View Full Version : Help me save my character!

2014-01-27, 09:41 AM
I'm finishing the second chapter of Paizo's Rise of the Runelords AP (NO SPOILERS PLEASE) and my character might be about to die. I'm an Evocation Wizard 6 / Fighter 1 planning on prestiging into Eldritch Knight next level (it's a low-op campaign), and I've been playing the character since level 1, so I don't want to die right before I get to my prestige class.

We found out that the boss is at the top of an old abandoned clock tower, so the rest of the party (super high-op Fighter 7, a Sylvan sorcerer 7 with bad spell selection, and a Rogue 7) start trying to climb the stairs. However, they're old and creaking, and the sound of the rickety stairs might alert the enemy to our presence. So I thought to myself "I'm a mid-level Wizard. Am I really gonna take the stairs?" I carry the rogue (she's the lightest) and fly up straight through the middle. At that point, the boss hears the rest of the party, goes over to the big bell, and drops it on us. I get a Reflex save to avoid it, on which I roll a natural 1. The DM then gives me a fly check to see how quickly I can move, on which I roll a 5. The session ends there.

What should I do? This bell is about ten feet across, and the DM said we might be able to fit inside it if we were lucky. It's from 90 feet above me, so it's moving at terminal velocity. Somehow, that's only supposed to do 9d6, which I could probably survive. Still, I'm looking for a better way than just taking the damage. Do you have any ideas?

I thought about dropping the rogue (we're halfway up the tower, so she could survive the 9d6 from falling), flying straight up, and attacking it with my spell storing greatsword. I have Frigid Touch in it for an extra 4d6, so if I attack it, I'd deal 2d6 base + 7 from strength + 4d6/2 (energy damage deals half to objects) + 9d6 fall, which averages in the 50s, but I found out how much health it would have* and that's not nearly enough to break it.

I also thought about Fireballing it, but that wouldn't break it and then I'd have molten metal flying on my head at terminal velocity.

I wanted to use Feather Fall on it, but it's larger than Medium.

I have a bonded object, so I can cast any one spell from my spellbook, which follows:
1st-level: Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Charm Person, Silent Image, Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat, Identify, True Strike
2nd-level: Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Frigid Touch, Invisibility, Bull's Strength, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, False Life, Bear's Endurance
3rd-level: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Flight, Displacement, Haste.

Kol Korran
2014-01-27, 10:19 AM
Ok, a few thoughts and questions:
- You're directly under it? By 10 ft across, if you mean it's the bell's diameter, 5 ft might be enough to move out of it's way.
- There are two ways to break items: One is by Sundering their hp. The other by making a break DC. but the rules only give DCs for breaking down doors. found here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/damaging-objects#table-dcs-break-burst-items). I'd imagine the DC to be quite high (Iron door or more) to just break throuh the bell mid flight, but perhaps to have unknown resources... Thought to mention it.
- The spell list isn't that useful. Perhaps "Bear's endurance" to survive the hp damage from being hit by the bell (9d6 you said?) and being "dropped" down another 9d6... Not quite sure of the situation.
- Ask the DM if you might get a reflex save to avoid or push/ roll the bell over you and down. Might be worth a shot?
- Oh! I just noticed Haste! Did you know that:

All of the hasted creature's modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed using that form of movement. Might this enable you to get away in time?

Sorry if this doesn't help, Not quite sure what more to add...

What are you versatye magic items? (Not the +X stuff) other stuff? Can you quickly get into a bag of holding or such?)

Demonikus Aber
2014-01-27, 10:28 AM
you could cast expidictous retreat, and retreat faster than the bell can fall.

2014-01-28, 12:25 AM
If you are a boss at flying you could try to fly/fall down faster than the bell then pull up right before the ground so that the bell falls around you but not on you (this is risky). Big Ben's bell weighs about 660 lbs and is 70% more massive than you bell (assuming your bell has the same height as big ben's bell) (your bell could weigh around 390 lbs). The way I see it you could either bulls str up and catch it (dropping the rogue) or use your bonded object to cast flight on the rogue and catch it together.
Good Luck and I hope this helps :smallbiggrin:
I hope I didn't kill too many cat girls there....
link to carrying capacity stuff (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/alignment-description/carrying-capacity)

Edit: Actually, that is a lot cleaner. V

2014-01-28, 01:05 AM
You can affect more than a Medium size creature with Feather Fall! You get one Medium size creature or object per level, with Large creatures counting as 2 or Huge as 4. The bell shouldn't be larger than Huge so just target it, yourself and the rogue.