View Full Version : Chamber Dragons - Scourging Destiny (IC)

2014-01-27, 03:42 PM

For the last ten years, the Conclave, vastly regal and deliberative, has become hasty. Decades and centuries is the common operating tempo of the Conclave - perhaps, if some great event presses sorely there might be a decision made within a year. And yet....

Rumors all stem from a decade before, the Conclave met suddenly and for six months was not seen, locked into the most severe blanket of silence ever seen. When the great dragons came from their meeting, they rebuffed all inquiries, but many noted the unease some expressed in their manner.

While nothing has been released officially, the Chamber has been given greater leeway than ever before perhaps even being encouraged and tasked at times, though members of the Conclave dismiss such claims. But in the decade since rumors have spread and grown among dragons involved in the Chamber. The Prophesy! The Lords of Dust! The Dragonmarked! Few rumors agree except that something has alarmed the great dragons of the Conclave.

Younger dragons have been quick to seize the chance to become more active, some even claiming to have special orders from members of the Conclave, though what is boast and what is true is impossible to tell.

Something is stirring.

2014-01-27, 08:50 PM
Zed gulped. In the city of Argonessen he stood in his preferred form as an elf. Sitting outside the office of a scholar at the much reviled Morgrave University. He wondered at the events that had lead him here.

How he hopped onto the first ship he could. Trembling, afraid, angry, sorrowful, bitter. Trembling from the sheer ragged clothes he had left. Afraid of the monster he had just witnessed. Angry at his powerlessness to stop said monster. Sorrowful because of the impotent anger. And bitter...since this was just his lot in life. Again.

Barely two coppers to his name, he bartered his way on board with promises of magic and labor. The crew would soon find that his abilities at magic were....lackluster, and that his "labors" could be done twice as well and in half the time by anyone else in the crew. Odds are he would have been thrown overboard if it weren't for...her.

She was strange. A woman, and captain of the ship. Mysterious and rarely seen by the men. Lithe, yet at the same time bespeaking power in her every movement. Quiet, yet with wisdom in every word. From a short lifetime living with them he knew what she was the moment he saw her. And despite being the very opposite of what he should have been, he was almost certain that she knew it too.

Over the rest of the trip they would meet late at night and simply...talk. He of his brief stint as an adventurer and the mountain of knowledge he had accumulated in that time. She of her adventures on the high-seas. Of her rise to captaincy. Of her conglomeration of wealth and influence as a trusted smuggler. And most importantly, how she was one of the few dragons given carte-blanche to act in the world beyond Argonessen. A member of the chamber. A guardian of the greatest mystery in existence. A hand of the conclave itself.

Without her, Zed may have stayed in an imbecilic depressed stupor for the rest of his days. But with her...maybe he could have been something...more. He had wanted to stay with her on the ship but she just gave him that warm yet bitter laugh. That knowing yet condescending smile. And that cheerful yet tired **** of her head. It was obviously a no. She didn't even have to say it. He left the moment they arrived in port.

He was deformed. A dragon of his age, barley able to fly or breath fire. Stupid. Weak. Clumsy. Cowardly. Everything a dragon was not supposed to be. Perhaps he would have fallen into despair once more. Perhaps...but he saw it. Saw his chance. The building that the chamber used in Sharn. Disguised as an upscale tavern. With barely a moments thought he rushed in and....

And now he was here. A junior member of the chamber. Perhaps he would have been more suited as a librarian for the chambers vast archives...it was tempting most assuredly, but he doubted he would find his answers there. No, he needed experience, danger. Things that would challenge him and maybe...maybe, he would rise to them.

And yet here he was...in a situation which was both too unnerving for him and yet at the same time not challenging enough. He tapped his foot incessantly, perhaps out of boredom...or maybe anxiety. Either way he was here to negotiate with the "dean" of the university for artifacts from Xen'drik. Apparently the chamber had a vested interest in the most recent shipment whatever it was and he needed to approach as a buyer. He only had 200 platinum with which to negotiate with..hardly a pittance for most artifacts, especially if they were magical. But he had his task. To get the twelve crates of Xen'drikian "artifacts" by any means necessary. He supposed the negotiations would break down at some point, but perhaps he could get some more useful information first.

Odds are there was only one thing out of the entire twelve crates that the powers that be needed. But Zed, of course, lacked the clearance to know what it was. Besides, if he were outed as member of the chamber or even a minion of it, the enemies of the chamber would swarm over it in an instant. He would need tact...which he lacked...and subtlety...an even worse feature of his. As the door to the office opened he stood up, forcing a smile and hoping that finally he could get this over with.

2014-01-28, 03:16 PM
The young pageboy who opened the door was dressed in a smart tabard and tap reflecting the colors of the university. He let out a small group of people that Zed recognized as adventurers, though he had never seen them before.

Magic items of protection and power worn even in the safety of the college was a dead giveaway, of course, but even had they been dressed in common cloth ... that swagger, that ultimately confident stride of those who had faced down dangers that would have killed others. Unmistakable. Unafraid.

The thin, hawk-nosed man in the lead swept his eyes across the room, missing nothing, measuring everything, and dismissing all as non-threatening. Including Zed.

And then they were gone out the door the the pageboy nodded to Zed, "Master Zobed will see you now."

The adjunct professor, a slightly plump and balding human, was carefully replacing the lid on a strong, wooden crate.

"Welcome, welcome. You must be Jayle Delimar." It is the name the chamber instructed should be used. "I am Professor Derrick Zobed, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Zobed waves the pageboy out. "We'll be fine for now. Close the door after you."

As the young boy leaves, his demeanor drops the joviality and he immediately jumps to business, perhaps with a bit of a nervous haste.

"Artifacts from Xen'drik, as yet officially uncatalogued. I'll have you know there are several groups interested in looking at these before the college officially announces their acquisition. You are the first, as arranged. What are you looking for?"

2014-01-28, 05:04 PM
Zed would try to make himself as inconspicuous as possible as the others filed out. The party leaving seemed to be just finishing up a transaction of some kind. Making a mental picture of the man at the head of the group Zed would have to cross-reference his portrait with the customs bureau after this meeting.

"Welcome, welcome. You must be Jayle Delimar. I am Professor Derrick Zobed, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"A-and you as well professor"

Entering the room Zed took a quick count of the crates in the room. Straw stuffing sticking out of a few. "2, 4, 6" {rolling spot: [roll0] to count how many crates there are visible.}

"Artifacts from Xen'drik, as yet officially uncatalogued. I'll have you know there are several groups interested in looking at these before the college officially announces their acquisition. You are the first, as arranged. What are you looking for?"

Somehow he didn't quite believe that he was the "first" to get a look at the objects, only that

"I-if you will p-permit me sir. B-but m-my client wishes that I i-inspect all of the m-merchandise a-and obtain your prices for each p-piece in the sh-shi-shipment before o-offering to purchase a-any of it. I-if I outright told you w-what it was my client wanted, th-then my client f-fears that y-y-you would ch-charge the h-highest price for it. A-as such, I n-n-need to evaluate a-all of the f-findings f-f-first.

Exaggerating his stutter, he hoped that in doing so he might increase the illusion that he was but a simple academic, well out of his league in the smuggling world. Granted, he absolutely was...though not for the reason Professor Zobed thought. Once Zed saw the artifacts, he knew that he would be able to rattle on all the facts and histories about them...confidently and without error. He hoped that this rapid swing in persona's would be able to off balance the professor and get him to yield certain information...information which would make the acquisition of the items in question much easier.

2014-01-28, 06:05 PM
Zed would try to make himself as inconspicuous as possible as the others filed out. The party leaving seemed to be just finishing up a transaction of some kind. Making a mental picture of the man at the head of the group Zed would have to cross-reference his portrait with the customs bureau after this meeting.

"Welcome, welcome. You must be Jayle Delimar. I am Professor Derrick Zobed, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"A-and you as well professor"

Entering the room Zed took a quick count of the crates in the room. Straw stuffing sticking out of a few. "2, 4, 6" {rolling spot: [roll0] to count how many crates there are visible.}

"Artifacts from Xen'drik, as yet officially uncatalogued. I'll have you know there are several groups interested in looking at these before the college officially announces their acquisition. You are the first, as arranged. What are you looking for?"

Somehow he didn't quite believe that he was the "first" to get a look at the objects, only that

"I-if you will p-permit me sir. B-but m-my client wishes that I i-inspect all of the m-merchandise a-and obtain your prices for each p-piece in the sh-shi-shipment before o-offering to purchase a-any of it. I-if I outright told you w-what it was my client wanted, th-then my client f-fears that y-y-you would ch-charge the h-highest price for it. A-as such, I n-n-need to evaluate a-all of the f-findings f-f-first.

Exaggerating his stutter, he hoped that in doing so he might increase the illusion that he was but a simple academic, well out of his league in the smuggling world. Granted, he absolutely was...though not for the reason Professor Zobed thought. Once Zed saw the artifacts, he knew that he would be able to rattle on all the facts and histories about them...confidently and without error. He hoped that this rapid swing in persona's would be able to off balance the professor and get him to yield certain information...information which would make the acquisition of the items in question much easier.

The lead adventurer's face continues to niggle the back of Zed's mind - a well-known adventurer maybe? What a bother it was trying to remember who that was. It was right there at the back of the mind. So close.

Oh well, crates. There are 1, 2, 3, 4 ... maybe that was the famous adventurer who retired to fencing instructor, oh what's-his-name. Sigh. Crates. 7, 8, 9, .... Or maybe that was one of leaders of House Deneith. That would make sense. Had that crate already been counted? Yeah. 8, 9, 10, 11 .... Wait, that one had already been counted. Hadn't it? Errr, 13, 14, 15 .... Or maybe that was a face he had seen on a wanted poster? 16, 17, 18.

Zed finally counts out nearly 18 crates stacked around the room. Yes, he was sure of it. 18.

Professor Zobed masks his annoyance at the stuttering.

"Yes, of course you can look, but it needs to be quickly done. The delivery was just made, but like I said, there are quite a few people coming to see these."

He walks across the room to the largest single arrangement of crates. Some as small as a large jewelry box and one that could fit both Zed and Professor Zobed.

There were ten boxes in total here, laid out in a group. Zobed lifted off the lid of each crate. Each crate was filled with dried grass as padding. Some of the crates held cloth bags holding multiple smaller items, while others had larger single items.

"See what you're interested in, but make it quick."

Roll a search check for quickly looking through the boxes. Also roll a Knowledge(arcana) to get a quick idea of what you're looking at. If you have any spells to help, feel free to use them.

2014-01-28, 07:28 PM
Zed began his search, first casting detect magic on himself so that he could determine the strength and presence or absence of arcane aura's. For good measure he also cast detect secret doors on the pile and the room in an attempt to discern if there were any secret caches in the boxes, in addition to possible hidden entry shafts into or out of the room.

He began by opening all the crates, trying to make sure that there wasn't anything left trapped in the small stuffing of the boxes {search check: [roll0] }

Assuming he found anything of use he would first begin by consulting his tome of worldly memory. A small book but which contained enough information on almost any topic to provide a severe boon to anyone who read it long enough. Zed took pride in the amount of knowledge he had obtained, and so was able to use the book much faster than a novice. After his brief perusal, he would try to determine if it was magical in any way {knowledge arcane check: [roll1] } as well as whether or not the item had any great historical significance {knowledge history [roll2] }.

2014-01-28, 11:18 PM
Oh the months that these artifacts deserve. Years! Long dead civilizations, and the odd paths of thought which the artifacts suggest.

There are several bags of broken gears, chains, and cogs which give tantalizing hints of interactions. Non-magical, but the artistry is evident even after the passing millennia.

Dozens of broken rods and sticks, most likely wands of some sort, still have a faint tingle. Magical symbols resemble but still strongly differ from those with which you are more familiar. In some ways they resemble Eternal Wands, but with other additions to the sections of wands you can see. Unfortunately,

The largest box reveals a dirty ... metal casing? A curved section of a larger something is covered with inlaid silver forming magical symbols, several of which still ping strongly magical. You recognize the symbols for the moon and other planes, most prominently Dal Quor. Something from the time of war between the giants and the Quori?

An entire box is filled with hundreds of tiny metal disks with spikes on them, all edged in adamantine. A pricked finger demonstrates that they are still very sharp and a strange, square-ish pattern covers each one, and the Tome suggests that these are from a swarm construct called a Shredstorm.

A box contains several dozen sharp, glassy chunks of obsidian, each with runes scribed across its surface, and your quick examination shows at least two separate pairs that have matching broken edges that fit together. The runes are fragmented, but you make out odd abjurative symbols on some of the shards. You can tell these came from a much larger chunk of obsidian. It still has a faint feel of magic, but muted, very, very muted.

There is a section of cloth nearly fourteen feet long, but ripped so that it is only two feet wide. It is rolled up in a box, but upon being unrolled, shows to be as unfaded and unworn as if it were fresh from the loom - showing the end piece of what must have been a massive scene embroidered in the cloth. You can sense no magic.

When Zobed sees you examine it, he interjects, "The people who retrieved it swear they found it in some ruins, and I tend to believe them - the design, size, and style of the embroider fits with other remnants. How it looks so fresh - I don't know. Obviously magic, but I haven't heard of any magic that can do that for forty centuries."

Two boxes have a half dozen books with sheets of hammered bronze. After thousands of years, the metal has tarnished, bent, and flowed to erase some of the imprints, but here and there are clearly indented words, though the language is unknown.

There are also shards of pottery, most with brightly decorated covers.

There is also a box with a construct that looks like a cross between a snake and a scorpion. It shows clear signs of having been violently killed, and quite recently. Interestingly, there are virtually zero magical inscriptions on it.

Nearly ten minutes goes by, and Professor Zobed steps up next to the box where you are examining the snake, scorpion construct.

"Look, we need to keep going. I do not have all day. Tell me what are you interested in, and we will talk about price."

OOC: Make a spot check, DC 15.

2014-01-29, 07:27 AM
Karaten was.... bored. He longed to roam Sharn and see what rabble rouse would fight him but he knew if he revealed himself it would compromise the plan. Mograve seemed like a good place to hide, sure it had a lot of books, but he read through most of ones depicting battles. He would hope that the adventure would be ... ya know more adventurous. Karaten was hidden behind a false grandfather clock, being able to listen through the wood, over hears Zed and the procurer of artifacts. Wish he would hurry up already. Karaten thought to himself. I should've bought a hat of disguise.... but at least I have this nice cloak! He ruffled it back over his shoulder.

2014-01-29, 11:23 AM
The narrow passageway here was tall, and the small hole through the wall and grandfather clock was at roughly a human height - tall enough that Kareten had to stand on his hind legs to be able to see through.

He could hear someone walking down the hallway that ran next to the passageway Kareten was in. The person passed on by without realizing he had walked within five feet of a dragon.

Kareten had only gotten here just as the stuttering elf had begun looking through the boxes. Though the elf seemed to hurry, it was pretty obvious that he was an academic sort with the fascination he seemed to give.

The professor watched carefully, for the most part let the elf do his business, but eventually started getting restless and glancing at the grandfather clock.

"Look, we need to keep going. I do not have all day. Tell me what are you interested in, and we will talk about price," he said to the elf.

Finally, something was moving things along!

OOC: Roll a spot check, Kareten.

2014-01-29, 11:39 AM
"Y-yes well...it seems that by and large you have a number of interesting pieces here. And I do believe that my employer would be most interested in acquiring the metal casing, the obsidian shards, the tapestry and the bronze sheets." Whatever the amount the man gave, Zed was sure that it would be far above the actual value of the pieces. Particularly the tapestry. It was either incredibly well made...or it as a poor forgery that he was trying to pass off as an artifact. He would go over it once more to try to discern what kind of scene the tapestry tried to convey. {knowledge history on the tapestry separately [roll0] }

The snake-scorpion automaton was also of fair interest, as where the shredskin remains, but while novelties, it was unlikely

Zed would go over the various materials one last time just to make sure that he had not missed anything of great significance, perhaps tucked away. {Spot check [roll1] }

Depending on the mans answer, he may have needed to call upon the chambers "secret weapon." Supposedly there was another agent here though Zed wasn't sure where. All he knew was that if he was in a desperate situation then he would need to shout as loud as he could the phrase: "citrus beans and lard". Strange but something that few people would say. And of course the phrase changed every mission. Either way, he hoped that his fellow would be able to hear it if things came to that.

2014-01-29, 12:42 PM
The tapestry has several giants depicted, though none fit entirely onto the section of tapestry. Some are in armor and one is surrounded by an aura, though whether for good or bad you can't tell. There are depictions of Quori too, mostly being crushed or already dead. The top four feet has a slightly psychadelic pattern, perhaps depicting the realm of dreams.

The tapestry is depicting the giants' great war with Dal Quor. There is a wall that was found and brought to Wynarn University - it has a giant fresco of a similar style of scene.

You take another quick glance around to see if there is anything else you've missed, but nothing jumps to your eye. There are other boxes stacked around, but they are all of a different style than the ones you have been looking through.

"You have a great eye. The books are a great find, I agree. Possibly the most valuable thing here, since they were found in a special storage safe. Who knows what they say. Maybe powerful spells! You obviously know your subject well, you've picked all the most interesting, thus valuable items."

Zobed considers for a moment, looking at the items mentioned and taking a quick, furtive look at "Jayle".

"3500 gold for those items. I'm sure there are lots of others who would dearly loves those. You're lucky you're here first. I'll guarantee you the next people will want those exact items."

OOC: If you decide to try to bargain, roll a Sense Motive, and a Bluff or Diplomacy depending on what fits your method of bargaining better.

2014-01-29, 03:55 PM
Seeking to make it look like just another spell for verification of the items, Zed cast detect thoughts, allowing him to discern the surface thoughts of anyone he faced {Assuming they fail a will save DC 17}. With that aiding him Zed would begin his counter offer. First estimating the value of the items himself {appraise check [roll0] } and then seeking to haggle a lower price based on that information.

Taking a deep breath, Zed would remind himself once again of his true nature. Drawing himself up to his full height, dropping the stutter, he sought to sound intelligent, confident, strong and reasonable...everything he absolutely wasn't. "While indeed they are quite valuable you must understand that in order to make the items serviceable my employer will have to put in a great deal of extra work. Finding trusted persons to make rubbings of the brass books without damaging them. Fully cataloguing the obsidian shards. Researching the proper preservation methods used for the tapestry to prove its authenticity...it is quite a lot of money on top of what you're asking for."

"However I think we can come to a mutually amicable arrangement. Lets say for now I put a down payment of say, 1000 gold pieces. Then, whenever my employer needs to purchase more information about the object, or perhaps require services in preserving it, I will return and pay a fee sufficient to the future services rendered. I take the goods with me now, you walk away a thousand gold pieces richer and with the promise of more gold to come for any more information you have in regards to the relics." {diplomacy check [roll1] + any modifiers I may get for roleplaying negotiation}

Zed didn't think the man would go for a price as low as 1000 gold, but he was at least smart enough to know that he would need to haggle to get the objects in question. If he could just get the man down to 2000 gold he would be set.

2014-01-29, 05:22 PM
Will Save: [roll0]
Counter Diplomacy for bargaining: [roll1]

From you vantage point, you see two boxes stacked under the professor's desk, hidden from view from people coming in or standing over at the other boxes.

These boxes look identical to the style of boxes the artifacts the stuttering elf is pawing through. The top crate has no lid, and in it there is obviously something, though what exactly it is, you can't tell.

The spell to detect thoughts returns nothing, but the professor raises his eyebrows in response to the improved speaking and posture. He purses his lips in distaste at Zed's offer.

"Jayle, look. I know we're bartering here, but if you aren't even going to give a reasonable counter-offer I don't know how we'll ever come to an agreement. You'll have to leave disappointed, and I'm sure your primary wouldn't like that. The value of these artifacts depends on the buyer, and I have lots of potential buyers. I can't let them trot out of here for vague promises of potential future payments.

"But, I am trying to hurry through things here. The obsidian is obviously incomplete and fragmentary - a steal at 300 gold. The tapestry could be worth a lot because of its magical nature as well as the historical value - 500 gold. The casing has a lot of uninterupted writing and spell work on it - 800 gold. And, obviously the book is the gem of this collection - 1200 gold.

"Call it 2800."

He shrugs his shoulders, exuding the confidence of one who knows exactly what he's talking about.

The prices he quotes seem pretty reasonable to you.

2014-01-29, 07:29 PM
Karaten couldn't take it anymore, if his mission was to procure treasure then he shall do so. He could at least buy some disguise after selling the loot off. Karaten pressed his paw against the false clock's switch and it begun to slide out of the way. Karaten stormed out, "Fear me for I am a mighty and ferocious Dragon, and I shall devour you for food unless you offer me all the contraband that you have. For I heard of your misdeeds and such as being a Merciful and gracious creature, shall spare your meek lives. Go now and leave behind these possessions for they are now mine. Resistance otherwise shall lead to an early and untimely demise speak not of this or I will hunt you down like the meek creature you are and destroy you utterly."



2014-01-29, 07:56 PM
The elf in the form of Zed, upon seeing a dragon emerge from a clock would unleash a sound not unlike that of a frightened child or scared animal, leaping back and almost tripping over himself at the sight. Why was another dragon here? Was he another chamber member? Turning his cone of detect thoughts he would seek to determine if this new being was a rogue interloper or actually part of the charade.

If he actually was SUPPOSED to be "helping, then perhaps Zed's legitimate surprise would help to keep the professor from thinking they were working together.

2014-01-30, 09:55 AM
As Karete burst into the room, the air veritably shimmered with the waves of dominating force emanating from him. His voice rolled forth, the very voice of the greatest dragons of legendary tale taken form.

The professor, long used to academia and the only danger that of discovery of his thieving ways, was entirely overcome. A wet stain grew on the front of his pants and he stood rooted to the spot, too overcome with terror to move, his chubby cheeks vibrating with the tension in his body.

Zed, used to dragons, was not so affected and the cone of Detect Thoughts was quickly turned on the new dragon having burst into the room. But this dragon, perhaps because of the magic cloak that was currently flaring out dramatically, gave no clue to his thoughts.

2014-01-30, 11:34 AM
Karaten noted the visible fear on the professor's face and gracefully walked over to him. "did I stutter? I said, GET OUT OF HERE!"
hoping the sound would send him running to the hills immediately.

2014-01-30, 11:57 AM
The professor begins to tremble violently as Karete stalks over to him. At Karete's command, he squeaks and trips as he lunges to the door. He jerks it open and runs out, the door bouncing off the wall with enough force to swing it closed again.

You can both clearly hear him running out the empty waiting room and down the hall.

Left behind is the odor of his fear and the sour smell of urine.

2014-01-30, 01:09 PM
"Now for you..," Karate turned on the elf narrowing his eyes, "I won't chase you off since you work here so I will propose a deal. In addition for your life and some of these items here, you shall with the earnings acquire me a hat of disguise in which I may use. You will also 'take me in' as a student here of this university, and not speak to any other soul about this. I in turn will offer my protection, as a body guard. Violation of this contract is death. Got it?"

2014-01-30, 04:15 PM
"Now for you..," Karate turned on the elf narrowing his eyes, "I won't chase you off since you work here so I will propose a deal. In addition for your life and some of these items here, you shall with the earnings acquire me a hat of disguise in which I may use. You will also 'take me in' as a student here of this university, and not speak to any other soul about this. I in turn will offer my protection, as a body guard. Violation of this contract is death. Got it?"

"Y-yes...I understand b-but...I don't work here. I-i w-was simply sent here t-to purchase the artifacts my employer desired. And um...this might be a stretch but...um...citrus beans lard?" If he had received proper instruction than he would know that that phrase would indicate "Jayle" as a friend. If not, then it was obvious that the strange dragon was not a member of the chamber...and that Zed would have to deal with him...and not die hopefully.

2014-01-31, 08:20 AM
"Y-yes...I understand b-but...I don't work here. I-i w-was simply sent here t-to purchase the artifacts my employer desired. And um...this might be a stretch but...um...citrus beans lard?" If he had received proper instruction than he would know that that phrase would indicate "Jayle" as a friend. If not, then it was obvious that the strange dragon was not a member of the chamber...and that Zed would have to deal with him...and not die hopefully.

"Citrus beans lard..." Karaten repeats to himself attempting to remember."Ah, so YOU'RE the other one that's supposed to be here, thought you got lost or something... but you don't look like a dragon to me." Karaten curiously poked Zed's shoulder lightly to see if it's some ruse or optical illusion.

2014-01-31, 11:47 AM
"Citrus beans lard..." Karaten repeats to himself attempting to remember."Ah, so YOU'RE the other one that's supposed to be here, thought you got lost or something... but you don't look like a dragon to me." Karaten curiously poked Zed's shoulder lightly to see if it's some ruse or optical illusion.

Zed winced at the other dragons poking. "I-I can change form...a little. But um...shouldn't we get out of here? I-I think that sending the professor running might...alert someone to your presence...in which case...we need to move the artifacts away from here as soon as possible. C-can you help me?" Zed asked meekly hefting the heavy brass-books that he had seen.

2014-01-31, 11:55 AM
Karaten helped Zed pick up the books. "I'm sure there is something we can use in the university to cart these boxes away, I have a different idea, but I would need a disguise. Possibly horse shaped like a cart and buggy...."

2014-01-31, 08:03 PM
"Welll I um...I could make you invisible? And you could walk beside me perhaps? Maybe make everyone think I have an unseen servant carying them? Maybe...if that's alright?" Zed continued, this time grabbing the obsidian shards out of the box and stuffing them into the pockets of his wizard-esc. robes.

Staring at the boxes he suddenly had a realization! While it was true his invisibility spell would only last for four minutes, they could disguise the brash battle dragon with the very artifacts they were seeking to take!

"U-um...W-we could...make you a disguise um...out of the artifacts" Zed began, unfirling the tapestry so that the opposite blank side was on top. "w-we could m-make you up like a-an experimental construct. A-and g-get out through the g-goblin tunnels under the c-city from there" he continued, opening the crate with shreded automotons, taking the small metal pieces and seeing if any of them would work well tied around Karetens claws, giving his footsteps the distinct metallic clinc of a construct. Perhaps they could even take the quori-dialect plate and cover his rump with it, adding in a few pieces from the scorpian-man esc. automaton and he would sound and probably look like a prototypical construct.

2014-02-03, 06:16 AM
"It may just be crazy enough to work! The only issue is making sure we don't destroy the important stuff." Karaten took out the smaller boxes he saw earlier and took the metal parts out trying to see if any would fit over his back and face... "Some metal armor would help complete the look..."

2014-02-03, 12:44 PM
With swathes of cloth, bits and pieces of odd items, and lavish use of rope and string, they manage to put together something that at least covers the body. Surely no one had ever seen a construct like this, but hopefully no one will recognize that it is a true dragon.

OOC: Both roll Disguise.

2014-02-03, 03:07 PM
Trying his best, Zed sought to adorn the small dragon with as much of a fascimile of a construct as he could [aiding another on disguise. [roll0] ]

2014-02-05, 07:19 PM
Karaten appreciated the efforts but his fumbling around wasn't very effective.
Karaten looked into one of the small hand mirrors in all the boxes. "This should about do it!" Karaten was admiring the
armor he wore. Karaten gathered all the boxes, even the ones under the professors desk and saddled them onto his back. "Lead the way."

2014-02-05, 09:50 PM
Zed took a deep breath, swallowed hard and opened the door. Stepping out into the hallway he looked around nervously, looking for the least conspicuous exit. Her tried to recall any places he had seen on his way in {knowledge architecture and Engineering: [roll0] }