View Full Version : [13th Age] A rather steep descent (IC)

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2014-01-27, 01:30 PM
It came out of the sky. Shining ice blue, vaguely cone-looking, very slowly but unmistakenly descending, it was the latest and most powerful arcane manifestation in a month when strange signs rose above the clouds, dazzling explosions blasted the air at 3 km high, and it rained dangerous/or and mystical creatures repeatedly. Still the people of Aspis, the Shieldmaden of Glitterhaegen, were unprepared when it actually hit them. Dubbed as the Tear of Wrath, it was the first actual magical phenomenon that, in a blinding flash oflight, actually hit the city during that month of heavens at war. It didn't explode. It didn't smash. It didn't even open a hungry jaw and start eating the unworthy, as a freshly formed doomsday cult insisted that it would. Its effect was teleportation of the people of Aspsi, their animals and some of their belongings.

Aspisians opened their eyes, surprised and delighted (or not) to be alive at first and then squinting in puzzlement, for none of them recognised their surroundings. Suddenly, the warring skies had given their place to a vast cavern and scores of stalagmites, the pleasant if sensible houses to large elaboratedly carved stone habitats and the very trees to stern, mostly dwarven statues and devices which seemed to be hexagonal streetlamps, none of them working

It became clear that this city, quit larger than Aspis, once housed dwarves but has been abandoned for centuries, if not millennia, and remains unrecognised even by the dwarven population. oo little has been explored apart from the few districts where the Aspisians initially found themselves but it is evident that the city lies next to a huge subterranean lake. It consists of three distinct levels, the middle one couple with an actual port carved in the very stone, its bowels piered by a thousand tunnels. The stonework's quality is excellent, and in many places the natural formations have been incorporated into the design.

Suffice to say, the townfolk is in an uproar. Despite the council's efforts to maintain order, a significant percentage of the populace has decided that looking for someone to blame is just what the doctor ordered. The quick decrease of basic provisions, sudden violent deaths of people straying too far from the middle part of the city, disappearance of fortunes and above all the darkness itself furtherly endanger the Aspisians' future. After the third consequent inconclusive meeting of the town council to take place, Lady Amelia Petalbrook, president of the Alchemists' guild, decided to call on a team of "troubleshooters" to alleviate the current grim situation.

One after another, the potential troubleshooters arrived to her residence. Lady Petalbrook is an old halfling woman with a face burnt more than once, keeping her gray har short and her attire impeccable. Most of her new residence has been taken over by alchemical equipment but there are enough furniture for a modest guest hall along wuth a painting or two depictic idyllic pastures. The elderly halfling is sitting on a simple metal chair too large for her, a brawny half-orc woman in banded armor standing by her side. Something grenish is bubbling in a pot at the far corner of the room.

"Welcome, welcome. I'm so glad to finally have you here" she tells you in a voice too young for her frail body. "There is much to be done, much to be done indeed. But first of all...you haven't met before, have you? I believe you should introduce yourselves. You are going to work together for quite some time, after all."

Although I may make the rolls myself in the future to quicken things, I'd like you to roll your relationship dice now, please :smallsmile:

2014-01-27, 01:31 PM
The OOC thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=327875)!

Our illustrious protagonists

Rook the Human Sorceror (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16875937&postcount=3)
Nal'tor Kerin Altar, the Barbarian of the Silver Folk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=773968)
Draven Forgeson, the Dwarf Bard (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnzHSWwdVLKwdHMyUXdqOFJvczJsZGQ5WWZjYUxrU lE&usp=sharing)
Violet Lofquist the Human Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16877410&postcount=12)
Milltyn Goodfellow, the Halfling Fighter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)
Anvil Fire-heart the Half-Orc Paladin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?327875-13th-Age-A-rather-steep-descent-(OOC)&p=17219063&viewfull=1#post17219063)

The ever-expanding list of NPCs
Character name|Location(Residence or the place where you met first)|Race|Notes

Algartha|New Petalbrook Manor|Half-Orc |Bodyguard serving Amelia Petalbrook
Katrillaxia|The Chamber of Mirrors|?|?
Nomisser, Eraldo|The house at the Bridge of Heroes|Human|Member of the Alchemists' guild, twin of the deceased Gorrit
Lady Amelia Petalbrook|New Petalbrook Manor|Halfling|President of the Alchemists' guild


(More stuff to come soon)

2014-01-27, 01:34 PM
A look around the lighthouse







The lighthouse
The second shipyard
Animal Pens or some sort of subterranean farms
Sunken ruins
Monsters lurk underwater
House of Lore and Wave
Large, prominent tower
Mine entrance
Huge stairs
Town of gigantic proportions
Unknown city
Dungeon of extremely blatant taste
Austere building
Unusually large concentration of bright green fungi
Tomb (?)
Fungi "forest"
(Map-Only) Crystal trees and spiderwebs

2014-01-27, 02:19 PM
'Welcome, welcome. I'm so glad to finally have you here' Nal'tor Kerin Atar takes a step forward, turns to face his audience and spreads his arms widely, aping Lady Petalbrook subconsciously. 'There is much to be done, much to be done indeed. But first of all...you haven't met me before, have you? I believe I should introduce myself. You are going to work for me for quite some time, after all.'

With those words he bows deeply, little crystals sewn into his armor clattering quietly, accenting his words and asking for attention. 'I am, you see,' he continues, his arms still wide open, 'an answer to all of your questions, all your fears and worries, but also to all your hidden desires and prayers, because I am Nal'tor Kerin Atar reawakened, rediscovered, reborn, restored, rewinded, retracted and then re-given and rebound!' He lifts his arms higher and higher, as a priest talking to his believers, until the blade of his naginata, which he still holds in one hand, scratches the ceiling. Then his exalted monologue comes to a halt and he looks around at the faces in front of him. 'Do you know any good words starting with "re"? Appropriate for my position, of course. I like those words you know, they are like little fluffy puppies. Yes, puppies. Don't get me wrong, I like kittens too. Maybe even more, actually. Do you like kittens? Or puppies. Or "re" words, maybe?'

Green Bean
2014-01-27, 02:41 PM
At Branch's insistence, Root had been laying low since the Tear of Wrath had hit. While he knew his arcane abilities (probably!) had nothing to do with any of this, the people of Aspis wouldn't be so easily convinced. Especially not a stranger with weird ways and orcish scars covered by layers of robes. This was nothing new to him; few towns were welcoming of strangers, and suspicion was nothing to the outright hostility of his orcish childhood. So he stayed around the outer edges of the acceptable middle, spoke to no one, and had Branch scavenge for unnoticed food stashes. It was a comfortable enough existence.

But Lady Petalbrook's request changed that strategy, despite Branch's opposition. Convincing her had not been easy.

"Branch, it's simple. We keep waiting around here, they'll find us. They hang me for a witch, and cook you when the food gets short. Or maybe the cave goblins get us or the roof caves in. Who knows... But we go help, get out of the city, safer for us. Maybe we even find where we are, be heroes. Lot of corn for heroes, you know."

"Oh come now, you think I'm a pup you can just wave some cheese in front of? We can stay like this for months before they find us, and someone else'll stick their neck out and figure this out without our help. You just want to play the hero, and..." For some reason, she had started speaking aloud instead of just through their link, and they had to be careful not too make too much of a racket. Their argument took the better part of an hour, but in the end Root answered the call, with Branch grumbling but ultimately supportive.

Root relinquished his 'weapon' at the door, a thin hawthorne staff he used more as a walking aid than a club. The others who had gathered looked quite impressive; if he could trust them, they might just succeed. Though Nal'tor was perhaps not the most auspicious start. Fortunately, orphans of the Priestess were not permitted to sit idle, and when they were put to work, Root spent some time as an aide in one of her asylums. The monks who ran the place had told him to neither play along nor challenge those who have clearly taken leave of their senses, so he simply pushed on ahead.

"My name is Root." He was going to leave it at that, but some remnants of the courtesies his frustrated caretakers had tried to drill into him surfaced. "It is nice to meet you."

That seemed to be sufficient.

Flower Girl
2014-01-27, 07:01 PM
Violet tore her gaze from the window when Lady Petalbrook began introductions. With all three of her remaining brothers helping the town authorities keep the peace and find missing persons, it was unlikely anyone would return home and notice her missing for several hours. She had been kept in the house since the Tear of Wrath, her mother volunteering in her place to help temple healers. Her family was too worried about the dim caves to let her help out.

Being kept inside when there were so many people who needed help, made her much more sulky and rebellious than she had ever been in her entire life.

She tried reasoning, explaining, begging, even a little bit of whining to try to convince her family to let her go to the temple each day. At least long enough to spend her healing spells. All her pleas fell on deaf ears.

So when her second brother, Borgar, mentioned Lady Petalbrook's plan after coming home from patrol last evening, Violet knew the time to rebel had come.

In the end, it was ridiculously easy to sneak away. She knew through careful listening where her brothers would be patrolling that day and could easily skirt her way around town in her heavy cloak to the stone building Lady Petalbrook was using now. And the look of shocked surprise on the good Lady's face when she opened the door to an unescorted Violet made the circular walk worth it.

It was probably the desperateness of the town's situation that Violet was invited in without comment or questions on the Lady's part. Violet listened to Nal'tor's introduction with increasing concern. The elf was obviously insane. Her hands twitched a bit, but she doubted a heal spell would help without an obvious head wound. Thankfully the next to speak, Root, knew enough to not comment on the eccentric speech.

Intending to continue deflecting attention from the elf, Violet stood to introduce herself. Her silver scale mail gleamed in the firelight, shining off the many flowers worked into the design. In fact, all of her equipent gleamed, and her clerical vestments were spotless. Almost as if none of it had ever seen rough use. Violet adjusted the sword that looked too large for her at her hip, but left her bow and quiver by her pack. She cast a small smile to Lady Petalbrook before addressing the strangers. "My name is Violet Lofquist. I am here to serve as a cleric. I pray our mission will meet with success, and I look forward to working with you." Violet inclined her head politely before retaking her seat.

2014-01-27, 07:34 PM
Draven was performing when he received the invitation. It was his own arrangement, an interweaving of the Lay of Ethelyn and The Last March of the Black Company. Both stories told of the fall of Eren, a dwarven city which had been destroyed during the Elf-Dwarf war, but from different perspectives. Ethelyn was mournful, an elven lament of life cut short. March was heroic, a tale of dwarven pride and sacrifice. Draven beat a martial rhythm on his drum.

"Onward, onward!" shouted Durgan. Onwards, onwards they marched.
Fire rose, the cavern shook, dwarf after dwarf fell,
But the Black Company carried on
As the Hallowed Halls became Hell.

But the Black Company carried on
As the Hallowed Halls became Hell.

He followed the verse with a loud drum stroke, which made the audience jump, and then a fading roll. Afterwards, he set the drum down and left the stage. There was one verse left of Ethelyn, telling of the Silver Folk princess's death as the dwarven trap destroyed the city. He was deliberately taking a break after the final verse of March, to give the audience a chance to digest it. The applause was delayed, but it did come.

Draven wasn't even sure of the name of the inn. There had been so much demand for songs of the Dwarf-Elf war since they'd appeared here that he had lost track. He might have thought people would want to take their minds off their troubles, but instead they were hungry for any information they could get. Plenty of dwarves knew the most famous of the dwarven sagas, and he knew there were elven bards who knew more of the elven songs than he did, though none were in town. But he was the only one in what had once been Aspis, maybe even the Empire, who knew both.

While he was drinking a mug of ale before resuming his singing, an odd messenger hopped up on to his table. It looked like a little man made of clay joined together with wires, with wings of wire and parchment. A homunculus, of the type used by mages and alchemists. It carried a sealed letter with his name on it. The homunculus didn't say a word--Draven wasn't sure it could speak--but dropped the letter on the table before flapping its wings and hopping into the air, more gliding than flying.

Draven broke the seal and opened the envelope. He read the letter twice, before nodding to himself. Apparently, the innkeepers weren't the only ones to notice that his knowledge of the old songs was unsurpassed. This should be interesting.

But first, he had a song to finish. He drained his ale and took up his lute.


Draven smiles at Lady Petalbrook's welcome, and opens his mouth to introduce himself, when the drow--Silver Folk, he reminds himself--momentarily takes over. When the Silver Folk proclaims his supposed identity, Draven realizes that this is the madman going around declaring himself to be the incarnation of some forgotten Silver Folk god, come to free them from the Elf Queen. Draven has fond memories of Her Majesty, and he can't help but think that the Elf Queen is a large reason that there's peace between elves and dwarves. But it's pretty clear that the man's daft: he probably invited himself in while no one was looking. The last thing Draven wants to do is argue with a madman, so he decides to keep some of the details of his biography to himself.

The others, fortunately, seem sane. He isn't sure how competent they are, but then, aside from a few skirmishes with the dwarven militia and some hunts with the elves, he has yet to prove himself. By the time the young woman has spoken, he has decided what he should say.

Draven straightens to his full height. He is tall for a dwarf, and slender for one too, but he doubts that elves or humans would consider him either. He adjusts the lute on his back and the long, graceful axe on his belt, buckled over leather armor carved with vines and leaves, before speaking. "Thank you for having us, Lady Petalbrook. My name is Draven Forgeson," he says. He wonders whether anyone would recognize his surname as indicating an illegitimate son in dwarven lands. "I am a Mythkenner trained in the songs and legends of my people, and a skald--a warrior-musician. I am the only dwarf to have trained with the Silver Folk Master Bard Ansiar in the"--with a glance at Nal'tor he catches himself--"the elven court. I hope that my knowledge will be of service to you."

2014-01-29, 02:53 AM
"Good, good" says Lady Petalbrook nodding, then looks at a corner behind you.

"Now, kind sir, would you please step out of the shadows and introduce yourself as well?"

2014-01-29, 08:55 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

A rough looking halfling steps out of the shadows. His features are rgged, with little of the child like qualities that his race some times display. He might be thought of handsome, as he cracks a well tested charming smile."Forgive the intrusion, I knew not if I had the right place. Or rather if the right place had me." His eyes examines each of the motley crew assembled here, though passing over Violet very quickly.

The hafling is well armed with a battered shield, worn bow, and chain mail missing more than a few links. All serviceable if not on its second or perhaps third owner. This man was accumostumed to hard times. A survivor. The only item of quality seen on the man with little of it himself is the hilt of a rare scimitar visible from the fraying scabbard at his side.

"Seems all is in order then! The name is Milltyn Goodfellow, Han guard and member ex-parte of the Soldiers of Light, at your service milady," Millytn falls into an easy manner, suggesting for all the world that he belongs here.

2014-01-29, 01:44 PM
'AHA! Agent Ansiar made it and is still operating. Good, good.' Nal'tor says seemingly to himself, but not quite silently. Just a glance at him is enough to see that he didn't intend to say it out loud, these must have been just his thoughts. But he's not even aware he said that, and so he continues. 'I wonder if he obtained what I've sent him for, his raports were ambiguous, probably unclear on purpose? Or it might be just the delivery method, who knows? Don't panic, don't panic! Think, plan, execute, win!'

He looks around then, aware of his surroundings once more. After a brief moment of confusion, his face breaks in a toothy smile. 'Just look at them. They don't even know what's going on here, hee hee! But I won't tell them, oh no! See their faces? All that confusion and awe, former because they don't know nothing, latter because they see me! But I can't give them any clues, no, no no no! Smile mockingly. No, not mockingly! They would realise their lack of wits! Or would they? They lack wits, after all! No, let's smile reassuringly, that will calm them down a bit.' He keeps muttering, and then another toothy smile appears. 'Was it a reassuring smile? Of course it was! How couldn't it be? I'm a talented actor, after all! How could they see through my acting? Hee hee, they can't!'

Then, the halfling enters the stage and Nal'tor resumes his blabbering. 'Who invited him here? I didn't, and that's my gathering. Does he know?!' He stares at Milltyn intensely, his eyes bulging. 'Or maybe I invited him after all? I'm so brilliant I sometimes surprise myself, maybe this is one of those precious moments? All right, I'll let him stay, if I invited him, he might be useful in the future. Now, smile to him.' He cracks yet another smile, the same twisted, toothy grimace that you all start to accustom yourselves to.

'Hello there. I hope your journey here was safe. How do you find the weather? Lovely afternoon, isn't it?' He says casually, then adds to himself in this not-too-discreet voice. 'Did he buy it? Did he? Oh surely, just look at him. I outsmarted him, and is it really surprising? Hardly, hee hee!'

2014-01-29, 02:57 PM
Lady Petalbrook nods as you introduce yourselves. HEr smile does not reach her troubledgrey eyes.

"Good. I could spend some time to speak of your special talents but I'll dispense with the pleasantries. Our situation is grim and almost assured to worsen by the hour. Our foodstock arrived with us and has not been replenished since, our wood is all but burnt and so is our oil. Half the town's population can not ply their trade. Our council is having meeting after meeting . And the people themselves? It's madness. Gangs form, Dwarves demand special treatment,elves demand special treatment, by Loki's dice gnomes demand special treatment and the doomcultists have resurfaced. And that's without mentioning the dead or vanished people.

The halfling woman bends a bit forward. "So...we action is needed, which is where you come.. I with to keep you on retainer-your talents are manyfold and unique, and I'd rather not work with the town watch or the council's agents. A team that will deal with some of Aspis'...or, better, wherever we are...most dire problems. Beginning with where we have found ourselves.

She rises and slowly walks towards a window. Her half-orc bodyguard's serious expression furtherly stiffens as she follows her. Lady Petalbrook points outside. "As you might have noticed, ten hours ago I ordered a few of my guildmembers to fire three flares. They didn't help much, but they were enough to notice the island at the lake and the tower on it. I am convinced that, subterranean or not, the city's original inhabitants found a lighthouse of use. "

She turns around and looks at you again.

"Your first task, should you accept my offer, would be to explore the docks and find a way to reach and subsequently secure the lighthouse.I will send engineers and alchemists to make it operational and then...we'll see.

But I'm sure you have questions. Let us hear them, then. "

Flower Girl
2014-01-29, 07:42 PM
Violet silently nodded her agreement to Lady Petalbrook's assessment of the situation. Even her brothers, some of the volunteers for the "town watch", have complained about the inefficiency of the council and their lack of leadership. Her usually optimistic mother has been dismayed at how the people in town were turning on each other instead of coming together to help each other out.

If they could just bring in some light, then the town would be able to search for a food source. If nothing else, it should raise moral.

Violet thought over the meager supplies she brought with her. Food and water was tight all over the city. Hopefully they will find more on their search. At least she had the lantern that she usually carried after dark.

"We're going to need some lights to explore the tower. I have a lantern, but not enough oil to hold out for long."

It wasn't exactly a question.

2014-01-29, 08:22 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn fades ever slowly into the background, watching the others, calculating his next reply. He pays the young priestess a great deal of interest when she speaks, but is the older halfling garners little attention from him.

He does size up the half-orc bodyguard considering his options.

Size up the Half-orc's combat compabilites.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll0]

2014-01-29, 09:09 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"The Lighthouse?" Draven asks. "Hmm. Yes, that should cast enough light if we can find fuel for it. It would certainly be more efficient than everyone carrying around torches. It would also be good if we could figure out how to light the street lanterns. I've studied some of the old works, and I recall that a flammable gas was sometimes used, as was magic, simple oil, and more esoteric forms of alchemy. Unfortunately, I'm not an engineer or an alchemist. I can only tell you about the history, not figure out the lanterns on my own."

Draven's hand taps on the drum hanging from his belt opposite from his axe as he thinks. "The dwarves who lived here surely needed food, water, light. Food and fuel for light might have come from trade, but they must have had water. I've seen fountains, though I don't remember any of them running. The aqueducts probably filled with silt long ago. But there must be wells. And have we tested to see whether the lake is drinkable, or whether edible sea-life lives in it? I know that some of the inhabitants of the deep lakes can look a little strange to surface dwellers, but many of them are edible." He stops suddenly with his drum tapping. "Sorry, I'm just musing. I'm sure you have these things well in hand, and there are plenty of people who have more expertise in this area than I do. But whatever knowledge I do have is at your disposal."

Knowledge check, to see what Draven knows about ancient dwarven light sources
[roll0] (Int + skald backgroud)

And for the heck of it, a knowledge check about ancient dwarven water sources
[roll1] (Int + skald background)

Green Bean
2014-01-29, 10:07 PM
Root kept quiet, but listened carefully. The logic seemed sound; with a steady light source, it would be easier to figure out where they were. And seizing the initiative would at the very least give the Aspisians hope, which would mean less panic in the streets. And these other adventurers, most of them, at least, seemed to know what they were doing.

It was then that Branch poked her head out of her pocket in Root's robe. "Let's talk rewards. You're sending Root into uncertain death here, so I expect you to make it worth his while."

"Branch! Shush-OW!" Root had tried to cover Branch's mouth, and had gotten a finger-full of rat teeth for his trouble.

"Don't you shush me, little boy! I am looking out for your best interests here, like always. Now, Miss Flowerstream, a sorcerer of Root's calibre does not come cheap, so let's hear what you've got!"

2014-01-30, 10:57 AM
Lady Petalbrook nods at Violet. "Certainly, miss Lofquist. Each of you shall receive a bottle of Drakkenhall oil, twice as lasting as normal lamp oil, three continual, that is, one-hour, torches, tinderboxes, 50 ft. of rope and a healing potion."

2014-01-30, 11:01 AM
Milltyn studies the scars, the slightly flexing stance, the pattern of the half-orc's facial tattoos. He can certainly recognise a veteran of the Axis arena, specifically a gladiator who used to fight for the Gryphons team. They are typically quick and savage, favouring offence instead of defence.

2014-01-30, 11:27 AM
Draven traces story after story in his mind looking for answers.

Dwarven fires feature in many stories of subterranean cities. Unlike the elves, who typically prefer fluorescent fungi and magically attuned crystals, the cities of the dwarves were lit by powerful lamps and braziers fed with coal, oil and mole fat and astounding networks of candles. Arcane bindings have been attempted too, but that practice is claimed not to be worth it long term in city scale. Indeed, the Lighters had their own, highly respected guilds. Dwarves always prided themselves that their cities were bathed in strong and warm light, unlike those of their rivals like the dark elves and their pale habitats, but the need for fuel sometimes became a liability during the Dwarven-Elven wars.

As for water sources, ancient dwarven wells and aqueducts were astoundingly sturdy. Rivers were often subverted for the need of the city. Water supply was regarded very seriously by the dwarves while poisoning a well was one of the severest crimes, punishable by death. It was not even practiced in warfare(another bitter part of the Dwarven-Elven wars, for the Silver Folk certainly do).

"Thank you for your knowledge, mister Forgeson. We know nothing about the lake and the possibilities it could offer us...yet." answers Lady Petalbrook.

2014-01-30, 11:37 AM
"Hmph. Want me to cook it, ma'am?" asks the half-orc bodyguard with a grin. Her voice is surprisingly soft and pleasant.

Lady Petalbrook seems amused by Branch's assault. "Now, now, Algartha dear, no need for that." She moves forward and looks at the familiar. "How charming. Branch, is it? Strange name for a rat, to be sure. The beginning fees will be at 200 golden pieces each and will probably rise. Furthermore, I'm offering you a place to stay uncontested and the chance to participate in a worthwhile effort which might prevent our certain deaths should we keep chasing at our tails, so to speak. And rat..."

Her voice becomes much more serious, her smile fades and her eyes narrow.

"It is Petalbrook. I worked too much for that name to be mocked by familiars in my time of life."

Green Bean
2014-01-30, 12:32 PM
"That will do for now, I think. Though we will have to talk about scaling up and danger multipliers at a later time, I think. Lady Petalbrook." Branch gave Petalbrook a look of, if not understanding, then at least respect before she burrowed back into Root's pocket.

Root felt a little embarrassed at Branch's rudeness, but he didn't show it openly; he had long since learned the risks of displaying any sign of weakness. Instead he tried to deflect it by apologizing for something mostly unrelated. "I'm sorry for not warning you - she doesn't normally speak. 'Least not in ways you can hear."

Flower Girl
2014-01-30, 01:31 PM
Draven's information sounded hopeful. At least they had an idea of what to look for as they searched the dark.

Violet bit her tongue at Branch's outburst. Considering this quest was a matter of not only their own survival, but the entire town's, asking for a fee seemed a bit much. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself before speaking in anger, and thankfully Lady Petalbrook could handle it herself.

At least now she knew Root was a sorcerer. She wondered what powers he had.

Listening to the list of supplies that the good Lady was supplying was staggering. She must have collected almost all of the useable light sources from her guild and her personal collection. And the healing potions were very valuable at the moment. "That is a very generous offer of supplies, Lady Petalbrook. We will endeavor to use them wisely."

2014-01-30, 10:27 PM
Draven - Dwarf bard

Draven nods. "I believe that's all the information I need for now. I'm ready to go when you are."

2014-01-30, 11:38 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn smiles, ready to step forward, "So it is agreed, we shall all to the island in the middle of the lake? A dangerous proposition for sure, have we all thought through this action?"

2014-01-31, 11:37 AM
'Yes, yes, can we go already? It's all good and settled, we agreed on details, we have a plan to execute now!' Nal'tor nearly jumps impatiently.

'Oh why don't they move, they'll ruin my plan! And they don't even know it! Well, of course they don't know it, how could they know about my brilliant plan?'

'Now, everybody gives somebody a hug or something and let's go. We need to make it before sunset. You don't want to wander around in complete darkness, do you?' With those words, he takes first step out of the room.

2014-02-01, 09:50 AM
"Excellent" says Lady Petalbrook. "Please notily mister Nal'tor that you are to visit messrs Eraldo and Gorrit Nomisser at the house nearest to the Bridge of Heroes. From what I remeber, thy like to keep two pairs of torches lit at all times by the door The twins are journeymen of the Guild who will provide you with the agreed equipment.They will be expecting you-just show them this letter" she adds, taking an envelope from a desk and offering it to Violet. "Godspeed".

The Bridge of Heroes is easy to find, being the quite distinctive landmark that it is: a brass construction connecting the main middle level of the city to the dockside over a relatively narrow but quite deep gap. It is about a 15-minute walk away from the district that most Aspisians reside in. This bridge features ten large statues of venerable dwarves of both sexes in resplendent armor or luxurious courtier clothing. Whether they were truly heroic the Aspisians do not know, but the name stuck. Finding the Nomisser house proves easy too: A two-storied building without any balconies, two bright torches lighting its entrance, surrounded by a stylistic pattern of quartz-some sort of stone garden. Its steel double door is closed and so are the windows.

You knock, but nobody answers.

2014-02-01, 10:12 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven takes a step back, examining the building and the area for anything unusual, looking for any evidence of the dangers he knew inhabited the dark places of the world. Masters Ansiar and Maltek had both warned him of what lay under the earth, telling him story after story, many from personal experience, of the things they had faced there. They had also taught him that a master storyteller had a sharp eye for detail, and the ability to spot the unusual and unordinary, the jarring, and to make it a part of the story.

[roll0] (Wis + Level) (add an additional +6 if Skald of Two Traditions is relevant)

2014-02-01, 11:18 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn follows the group out, his stride jaunty and cheery. If the darkness was not so pervasive, he might even be whistling. He always keeps to the back, letting the others lead the way.

As they approach the bridge, Milltyn lets out an apprecitive whistle, "My, would you look at that..." he takes a moment to take in the bridge of brass and the dwarven statues. He quickly collects himself and follows in step with group.

As they arrive at the guildhouse, he keeps a pace or two back and keeps his attention on the surroundings. He displaces no interest in their destination until it becomes apparent that no one is answering. Milltyn quickly melts into the shadows as he circles around looking for another entry point.

Slip into the darkness and scout around the building.
Dexterity and Level +4 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll0]
Search for another way in or signs of trouble.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll1]

Green Bean
2014-02-01, 12:28 PM
Root's eyes were a little dazzled by the torches, only a minor annoyance until they realized no one was answering. He sidled over to the edge of the light and closed his eyes. Sight would be useless until his night vision returned, so he listened. Standing there in the darkness, straining to hear took him back to his childhood nights, huddled in the animal pen, listening for the footfalls that meant food or punishment was coming his way. It was unpleasant, but at least it reminded him that things could be much worse.

If there were foes hiding in the darkness, then Root and company had obviously already been spotted (though come to think of it, where did that halfling go?). But if they thought they could rely on the shadows to conceal their way, they had another thing coming.

May as well join in on the fun and roll Wild Child + Wisdom to see if anyone's watching.

Wisdom + Level + Wild Child: [roll0]

Also, I'll cast Dancing Lights to give us a little more illumination than the torches can provide.

2014-02-01, 02:09 PM
'Enough of that!' Nal'tor says, watching others walking in circles. He shoves people away and hits the door hard with an open hand, making it shake in its hinges.'Open up! Open up in the name of Nal'tor Kerin Atar! Don't draw more misery to your house!'

He shouts and, without waiting for an answer, he slams at the door with his full weight.

[roll0] Strength + level check to pry the door open

Edit: The fun begins :smallbiggrin:

Flower Girl
2014-02-01, 02:37 PM
Violet narrowed her eyes at the metal door. She was sure Lady Petalbrook would have let them know to expect some company today. Worried, Violet approached the door and raised her hand to knock and call out to the two brothers.

As she was about to knock, she was roughly pushed aside by Nal'tor, almost spilling the oil in her lamp. Steadying the lamp before her skirts caught on fire, Violet watched, aghast, as Nal'tor began his frontal assault on the Nomisser residence.

Even if the brothers are well, no one in their right mind would open their door to such a greeting.

"I hope the good Lady's letter is eloquently worded. This introduction is not beginning well."

2014-02-02, 06:55 AM
Draven, Milltyn and Root quickly identify another possible entryway: a window on the second floor has been damaged and is actually half-closed. A good climber might manage to reach that area and open it.

And then Nal'to Kerin Atar's frontal approach shatters the silence. For a few secods nothing happens...and then, the door slowly opens with a cacophonous creaking, inviting you to the darkness inside.

2014-02-02, 11:00 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven raises his torch. "In we go, I guess." He waits a moment to see if anyone else wants to take the lead. If not, he leads the way inside.

Green Bean
2014-02-02, 11:10 AM
Root was a little nonplussed, though also maybe a little impressed by Nal'tor's direct thinking. He looked around one last time before ducking inside behind Draven, snuffing out his magical light as he did - indoors, the torches would be a little less distracting.

2014-02-02, 11:49 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn returns from his scouting, "There is a broken window on the second floor. Something here seems amiss, I think we should proceed with caution. Perhaps myself or Draven should lead the way.". Milltyn draws his scimitar, a wretched looking weapon black as midnight obsidian.

"I know it may be rude to enter with drawn weapons, and perhaps misconstrued if the folks inside are in no danger. Pray that this indeed a mistake," Milltyn answers before any can object. His light mood replaced by the steely resolve of one who has faced unknown dangers before.

2014-02-02, 12:33 PM
Exploiting the fact that he is right in front of the door and others spend their time on talking, Nal'tor establishes a firm grip on his naginata and kicks the door open, following immediately. 'Hey ho, let's go!' He only shouts before storming in, keeping his weapon at the ready.

'Show yourselves, whatever you are!' He adds while inside.

2014-02-02, 03:44 PM
Nal' tor Kerin Atar and Draven lead the way, followed by the rest of the group. You notice that the place is a mess: tables have been overturned, drawers searched, cabinets opened and safes smashed. The smell of blood is also unmistakable...and that is all you manage to take in, for Milltyn's senses prove to be right. You have been ambushed!

You see three armed figures, two bearers of short swords at opposite sides nearby and an archer further away at the stairs leading to the first floor. They are a head taller than an average man, their black and grey body composed of steel, stone and perhaps a little wood. Three dwarf-forged, expressionless but unmistakenly hostile, an elaborate rune on their chest plates. To make matters worse, they have brought a large canine beast which guards the way to the stairs. Even from the entrance you can smell its sulphury breath and gaze at its malevolent eyes. There is no sign of the twins.

2014-02-02, 03:46 PM
Draven: [roll0]
Milltyn: [roll1]
Nal'tor: [roll2]
Root: [roll3] Second roll: [roll4]
Violet: [roll5] Second roll: [roll6]

Dwarf-Forged Assassins: [roll7]
Dwarf-forged Archer: [roll8]
Hellhound: [roll9]

2014-02-02, 03:52 PM
Sword bearing assassins

The hellhound rushes forward and quickly reaches the brave, some might claim suicidal Nal'tor!

The Hellhound is engaged with Naltor Kerin Atar. The Dwarf-forged assassins count as nearby. The Archer is far away.

And now, it's Miiltyn's time to step up!

2014-02-02, 05:15 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn leaps into action, no hesitation as the hound with sulfur breath corners Nal'tor. The obsidian scimitar tears through the air as the halfing drives it toward the fell beast with surprising force.

As his scimitar strives to tear through the hound's flesh, Milltyn leans into his shield and slams it into the beast. Even though its claws dig in, they find no purchase in the stone floor. The little halfling bashes the hound back, away from his suicidal companion.

Move Action Move to Engage Hellhound
Standard Action Melee Attack Strength +5 plus Escalation Die 0 vs Hellhound AC = [roll0]
Damage Scimitar 1d8+4 damage on a hit, 1 damage on a miss = [roll1].
Flexible Attack: Shield Bash, the Hellhoundpops free of Milltyn and Nal'tor.

2014-02-03, 02:28 AM
The hellhound yelps in pain and indignation!

Here comes Nal'tor Kerin Atar!

The Hellhound and the Dwarf-forged assassins are nearby. The Archer is far away.

2014-02-03, 03:10 AM
I'm pretty sure there should be assassins acting before me, but in case they just wait or something, I'll post anyway.
'You filth! I'll wrap your intestines around your necks!' Nal'tor shouts, lowering his weapon only to lift it once again and frowning. 'Do you guys even have intestines? If not, I won't be able to do that...' He shakes his head, preparing to charge once more. 'No matter! I'll wrap whatever I find inside you around your necks!' With those words, he launches himself forward.

Move action to engage ideally both of the assassins, if that's not possible, only one of them.
Standard action melee attack +5 vs one of the assassin's AC [roll0]
Damage Naginata [roll1] on hit or 1 on miss.
AC: 14
PD: 14
MD: 12
Recoveries: 8

2014-02-03, 04:53 AM
The Dwarf-forged patiently waits for Nal'tor Kerin Atar to come, defending itself with a series of parries and thrusts. Still, the mighty barbarian strikes it, avoiding its blade. It attempts a counterattack and hits!

[roll0]. You take 6 points of damage!

In the meantime, it's comrade attacks Milltyn. With a graceful slash it evades his shiled and hits!

[roll1]6 points of damage for you.

No warcries. No curses. No taunts. Even for dwarf-forged, these seem cold.

And now, Draven to the spotlight!

The Hellhound is nearby. Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor, Dwarf-forged B with Milltyn. The Archer is far away.

2014-02-03, 09:04 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard
AC 16 PD 12 MD 13 HP 24/24

Draven readies his axe and begins to sing. It is an elven battle hymn, and though the words are foreign to any who do not know the most ancient of elven tongues, the sentiment is clearly one of honor and sacrifice. It exhorts his teammates to ever greater deeds of heroism.

But as a coda to this song Draven interlaces a dwarven battle chant. This one aimed not at his allies, but at his enemies. It's main target is the hellhound, whose very existence it mocks.

As it takes effect, he uses the same song to encourage Milltyn to escape the assassin's attack.

Draw axe

Begin Song of Heroes
Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls

Use Battle Chant on Hellhound
Flexible attack
Use with Move it battle cry, allow Milltyn a free move action disengage check.

2014-02-03, 10:18 AM
Draven's voice is powerful and his blending of two different musical traditions most impressive. Your spirits soar on the notes' wings...while the hellhound squirms in pain.

Root for the crit(or a hit, at least)!

In the meantime, Milltyn may also move!

The Hellhound is nearby. Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor, Dwarf-forged B with Milltyn. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls

Green Bean
2014-02-03, 10:41 AM
Root took one look at the assembled assailants and ducked behind a nearby overturned table. It wasn't cowardice, though; Root just needed a moment to concentrate, and tap into the power within himself. As he focused, a sense of potentiality filled the room. Something was about to happen.

Move action to duck behind something.

Standard Action to Gather Power.

Chaotic Benefit: [roll0]

If any of the nearby enemies are staggered (I don't think any are), they take 1 lightning damage. Let's say they touch something statically charged that shouldn't be.

2014-02-03, 11:44 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

The armored halfling deftly dodges the onslaught of the dwarf-forged. While the assassin's blade struck true, Milltyn seizes the opportunity shouted out to him by the Dwarf. He leaps high into the air, above the reach of the menace below and lands a back flip out of its advancing reach.

Move it! Disengage from Dwarf-forged Assassin B [roll0]

2014-02-03, 11:50 AM
Normally I would have waited for Milltyn to move, but the archer's turn would not be influenced given the distance. If there is a problem, please let me know :smallsmile:

The archer aims at Draven. "INSOLENCE!" it shouts and fires its light crossbow.


The dwarf expertly evades the bolt.

By the gods, it's Violet's turn (Milltyn's move too)!

The Hellhound is nearby. Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor, Dwarf-forged B with Milltyn. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls

Flower Girl
2014-02-03, 03:10 PM
Violet looked at the scene of violence with dismay. Feelings of protection began to overwhelm her soul as she pleaded to the gods to shield them from harm. Murmuring a prayer she had memorized, but never before uttered, Violet focused her attention on the Hellhound and released a spear of holy light at the beast. Then with more bravado than she felt, she drew the heavy sword at her hip, ready to do what must be done.

Quick Action: Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)

Standard Action: Javelin of Faith on Hellhound Physical Defense
[roll0] Wisdom+level+Song of Heroes;
[roll1] Holy damage on hit, level if miss

Quick Action: Draw sword

2014-02-04, 01:11 AM
Violet's holy spear pierces the Hellhound's skin. It howls in fury and rushes at her, but Milltyn quickly steps between them and bears its assault!

[roll0] vs AC
If natural even hit or miss, Fiery breath attack:[roll1]vs PD against [roll2]targets.

The halfling fighter expertly blocks.

Time for a counterattack, Milltyn!


The Hellhound is engaged with Milltyn, Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor. Dwarf-forged B is nearby. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)

2014-02-04, 07:46 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn whirls, an arcing slash of his obsidian blade tearing toward the hellhound. Its barbed teeth rip away at the hound flank as it whelps in pain.

"We need bring down this fell beast quick, before it bares it fiery breath!"

As Milltyn follows through his attack, his shield whips around and smashes into the side of beast. The hound once more goes skittering across the floor. The little Halfling warrior plants his feet in front of Violet and the others, ready to intercept any foe foolish enough to come their way.

Move Action Move to Engage Hellhound
Standard Action Melee Attack Strength +5 plus Song of Heroes +1 plus Escalation Die +1 vs Hellhound AC = [roll0]
Damage Scimitar 1d8+4 damage on a hit, 1 damage on a miss = [roll1].
Flexible Attack: Shield Bash, the Hellhound pops free.
Since Milltyn is between the foes and Violet, Root and Draven, he will Intercept (page 164, not Skilled Intercept) if the Dwarf-forged move to attack any of those three.

2014-02-04, 11:16 AM
Its certainly not the hellhound's day. Milltyn' latest assault leaves it staggered.

Do some damage, Nal'tor Kerin Atar!


Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor. Dwarf-forged and the hellhound are nearby. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls.
The Hellhound is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)

2014-02-04, 11:25 AM
Yelling incomprehensibly, Nal'tor Kerin Atar fends the blades of the assassin off and prepares to strike, but then he smells blood. Without hesitation he wheels around and jumps forward, slashing with his naginata.

Move action to engage Hellhound and yes, I'm aware that draws opportunity attack;

Standard action melee attack +7 against Hellhound's AC [roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2] from Slayer talent damage on hit or 1 on miss;

I also use Unstoppable talent to heal using recovery for [roll3] if I hit.

Edit: well, dice clearly love me!
AC: 14
PD: 14
MD: 12
Recoveries: 8

2014-02-04, 11:46 AM
Nal'tor turns his back at his dwarf-forged opponent who tries to seize the opportunity, but fails to strike the quick elf's flesh.
[roll0]vs AC.

Unfortunately, the hellhoundsaw the dark elf's attack coming and cunningly evades his exotic blade.

Holding its defensive stance, the drwarf-forged moves its left arm forward. A small socket opens, and a small bolt is fired from the embedded weapon at the barbarian.
[roll1]vs AC. Nal'tor takes 4 points of damage.

The other dwarf-forged moves near Draven, makes a feint and suddenly attacks with a swift slash, only to be parried! "You are a...you have no place here anymore! Just die, binder!" It shouts in a surprisingly heated voice.

How will Draven respond?


Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Draven. The hellhound is engaged with Nal'tor. Dwarf-forged A is nearby. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls.
The Hellhound is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)

2014-02-04, 11:51 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard
AC 16 PD 12 MD 13 HP 24/24

Draven sidesteps the attack but continues to sing, his deep voice rising with the next verse of his elven battle hymn:

Vo marn Aranwe elon
Tel lauren ni olon
Vi nin qiol misvolon
There is a deep longing in the song, not for war, but for the things that a just war defends.

He uses his own axe, swinging at the dwarf-forged. As he does, he calls out a dwarven battle cry. "Del tevek nor!" he shouts, and though the language and purpose is different, it still fits the rhythm of the song.

Meanwhile, his mind is working feverishly, putting together myth and legend, song and ballad, trying to figure out what history the dwarf forged refers to.

Maintain Song of Heroes
[roll0] + 0-3 (DM discretion, songmaster)
If I fail to maintain it, I give a +2 bonus to Milltyn, to use for his next attack

Battle axe against dwarf-forged
Flexible attack
[roll1] + 1 if song of heroes is maintained
Damage 9 [from OOC thread]
Use Move it battle cry to give free move to Milltyn (unless he's engaged, then it's a disengage check)

Knowledge check to see what Draven knows about the dwarf-forged and its grievances
[roll2] (applying skald background)

2014-02-04, 04:11 PM
Draven proves to be quite the adept in multitasking: maintaining his hymn, integrating a dwarven battle cry to it and slashing his opponent's chest while contemplating dwarf-forged history. Truly a man of many talents.

Although there have been creation forges independent of the dwarves, most of the living constructs have been sculpted by dwarven hands, activated on the grand joyous feast of Sparkday and mostly loyal to their creators, having earned full civilian rights since ages ago. They have been extremely hostile slavers and enemies of their "parents", including Orcs, Elves of the Deep, troglodytes and dragons. The war against the elves, the poisoning of the underworld, and the flight to safer grounds while attacked by all kinds of scavengers took a heavy toll on their numbers. A dwarf singing elven tunes might be considered offensive by some of them, but still...

Moreover, the term "binder" makes little sense with your current little information. Dwarven arcanists have experimented with conjuration magic extensively in the past, but few sagas mention them in any detail, and fewer include dwarf-forged.

Let's see Root unleash his gathered power!

Milltyn may also move. Again. You can not stop a stong-hearted halfing, it seems.


Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Draven. The hellhound is engaged with Nal'tor. Dwarf-forged A is nearby. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls.
The Hellhound is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)

Green Bean
2014-02-04, 04:35 PM
The power within Root felt as though it was about to burst out of him. He got to his feet and looked over the chaotic melee before him. The dwarf-forged and archer looked dangerous, but the hellhound appeared to him to be a greater threat. While it was still off balance from evading Nal'tor's blow, he relaxed the restrictions on the power swirling within him. Chaotic in nature, it rebounded aimlessly within him until it found a way out.

Root opened his mouth and vomited forth a stream of crackling lightning directly at the hellhound.

Root unleashes Chaos Bolt!

Attack Roll: Charisma +5 + Song of Heroes +1 + Escalation +1: [roll0]
If Attack Roll is even, gain Chaotic Benefit: [roll1]
Damage Roll: ( [roll2] ) x 2
Damage Type: [roll3] (lightning)

2014-02-05, 01:03 AM
Lightning crackles, and the hellhound howls in pain and fury.

Meanwhile, the archer reloadshis crossbow and fires at Violet.

[roll0] Violet takes 6 points of damage.

You're up, Violet!

Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Draven. The hellhound is engaged with Nal'tor. Dwarf-forged A is nearby. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls.
The Hellhound is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)

Flower Girl
2014-02-05, 07:59 AM
So focused on the on the hellhound as she glides closer, Violet ignores the sharp pain that suddenly appears on her arm. She strikes the beast with her heavy sword, her mouth set in a grim line. Only when close can she see how much Nal'tor is bleeding. Without dropping her sword, she recites a prayer of healing she has known since she was young. As she prays, a warm light flows over her body.

Move to engage hellhound
Standard Action: attack with longsword [roll0] (strength+level+song); [roll1] if hit (strength+escalation)
Quick action: Heal spell for Nal'tor (roll your recovery die and add 2, uses 1 recovery)

2014-02-05, 11:11 AM
Brave Violet attacks the hellhound with a strong but ultimately unsuccessful sweep.

The beast ignores her and attempts to undo her healing spell's effect and savage Nal'tor Kerin Altar!

Who just gained [roll0] hit points.

Hellhound attack:[roll1] vs AC for seven points of damage.
If natural even hit or miss, Fiery breath attack: [roll2]vs PD to [roll3] nearby targets.

Its fangs find his left arm in a vicious bite.

Milltyn will show us how it's done!


Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Draven. The hellhound is engaged with Nal'tor. and Violet Dwarf-forged A is nearby. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls.
The Hellhound is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)

2014-02-05, 08:47 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn grimaces in frustration as the Dwarf-forged slips pass his guard. He whirls about, his black scimitar menacing the construct. The barbed blade slices wood tendons, leaving the forged wounded. He plants his feet and prepares for its renewed onslaught.

"Draven, now would be a good time to find yourself a way free of this monstrosity!"

Move Action Move to Engage Dwarf-forged Assassin B
Standard Action Melee Attack Strength +5 plus Song of Heroes +1 plus Escalation Die +2 vs Dwarf-forged Assassin B AC = [roll0]
Damage Scimitar 1d8+4 damage on a hit, 1 damage on a miss = [rollv]1d8+4[rollv] 7 damage from OOC thread roll.
Flexible Attack: Defensive Fighting, +2 AC EoNT.
Skilled Intercept (11+) on either Dwarf-forged if they move to attack an ally: [roll1]

2014-02-06, 03:32 AM
The dwarf-forged, too absorbed with the "binder", does not see Milltyn's attack coming at first and is punished by his scimitar.

And now, Nal'tor Kerin Atar's turn!


Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Draven and Milltyn. The hellhound is engaged with Nal'tor and Violet. Dwarf-forged A is nearby. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls.
The Hellhound is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)
Milltyn:+2 AC EoNT.

2014-02-06, 03:59 AM
Growing more and more frustrated with the fight, Nal'tor continues pressing Hellhound. 'Die already! I have those dwarfsomething to kill!'

Standard action melee attack +8 against Hellhound's AC [roll0] for [roll1] on hit or 1 on miss
Move action to disengage from Hellhound [roll2]

Edit: Finally!
AC: 14
PD: 14
MD: 12
Recoveries: 7/8

2014-02-06, 06:07 AM
Nal'tor's Naginata draws blood again and again, leaving the beast almost dead.

The dwarf-forged continue their attack, one rushing at Naltor, the other making a thrust at Draven and then adopting a defensive stance. Its moves are slower this time as its wounds have taken their toll.

Dwarf-forged A:[roll0]
Dwarf-forged B:[roll1]. Defensive stance on.
They hit for 6 points of damage.

Show us what you're made of, Draven!


Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Draven and Milltyn. The hellhound is engaged with Violet. Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor.. The Archer is far away.

Draven and allies receive +1 to attack rolls.
The Hellhound and Dwarf-Forged B are staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)
Milltyn:+2 AC EoNT.

2014-02-06, 09:42 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard
AC 16 PD 12 MD 13 HP 18/24

"He's not a monstrosity unless he chooses to be," Draven argues. He grunts as the maybe-a-monstrosity gets in a hit while the bard is distracted.

Then Draven tries to sing, but he knows that he cannot continue as he has. Instead, his song drops an octave, becoming deeper, more haunting, as he sings of honor in the final sacrifice, a sacrifice that brought its own form of immortality:

Aranwe melyoneth
Melyoneth do erveth
Qiol vi nin erveth
As he finishes the song, he directs its magic toward Milltyn.

Only as the last word echoes does he turn to the dwarf-forged. "I don't know what you're talking about," he tells the living construct. "But we did not come here voluntarily. Something brought us."

He takes a step back, attempting to get some distance from the construct, so he can turn his wrath on the hellhound instead. Though it does little harm, the chant does cause the hound to squirm, and Draven adds a dwarven battle cry to the end, directing it toward Nal'tor: "Al miltek!"

Maintain Song of Heroes
[roll0] + 0-3 (DM discretion, songmaster)
If I fail to maintain it, I give a +2 bonus to Milltyn for his next attack

Attempt to disengage from dwarf-forged

If disengage successful, use Battle Chant on Hellhound
Flexible attack
[roll2] + 1 if Song of Heroes maintained
Use Pull it together! battlecry, Nal'tor can heal using a recovery

If disengage failed, use Battleaxe on Dwarf-forged
Flexible attack
[roll4] + 1 if Song of Heroes maintained
Miss damage 1

2014-02-06, 11:27 AM
The chant...it resonates with something inside the hellhound. It makes a short whimper of pain and then its heart gives out! It is dead, of course.

And now, a touch of sorcery!


Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Draven and Milltyn. The hellhound is dead. Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor. The Archer is far away.

Dwarf-Forged B is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)
Milltyn:+2 AC EoNT, +2 bonus to his next attack.

Green Bean
2014-02-06, 11:39 AM
Root doesn't take any time to celebrate as he ducks back behind a table. Once more, he concentrates and the air fills with power. One of the Dwarf-forged strays too close to Milltyn's scimitar, and a spark jumps from the blade to its armour.

Standard Action to Gather Power.

Chaotic Benefit: [roll0]

Dwarf-forged B takes 1 point of lightning damage.

2014-02-06, 12:19 PM
The scent of ozon fills the air.
The archer reloads and shoots at Root, shouting "Typical. But those who were left behind never do! The bound and forsaken deny you! Glory to Akram Mirza ibn Jalal!"

[roll0] vs AC for 6 points of damage.

After seeing his bolt strike the table he retreats, running up the stairs to the next floor.

Time for the Lofquist treatment!


Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Milltyn. The hellhound is dead. Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor. The Archer is far away and out of sight.
Dwarf-forged B is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)
Milltyn:+2 AC EoNT, +2 bonus to his next attack.

Flower Girl
2014-02-06, 01:36 PM
AC 19
PD 15
MD 12
HP 24/30
Rec 8

Violet narrows her eyes at the archer escaping up the stairs. Deciding that he will have to wait, she turns to assist Nal'tor. Raising her blade, she levels it at the construct and thrusts forward.

Move to engage Dwarf-forged A
Standard action: Melee attack +6, [roll0];
[roll1] if hit, 1 if miss

Glory to whom? Knowledge check on whatshisname with "Taught by Angels". [roll2]

2014-02-06, 02:23 PM
Violet's thrust finds its target, piercing the very rune on the dwarf-forged's plate!

The name means nothing to Violet. It does have an outsider feeling, but she can not identify the race. Definitely not angelic, valkyrian or demonic.

Take them down, Milltyn!


Dwarf-forged B is engaged with Milltyn. The hellhound is dead. Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor and Violet. The Archer is far away and out of sight.
Dwarf-forged A&B are staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)
Milltyn:+2 AC EoNT, +2 bonus to his next attack.

2014-02-06, 03:49 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

The black obsidian scimitar rips at the dwarf-forged fueled ever onward by the Dwarf last verse! Milltyn's strike rings true on the final note, a large chunk of the abomination's unnatural torso sent skittering across the stone floor.

Milltyn takes mental note of the weakness in their armor his blow exposed to home his skill fighting these hated foes.

Standard Action Melee Attack Strength +5 plus Song of Heroes Final Verse +2 plus Escalation Die +3 vs Dwarf-forged Assassin B AC = [roll0]
Damage Scimitar 1d8+4 damage on a hit, 1 damage on a miss = [roll1] damage.
Flexible Attack: Carve an Opening. Critical range increases by 1 (to 19-20).

2014-02-06, 04:01 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn then spins away from the assassin. He tucks into his shield, tumbling underneath the construct and springs up in between the two, ready to strike at either should they threaten his companions.

Move Action Disengage from Dwarf-forged Assassin B [roll0]

If either Assassin moves to engage an ally, Milltyn will use Intercept (page 164) to engage.

2014-02-07, 12:45 AM
Milltyn hears a thud, as the dwarf-forged falls on its knees and then rops dead.

Will Nal'tor finish it?


Dwarf-forged B and the hellhound is dead. Dwarf-forged A is engaged with Nal'tor and Violet. The Archer is far away and out of sight.
Dwarf-forged A is staggered.
Invocation of Protection (enemy critical hits count as normal for Violet and nearby allies)
Milltyn:+1 to crit range.

2014-02-07, 04:56 AM
Using to his adventage the fact that Violet distracted the dwarf-forged, Nal'tor kicks the enemy under his knee to send him off-balance. After that, he takes a step back and adjusts the hold on the shaft of his weapon and jumps, lifting naginata high and striking the dwarf-forged while descending.

Standard action melee attack +8 against dwarf-forged's AC [roll0] for [roll1] damage on hit or 1 on miss
Move action to disengage and run upstairs after the archer [roll2]
AC: 14
PD: 14
MD: 12
Recoveries: 6/8

2014-02-07, 11:53 AM
There is no escape for the dwarf-forged. "Death to traitors and bind-"the dwarf-forged manages to say before its life thread is cut.

2014-02-07, 09:49 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

"I want to ensure that one does not escape. There was a window on the second floor, broken. Perhaps if that be the way they entered, they will try to leave in the same fashion. I will check the window, and keep them bottled inside."

Milltyn dashes out the front door, and rounds around the building to keep an eye upon the window.

2014-02-07, 10:52 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard
AC 16 PD 12 MD 13 HP 18/24

"We'll flush him out," Draven says, as he follows Nal'tor up the stairs.

Flower Girl
2014-02-08, 12:09 AM
Violet glowers at the crimson stain now soaking through the white silk of her clerical vestments. That archer obviously has no idea how many hours she spent embroidering that, and there is no way that blood stain is coming out.

Turning to Root, she says, "I would like to follow after the archer. Would you follow Sir Goodfellow? I do not think it wise to send anyone out alone at a time such as this."

If Root goes with Milltyn, Violet will go upstairs. Otherwise, she will follow Milltyn out.

2014-02-08, 08:57 AM
Those of you who run up the stairs barely see a glimpse of the dwarf0forged as it reaches the second floor and rushes at the corridor beyond. You also hear a sound full of pain-a man's moaning from one of the first florr's rooms.

As for those of you that stepped outside... all seems to be quiet here.

Green Bean
2014-02-08, 10:22 AM
Root had taken Violet's advice and headed outside the building. All was quiet, but he knew that could change in an instant.

May as well keep eyes and ears open for trouble.

Wild Child + Wisdom: [roll0]

2014-02-08, 10:41 AM
Ignoring the whimpers coming from behind the door, Nal'tor lowers his weapon to be able to run without bumping into anything and dashes forward, focused on catching the dwarf-forged.

'Stop, you miserable piece of gears!'

Flower Girl
2014-02-08, 11:04 AM
At the sound of someone in pain, Violet stops her pursuit and approaches the door. She cautiously eases open the door and scans to room for more intruders before entering, sword still in hand.

2014-02-08, 11:08 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

When Violet stops, Draven stops as well. "Nal'tor, stop! We need to see to this!" he calls out, hoping the madman won't continue to follow the dwarf-forged alone.

Draven follows Violent into the room.

2014-02-08, 12:03 PM
Violet and Draven enter the room, which turns out to be a library. Its brass bookcases' entire surfaces carved, depicting all kinds of peaceful activities in dwarven society. There are no books on their selves; they have been thrown around and smnashed, stepped on, cut, burnts and in general vandalised.

There are two short blond men with nearly identical features, if not build, lying on tables. The first one's throat has been slit. Judging by his robes and still ink-stained hands the man was a scholar. The second one in simple but clean and well-maintained attire attire is much more muscular and still clings to life despite his serious chest wound. Both men show the sings of havibg suffered extensive torture.

2014-02-08, 12:05 PM
Nal'tor realises somebody's been calling his name behind him, but the hum in his ears, hum of blood running in his veins, being pumped hard by his heart accelerated by adrenaline rush, made him disregard that. Now, it's all about him and his prey, which he could see at the end of the corridor.

What was that? Sudden apprentice in faith, unexpectedly found in here? Or maybe one of those following me blindly, unaware of their fate? Well, it doesn't matter now anyway...

With this last thought he speeds up, trying to close the gap between him and the dwarf-forged.

2014-02-08, 12:14 PM
Root's eyes and ears remain alert when suddenly, he notices a pale blue light from a tower-like building at the docks area, some 20 minute walk from here. A second passes and then it's gone.

Milltyn believes that he could scale the wall and enter from the broken window, although it might take him some time.

2014-02-08, 03:46 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven takes one look at the injured man and shakes his head. "This is beyond me. Is there anything you can do?" he asks Violent.

Bard healing isn't really directed to non-combat situations.

2014-02-08, 03:59 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description


Milltyn wonders what caught Root's attention as he takes a moment to catch his breathe. He gives the human a silent salute before slipping into the darkness scale the wall.

Slip into the darkness.
Dexterity and Level +4 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll0]
Climb the wall of building.
Strength and Level +5 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll1]

Green Bean
2014-02-08, 06:19 PM
Root was distracted from the sudden blue light by Milltyn making his climb, but he didn't follow. Until they figured out what was going on, or at the very least took care of that assassin roaming the house, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have someone keeping an eye out to make sure no one else came in or out.

But the blue light did disturb him a little; Aspis had suffered enough from strange arcane phenomenon already, and who knew if this latest one portended something even worse? Root had been attuned to arcane forces all his life, and he'd learned to trust his instincts. Right now, he listened to what they were telling him.

If the blue light is magical, maybe Root's instinct for the arcane can tell him something?

Wisdom + Arcane Accident = [roll0]

Incidentally, I forgot to add my familiar bonus to my last couple of Wisdom checks, but I'm supposed to get a +2 bonus on these (which I'll add from here on out).

Flower Girl
2014-02-08, 08:29 PM
Violet sheathes her sword quickly and rushes to the breathing man's side."Please watch the door, Mister Forgeson." Placing one hand on his forehead and another on his chest, she lets her shoulders relax and a familiar warmth take over her body. Her entire body shimmers as she concentrates on stabilizing the man's condition.

Since I don't have a recovery die for NPC's, I'll leave the outcome of this little action to our GM. :smallsmile:

2014-02-09, 03:24 AM
Nal'tor runs to the stop of the stairs and stays at the dwarf-forged's trail through the corridor to the room at the far right of the floor and then...

Well, nothing. This is the room with the broken window but the dwarf-forged did not climb outside, as a quick look and a confirmation by Milltyn(who has already reached the first floor) ascertain. No sign of it. There is a large double copper bed, a wardrobe, a closed chest and a large mirror by the door..

A mirror whose glass part seems to be swirling, of all things.

2014-02-09, 03:34 AM
Violet's healing arts prove to be more than adequate to the task. The man coughs a bit but is no longer in a life-threatening situation. After two failed attempts he manages to whisper "...Gorrit? My brother"? with a terrified voice and a painful expression.

2014-02-09, 03:42 AM
If the blue light is magical, maybe Root's instinct for the arcane can tell him something?

Wisdom + Arcane Accident = [roll0]

Incidentally, I forgot to add my familiar bonus to my last couple of Wisdom checks, but I'm supposed to get a +2 bonus on these (which I'll add from here on out).

Seems more like an Intelligence check to me. Not that the result will change, mind you :smallwink:

Root broadly recognises the effect-this was magic dispelled, devoured, stripped from the world. He is reminded of certain bat swarms that were kept by his tribe shamen, trained to hunt arcanists and devour any residual sorcery. Of course, the plan backfired far more often than not on their breeders.

2014-02-09, 04:35 AM
Nal'tor storms into the room, ready to strike at the dwarf-forged, but finds only Milltyn clambering through the window. He roars furiously and spins around, looking for any sign of their enemy. Then he spots the mirror.

'You! Follow me!' Nal'tor shouts back to the halfling before jumping into the mirror - hopefully he won't crash on the wall behind it!

Flower Girl
2014-02-09, 08:12 AM
Violet's heart twinged with sympathy, thinking of the two brothers still out of reach in the Bitter Woods. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she delivered the bad news, "I am so sorry, but we arrived too late to save him."

This is obviously Eraldo Nomisser, one of the brothers Lady Petalbrook sent them to find.

2014-02-09, 11:05 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description


Apparently the cursed dwarf-forged had not come this way and was still holed up inside. Nal'tor needs be a little systematic less he miss the assassin's hiding place, Milltyn's head was abuzz while he continue to climb.

Climb the wall of building.
Strength and Level +5 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll0]

2014-02-09, 11:38 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven still has his eyes on the door, his axe in hand, in case more of the dwarf-forged come this way. He glances over at Eraldo and Gorrit. "I am sorry about your brother," he says. "Can you tell us what happened?"

2014-02-09, 03:23 PM
Nal'tor is absorbed by the mirror and finds himself in a vast, cavernous room. A large pyre burns in its centre, not powerful enough to pierce the darkness at the corners. On its walls and columns you see large mirrors-scores and scores of them, a stylised picture above each one. No sign of the dwarf-forged, though. The man of the Silver Folk looks carefully, when...

"I wouldn't advice on picking a random one, mortal. More than half of the gateways will kill you most painfully...which might be a break for monotony, but certainly without any use.".

The voice is silky soft and alluring, every syllable hinting at secrets and mysteries. Nal'tor turns and sees a pair of huge red eyes cloaked by amorphous shadow looming at him. They seem to move a lot, always avoiding the pyre's light.

"Interesting...a member of the Silver Folk. Surely not a friend of the dwarves or their rebellious fanatical children? Yes, I suspect that it is so. And if I am correct..."

The eyes move a little closer.

"Then we might be able to do business. What do you call yourself, Silver one?"?

2014-02-09, 03:34 PM
Eraldo Nomisser closes his eyes in pain and shame. "No, not him. He was the gentle one, the talented one, no...Gorrit..."

The mans breaks into sobs for a couple of minutes, then manages to gather himself.

"I...yes. The constructs. They came out of nowhere, accusing us of working with the "binders" and asking what we knew of the great Makram or something. We said we knew nothing but they didn't believe us. They accused us of being agents of the Dwarven King or a High Overlord and then...two of them began the interrogation...cutting and cutting...while another with a hound looked for a book, burning or tearing the rest. I don't know how long that took when the door hit and one said that they should finish us off. And then...oh Gorrit...

Did you meet them? Please tell me they're dead!"

2014-02-09, 03:35 PM
Milltyn easily climbs the wall and enters the room, only to see Nal'tor Kerin Atar vanishing into a swirling mirror. he notices that second by second the swirling motion slows. Soon it might stop altogether.

2014-02-09, 03:56 PM
Nal'tor Kerin Atar whirls around, trying to pierce the darkness, keeping his weapon ready. The fact that there seems to be nobody there doesn't mean that's actually true, or that somebody won't arrive through one of the mirrors.

'And I wouldn't advise leaving one open, to mortals and... others.' He replies calmly, straightening. 'Yes, I see it now. You give a scent of mystery, but in truth, you don't know half as much as you would like to, ha!' He adds confidently. Then, he sits down with legs crossed and lowers naginata to the ground.

'I am Nal'tor Kerin Atar, reawakened, rediscovered, reborn, restored, rewinded, retracted and then re-given and rebound! That introduction should be more than satisfactory. Now, tell me, where's that dwarf-forged that came through before me? I promised him to turn him inside out, literally, and I'd like to hold true to my word. Then we may talk about what you can offer me.'

Then, he adds in his all-too-audible whisper. 'Did it believe me? It had to, I didn't really lie, did I? Did I? Of course not. That's who I am, that's what I promised and those that know a lot usually want to know even more, so that's true as well! Just look at me, I know nearly everything, but I still want to know those things I don't know. Does that make me fallible? I hope not. That would be an oxymoron, because Nal'tor Kerin Atar is infallible! But I would surely like to know who I am talking to here, this another fly in my web, hee hee!'

2014-02-09, 04:35 PM
Draven - Dwarf bard

"Yes, I remember. They mentioned Akram Mirza ibn Jalal to us as well. Rest assured, we killed two of them. We're still searching for the other one," Draven said, trying to recall whether he had ever heard the name before.


2014-02-09, 04:57 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description


The halfling watches Nal'tor disappear through the mirror, then shrugs, Well that is one less fool to get us killed. Milltyn signals down to Root to go back around, and then begins searching the room for any sign of the assassin lurking in the room.

Secure the room.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Former Knight of Light +3 = [roll0]

Flower Girl
2014-02-09, 05:12 PM
Violet nods at Draven's answer, trying to sooth the distraught man. "The hound is also dead, so rest easy." She helps him sit up, watching for signs of further injury.

"I have never heard of this Jalal they speak of. I wonder what book they were looking for." Looking over at Draven, she notices that he has also felt the brunt of some damage from the constructs. Without moving from the injured twin's side, she mouthed a prayer of healing for the bard.

Draven recovery 1d8+1+2 Violet healing bonus

Green Bean
2014-02-09, 06:08 PM
After getting Milltyn's signal, Root headed inside, eyeing the darkness outside warily as he entered. In the foyer, he made sure to close and bar the door, and wedged a relatively intact chair under the bar just in case.

He heard Violet and others talking in a room off to the side, and was about to go join them until he overheard what was being discussed. The man had just lost a brother, and Root didn't want to overwhelm him with strangers. Violet and Draven probably had things in hand, so instead Root took upon himself the rather distasteful task of checking the corpses of the two assassins and the hellhound to see if there were any clues as to their origin.

2014-02-10, 12:54 AM
The voice in the shadows chuckles. "Now this is amusing. You don't look like a god or smell like one but then again, most gods tend to be so...childish. The one you seek has gone to a place that you can not assault by yourself, Nal'tor Kerin Atar. Furthermore, you're going to be stuck here in seconds-the motion will stop and if you really think you can find your way back, then you're more deluded than I thought. You will take the battle to those pests of ibn Jalal and I will tell you of the places that will allow you to do so...but you'll have to give me s few things in return.

I propose a partnership, little...god. I'll reveal you the secrets of this room and this city of meddling, usurping thieves they call dwarves, but you will have to do some tasks for me as well. I will even show you the way out freely...and this is not a word my kind uses often. What do you say?".

2014-02-10, 01:04 AM
Story after story comes to Draven's mind as he searches his memory for something useful...and finds it. The name itself he can not identify but he realises he has heard of many similar ones. These creatures often appear in fables and sagas, weaving powerful magic, bringing down hubristic fools, protecting artifacts, changing fortunes and sowing destruction with cruel whims. Names like Akram Mirza ibn Jalal are born by Djinn, Efreeti, Marids and Daos. The folk of the elements and pacts. The wishmasters.

2014-02-10, 01:07 AM
Milltyn and Root search carefully. The hafling's search is fruitless, while Root quickly finds that the dwarf-forged bore nothing but their weapons. The only interesting fact is that the rune they bore on their chests has been branded later on them, not upon creation. It is a rune commonly use to begin a binding ritual, although in this case there is no actual magic contained. The hellhound stinks awfully, as Branch quickly complains.

2014-02-10, 01:09 AM
"They wouldn't say, my lady" says Erlando Nossimer. "Are you with her ladyship? I'm sorry, but my mind is all but gone".

2014-02-10, 04:08 AM
'He wants me to work for him!? Is he crazy? I am a renown person, who I work for is myself! It's others that work for me!' Then his faces cracks in an uneven smile. 'But he doesn't need to know that, does he? Let's agree to his offer, let's pretend I'm stuck here, helpless. This way I won't have to strain myself to return to my servants, hee hee!'

Nal'tor stands up grunting, seriousness painted all over his face. 'O mighty huge-red-eyes-cloaked-by-amorphous-shadow, I humbly accept your offer and willingly step into your ranks! May my deeds be your deeds from now on, and may I bring you honour!'

He slouches then, casting a few nervous glances to either sides. 'Did he buy that? Did he?'

Flower Girl
2014-02-10, 08:12 AM
"Of course." Violet fishes out the letter Lady Pettalbrook sent with them and hands it to Erlando. "Please excuse the late introduction. I am Violet Loftquist, and this is Mister Draven Forgeson. Lady Petalbrook sent us, with some others, to you before starting out on a task for her."

2014-02-10, 08:36 AM
Draven -- Dwarf bard

"Thank you, Violet," Draven says as he feels the healing magic take effect. It's a minor magic, and he still feels a little sore, but he's not going to complain about that. "While I don't recognize the name of our foe, it does sound similar to the names of djinni or efreeti, or similar beings, that appear in stories. Those creatures are often bound in one way or another, which may be the source of the term binder. Perhaps the ancient dwarves bound a djinn, and it recruited the dwarf-forged to its side somehow. During the war, many dwarf-forged were lost or abandoned, I'm afraid."

2014-02-10, 08:38 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description


Milltyn continues to clear the second floor room by room before heading down to the first floor.

Secure each room.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Former Knight of Light +3 = [roll0]

Green Bean
2014-02-10, 09:54 AM
"Oh, stop complaining, Branch. We've both eaten worse than this." Using his staff for leverage, he pushed the corpses off to the side, and made sure to put the hellhound near the fireplace. If they were here long enough for the smell to become an issue, Root might have to cremate the thing.

2014-02-10, 12:42 PM
Nossimer sighs. "The lighthouse, yes. I will help you, of course, the equipment is near, but...if it's not too much to ask...would you perform final rites for my brother, miss? There is a crypt below. Gorit wouldn't mind being buried among the dwarves until we get home, would he?"

Once again the man is on the verge of crying. He turns around, struggling to control his emotions.

2014-02-10, 12:50 PM
Milltyn finds an interesting collection of dwarven china but otherwise nothing of interest.

2014-02-10, 01:03 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description


Milltyn returns downstairs once he is certain the 2nd floor is secure. He pauses as he listens to the brother's words and bows his head in respect. When he feels he can interrupt, he says quietly, "Violet, sir, forgive my intrusion. However we have a situation out here, and I think we need to discuss for a moment. Sir if you could spare us a moment? Violet?" Milltyn gestures out the door.

Once he has everyone collected together, Milltyn tells them, "I secured the upstairs, by not before seeing our friend Nal'tor disappear into a swirling mirror upstairs. Since I cannot find any sign of the last abomination upstairs, and it did not escape through the window, I can only surmise he followed it through the mirror." Milltyn pauses a moment, bowing his head.

"Gods rest his soul."

2014-02-10, 01:13 PM
There is a powerful flapping sound and the creature in the shadows moves around Nal'tor Kerin Atar, taking care not to step into the light, with surprising speed and laughter downright cold and full of dark irony.

"How eloquent. Well, you might be fun run along, little godling. The left surface mirror on the first column will bring you to whence you came from. As for the first order of business, you will find the statue of the dwarven...hero...of old, Borun Golfrickson, the so-called Second Living Bastion of Dwarvenkind. Of course, the dwarves of his time would not approve of that brute's current fame, but that is a matter of little consequence.
Smash his sword. Bring me the remains, and as my first boon you will be shown the way to the Forge of the Star Anvil. So says Katrillaxia, and once truly given my word is more worth than divine oaths. "

2014-02-10, 02:01 PM
'Done and done! Don't worry o mighty huge-red-eyes, the sword will be shattered! When Nal'tor Kerin Atar gives his word, it is better than divine oaths, because he is divine, and he will never break his promise!' With those words he turns around and starts walking toward the aforementioned mirror, snorting. '"Never break his promise", "better than divine oaths", that was a good one! I should note it down one day.'

Then, as he steps through the portal, he shouts back to Katrillaxia. 'Golfrick Boranson, the First Living Bastard, or something like that. Got it!' And then he's gone.

Green Bean
2014-02-10, 03:35 PM
Root was surprised at Milltyn's story, though perhaps not overly so, considering the bizarre circumstances they and Aspis is general found themselves in. "You should show me the mirror. Maybe I can open it up and find him?"

Flower Girl
2014-02-10, 06:19 PM
"I would be honored to help you celebrate your brother's life, good sir. As soon as our colleagues make sure the constructs are no longer a threat, we will see to both your and your brother's needs." Thinking it over a moment, Violet adds, "I do not know where the constructs came from, but staying here by yourself does not seem wise. Is there somewhere else you could go? Maybe to some more family, or someone in the guild?"

At Milltyn's interruption, Violet follows him to the doorway, where she could still guard the twin if needed. She was shocked by Milltyn's story, and concerned about Root's suggestion. "Is the mirror native to this house, or one of the possessions brought down with us when the Tear hit? Maybe we should ask Mister Nossimer if he knows anything about it. I do not want to lose anyone else to that mirror."

2014-02-10, 07:49 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description


"Perhaps he can occupy us to examine the mirror? I was concerned about his current state, but if you think he can help..." Milltyn trails off and ends in a shrug.

"Certainly if he can tell us the origin of the mirror, and if it is indeed the method the cursed ones used to gain entry, then we will need his help as soon as he is able. Should we wait or head to it now?" Milltyn seems to be content to let the group decide.

2014-02-10, 08:35 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"I'm sure the spirits of the dwarves would welcome your brother," Draven tells Nossimer. "But for now we should take a look at this mirror."

2014-02-11, 01:06 AM
"The mirror? It was already here" explains Nossimer. "We almost never went at the second floor and the dwarf-forged caught us while having lunch. I'm sorry, but we didn't see them coming"

You enter the room with the broken window. At first, the mirror looks like a perfectly normal one without any special features but after a couple of minutes the glass begins swirling again and Nal'tor Kerin Atar pops out of it! Seconds later, the mirror stops .

2014-02-11, 10:23 AM
...it!' Nal'tor says while reappearing. He then looks around with a smile. 'Ah, my friends! Welcome, welcome! It's so good to see you gathered here to wait for my glorious arrival, but that really was unnecessary. Now,' he continues, casually walking to the door, 'We have a lot to do! First, we need to find Golfrick Borunson, the first dwarven bachelor. I'm counting on you here, friend.' He stares at Draven over a shoulder while talking. 'That's what we need to do before we can go to Starforge, so let's better get going, shall we? Now, chop chop!'

Green Bean
2014-02-11, 03:34 PM
Root stepped to the side to get out of Nal'tor's way. The man seemed no worse for wear. "Glad you're...safe?" He took his staff and pressed it gently against the glass of the mirror.

Flower Girl
2014-02-11, 06:52 PM
Violet sighed with relief when Nal'tor stepped out of the mirror. It was enough of a bad omen starting their quest with one funeral; two would be too much. "Welcome back. We are glad you made it safely." The elf did not look worse for wear than when she had last seen him.

Ignoring the nonsense (?!) the crazy elf spewed, she approached Root as he examined the mirror. "So this is how they came in? If they come back, they might attack another house. Should we smash the mirror?"

2014-02-11, 09:24 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"I am glad to see you're well," Draven told Nal'tor. Though he was secretly wondering whether that word ever applied to the madman. "Where did you go?" he asks as he moves to inspect the mirror.

Skald of Two Traditions + Int to see if Draven knows anything about the mirror

2014-02-11, 09:55 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description


Milltyn frown as Nal'Tor came back through the mirror, but fortunately no one was looking his way. Suddenly this assignment just became vastly more difficult once more.

"Were you able to neutralize the abomination? Were there more that will need to be dealt with? How was that they were able to come this way?" Milltyn voice is taunt with the possibility that soon they would be overrun.

2014-02-12, 02:24 AM
Magic mirrors often appear in tales of the surface folk, although they are usually the province of human or elven sorcerors. Draven does not recall anything about travelling through them, though. He does know that arcane mirrors, sentient or not, are normally bound to a controller(whose control may be usurped or bypassed sometimes). Or so fables claim, at any rate.

Forges of Star Anvils are known to every dwarf. Made by meteoric metal, these anvils hum with powerful runic magic. Even an average smith could create items of uncommon beauty and durability with them. In a master smith's hands truly legendary magical weapons and armor can be forged. Very few remain to dwarven control, sadly-most were smashed by their enemies or abandoned in the depths of the underworld.

Green Bean
2014-02-12, 09:21 AM
Root scratched his chin in thought. "I don't know. Maybe smashing the mirror'll stop them from coming back. Maybe it'll unleash an army of mirror demons." Despite being magical himself, he didn't have a lot of experience with magical artifacts and the like, outside of what he'd picked up from his orcish 'teacher'. He understood the basic principles of how arcane energy moved around, but knowing how trees grow doesn't help you build a house.

2014-02-12, 09:46 AM
Draven shares what he knows about magic mirrors, which isn't much [OOC: See DM's spoilered text.] "Most likely, this mirror has an owner, who allows the dwarf-forged to use it, but it would take some magical effort for us to use it."

2014-02-12, 10:52 AM
Nal'tor flutters his fingers dismissively at the words of welcome. 'Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy! And we don't smash the mirror, because I may need to use it again. Anyway, I was pursuing that guy through, outraged how he can use my mirrors, and I was about to get him when he slipped through my fingers, with someone's aid, I must think. So I consulted my trustworthy advisor, Katarilla, who has been gathering intelligence for me for quite some time already. And I told you already that if we want to get those dwarf-forged from this ibn Jalalabad, we need to find Golfrick Borunson and his sword! Really, why a statue of first dwarven bartender would be depicted with a sword? That's beyond me. Anyway, is that good enough for you? Can we go?'

Flower Girl
2014-02-12, 07:39 PM
Violet considered the drow, somewhat amused by his speech. "Sorry, Mister Atar, but there is still unfinished business here."

"As tempted as I am to destroy this thing, Master Root may be right that there could be unintended consequences of such an act. Since we know so little, we will have to let it be." Violet starts to pace a bit, trying to think through their options. "Still, it would not do to leave such a dangerous thing here ungaurded as we continue on our quest, and the needs of the brothers Nossimer need to be met." Violet stopped her pacing to address everyone. "My intent would be this: to see Mister Nossimer packed and ready to leave, to see to the rites of his brother, and to send word back to Lady Petalbrook about the mirror and its dangers. She has influence with the council, and at the very least she could inform those on the city guard of the dangers they may face. Would this be agreeable to everyone?"

2014-02-12, 08:02 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description


Milltyn hurtles himself at the mirror, leaping into the air and landing before it, driving his shield into with all his might.

Milltyn channels his shield combat training.
Strength and Level +5 plus Former Knight of Light +3 = [roll0]

2014-02-13, 12:37 AM
Milltyn atttacks the mittor with a powerful shield bash...which proves to be futile. The mirror remains unharmed.

2014-02-13, 12:53 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

A deep frown grips Millytn, his brow furrowed as he looks upon the mirror with scorn. He was starting to develop as great a distaste for mirrors as he did the soulless ones.

"Well that settles one question, it is indeed an arcane artifact. If Nal'Tor's story contains any sense at all, there is no telling what next may step forth from it. It needs be secured somewhere, under lock and key, guarded as well." Milltyn scratches his chin in thought. "Mayhap it could be bolted face down upon the ground, same great weight placed it? May not keep out all intruders, but they would find themselves with a devil of a time trying to pry their way out.

Other then attempting to destroy the mirror, which mi'lady displayed greater wisdom in than I, I concur with her suggested course. We should see to Mister Nossimer and send word to Lady Petalbrook."

2014-02-13, 01:19 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven jumps when Milltyn tries to destroy the mirror and fails. "Although I'm not so sure we should destroy it, we should definitely try to keep others from coming through. I believe that the halfling's right--face down, with something heavy on top, might be enough to prevent that from happening."

2014-02-13, 03:50 PM
Laying Gorrit Nossimer proves to be a short, somber ceremony. His twin brother more than once breaks into tears as Violet does her best to care for the deceased man. The crypt is a small one but it was obviously udes to be the object of great care. Most of the expertly carved coffins are occupied, the dwarven ancestors lying inside dressed in ceremonial armor and their faces are bearing elaborate death masks. A mall engraving shows the story of a dwarf loremaster or judge presiding in court.

Lady Petalbrook is very saddened to learn of Gorrit Nossimer's fate but is still adamant that you continue your mission. "Otherwise we will all share poor Gorrit's fate. The council will learn of this.They might even show some sense."she states in her message. Eraldo thanks you for everything as he offers you your supplies and returns to his misery.

An hour later you visit the docks. This sector is separated from the rest of the city by a sturdy wall and impressive gatehouses long abandoned. It is eerily quiet while the total absence of wood makes it even stranger: metal takes the place of anything that is wooden in the surface world, from planks to barrels.

A few landmarks do stand out as you enter the area. You notice two large buildings near the water, one far langer than the other, which remind the most naval-minded of you of shipyards. You notice a four-storied tower where the phenomenon that Root noticed took place, a basilica-like building tha doesn't match the local architectural style at all, the remains of aquafarms and quite a few statues of heroes scattered around. What you do not notice is anything resembling a boat or ship.

Green Bean
2014-02-13, 04:10 PM
Root pointed out the tower to the party as they entered the docks. "That tower over there - there was magic there around the same time that assassin escaped. I'm starting to think it wasn't just chance. We should be careful."

When they made it to the water, he looked around curiously. "Huh, weird. A dock with no boats, reminds me of that holy verse.""

Flower Girl
2014-02-13, 10:11 PM
Violet smiles wryly at Root's reference. "Would have been nice if at least one boat managed to dock before they all drifted away."

She scans the area lit by her lamp, still seeing nothing helpful. "Looks like we need to start a thorough search. Where would boats be kept besides the dock?" Violet looked to the group for guidance; her practical knowledge of shipyards was nearly nonexistent.

2014-02-13, 10:22 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

"If arcane energy came from that tower at the same time as that soulless assassin escaped, maybe he came from there? If so perhaps these abominations have done more than attack our allies, perhaps they are directly trying to interfere with our mission. In other words, perhaps they have seized all the boats and ships." Milltyn looks over the group, "I know not all our strengths. Who here, beside just myself, have conducted scouting missions before?"

2014-02-14, 12:55 PM
I hope my post will not be too much. Sorry for the inconvenience again.

Nal'tor snorts, seeing Milltyn bounce off the mirror. 'See, I told you. We don't destroy it just yet. But I'm fine with securing it.' As he says he does, lowering the mirror to the ground and securing it with a massive wardrobe. 'That should do. And if something can lift it just like that, I don't want to step on its toes anyway. Now, go with your rites and messages and stuff. I'm going for a walk, let's meet in the docks.'

Nal'tor casually walks out of the building, whistling. He goes to the Bridge of Heroes, hoping to find Borun Golfrickson's statue there. If he doesn't, he continues his quest before eventually heading to the docks. But if he does find it on the bridge or somewhere else, he first tries to shatter his sword and cram the remains to his backpack.

Reunited again at the docks, he replies briefly to the halfling's question. 'I have.'

2014-02-14, 04:28 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven tries to recall anything he's heard about dwarf ships on deep lakes.


Green Bean
2014-02-14, 05:25 PM
Root considered Milltyn's question. From his early childhood, he'd learned any number of things: how to stay unseen, unheard. How to know when someone was watching, how to take the scraps of food so no one else saw. How to stay beneath someone's notice. He supposed those were skills useful in a scout, but for him it was never a mission, but survival. He shook off the memories. "I guess I have. Never with others though."

Flower Girl
2014-02-14, 11:24 PM
"I have never scouted, if you are looking for experience. Though I know how to keep quiet and hidden, if that is what you need." Violet answers the diminutive knight.

2014-02-15, 02:10 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

"Then let us go and scout that tower that Root saw the flashes from before. Myself, Violet and Root shall keep ourselves hidden and explore the place. Nal'Tor and Draven do you want to try a more upfront approach, or wait here for our return?"

2014-02-15, 02:23 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"We'll wait for you. Let's see if we can get in a position where we'll be able to help you out if you need it," Draven says.

2014-02-16, 04:10 AM
'Wait, what?! No way, we're not waiting. I'm not waiting. It's a lose-lose situation, the best you can get is nothing!' Nal'tor exclaims vigorously, shaking his head.

'You can stay here all day till the sun sets, I won't just stand and do nothing. Gonna take a look at those statues, I still need to find this Golfrick the dwarven bookkeeper I told you about, and you really should help me here! You're a dwarf and a bard, you should know him. I'm sure there are some ancient tales about legendary bookkeepers!'

2014-02-16, 10:25 AM
Draven notices the annoying tendency of old dwarven sagas to forego any detailed description of naval vessels in the relatively view cases of mentioning sea or lake travel. Sailing, is of course, out of the question-while rowers are usually mentioned, in some cases lake creatures are used as tugs, brave dwarven move throguh the dark waters using the power of their legs, not arms and in certain cases ships just seem to move of their one power. Apart from a general praise of their gleaming metal alloys, Draven cannnot recall specific descriptions of the materials used by shipwrights.

I'm sorry to say that Nal'tor did not find his target to vandalise at the bridge of heroes.

The tower is a forbidding monolithical building about fifty meters from the coast and seems the work of mages, not masons. It has no windows below the second floor, one large iron gate as its entrance and what looks suspiciouly like a landing pad on its top.

2014-02-16, 11:17 AM
"Fine, we'll look at the statutes." Draven asks. " We're not going to bother with that tower, though. I'm not sure that's even dwarf-built."
Draven does his best to direct Nal'tor away from what the sneaky people are doing.

2014-02-16, 11:27 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn motions to Violet and Root while Nal'Tor is distracted by dwarven statues. He quickly leads them off to the tower, looking for other, less obvious entries than the gated entry.

Milltyn takes a recovery that some how slipped his mind until now.
Recovery Roll: [roll0]
Slip into the darkness and scout around the building.
Dexterity and Level +4 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll1]
Search for another way in or signs of trouble.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll2]

2014-02-16, 03:04 PM
Milltyn actually finds out a few small holes in the wall but nothing large enough for him to squeeze. Near one of them his keen ears catch the unmistakable sound of whispers-a constant susurrus whose words are just outside of reach. He doesn't see any other entrances though, Not even handholds.

Green Bean
2014-02-16, 03:27 PM
Root was about to follow Milltyn and the others when Branch clambered up to his ear and nibbled the lobe to get his attention. She whispered to him in her scratchy little voice. "Honestly, dear, they're making a bigger fuss out of this than it has to be. Stay here, I'll be right back."

Branch scampered off into the lurking gloom. She did a quick lap of the tower and discovered a small hole to squeeze through. Root signalled to Milltyn and Violet to hold off for a moment. A rat would have a much easier time staying unseen than three full-sized people.

Using my Familiar's once a day ability Scout, which lets Branch make a recon run on an area or location and probably remain unseen in the process.

Flower Girl
2014-02-16, 10:12 PM
Violet followed Milltyn, dimming her lantern as she walked. They needed some light to effectively search, but to much would make them easy targets to anything unfriendly. She watched as the shadows seemed to flicker and dance around them as they moved closer to the tower.

At Root's signal, Violet backed away from the tower to see what he needed. As she turned, the light from her lantern illuminated a small shadow scuttling toward the tower. Stifling a shriek, she thankfully recognized the sorcerer's familiar as the rat found a way into the tower.

She mentally chided herself for her childish reaction to the rodent, glad she didn't embarrass herself. Approaching Root, she whispered, "Clever idea. She should be less noticeable than us. Will she be all right on her own?"

2014-02-17, 02:37 AM
Branch easily enters into the building, follows a tiny path, avoids an irritaning ancient mousetrap and find herself into a large antechamber. The walls, floor and ceiling bear intricate mosaics depicting processions of dwarves and proud(or constipated, Branch is not sure) loremasters. The air is stale and smells of scrolls, books, dust and old ink. A huge chandelier hangs above the familiar and a steel gate depicting a closed tome bars entrance to the main tower.

She also notices that the tower gate is surprisingly easy to open from the inside. A few short jumps on old furniture, a high one to catch the latch, a click is heard...and the gate is unlocked.

Green Bean
2014-02-17, 09:21 AM
Root replied to Violet equally quietly. "She'll be fine; she's a survivor." He almost elaborated, but he heard the soft click of the lock, and saw Branch squirming her way back out.

When she got back to him, Root dug into his emergency stash of dried corn and handed her three kernels. As she ate, he whispered to her. "Did you see any more of those dwarf-forged inside?"

2014-02-17, 02:31 PM
Branch devours the corn with great satisfaction while she describes the antechamber.

Flower Girl
2014-02-17, 05:39 PM
Listening to Branch describe the tower to Root (constipated lore-dwarfs? Really?), Violet decides to get their own lore-master to view the room. She whispers her plan to Root before walking back to where they had left the others.

She finds Nal'tor busily searching through the scattered statues, with Draven not far behind. "Master Forgeson, it seems this tower has a stronger connection to the dwarves that once lived here than we first suspected. I think you should see what is inside."

Turning to Nal'tor, she asks, "Are you finished with your search? Will you come with us?"

Violet'll return to the tower if Nal'tor goes, otherwise she'll relieve Draven of babysitting duty. :smallwink:

2014-02-17, 09:47 PM
Draven -- Dwarf Bard

"Certainly, I'll take a look," Draven said, with a cautious look at Nal'tor, before heading for the tower.

2014-02-17, 11:23 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn lingers behind Violet, keeping her in eye sight, trying to split tge difference between her and the Tower. He has a wary eye out the whole time. This feels rotten to the core.

Eye out for trouble.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Former Soldier of Light +3 = [roll0]

2014-02-18, 11:04 AM
Nal'tor considers this for a while, and then nods. 'Sure. I don't think Golfrick's statue is around here, so I don't have much to do. Well, off we go, let's kill something!' He says jauntily and abandons his statue hunt.

2014-02-19, 08:37 AM
As Draven enters he easily recognises the Throning of the First King and Humble Braentha Exposing the Traitorous Granthar Richseam on the ceiling and floor respectively, both iconic legends of the dwarven people. The other two scenes he does not immediately recognise but he is not given much toime to ponder of them as a metallic voice than can only come from the steel gate asks "WHO ASKS FOR ENTRY INTO THE HOUSE OF LORE AND WAVE"?

2014-02-19, 08:55 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven glances at his companions before answering. "I am Draven Forgeson, Mythkenner of Anvil," he says. "I and my companions seek entry into the House of Lore and Wave."

He attempts to convey as much dignity as any of the most distinguished nobles in the elven or dwarven courts, but at best he may have succeeded in not making a total fool of himself.


2014-02-19, 09:14 AM
Whispering voices chatter behind the door. "Can it be? Can it be?" "A new one!" "Probably another fraud?" "It's been so long, I missed-" "He sounds right" "Yeah, but so did the fiend on the third!" "New loremaster!" "Can it be?"

The gate keeps it voice calm, though. "Then show your knowledge, master Forgeson. You have seen the four mosaics. Choose one and tell me of its story." After a second it continues "Companions? Who are they? Let them present themselves!"

Green Bean
2014-02-19, 11:23 AM
Assured by Branch that there weren't any assassins or demonic hounds waiting in the entryway, Root followed Draven into the lit tower. He saw the four mosaics, but obviously knew little about dwarven history.

Though along the entire east wall was an intricate mosaic depicting a great battle that caught his eye. A massive horde of orcs was besieging a massive stone bastion manned by twelve dwarven warriors. There was enough individual detail and differentiation between each that Root suspected they were supposed to be a well-known dwarven figures, maybe kings or legendary warriors, though of course he wouldn't know that for sure. The dwarves seemed to be winning, but interestingly, on the other side of the great stone fortress, well clear of the battle, was a great crowd of humans and elves and even a couple dwarves. The dwarves looked pleading, yet resolute, whereas the humans and elves looked angry or dismissive.

The sudden voices startled him away from his reverie, but since Draven seemed to know what he was doing, Root followed his lead. "I am Root." He stated no titles or family name since he had none to give. Hopefully the voices would accept that.

Root looked in askance at Draven, hoping he could tell the story of one of these mosaics, because Root sure couldn't.

2014-02-19, 02:47 PM
Nal'tor takes a step forward, taking a deep breath and spreading his arms wide. 'I am Nal'tor Kerin Atar reawakene...' And then Root interrupts him with his laconic introduction. Interestingly, the drow does not get irritated or angry, instead, he exhales and adds in a surprisingly calm voice, 'That'll do. I'm Nal'tor.' before falling silent.

He then focuses on one of the mosaics. It's showing a sturdy, long and quite low hall with a dais at one end and a simple stone throne situated on it. From the looks of it, the hall is still under construction, hastily prepared for this ceremony that probably is some kind of coronation.

But there aren't many people there - maybe a dozen dwarfs, at best, and all but one are dressed in heavy suits of armor, as if coming there right from the midst of battle. The dwarf standing in front of the dais, probably soon-to-be king, looks very much the same, in dented armor and with a jagged axe in his right hand. He's definitely a seasoned warrior, or is depicted as one. He's also missing an eye, probably lost in a battle or duel. The last dwarf's attire is a long robe with mysterious runes sewn into it; he bows his head before the one-eyed warrior and lifts his right hand in a blessing... but his other hand is hidden beneath the robe and his lowered face shows a wry grimace.

Flower Girl
2014-02-19, 06:44 PM
Violet smothers a smile as Root successfully prevents another extravagant introduction from Nal'tor. Following Draven's lead, she uses her best temple manners, "Violet Lofquist, Cleric of Aspis Temple." She bows her head politely out of habit, though she doubts the gesture would mean much to a gate.

Violet tries to stay out of Draven's way as he examined the mosaics. She would normally enjoy looking at them herself, but she couldn't risk getting distracted while Draven worked. Instead she contimplated another piece of information. The gate had said that this was the house of lore and wave. Hopefully, the name was more than figurative, and the tower contained the information they needed to cross the lake.

2014-02-19, 07:42 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

"The name is Milltyn Goodfellow, Han guard and member ex-parte of the Soldiers of Light," Milltyn introduces himself.

2014-02-19, 08:12 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Once his companions have introduced themselves, Draven looks around at the mosaics. "These are old stories," Draven said. "Older than the war between the elves and the dwarves, so old that most have long forgotten. But the Mythkenner have long memories."

[A]long the entire east wall was an intricate mosaic depicting a great battle that caught his eye. A massive horde of orcs was besieging a massive stone bastion manned by twelve dwarven warriors. There was enough individual detail and differentiation between each that Root suspected they were supposed to be a well-known dwarven figures, maybe kings or legendary warriors, though of course he wouldn't know that for sure. The dwarves seemed to be winning, but interestingly, on the other side of the great stone fortress, well clear of the battle, was a great crowd of humans and elves and even a couple dwarves. The dwarves looked pleading, yet resolute, whereas the humans and elves looked angry or dismissive.

"This mosaic shows the Siege of Hammer Falls. Before the war, before the Wizard King, the dwarves were the first of the civilized people to encounter the orcs. They came from the north, rampaging and pillaging, and fell upon our mountains. We lived deeper then, with fewer outposts on the surface, but even so, the mountains were ours, and we threw back the invaders again and again. We sought aid from the humans and elves, warning them that if we were overrun, they would be too. But they did not believe the threat was a real one, that the barbarous orcs were as dangerous as we said, until the orcs broke through."

Draven gestures to the mosaic. "They overran the town at the Northern Colossus, and followed the river until they reached the falls. There they had to port their crude boats, and there they caught the town of Hammer Falls unprepared. It was a trade town inhabited mostly by humans and elves come for the prosperity trade with us brought, with only a few dwarf merchants. Its only defense was the dwarven keep, Helteka, and its contingent of twelve guards. Even before the siege, some of them were well known. Prince Olnik, son of the King of Forge, led them, and at his side, the massive Grenor, said to be as tall as a human and twice as wide, and clever Neltek, deviser of traps and war engines. The others earned their fame in this battle: Yleth, Madren, Elgieth, Maltor, Ygdar, Kulen, Astar, Rilen, and Traven. As the orcs came, they manned the battlements to protect Hammer Falls and the humans and elves who, even then, did not believe that the orcs were as dangerous as the dwarves said."

He takes a deep breath, his hand stroking the drum at his side, adding its rhythm to his voice. "Then the battle began, and the residents of Hammer Falls saw for themselves the horror that was upon them. Only then, did they believe. Only then, did they send to their own people for aid. But it was too late, the orcs were there, and Helteka could never hold for the seven days it would take for help to arrive. Or so the residents believed, and most fled before the orcs could break through. But the dwarves held, through assaults day and night, they held. For one day, and a second. On the third, Ygdar fell. And on the fourth, Kulen. Astar and Grenor died on the fifth, and it was soon apparent they couldn't last much longer. But on the seventh day, as Prince Olnik alone held off the horde, aid finally arrived, and Olnik died as the horns of the human and elf armies sounded. He was found with a smile on his face, buried under a mountain of orc corpses."

His drum falls silent with his voice.

Green Bean
2014-02-19, 09:13 PM
As he listened to Draven's story, Root stared once more at the mosaic, caught up in the Mythkenner's retelling. As he gazed at the slavering orcish hordes, he became acutely aware of the mass of scar tissue on his chest, a self-inflicted reminder of where he had come from. He had heard tales like this before many times, but always from the other side.

The orcs took him so young that he could remember no other life. Some of his earliest memories were of when the other animals in his pen had fallen asleep, and he could burrow into the straw and listen to the warriors around the camp fire telling the Story of the Red Eye clan. Each clan only had one Story, inevitably of some great battle, and it changed with each telling, incorporating elements of their latest raid or victory in battle. New enemies were named and killed in memorable ways, defences they had faced were raised and razed as they had been in truth. It was an accepted truth in the warband that parts of the Story dated back entire Ages.

Root still remembered with a mix of pride and shame the night, in his seventh summer, when the storyteller had mentioned the enemy's fortifications burning with a noxious green fire that spread into streets and homes. Though he had not been named, Root knew it was his actions they were referring to; it had felt then like he had become part of something greater than himself, that would live on long after him. He wasn't sure how he felt about it now, as the only person alive that knew the Story in full, but it still nagged at him in times like this.

It was on this melancholy thought that he heard Draven finish his tale. Root hoped that it would satisfy the voices.

2014-02-19, 09:46 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn ignores the telling of the Dwarven lore, for he cared not at all about dwarves or orcs. Instead he studied the last of mosaics, a much smaller mosiac stretching over the great doorway they had come through. There was Ormatur, the Father of the Forge, pounding in rhythm on his great mythral anvil.




As Draven beats the rhythm. Milltyn searches for the signs, the little icons he know from his teachings. Yes, there it was, the first skull cold forged in the furnaces of Dwarven pride.


The woman robed in white, her back turned upon the great smith as the other dwarves stare in admiration.


Ormatur's shadow guiding his hand, driving each hammer strike true.


Silence. Milltyn turns back to the group, listening for the response from behind the door. Fraud... fiend on the third floor... sounds like the time has come for revenge.

2014-02-20, 08:37 AM
"I am Root."

"Nice and simple""What kind of name is Root?" "Scars indicate tribal background""Well, that doesn't tell us what to expect, does it?""He looks human""My point exactly"

Nal'tor takes a step forward, taking a deep breath and spreading his arms wide. 'I am Nal'tor Kerin Atar reawakene...' And then Root interrupts him with his laconic introduction. Interestingly, the drow does not get irritated or angry, instead, he exhales and adds in a surprisingly calm voice, 'That'll do. I'm Nal'tor.' before falling silent.

"A silver-hair? HERE?""Mighty suspicious""Choice of weapon...almost undrow-like""He shows respect though""Nal'tor Kerin Atar?Really?""An avatar?""Or a loonie""Interesting specimen"

"The name is Milltyn Goodfellow, Han guard and member ex-parte of the Soldiers of Light,"[/COLOR][/b] Milltyn introduces himself.

"Hey, a real halfling! I never expected to see one!""A rather grumpy-looking one, too""Ex-soldier, he did explain, dearie""Never heard of the Soldiers of Light""Well, we could do with some""Yeah, less time spent on lighting candles!""Oh, for..."

Violet smothers a smile as Root successfully prevents another extravagant introduction from Nal'tor. Following Draven's lead, she uses her best temple manners, "Violet Lofquist, Cleric of Aspis Temple."

"What a nice girl" "Very courteous"" Too nice, let's be wary of her""Cleric? One of Convis-Sulaar's folk? Or the Brimstoners?""Nah, another human""I wonder if she's met...""He would have sent word to us if she had"

2014-02-20, 09:49 AM
The whispers stop as Draven tells his story.

"Yes, this is how it happened. And properly narrated, too, true to Mythkenner tradition. You are free to enter the Level of the Initiate, Draven Forgeson, along with your companions. Know, though, that we will tolerate no harm to come to this House. Respect and care are expected at all times."

And with these words, the door opens to the tower's first floor which is consisted of a small amphitheater in its middle and smaller arounds around it filled wih bookcases, studies, desks and lecterns. Candles and lamps, some obviously arcane in nature, shine brightly while a few alcoves have just been lit. At the other side of the room, a pair of stairs leads to the second floor.

"He passed!" "There they are!" "Welcome!""Until further notice, that is" "See! Listen! Write! Learn!"

The voices are all around you, each rushing to say its point...but you see no one.

Green Bean
2014-02-20, 10:37 AM
Root's face set as the strangers dissected his look and background. Those sentiments, if not those exact words, tended to foreshadow a fight of some kind back when he was travelling. But fortunately, it seemed Draven had won them over. Root looked to the dwarf in askance, ready to follow him inside should he choose to.

2014-02-20, 08:03 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"Thank you, Keepers, for allowing my companions and me into your sanctum," Draven says with a polite bow. "We will endeavor to respect its sanctity."

Draven leads his companions into the room, pondering the strange gatekeepers even while marveling at the treasure they protected.

Knowledge check to see if Draven knows anything about the keepers

Perception check to see if Draven recognizes anything of importance in the level

2014-02-20, 08:24 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn follow Violet in, watching carefully the shadows. He is very much uneasy with the disembodied voices. He scans looking for anything solid to understand. "A over heard your talk of an impostor, on the third floor?" Milltyn asks the shadows.

Flower Girl
2014-02-20, 10:02 PM
"It is a shame that we are so pressed for time. One could spend weeks in here and not absorb all the wisdom in these books." Violet approached the closest bookcase, looking for markings on the book bindings. "I wonder how this room is organized. There could be information here on how to cross the lake, or how to light the town, or where to get food and water. There might even be a way to the surface written in one of these tomes." Violet took a shuddering breath to steady her nerves; it would not do to let her emotions get ahead of her. Still, she could not repress her hopeful smile. "At the very least, maybe we can find out where, exactly, we are."

2014-02-21, 02:14 PM
Draven notices that, although invisible to the eye, the keepers do have a somewhat aerial presence in space. Coupled with the term "binders", he suspects that these are elementals, one of the kinds of unseen servants favoured by certain arcanists. They're not supposed to be that talkative, though.

As for the tomes themselves...a proper research might take days. It seems that there is an emphasis on historical and geological tomes in this floor's bookcases.

"Well said" "Need some guidance?""He's still an initiate, we shouldn't" "Well, do you see any other mythkenners around?"

2014-02-21, 02:49 PM
Milltyn feels the air around him change, becoming much more charged.

"The whisperer" "Brings discord" "Offers much, takes so much more" "Deceiver of hearts, deceiver of fools""Trapped on the third floor" "Too dangerous, too volatile" "You do not wish to know of him"!

2014-02-21, 02:53 PM
After a while Violet discovers the city's name: En-Molazak. The words mean Innovation in dwarven.

2014-02-21, 11:17 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

"The whisperer, what is it? How long has it been here? How is it trapped? Are there are others with it?" Milltyn continues questioning the spirits.

2014-02-21, 11:43 PM
Draven -- Dwarf Bard

"If there are invaders here, then we would be honored to help you rid the House of Lore and Wave of them," Draven says.


2014-02-22, 06:06 AM
The voices become agitated.

"He came from afar" "He divided and divided again the Anvilborn" "He asked for an audience, pretending to be our salvation""The Master of Ceremonies trapped him""Now he haunts the entire third floor"'Don't go to him""Don't listen to his promises""And you can't fight him""Too soon, too soon!" "You're an initiate yet"

2014-02-22, 07:43 AM
Nal'tor looks around, impressed. Unbelieveable! So many books! Now imagine how many campfires I could light up with those!

'Simple as that. Third floor, we go in, kill, go out. Then you tell us about Golfrick Borunson. That's the deal I offer.' He says and falls silent once more.

2014-02-22, 11:19 AM
"The Gates won't open" "Not yet" "Not yet" "The second Living Bastion?" "We do have a biography, it is in the northeastern section".

2014-02-22, 12:43 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"All right," Draven says. "If we're not ready, how do we become ready? And in the meantime, do you have any books on boats?"

2014-02-22, 03:04 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

"I think what my mythkenner friend really seeks is not a book on boats, but an actual boat. Or flying ship. Or water walking spell. Or any other means to cross the lake to lighthouse in the middle."

2014-02-23, 07:08 AM
Without another word, Nal'tor goes to the northeastern section and starts looking for anything that could help him finding Borun Golfrickson's statue.

2014-02-23, 01:43 PM
"The lighthouse?" "Well, we're not a shipyard" "There's two of them, mind you" "You might face issues using the submersible if you're not of the royal line, though!" "At least we have lots of manuals"

2014-02-23, 02:00 PM
Half an hour later, Nal'tor believes that he has found enough information. Borun Drolufson was an excellent commander and a sharp strategical mind who won victory after victory against a lot of factions opposed to dwarves, including derro, minotaurs, orcs, neogi and yes, dark elves. He also personally imposed a dictatorship and at least two cleansings of his (dwarven) enemies. In the end, he died after duelling and defeatinga black dragon and was entombed as a hero of dwarvenkind(a decision not without its critics).

He also learns where his statue is. It's near the cathedral, about 20 minutes from here.

2014-02-23, 02:04 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"A submersible?" Draven asks. "Like the one Jedna built? There are stories about them, but no one but Jedna ever claimed to have seen any plans or diagrams, and no one in living memory has seen one of the originals. Where are these manuals? And where's the submersible itself?"

2014-02-23, 02:14 PM
"Even here she had admirers" " We do have a pilot's manual but the secrets behind their creation are on another floor" "They kept at at the smalls shipyard, to the east" "You need to be of the blood to force the guardians to stand down if they see you, so be warned!"

2014-02-23, 02:26 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven goes to find the manual. "Good news," he tells the others. "We have a ship. Or we will, if my father's claims about his lineage are accurate. Otherwise, we may have to deal with the guardians."

Once he finds the manual, he quickly skims it. "Keepers?" he asks. "Can we take this book with us?" If not, he starts taking notes

OOC: To be clear, Draven is an illegitimate son of the Dwarf King. That means he's of some dwarven royal blood. Whether the current Dwarf King's lineage goes back far enough to impress these guardians may be another matter.

Green Bean
2014-02-23, 02:44 PM
Root spent his time looking at the books rather than reading them; even if he could. He could read and write a little in the common language of the Empire, but the formalized, archaic writings in the Imperial books were beyond him, let alone the runic writings of the dwarves. His lips moved silently as he tried to sound out a few familiar-looking titles, but he eventually gave up and waited for the others to find what they needed.

2014-02-24, 04:48 AM
"Sorry, but we can't allow that" "Too few copies" " Feel free to write down your notes though!"

2014-02-24, 07:09 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven begins taking detailed notes on the operation of the submersible. Afterwards, he looks for directions on how to find it, asking the Keepers if he has trouble. Once he has this information, it's time to go.

2014-02-24, 07:14 AM
'You find your notes if you want, then do whatever you like with those 'guardians'. I'll find you there, somewhere. I've got an errand to take care of. Shouldn't take me too long.' Nal'tor says, waving one hand at the team. If nobody objects, he goes out looking for the statue of this Second Living Bastion.

Flower Girl
2014-02-24, 01:59 PM
Violet looks up from the bookshelf she was browsing through. Besides the name of where they are, she hadn't found any help for the town's multiple problems. She'll ask Draven if he knows anything about En-Molazak after he is done with his note taking.

When Nal'tor announced his plans to leave, she looked up confused. "An errand? By yourself? Right now?" She doubts the wisdom of such a move, but she makes no arguaments to stop him.

2014-02-24, 02:21 PM
'Yes, an errand. And one for the sake of this city, and all that.' Then he adds in his weird whisper, 'If you want to believe it, that is.'

'Anyway,' he continues normally, 'I told you I need to find that statue, and you don't need me for that venture of yours. I go my way, you go your way, then we meet again. Simple as that.'

And they call me a weirdo! As if I couldn't take a walk alone, without a babysitter. He mutters again.

2014-02-25, 08:01 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn, never much for reading, and finding no ale or spirits, quickly grew bored. His ears picked and his body grew stiff when Nal'tor spoke of some errand he needed done, but when Violet decided to stay, Milltyn relaxed once more.

"Nal'Tor you surely do not need to babysit us. Enjoy your adventure, Gods speed!" Milltyn mustered as much friendliness as he could. Hopefully the drow would not return, and one threat would be ended.

Milltyn tried whistling to fill the time. A jaunty jig meant for dance and merriment. That was not met with much enthusiasm from his companions. Frowning the halfliing grew bored once more.

"Say there spirits, what happened the people of this town? Where did they go? How long has it been emptied?"

2014-02-25, 08:26 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"Be careful," Draven says without looking up from his notes. "It's dangerous wandering around alone."

He doesn't volunteer to go with Nal'tor though.

Green Bean
2014-02-25, 08:54 AM
Root hesitated for a moment, but ultimately he ignored Branch's sotto voce protests. "I will come with you, Nal'tor." He felt a certain sympathy for the madman, and didn't want him to wander off to a horrible fate.

"I would...feel better if I stayed under your protection." His words were respectful, but his tone brooked no argument.

2014-02-25, 02:43 PM
Draven verifies the vessels' location- is is described as some sort of sub pen, supposedly guarder by sentinels who never sleep.

2014-02-25, 02:48 PM
Nal'tor and Root find Borun Drolufson' statue in the middle of a square. The dwarf stares proudly at the distance while raising his blase in defiance to En-Molazak's enemies. Unlike the rest of the statue, Drolufson's blade is not made of bronze but of cobalt and actually glows every couple of minutes or so.

2014-02-25, 02:55 PM
The elementals sound very agitated. "We never found out!" "There was the poison clouds" "Monster after monster rose from the lake" "The safeguards failed" "But waw behind the attacks?""The king called for an evacuation" "So, so long ago"

Flower Girl
2014-02-25, 10:11 PM
Violet breathed a sigh of relief when Root volunteered to follow Nal'tor on his errand. She would have followed him herself if necessary, but she really hated to tear herself away from the library.

Instead she questioned the elementals before they left to find the sub. "Poison clouds? Monsters? Surely such events would be recorded. Is there a record in this library?"

Green Bean
2014-02-25, 10:15 PM
Root glanced back and forth between Nal'tor and the statue, unsure if this was the correct statue. When it became clear they were in the right place, he spoke up. "So, what is it we're here to do?"

2014-02-26, 03:19 AM
'Ah, you're coming with me! Splendid! Let's go then, we have a bit of a walk ahead of us. This will be like the best quest ever! Reminds me of a time when we went camping in one of the lower caves, it was soo long ago...' Nal'tor jabbers like this all the time.

When you arrive at the square, he's finishing a heroic (and unlikely) tale of his deeds. 'And then I say "No way you are enslaving my brothers again!" and I lunge forward. I was fighting with a rapier then, you know, but it is where I learned it's not so effective against mr. giant with giantic mace. Anyway, a fierce battle ensued in which I soon was at a disadvantage, but who cares if I could outsmart that bully. So while he was chasing me, I drew closer and closer to that deep chasm, remember, I described it in detail when I was entering the chamber. And so when I was about to fall into it, I clicked the heels of my boots to give myself even more grace and then made a pirouette to avoid a killing blow. My adversary was thrown off-balance, and with me behind him he was really unlucky! I pushed with all my considerable might and down he went, to meet his death! And I leisurely strolled to his treasury, which was really, I mean really impressive. Among all those magical artifacts, jewellery, heaps of jewels I found...

Ah, we are here! Let's see what we've found.' Nal'tor says, ending his story abruptly. He then walks to the statue and taps on the sword with a fist. 'One metal or the other, I'll break it sooner or later. But what this glowing is? Do you know, maybe?' While examining the blade, he also looks around for something with what he would be able to break it, be it a big rock, chunk of a wall fallen from one of the surrounding buildings or a broken stalagmite.

If it is even possible, some kind of knowledge check to identify the effect. [roll0], +1 level and +1 intelligence. If Travelling Prophet background somehow counts, add +3 to the result.

2014-02-26, 11:42 AM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Once Draven has the information he needs, and copious notes on how to pilot the submersible, he stands up, placing his notes in the pack. "I suppose we need to find Nal'tor and Root before we get going. Anyone know where they went?"

2014-02-26, 02:17 PM
Well...it seems to Nal'tor that breaking the thing is not that straightforward, unless of course you have golem strength at your disposal. It could be melted, of course, but one would need a powerful source of fire. A cocktail of acids might do the trick if one can get access to an alchemist's laboratory. He remembers situations where some escaped slaves had done so, making their chase all the more...interesting...

Root believes that the sword is a small focus in an otherwise arger arcane ritual effect. He's not sure what it actually does, though.

Green Bean
2014-02-26, 06:27 PM
Root squinted at the statue's sword. "Hmm, that sword looks magical. Not by itself, though; it's more like a focus for something bigger. You want to destroy it?"

2014-02-26, 11:02 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

"Well my last inquiry was not particularly fruitful. "perhaps we should try another line? What is a 'binder'? For all that matters, what are you beings? Milltyn continued to whittle away at the boredom.

2014-02-27, 04:23 AM
'Yes, yes I want indeed. And I will have it destroyed, only I'm not sure how. This glowing worries me, and in fact I expected stone, not metal. Oh well, I'll have to talk to some smiths, maybe they'll be able to melt it or something.' Nal'tor says, regarding the statue. Then he turns around to look at Root. 'Hey, you know magics. Won't you be able to melt it for me with those fancy tricks of yours? Maybe not the blade itself, but the statue's hand, at least?'

Green Bean
2014-02-27, 05:13 PM
Root looked at the statue appraisingly. "Hmm, I haven't melted metal in a long time, and that was just armour. Not as thick as this." Root had no particular attachment to the statue, but a happy Nal'tor would be more pleasant to deal with, at least.

He approached the statues arm, but stayed a few feet back. In a non-combat situation, he could take his time and draw upon his arcane power in a more slow and controlled way. As the power filled him, he felt as though his whole body was an inferno, though he remained entirely unburned. He released a short breath, and pointed at the statue's sword arm. A crescendo of fire burst forth from his fingers.

Burning Hands on the statue. [roll0] fire damage, but since this is a non-combat situation, I dunno if you want to use hard damage numbers.

2014-02-28, 10:10 AM
Root's effort is a impressive one, but it still doesnot generate the required heat.

You probably guessed it-this is ritual territory.

Green Bean
2014-02-28, 10:33 AM
Root scratched his chin, a little frustrated. "Hrm. It's well made."

"I might have a spell to destroy it, but it's a big one. It'd take time, and power. A lot of power, the kind I can't just throw around." He looked Nal'tor directly in the eyes, dead serious. "How badly do you want this statue destroyed"

Say I want to use my Acid Arrow spell in a statue-destroying ritual. What would be the timeframe involved and the components required?

2014-02-28, 10:36 AM
The voices seem to enjoy Milltyn's attention.

"The Binders? Why, High Fraternity of Conjurers" "The city's most powerful arcane order" "Summoned all kids of creatures" They did have their enemies and critics, though" "The Loremasters consulted them before they summoned us" "But we are not bound against our will" "Yep. They negotiated" "Think of us as elemental librarians who really love their job"

In the meantime, Violet finds some logs which mention the spreading of poison clouds(the writer accuses the drow), an assault by an orc army lights going out repeatedly and huge crustacean monsters rising from the waters.

2014-02-28, 11:18 AM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

"And Akram Mirza ibn Jalal, does that name having meaning to you? Maybe a Djinni or some such? I am not familiar with all these exotic otherworldly things. Would you have book about him or such creatures?" Milltyn had glommed onto something to occupy his time.

2014-02-28, 04:00 PM
'Pretty badly. But... I guess the time's not come yet. If it doesn't want to go, then let it be. Maybe I'll find a way around this problem at a later time. Let's join the others now, and on the way, let me entertain you with another story of my heroic adventures!'

'Stupid statue!' He mutters before he begins to weave another unlikely tale.

Green Bean
2014-02-28, 04:43 PM
Root shrugged and followed, relieved but maybe also just a teensy bit disappointed that the statue would remain intact for now. "So, about that giant's hoard..."

2014-02-28, 06:20 PM
Say I want to use my Acid Arrow spell in a statue-destroying ritual. What would be the timeframe involved and the components required?

For this? About 30 minutes. Root would require the (relatively fresh) heart of a fire-breathing or acid-breathing creature as well.

2014-02-28, 06:28 PM
"Sure we do!" "He's an efreet, and a royal one at that" "Arrogant, capricious, vengeful and powerful, all of them" "His binding was the finest hour of the High Fraternity of Conjurers, or so it was claimed"

Slowly a large book, bound with wyvern leather of excellent quality and written in meticulous calligraphy leaves its shelf, flies through the air and reaches Milltyn's hands. Its title is "Subjugating the proud: The binding of Akram Mirza ibn Jalal"

"If you need more information, this might help"!

2014-02-28, 10:56 PM
Draven-Dwarf bard

"That looks like a fascinating book, Draven says. " Maybe it won't hurt to take the time to look at that before we get going."

OOC: Should we just wait for the others to return? I don't think we really established where we were going earlier. Nal'tor left before Draven figured out where the boat was.

Flower Girl
2014-03-01, 11:26 AM
Violet took note of the disasters that faced the end of this town. She wanted to be prepared for anything they may run into as they explored. Looking closely at the book in her hands, she carefully reread the section describing the lights going out. If the lights went out repeatedly, that means they were able to repair them repeatedly. Unfortunately, the text in her hands, while full of speculation on the origin of the disasters, was completely lacking in technical details.

Violet was so engrossed in her reading, that she never noticed the book floating over to Milltyn and Draven. Studying was a large part of her upbringing, but she always had to work hard to get good results in her studies. This eventually developed into her tendency to block out all outside distractions when she was trying to learn something.

Closing the tome with a sigh, Violet muttered, "What I really need is a technical manual on the lighting system." She gave the book in her hands a little caress before carefully setting it aside. At least she now had an idea of what dangers they may be facing, including what lurks in the water. Completely forgetting about the helpful librarians, and without even hearing her companions' discussion, she sets off in search for the book she needs.

2014-03-01, 03:12 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn, never one for reading, began to peruse the book nevertheless, looking through the table of contents, chapter headings, names, and the like not. He supposed starting for a location.

2014-03-01, 04:41 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

Draven attempts to read the book over Milltyn's shoulder. If Milltyn loses interest, he'll take the book, paying particular interest to who this Akram is and how and why he was bound.

2014-03-01, 07:04 PM
Nal'tor and Root return to the House of Lore and Wave to find the rest of the group deep into study. Violet, Milltyn and Draven haven't progressed very far, but a few facts can already be established.

Milltyn and Draven discover that Akram Mirza ibn Jalal is the son and heir of the grand vizier of the Glorious Ramalite Sultanate, one of the the two most powerful political entities of the efreets. He has been particularly active among the planes and been part of more than one myths, always getting the better of those who seek to bargain with him and destroying his would-be rivals. His cunning and cruelty are extraordinary even for a member of his race. Not content with his power, riches and inluence in his homeland, he cultivated numerous pockets of power and influence.

He had little to do with the dwarves, though, until a desperate Prince Habaluk, seeing his Crusade against the Ghast King all but shattered, bargained with or forced (references are unclear here) the Efreet noble to grant him power to shatter the foul undead's realm. In a spectacular feat of magical might, Akram Mirza ibn Jalal stripped the Ghast King of his nature an power of his cannibalistic subjects and granted them to the horrified Prince. The latter committed suicide before he completely succumbed to his unnatural state, shattering the kingdom of the undead in the process. Enraged and mournful, his father, King Robaaz IV, swore revenge. Two of his councillors came with a very ambitious plan...

Violet realises that En-Molazak's light and warmth was not entirely the province of the Guild of Lighters. It seems that the power of Akram Mirza ibn Jalal was usd in more ways than one: semi-precious gemstones were inscribed with runes linking them to the bound Efreet, offering the denizens of the Lower City, its richest and most prestigious district, powerful sources of heat and light. A few lesser ones also exist, linked to various elementals. Journeymen of the High Fraternity of Conjurers ensured that the process remained smooth and the scribing's condition excellent.

2014-03-01, 07:36 PM
Draven - Dwarf bard

Draven carefully stacks the books they found. Then he says, "Thank you, Keepers, for your help. I am sure we will return to continue our research when we can. First, though, we have a boat to find."

If no one objects, he leads the way to the submersible.

Green Bean
2014-03-02, 10:50 PM
As they arrived, Root was finishing up a short tale of his own, a recompense of sort for the amazing tale of dashing heroism Nal'tor had told him. Admittedly, Root's story had the disadvantage of being entirely true and pretty prosaic. "...and I told Tallfellow that if he really wanted to, he should be a dressmaker. The other kids couldn't prove I started the fire, so..."

He trailed off as they entered the House to see the others still at it. Root was glad they hadn't run off, but was a little surprised that they could stand so much sustained reading without their brains melting out their ears. That always seemed to be a risk when he tried it. It looked like Draven had found their next step, so he dismissed any thoughts of unmeltable statues and giant's hordes for later and followed him.

2014-03-04, 09:28 AM
Draven-Dwarf Bard

" Can someone get Violet," Draven days as they're about to head out the door. "I think she's still reading."

2014-03-04, 02:18 PM
Eventually Violet is told of Root's and Nal'tor's return and you are ready to go.

The shipyard you are looking for is situated at the easternmost part of the docks. It looks more like a large bunker, actually, and it extends into the lake itself. A trio of bolt throwers in various states of disrepair has been installed around it. A massive composite gate blocks your entrance and a peephole briefly opens as you get closer.

"And who might you be? This is off limits!" says a stern voice from inside.

2014-03-04, 04:27 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn follows Violet out of the tower, ever watchful. At least we have some idea about this Akram Mirza ibn Jalal and the binders. I wonder what trouble would befall if he were freed?

Once they arrive at the shipyard, the han soldier follows his routine of examining the place to insure no threat waits to pounce. The dwarf mythkenner seems quite adept at getting what he wants, no need for he to interfere, he muses as he melts once more into the shadows.

Eye out for trouble.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Former Soldier of Light +3 = [roll0]
Melts into shadows.
Dexterity and Level +4 plus Scoundrel with a knack for escaping +5 = [roll1]

Flower Girl
2014-03-04, 05:44 PM
Violet holds her lantern high to shed light for the entire group while walking. She keeps an eye on the ever shifting shadows, though she still looks distracted. Catching up to Draven, who has a larger knowledge base than her, she discusses all of the details she uncovered in the library.

Approaching the gate, Violet was shocked to see the peephole open. She waits for Draven to address the gatekeeper, since he was able to talk them into the library. At least we know that whatever is guarding the gate has a physical form and can use a peephole. Hopefully this stays friendly.

2014-03-04, 05:52 PM
Draven- Dwarf bard

" Thank you, Violet," Draven says. "That is helpful information."

When he reaches the door and hears the guardian, he replies, "I am Draven Forgeson, son of the King of Forge. I am in need of a boat."

2014-03-05, 02:53 PM
"Are you, now? That's one I haven't heard in many centuries. Still, I guess that Grannehilda will sort you out if you're a fraud anyway, so..."

...slowly the gate opens, creaking with age. Behind it you see a massive production line, a vast network of gears, chains, hooks, hammers and cranes. Metal sheets are spread all over the place. At the ntrance you see a rather short but brawny dwarf-forged accompanied by a large golem made of clay. You notice that this dwarf-forged bears no insignia or rune whereas the golem's facial and body features have been artistically chiselled, making it look more like a statue than a plain construct guardian.

"I really hope she won't though. I'd be lying if if said I don't miss the old days and the dwarves, master Forgeson. I'm Chief Engineer Koboldwrench and this is Stomper."

Flower Girl
2014-03-05, 11:18 PM
Son of a King? I had no idea... Violet ponders this new information as she follows the group through the gates. I will have to remember to address him as Prince instead of Master. Oh, unless he was hiding it for some reason. Well, now, I'm not sure. I'm already avoiding directly calling out to Nal'tor, now I'll have to do the same with Master...er... Prince Forgeson. She exhales slowly through her nose. Never has she met a group of people so hard to address before.

2014-03-05, 11:30 PM
"I am pleased to meet you, Koboldwrench and Stomper. Can you take us to this Grannehilda?" Draven says.

2014-03-06, 03:05 PM
"Very well, come inside. But first I should close the gate" says the warforged Koboldwrench as he pulls a lever, acivating the gate's closing mechanism.

"You never know what might try to sneak in. So...our lady Grannehilda, it is"

The engineer leads you further into the shipyard. You see parts of nautical vessels all around you, and none of them looks like a typical ship or boat. Some feature wheels, others tubes or fins and some others harnesses for aquatic creatures. There are mechanical pincers, huge harpoons and terrible drills. Not all of them are of dwarven design-Root definitely recognises an adaptation of the Orcish Greatspear. Eventually Koboldwrench leads you up a metallic ladder on a covered platform and a room looking down on the part of the shipyard which extends into the lake. Most of its space is taken by a multilevered control system of grand proportions.

"Behold, Grannehilda! Our pride and joy! Mistress of En-Molazak's Experimentl Shipyard. She allows us to repair and maintain, but to truly build or release a vessel she requires a touch of royalty. You see that hole over there, master Forgeson? A trickle of blood, if you will. If you are what you claim she will give recogntion. Oh yes, she will!"

2014-03-06, 04:37 PM
Draven - Dwarf bard

Draven draws a knife and cuts his palm, flexing his hand to let the blood trickle into the hole. I really hope my father's bloodline is old enough to satisfy this machine, he thinks to himself. And I sure hope it doesn't care that I'm illegitimate.

Green Bean
2014-03-06, 06:18 PM
Root trailed along with the others, confused and bemused by the 'shipyard'. It didn't make a lot of sense to him - metal couldn't float, so all of these nautical pieces would be absolutely useless in a ship. Perhaps this was a display of some sort, metallic models of the parts of ships for reference purposes? Hopefully Draven's blood would open the way to an actual functional ship with real wooden parts.

2014-03-06, 11:11 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn wears a green queasy look upon his scowling face, as though just invited through the gates of the demon swept plains by the Demon Queen herself. Every nerve in his soul is screaming, It's a trap! It's a trap! Milltyn jumps at every shadow, knowing that these abominations will erupt forth and slay another one his charges while he watches helplessly.

"I must not let this happened again!" Milltyn spits through gritted teeth, completely unaware of what he says.

Eye out for trouble.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Former Soldier of Light +3 = [roll0]

2014-03-07, 04:38 PM
"Very well" says Koboldwrench, after taking a curious look at Milltyn. "Now' you'll need to press this button' and pull the second lever from the upper right down, and now this lever up, and now the big red button. Good, very good!Now, we wait..." he adds as the machine begins to rumble.

Ten minutes later, the answer is given. A pattern of green lights flashes for a few seconds and then a loud, triumphant horn sound breaks the silence of docks.

"Yes, our lady is satisfied and thus, so am I. Welcome back, sir. Just like the old days. Without the fireworks and the choir, I'm afraid' but still your right was proclaimed in the near area. Now, what is your wish?"

2014-03-07, 06:24 PM
Draven - Dwarf Bard

"Thank you, Master Koboldwrench," Draven says. "What I really need right now is a boat. Something to get us to the lighthouse. Tell me, do you know what we'll find inside?"

Flower Girl
2014-03-07, 09:20 PM
Violet retrieved a clean handkerchief as the machine rumbled. Silently approaching Draven, she used it to wrap up the cut on his hand. As she backed away, she heard Milltyn mutter to himself. Confused, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. He looked agitated and jumpy, but she couldn't see why. She gave her shoulders a light shrug and went to stand by Root, trying to stay quiet and out of the way as Draven negotiated passage for them.

2014-03-08, 04:27 AM
"Oh, yes, the Bright Gemstone. A gift from the Great Gold Wurm himself when we aided him against the Dread Reaper's forces. It has been abandoned an unattended for too long, though. Ibn Jalal's folowers tried twice to get to it but obviously failed to activate it.

As for your vessel, sir...I'm afraid that most are not shipworthy right now. You could take the Black Lobster or the Manta Ray 2 though. Both submergibles. The first boasts powerful armor, pincers and a harpoon but it walks in the depths and makes much noise-it does not actually cruise. The Manta Ray 2 is much lighter, a stealth vessel actually, but it can actually sail. No weaponry so you would have to surface if you get noticed by anything nasty, but the ink release mechanism still works, I believe."

2014-03-08, 10:13 AM
Draven - Dwarf bard

Draven looks at the others. "What do you think? The Lobster or the Mantra Ray 2?" he asks.

Flower Girl
2014-03-08, 11:45 AM
"Some of the texts I came across mentioned giant crustacean monsters coming from the water during the last days. If any of their descendants survived, we are sure to meet them in the lobster ship." Violet shivered, "If everything I read is accurate, I would rather not be stuck at the bottom of the lake when meeting one. In fact, I would rather not meet one at all."

"Maybe in the Manta Ray, we could reach the island unnoticed."

2014-03-08, 12:53 PM
Milltyn Goodfellow Halfling Fighter
Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=663871)|Description

Milltyn, still scowls as he scours the place for hidden assassins. "Let us just make the decision quick and begone before..." he trails off.

Eye out for trouble.
Wisdom and Level +1 plus Former Soldier of Light +3 = [roll0]

2014-03-08, 01:13 PM
Draven - Dwarf bard

Draven nods. "Very well," he says. "In that case, we'll take the Manta Ray 2."

2014-03-10, 03:04 PM
The manta ray proves to be an apt description of the dark grey vessel instead of a mere class type. It is actually shaped as its namesake and bulit to cruise in a similar way, using its mechanical fins to travel.. As Koboldwrench describes it, it is largely based on a very unusual adaptation of clay and iron construct mechanics. It bears a front window of dark glass and it is narrow, with barely the space to accomodate all of you. Nal'tor is the last to enter, uncharacteristically silent and thoughtful. The dwarf-forged opens the lakeside gate for you and you are ready to leave for the lighthouse isle.

Operating the manta ray is not the easiest task in the world but with the aid of Dravens note you can get by. The lake deepens abruptly and after a while you can not see its depths You retain a good speed will be there in another twenty minutes or so...and then you notice pale green lights from below suddenly lighting.

"Yes! More followers of my great path! See how Nal'tor Kerin Atar's mere presence enlightens even those lost in the darker depths!"

But should we meet them? They might be bad company or worse, boring company. Although with a royal-blooded dwarf the company is already rooten. But we can't tell them, can we? Not until later. Business before pleasure and all that."

He straightens.

So...do we check it out or move forward, brave comrades"?