View Full Version : Storm-peace between elf and drow?

2014-01-27, 03:04 AM
Storm-peace (a concept I read about in "A Dark and Stormy Knight") states that when on neutral territory (e.g. forest cave) sentient beings seeking shelter shall not fight while a storm rages outside.

Would such a truce be possible between a drow and a gray elf?

2014-01-27, 03:51 AM
Possible? Of course.

Likely at all? Nope.

Especially not from the Drow side, unless they are unusual drow. Elves and drow are just too bitter of enemies. Also, drow are CE in the extreme, and would be unlikely to honor a truce, any truce, unless it benefits them (in this instance, if they are wounded/low on spells and the grey elves are strong - in which case the grey elves would likely just kill them), and even then, they're likely to go back on it at the first opportunity. Hell, some would even break the truce even if victory wasn't assured, because they're so attracted to "chaos"; they just love tricking and screwing people over.

EDIT: If the "storm" outside was something else, like say, a dragon intent on killing all those elves, then yeah, they'd probably band up, because nobody wants to get eaten. They can always fight later (the drow would probably turn on the elves just as the dragon is defeated or about to be defeated).

2014-01-27, 03:55 AM
going to second the 'nope'

Drow honestly backstab so much they backstab just to backstab.

Besides when delaing with such diametrically opposed beings as youhave suggested.. is there really 'neutral groun'd same would go for a gnome and kobold

dwarves and orcs etc etc

2014-01-27, 09:11 AM
Agreeing with the "nope" factor though it could be some interesting rp.

2014-01-27, 03:51 PM
You have to trust that they'd actually at least try to go along with it rather than instantly backstab you, otherwise you're better off just dealing with the pain of having the fight you wanted to avoid.

With Drow and Elves, there exists no possible common ground or trust there.

2014-01-27, 04:13 PM
If we are talking about the entire subspecies then I have to echo no.

If we are talking about individuals, then I would say that there is a possibility. I was thinking along the lines of the 80s movie Enemy Mine.