empty space'.

Now I realize there's no such thing. It goes against the laws of nature. "

Koutarou closed his eyes and concentrated. A spark flew from Kokuden-ou at his waist and flashed to life on his palm.

"The first time I clashed with Von Geister, you were wearing this. I attained new strength then, but I didn't realize why.

In the time I've been away, I could only achieve the full extent of my Zanpakutou's power with the help of another. I've thought about this belt time and again, and I could not understand it until that happened.

On me, the purpose of the belt is to harmonize my power into coherence, and protect me from its overuse. That's why it takes on the form of armor.

But this belt's purpose is to help protect a friend, and to help remind me that I don't fight alone. I can't say for sure, but I think it amplifies one's emotions and changes it into strength, for both myself and the wearer."

He pushed his hand forward.

"I want you to have it. Even if you don't use it. You can put it away in a locker if you like.

But this is yours. And it's not right for me to hold on to it."

2014-06-02, 09:22 PM
Masaru looked thoughtful for a moment, before nodding. He reached out and took the spark, which turned into...well, right now, it seemed to just have a non-specific silvered buckle on a shiny black belt that seemed to appear as he placed the buckle at his waist. Perhaps it has changed due to his own changed nature.

Koutarou can tell that Masaru is calmer, wiser, more mature. He is not perfect (as his temper at Li's "backup" showed), but he has clearly reached, and passed, the point where he is true Captain material.

"Where do you need me on the battlefield, Commander Koutarou?"

2014-06-02, 11:08 PM
"Where you're most suited. You have command of the tactical squad. I trust you'll know the right time to make your move." Koutarou offered Masaru a hand to shake before he moved on to address the remaining Shinigami...

2014-06-03, 08:28 AM
[Hueco Mundo ; Las Noches, next to the Espada]

Before the snake can ask anything else, the mouth on the black-clad creature's face opens up to speak. "I hope you don't mind us asking, but why Hebrew alphabet? We recall this place had a much more oriental feel to it when we first came here. You used to introduce yourself as 'Espada of the Deva Realm', did you not?" The creature places hands behind its back and leans its head backwards, two of its eyes glancing up even as two others remain on Jehoel. Of the rest, one is looking at Turiel, another is following Valentina and the last wanders aimlessly. "Is it because you were Jewish in your human life?"

2014-06-03, 12:56 PM
[Hueco Mundo; Las Noches, following the Espada]

"... what's Project Dalet?", a puzzled voice come from behind Jehoel and Turiel. It belongs to a black-clad figure with seven eyes and a mane of snakes. "Oh... sorry, am I not supposed to be here?"


[Elsewhere in the City; Looking for Tamaki]

Meanwhile, another black-clad and many-eyed creature is skulking around the grand library, hoping to find Tamaki there. It'd heard he'd been training with Jehoel Yurius somewhere, but doesn't know if he ever came back from that trip, or if he opted to stay in Las Noches afterwards. It figured the library was a good place to start looking, as Tamaki had shown himself to be an eager reader. "Tamaki-san? Are you here?"

Tamaki looked up from the book he was reading over Reishi and how various beings interacted with them. It did help very much in understanding his own power and gave insight as to how the beings here viewed it. To Hollow's it seemed to be mostly a food source. To Shinigami building material. To Quincy it was a source of power, much like himself. Looking over at the creature Tamaki adjusted his glasses before speaking in that refined voice of his.

"Ah, your one of the Sin Rostro that Mikael interacted with yes? I'm sorry if I don't know your name, I've been rather busy. Spending half the day training and the other half learning leaves little free time I'm afraid. Can I help you with something? Is time for me to head back to my world?"

5a Violista
2014-06-03, 02:32 PM
[Hueco Mundo; Mikael and Transcending Shadow]

"Four years go, on the side of a sleet-covered road, a man died. It just occurred to me he never got a proper burial."
Mikael extends his hand to offer the box to the Arrancar. It vibrates with a steady rhytm, roughly 60 times a minute. "This belonged to him. I want you to take it to where he died and lay it to rest there. I no longer need it and it's broken anyway. I trust you know the place." Mikael waits for Transcending Shadow to take the box, then heaves the bag off his shoulder and offers it to the Arrancar as well. "The rest is more a personal wish, a suggestion. You don't have to follow it. But I had one of your kindred nick me one of those robot bodies the Shinigami use. I thought, it was a bit unfair for a such young guy to die. I don't mean to himself... well, obviously it kinda sucks to die when you have a life ahead you. But I mean more his friends and family."

"So... I want you to go and pick up where he left. Take his place. Of course, it won't be easy. That's why I think it'd be unfair to order you. You don't need to do that part if you don't like, I can't stress that enough. But... it would give them some ease of mind you did. Please?"

[A few minutes later]

[Seireitei, Combat Division Courtyard]

With a little help from the Engineering Division, a holographic screen is projected for the viewing benefit of the assembled Shinigami.

Koutarou steps onto a nearby podium (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNalEzDlY58).

"Companions of all stripe and gender.

Today's mission is perhaps one of the most delicate since the founding of Seireitei. As we speak, Erscheinung Von Geister, the Ghost King of All Hollows, and his minions lie in wait at the city of Ikari on the Mortal World. They were the ones responsible for the attack on Seireitei more than three months ago, as well as the death of a number of officers and colleagues in our midst - most recently Michael Harada of the SSI, as well as officers Shiro Yamaguchi, Keitarou Usanagi and Hiijima Sakazuki of the same.

However, thanks to their sacrifice, we've been able to ascertain the exact location of the enemies' main base. Von Geister is much too dangerous a man to be allowed to live, and it is our solemn duty to protect the citizens of the Mortal World. We have confirmation that his corruption already spreads in more ways than one.

I realize some of you may be confused by the objective of this mission in light of our recent alliance with Las Noches. Make no mistake - we have exhausted any and all possibilities before it came to this, and it was made clear to us that diplomacy is not an option. I only wish it hadn't cost us so much.

Shinigami of the Gotei! I come to you not as acting Commander-General but as a fellow soldier. We will not stand for meaningless bloodshed.

We will not stand for meaningless sacrifice.

Today, we fight so that our children and our children's children won't have to. Today we fight for life, to protect us and those in our care!


Koutarou pushed his fist into the air as he spoke to his subordinates, no, his fellow men and women at arms.

And thus the first step was taken.

[Soul Society, Seireitei]
[Combat Division Courtyard]

Squad Leader Hiraku Masaru stood at attention on the stage to Koutarou's right side, standing at attention alongside the other leading officers for this attack. He stood still, facing straight ahead as Koutarou gave his impassioned speech. His face bore a look of determination and confidence.

When Koutarou finished, he took a single full step forward, and called out.

"Combat Division! Are you prepared?"

With a single voice, every member of Combat Division called out.


Masaru gave a nod and took the same length of step backward. What else needed saying?

[Hueco Mundo; Mikael and Transcending Shadow]

Transcending Shadow nods and takes the box, treating it as if it's a sacred object from a time long ago.

He looks down at the box again, before responding. All six eyes. "Yes," he says, "I will do that."

"I trust I can find this robot body easily enough?"

[Hueco Mundo also]

Valentina was beckoned over, so she came.

With the once-Sin Rostro there, Valentina once again feels a little unnerved but the past three months' experience has lessened that feeling. They have too many eyes and too many mouths...and they're always looking at everything, as if they can see right through you.

She doesn't speak up.

[Seireitei; Combat Division Courtyard]

Miss Suou is present, and she cheered at the motivating speech. They'll hunt, and they'll emerge victorious!
(I have no idea what to do with her right now, but I really want this character to get back into the action.)

2014-06-04, 09:25 AM
[Hueco Mundo; next to Transcending Shadow]

"Don't worry, we've already spared you the trouble." Based on his voice, it's easy to imagine Mikael is smiling, even though it can't be seen through his bandages. As if on call, another of the uplifted Sin Rostro arrives, carrying what appears to be a flayed human corpse on its shoulder. It lowers the corpse to the ground and places it leaning against a wall. Mikael in turn places the duffel bag at Transcending Shadow's feet. "Farewell."


[Elsewhere; next to Tamaki]

"Our names are not important." It's very hard to read any emotion from the creature's multi-eyed face, but it sounds relieved to have found Tamaki so soon. It digs out a black orb, roughly 10 centimeters in diamater and of some crystalline material, and hands it to Tamaki. "We're here on behalf of Mikael-san. He sends his regards and wants you to know how thankfull he is for you trusting him. You risked your life based on his word, so, in his own words, he 'owes you one'."

2014-06-04, 10:26 AM
[Hueco Mundo ; Las Noches, next to the Espada]

Before the snake can ask anything else, the mouth on the black-clad creature's face opens up to speak. "I hope you don't mind us asking, but why Hebrew alphabet? We recall this place had a much more oriental feel to it when we first came here. You used to introduce yourself as 'Espada of the Deva Realm', did you not?" The creature places hands behind its back and leans its head backwards, two of its eyes glancing up even as two others remain on Jehoel. Of the rest, one is looking at Turiel, another is following Valentina and the last wanders aimlessly. "Is it because you were Jewish in your human life?"

Jehoel's lips twitch in amusement.

"Hebrew was the first language I learned."

2014-06-04, 10:43 AM
"I see. Did people who spoke that language give you your name? Or did you choose it yourself in respect of their beliefs?"

2014-06-04, 10:49 AM
Jehoel shrugs.

"More or less."

2014-06-04, 10:53 AM
"Do you identify with them in other ways, then?"

2014-06-04, 10:58 AM
"Not particularly."

2014-06-04, 03:56 PM
[Soul Society, Seireitei]
[Gotei Command, Control, and Communications Center, Command Division HQ Building]

Those ignorant of war might think that once a plan has been set and soldiers placed on the field, little more needs to occur for success to be assured. They would be wrong.

A truly successful military force maintains constant flow of information between headquarters and battlefield, keeping an up-to-date picture of the overall landscape as well as individual "hot spots". Modern technology, such as radios and computers, makes this a much easier proposition.

But even radios aren't perfect. They can be intercepted, someone can send in an overpowering signal. In many cases, this might cut off the headquarters from the battlefield.

In this case, a wealth of communications beacons scattered around Ikari, along with backpack-size units carried by multiple Shinigami helping provide covering fire and maintaining the hurricane around Acting Commander Koutarou, means that the HQ hears everything the Ghost King said.

And while their uneasy glances mean they don't necessarily believe him 100%, they can't shake the fact that the Gotei has had absolutely atrocious luck for the last 50 years or more.

So they might as well treat the threat as deadly-serious. Luckily, both Izanagi's original iteration of the Gotei, and the most recent force under Commander Li, thought there might come a time that the entirety of Soul Society would need protection. Several of the most brilliant minds among the Shinigami had been scouring library archives and vaults, poking at the fabric of reality, and experimenting with Kido of their own making.

The result was what has come to be known as Project Safe Island. And vigorous aid from the Modsoul forces of the SSI and Engineering Divisions means that instead of only protecting the Seireitei and 1-2 Districts, they can protect a full 75 Districts, though estimates state that the 70th-75th Districts will experience violent earthquakes and general bad conditions. They will remain intact overall, but for safety's sake an evacuation is in order.

Orders are given. Shinigami are notified. Large objects are hurtled to the outskirts of District 75. Kido chants begin. Evacuation warnings and warnings to bunker down in homes and strong buildings go throughout Soul Society.

And a call for aid goes to Las Noches...


2014-06-04, 04:50 PM
Hueco Mundo
Streets of Las Noches

Jehoel's Reiphone begins ringing in the middle of the conversation. Completely ignoring the other member of the conversation, he coolly withdraws it from his pocket and answers.

"This is-"

Jehoel, at this point, has the rare experience of being cut off mid sentence. The people nearby can hear frantic shouting from the other end of the line. Mid way through, Jehoel's hand finds his face and proceeds to get very well acquainted with it.

"I see. We will render assistance."

Hanging up, Jehoel shoots a "listen in" look at Valentina and Turiel as he opens seven Garganta screens. Anyone present may recognize some or all of the leaders of the first Flota's Escuadras. Seeing the opening Gargantas, they turn to face them and salute. The other two screens open up next to Valentina and Turiel and connect to Kyoki and Tinja.

"As of this moment, the Soul Society is being ejected into the Mortal World. While the Shinigami have a counter-measure in place for the first 75 districts, the outer five districts in each direction are currently about to be destroyed in transition. Contingency plan 15, variant 4, is now in effect. Assuming the cooperation of the other Espada-" -Jehoel glances at the others to confirm at least three are on board before continuing- "-we will be handling the North sector of the Rukongai. Remove all troops from regular patrols. Designated refugee zone is Training Ground 10. Naves 111 and 121 are to secure the training ground from potential threats. We're moving a lot of people, and I expect anyone who enters a Garganta to survive. I will be personally overseeing this operation. Now muster your forces and move out."

A series of corresponding affirmatives rings out from the five captains.

Will post a followup once people have had some time to respond.

2014-06-04, 06:17 PM
Hueco Mundo
Streets of Las Noches

Jehoel's Reiphone begins ringing in the middle of the conversation. Completely ignoring the other member of the conversation, he coolly withdraws it from his pocket and answers.

"This is-"

Jehoel, at this point, has the rare experience of being cut off mid sentence. The people nearby can hear frantic shouting from the other end of the line. Mid way through, Jehoel's hand finds his face and proceeds to get very well acquainted with it.

"I see. We will render assistance."

Hanging up, Jehoel shoots a "listen in" look at Valentina and Turiel as he opens seven Garganta screens. Anyone present may recognize some or all of the leaders of the first Flota's Escuadras. Seeing the opening Gargantas, they turn to face them and salute. The other two screens open up next to Valentina and Turiel and connect to Kyoki and Tinja.

"As of this moment, the Soul Society is being ejected into the Mortal World. While the Shinigami have a counter-measure in place for the first 75 districts, the outer five districts in each direction are currently about to be destroyed in transition. Contingency plan 15, variant 4, is now in effect. Assuming the cooperation of the other Espada-" -Jehoel glances at the others to confirm at least three are on board before continuing- "-we will be handling the North sector of the Rukongai. Remove all troops from regular patrols. Designated refugee zone is Training Ground 10. Naves 111 and 121 are to secure the training ground from potential threats. We're moving a lot of people, and I expect anyone who enters a Garganta to survive. I will be personally overseeing this operation. Now muster your forces and move out."

A series of corresponding affirmatives rings out from the five captains.

Will post a followup once people have had some time to respond.

Kyoki's stance was different from those who has seen her a few months ago. It was more sure of itself, though still held quite a few bits of the Kyoki they previously knew. After all she still crossed her right arm over her torso to grasp at her other arm. However she was able to hold eye contact with people at least. She also spoke a little more clearly than before.

"I'll throw in my support of the course of action Jehoel-sama. Though I have to wonder. Just how did Soul Society's enemies managed to shift them to the material plane? It sends almost outside the realm of possibility. Could the same also happen to us?"

[Hueco Mundo; next to Transcending Shadow]

"Don't worry, we've already spared you the trouble." Based on his voice, it's easy to imagine Mikael is smiling, even though it can't be seen through his bandages. As if on call, another of the uplifted Sin Rostro arrives, carrying what appears to be a flayed human corpse on its shoulder. It lowers the corpse to the ground and places it leaning against a wall. Mikael in turn places the duffel bag at Transcending Shadow's feet. "Farewell."


[Elsewhere; next to Tamaki]

"Our names are not important." It's very hard to read any emotion from the creature's multi-eyed face, but it sounds relieved to have found Tamaki so soon. It digs out a black orb, roughly 10 centimeters in diamater and of some crystalline material, and hands it to Tamaki. "We're here on behalf of Mikael-san. He sends his regards and wants you to know how thankfull he is for you trusting him. You risked your life based on his word, so, in his own words, he 'owes you one'."

Tamaki took the black crystalline orb into his hands. He rolled it over his palm in curiosity as it's opaque surface. He held the orb up to eye level as he spoke to the creature.

"Thank you for delievering this. Though, if I may ask, what does it do? Also if Mikeal is sending his regards, I can assume this means that he is leaving Hueco Mundo soon?"

2014-06-04, 07:39 PM
[Soul Society]

Tremors rattle the land as a great influx of contaminated souls streams in faster than ever meant to.

The noble family of Kotetsu has long since abandoned its holds in Rukongai and headed to the main house within Seireitei, along with its servants. Maybe a pick up or two as well.


[Med & Log]

Kotetsu Hideki walks through the facility while the physicians frantically set up earthquake defenses to protect the patients.

[Momoka's Room]

The door to Kobayashi Momoka's room in the medical facilities swings wide open as a masked man stomps in with a folded wheelchair in hand.

The lieutenant readies the chair and unceremoniously picks the sleeping woman up and puts her on it, rolling it off the room and towards the exit, snapping his fingers in front of her face all along the way.

"Wake up, once we are out of this building I have only the vaguest idea of where to go and we're in a hurry."

2014-06-04, 08:25 PM
[Soul Society]
(West Gate Hospital)

Hideki might have only spoken with Momoka once. But even he, in his busying about, is able to witness an extremely rare occurrence. Of course Momoka has slept in the past, but she made a habit of not doing so around others. It was... a defense against her vulnerability. She had no (until recently) moments of true vulnerability in her waking moments, so it would not do to open herself up.

Kobayashi Momoka is without her mask. Her alarming calm, or bemused smile. Her mysterious but undeniably secretive (or deceptive, depending on your suspicion) air. She was merely a woman, as prone to harm as anyone. In this moment it's not exactly hard to think she's quite cute, either. Her black dreadlocks tousled in just a manner that perhaps even those who are not a fan of the style could appreciate it. And of course her pale skin was quite immaculate, almost offsetting the piercings if that was not your preference.

But of course, there were more important things to worry about in the seconds leading up to Momoka being loaded onto the wheelchair. Hopefully Hideki had the sense to grab her soul cutter, although the 1st division haori might weird him out too. She lets out a light whimper as Hideki snaps his fingers, but eventually, she rubs her face with bandaged hands and opens her eyes. She takes a moment to parse his words. The atmosphere. The tremors.

"...I take it the Ghost King has revealed his plan, then." She states this, not questions. Almost like she knew! "For lack of better options, then, we will need to go to the prison complex." Eh? The only thing that was there was supposedly the elevator leading to Masaru's training site.

2014-06-04, 08:48 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
[Streets of Las Noches]

Turiel raises an eyebrow as Jehoel gets the call. He frowns when Jehoel palms his face and he hears the panic over the phone. That's not a good sound, he knows that much.

When Jehoel explains what's going on, he has to walk away for a minute to spit out a couple curses in some mostly-dead languages, before moving back to the group, his face resolute.

"I'm not letting that wannabe "King" or his "Court" win. I'll hit the South side with my teams. Probably going to try and get the outermost 10, or 20 if we can manage it, Districts evacuated. Who knows what it'll be like even inside whatever that countermeasure of theirs is like."

He snaps his fingers and jumps through a Garganta, sticking his head back through for just a moment.

"On frequency 62."

And then he's gone to the Segunda District, where he organizes his 500 Arrancar troops for the trip. After a brief radio contact with Jehoel, he has one of his aides assist him in setting up the phone call with the Shinigami. Then he raises a hand and gives a signal, and a bunch of Garganta spring into being, and the force of Arrancar head out....

[Soul Society, Seireitei]
[Gotei Command, Control, and Communications Center, Command Division HQ Building]

Reports of tremors only spur more activity. Orders are continuously being sent and revised.

Hundreds of Shinigami are pouring into the Rukongi, and whatever fledgling civil service organizations are in place among the people are engaged to help spread the word. The largest focus is on the outlying districts, 40 and beyond. In those places, additional warning is given.

Arrancar in Las Noches uniforms will be arriving. They are there to help. Shinigami will be assisting them in their efforts. Follow directions calmly.

It shouldn't be long before the Arrancar show up, just a couple of minutes, really. And then the people already moving would have a chance to get well beyond the areas predicted to be badly shaken by the transition.

There might be malcontents and criminals crawling around the 80th that wouldn't get warned in time, but with such short notice, it looked like the Gotei would still be giving a warning to all but a small fraction of the population.

Now it was just a race against time to finish the moving of people and the casting of Kido, and all the other steps to make sure everything didn't just fly apart at the seams.

2014-06-04, 08:50 PM
[Soul Society]
[On the way to the prison complex]

She's not his type, truth be said. The aesthetical choices don't help either.

"Yes, he plans to send us all tumbling into the earth. Seireitei is safe thanks to the Shakonmaku, but there are records of another safeguard installed for the Rukongai."

He makes a rush for the complex.

2014-06-04, 09:04 PM
(West Gate Hospital > Prison Complex)

That is quite a trek with a woman in a wheelchair and no shunpo. Momoka sighs, putting a hand to her face. "I had hoped we would have more time to prepare." She looks straight, contemplating. "...what is your opinion on extremely illegal activity for the purpose of keeping the possible balance of all existence intact?"

2014-06-04, 09:07 PM
[West Hospital to Prison]

"I think I can bring myself to overlook it, yes."

2014-06-04, 09:20 PM
(West Gate Hospital > Prison Complex)

"Excellent." Momoka knew it was going to be... quite a setback in her recovery to do this now. But compared to the alternative... She holds her hands out as Hideki moves through the maze of buildings, one palm facing another in a vertical plane. She closes her eyes.

A flash of green energy billows out, forming a circle around Hideki and Momoka, a brilliant box of green materializing in her hands. Then she speaks. "Forbidden Demon Path: Kūkanten'i." And then, they are gone. Along with parts of the surrounding buildings, like the circle cut them out of reality.


The pair realign in existence far below the seireitei, in the frightening deadly garden she and Hei Lin created. The smell of rotting nature hangs thick in the air, and the four iron pillars still stand strong. The walls they took along with them immediately fall and crumble into rubble, as Momoka stands... and then falls over in wooziness. "Hnnn... truly not the most ideal time..." She picks herself up, internally cursing her weakness in this moment. She manages to pull herself back up to the chair, at least, indicating to a binding circle some feet away. Humming with power, it's some minor miracle Masaru never managed to come across it in his tenure.

"We'll be in a slightly... faster time frame than the world above, which may be our saving grace. We're going to extend the field around the Seireitei... for a moment. Li had not exactly counted on me being nearly as efficient as I was with my time. Or perhaps she had. Nonetheless, preparations to be made, and I will likely need your help. How do you fare with the demon arts?"

2014-06-04, 09:27 PM
[Time-Warped Prison Complex]

Hideki is unfazed by the surroundings, probably. Mask.

"I count myself one of the best in all of soul society with hadõ, but my bakudõ could stand to improve. What do you need."

2014-06-04, 09:50 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Las Noches Streets

Jehoel nods at Turiel's estimation.

"Assuming absolute competence from the Shinigami is probably a poor decision. We'll aim to evacuate the highest 15 districts, then."

He looks at Kyoki.

"Muster your Flota and deal with the west districts. Do not hesitate to call me if you require assistance coordinating."

After confirming that everything is set on the end of Las Noches, and that the east districts will be dealt with, Jehoel rips open a Garganta to the Soul Society.

[Soul Society]

Jehoel reappears high above the Shakonmaku, looking down over the entirety of the Seireitei. Extending his range to its limits, Jehoel surrounds himself in a tremendous sphere of Garganta screens, which open up to dozens of massive screens in the skies of the highest 15 districts in each direction. When he speaks, his voice is amplified through the screens, booming across the Rukongai.

"This is the Primera Espada, Jehoel Yurius, speaking. The Soul Society is about to be forcibly shifted into the Mortal World. Most of your world will survive intact, but if this message is clearly visible to you, you are currently in an at-risk location and will be evacuated for your own safety. The Shinigami have requested the aid of Las Noches in this endeavor, and we will be assisting in the evacuation. Grab anything you wish to take with you that can easily be carried and make your way into the streets. Arrancar soldiers will find you and take you to Hueco Mundo until you can be safely relocated to the Soul Society. Your safety is guaranteed, and you will be protected while away from your homes. If you stay where you are, you will die. Your cooperation is appreciated."

Closing the majority of the screens, Jehoel leaves open the ones connected to the northern districts.

"Garganta portals will be opened across your district. Attempt to locate one as soon as possible. They should be found in town squares, major thoroughfares, and other high-population locations. Soldiers will ferry you across in groups."

Snapping the portals closed, Jehoel accelerates across the Rukongai like a comet until he is directly above District 73 North. Extending one palm towards his feet and the other towards the sky, he moves them in a half circle until they have exchanged positions before sliding them together as if praying. He then snaps his arms out to each side, his open palms facing towards the ground.

"Descorrer: Gargantas de la Hidra."

Hundreds of Gargantas open up all across the North Districts 65 through 80. Jehoel's soldiers begin pouring out of them, locating groups of civilians and beginning to escort them through the portals.

KnightDisciple, as Segunda Espada Turiel has 500 Arrancar soldiers under his direct command. He doesn't have to use them, obviously, but he also doesn't have to just round up random people from the street. The military organization of Las Noches is listed in the character registry in my first post.

2014-06-04, 10:58 PM
[Soul Society]
(Time-Warped Cavern)

After being wheeled to the circle, Momoka slowly makes her way to a seated position. "A shame, for this is closer to Bakudõ than Hadõ. But I trust your efficiency, Koutetsu. Sit across from me and repeat the incantation, channeling your energy as best you can. Most of the work is already done for us, helpfully. But to prevent us from entirely being swallowed into the Dangai it must only be a temporary break. We must then use the second incantation to recover the seal." Clapping her hands together, she makes a few somatic gestures before placing her hands on the outer ring of the circle, beginning the channeling.

"One thousand souls to die, fifteen-hundred move on!
One-hundred and thirteen sparrows caught in a godly cage!"

The incantation is long, and at times it looks like Momoka may pass out, but she soldiers through.

((And then moving on to a incantation that I can't be bothered to think up because kido verses escape me.))

2014-06-05, 12:11 AM
[Soul Society]
(Time-Warped Cavern)

Hideki assumes the stance, and follows suit.

2014-06-05, 08:53 AM
[From Hueco Mundo to Seireitei]

When Jehoel receives the phone call, the black-clad figure's all seven eyes fix on him. When he starts giving commands, six of those eyes close. It wordlessly follows Jehoel to Seireitei, but can't keep up as he speed across Rukongai. Hence, it joins the rescue efforts in one of the districts when the Gargantas open.


[Hueco Mundo ; Grand Library of Las Noches]

Tamaki took the black crystalline orb into his hands. He rolled it over his palm in curiosity as it's opaque surface. He held the orb up to eye level as he spoke to the creature.

"Thank you for delievering this. Though, if I may ask, what does it do? Also if Mikeal is sending his regards, I can assume this means that he is leaving Hueco Mundo soon?"

"It is a connection between you two. If you ever need to call in Mikael-san's favor, just imagine he will come, and he will be there. We trust you can do that." The many mouths on the creature's face smile. "Just a word of warning, though: imagining a whole person requires a whole lot of energy. Much more than we estimate your spirit to have. As such, we recommend using an external source of energy. An active volcano would do, like Eyjafjallajökull‎ or Mt. Fuji. So would a powerplant, or a tsunami." The creature takes a step back. "You are correct, Mikael-san and us will be leaving today. You are not required to come. You are free to go where ever you like. Take care." The creature bows, and turns to leave.

2014-06-06, 10:28 AM
[From Hueco Mundo to Seireitei]

When Jehoel receives the phone call, the black-clad figure's all seven eyes fix on him. When he starts giving commands, six of those eyes close. It wordlessly follows Jehoel to Seireitei, but can't keep up as he speed across Rukongai. Hence, it joins the rescue efforts in one of the districts when the Gargantas open.


[Hueco Mundo ; Grand Library of Las Noches]

"It is a connection between you two. If you ever need to call in Mikael-san's favor, just imagine he will come, and he will be there. We trust you can do that." The many mouths on the creature's face smile. "Just a word of warning, though: imagining a whole person requires a whole lot of energy. Much more than we estimate your spirit to have. As such, we recommend using an external source of energy. An active volcano would do, like Eyjafjallajökull‎ or Mt. Fuji. So would a powerplant, or a tsunami." The creature takes a step back. "You are correct, Mikael-san and us will be leaving today. You are not required to come. You are free to go where ever you like. Take care." The creature bows, and turns to leave.

Tamaki nodded respectfully at the creature as it headed on it's way. Rolling the orb around in his hand Tamaki looked down at it's peerless surface as he thought to himself.

'It has been a while. I've trained and learned here. And my power and knowledge have only become greater for it. Still I do miss home.... Very well them. I'll see if I can find one of the Espada to make me a Garganta home. My friends are probably starting to worry about me anyways.'

With that Tamaki got up from his seat and put the book he was reading back on its shelf. He then went to grab Rin and then find an Arrancar that could get them home.

[Hueco Mundo]
Las Noches Streets

Jehoel nods at Turiel's estimation.

"Assuming absolute competence from the Shinigami is probably a poor decision. We'll aim to evacuate the highest 15 districts, then."

He looks at Kyoki.

"Muster your Flota and deal with the west districts. Do not hesitate to call me if you require assistance coordinating."

After confirming that everything is set on the end of Las Noches, and that the east districts will be dealt with, Jehoel rips open a Garganta to the Soul Society.

[Soul Society]

Jehoel reappears high above the Shakonmaku, looking down over the entirety of the Seireitei. Extending his range to its limits, Jehoel surrounds himself in a tremendous sphere of Garganta screens, which open up to dozens of massive screens in the skies of the highest 15 districts in each direction. When he speaks, his voice is amplified through the screens, booming across the Rukongai.

"This is the Primera Espada, Jehoel Yurius, speaking. The Soul Society is about to be forcibly shifted into the Mortal World. Most of your world will survive intact, but if this message is clearly visible to you, you are currently in an at-risk location and will be evacuated for your own safety. The Shinigami have requested the aid of Las Noches in this endeavor, and we will be assisting in the evacuation. Grab anything you wish to take with you that can easily be carried and make your way into the streets. Arrancar soldiers will find you and take you to Hueco Mundo until you can be safely relocated to the Soul Society. Your safety is guaranteed, and you will be protected while away from your homes. If you stay where you are, you will die. Your cooperation is appreciated."

Closing the majority of the screens, Jehoel leaves open the ones connected to the northern districts.

"Garganta portals will be opened across your district. Attempt to locate one as soon as possible. They should be found in town squares, major thoroughfares, and other high-population locations. Soldiers will ferry you across in groups."

Snapping the portals closed, Jehoel accelerates across the Rukongai like a comet until he is directly above District 73 North. Extending one palm towards his feet and the other towards the sky, he moves them in a half circle until they have exchanged positions before sliding them together as if praying. He then snaps his arms out to each side, his open palms facing towards the ground.

"Descorrer: Gargantas de la Hidra."

Hundreds of Gargantas open up all across the North Districts 65 through 80. Jehoel's soldiers begin pouring out of them, locating groups of civilians and beginning to escort them through the portals.

KnightDisciple, as Segunda Espada Turiel has 500 Arrancar soldiers under his direct command. He doesn't have to use them, obviously, but he also doesn't have to just round up random people from the street. The military organization of Las Noches is listed in the character registry in my first post.

Kyoki nodded at Jehoel as the connection was cut. Opening up her own Garganta for communication she contacted the members of her Flota. Doing her best to speak in a strong tone of voice She addressed them, handing down Jehoel's orders.

"Attention Arrancar soldiers! An emergency situation has been encountered by our allies in Soul Society. Soul Society is experiencing a major event, it is being shifted into the mortal world."

The members of Kyoki's Flota were lending her their ear tried to be as neutral as possible in their feelings towards Soul Society. However hearing about the level of the event they were facing even the dismissive ones sobered up quickly. Another thing in her favor was Kyoki's reputation. Defeating Jyn'Hao and taking his position was no mean feat. Now there were rumors that she had gone off for training with Jehoel himself? There were whispers, but the were of respect.

"As you might know forcibly shifting a spiritual plane to the mortal plane can have devastating effects. This is why we will be evacuating Soul Society and bringing the populace here for the time being. Our assignment if the evacuation of civilians in the west sector. Spread out as efficiently as possible and shepard the people through your Garganta's. Time if of the essence and the cooperation of the people is essiential. You have your assignment, now move out!"

With that Kyoki's Flota hopped to attention and started leaving through Garganta's to Rukongai's west sector and proceeded to start ferrying people through. Opening her own Garganta Kyoki stepped through after her men. She too aided in the evacuations, trying to save as many as possible.

2014-06-06, 06:36 PM
[Soul Society, South Districts]

Turiel and his troops appear moments after Jehoel's efforts begin. While not quite as powerful and dramatic as the Primera Espada (nor possessing his skill with Garganta), the Segunda has a lot of help.

The Arracnar troops with him are calm, polite, and professional, placing themselves at regular intervals along main roads and travel lanes. Turiel himself is moving from place to place, ensuring everything is going smoothly.

There are a few rocky moments, but so far everything in South Districts 65 to 80 seems to be going remarkably well.

5a Violista
2014-06-06, 07:08 PM
((Note to anybody waiting for me in the Mortal World: I need to go catch a train right now, and I hope my home's computer can get fixed within the next couple hours. If someone could point out which scenes I need to take into account for when I post there (including having Suou Nicole lead...I'll remember it, definitely), then it will really make it easier for me to catch up, what with everything happening))

[Las Noches]
Transcending Shadow

"Farewell, Mikael," he responds. "Don't forget me, because I won't forget you." Don't forget about Transcending Shadow; when one is forgotten, it's worse than dying.

He only spends a few moments to review what he needs to do now. The box. The Mortal World. The body.

He grabs those and opens a Garganta. (To Europe, I think.)

Then, he goes.


Valentina helps out with the crisis, as well. She doesn't do anything special or noteworthy, except directing others where to go and opening Gargantas and directing the citizens of Soul Society once they arrive in Las Noches. Mostly the latter.

2014-06-07, 03:06 PM

As the evacuation of the Rukon takes place, the violent tremors... eventually subside, somewhat, as a canopy of black forms over the entirety of soul society. This may or may not be more alarming, but to the knowledge of a small few, this was planned. A contingency. Things were just considerably accelerated.

Deep below in the time-warped cavern, Momoka finishes the first of her incantations. She breathes somewhat tiredly after the fact, wobbling slightly on her knees. "...one wishes he had the courtesy to wait until I was recovered." She rests for a few moments before making a few more gestures and setting her hands on the circle.

"Break the fog of Yomi,
Set alight the venerable darkness..."

...high above, it might seem as barely a minute before the veil folds back, the darkness replaced by stars. The tremors resume, but it is different, it is submission to something other than it's own gravity, something that perhaps the spirit plane had never experienced before. From this angle, it's impossible to see, but they are adjusting into the orbit of a great star.

The same star known as the Sun to earth.

But instead of playing into the Ghost King's plans, Momoka set the Seireitei opposite Earth on its own orbit. She could not save all of Soul Society, some pieces escaped and fell into earth, but fortunately they fell well within the empty wastes of Russia.


Momoka, after the second incantation (meant to actually set the destination), promptly passes out after a simple smile to Hideki.

...well. This was awkward. Guess Hideki will have to do some waiting for the elevator.

2014-06-09, 09:59 AM
[Hueco Mundo ; Las Noches]

After it has said farewell to Tamaki, the black-clad Arrancar hurries away. Elsewhere, Mikael and his assistant wave goodbye to Transcending Shadow, then turn around and begin briskly walking away. Six more of the awakened Sin Rostro join them, appearing from various buildings and alleyways along the way. They all meet at the border of Jehoel's district. Mikael glances at the gathered Arrancars, quickly counting them. "One of us is missing. We are they?"

The Arrancar who spoke with Tamaki answers: "They are trailing Yurius-san. Neither they or Yurius are in this city anymore."

Mikael tilts his head quizzically. "Oh? Where are they then?"

The awakened Sin Rostro look at each other, their excess eyes closing so that each only has one pair open on their faces. "They have travelled to heaven."

"Do we know the way?"


"Then there's no point in waiting. Let's go."

Mikael pushes his hand forth, piercing the veil between worlds. Cutting a hole in it with the side of his hand, he creates a pathway for the group to walk through. His cadre of Arrancars form an arrowhead formation behind him, and they all march into the black abyss.


[Some time later ; where Seireitei used to be]

Based on what Mikael had heard of Soul Society, he'd imagined it to be much like Earth. After walking against the flow of hundreds of Arrancars and thousands of people moving towards Las Noches, he'd expected to be greeted by a sight of masses of panicked people, land, lakes, forests, villages, cities. Instead, what he finds is just a big, empty patch of sky. There are no people, no land, no lakes, no forests or villages, and certainly not a single city. In fact, he can't even see the sun. So where does the light come from?

Peering into the distance, he finally finds its source. It's like a wall made of shining blue light, flickering in and out of existence. Looking at it gives him a weird sense of déjà vu. "... haven't we seen that before, somewhere?"

The awakened Sin Rostro arrive, look at each other, and then give worrying looks at Mikael. "Only in a dream, we believe." Their words cause a chill to run down Mikael's spine.

"Let's leave. There's nothing here anymore."

Without further words, the ten of them turn around and walk back into the Void. As the tear in space closes after them, nothing either alive or dead remains behind in that desolate space.

But, a question emerges: where is Jehoel Yurius?

2014-06-09, 12:43 PM

Well then.

Hideki puts her on the wheelchair again, and waits for the lift. Keeping time-slowed tabs on the ongoing dimensional shift through the camera systems around Seireitei. In very slow motion.

Very slow.

Like watching paint dry.

It very nearly takes the sense of disaster out of it.

2014-06-09, 08:21 PM
Not Earth
Where the Seireitei Once Stood

Jehoel Yurius, as it happens, is in the same place as Mikael was until a moment ago. Well, that's not right. He was actually several hundred miles away, but within the space formerly occupied by the Soul Society nonetheless. After ensuring that the evacuation was as complete as it would be, Jehoel issued orders to his captains and made sure the other Espada would be organized in dealing with the refugees, then waited and witnessed the passing of the Soul Society. He now sits, ruminating, in the tainted peace that is left behind.

2014-06-10, 08:08 AM
[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Elsewhere, a very confused black-clad Arrancar falls prone as the ground quakes violently. When the vibrations stop, it stumbles up, its seven eyes wide open from bewilderment. It looks up to the sky, to see that the Sun is no longer at the same position it was before. Neither is there any sign of the dark shadows that clouded the sky just moments ago.

Its head swivels around, looking at the shaken and wrecked buildings nearby. It then turns to look at the massive spherical barrier and a wall of Sekkiseki protecting the city of Seireitei. The hill or mountain at its center looks like it's tilted to the East. Same is presumable true of every tall building within the walls, but they are not visible from the Arrancar's vantage point.

To get a better look, it jumps on a roof, shading its eyes with its hand to avoid being blinded by the Sun. The whole horizon seems to have changed. Where it once used to be a relatively flat line, it's now notably curved. "Where are we?"

2014-06-10, 10:24 AM
[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Kaoru stands atop on the taller buildings in seireitei, shading his eyes from the new sun and trying to right himself from the earthquake. He looks more than a bit irritated, he doesn't get to speak with his zanpakuto that often, between his duties as a member of the yoshida family, or as a member of the reservoir squad, or the fact that the soul society was caught in a chain of unmitigated disasters, meaning that the reservoir squad is constantly busy, he thought that the one day he somehow managed to avoid having anything to do could have been spent in relative peace. "Looks like we have to go back to work early, right, Kuchinawa?" He sighs.

Then an arrancar landed on the roof, one asking a question. (Though probably not one meant for him.) "I don't think I can actually answer that, at least not beyond, seireitei." He immediately perks up with the presence of someone else, besides his new visitor probably isn't from around here, best to give them a nice welcome.

Mina Kobold
2014-06-10, 01:04 PM
[Hueco Mundo - Grand Library of Las Noches]

Rin, having apparently been looking around the library close by, appears from behind a bookshelf. Giving Tamaki a quizzical look, the security guard follows the younger Mortal.

"Talking to someone?"

((I'm not entirely sure how long they've been in Hueco Mundo, so apologies for the vagueness))

[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Someone else seems to have noticed the Arrancar and Kaoru as the two converse. Or rather, someone seems to wish for them to notice that someone.

"Quite sorry, but would either of you be able to lend a hand? I quite hope I'm not late for that evacuation, my superior would be quite distressed if I died."

If either Arrancar or Shinigami looks, the voice is coming from a person, seemingly a Shinigami or Mod Soul, buried under quite a bit of rubble from a wall that didn't quite catch the memo of staying upright when being zapped to the Mortal World. Only an arm and bits of a head are visible.

((I presume it is possible that others were also not evacuated and ended up where Soul Society did. If not, then do ignore this))

2014-06-11, 08:13 AM
[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Two of the black-clad Arrancar's eyes swivel to stare at Kaoru, even as five continue to look around the horizon. The young Shinigami is quite a distance away, standing within the protective walls of Seireitei while the Arrancar is outside in the Rukon. Nonetheless, Kaoru is clearly visible and his voice audible, so one of the snakes on the Arrancar's shoulder shouts a reply: "We would not expect you to have an answer! Indeed, we'd not be surprised if no-one here had one!"

Then, another voice intervenes. Two more of the Arrancar's eyes turn to pin-point the source, seeing an unlucky person pinned under a collapsed wall. Since the Arrancar is closer than Kaoru, it jumps down from the roof and runs to the injured person. Even the largest pieces of rubble don't seem to require much effort for it to lift as it digs around, trying to get a better look at the person's condition. "The evacuation is complete. Don't worry about that. It's just you and us left behind, hopefully. Can you feel your legs? Your other arm?"


[Hueco Mundo ; Las Noches]

Meanwhile, Mikael and nine Arrancars arrive back at the city of Hollows. "Scatter", Mikael commands, and his nine companions speed away, each into different direction. Mikael himself sits down against a nearby wall and rubs his temples. He has a growing headache, caused by a feeling of having forgotten something... it's like a word he should know, one that's just at the tip of his tongue, but he just can't recall it no matter how much he tries.

Fifteen minutes later, the first Arrancar returns. Mikael immediately perks up. "Well?"

The Arrancar shakes its head. "We interviewed some of the returned evacuators. None of them have seen Yurius-san return here."

"What about the other Espada then?"

"No certain information was acquired. They may still be on their way, or they may have already returned to the city and the people we spoke just didn't know it yet. It's also possible some of them got cast away with Heaven, or ended up on Earth. They were seen heading the rescue operations before Heaven... disappeared."

"Where the Hell did it go to, then?"

"... at this moment, we can't even guess."

The two fall silent, Mikael leaning his head on his hands, and the Arrancar looking away uneasily. The humming sound of Sonido alerts them, both turning to look at two more returning members of their group. These Arrancars also shake their heads.

"Our search has proven futile. No-one has seen Yurius return here. We also failed to ascertain positions of the other Espada."

Mikael grinds his teeth ponderously. "Anything else."

The Arrancars nod in unison. "Yes. We heard someone say parts of Heaven, or Soul Society as they called it, have crashed on Earth. Casualties were supposedly minimal due to fast response from Las Noches, but this information could not be verified yet."

"Could Jehoel be on Earth, then?"

The Arrancars shrug. "Possible. It would take days to check, unfortunately. Tentative information suggests those chunks of Heaven fell to Gobi desert and Antarctic. In the time it'd take us to get there, Yurius could..."

"... move anywhere. Yeah, I got that", Mikael grumbles and waves dismissively.

After another wait that feels like forever, the remaining seekers regather. They look at each other, then at Mikael.

"We have ascertained the last sighting of Yurius was just after Heaven disappeared. He did not go with it. As he was the one who created and maintained majority of the portals, it would've made sense for him to leave last."

"Hrmph. Could it be we walked past him? Might he still be there."

Nine Arrancars nod in unison. "That is the likeliest possibility."

"Okay. I'll check that trail." Mikael leans his hands to his knees and stands up. Somehow, the idea of going back to that empty space makes him nauseous, but he pushes it out of his mind. He glances around to count his companions.

"Forget Yurius for a moment. We're still one short. Where are they?"

The Arrancars give worried looks to each other. "We believe he screwed up and ended up moving with Heaven, Mikael-san."

Mikael gives the speaker a blase look. "... can he find his way back to us?"

The Arrancars shake their heads. "As in right now? We don't... believe such a feat is within their ability."

Mikael sighs. "Great. Oh well. You, stay here and watch for the other Espada. If Jehoel gets back here, you know what to do. If I find him, you know where to find us. Go!"

The Arrancars nod, salute Mikael, and then speed away with the hum of Sonido echoing through the streets. Mikael himself reopens the pathway to the Void and begins a harrowing journey back to where Soul Society once stood...


[Not-Earth; where Soul Society once stood]

Jehoel's had the chance to sit undisturbed for quite a while before anything breaks the peace. Then, suddenly, a very weak presence intrudes into the empty space hundreds of miles away. In any other situation, it would likely drown into the background, but in this utter desolation even a single human could be felt at extreme distances, just like a single green photon can be captured by the human eye in pitch-blackness.

The presence floats in place for a few minutes, before starting to move towards Jehoel's direction. It's coming from behind him, but he has plenty of time to turn around and observe the incomer. It's not like there's anything left to obstruct his vision.

"A penny for your thoughts", Mikael Esaja Rautiainen says when he finally gets near to the Primera Espada. He slows down, walking on air with hands tucked into the pockets of his uniform. The uniform itself seems to have given up on trying to imitate the color of its surroundings, and is now uniformly black. Much like Jehoel's own leather outfit.

2014-06-11, 09:24 AM
[Not Earth]
Where The Soul Society Once Stood (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv8SydHgYCM&feature=related)

Jehoel, for once, lacks the commanding aura he usually emits. He does not hold himself as rigidly as he usually does, nor does he look as focused. He almost blends into the void, where he would otherwise stand out through sheer presence. The Arrancar does not even bother to turn around and face Mikael; he has known the identity of the man since the moment he first entered the plane, Jehoel's keen senses identifying him instantly. Jehoel himself is sitting cross-legged on the ground, his hands resting lightly on his kneecaps. He opens his eyes as Mikael speaks, but still does not turn around. For the first time since Mikael has known him, Jehoel looks old. Weary. Almost weak.

"I am an old man, Mikael. A great and terrible one, but an old man none the less. I have seen sights that would inspire awe and terror alike. Caused more than a few myself. And yet, there are still some things that can make me feel small. "

His voice is dull, a complete monotone suggesting a lack of emotion rather than the tight control he usually maintains. His next words are quiet, barely more than a whisper.

"It is a fine illusion, I think."

2014-06-11, 10:53 AM
Mikael sits down next to Jehoel, wrapping arms around his knees. "Let me guess. This place was one of the few constants in your life." He doesn't say anything else in a long while. Then, he digs a cigarette, the kind certain Hasunaga Heiaki likes to smoke, and a box of matches from his pockets. He lights the cigarette and puts it on his lips, draws in the smoke ponderously, tasting it, then slowly blows out.

Then, he takes the still-burning cigarette and flings it to the ground. "Yuck. I thought tasting these would answer the question, but I still can't grasp what's the allure with these things." He throws the box of matches over his shoulder. "Hey, Jehoel. You could've stopped this. Why didn't you?"

2014-06-11, 11:13 AM
"Let me guess. This place was one of the few constants in your life."

At Mikael's comment, Jehoel chuckles. Then laughs, the noise erupting into a booming roar for a second before he quiets down. When the laughter ends, his facade of absolute control has returned. He pulls himself to his feet, brushing dust from his legs.


Simple words, but all he has to say on the matter.

"Hey, Jehoel. You could've stopped this. Why didn't you?"

"Why do I do anything? Because I can. Or, in this case, could. The ability to take action is only meaningful if it is not always exercised."

Mina Kobold
2014-06-11, 11:40 AM
[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Beneath the rubble that the Arrancar is clearing away, it appears that the unlucky evacuee is wearing an old-fashioned Shinigami uniform beneath a heavy long coat. Both articles of attire covered in customised pockets filled with various items, from pens and paper, to hats, to spectacles. Most of it seems to placed with some system, but the amount of pocketed items gives a strange look to the small-framed person.

"Oh dear, that's unfortunate. But I do believe I can feel most of me, if a bit sorel-nnngh"

Sitting halfway up, the pocket-bearer winces in pain. Most of the body beneath the clothing and pockets seems relatively unharmed, if somewhat battered, but a red stain makes it clear that the collapse gashed a wound in the right leg. The bleeding is too limited to be a major artery, but it appears painful nonetheless. The unfortunate stranger winces again and begins looking through a specific pocket, fishing out a roll of bandages and a bottle, preparing to clean and bandage the leg.

"Sorely and painfully, but I most certainly can feel it. I do hope no running will be needed, though."

The now uncovered person looks at the Arrancar with quizzical grey eyes, evidently both wondering who the Arrancar is and if it knows why they're all quite alive. Well, as alive as denizens of Soul Society usually are.

2014-06-11, 07:28 PM
[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Kaoru does his best to close the distance with the lost arrancar, and person in need of rescue, he didn't arrive in time to help, but he's on the other side of the wall now.

He doesn't speak as he does his best to make his way over to them.

2014-06-12, 01:03 AM
[Not-Earth; where Soul Society once stood]

"Why do I do anything? Because I can. Or, in this case, could. The ability to take action is only meaningful if it is not always exercised."

Mikael remains sitting, glancing up to the sky (if you can call it that). "That's not a real answer. No-one ever does anything without motivation. There's always another reason than 'just because we can'. It's not necessarily a very good reason, maybe you were just lazy or curious or afraid. But it has to be here. Even a person who could do anything imaginable would just end up sitting in a cave for years if they lacked motivation." Pause. "... hey, Jehoel. Can I take a look at that knife you always carry with you?"


[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

"We are fairly sure the main event has passed. Take you time", a voice comes from the Arrancar's mouth. The one on its face, that is. "You seem to manage, so we'll be going." The Arrancar turns around, facing Kaoru who's caught up with them. "Ah, you there. Do you think your comrades would let us to that city of yours?"

2014-06-12, 05:38 AM
Jehoel is silent for a few seconds more.

"No, I suppose it isn't a real answer. Once upon a time, it might have been. But you are correct; even I am not that small anymore. I suppose curiosity is my main motivation these days. I just want to create an interesting world. Meet interesting people. Experience something new."

Wordlessly, he withdraws the knife from its sheath at the back of his waist and lightly throws it into the ground in front of Mikael.

2014-06-12, 07:20 AM
Mikael picks up the knife and puts it between his index fingers, trying to see his reflection in the darkened steel but failing. Above them, lingering moisture forms a couple of whispy white clouds. "I hear you. But was that really a good reason to kill Dainichi? I thought he was your friend."

2014-06-12, 07:34 AM
"It is...very, very difficult for someone like me to make a friend, Mikael. I think that putting the way I see the world in human terms would make it quite difficult to understand me."

2014-06-12, 09:17 AM
"I can respect that", Mikael replies. He grabs the knife by the blade, then spins it around with a small throw so that the hilt end up in his palm. Above them, the sky is getting overcast. "Fortunately, I am no longer human. If I want to see the world through your eyes, I can... well, just look." Mikael turns his hand so that the blade points downward. Rise...

2014-06-12, 09:44 AM
Jehoel's eyes widen in sudden, absolute shock as he takes a single step back, then narrow into an avaricious interest. His mouth splits into a wide, thin grin as he leans forward, ever so slightly.


2014-06-12, 09:59 AM
... Leviatán. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onX5b4F7_k4)

Mikael stands up, turning to face Jehoel. He holds the knife at the level of his face. For a second, the blade turns transparent, like water, and Jehoel can see Mikael's face through it. Mikael's left eye is still the usual color of bluish green, but the right... a white, slit pupil stares at the Primera Espada from the middle of an iris of deepest black.

On Mikael's back, the eyes of serpent shine red, and then it lets go of its tail...

And then Mikael drops the knife, and it turns into a pool of water. Despite its apparent shallowness, Mikael sinks into it like an anchor. Above them, the clouds turn dark grey and the air quakes under building electric charge.

A second later, a massive serpenting form bursts from the pool, despite being much too large to have ever fit in it. Great fins spread and cast a shadow on Jehoel as the creature soars to the sky, dark blue scales gleaming. It lets out a roar that could deafen a mortal man, a cry of anguish and the birth-cry of a god at the same time. It twists and turns to look at Jehoel, both eyes now white and black and size of car tires.

2014-06-12, 11:23 AM
Jehoel keeps his stance as Mikael completes the incantation, then leaps back as Mikael descends, fully aware of how explosive the outburst of energy from his Resurrección's activation can be. Having completely recovered from his initial surprise, thoughts race through the Primera Espada's head. This is impossible, yet it makes sense at the same time. It merely required an immeasurable level of strength, a power beyond any other Jehoel has witnessed from a mortal. Emotion, too, surges through the ancient Hollow like a flood. Joy. Curiosity. Violation. Vindication. All swirling and mixing in a maelstrom of feeling, and Jehoel feels alive as he has not in centuries. The rain pours down on him, unnoticed, streaming over his hands and face, sliding from his clothing without purchase. Jehoel spreads his arms wide as the massive form of Mikael, of Leviatán roars into existence above him, his own insane laughter almost lost in the growing storm. As the creature adjusts to its new body, Jehoel shouts out to it, his voice easily carrying over the rain and thunder above.

"Now what, Mikael? What comes next?"

2014-06-12, 12:16 PM
[Hueco Mundo - Grand Library of Las Noches]

Rin, having apparently been looking around the library close by, appears from behind a bookshelf. Giving Tamaki a quizzical look, the security guard follows the younger Mortal.

"Talking to someone?"

((I'm not entirely sure how long they've been in Hueco Mundo, so apologies for the vagueness))

[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Someone else seems to have noticed the Arrancar and Kaoru as the two converse. Or rather, someone seems to wish for them to notice that someone.

"Quite sorry, but would either of you be able to lend a hand? I quite hope I'm not late for that evacuation, my superior would be quite distressed if I died."

If either Arrancar or Shinigami looks, the voice is coming from a person, seemingly a Shinigami or Mod Soul, buried under quite a bit of rubble from a wall that didn't quite catch the memo of staying upright when being zapped to the Mortal World. Only an arm and bits of a head are visible.

((I presume it is possible that others were also not evacuated and ended up where Soul Society did. If not, then do ignore this))

(Since this is after the Timeskip Keveak they have been in Hueco Mundo for roughly 3 months.)

Well at least Tamaki didn't have to look far for Rin. Looking at the woman he nodded at her question in an confirmatory manner.

"Yeah, one of the beings here that Mikael uplifted. He's leaving Los Noches today. I figured since he was doing that it would be a good idea for us to go home as well. We've learned much here and I have gotten far stronger than I was before. That and the people back home might be worried about us. I told my Uncle what was going on before I came here, but we've still been gone a while. So Rin-san, are you ready to go home?"

2014-06-12, 09:19 PM
[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

"We are fairly sure the main event has passed. Take you time", a voice comes from the Arrancar's mouth. The one on its face, that is. "You seem to manage, so we'll be going." The Arrancar turns around, facing Kaoru who's caught up with them. "Ah, you there. Do you think your comrades would let us to that city of yours?"The fox eared young man takes a good look at the arrancar, this could could certainly be the beginning of a group that would stand out in most places. He smiles. "You're from Las Noches, right, I think our peaceful relations might be enough to get you in, even if they aren't, I could always tell them you're a guest of my family and I doubt they'd try to stop us then." There would probably be looks or consequences, but it wouldn't be polite to mention them now.

2014-06-13, 12:56 PM
[Not-Earth; where Soul Society once stood]

The serpentine creature floats in place for a second, then flaps its fins to push itself to a circular orbit around Jehoel. Each cycle it glides closer to the ground, untill its pale underbelly touches the now-muddy ground. All the while, it keeps watching the Espada.

I see now. True. Eidetic. Memory.
Every defeat. Every disappointment.
Each wound received.
Can not. Forget.
Constant. Agony.
It would be. A mercy.
To kill.

The voice does not come from the creature's mouth. It's the howling of the wind, the crackle of lightning and the raindrops drumming the beast's scales that form a voice that is at once as far from human speech as possible, yet perfectly clear and recognizable as Mikael. It is the same voice he used when he first saw Jehoel - the voice of the world.

Back then, Jehoel dismissed the change in tone as irrelevant. It was easy to do then, as Mikael was still using a humanoid mouth to form the sounds. But now, the paradox can no longer be escaped. The signal is transmitted through what by any common standard is nothing but noise. It is to the ear, what certain optic illusions are to the eye. Like circles appearing to be moving despite being still as death, order arises from chaos and turns into comprehensible words in Jehoel's mind.

Breathing. Difficult.
Can not. Focus.
Feel like.

The beast stops circling and raises its head to the heavens. Opening its mouth, it roars.


A sudden gust blows across the emptiness, so strong it threatents to sweep Jeheol off his feet. All the muddled water suddenly rushed up as a strange, inverted waterfall. Raindrops freeze mid-air, then shoot back up towards the clouds.

Amidst the thunderheads, as if drawn by some bizarre tidal force, the water forms into a single giant raindrop. The serpentine creature soars and dives into it from below, coiling inside it like a colossal reedfish in a floating fishbowl. It turns and twists untill it can get Jehoel in its sight again.


[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

The Arrancars tucks at its black robes and then grasps the hilt and sheath of its katana. "Well, it's not like we're that different from you lot. If you just had a few more eyes and your hair was made of snakes, we'd look just alike!" Indeed, Kaoru's own uniform might deviate more from Gotei standard than the Arrancars. A snake on the Arrancar's shoulder speaks: "Oooh, we know! You should get us a mask!"

"Yeah", the snake on its other shoulder replies. "Maybe something with a skull motif? We would really fancy that."

"... that would make us more conspicuous, not less", the other snake says and sighs.

It's going to be a long evening for Kaoru.

Mina Kobold
2014-06-13, 01:13 PM
[Hueco Mundo - Grand Library of Las Noches]

Rin takes a moment to look through a few notebooks, their numbers having grown in the last few months, before nodding. Stretching her neck, Rin affirms her agreement.

"Quite ready. Been way too long away myself, and I don't think I could learn much from this library unless I stayed for a year. Might learn a bit about what won't kill me, but I think being thrown through two walls is enough for this month."

Throwing her arms out, Rin illustrates the point by indicating her now very worn shirt and pants. Singe marks and cuts indicating what the security guard's practice had entailed. The jacket containing notes and assorted items and Rin's outer shirt have been spared the practice, it seems, being in no worse condition than when they arrived.

((I presume Rin would have had a chance to check up on her own powers, then. As those pretty much involve being very very difficult to hurt, that checking up would probably not be good for your sparring clothes))

[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

While bandaging the leg, the unfortunate stranger chimes in on the conversation, sounding somewhere between upbeat and informative.

"Might be able to help there as well, the SSI would very much be expected to be investigating this curious event. Can't promise it'll be believed, but there seems to be little interest in questioning the Institute's actions, even when it is quite fascinating actions!"

While helpful in tone, something about the way the SSI employee speaks indicates that the SSI's definition of 'fascinating' may be closer to other Divisions' definition of 'disturbing'. Nevertheless, the suggestion seems genuine.

2014-06-13, 11:21 PM
Jehoel, still grinning like a madman, never breaks eye contact with the massive serpent. He soaks in Mikael's voice as the man speaks, practically feeling it with his body rather than hearing it with his ears. Jehoel never moves from his spot and never flinches, even as Mikael looms over him. The sight is one that has broken many men, but even staring his own power in the face, Jehoel is resolute.

"Wrong! What's mercy, Mikael? It's useless! A meaningless concept limited to the eye of the beholder! You can never understand another person enough to truly give them mercy! My defeats, my wounds, they are as precious to me as my triumphs. More so, for their rarity!"

As the wind nearly bowls him over, Jehoel adjusts his stance slightly to get a better grip on the ground.

"This is just like I said. You've grasped at a tiny piece of my soul, one you can't even use properly, and you think you can understand me? My pain, my pleasure? As long as you can move forward, life is still worth living! Nobody has seen everything! There's always something new to experience! Something else interesting! It just has to be found!"

Despite his words, Jehoel doesn't seem to be defending his own life, more debating philosophy.

2014-06-14, 07:48 AM

The serpent swims lazily inside its bubble.

Ah. Yes. Revelation.
I am. Beginning. To.

Ever since the time he walked behind Jehoel to his cave, Mikael has felt strange kinship with Jehoel. Yet, his comprehension of the Arrancar has been superficial, limited to brief glimpses and guesswork.

Why? If they were truly similar, grasping each other's thoughts should be a piece of cake. So what's the difference, then? What is the barrier between the two minds?

Previously, Mikael thought it was the obvious issue of age. Jehoel is older, more experienced. He has seen things Mikael has not. But now, an alternative explanation presents itself.

This form. Has no. Hands.
To. Build. With.
To. Create.

Only a maw.To consume. With.
Teeth. To. Pierce with.
A body. To. Crush.

The power stolen from Jehoel allows Mikael to do something he was unable to before: to browse through his own past, as if each moment is eternal and perfectly preserved. He realizes it is the same experience felt by and described by Tamaki. He remembers and watches how he, as a child, broke all his toys... but also put them back together, each time. Maybe Jehoel could not do the same?

Is. That. It. Jehoel?
You. Can not. Create.
After. All. These. Years.
You still. Think. Like.
A. Fish?

But wait. Was Mikael, is Mikael much different himself? Did he ever really add variety to things he rebuild, did he ever really improve them or make something new? Or was he just following blueprints, from craddle to grave? Didn't he say to Tamaki: "I lack your imagination"?

The serpent leaps out of the bubble, making a wide circle above the thunderclouds before diving down towards Jehoel. This time, it makes no corrective maneuvers, instead seeking to butt Jehoel with its head... or, as might be the more likely consequence, pick him up on its forehead.

Show. Me. Sword.
Of. The.

2014-06-17, 10:50 AM
[B][Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

The Arrancars tucks at its black robes and then grasps the hilt and sheath of its katana. "Well, it's not like we're that different from you lot. If you just had a few more eyes and your hair was made of snakes, we'd look just alike!" Indeed, Kaoru's own uniform might deviate more from Gotei standard than the Arrancars. A snake on the Arrancar's shoulder speaks: "Oooh, we know! You should get us a mask!"

"Yeah", the snake on its other shoulder replies. "Maybe something with a skull motif? We would really fancy that."

"... that would make us more conspicuous, not less", the other snake says and sighs.

It's going to be a long evening for Kaoru.
While bandaging the leg, the unfortunate stranger chimes in on the conversation, sounding somewhere between upbeat and informative.

"Might be able to help there as well, the SSI would very much be expected to be investigating this curious event. Can't promise it'll be believed, but there seems to be little interest in questioning the Institute's actions, even when it is quite fascinating actions!"

While helpful in tone, something about the way the SSI employee speaks indicates that the SSI's definition of 'fascinating' may be closer to other Divisions' definition of 'disturbing'. Nevertheless, the suggestion seems genuine. Kaoru seems... less than convinced of the arrancar's comparison of their appearances, but "eye of the beholder" "I don't think I could get you a mask on short notice, and I have to agree with... One of you? that it would only draw attention." He looks back to the stranger who is arguably the least strange here. "I haven't visited the SSI in a while, but if it's the way I remember it, I'd rather not stay there for long, nothing personal." He looks back to the arrancar "Well, you're our guest here, What do you think about visiting our science institute in your search for an answer?"

2014-06-17, 02:19 PM
[SEIREITEI, INTSEC TRAINING YARD: Prior to the declaration of war against Von Geister]

"That was a good first step, Satoshi. I'm proud of not having to deny you're my pupil." Urameshi teases.

"Now repeat fifty times. I want to see your aim improve. By the end of it you'll probvably be able to cast faster too."

Man, was he a slave-driver...

A slave-driver, maybe, but there was no arguing the results of his methods. It takes a couple more stumbles, but after the tenth successful casting, Satoshi starts to retain bits and pieces of his approach. The act of invoking Hado #40 is becoming less and less of a strain on him, albeit only gradually. What's more, his accuracy improves as well, and by number 30, at least two of the four needles strike the heart of their targets every time.

He's learning.

By day's end, he's managed to muster about forty-five of Urameshi's assigned fifty invocations. His stamina hasn't fared as well as one might hope, though, and he barely manages to fire off number 47 for his fatigue. He's almost ready to admit defeat when he hears a voice that's been absent from his mind for three months now.

You're not giving up now, are you, Satoshi?

(You shut it,) he snaps inwardly. (Everyone has their limits; knowing mine has kept me and kicking this long.)

It's also been holding you back. You can't get away with avoiding risks forever. A soldier's life is always on the front line; if you can't at least accept that, you may as well relinquish your sword and your title now.

(Shut your trap! I'm not going to stand here and take that kind of crap from an absentee Zanpakuto. If I'm not measuring up, then why are you even still here?)

There's a lull in the inner debate as Satoshi summons the strength to cast Taihyokugi for the forty-eighth time.

(You tell me that I'm holding back...that I'm not trying hard enough...but what have you done, huh?! How much have you helped?! Not at all, that's how much!)

Forty-nine. All four icicles strike the bulls-eyes this time.

(You're so freaking quick to talk smack about me being a coward, not taking risks...I've been working myself to the bone to help keep this place safe! Where were you all that time, huh?! What risks were you taking?!)

And there's fifty. Another quartet of perfect hits.

(And now you think you have the right to judge me, just like that?! Who the hell do you think you are?! You useless dullard!!)

Fifty-one...? The targets are just about shredded by this point, but he launches the Kido anyway, ignoring the fact that he's already met Urameshi's quota.

(The next time I hear your voice, it had better have a name for me, or we're going to have some real big problems, you understand?! No more sitting on the sidelines; either you're in, or you're out!!)

...I've given you my name many times. You're the one who fails to comprehend it.

(Then say it in a way I can understand!! Show me who or what you are!! Do something, anything, except heckle me from the nosebleed section!!)

Fifty-two...and that's all he can get out of his second wind. Satoshi finally expends the last of his strength and drops to one knee, exhausted and near collapse. The voice in his head offers no reply to his angry ranting.

(Fine, be like that,) he relents. (What good are you, anyway...? You won't even show yourself...Who's the real coward here...?)

((So much drama, I know, but I wanted to actually get something done.

Hate to be a bother, but has very much time even passed since Koutarou's declaration of war?))

2014-06-19, 07:24 AM
[Hueco Mundo - Grand Library of Las Noches]

Rin takes a moment to look through a few notebooks, their numbers having grown in the last few months, before nodding. Stretching her neck, Rin affirms her agreement.

"Quite ready. Been way too long away myself, and I don't think I could learn much from this library unless I stayed for a year. Might learn a bit about what won't kill me, but I think being thrown through two walls is enough for this month."

Throwing her arms out, Rin illustrates the point by indicating her now very worn shirt and pants. Singe marks and cuts indicating what the security guard's practice had entailed. The jacket containing notes and assorted items and Rin's outer shirt have been spared the practice, it seems, being in no worse condition than when they arrived.

((I presume Rin would have had a chance to check up on her own powers, then. As those pretty much involve being very very difficult to hurt, that checking up would probably not be good for your sparring clothes))

Tamaki nodded at the woman who accompanied him to this world. It was something though, that this seemingly ordinary woman who had no powers of her own last he saw would come here with him. Though more than likely he was an afterthought on her journey here, much like she was with him. They did their own thing when they got here and made sure to check up on each other. Not much other than that though.

Still it was time for them to get going. With all the hustle and bustle around Los Noches it was relatively easy for them to find and Arrancar that could send them back to Ikari. After gathering their things and double checking their possessions they would be on their way back home. However, they would find that home was very different these days.

2014-06-20, 02:31 AM

The serpent swims lazily inside its bubble.

Ah. Yes. Revelation.
I am. Beginning. To.

Ever since the time he walked behind Jehoel to his cave, Mikael has felt strange kinship with Jehoel. Yet, his comprehension of the Arrancar has been superficial, limited to brief glimpses and guesswork.

Why? If they were truly similar, grasping each other's thoughts should be a piece of cake. So what's the difference, then? What is the barrier between the two minds?

Previously, Mikael thought it was the obvious issue of age. Jehoel is older, more experienced. He has seen things Mikael has not. But now, an alternative explanation presents itself.

This form. Has no. Hands.
To. Build. With.
To. Create.

Only a maw.To consume. With.
Teeth. To. Pierce with.
A body. To. Crush.

The power stolen from Jehoel allows Mikael to do something he was unable to before: to browse through his own past, as if each moment is eternal and perfectly preserved. He realizes it is the same experience felt by and described by Tamaki. He remembers and watches how he, as a child, broke all his toys... but also put them back together, each time. Maybe Jehoel could not do the same?

Is. That. It. Jehoel?
You. Can not. Create.
After. All. These. Years.
You still. Think. Like.
A. Fish?

But wait. Was Mikael, is Mikael much different himself? Did he ever really add variety to things he rebuild, did he ever really improve them or make something new? Or was he just following blueprints, from cradle to grave? Didn't he say to Tamaki: "I lack your imagination"?

The serpent leaps out of the bubble, making a wide circle above the thunderclouds before diving down towards Jehoel. This time, it makes no corrective maneuvers, instead seeking to butt Jehoel with its head... or, as might be the more likely consequence, pick him up on its forehead.

Show. Me. Sword.
Of. The.

From his position on the ground, Jehoel recoils as if he has been slapped when Mikael brings up the physical limits of his Resurrección. It seems that for all of his filters, this is a subject he cannot control his emotions about, or at least forms some degree of a chink in his emotional armor. Despite this, the moment of vulnerability is less than a second long, all told. Within a heartbeat, he has recovered to a neutral expression and looked back to face Mikael directly once again. Underneath this, though, he was impressed. Nobody had ever been able to simply figure out his limitation before with simple guesswork. Mikael had managed to do so within an extremely limited window, albeit with some help from being able to very literally see through Jehoel's eyes.

"Aye, there's the rub. My soul lacks a fundamental spark. The essence of humanity, of intelligence. I cannot create something new, cannot find inspiration in what is around me. I can twist, modify, corrupt, purify, or combine, but not create."

When Mikael rams into the place he was standing, Jehoel has already moved to his counterpart's head, standing over his eyes.

"Sword of the Gods? What makes you think I have any such thing? Let me tell you the truth of our world, Mikael. Gods don't exist. Or if they do, they have never revealed themselves to me. And I have lived a very long life. "

2014-06-20, 06:40 AM
[SEIREITEI, INTSEC TRAINING YARD: Prior to the declarativo of war against Von Geister]

A slave-driver, maybe, but there was no arguing the results of his methods. It takes a couple more stumbles, but after the tenth successful casting, Satoshi starts to retain bits and pieces of his approach. The act of invoking Hado #40 is becoming less and less of a strain on him, albeit only gradually. What's more, his accuracy improves as well, and by number 30, at least two of the four needles strike the heart of their targets every time.

He's learning.

By day's end, he's managed to muster about forty-five of Urameshi's assigned fifty invocations. His stamina hasn't fared as well as one might hope, though, and he barely manages to fire off number 47 for his fatigue. He's almost ready to admit defeat when he hears a voice that's been absent from his mind for three months now.

You're not giving up now, are you, Satoshi?

(You shut it,) he snaps inwardly. (Everyone has their limits; knowing mine has kept me and kicking this long.)

It's also been holding you back. You can't get away with avoiding risks forever. A soldier's life is always on the front line; if you can't at least accept that, you may as well relinquish your sword and your title now.

(Shut your trap! I'm not going to stand here and take that kind of crap from an absentee Zanpakuto. If I'm not measuring up, then why are you even still here?)

There's a lull in the inner debate as Satoshi summons the strength to cast Taihyokugi for the forty-eighth time.

(You tell me that I'm holding back...that I'm not trying hard enough...but what have you done, huh?! How much have you helped?! Not at all, that's how much!)

Forty-nine. All four icicles strike the bulls-eyes this time.

(You're so freaking quick to talk smack about me being a coward, not taking risks...I've been working myself to the bone to help keep this place safe! Where were you all that time, huh?! What risks were you taking?!)

And there's fifty. Another quartet of perfect hits.

(And now you think you have the right to judge me, just like that?! Who the hell do you think you are?! You useless dullard!!)

Fifty-one...? The targets are just about shredded by this point, but he launches the Kido anyway, ignoring the fact that he's already met Urameshi's quota.

(The next time I hear your voice, it had better have a name for me, or we're going to have some real big problems, you understand?! No more sitting on the sidelines; either you're in, or you're out!!)

...I've given you my name many times. You're the one who fails to comprehend it.

(Then say it in a way I can understand!! Show me who or what you are!! Do something, anything, except heckle me from the nosebleed section!!)

Fifty-two...and that's all he can get out of his second wind. Satoshi finally expends the last of his strength and drops to one knee, exhausted and near collapse. The voice in his head offers no reply to his angry ranting.

(Fine, be like that,) he relents. (What good are you, anyway...? You won't even show yourself...Who's the real coward here...?)

((So much drama, I know, but I wanted to actually get something done.

Hate to be a bother, but has very much time even passed since Koutarou's declaration of war?))

Satoshi will find Urameshi's hand upon his back as he collapses, patting it in encouragement.

"Now THAT'S what I like to see. That's the kinda drive you had all along, kiddo.

Don't let it get to your head though. I want to see perfect repetitions next time. For today, you get a pass for trying above and beyond what I instructed you to."

His compliment sounds genuine even if the prospect of working him even harder might frustrate Satoshi.

(( It's been a matter of hours, really. Koutarou issued the declaration, the operation went underway, SS got dislodged from where it was, and next they'll be coming back.))

2014-06-20, 10:12 AM
[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Kaoru seems... less than convinced of the arrancar's comparison of their appearances, but "eye of the beholder" "I don't think I could get you a mask on short notice, and I have to agree with... One of you? that it would only draw attention." He looks back to the stranger who is arguably the least strange here. "I haven't visited the SSI in a while, but if it's the way I remember it, I'd rather not stay there for long, nothing personal." He looks back to the arrancar "Well, you're our guest here, What do you think about visiting our science institute in your search for an answer?"

"A science institute sounds like a good place to start with, yes", the answe comes from many mouths at once - the one on the Arrancar's face, and those belonging to the snakes on its shoulders and mane. "We do hope they're not gonna dissect us, though", one of the snakes adds as the Arrancar walks alongside Kaoru towards Seireitei.


[Not-Earth; where Soul Society once stood]

From his position on the ground, Jehoel recoils as if he has been slapped when Mikael brings up the physical limits of his Resurrección. It seems that for all of his filters, this is a subject he cannot control his emotions about, or at least forms some degree of a chink in his emotional armor. Despite this, the moment of vulnerability is less than a second long, all told. Within a heartbeat, he has recovered to a neutral expression and looked back to face Mikael directly once again. Underneath this, though, he was impressed. Nobody had ever been able to simply figure out his limitation before with simple guesswork. Mikael had managed to do so within an extremely limited window, albeit with some help from being able to very literally see through Jehoel's eyes.

"Aye, there's the rub. My soul lacks a fundamental spark. The essence of humanity, of intelligence. I cannot create something new, cannot find inspiration in what is around me. I can twist, modify, corrupt, purify, or combine, but not create."

When Mikael rams into the place he was standing, Jehoel has already moved to his counterpart's head, standing over his eyes.

"Sword of the Gods? What makes you think I have any such thing? Let me tell you the truth of our world, Mikael. Gods don't exist. Or if they do, they have never revealed themselves to me. And I have lived a very long life. "

As Jehoel jumps up, the serpent veers upward, but its belly rubs agains the ground and digs a long groove in its wake before it manages to soar again. It soars above the thunderclouds before resuming flying in a lazy circle. Mikael can't see where Jehoel went, as the Arrancar is standing in a blind spot of the serpent's vision, but Mikael can hear and feel him well enough.

Ha. Ha. Ha. You don't have.
Such a thing.
You. ARE.

Below them, the thunderclouds swirl around the sphere of water, like surface of an ocean in turmoil. Above them, new clouds start form, becoming a new layer of the storm.

That was. The. Moniker.
Given to you. By.

Simultaneously, Jehoel can feel a new sensation, like a faint vibration emanating through the serpent's body and crawling up his leg. Suddenly, an image forms, a memory that wasn't there before. Overlapping with scene of the storm, Jehoel can see a piece of rocky desert, with Tamaki and Yamada Katsuo standing on it. He remembers being there and speaking to them, despite the fact that he was never there and the words make no sense when spoken by him... or do they?

"Your friend Chuck made a big deal of my name. How it was so ironic to him I am named after protector of mankind. As if I chose that name." Mikael starts scraping the dust back together. "I wonder if he'd been happier if I'd told him what I told people in Europe - to call me no-one."

Mikael makes a third sphere, then stands up. He casts a sad look at Katsuo through his shades. "What your friend forgot was that angels of old were scary creatures. There is a reason the host said 'Fear not!' to the shepherds. Because most other times, angels were sent as messengers of God's judgement, to destroy those who'd wronged him."

"But no God has made itself known to me. In his absence, who am I to decide who should live or die? Protection of one often requires destruction of another."

The serpent continues laughing, each chuckle a crackle of lightning far below.

Ironic. Isn't it?
For the beast.
And the angel guarding it.
To be. The same.

The serpent jerks its head up violently, trying to throw Jehoel off.

Ironic. For. One.
Named after. A Lord's Angel.
To. Not. Believe.
In. Him.

2014-06-20, 09:21 PM
Where Soul Society Once Stood

As Jehoel jumps up, the serpent veers upward, but its belly rubs agains the ground and digs a long groove in its wake before it manages to soar again. It soars above the thunderclouds before resuming flying in a lazy circle. Mikael can't see where Jehoel went, as the Arrancar is standing in a blind spot of the serpent's vision, but Mikael can hear and feel him well enough.

Ha. Ha. Ha. You don't have.
Such a thing.
You. ARE.

Below them, the thunderclouds swirl around the sphere of water, like surface of an ocean in turmoil. Above them, new clouds start form, becoming a new layer of the storm.

Jehoel easily keeps his balance on top of Mikael's head despite the incredibly unstable footing. He gazes into the thunderstorm without flinching, well used to the sight and sound and feel of the rain and wind and thunder. He breathes in deeply. The storm is familiar. In many ways, he is the storm, and it is him. He has seen this view a hundred times before from different eyes, but now he experiences it with his human body, and it is different indeed. He smiles, a little.

"As quick as ever. You know, Mikael, you're still the only one who laughs at my jokes."

That was. The. Moniker.
Given to you. By.

Simultaneously, Jehoel can feel a new sensation, like a faint vibration emanating through the serpent's body and crawling up his leg. Suddenly, an image forms, a memory that wasn't there before. Overlapping with scene of the storm, Jehoel can see a piece of rocky desert, with Tamaki and Yamada Katsuo standing on it. He remembers being there and speaking to them, despite the fact that he was never there and the words make no sense when spoken by him... or do they?

"Dainichi, yes. He-"

Jehoel rocks unsteadily on his perch as the memory strikes him, inflicting itself on his mind.

"Your friend Chuck made a big deal of my name. How it was so ironic to him I am named after protector of mankind. As if I chose that name." Mikael starts scraping the dust back together. "I wonder if he'd been happier if I'd told him what I told people in Europe - to call me no-one."

Mikael makes a third sphere, then stands up. He casts a sad look at Katsuo through his shades. "What your friend forgot was that angels of old were scary creatures. There is a reason the host said 'Fear not!' to the shepherds. Because most other times, angels were sent as messengers of God's judgement, to destroy those who'd wronged him."

"But no God has made itself known to me. In his absence, who am I to decide who should live or die? Protection of one often requires destruction of another."

Jehoel blinks. And from him, a memory flows into Mikael.

Blood. Dirt. The screams of men and horses. Two armies clash, drawn together by some petty force of human politics. Jehoel cares little. He is not here to observe these soldiers, tiny and small as they are. Humans such as they are not interesting. Not individually. They cannot be; even one with potential will be ground to dust by the world before it bends to his will. Such is the nature of the society these strange beings have created.

To Jehoel's sharpened senses, the battle is a riot of sensation. He can hear bronze bending and flesh tearing, see the individual swings and stabs that decide the soldiers' fates, feel the thundering roar of battle, and even taste the blood in the air. That, however, is no what he is here for, either. He circles the skies above, soaring lazily. He can feel it as still more souls are torn from their body, and with an effort of will he stills them, preventing them from passing from this spot into that which awaits them. Confused, the souls mill through the battlefield, staring impotently at both friend and enemy alike.

None have yet noticed him. His favorite part is yet to come.

Jehoel blows out a breath, placing one hand over his heart.

The serpent continues laughing, each chuckle a crackle of lightning far below.

Ironic. Isn't it?
For the beast.
And the angel guarding it.
To be. The same.

The serpent jerks its head up violently, trying to throw Jehoel off.

Jehoel makes no effort to resist Mikael's attempt to throw him off, flying off through the storm before landing gracefully in the air. Lighting crackles through the clouds around the two serpents, thunder shattering the silence before Jehoel speaks once more.

"Jehoel. A name given to me by one who witnessed my transformation from my war form, what would become my Resurrección, to my true form. An angel, who held back the Leviathan. That's what he thought I was. A legend I had already created with my exploits, now with another chapter added by accident. I was so pleased to be given a name that I didn't even kill him."

Ironic. For. One.
Named after. A Lord's Angel.
To. Not. Believe.
In. Him.

Jehoel spits, an act of aggressive blasphemy that seems otherwise out of character for the even tempered Arrancar. A bolt of lightning turns inwards from the clouds and tries to strike Jehoel, but he casts a hand out to the side and takes the bolt of lightning on his palm without damage.

"Don't talk to me about a god, or gods, or God. I have seen more of this world than any alive. The very concept of such a being is a violation against the beauty of these worlds. It is not a matter of faith, Mikael. It is a matter of what I have seen, and more importantly, what I have not seen."

2014-06-21, 08:48 PM
[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

"A science institute sounds like a good place to start with, yes", the answer comes from many mouths at once - the one on the Arrancar's face, and those belonging to the snakes on its shoulders and mane. "We do hope they're not gonna dissect us, though", one of the snakes adds as the Arrancar walks alongside Kaoru towards Seireitei. Kaoru gives up on making eye contact with each speaking head around this point, it's just too disorientating. What he does do is start rambling the whole way there, wandering from topic to topic. "It's okay, let's go, I won't let them dissect you, or me, or anyone else around here, though they do seem like the types to try it in there, ooh, or maybe they'll have someone willing to make headphones that fit me, or maybe I should ask engineering about those." Hopefully he isn't leaving the arrancar too vexed with him.

2014-06-23, 02:06 PM
[SEIREITEI, INTSEC TRAINING YARD; prior to the declaration of war]

Satoshi will find Urameshi's hand upon his back as he collapses, patting it in encouragement.

"Now THAT'S what I like to see. That's the kinda drive you had all along, kiddo.

Don't let it get to your head though. I want to see perfect repetitions next time. For today, you get a pass for trying above and beyond what I instructed you to."

His compliment sounds genuine even if the prospect of working him even harder might frustrate Satoshi.

(( It's been a matter of hours, really. Koutarou issued the declaration, the operation went underway, SS got dislodged from where it was, and next they'll be coming back.))

((Alright, thanks for that. I need to figure out what role he'll be playing when that whole thing starts, even if he's just warming the bench back home.))

Satoshi barely reacts to Urameshi's request; it actually makes sense, considering the usual escalation of his expectations. More surprising is the note of satisfaction in the senior Shinigami's voice, something the newbie's only heard directed at himself a couple times before.

"You got it, se...sensei," Satoshi rasps as he gets to his feet. He's rather shaky after all that exertion, but he can definitely carry his own weight. As he goes to gather his things, he notices his zanpakuto resting on top of his other gear; this shouldn't be quite so interesting, but he's sure that it was lying beneath some other supplies the last time he checked. He carefully picks up the sheathed weapon, whose scabbard also has a slightly heavier, more polished feel to it. "This isn't...your weapon, is it, sensei...?"

2014-06-23, 02:24 PM
It's a stupid question on at least two levels. The first being that Satoshi can see Urameshi's Zanpakutou at his waist, an elegant but otherwise fairly nondescript black-hilted, silver-guarded, dark green-scabbarded affair.

The second being that there was no reason for him to leave his belongings with Satoshi's. Least of all his sword.

"You must still be dizzy after all that casting. Of course that's your sword, not mine."

2014-06-24, 07:41 AM
[Not-Earth ; Where Soul Society Once Stood]

The serpent, confused by the sudden influx of foreign memories, plummets and dives back into its bubble. So this is what it feels like. Interesting. The memory, too, is interesting. It's like a taste of fresh meat, leaving Mikael craving for more. He floats lazily for a moment, before raising his vast head to look at the Arrancar.

It. Figures. You would. Dislike.
Thought. Of. A. Creator.
After all.
You. Are the mightiest.
Yet. You can not.
Create. A.


The serpent swims a circle, playfully chasing its own tail.

Yet you dress. In black.
Seal your power. In a blade.
Carry souls. Of the. Dead.
From one world. To.

You even. Made a throne.
For yourself.
The only distinction.
Between you. And.
Gods of Death.
Is that. You do not. Call.


[Orbiting the Sun at Sun-Earth Libration Point Three]

Kaoru, the Arrancar and the stranger arrive at the closed gate of Seireitei. "So, what happens next?", one of the snakes asks. "That thing looks quite heavy. Is someone going to let us in?" The Arrancar waits for Kaoru to signal the gatekeepers and for them to come and check who's knocking.

((OOC: someone else can NPC the Shinigami reaction to an Arrancar requesting entry.))

2014-06-24, 03:42 PM
It's a stupid question on at least two levels. The first being that Satoshi can see Urameshi's Zanpakutou at his waist, an elegant but otherwise fairly nondescript black-hilted, silver-guarded, dark green-scabbarded affair.

The second being that there was no reason for him to leave his belongings with Satoshi's. Least of all his sword.

"You must still be dizzy after all that casting. Of course that's your sword, not mine."

The question was worth asking, though, because this weapon is clearly not Satoshi's Asauchi...and then the thought occurs to him:

This is not his Asauchi...which means it could only be one other thing. One way to know for sure, of course.

Gripping the scabbard in one hand and the hilt of the sword in the other, the novice Shinigami slowly draws the Zanpakuto and exposes its pristine, polished blade to the setting sun. The form of a majestic eagle, its wings held outstretched, gleams as its engraved edges catch the light against the surface of the steel, just above the hilt guard. The weapon feels lighter than its precedent, more balanced as Satoshi weighs it in his hand. This isn't any ordinary piece of equipment; it's his weapon, formed to fit his ability as a swordsman. Excitement washes over Satoshi like a shower of relief as he feels a familiar presence resonating from the Zanpakuto.

...How's this for a start?

(This'll do...This'll do just fine.)

Suddenly, there are shouts of panic coming from all across Seireitei. Satoshi scans the horizon and sees a cloud of peculiarly-colored smoke rising from off in the distance. "What on earth...?"

2014-06-24, 04:04 PM
"...return to IntSec HQ, Satoshi. Tell them on my authority to ready for crowd control." Urameshi uttered those words and blurred out in Shunpou shortly thereafter.

2014-06-24, 10:37 PM
Jehoel rolls his eyes.

"Oh, yes, I've never heard that one before."

He shakes his head.

"All valid points, except that I dress in black due to my possession of an outfit of unique and convenient material; this suit is, in modern terms, superhydrophobic. I spend a lot of time in the rain. And it was a gift. My blade, and the changes that accompany it, were wrought from a botched and extremely melodramatic suicide attempt, not design. The scenario I have created within Las Noches is a deliberate mirror to the Shinigami, yes, but it is only one piece in my ambitions, a means to an end. The throne represents power of all kinds, not aspirations of godhood. And only the most foolish Shinigami claim to be Gods of Death in the traditional sense. It is a title, a profession, not a delusion."

Jehoel's eyes narrow into thin slits, and his eyes change colors abruptly, flashing briefly into the yellow and black characteristic of Hollows before resuming their usual deep blue coloration.

"And as for your belief that I am envious of a creator...you couldn't be more wrong. I've come to terms with my limitations, Mikael. I won't pretend that it doesn't infuriate me, enrage me almost beyond belief, but I can deal with that. All of my emotions are exaggerated in strength. That doesn't mean I cannot control them. It was one of the first things I learned to do after they were forced on me. No. I do not hate gods because of some kind of pathetic, infantile jealousy of their capabilities."

2014-06-25, 01:39 AM
[Soul Society]
(Prison Complex) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTFdB8cn13Q)

There is a *ding* as the high-clearance elevator to the depths of the prison complex arrives at the top.

And after a long, long day (from their end of things), Hideki and a still-unconscious Momoka exit. Who knows, the engineering lieutenant/co-captain might even stop outside to look at the change in scenery above them. Although really, it looks just about the same to the untrained eye, but his high-tech equipment can notice the variations in barely visible star patterns through Soul Society's (or perhaps the planetoid it landed on) atmosphere, as well as the dimensions and position of the sun.

Well then. This was certainly a thing.

2014-06-25, 07:10 AM
Oh look, someone's waiting for Momoka and Hideki with a wheelchair to transport the patient back to the hospital!

Someone who's definitely not Setsurou. Nope.

2014-06-25, 08:00 AM
[Not-Earth ; Where Soul Society Once Stood]

Hah. Hah. Hah.
But that. Is. The point.

The snake nibbles and gnaws at its own tail.

Shinigami. Deva. God.
It. Does not. Matter.
What you decide. To call.
You still. Stand above.
Men and Hollows. Both.
You still. Do the. Job.
Men have. Worshipped.
Lesser creatures.
And considered. Greater ones.
To be. Something Less.
Yet. If there ever. Was.
A. Being. Worthy of the title.
It was. You.
It's not. A delusion.
It's a statement. Of. Fact.

The serpent looks back up at Jehoel.

Indeed. I would not.
Be surprised.
To. Learn.
The Shinigami. Share.
Your disdain.
Towards. Gods.

It leaps out of the bubble and soars, untill its eyes are level with the Arrancar. Then, it just floats lazily in the air, supported by some strange green light under its bulk and fins.

But do tell.
If not. Jealousy.
If not. Disappointment.
At yourself.
What is the reason.
For. Your.

2014-06-25, 09:29 AM
[Hueco Mundo - > Soul Society]

Turiel's evacuation procedures had finished moments before the Great Shift (as he was already thinking of it in his mind). He'd helped keep the people occupied by producing strange and wonderful metal sculptures from nowhere for a bit, before returning to Soul Society's new location (he could somehow detect the large amount of spiritual energy there, on top of the two scouts he'd left behind providing a sort of "beacon" for him).

He'd spent a few minutes looking around, clucking his tongue and shaking his head.

Finally, he'd ripped open a new Garganta and returned to the evacuation zone.

"Right then, can everyone hear me? Good! Good. Okay. So, the damage is bad enough it seems the outer 10 districts are basically gone, and the next 10 are roughed up. We're going to be bringing you to District 58, which is distant enough from the damage everything is okay. My boys found a few Shinigami out there keeping order and whatnot.

What we're going to do is bring back groups of 30 at a time for a bit. As they get the ball rolling, we'll increase the numbers. But you may have to wait a while nonetheless. We apologize for this, but considering the situation, just dumping all of you back there seems ill-advised. Some of my staff will be providing you with refreshments if needed, what reading materials we could get our hands on, basic sleeping mats, things like that. Please try to make yourselves comfortable. If you have questions, look for the staff with a golden sash around their waist. Please don't crowd them out. Thank you."

With that, the Segunda Espada began the business of moving men, women, and children back to Soul Society in carefully-organized groups. It was a bit like herding cats; he'd done that once, too, and it was not the most fun he'd had, he could tell you that for sure.
[Mortal World - > Soul Society]
[Seireitei Senkaimon Facility]

The teams Masaru had led were already back in Soul Society and clustered not far from the Gates when Masaru and Chouko went through the interdimensional portals. The pseudo-Captain of the Pack frowned at all of his troops just standing there looking up.

"Hey now, everyone ought to have something better to do than look up at the-WHAT THE **** IS THAT?!?!"

The most emotion he'd shown in a while, Masaru was staring up at the sky...that clearly didn't match what you could have seen just a couple of hours ago. His mouth actually hung open as he tried to process the situation.

2014-06-25, 10:01 AM
[Soul Society]
(Outside the Prison Complex)

Hideki has his eyes in the sky as they leave, indeed, his equipment knows.

He pulls out his card and puts it on one of Momoka's pockets, before rolling her chair over to the person who is not Setsurou and then stomps off to the Senkaimon yard.

2014-06-25, 03:05 PM
"...return to IntSec HQ, Satoshi. Tell them on my authority to ready for crowd control." Urameshi uttered those words and blurred out in Shunpou shortly thereafter.

"Y-yessir," blurts Satoshi as Urameshi dashes off. Quickly gathering his belongings and sheathing his new Zanpakuto, he rushes off to IntSec HQ to relay his mentor's message. Along the way...

(I take back what I said before: I don't want to try to learn your name just yet.)

Oh? Why is that?

(Because I'm hoping, praying that I won't need to even use my weapon on anyone in Soul Society...especially not in Rukongai.)

...Soon enough, Satoshi will show up at IntSec's main complex. Calling his colleagues' attention, he will explain, "Listen up: we've got a situation out in Rukongai! Urameshi-sensei wants everyone on alert while we learn more about what's happening; if anyone raises a ruckus, there's sure to be trouble, so we need to stay on our toes!"

2014-06-25, 03:17 PM
[Soul Society - ELP*³]
(Prison Complex - Outside)

Luckily there is a simple pocket in the gown Momoka is wearing, otherwise Hideki would be sort of stuck. Or awkward.

Momoka stirs only slightly as he hands her off to Not-Setsurou.

(Senkaimon Grounds)

Chouko bumps into Masaru, and nearly falls back. She's since removed her respirator, the thing was uncomfortable after all.

She looks to Masaru with some annoyance. "...what're you gawkin' at?" She follows his eyes, slipping on her visor.

"...huh. Lookit that."

Bass, Duet, Presto, and Interlude just look up, sunglasses reflecting the light dramatically.


2014-06-25, 03:20 PM
[Where Soul Society now stands; Seireitei, Gotei HQ]

Meanwhile, a modsoul that named itself "Lily" drinking tea at the HQ lobby, sitting at the Duty Officer's desk while reading through what appears to be a botany book. The Duty Officer isn't appreciably bothered by its presence, even though the white labcoat stands out like a sore thumb amidst all the black-clad Shinigami. They're both waiting for Acting Commander Ishinomori Koutarou to show up.

2014-06-25, 04:12 PM
Koutarou arrives in relatively short order, accompanied by an officer from Medlog. Apparently, he had declined checking in for injuries suffered during the battle shortly after arriving, so the officer is here precisely so he can make sure their leader isn't too busy pretending he wasn't hurt in the struggle.

He appears unfazed by Lily's presence. As with the lack of ceremony in this entire situation, the Acting Commander-General removes the top part of his Shihakusho, begrudgingly, so he can be examined.

"I need answers. The first one, obviously: where are we now?"

2014-06-25, 04:18 PM
Lily looks up from the book, then resumes reading it as Koutarou is being checked. "Not Earth", it answers dryly.

2014-06-25, 04:37 PM
"More details, if you'd be so kind." He replies, deadpan.

2014-06-25, 04:41 PM
"In Soul Society, within the Shakonmaku, Gotei Headquarters lobby, Duty Officer's desk. Standing roughly two meters away from me." Lily flips a page.

2014-06-25, 05:08 PM
"Current location of Seireitei?"

2014-06-25, 05:31 PM
"That's like asking where 'current location' of any given city on Earth is. For all practical purposes, they're in the same damned spots for years and years. Even if they technically tumble through space along with the planet, spinning and revolving at hundreds of kilometers per hour. Or was it thousands?" Lily closes the book. "You're worrying about the wrong thing. Some of the peripheral districts got loose and dropped on Earth, but everything else is pretty much as it used to. Oh, this orbit will get unstable and we'll collide with Mercurius, or Earth, or the Sun, in some few thousand years. But that's not what I'd call an immediate concern."

2014-06-25, 05:38 PM
"So I lost the opportunity to end the Ghost King's schemes, as well as a portion of Soul Society, all on my first day acting as the Commander-General." Koutarou sighed. If he smoked, this would be the time he'd light up. "I wonder how many minutes until they fire me."

2014-06-25, 05:43 PM
"There's a letter of resignation in the top drawer in the office", Lily remarks. "But before you continue walloving in self-pity, I'd rather you come and take a look at some files with me."

2014-06-25, 05:45 PM
"Sure, why not. Might as well look like I'm working right before the hammer comes down."

2014-06-25, 06:05 PM
The modsoul takes the Acting Commander outside, towards the central radiomast looming over the ancient buildings of brick and stone. Next to it is a rather small and unassuming steel... box would be more describing than a building.

Koutarou should know what it is. It is Gotei's central telecommuncations bunker, housing the main servers for all computer and radio traffic in Seireitei. He probably never has been in it, though. Only a few specialized technicians have any real business there, any information worth of note is distributed to other servers and accessible remotely.

"Commander-General Zheng Li Lin speaking. Access requested", the modsoul says to a small panel on the side of the panel, next to a rather unassuming steel door. It sounds eeriely much like the absent Ex-Commander. A while passes, and the a reply comes through:

"Ya tryin' to fool us with a record or sumthin'? We know the old coot's not 'round there parts anymore. Who is it?"

Lily glares at the panel, shrugs, and turns to Koutarou. "I believe this is where you come in."

2014-06-25, 07:03 PM
"This is Acting Commander Ishinomori Koutarou. I am currently accompanied by a modsoul. We need entry into the facility."

He's actually surprised Lily didn't just try to make an impression of himself, first.

2014-06-26, 12:53 AM
"Ya kiddin' me? Ya the guy with electromagnetic powers! I spend better part of a week fixin' all the stuff ya messed up with dat missile of yours! No way in Hell I'm letting ya near any of my babies!"

Lily coughs.

"We both know he's an elephant in a china shop, but the data we need is classified on a highest level. It only exist on paper and on your mainframe, and the paper is not something the Acting Commander can really read." Koutarou might notice Lily clutching the botany book a bit tighter. "And no, you can't just send it to us. Too high chance of information leak, as evidenced by the case with files involving the Ghost King and imprisonment of his court."

A momentary silence follows, followed by a begrudging response: "... Acting Commander Ishinomori, please stand still at one meter's distance of the door and keep your eyes open, please."

2014-06-26, 08:54 AM
It's worth noting his powers are sealed right now, and he has no reason to release them inside the facility.

In any case, Koutarou doesn't mind doing as the technician asks. He's just wondering what the hell is Lily up to...

2014-06-26, 09:59 AM
A small slit on the door opens and a light is shone on Koutarou's eyes. The door opens and lets them into a small corridor ending in a similar door. It appears to be some sort of an airlock. The outer door closes behind them, there's a moment of waiting, and then the interior door opens with a small hiss.

"Welcome to my humble dwellings. Try not to break anything", a greyed male Shinigami mutters and bows. Past the interior door, things don't get much less cramped. The room beyond is dominated by three large, metallic containers with large ventilation ducts attaching to the outer walls, roof, and floor. They hum steadily, and through their transparent service hatches, Koutarou can catch a glimpse of large fans and engines. On the floor to the right, there's a large hatch. Several thick bunches of cords and cables descend down next to it. The sides of the room are lined with server racks and to the left, there's a large display screen. The cords and cables surrounding it look more like flesh than metal or plastic. It... looks like it's somehow grown from the surrounding metal. Before it is a desk and three chairs. At the corner behind the hindmost metal container, Koutarou might catch a glimpse of another door.

"So. What do ya want to see?", the man sourly asks.

"List of all research projects requiring Vice-Commander level clearance or above", Lily hurries to tell.

The man gives the modsoul a dubious look, then places his hand on the desk. It lights up, revealing an infrared keyboard that was previously invisible. The man's fingers tap on it for a moment, before he glances at the screen and then moves towards the back door.

"It's voice controlled. Knock yerself out. I'm gonna catch coffee." The man leaves Lily and Koutarou to their devices, though Koutarou gets the feel they're still being monitored. It's just not obvious how.

On the screen, lines of text start to scroll down, some grey, some red. Koutarou doesn't get much of a chance to read them before Lily says: "Scroll down to projects completed within last four months."

Hundreds of lines flash by until only a handful of names remain. Most of them are in red, marking them high priority.

"That first one's a project by the Ministry of Defense to protect Soul Society from extraplanar invasion", the modsoul explains. "The icon flashing next to it means it has been recently activated. I believe it's part of the effort that shifted us to our current orbit." The entries below it have names like "Project Akai Ekibyõ", "Project Tokyo", "Black Dragon" and "Project Fury".

"Oh? That's interesting. Show details of Project Akai Ekibyõ", Lily states. The screen zooms into the name and new text becomes visible, while some pictures of some spiralling and crystalline... things are holographically projected before Lily and Koutarou. The top of the file reads: "Biological weapons research; vaccination plan for Rukongai citizens. Strain I prototype completed. Strain deemed unsafe for usage and all samples moved to bioweapons storage facility. Strain Z prototype completed and tested on artificial souls. Vaccine ready for testing with Pluses and Shinigami".

"Hnn. A farewell gift by researcher Harada Michael, it seems", Lily remarks while scrolling down the file. "Seems like he managed to create a synthetic carrier mechanism analogous to La Plaga Blanca. That means we now have means for ensuring legacy of Shinigami powers without relying on blind luck or powers stolen from the Ghost King. Next file."

"Project Tokyo" is attributed to Takenaka Chouko and Castus Vern, and basically informs Koutarou that Gotei now has a single, functional delivery mechanism for nuclear warhead. The warhead itself is noted to be safely in storage within Internal Security facilities. Huh. That's odd. The file also notes a request has been made for building more such weapons, as well as nuclear power plants and enrichment facilities into Seireitei within timespan of the following two decades.

"Black Dragon" is just a short note, informing that Hiraku Masaru has been sent off to train for Bankai. It doesn't tell any details.

"Project Fury" turns out to be a really big document filled with legalese. The abstract informs Koutarou that it's a long-term plan for "removing problematic spiritual elements from amidst human population of Earth and integrating them into the spiritual community". The project is being evaluated by the Central 46.

"There's still a lot of other stuff finished by Engineering and SSI, but I think these five were the ones Zheng-taichou most wanted you to see", Lily says. "Anything you'd like to see, or do you want to go back to that defense project?"