View Full Version : M&M 3e: Misfit Heroes of Cascadia

2014-01-27, 10:47 PM
Cascadia. Once the marvel of the modern world, now a city where those with power take everything from those that do not. Only a few sections of the city remain safe, and those only tentatively. The Southern Walks district is one of such, home to one of the only remaining competent police groups and enjoying a high degree of safety as such. Still, many still hit this profitable area, although it took significantly better equipped squads to steal from this area...


You hated banks. Crowded, full of people. That, and the fact that it had taken you five minutes to convince the teller that you were not in fact going to rob the bank with your massive arm cannon, has made this not a particularly enjoyable experience. All you needed was a few extra bucks, but all the ATMs in the city were dry, leaving only a small handful of banks to get money from.

After waiting for nearly fifteen minutes, you begin to get a little stir-crazy and stand up. As you do so, a deafening screech sounds throughout the building, windows imploding and sending you flying across the bank, knocking you momentarily unconscious.

When you come to, you're lying in a bathroom which you quickly discern to be the men's by both the peculiar aroma and the urinals, lying on the cold floor. A man, dressed in military gear and wearing a full facemask with a skull on it stands at the door, a shotgun in his grasp. You have no idea who he is, but he quickly raises the gun as you begin to stir.

"You with Snap? Or are you just in the wrong place at the very wrong time?" he asks.

The man's voice quavers ever so slightly and the gun seems to be pointed more at your arm than you. Clearly he's more than a little scared.


It's a regular, monotonous day in the life of a robot. You find yourself going over a particularly disheveled stretch of sidewalk, knitting the concrete back together. However, in the back of your mind you keep scanning the police radar. If there's an accident, something needs to be fixed, right? That's when you hear it.

Incident on West Banks Street. Some sort of sonic explosion, blew out windows in the skyscrapers all around. Broken glass everywhere. Reports of a band of at least eight well armed individuals with heavy weaponry robbing the bank. HED activity unknown but expected. Officers required on scene STAT!

Little Oni

It's a beautiful day. Suns shining, birds are chirping, and everything is just wonderful. The only thing that could possibly make things today any better would be somebody to punch...

Just as you begin to think that, four police cars come blazing by, sirens blaring as they round a corner sharply, heading downtown. If there was anything you knew it was that if there was trouble that's where the police went.

Death Knell

For being an extremely advanced piece of equipment, your suit required a surprisingly small amount of maintenance. Still, it needed patching up. Bullets, while usually reflected, did tend to leave some small scratches on it and you occasionally needed to recalibrate things. You're running through some final tests, checking out your radio and such, when you pick something up on the police scanner...

Incident on West Banks Street. Some sort of sonic explosion, blew out windows in the skyscrapers all around. Broken glass everywhere. Reports of a band of at least eight well armed individuals with heavy weaponry robbing the bank. HED activity unknown but expected. Officers required on scene STAT!

Sounds like trouble, to say the least.


It had been a late shift at St. Catherine's Shelter for the Dispossessed. Usually you just worked in the day, but they had needed a nightshift worker and you got roped into working. Still, it had been a fairly silent shift, although you're exhausted from having worked most of the night. At least it was on Banks Street, one of the safer neighborhoods, so your walk home can't be too dangerous right?

At least that's what you're thinking when some sort of sonic device detonates about six blocks over, sending you flying a good ten feet back. It hardly hurts, but you feel yourself more than a little groggy. The panic almost overwhelms you, threatening to overwhelm you, when you see two military-grade trucks drive by, huge machine guns mounted on the back.

2014-01-27, 11:24 PM
Part of Scrap pauses as the radio comes on, unnoticed by the people trudging along trying to scrape out a living. Just how it liked that. Humans were in danger though, so...well, hopefully this could be resolved without loss of civilian life or personal overexposure. With an apparent breeze that turned a few heads of the small organics, a large cloud of brown dust heads towards the bank and the sirens.

2014-01-28, 12:52 AM
Solara sighs. Every person with a gun thinks they're a big shot here. Despite this, her voice isn't aggressive. She didn't want to kill him if she didn't have to. "Sir, I really don't know who you're referring to. Would you please point that thing somewhere else? I really don't like having guns pointed at me." She tries to look a little defenseless. Droop the wings a bit, submissive body positioning, try to work yourself up a little even. And of course if that doesn't work, she could just fry his brain instead.
Pursuasion: [roll0]

2014-01-28, 01:19 AM
Part of Scrap pauses as the radio comes on, unnoticed by the people trudging along trying to scrape out a living. Just how it liked that. Humans were in danger though, so...well, hopefully this could be resolved without loss of civilian life or personal overexposure. With an apparent breeze that turned a few heads of the small organics, a large cloud of brown dust heads towards the bank and the sirens.

You float through the air effortlessly, swiftly flying towards the site of the accident.

Upon arrival you see two massive skyscrapers. You expect to see the glint of windows, but it seems the windows across the entire block have been blown out, leaving shards of glass all across the street. You see a few unconscious figures, but nothing more.

Below you see two large military trucks, large machine guns mounted atop with gunners. You can't see inside the bank, but the street is littered with (hopefully) unconscious citizens, some bleeding profusely from their ears.

You see an additional criminal in each van, both behind the wheel of the truck.

Your regular vision reveals nothing of consequence among the many shattered windows. Your infravision, on the other hand, picks up the faintest of heat signatures in the shape of a man with a large rifle. While you can see his heat, he seems to have strategically positioned himself to be difficult to spot.

Solara sighs. Every person with a gun thinks they're a big shot here. Despite this, her voice isn't aggressive. She didn't want to kill him if she didn't have to. "Sir, I really don't know who you're referring to. Would you please point that thing somewhere else? I really don't like having guns pointed at me." She tries to look a little defenseless. Droop the wings a bit, submissive body positioning, try to work yourself up a little even. And of course if that doesn't work, she could just fry his brain instead.
Pursuasion: [roll0]

"Are you with Snap?" he repeats, pumping the shotgun, the shell clattering loudly against the floor. Seems he wasn't even prepared to shoot before. "I don't want to shoot you, but I will!" he says, his voice cracking. His eyes twitch frantically, jumping at every movement.

2014-01-28, 01:39 AM
"Please, sir! I can't very well be affiliated with them if I don't know who they are! I just came in here to make a withdrawal, nothing more." Okay, looks like Mr. Panic-Prone is going to do something stupid... "I'm more than willing to sit by here while you and whoever you are with do your thing."

2014-01-28, 07:57 AM
(Rolled 31 in OoC)
Military gear? While not entirely unusual for a city crawling with rival gangs full of supers and vigilantes, still notably overkill for a place which is barely still relevant in the No Man's Land of Cascadia. Scrap scans the area with its extra seven senses, trying to pick up on enemy chatter, heartbeats, extra people-wait, is that a...broken cogs and welder fire, they have a sniper?!
Scrap spreads thin and goes through a nearby window of the same tower that sniper is in. Just a harmless cloud of dust, yep, nothing to see here...
[roll0]-if you want a stealth check.

Sir Dancealot
2014-01-28, 09:34 AM
Jac grinned as she put the suit back on. While there was always something to do around the city, it wasn't too often that someone robbed a bank. And with sonic weaponry? If nothing else, she'd like to get a good look at that. That stuff wasn't exactly the easiest to come by. Grabbing her axe, she began teleporting to the scene, leaving behind the sounds of a constant low pitched bell every teleport, much as you would hear at a funeral.

2014-01-28, 10:36 AM
Kimiko watched the police cars go by with a sense of wonder. She had never seen a proper police car in person before. She was pretty sure the only policeman back in her village rode a bike.

Realising what this means, she jogged on the spot excitedly and threw her hands up in victory. She let them get a little ahead of her, then started skipping after them while humming to herself. She was struggling to remain calm. Sure, she could easily run ahead of the cars, but if she did that she'd get lost. Right now she'd just patiently follow the cars. She had plenty of time for cutting loose when she got to .... wherever it was that the punchings were needed!

2014-01-28, 06:29 PM
"Please, sir! I can't very well be affiliated with them if I don't know who they are! I just came in here to make a withdrawal, nothing more." Okay, looks like Mr. Panic-Prone is going to do something stupid... "I'm more than willing to sit by here while you and whoever you are with do your thing."

"Alright," he says, backing away towards the door. "Just stay put and nobody gets hurt."

A quick knock on the door and somebody else opens it, the door shutting quickly behind him. You hear the sound of something heavy being pushed up against the door.

(Rolled 31 in OoC)
Military gear? While not entirely unusual for a city crawling with rival gangs full of supers and vigilantes, still notably overkill for a place which is barely still relevant in the No Man's Land of Cascadia. Scrap scans the area with its extra seven senses, trying to pick up on enemy chatter, heartbeats, extra people-wait, is that a...broken cogs and welder fire, they have a sniper?!
Scrap spreads thin and goes through a nearby window of the same tower that sniper is in. Just a harmless cloud of dust, yep, nothing to see here...
[roll0]-if you want a stealth check.

You easily float through the air, seemingly completely invisible. Soon enough you manage to float in a few rooms away from the sniper. He doesn't seem to notice you, instead simply keeping a close watch below. You see him tighten his focus, apparently aiming at an unknown figure in a metal suit...

You recognize the figure as the master criminal "Death Knell," famous for some truly incredible heists that nobody has yet been able to replicate.

Jac grinned as she put the suit back on. While there was always something to do around the city, it wasn't too often that someone robbed a bank. And with sonic weaponry? If nothing else, she'd like to get a good look at that. That stuff wasn't exactly the easiest to come by. Grabbing her axe, she began teleporting to the scene, leaving behind the sounds of a constant low pitched bell every teleport, much as you would hear at a funeral.

After a quick succession of teleports you find yourself right in front of a bank. Normally that wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately, the situation seems to be far from normal.

As soon as you arrive, the bell's cry just hardly ending, two very large machine guns in the back of two military armored transport turn towards you in a split second. Troopers in the driver seat, one a man, the other a woman, also turn, assault rifles pointed at you. Your armor should block smaller bullets like those easily, but the heavier mounted guns could be trouble...

"Death Knell?" one wonders aloud, gun pointed at you. "What the hell are you doing here? This is our heist!" he says, gun pointed ominously at you. "Snap didn't say anything about you being on the job!" He seems to know you, or at least know of you. Normally that would be a good thing, but if he thinks you're trying to edge in on his operation...

You barely register police cars pulling up, sirens blaring. Your radio picks up them signaling for backup. Apparently your reputation precedes you.

Kimiko watched the police cars go by with a sense of wonder. She had never seen a proper police car in person before. She was pretty sure the only policeman back in her village rode a bike.

Realising what this means, she jogged on the spot excitedly and threw her hands up in victory. She let them get a little ahead of her, then started skipping after them while humming to herself. She was struggling to remain calm. Sure, she could easily run ahead of the cars, but if she did that she'd get lost. Right now she'd just patiently follow the cars. She had plenty of time for cutting loose when she got to .... wherever it was that the punchings were needed!

Soon enough the police pull up to a street, the cars swerving to a stop as they try to form some semblance of a barricade. Looking down the road you see two big trucks- wait, where'd they come from? Somebody with an impressive black suit and a skull mask just appeared out of nowhere, popping right into the street with the sound of a bell.

The police begin to panic, frantically speaking into some sort of little box for reasons you can't quite comprehend. While you can't quite tell what the police are saying, you can tell that they are terrified by the newcomer. And with a scary mask like that, who can blame them?

Alright, the thugs in the trucks are delaying until after Death Knell so they can get some sort of response, as is ??? unless something hits him first. That makes it...

2. Death Knell
3. ???
4. Thugs
5. Oni

Following this round, it will be...

1. ???
3. Thugs
4. Death Knell
5. Oni

2014-01-28, 07:16 PM
Blast, they blocked the door. And now that I'm alone... What have we a got in here, exactly? Sam looks around the bathroom. Toilets, stalls, sinks... All useless. But what is less useless... Ah-hah. Perfect. Sam starts going through the paper towel dispensers and the toilet paper holders. Enough to scare them, certainly.

She starts unpacking the paper, giving it more volume, then starts shoving it into an air vent. Could she level most of the building? Yes. Was there a risk of killing off civilians because she didn't know if she was the only survivor? Also yes.

She looks at the air vent stuffed with toilet tissue and paper towels. For added measure, she spritzed some of the paper with soap. Not enough to prevent flame from catching, but enough to feed it and give it a bit more fuel. The lye should burn quite readily.

She looks at her handiwork, points her right arm at the vent, and fires a weak burst of flame to start the tissues blazing. Then, she wills the fire to spread further into the vents. Hopefully there was enough smoke to scare those outside of her door. If not, the vents should be spitting fire in a minute or two.

Sam then goes back around the room, closing containers and generally making it look like she wasn't an arsonist.

2014-01-28, 07:20 PM
(Rolled 21 on that knowledge check)

Scrap uses a backdoor it placed in the police computers early on in its life to try and ID the sniper and the armor in the area. Once bringing up the file on Death Knell, it takes a second to decide whether to let the man take the shot, before deciding against. That armor tier probably would have the bullet ricochet off it into an unconscious civilian. Scrap tries to sneak up on the man, sonic lance drawn which, (if Scrap makes it), will get put on the man's head with the following.
(Since I messed up beforehand, if it is still applicable)
"I'd ease up there unless you want an accident to happen. You have a high powered sonic emitter pointed at your head, and I am not programmed with Asimov's laws. Do not make me terminate you."
[roll0] intimidate roll

2014-01-28, 07:23 PM
While it takes a bit longer than you expected, soon enough you hear a few shouts. There doesn't seem to be any sort of frantic movement, although you soon hear a sharp knock on the door.

"Whatever you're doing in there, stop it! You wouldn't want something to happen to one of these civilians, would you?" somebody shouts. It's not the same criminal as before; this one is far more self-assured.

2014-01-28, 07:27 PM
"Then let me out. Not out of the bathroom. The building. Now." She points the cannon at the door, ready as soon as movement happens.

2014-01-28, 07:36 PM
(Rolled 21 on that knowledge check)

Scrap uses a backdoor it placed in the police computers early on in its life to try and ID the sniper and the armor in the area. Once bringing up the file on Death Knell, it takes a second to decide whether to let the man take the shot, before deciding against. That armor tier probably would have the bullet ricochet off it into an unconscious civilian. Scrap tries to sneak up on the man, sonic lance drawn which, (if Scrap makes it), will get put on the man's head with the following.
(Since I messed up beforehand, if it is still applicable)
"I'd ease up there unless you want an accident to happen. You have a high powered sonic emitter pointed at your head, and I am not programmed with Asimov's laws. Do not make me terminate you."
[roll0] intimidate roll

Before you've floated more than a few feet the man turns in one smooth motion, rifle pointed at you. He must have barely caught your movement out of the corner of his eye. He says nothing and hardly makes a sound as he turns. The only thing that has changed is that now the rifle is pointed at you instead of Death Knell.

You are having trouble making out any distinctive features of the man due to only being able to see a faint heat shape.

"Then let me out. Not out of the bathroom. The building. Now." She points the cannon at the door, ready as soon as movement happens.

"And you'll just leave? No messing with us, no setting us on fire, nothing?" he says, his tone doubtful. "Alright, we'll open the door, but make one wrong move and we have a room full of hostages," he says, more than a little hesitant.

You hear some movement outside, particularly whatever heavy object being moved. Soon the door opens, although the man seems to have opened it from the side. Looking out into the room you see two criminals holding unconscious civilians up, pistol pushed against their temples, while another two are taking cover behind some heavy filing cabinets, assault rifles pointed towards you. The man with the shotgun from earlier is nowhere to be seen.

"No funny business," you hear in a muffled voice from behind the door.

2014-01-28, 07:50 PM
Well, rounds are less likely to bounce into someone not deserving it, at least. Scrap takes stock of its surroundings, looking for useful cover. Things get bad, there's always breaking down and interfering that way. Still, the bot pauses.
"One question. Hitman, gangster, or vigilante? From how certain you were about that shot, the rounds have to be armor piercing at least. Training implies not gangster, though they have been stepping up."

2014-01-28, 07:53 PM
"Funny business? Me? Never." Sam steps out, hand and cannon in the air. "Yep. A real room full you have here." She starts walking, but pauses. "Just... One question, if you'll indulge me. Why am I allowed out?" She watches the men, carefully.

2014-01-28, 07:58 PM
"D, none of the above," the voice says, clearly male but with a clear metallic tone as if it is goong through a voicebox.

As you look at him you see the heat output around his rifle increase as if it is charging.

2014-01-28, 08:09 PM
Scrap is going to go back to cloud regardless to close the distance. Using Flight Speed 8 and particulate form, moving into melee range with mystery man (or manotron?)
"Interesting tone..."
Scrap breaks down before blasting under cracks and through doorways, closing the gap as fast as possible to get in striking distance and to see if a hunch is right...

2014-01-28, 09:06 PM
"Funny business? Me? Never." Sam steps out, hand and cannon in the air. "Yep. A real room full you have here." She starts walking, but pauses. "Just... One question, if you'll indulge me. Why am I allowed out?" She watches the men, carefully.

"Why do you think? Would you want some psycho pyro bitch inside the bank or outside it? Now make like a bird and fly the hell out of here!"

You see the man with the shotgun to the left of the door, while the other appears to be behind the door. All have guns pointed at you, ready to fire if you make the wrong move.

Sir Dancealot
2014-01-28, 09:28 PM
"Really? Nothing? Snap has an odd sense of humor sometimes. I'd prefer it if you didn't point those at me." Jac replied, her voice sounding completely different through the suit.

Persuasion? [roll0]

2014-01-28, 10:04 PM
Wrong answer. "I don't know... I mean, what do you really have on me? Some hostages and a few guns. Kill the hostages and you have no leverage over me. And you're assuming that your guns will take me down. Maybe they will. Maybe I'm a lot tougher than I look. Or maybe you'll simply miss. Honestly, those two nameless people are the only thing keeping you alive right now. Kill them, you're all dead." The cannon gives a click and a loud hum. A scent of ozone wafts through the air. "Now, do you really want to test me? Let them go, you live. Don't, and I roast you and everyone else in here alive." She doesn't move from her position of having her arms up, but if they want a fight, she'll quickly oblige them.
Ready action to use Uncontainable Reaction at slightest provocation.

2014-01-28, 11:49 PM
"Really? Nothing? Snap has an odd sense of humor sometimes. I'd prefer it if you didn't point those at me." Jac replied, her voice sounding completely different through the suit.

Persuasion? [roll0]

Actually Deception, so you get more points! Woo!

"Huh," the grunt says, lowering the machine gun slightly. "Snap is usually pretty good about telling us the plan. What are you, our way out?" he asks,

Wrong answer. "I don't know... I mean, what do you really have on me? Some hostages and a few guns. Kill the hostages and you have no leverage over me. And you're assuming that your guns will take me down. Maybe they will. Maybe I'm a lot tougher than I look. Or maybe you'll simply miss. Honestly, those two nameless people are the only thing keeping you alive right now. Kill them, you're all dead." The cannon gives a click and a loud hum. A scent of ozone wafts through the air. "Now, do you really want to test me? Let them go, you live. Don't, and I roast you and everyone else in here alive." She doesn't move from her position of having her arms up, but if they want a fight, she'll quickly oblige them.
Ready action to use Uncontainable Reaction at slightest provocation.

Talked to Es, he's using his Hero Point to limit the reaction to no spreading past this room.

Your wave of radiation washes over the immediate surroundings as the various men lift their guns to fire, the ones with hostages dropping them to get a better shot.

The civilians get burned badly as they are unable to react to the flaring radiation, one being reduced to dust, the other falling to the ground, clearly burned badly and twitching.

Fortunately, the criminals don't fare much better. While one does manage to dive behind a desk, blocking most of it, you soon hear him collapse.

The one that was in command, however, stays standing. He quickly raises his gun, opening fire at you.

"You bitch! We were going to let you go!" he says, opening fire and missing hilariously as you easily drop down to avoid the bullets. He quickly speaks into a radio. "Snap! We've got a crazy one out here! Shooting fire and everything! Get the money and get out of here!"


A bright flash of light flares from inside the bank and those of you with the capability to see radiation see a huge spike. The goons in the trucks quickly look back, see the destruction, then look back at Death Knell.

"You backstabbing son-of-a... Get the hell out!" he shouts, the gunner shouts. The drivers waste no time, quickly slamming on the gas. The gunners open fire from a distance at the police barricade, likely trying to punch a hole through the barricade. Unfortunately, the don't notice the little girl hidden among the ranks of police cars...


"Snap! We've got a crazy one out here! Shooting fire and everything! Get the money and get out of here!"

The message, barely audible over the sniper's comlink, causes no reaction in the man yet.

Can't act on it this turn, but it's there for the next round.

Little Oni is up now.

2014-01-29, 01:52 AM
Subject Three picks herself up off the ground, the vibrations from the sonic weapon still echoing somewhere in the gut, and reflects that attempting to keep her two personas separate is really very inconvenient sometimes. It would take but a moment's thought to neutralize the drivers (risk to bystanders: moderate, unacceptable) or divert one of the armed cars (risk to bystanders: low, acceptable). But doing so would risk revealing her face unmasked, leading to greater difficulty in the long run.

This is not the first time her multiple identities have been cumbersome. Later, perhaps she will re-evaluate the costs and benefits of letting it be known that Sophie Wright and Anima are one and the same. Right now she has other concerns. Her mask is soft fabric rather than a sculpted shell, allowing it to be folded and stored in a purse easily. Her wig is doffed in moments. Donning an actual costume would take far too long, but Sophie dresses in nondistinctive clothing for exactly this reason.

A blue glow surrounds Anima as she lifts off, completing her impromptu costume. She can hear shouting and gunfire from up ahead. Her delay may have proven costly.

Rolling initiative since Anima is coming in late; let me know when she gets to act.


2014-01-29, 07:59 AM
Nooo! Not guns! Guns were so boring! How dare this stupid poopy head of a van use guns in her very first fight! She wanted a proper fight!


Kimiko vents her frustration by running up to the van and punching it right in the engine block.

Attack Check: (rolled a 15 in OOC), initiating a free grab on the van if I can.

2014-01-29, 04:07 PM
By the sound of it, only the leader-looking guy is still standing. Will alter post if that isn't so.
The reaction dies down as Sam gracefully weaves out of the way of the simple bullet pattern. She looks at the damage to the building. After the initial blast, it probably wasn't going to survive much anyways. "I didn't want to be the only one let out. Then you shot at me." She swaps settings. Single target, radiation only. "Honestly, I'm surprised you thought I was lying about the warning." She aims towards the man and fires a beam of bright energy.
DC 20 Dodge

DC 25 damage, or 20 if successfully dodged

2014-01-29, 07:19 PM
Nooo! Not guns! Guns were so boring! How dare this stupid poopy head of a van use guns in her very first fight! She wanted a proper fight!


Kimiko vents her frustration by running up to the van and punching it right in the engine block.

Attack Check: (rolled a 15 in OOC), initiating a free grab on the van if I can.

A few police officers try to stop you, likely assuming you were just some crazy little girl. Their outstretched arms are almost hilariously weak, doing little to slow you.

The driver of the truck sees you coming and begins to brake, gesturing wildly, likely assuming the same. Your fist slams heavily into the truck, putting a massive dent in it, although you don't seem to do much real damage. You do, however, just manage to snag onto the truck attempting to speed past you, stopping it in its tracks as you skid backwards a few feet.

Successful Grab check!

A look of horror crosses the drivers face before he shouts back to the one manning the machine gun which quickly swerves around to take aim at the real threat.

By the sound of it, only the leader-looking guy is still standing. Will alter post if that isn't so.
The reaction dies down as Sam gracefully weaves out of the way of the simple bullet pattern. She looks at the damage to the building. After the initial blast, it probably wasn't going to survive much anyways. "I didn't want to be the only one let out. Then you shot at me." She swaps settings. Single target, radiation only. "Honestly, I'm surprised you thought I was lying about the warning." She aims towards the man and fires a beam of bright energy.
DC 20 Dodge

DC 25 damage, or 20 if successfully dodged

A beam of radiation rips through the bank, burning desks and finally exploding out the front wall, sending debris flying.

The grunt, takes the blast full on, shrugging off more of the radiation than he has any right to. He sags noticeably but he still seems in good condition.

"That's it, I'm out!" he shouts, running away, weaving back and forth as he tries to avoid any future blasts.

Subject Three picks herself up off the ground, the vibrations from the sonic weapon still echoing somewhere in the gut, and reflects that attempting to keep her two personas separate is really very inconvenient sometimes. It would take but a moment's thought to neutralize the drivers (risk to bystanders: moderate, unacceptable) or divert one of the armed cars (risk to bystanders: low, acceptable). But doing so would risk revealing her face unmasked, leading to greater difficulty in the long run.

This is not the first time her multiple identities have been cumbersome. Later, perhaps she will re-evaluate the costs and benefits of letting it be known that Sophie Wright and Anima are one and the same. Right now she has other concerns. Her mask is soft fabric rather than a sculpted shell, allowing it to be folded and stored in a purse easily. Her wig is doffed in moments. Donning an actual costume would take far too long, but Sophie dresses in nondistinctive clothing for exactly this reason.

A blue glow surrounds Anima as she lifts off, completing her impromptu costume. She can hear shouting and gunfire from up ahead. Her delay may have proven costly.

Rolling initiative since Anima is coming in late; let me know when she gets to act.


You get to join in this round!

As you look down the alley, two startling events unfold. The first is a massive beam of energy that flies out of the bank, leaving a smoking trail. The other is far more terrifying; a small girl rushing an armored truck. You think she's going to be crushed until she slams a fist into the truck, stopping it in its tracks.

Alright, new initiative!

1. ???
2. Solara
4. Death Knell
5. Thugs
6. Oni
7. Amina
8. Fleeing Soldier


The mysterious man fires his gun. You see no laser, no projectile, just a slight infrared shimmer emit from the gun.

What you do feel is a bolt of something tear through you like a hot knife through butter. While you try to dodge, it's a little difficult to dodge something you can't see.

After you recover, you look frantically for him only to realize that he has disappeared completely, leaving no trace.

DC 29 Toughness check.

Looking around you see absolutely no trace of the sniper.

Using your Ultravision you see the faintest of lines all around, more like strings than anything, as if left over as residue from something, although you can't imagine what.
You recognize both the pattern and the layout as teleporter residue, although something that precise should require a massive powersource...

Sir Dancealot
2014-01-29, 07:37 PM
"Wait! Come back! I want your stuff! Woah. That's new." Rather surprised at the girl stopping a truck with hand, Jac just shrugged. Letting the little girl deal with that truck, Jac teleported into the other one, next to the driver. "Don't you know to pull over when the cops are after you? Here, let me show you." With that, she yanked the steering wheel off.

Not sure what to roll here.

2014-01-29, 07:57 PM
Scrap lets out a warped shriek from the part of it that is vaporized, mind temporarily disabled as whatever it was jams connections for a brief moment. When its fragments reconnect after repairing the damaged nodes, it does a sweep with the eyes of its swarm, coming up with no answers to where the man disappeared to. Cursing the loss of one dangerous entity, Scrap refocuses its attentions on the bank.
The bank that seems to be partially demolished. Dammit, this was going to take a while to fix.
Wasting no more time, the swarm descends into the windows of the room the blast originated from, likely pouring in through a crack that was made by whatever happened.

2014-01-29, 08:12 PM
Sam heads over to where the civilians were. One was ash, which couldn't be helped. The other seemed alive, if barely. She begins dragging them out of the building, trying to be gentle but still quick. "Help! Somebody help! I think he's dying!" Really should learn some first aid. Would minimize civilian casualties at no future expense.

2014-01-30, 01:05 AM
Seeing the wounded civilian and hearing the super's call for help, Scrap moves in, landing on the burn victim and getting to work, tiny forms releasing a mix of painkillers and special drugs designed to give virtually superhuman regeneration abilities to the patient's surviving tissue. A small speck of it also lands on Solara's shoulder.
"Cause of injuries?"

[roll0]+7 if you add healing rank to the roll, doesn't say. DC 10 to take effect, subject is stabilized, healing is persistent.

Could I make a Well Informed roll on Solara due to the nature of her backstory as the first super to go along with registration?

2014-01-30, 01:33 AM
"Burn. Unfortunate collateral damage, due to close proximity to hostiles." Before more questions can be asked, Sam flies off to elsewhere in the building to make sure there were not more civilians.

2014-01-30, 01:43 AM
"Wait! Come back! I want your stuff! Woah. That's new." Rather surprised at the girl stopping a truck with hand, Jac just shrugged. Letting the little girl deal with that truck, Jac teleported into the other one, next to the driver. "Don't you know to pull over when the cops are after you? Here, let me show you." With that, she yanked the steering wheel off.

Not sure what to roll here.

As you grab the wheel and try to turn, you realize that you left just the tiniest amount of oil on your hand as you pull with all you strength on the wheel. Your hand slips and, coupled with a swift kick from the astonished driver, sends you flying out the side of the truck.

You land heavily on the ground, which isn't that bad, but the extremely heavy truck rolling over you at full speed is a little worse.

Impenetrable Toughness blocks the damage from falling.

You do, however, need to make a DC 29 Toughness save for me for being ran over.

Scrap lets out a warped shriek from the part of it that is vaporized, mind temporarily disabled as whatever it was jams connections for a brief moment. When its fragments reconnect after repairing the damaged nodes, it does a sweep with the eyes of its swarm, coming up with no answers to where the man disappeared to. Cursing the loss of one dangerous entity, Scrap refocuses its attentions on the bank.
The bank that seems to be partially demolished. Dammit, this was going to take a while to fix.
Wasting no more time, the swarm descends into the windows of the room the blast originated from, likely pouring in through a crack that was made by whatever happened.

Seeing the wounded civilian and hearing the super's call for help, Scrap moves in, landing on the burn victim and getting to work, tiny forms releasing a mix of painkillers and special drugs designed to give virtually superhuman regeneration abilities to the patient's surviving tissue. A small speck of it also lands on Solara's shoulder.
"Cause of injuries?"

[roll0]+7 if you add healing rank to the roll, doesn't say. DC 10 to take effect, subject is stabilized, healing is persistent.

Could I make a Well Informed roll on Solara due to the nature of her backstory as the first super to go along with registration?

While flying down you see a man frantically running from the bank, heavily burned with radiation. He's either extremely disoriented or running in a defensive pattern; you can't quite make out which.

As you pull through the window you see various well-armed men on the floor with heavy armor and weaponry. They also have strange burns all over their bodies...

You recognize them as radiation burns.

You see a strange woman with huge black wings and a still smoking cannon that appears to be grafted to her arm. She's dragging a body at a very slow pace and shouting for help. You quickly recognize her as one of the first registered superhumans in the city. She goes by "Solara," which is an odd name to say the least. Perhaps she's French? Other than her powers and her wings few know anything about her, especially about her past.

Upon descending upon the injured civilian you manage to at least regulate the breathing, although you can only do so much for the burns. While far from healthy, he should be safe from dying at the very least.

Sam heads over to where the civilians were. One was ash, which couldn't be helped. The other seemed alive, if barely. She begins dragging them out of the building, trying to be gentle but still quick. "Help! Somebody help! I think he's dying!" Really should learn some first aid. Would minimize civilian casualties at no future expense.

Unfortunately, with both your decidedly average strength and one arm good for pulling the civilian your progress is extremely slow even without trying to be gentle. In addition, the smoking ground and shattered glass both provide difficult obstacles to travel around. You've barely traveled more than a few yards before a strange cloud of dust descends on the body. You can only watch in wonder as the burns are remarkably healed to some degree and the civilian's breathing stabilizes. You hear a small voice ask about the cause of the injuries. It sounds strangely robotic.

The Drivers

Having removed Death Knell from his car, the driver continues blazing forward, the machine gunner turning to fire at Little Oni as he passes, apparently deeming a small girl that can stop a truck a bigger threat than the police. The car continues to plow forward, eating the feeble attacks of the police and plunging straight through the barricade of police cars.

Fortunately, driving while shooting is apparently a challenging endeavor and the shots go far wide of Little Oni. The machine gunner on the car also makes an attempt to fire, almost point blank, but the gun apparently jams, stopping firing altogether for a brief moment. In a panic the driver slams down on the gas, trying to escape. He manages to escape, the car surging forward and also slamming into police vehicles, although it doesn't manage to quite push through the barricade.

Amina and Little Oni are up!

2014-01-30, 02:56 AM
Anima takes a second or two to assess the battlefield. Police: currently holding back to form a perimeter. (Too lightly armed to damage targets? Reluctant to employ lethal force? Reason unknown.) Two armed and armored trucks: one damaged and pinned against the barricade, one unharmed and accelerating away. One pre-adolescent girl, improbably strong and tough: apparently with the police. (Anima makes a note to look into this as soon as the bullets stop flying.) One armored figure: possibly opposed to the trucks. Ignore unless proven hostile.

Two enemies, multiple allies(?), one unknown. That isn't so bad. First priority: prevent anyone from being shot. Second priority: keep the attackers from escaping, preferably via capture. One of the guns appears to have jammed, which narrows down her choice of targets nicely. The blue nimbus around Anima intensifies, and a similar glow outlines the gunner of the escaping truck, attempting to yank him out of his perch and into the air.

Using Psychokinesis to grab the gunner of the escaping truck; Dodge or Strength DC 20 to resist. If she succeeds, she'll try to pull him into the air - not quite sure how this works when it's Move Object rather than a normal grab. Normally there's another Strength resistance check, which makes sense, but presumably she won't be immobilized if she loses, and I don't know how far she can move the guy if she succeeds.

2014-01-30, 07:40 AM
Kimiko chases after her target, this time attacking from the side. She throws another blow, this time aimed at the back wheel area.

Damage Check: [roll0], damage 12, grabbing again

2014-01-30, 10:06 AM
Anima takes a second or two to assess the battlefield. Police: currently holding back to form a perimeter. (Too lightly armed to damage targets? Reluctant to employ lethal force? Reason unknown.) Two armed and armored trucks: one damaged and pinned against the barricade, one unharmed and accelerating away. One pre-adolescent girl, improbably strong and tough: apparently with the police. (Anima makes a note to look into this as soon as the bullets stop flying.) One armored figure: possibly opposed to the trucks. Ignore unless proven hostile.

Two enemies, multiple allies(?), one unknown. That isn't so bad. First priority: prevent anyone from being shot. Second priority: keep the attackers from escaping, preferably via capture. One of the guns appears to have jammed, which narrows down her choice of targets nicely. The blue nimbus around Anima intensifies, and a similar glow outlines the gunner of the escaping truck, attempting to yank him out of his perch and into the air.

Using Psychokinesis to grab the gunner of the escaping truck; Dodge or Strength DC 20 to resist. If she succeeds, she'll try to pull him into the air - not quite sure how this works when it's Move Object rather than a normal grab. Normally there's another Strength resistance check, which makes sense, but presumably she won't be immobilized if she loses, and I don't know how far she can move the guy if she succeeds.

The gunner finds himself completely enveloped in a blue telekinetic field. He's plucked from the truck with hardly a protest, floating in the air waving his arms about like and idiot as he struggles to break free.

Kimiko chases after her target, this time attacking from the side. She throws another blow, this time aimed at the back wheel area.

Damage Check: [roll0], damage 12, grabbing again

Once again you punch heavily into the truck, this time dealing a bit more damage. You barely manage to snag the speeding truck, the tires frantically moving to try to escape your grasp. The entire back part of the truck is more than a little collapsed now, limiting the movement of the tire severely. One more good hit and the truck will be toast.

Grab Successful!


Back behind most of you, at the bank, a man frantically flees, trying to run as fast as he can away from all the heroes.

2014-01-30, 12:42 PM
Sam is still searching through the bank to make sure there are not more hostages and gunman. By the sound of things outside and the arrival of the swarm inside, other supers were arriving on the scene, with apparently good intentions.

2014-01-30, 03:27 PM
Room status: One stable human, three badly injured but heavily armed. The latter were likely the robbers, as was the runner who (presumably) had similar equipment still on. While badly injured, this one would survive long enough to receive more care later, and with the current state of affairs in the city, it was unlikely that the police would waste time hauling the others to jail. Not when it was easier to find bullets than food...
However, there was still a supervillain outside, and two trucks. Flying out, one seems to be about to be broken in half by a little girl. Odd, but not unheard of in the city. The other seems to have the ire of Death Knell and a currently unknown super. As Scrap tries (yet again!) to find information on these two, it flies down and tries to catch the truck being assaulted by two supers in a heavy set of walls directly around it, and hopefully stop another villain from escaping.

[roll0]-investigating Oni and Anima, because someone has to ID the players...
Flying outside, will attend to injured man later. Guessing runner is going to be identifiable due to serious burns, will investigate admissions into hospitals or vetrinary clinics (for the likely desperate man) later to find and track back to the mysterious Snap.
Once outside, I head to the car Anima and DK are after, try and ID Oni and Anima, and try to stop the car in its tracks by trapping the car in a construct that is basically a giant, heavy box that also goes into the tires. I roll against their dodge bonus, they roll against my create rank.
[roll1]-To hit miss horribly.

Sir Dancealot
2014-01-30, 06:47 PM
For a moment, Jac's world was a grinding noise and pain. Glaring at the vehicle, she teleported back inside, this time in the center of the vehicle. "Right, I think it's a bit cramped in here. Let me open it up for you." Grunting, she brings her axe down to the floor.
It's a DC 27 damage correct? Or do you need me to roll to hit?

2014-01-30, 09:55 PM
Sam is still searching through the bank to make sure there are not more hostages and gunman. By the sound of things outside and the arrival of the swarm inside, other supers were arriving on the scene, with apparently good intentions.

The villains in the bank seem to be gone. Well, not gone per say, but there are none standing. All around the bank there are unconscious civilians, some bleeding a little from their ears, eardrums apparently ruptured, while others are just beginning to stir again.

The only thing of note is a large device strapped to the bank vault, although you can't quite discern its purpose at a glance.

You recognize it as a magnetic lock opener, although this one is much larger than ones typically used in bank heists. It's also extremely expensive and not something people would just leave behind.

Room status: One stable human, three badly injured but heavily armed. The latter were likely the robbers, as was the runner who (presumably) had similar equipment still on. While badly injured, this one would survive long enough to receive more care later, and with the current state of affairs in the city, it was unlikely that the police would waste time hauling the others to jail. Not when it was easier to find bullets than food...
However, there was still a supervillain outside, and two trucks. Flying out, one seems to be about to be broken in half by a little girl. Odd, but not unheard of in the city. The other seems to have the ire of Death Knell and a currently unknown super. As Scrap tries (yet again!) to find information on these two, it flies down and tries to catch the truck being assaulted by two supers in a heavy set of walls directly around it, and hopefully stop another villain from escaping.

[roll0]-investigating Oni and Anima, because someone has to ID the players...
Flying outside, will attend to injured man later. Guessing runner is going to be identifiable due to serious burns, will investigate admissions into hospitals or vetrinary clinics (for the likely desperate man) later to find and track back to the mysterious Snap.
Once outside, I head to the car Anima and DK are after, try and ID Oni and Anima, and try to stop the car in its tracks by trapping the car in a construct that is basically a giant, heavy box that also goes into the tires. I roll against their dodge bonus, they roll against my create rank.
[roll1]-To hit miss horribly.

You recognize the apparent psychic as Amina, a hero who clearly has psionic prowess. Most of the rumors about her originate from a small neighborhood where criminals have the unfortunate habit of being left unconscious with no bodily trauma.

The other is a little unknown. She doesn't seem to have a name, although you have heard more than a few rumors about a little Japanese girl punching bad guys in the streets at night.

Unfortunately your swiftly conjured box doesn't quite manage to catch the truck, dropping just inches behind the massive vehicle. It continues to speed away with Death Knell still striking it.

For a moment, Jac's world was a grinding noise and pain. Glaring at the vehicle, she teleported back inside, this time in the center of the vehicle. "Right, I think it's a bit cramped in here. Let me open it up for you." Grunting, she brings her axe down to the floor.
It's a DC 27 damage correct? Or do you need me to roll to hit?

The axe sheers through the truck, doing more than a little damage to the frame although you seem to have missed any parts crucial to the function of the vehicle performing its primary purpose; driving away.

The car with Death Knell manages to push through the barricade, driving off down the open street. It makes a feeble attempt to swerve to throw off Death Knell that is easily avoided.

The other struggles against Little Oni's grip but is unable to break free of the little girl's iron grasp.

2014-01-30, 10:27 PM
Lock opener... Interesting. Sam helps a few of the stirring civilians up, instructing them to help those who are not conscious out of the room, in case disabling the lock was more dangerous than expected.

Then she turns to the opener. High quality. Above what she could disable. But it was a lock lock, not an explosive. Just gotta break it. She helps the last of the civilians out of the room. Well, hate for them to get what they want, after all. Focusing, she sets a small but hot flame around the lock opener, watching from a distance for signs of system failure.

2014-01-31, 06:39 AM
Anima leaves the hapless gunner hanging in midair, close enough to the ground that a fall probably wouldn't kill him, but far enough that he probably won't want to test that. Asphalt and concrete are not forgiving surfaces. She floats forward, choosing her next target. The stalled car seems to be well handled, its gun still silent (jammed?). The escaping car is under attack by the armored figure, still intact but unable to shake off its pursuer. Neither one looks like much of a threat, but -

Ah. There's another armed man, fleeing the bank in a zig-zagging run. Expecting to be shot at? The police seem content to let vigilantes do most of the work here. Well, the evasive pattern won't do him much good. She focuses on him, repeating her trick and trying to pull him skyward.

Learned something today: maintaining a grab is a free action! And since it's being done via Move Object, I don't think Anima counts as hindered/vulnerable, though I'm not sure on that point. Anyway. She'll leave the gunner hanging in midair (~30 feet up), and use Psychokinesis to try to do the same to the crook fleeing on foot - grab, haul upwards. DC 20 Strength or Dodge to resist.

2014-01-31, 08:26 AM
Kimiko grinned as the van struggled uselessly against her. And there seemed to be lots of strong people gathering round now. She'd deal with them after this truck. If they were bad people, she had plenty more punches left. Punches for days, bwaha!

She leans her body back, then brings her other arm round, smashing it into the truck and trying to crush the vehicle.

Unarmed Attack Check: [roll0], damage 12

2014-01-31, 08:46 PM
Lock opener... Interesting. Sam helps a few of the stirring civilians up, instructing them to help those who are not conscious out of the room, in case disabling the lock was more dangerous than expected.

Then she turns to the opener. High quality. Above what she could disable. But it was a lock lock, not an explosive. Just gotta break it. She helps the last of the civilians out of the room. Well, hate for them to get what they want, after all. Focusing, she sets a small but hot flame around the lock opener, watching from a distance for signs of system failure.

It takes more than a little heat but after awhile you manage to overwhelm the circuitry within, the device falling to the ground, although it is heavily warped and clearly damaged. Nothing happens with the door.

Anima leaves the hapless gunner hanging in midair, close enough to the ground that a fall probably wouldn't kill him, but far enough that he probably won't want to test that. Asphalt and concrete are not forgiving surfaces. She floats forward, choosing her next target. The stalled car seems to be well handled, its gun still silent (jammed?). The escaping car is under attack by the armored figure, still intact but unable to shake off its pursuer. Neither one looks like much of a threat, but -

Ah. There's another armed man, fleeing the bank in a zig-zagging run. Expecting to be shot at? The police seem content to let vigilantes do most of the work here. Well, the evasive pattern won't do him much good. She focuses on him, repeating her trick and trying to pull him skyward.

Learned something today: maintaining a grab is a free action! And since it's being done via Move Object, I don't think Anima counts as hindered/vulnerable, though I'm not sure on that point. Anyway. She'll leave the gunner hanging in midair (~30 feet up), and use Psychokinesis to try to do the same to the crook fleeing on foot - grab, haul upwards. DC 20 Strength or Dodge to resist.

You do count as Hindered/Vulnerable. You also need a Drag check to move him, which you passed. It also is a Shift Action to Drag with a Grab, so you don't quite get to lift him into the air.

You quickly snag the man in a psychokinetic field, stopping him in his tracks. He struggles fruitlessly against your control, trying to run. Finding himself unable to break free, he does the next logic step of opening fire at you. With how focused you are on keeping him still the bullets easily find their mark, almost half the volley from the machine gun hurtling towards you.

Toughness DC 22

Kimiko grinned as the van struggled uselessly against her. And there seemed to be lots of strong people gathering round now. She'd deal with them after this truck. If they were bad people, she had plenty more punches left. Punches for days, bwaha!

She leans her body back, then brings her other arm round, smashing it into the truck and trying to crush the vehicle.

Unarmed Attack Check: [roll0], damage 12

This time your attack slams heavily into the truck, caving in the whole side and puncturing tires. While still not completely out of commission, the truck isn't going to go anywhere fast. From inside you hear the driver yelling that he surrenders. Probably a good choice.

2014-01-31, 10:25 PM
Okay, that's done. Now were there any other people in the building... Sam flies through the building, making sure there were no more civilians or gunman. If there are civilians, she starts helping them out. Gunmen... well, yeah. Gotta actually fight them.

2014-01-31, 10:34 PM
Scrap looks to the shooter, to the psychic, and to the little girl. With an agitated string of binary due to the miss, it flows into the car and coalesces behind the man, sonic lance directly to the back of his head.
"I hate making myself known. Death Knell, you are a wanted villain. Once this is over, you are under arrest."
Then it shoots the driver with a concussive burst of sound.

[roll0]-sonic lance to hit, damage 8, affliction 8 (Fort save to avoid being stunned, dazed, and/or incapacitated)

2014-02-01, 06:24 PM
Okay, that's done. Now were there any other people in the building... Sam flies through the building, making sure there were no more civilians or gunman. If there are civilians, she starts helping them out. Gunmen... well, yeah. Gotta actually fight them.

Putting you on hold since I just let you do about ten minutes worth of actions.

Scrap looks to the shooter, to the psychic, and to the little girl. With an agitated string of binary due to the miss, it flows into the car and coalesces behind the man, sonic lance directly to the back of his head.
"I hate making myself known. Death Knell, you are a wanted villain. Once this is over, you are under arrest."
Then it shoots the driver with a concussive burst of sound.

[roll0]-sonic lance to hit, damage 8, affliction 8 (Fort save to avoid being stunned, dazed, and/or incapacitated)

The sonic blast causes the man to try to grab his ears to stop the screaming, letting go of the wheel in the process. The truck veers violently, coming to a violent stop into the side of a building.

2014-02-01, 11:01 PM
Little Oni proceeds to shake her fist at the guy until he exits the van.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-02, 03:10 PM
"Oh come now. Surely you wouldn't arrest someone that is just trying to stop a bank robbery now would you? Besides, I'm no criminal, I all I do is help people." Jac said, looking down briefly to see if there was a sewer system nearby as she raised the axe non-threateningly above her head.

2014-02-02, 03:34 PM
Little Oni proceeds to shake her fist at the guy until he exits the van.

The man slowly exits the van after which the police swiftly take him into custody.

"Oh come now. Surely you wouldn't arrest someone that is just trying to stop a bank robbery now would you? Besides, I'm no criminal, I all I do is help people." Jac said, looking down briefly to see if there was a sewer system nearby as she raised the axe non-threateningly above her head.

You spot a sewer manhole almost immediately below the back of the truck.

2014-02-02, 04:46 PM
"Your file says otherwise. If you are being honest, prove it wrong and come peacefully, then. I have a lot of patients to help and would rather attend them and hunt the sniper that was aiming at you than get involved in a super fight."
Putting a hand on the driver's shoulder, Scrap aims at Death Knell, voice entirely inhuman in comparison to DK's modulated voice.
"Help show you mean it."

2014-02-02, 04:58 PM
The first bullet glances off the blue shimmer around Anima as if it were a solid object, which is more or less exactly what it is. The next few are likewise stopped, one or two caught and held immobile in the air a foot or so away from her body. A moment later the blue field reaches out to ensnare the machine gun, dragging it out of his hands.

Psychokinesis, used to disarm this time. This is apparently an opposed check, [roll0] versus the guy's Strength check. If she wins, Anima will move the gun out of reach.

2014-02-03, 01:13 AM
The gun drops at the man's feet, far out of his reach. He considers trying to reach for it but seems to think better of it, putting his hands into the air slowly.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-03, 09:31 AM
"Oh come now, all I've done in the past year is help people. Surely that counts for something? I haven't even stolen anything for five years. That ship is long gone." She argues with the... thing.

2014-02-03, 10:26 AM
"In the past month alone, the police have on record that you have held up the same coffee shop nineteen times, a movie theater twice, and a supermarket eight times. In the past year, you have robbed that same coffee shop 168 times. While you admittedly take very little, especially compared to your old crime wave, my point still stands."

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-03, 10:40 AM
"Oh come on! I pay for everything! People just run around screaming when I pop up. 'Oh No! Death Knell! Ahhh! He's gunna take our stuff! Call the police! Ahhh!' Seriously, it's really annoying. I'm not even male! And who came up with that stupid name anyway? Damn reporters... And the only reason I keep getting reported at the coffee shop is because Nikki thinks it'll get rid of me. She's jealous that Rick thinks I'm cute and thinks I'll act on it. Which is completely ridiculous by the way. The guy thinks he's smooth and just comes off as creepy. But damn does he make some good coffee." At this point, Jac began gesticulating with her free hand, just a bit frustrated.

2014-02-03, 11:36 AM
"...Huh? Newspapers said the wearer of the armor chose the name. Why wouldn't you remember that? Alternately, why would you claim the crimes of the original if you are not them?"
Scrap tilts its head at an odd angle, trying to figure this one out. This attempt at understanding humans was getting further and further out of its league. The lance lowers a bit.
"Well, have you...I don't know, have you ever tried explaining to the police? Judging by heard heartbeat, six of them nearly had heart attacks when you showed up."

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-03, 12:54 PM
"Aw. Really? I named myself? That's going to be really annoying to change. And who is going to believe I'm not the original Death Knell. They'll just say I'm pulling a trick so I can pull off the greatest heist in history." Jac frowned behind her mask. And, since you're leveling somewhat accurate acusations at me, I feel the need to do the same to you. One of the main reasons I dropped by, other than stopping a bank robbery, is that I heard that sonic weaponry was possibly involved. Very few people can make it on a scale this large. I'm actually the only one I know of. Yet, you just used what seemed like a sonic weapon on that poor man that faceplanted into the wheel there."

2014-02-03, 01:15 PM
"Depends on if you have any proof you are not. FOr starters, demeanor and the vocal patterns. And the fact that there is a super hero known for various telepathic and telekinetic powers nearby gives you the best chance you're ever going to get. As for the sonic attack..."
Scrap simply shakes its head.
"My designation is Sapient Cybernetic Recovery and Protection unit, shorthand S.C.R.A.P., not Snap. I only have the sonic lance Lau equipped me with, and I did mention a sniper before, did I not? Possibly the supplier of the heavy machinery and advanced tech. Had some weapon that fired a round that was almost visible on the infrared spectrum for a split second, but otherwise entirely undetectable. Said weapon was originally aimed at you, likely due to you being the first one on the scene."
It shudders at the thought of that one.
"Took me over ten seconds to restore connections. To give you something to compare against, imagine your consciousness was scattered among your cells in separate chunks equal in distribution, only aware enough to hope you'll make it back together. Thankfully, self repair systems were able to handle the damage taken."

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-03, 07:32 PM
She snorted, "Pah on that. My head is my own. But a gun that shoots invisible rounds? And sonic technology? That sounds either very advanced, or the HED gave some people some very interesting powers. Mayb- Wait." Jac tilted her head slightly, thinking for a moment, "You said your name was S.C.R.A.P. right? So you're an AI? Can you tell me your designer and any co-designers you had?"

2014-02-03, 07:57 PM
While the grown ups were arguing over boring grown-up things, Oni decided to reward herself. She needed something for a trophy. Something she could trade for candy...

There was no money, which was a shame. No one would miss some shiny pennies. Hmm, there was the gun that floaty man had just dropped? But hnding a shop owner a gun usually caused them to freak out. Sure, bullets tickled, but they weren't that bad.

Wait, the truck! Kimiko grabs the truck she was just bashing, and lifts it above her head. Then she ran away before any of the boring policemen could stop her. Candy, candy, here she comes. Once she had some, she would even see about going back to fight those other strong looking people. Stupid idiots, coming in and stealing her fights! Especially the one in the mecha suit that looked like a shinigami, that one was likely super strong. Or whoever blew up the building. Was the floaty person strong too? But right now she ran from the police to avoid a telling off. Sure she couldn't understand them, but she still didn't like being yelled at.

2014-02-03, 08:29 PM
While the grown ups were arguing over boring grown-up things, Oni decided to reward herself. She needed something for a trophy. Something she could trade for candy...

There was no money, which was a shame. No one would miss some shiny pennies. Hmm, there was the gun that floaty man had just dropped? But hnding a shop owner a gun usually caused them to freak out. Sure, bullets tickled, but they weren't that bad.

Wait, the truck! Kimiko grabs the truck she was just bashing, and lifts it above her head. Then she ran away before any of the boring policemen could stop her. Candy, candy, here she comes. Once she had some, she would even see about going back to fight those other strong looking people. Stupid idiots, coming in and stealing her fights! Especially the one in the mecha suit that looked like a shinigami, that one was likely super strong. Or whoever blew up the building. Was the floaty person strong too? But right now she ran from the police to avoid a telling off. Sure she couldn't understand them, but she still didn't like being yelled at.

A few cops shout something but most seemed to shocked by an apparent child lifting a massive truck over her head and running away to actually do anything about it. Soon enough you've sprinted down the block and out of sight of the police.


There are still dozens of unconscious civilians in the building; the few somewhat conscious ones weren't making the best progress at moving the others. There doesn't seem to be anything overly exciting at the moment.

You hear a slight tapping on the heavy steel door to the vault.

2014-02-03, 09:03 PM
Sam helps those who are conscious pull the unconscious out. Didn't she hear other supers outside? There was that weird fog earlier. Why weren't they helping?

When she does get someone out, Sam tries to get police attention. (That shouldn't be hard)

2014-02-03, 09:11 PM
Kim runs and runs, looking left and right on each street she moves along, looking for any signs with cars on them or anywhere that might look like it would buy a nice, if "slightly" dented, van.

Umm, guessing perception? [roll0]

2014-02-03, 09:37 PM
Sam helps those who are conscious pull the unconscious out. Didn't she hear other supers outside? There was that weird fog earlier. Why weren't they helping?

When she does get someone out, Sam tries to get police attention. (That shouldn't be hard)

The police are far to busy pointing small arms at a man in a metallic suit and seemingly oblivious to you at the moment. One appears to be shouting over a megaphone and you can just barely make out what he is saying.

"Death Knell! You are under arrest for multiple instances of grand theft, larceny, breaking and entering, shoplifting, disturbing the peace and jaywalking! Turn yourself in or we will be forced to use deadly force! You will not be robbing this city anymore!"

Kim runs and runs, looking left and right on each street she moves along, looking for any signs with cars on them or anywhere that might look like it would buy a nice, if "slightly" dented, van.

As you run down the street you soon find another blockade of police vehicles. You could easily jump them, although it seems the police are moving about in a panic trying to get out of your way already.

Umm, guessing perception? [roll0]

How about Expertise: Criminal, Expertise: Cars, or Expertise: Local. Cars and Criminal are DC 15 but are Trained, Local is DC 20 but Untrained.

Death Knell

You hear a loud voice coming from the direction of the police coming over a megaphone.

"Death Knell! You are under arrest for multiple instances of grand theft, larceny, breaking and entering, shoplifting, disturbing the peace and jaywalking! Turn yourself in or we will be forced to use deadly force! You will not be robbing this city anymore!"

Everybody hears this except Little Oni, just to be clear.

It appears that they have no weapons capable of easily harming you.

You see one of the police in the back handling something... Is that a bazooka? In addition to the bazooka, you see that some of the police have different ammunition clips in their rifles to accommodate larger rounds, likely armor piercing.

2014-02-03, 09:45 PM
Death Knell? Sam looks around, spotting the suited person. What's he doing here?

"Guys, it's a bleeding metal suit. You're not getting through it. Now can SOMEBODY help me actually help the injured get out? I'll bloody deal with him if it's a problem!" This was so irrelevant right now. People are in a structurally damaged building and here is the police force focused on playing target practice with a wall of metal.

2014-02-03, 09:49 PM
Death Knell? Sam looks around, spotting the suited person. What's he doing here?

"Guys, it's a bleeding metal suit. You're not getting through it. Now can SOMEBODY help me actually help the injured get out? I'll bloody deal with him if it's a problem!" This was so irrelevant right now. People are in a structurally damaged building and here is the police force focused on playing target practice with a wall of metal.

The police seem to be more preoccupied with trying to secure Death Knell. Perhaps they don't want to just dash by an apparent supervillain? Whoever Death Knell is, the police are clearly very focused on trying to deal with him than the injured. You do, however, see one waving at you and making calling signals as well as walking motions.

The man apparently wants your number and for you to come over.

You understand that the paramedics have been called and are currently en route.

2014-02-03, 09:58 PM
"I'll humor you if you'll listen. AI parents: Dr. Johnathan Dreal, Dr. Edgar C. Brock, Dr. Annabel Swift, Jacqueline Dreal. Body parents-
Then the police butt in. Scrap looks to Death Knell.
"Please, reconsider. This could be your one chance to finally function without distracting the authorities."
A hand goes out as the device drops down, sheathed at the hip.
"I prioritize being able to help. Let me help you too. Hand me the axe, and I'll do my best to help you too."

2014-02-03, 10:07 PM
No no no no no! This was her trophy! She wasn't going to give it up, but at the same time, she couldn't just bash through a group of good guys! That was what bad guys did!

Kimiko bends her knees ever so slightly, and kicks off, launching her and her cargo right over the heads of the barricade, easily clearing 20 feet in height, cracking the pavement as she landed.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-03, 10:29 PM
"Hmm. You should update your files on Jacqueline Dreal. She earned her doctorate around five years ago."
She grinned behind her mask as the police arrived.
"Ah, it seems that the police are here in force. I'm not big on guns, so I don't know if they have anything that can hurt me over there."

She looked at him again, "Sorry Little Brother, I have no desire to relinquish any of my gifts. Even to you. See you next time!" Right before she teleported to the sewers, one of her red eyes winked out and then on.

2014-02-03, 10:53 PM
Scrap has no eyes that are readily apparent, but you feel they would widen in realization, as it reaches forward.
"Wait, what? Mot-"
Then you disappear.
With another string of binary, Scrap raises its hands.
"I am an unaligned android whose specialties include healing and repairs, designation: S.C.R.A.P. I was questioning Death Knell due to noted changes in demeanor in the recent string of encounters and from the previous appearances five years ago. May I debrief and then see to the wounded and the structural damage to vehicles and buildings?"

2014-02-04, 01:20 AM
The cops quickly rush down the street, some with sirens blaring, some on foot as they rush towards the bank. A few begin searching the truck, soon finding the sewer grate, but by the time they pry it open Death Knell is nowhere to be found.

A man that SCRAP recognizes as Michael Reed, local police chief, comes up to him, rotund belly jiggling as his mustaches twitches under his prominent nose.

"Robot, eh?" he says, looking at you. "Why don't you go recharge, we've got this handled. Nothing the police can't do around here!" he says vehemently. "We don't need no stinkin' bags of metal taking our jobs and ruining our livelihoods!"

2014-02-04, 08:45 AM
"Thank you for your concern, but I have already charged up while performing repairs on electrical lines. I will remember your concern next time I upgrade precinct computer systems."
It sounds completely sincere, too, mostly because it doesn't understand most malignant thought yet. Scrap looks at him with absolute confusion evident, honestly not understanding at all.
"However, you and your men are not in construction or emergency medical response, Chief Reed. Why would you be concerned with me taking your job? At any rate, spotted a sniper with some nasty new tech in a window earlier. Shot me with something camouflaged to keep him from being detected before disappearing, so they may have a super on their paygrade, or an independent. Also had a comms to the heist."
Dismissed, though, Scrap disperses into a could of dust and begins getting to work, starting with the stable but badly burnt patient he was seeing to before.
(Do I need to do rolls here, because I am mostly just spamming my heal powers until everyone's all better on the outside, even after the paramedics arrive.)

2014-02-04, 10:27 AM
The gun drops at the man's feet, far out of his reach. He considers trying to reach for it but seems to think better of it, putting his hands into the air slowly.

<Thank you for cooperating.> Anima's mental 'voice' is cool and well-modulated, like a slightly more human version of the synthesized female voice seen in science fiction films and advanced devices. <You will be in police custody shortly. Please do not resist, or I will be forced to employ more drastic measures for their protection.>

She gives the same warning to the other would-be robber she captured, floating both of them down into the midst of the gathered police and keeping an eye on them until they're securely handcuffed. With the armored criminal (?) Death Knell gone, the fighting seems to be over. Unfortunately, the truck-stopping girl seems to have run off, truck in tow, before Anima can speak to her. Next step: offer assistance to the police?

No, wait; there's a winged human over by the bank, armed with some type of advanced weapon. The police are easy to find, but vigilantes have a habit of vanishing shortly after the action is over. Anima descends to just above ground level to address the woman. <Good morning. May I ask your name?>

Let me know if something goes wrong handing the criminals over, and I can put off talking to Solara.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-04, 10:57 AM
In the sewers, Jac looks around, rather annoyed with the police. But, such is life when everybody thinks you're a wanted criminal. On the other hand, the sewer probably goes under the bank somewhere, and she doubted the criminals were after money. Not with gear like that anyway. So, making her way down, she looks for an easy way into the bank before the police decide to swarm it.

2014-02-05, 12:47 AM
The police quickly take the final criminal down, easily apprehending him. Most shy away from the assorted vigilantes, seemingly scared of each and every one of you, even the seemingly safe ones. Seems that they haven't had a good experience with other vigilante types.

2014-02-05, 10:23 AM
(Basically just spamming powers until they take, will roll if asked)

Unless approached by a cop, Solara, or Anima, Scrap starts with the people, healing the burned first (though the prisoners get less attention than the civilian, maybe they'll get another turn if the police let them live in detainment), then those whose hearing hadn't returned while waiting for the ambulances to arrive and check people over. After all, medical resources are in demand as is in this city. Then, as the police work, all the damage the building sustained begins clearing up until it's completely safe to go back into the bank, though a good portion ends up replaced by some strange alloy. Even the walls spring back up, though the rubble Solara made is left behind. Finally, the police cars and even the remaining truck straighten out, damage mending until all are driveable. At the end, Scrap looks to see who's left. If no one is, then it begins seeking out the most unknown variable, Little Oni. After all, a super strong ten year old should grab attention, while Solara probably has a landline and Anima...well, she'd be found somehow.

2014-02-07, 12:03 AM
In the sewers, Jac looks around, rather annoyed with the police. But, such is life when everybody thinks you're a wanted criminal. On the other hand, the sewer probably goes under the bank somewhere, and she doubted the criminals were after money. Not with gear like that anyway. So, making her way down, she looks for an easy way into the bank before the police decide to swarm it.

After some sewer teleporting you find yourself in the general area of the bank due to the larger number of pipes and relative location. Your X-Ray vision can't quite penetrate it because, frankly, it's a a few feet of solid rock. Your suit has very accurate distance and direction senses, however, making it almost 100% that you are below the lobby of the bank. Police presence, on the other hand, is a little harder to determine.

(Basically just spamming powers until they take, will roll if asked)

Unless approached by a cop, Solara, or Anima, Scrap starts with the people, healing the burned first (though the prisoners get less attention than the civilian, maybe they'll get another turn if the police let them live in detainment), then those whose hearing hadn't returned while waiting for the ambulances to arrive and check people over. After all, medical resources are in demand as is in this city. Then, as the police work, all the damage the building sustained begins clearing up until it's completely safe to go back into the bank, though a good portion ends up replaced by some strange alloy. Even the walls spring back up, though the rubble Solara made is left behind. Finally, the police cars and even the remaining truck straighten out, damage mending until all are driveable. At the end, Scrap looks to see who's left. If no one is, then it begins seeking out the most unknown variable, Little Oni. After all, a super strong ten year old should grab attention, while Solara probably has a landline and Anima...well, she'd be found somehow.

Under your supervision you slowly pull objects back together, fixing window panes.

Going to wait until Death Knell stuff is done before we let you go.

No no no no no! This was her trophy! She wasn't going to give it up, but at the same time, she couldn't just bash through a group of good guys! That was what bad guys did!

Kimiko bends her knees ever so slightly, and kicks off, launching her and her cargo right over the heads of the barricade, easily clearing 20 feet in height, cracking the pavement as she landed.

Although you leave deep cracks in the concrete you easily clear the cop cars. A few hastily try to get into their cars to pursue but frankly, you're just too fast.

Where exactly are you going?

2014-02-07, 03:07 AM
I keep getting called Solara in the papers, so let's just say that that's what I am. Now get out of my head and help me with the civilians. Sam looks over to the waving figure. Why did they seem to want her?
Insight: [roll0]

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-07, 09:15 AM
I should really get a bunch of blueprints uploaded into this suit. That would make this so much easier. I wonder if dad ever did that? Jac thought to herself as she moved through the sewers. Looking up, she frowned, hoping that there weren't any policemen up there. Locking her current location in the suit, she went up. With hopefully no obstacles, she would move towards vault, as that seems the safest location to keep things.

2014-02-07, 06:11 PM
I should really get a bunch of blueprints uploaded into this suit. That would make this so much easier. I wonder if dad ever did that? Jac thought to herself as she moved through the sewers. Looking up, she frowned, hoping that there weren't any policemen up there. Locking her current location in the suit, she went up. With hopefully no obstacles, she would move towards vault, as that seems the safest location to keep things.

Somehow, through some amazing stroke of luck, you find yourself within the vault of the bank. There is, however, something a little off.

It's empty save for an elderly asian man lying apparently unconscious on the floor.

With your Ultravision you can make out just the faintest of blue lines which, due to the fact that you create them quite often, you recognize as extremely faint teleport residue. How somebody managed to mask it like that is beyond you, but they were likely the ones that took the money.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-08, 07:30 PM
Alright. Asian man in an empty vault. That one is definitely new. Lets see if he's alright. Kneeling down next to the man, she checked him over, making sure he was alright. Medicine then? [roll0]

2014-02-08, 07:37 PM
He has a pulse, if a bit faint. Upon closer inspection you find a nasty lump on his head that is extremely hard. Abnormally hard. Poor guy probably must have gotten a nasty hit to the head to leave something like that. In your unprofessional opinion, it'll be awhile before he's conscious and when he wakes up he'll have a nasty headache.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-08, 08:09 PM
Frowning, she shuffled through his pockets looking for any papers or identification. And hopefully a pen of some sort. She had no way of asking him questions at the moment, but she had ways of him getting asked questions. Hopefully.

2014-02-10, 07:38 PM
Soon enough you find a wallet. You open it only to find it completely empty save for some cash and a gift card for McFlannels, a local pub. No credit card, no drivers license, nothing that could potentially ID the man. The credit cards weren't that strange; few people used them anymore due to being shutout from the outside world, but no license of any kind? That's a little weirder.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-11, 10:41 AM
Yep. That's a bit odd. Well. Crap. Pocketing the gift card, she pulled out a tube of lipstick. Popping open his shirt, she scrawled along his chest:
"Found in Vault. Alone.
Ident Unknown.
Then, teleported him to the front of the vault, waved at anyone that happened to be there, then left. She had a bar's computer system to hack.

2014-02-11, 01:31 PM
Scrap is startled as its mother makes yet another appearance, before rapidly vanishing. It floats down to the man, and then to the other two vigilantes nearby, settling around them and occasionally on them.
"Solara, Anima, I would like to request your assistance over by the unconscious man."
Scrap lifts back up, before analyzing the man (Investigate for interesting stuff) and treating his injuries (heal spam!)

[roll1]-healing juice

2014-02-11, 03:11 PM
"What? Who- no, what the hell are you?"

2014-02-11, 03:24 PM
"My designation is Sapient Cybernetic Recovery And Protection unit. What I am is in need of your assistance ensuring that the man who caused this bank to be robbed doesn't begin a Super tier arms war in the city I strive to keep from breaking completely. Right now, this consists of getting that man back on his feet and talking to someone he may feel more comfortable with than a faceless robot, as he was just dropped off from the vaults by Death Knell."

2014-02-11, 03:42 PM
Sam nods. "Fair enough, though I think I'm being called over there. I'll be back in just a moment, hopefully." Sam makes her way over to the waving figure. "What do you need?"

2014-02-12, 12:32 AM
Yep. That's a bit odd. Well. Crap. Pocketing the gift card, she pulled out a tube of lipstick. Popping open his shirt, she scrawled along his chest:
"Found in Vault. Alone.
Ident Unknown.
Then, teleported him to the front of the vault, waved at anyone that happened to be there, then left. She had a bar's computer system to hack.

Your plan goes off without a hitch, the man being quickly deposited in front of the bank. You manage to disappear with seconds to spare before the police could do anything.

Where will you be heading?

Scrap is startled as its mother makes yet another appearance, before rapidly vanishing. It floats down to the man, and then to the other two vigilantes nearby, settling around them and occasionally on them.
"Solara, Anima, I would like to request your assistance over by the unconscious man."
Scrap lifts back up, before analyzing the man (Investigate for interesting stuff) and treating his injuries (heal spam!)

[roll1]-healing juice

Searching the man's pockets you uncover only a wallet with only cash within. While people don't tend to use credit cards as much anymore they usually have a drivers license or some sort of identification. All this has is a small amount of cash and a gift card to McFlannels, a local pub. More than a little odd.

It hardly takes any nanobot treatment to revive the man, the elderly Asian slowly coming to, rubbing the back of his head in confusion. He begins to quickly rant in something that sounds like Chinese, completely befuddling most of you.

While the man is speaking Chinese, it's basically gibberish. Soup. Wanton. Car. Hello. Soup again. There's no rhyme or reason to his phrases at all. While definitely Chinese, it doesn't make any sense.

2014-02-12, 04:33 AM
Curious, Scrap narrows some of its many eyes before it coalesces, looking straight at the man and gently puts a hand on a shoulder.
"Don't worry, I understand every word you're saying."
It repeats the phrase in flawless Chinese as well, adding a question that did he know he was speaking complete and utter gibberish?

2014-02-12, 09:33 AM
The man continues to rant, completely oblivious to what you said. He is nodding at you though, as if he approves of what you said and agrees.

2014-02-12, 11:48 AM
"You are also aware that a sentence contains more than the words 'wanton soup, car, chicken' repeated, correct?"
The hand is still on the shoulder.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-12, 12:02 PM
Dropping by the Pub first, she checked its hours, preferably from a distance. If closed, she would make her way to the office, if not, she would search for the pub's blueprints at the closest library? I actually don't know where you would search for blueprints.

2014-02-12, 04:46 PM
Once Little Oni is a few blocks away from the Police, she runs up to the top of a high building and puts her van there, nice and safe. Not like they can drive it off a roof or anything. And if they were crazy enough to do it, great! As long as she got to watch them.

2014-02-12, 04:51 PM
"You are also aware that a sentence contains more than the words 'wanton soup, car, chicken' repeated, correct?"
The hand is still on the shoulder.

The man looks at you in confusion, apparently not understanding. He switches to French, speaking extremely fluently.

"Who the hell are you?"

Dropping by the Pub first, she checked its hours, preferably from a distance. If closed, she would make her way to the office, if not, she would search for the pub's blueprints at the closest library? I actually don't know where you would search for blueprints.

The pub is currently closed and appears to have been for some time.

Give me an Investigation to find blueprints at the library.

Once Little Oni is a few blocks away from the Police, she runs up to the top of a high building and puts her van there, nice and safe. Not like they can drive it off a roof or anything. And if they were crazy enough to do it, great! As long as she got to watch them.

The police aren't able to keep up with your sprint and seem to lose you up the building. You find yourself all alone at the top of a very large building with a only mostly damaged truck.

2014-02-12, 05:17 PM
Scrap changes over to French easily as well.
(Shall we just use spoilers for other languages, or will putting phrases in between markers like <> work too?)
"My designation is S.C.R.A.P.. Please stay still, the treatment for the lump on your head is taking some time. Your Chinese was garbled before, parroting phrases without context. May I ask if you remember your name and how you came to be in the bank vault? Also, how did you end up injured in there?"

2014-02-12, 05:43 PM
Sam nods. "Fair enough, though I think I'm being called over there. I'll be back in just a moment, hopefully." Sam makes her way over to the waving figure. "What do you need?"

"Just letting you know an ambulance is on the way. Did everything go alright in there?" he asks, apparently not having noticed your deeds inside.

Scrap changes over to French easily as well.
(Shall we just use spoilers for other languages, or will putting phrases in between markers like <> work too?)
"My designation is S.C.R.A.P.. Please stay still, the treatment for the lump on your head is taking some time. Your Chinese was garbled before, parroting phrases without context. May I ask if you remember your name and how you came to be in the bank vault? Also, how did you end up injured in there?"

"Wan Jing," he says, rubbing his head. "The robbers left to door open and I hid inside, closed the door after me. A few minutes later something hit me in the back of the ehad and I fell unconscious. That's all I remember," he says, still rubbing his head.

Despite your treatment the lump on the mans head is not improving in the slightest.

Death Knell

Despite your searching, the library has no information about blueprints. You do, however, find out the builder of the pub: Alterson Construction. Before the HED explosion they had been a very large construction corporation mostly centered in the downtown part of the city. They seem to have gone out of business some time ago.

2014-02-12, 05:48 PM
Scrap finds Anima hovering patiently near Solara, contemplating whether she should repeat herself (with a clarification that she isn't reading the woman's mind) or skip that step and read the woman's mind. The metal swarm diverts her attention; It had escaped her notice before, but now that she's close - there's an intelligence behind it. Someone hiding behind an optical cloak? No. It doesn't feel remotely human, or even organic. A distributed intelligence, each metallic particle acting much like a neuron. Fascinating.

<Of course,> she replies to the swarm's request for assistance, and follows it to the front of the vault, making a note to try speaking with the winged woman again later. The older man's words do not, at first, make any sense to her, and she delves into his mind to try to bypass the linguistic barrier.

Going to try reading the man's mind. DC 20 Will to resist.

2014-02-12, 06:23 PM
You delve past the surface of the man's mind, getting into his thoughts. At the most basic level, you learn that whatever he is saying, he is lying. He is not who he claims to be. And he's clearly afraid as well.

2014-02-12, 07:00 PM
(I assume you are also factoring in that all my healing is persistent, meaning incurable is not an obstacle.)
<I see. Wan Jing, did you come to the bank with any family? Also, what languages do you know, so the police and hospital can help you?>
Three things didn't match up. The first was him being conscious when they arrived. Another was how he had tried to bluff his way out with Chinese before. Finally, there was the lump. Scrap knew its limitations, and that was well within them. Still, doesn't hurt to communicate as much with Anima.
"He says his name is Wan Jing. He says he went into hiding when things began, and never saw his assailant."
After a pause, it considers how this would even work. However, Anima sent him thoughts, so maybe she also receives them...
Can you hear me? I think something has been done to his head. That lump should be gone by now.

2014-02-12, 09:01 PM
"Well enough. Took out most hostiles that I could find. Minimal collateral damage. There may or may not be a fire going on in the air vents, though I think that would have died down by now."

2014-02-12, 09:55 PM
Kim lifts up her new van with all the doors wide open, and shakes it, to see if anything falls out. Hey, you never know what might still be hidden in here.

2014-02-13, 06:43 AM
<I see. I do not think he is being truthful with you; his prefrontal cortex is active in a manner consistent with deception. Also fear. I am going to attempt to delve deeper and learn what he is hiding. Please keep him distracted while I do so.>

True to her word -- well, her telepathic thought-message, but it's the same principle -- Anima focuses her attention on the alleged Wan Jing. Every human mind is slightly different, memories and emotional associations and thought-paths laid out like a tangled network of roads. Perhaps rivers would be a better analogy; they carve out deeper paths for themselves the more the mind uses them, allowing an observant telepath to pick out commonly visited patterns of thought and memory. She begins committing the layout of Wan Jing's mind to memory, tracking neurons as they fire.

Going to repeat Mind Reading in hopes of getting a higher degree of success (the power is Cumulative). 2 degrees grants a single question, which in this case will be "what is Wan Jing lying about?"

Also, when she gets the chance she'll dig through her Stolen Memories to grab Languages 2 (French, Mandarin Chinese).

2014-02-14, 04:13 AM
"Well enough. Took out most hostiles that I could find. Minimal collateral damage. There may or may not be a fire going on in the air vents, though I think that would have died down by now."

The man nods curtly. "Thanks for your help! I don't know what we would have done without your help. If you have time, drop by the station. We could use a full report if you have the time," he says, patting you on the back. His gaze lingers just a bit longer than it should but is hardly inappropriate.

"Sergeant Garza, by the way," he says as he leaves. You feel something tucked into your wing. After grasping you find a small card.

Sergeant James Garza
Cascadia Police Force

Kim lifts up her new van with all the doors wide open, and shakes it, to see if anything falls out. Hey, you never know what might still be hidden in here.

A few guns fall out, but that's it. One is a big gun, a whole grenade launcher and a few grenades. Heavy gear for a simple bank robbery. No money and nothing all that exciting. At least that's what you think. A briefcase falls out, but those tend to be boring as well. Nothing all that exciting. Maybe some money, boring files. It drops far and fast, easily halfway down the building before you perceive it.

<I see. I do not think he is being truthful with you; his prefrontal cortex is active in a manner consistent with deception. Also fear. I am going to attempt to delve deeper and learn what he is hiding. Please keep him distracted while I do so.>

True to her word -- well, her telepathic thought-message, but it's the same principle -- Anima focuses her attention on the alleged Wan Jing. Every human mind is slightly different, memories and emotional associations and thought-paths laid out like a tangled network of roads. Perhaps rivers would be a better analogy; they carve out deeper paths for themselves the more the mind uses them, allowing an observant telepath to pick out commonly visited patterns of thought and memory. She begins committing the layout of Wan Jing's mind to memory, tracking neurons as they fire.

Going to repeat Mind Reading in hopes of getting a higher degree of success (the power is Cumulative). 2 degrees grants a single question, which in this case will be "what is Wan Jing lying about?"

Also, when she gets the chance she'll dig through her Stolen Memories to grab Languages 2 (French, Mandarin Chinese).

The man grins wickedly as you feel his mind begin to slip away from me. You can hardly keep a grip on it as his slippery mind begins to, well, slip away.

"Please let me go home. I have a wife and child," he says in perfect, flawless French. "They will be worried about me. Thank you for saving me, but please let me go home."

Throughout it all there is a slight smirk on his face as if he knows something that you don't.

A few cops are starting to come over, likely just to try to help with the whole witness process.

2014-02-14, 06:43 AM
Sam nods as the man introduces himself, leaving his card. Garza... Noted. Something struck a cord in her about him. Maybe the wings simply were distracting. Not everyone has powers that are so blatant, after all. It's a thought for another time, though, as she thanks Garza for his card.

Sam looks back around, seeing if the action was dying down or if it simply was to change locals.

2014-02-14, 06:48 AM
<Unfortunately, you may have a concussion. I must send you for a CAT scan instead to ensure nothing happens to you. You will be provided access to a phone to allow your family to meet you there, though.>
When the police arrrive, Scrap looks to them, switching back to english.
"This man is named Wan Jing, he was hit in the back of the head in the vault. He speaks eight words of Chinese and fluent French, so if you have anyone who speaks French, it would be best to get them to take the official statement. He may have a concussion, so he should go see EMTs when they arrive. He also has family he needs to contact."

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-14, 08:57 AM
Logging that tidbit of information, Jac head back to the pub. The first thing she'll do is try to find the main office. Pubs have main offices right? At least she hoped they did.

2014-02-14, 09:01 AM
Kimiko gathers up what she can (especially the big gun) and starts to sniff it. Maybe if she could find a scent in here, she could follow it back to the bad guys, to deliver more punchings!

2014-02-14, 08:57 PM
Sam nods as the man introduces himself, leaving his card. Garza... Noted. Something struck a cord in her about him. Maybe the wings simply were distracting. Not everyone has powers that are so blatant, after all. It's a thought for another time, though, as she thanks Garza for his card.

Sam looks back around, seeing if the action was dying down or if it simply was to change locals.

Ambulances are just beginning to arrive on scene and are very, very busy. Just about everybody inside likely has a low level concussion although there are a small smattering of more serious wounds. The police are, of course, dragging most of the criminals out. One is already shedding hair rapidly, a sight that isn't very pretty. Overall, it does seem that things are winding down. A tow truck is just finishing hitching up to the truck the men had used, the other stolen away by that odd little girl.

<Unfortunately, you may have a concussion. I must send you for a CAT scan instead to ensure nothing happens to you. You will be provided access to a phone to allow your family to meet you there, though.>
When the police arrrive, Scrap looks to them, switching back to english.
"This man is named Wan Jing, he was hit in the back of the head in the vault. He speaks eight words of Chinese and fluent French, so if you have anyone who speaks French, it would be best to get them to take the official statement. He may have a concussion, so he should go see EMTs when they arrive. He also has family he needs to contact."

The police thank you, albeit with a few weird looks due to the fact that you're a robot. Wu Jing is taken away to an EMT, the police helping the elderly man in. As he crawls into the back he waves to the heroes, a stupid grin on his face. After a few other conscious yet heavily concussed civilians are loaded into the back the EMT begins to drive away.

Logging that tidbit of information, Jac head back to the pub. The first thing she'll do is try to find the main office. Pubs have main offices right? At least she hoped they did.

You quickly and easily pop right into the main office of the pub, finding it without any issue. The abandoned pub is eerie, with no light and no occupants it seems more than a little haunted. There is a faint pub smell throughout, although the dust and dirt tends to drown out the faint alcohol and grease smells.

The sheer number of cobwebs doesn't help in making the place any more inviting. There are a lot more webs then you would expect in a standard pub, even if it has been uninhabited for quite some time. While it had looked unoccupied from the outside from the inside the pub has clearly been empty for quite a long time, maybe years.

While there are cobwebs everywhere, there is very clearly a path from the door to the main office as well as a small area cleared out in the main office. People have been here recently.

As soon as you enter the building you hear scuttling, ever so faint, across the floor. It sounded big, although a simple rat is rather large. You get the feeling that you are not alone.

Kimiko gathers up what she can (especially the big gun) and starts to sniff it. Maybe if she could find a scent in here, she could follow it back to the bad guys, to deliver more punchings!

The guns smell strongly of sweat which is somewhat unsurprising due to having been in the back of a van full of criminals. It's hard to pick up other scents over the strength of the sweat and other human smells, but there are a few faints ones present. They also have the standard gun smells; oil, gunpowder, a little chalky smell front hitting the ground.

The briefcase has very similar smells but with one overpowering one mixed in; human excrement. It quite literally smells like somebody has defecated on it which is not that unlikely.

There's a strong smell of dust, as if the gun has been someplace rather old or dirty very recently. It also smells like grease, almost like animal fat although that smell is fainter.

There's a very faint smell of alcohol across the gear as well, although it smells wrong to be sake. Something else, something from around here. Beer? No, that's not right...

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-14, 09:18 PM
Alright. That's interesting. Definitely been someone around here lately. Let's see if the power is on. Experimentally, Jac tries to activate the computer. Failing that, she'll attempt to jury rig something on her suit's power supply to get the computer working.

2014-02-14, 09:26 PM
Strangely, there is no computer, only stacks loose papers on the desk.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-14, 10:17 PM
Jac sighed internally. She wasn't really surprised by the lack of computer. The place was shut down after all. Sighing externally this time, she began to sift through the papers, not sure what she was looking for.

2014-02-14, 10:38 PM
As the ambulances take him and the other patients away, Scrap looks to Anima.
"What I didn't mention was I went through his wallet first. There was only one identifying item on him at all, and that was a gift card to a pub called McFlannel's. Delicious stone around that one. If you could recruit Solara, we should probably check that out as it's the only lead we seem to have."
With a stiff breeze, Scrap disassembles back into the powder, going for the quick fix of erecting walls and leaving brand new windows in the panes, possibly stronger than before.

disassemble, slapping new wall layers on by using Create at full power. Also creating new windows, doors, etc., all hardness 7.

2014-02-15, 01:42 AM
Sam goes to help bring injured to the ambulences. Normally she'd have left, but there were just way too many injured here for that.

2014-02-15, 05:05 AM
Jac sighed internally. She wasn't really surprised by the lack of computer. The place was shut down after all. Sighing externally this time, she began to sift through the papers, not sure what she was looking for.

The papers seem random; bills, drawings seemingly made by a five year old of various half animal-half human creatures, a grocery list, and a paper covered with miniscule numbers that is very thick, as if multiple pieces of paper are stuck together. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the stack; its' like somebody upended a recycling bin over it all.

As the ambulances take him and the other patients away, Scrap looks to Anima.
"What I didn't mention was I went through his wallet first. There was only one identifying item on him at all, and that was a gift card to a pub called McFlannel's. Delicious stone around that one. If you could recruit Solara, we should probably check that out as it's the only lead we seem to have."
With a stiff breeze, Scrap disassembles back into the powder, going for the quick fix of erecting walls and leaving brand new windows in the panes, possibly stronger than before.

disassemble, slapping new wall layers on by using Create at full power. Also creating new windows, doors, etc., all hardness 7.

Things come back together quite readily under your guidance and your skill with construction should prove to help reinforce the buildings somewhat although there is only so much you can do for a window.

Sam goes to help bring injured to the ambulences. Normally she'd have left, but there were just way too many injured here for that.

With one arm you're not a whole lot of help but you do manage to help drag the injured out the various ambulances. After awhile there are no ambulances present but still quite a few injured, leaving you some time to rest until some ambulances get back.

2014-02-15, 10:06 AM
(I thought you said es blew up an entire wall.)
Fix done, time to go back to the remaining people.

(Spamming my healing power until they're better.)

2014-02-16, 07:45 AM
Anima stares after 'Wan Jing' as the ambulance takes him away, her expression unreadable behind the mask. To Scrap, she sends, <I was unable to extract anything else from Wan Jing's mind before he blocked me. I suspect he will not be in the hospital long; if you have some way of tracking him, please do. We can examine this pub in the meantime.>

She then goes to join Solara with the wounded, calling up disordered memories of first-aid training and medical school as she glances over the nearest. They don't seem critically injured, but presumably the paramedics took the people in worst condition first. <Good morning, again. This mode of communication is one-way; please respond aloud. Your name is Solara?>

2014-02-16, 02:21 PM
"Then why don't you speak aloud?"

2014-02-16, 07:19 PM
<The same reason I wear a mask: security. I prefer to keep my identity hidden during vigilante activity; speaking aloud would make it easier to connect Anima with my civilian guise.> Anima tilts her head, gesturing to take in Solara's bare face and wings. <I take it you lack the same concerns. Would it be rude of me to ask what precautions you take against retaliation?>

2014-02-16, 09:04 PM
"Those who harass me have a tendency to not do it again." She gestures to a few of the men who were caught in her blast earlier, burned and hair falling out. "An ounce of precaution may do more than a pound of cure, but sometimes precaution is just unavailable.

So, who is Anima, aside from a name?"

2014-02-18, 06:48 AM
<Anima is the name I use when defending my home and the homes of others. I would prefer not to live in a state of barely-controlled anarchy; it's untidy and unsafe. Unfortunately, I've found that defending my local area alone is not sufficient, because gangs and other criminals from other parts of the city keep moving in to fill the vacuum. To use a medical analogy, I am too busy struggling with the symptoms to address the disease.>

She tilts her head. <On which note, I have a proposition to relay. SCRAP believes it has found a clue related to this crime and would like assistance investigating. Would you like to assist us?>

2014-02-18, 07:10 AM
"Sounds good to me. Can't get a day of peace unless I shut myself in entirely, and even then." She doesn't even seem to think twice on the matter.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-18, 10:53 AM
Okay. This is just getting weird. Shaking her head, Jac began shuffling around in the office, hopefully finding something of use to tell her about the man. The papers were going nowhere.

[roll0] Investigate I assume? If so, yay 15!

2014-02-18, 01:29 PM
Bleck, just a bunch of stinking items. Well, might as well see if she could track something from one of the scents. Maybe find where the bad guys were to deliver more punchings.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-02-18, 11:39 PM
(I thought you said es blew up an entire wall.)
Fix done, time to go back to the remaining people.

(Spamming my healing power until they're better.)

You continue to repair ppeople at a rather rapid rate. You manage to fix up two before you begin to get looks from Anima and Solara.

Think that Anima and Solara are waiting on you.

Okay. This is just getting weird. Shaking her head, Jac began shuffling around in the office, hopefully finding something of use to tell her about the man. The papers were going nowhere.

[roll0] Investigate I assume? If so, yay 15!

There's little else actually on top of the desk. It isn't until you begin going through the drawers that you begin to find anything interesting. The top couple are simply more and more pictures of the same chimera creatures, growing in quality as you go further down the drawers.

When you reach the final drawer you tug on it only to find it locked and with a rather heavy one.

As you try to figure out how to unlock it you hear a loud chattering from behind just as a huge blast of sticky webbing flies towards you! You can hardly make out the figure of an apparent part human-part spider creature!

DC 20 Dodge for 1/2 effect. Resisted by Dodge, DC 20 if first roll fails, DC 15 if it succeeds. DC 20 Damage to Overcome.

Also roll Initiative. You get to go before it if you roll higher than 17.

Bleck, just a bunch of stinking items. Well, might as well see if she could track something from one of the scents. Maybe find where the bad guys were to deliver more punchings.

Perception: [roll0]

It's fairly hard to track by nose alone with such faint scent. You wander through the city aimlessly until you find a pub that matches the smell almost exactly; McArthur's Pubbery and Drinkery. It's a small establishment with a simple crest of two golden glasses tapping against one another and green awnings.

2014-02-18, 11:51 PM
Scrap pauses, the cloud looking to the other people left, and to Anima and Solara.
"...I suppose we shouldn't let a trail go cold."
Displeasure is evident as it leaves the people in the care of others.
"Let's get to work then."
It drifts alongside the others, trying to stay out of obvious sight, and Anima might get feelings of shyness from it. Doesn't like being seen?

2014-02-19, 12:48 AM
"So I have an inkling of what Anima is. What about you, Scrap?" Solara asks as she follows along. "And what clue do you think you found?"

2014-02-19, 01:13 AM
"How do you mean? As for clues, a very mocking man who tried to fake Chinese, and only spoke French, who was in the vault when it was robbed was found, and Anima confirmed that he was lying about a large number of things, which given the situation, the disappearance of a humanoid with at least one device, and current events was odd enough. He had no identification at all, only a wallet and a gift card to a pub, more than a little odd, and when he was taken by the ambulances he seemed almost exultant in some success. Also, his injuries were not treatable, meaning they were not fresh, there was something put in, or he was lying about that too."
It pauses and looks to both of the girls.
"Do you know the way to McFlannels, out of curiosity?"

2014-02-19, 02:15 AM
"That's a pub, right? Nah, I don't drink enough to know that off the top of my head. But that's what other people are for." She looks around for a guy who didn't seem to be too occupied to ignore a girl asking around where she could get a drink.
Persuasion I think could apply nicely here: [roll0]

2014-02-20, 12:41 AM
"That's a pub, right? Nah, I don't drink enough to know that off the top of my head. But that's what other people are for." She looks around for a guy who didn't seem to be too occupied to ignore a girl asking around where she could get a drink.
Persuasion I think could apply nicely here: [roll0]

Asking where you can get a drink brings up all sorts of things; bars, clubs, alehouses, small pubs, apartments, private homes, even a winery. Even asking a dozen people McFlannels doesn't come up as a place to drink. If you had to hazard a guess, either they are out of business or have quite possibly the worst booze in town.

That would actually be an Investigation check.

Death Knell

The webs swiftly coat your body, coating your entire armor in thick strands that not only inhibit your movement but also leaves you wide open as the creature leaps forward, arms bearing down heavily upon you.

And arms there are. Six of them, to be precise. Now that you're being punched by the creature it has become much more clear that exactly what it is. While it has the shape of a human everything else resembles an arachnid. A bulbous head with eight eyes. Short hairs lining damn near every in of the creature. Even the legs and arms look far more insectile than they could ever possible look on a normal human. The legs are lined with a massive spike towards the end, clearly intended for impaling.

Fortunately, despite the beast easily making contact, your armor is thick and heavy, the claw sliding harmlessly across, hardly scratching your armor. It begins chittering loudly at that, speaking far too rapidly for you to comprehend it.

You are Hindered and Vulnerable.

2014-02-20, 02:50 AM
Scrap looks at Solara's response to its question before opening the Navigation app. Knew integrating the software of that phone would come in handy. Especially during slow times, some of the games were downright addicting...
Anyway! It floats over onto her and Anima, before speaking in their ears.
"I have directions. Please, follow me."
The dust falls to the ground, and with a quick glance, it's easy to tell that a large portion is moving as a unified whole.

2014-02-21, 10:33 AM
The little Oni saunters into the pub, excited about the chance to try some foreign alcohol.

She greets the people in the pub in her usual loud happy voice. "Greetings you American drunkards! I am here inquiring about a group of bad guys. I expect answers or there shall be punchings aplenty, unless the sweetness of your booze persuades me otherwise." Too bad she was speaking in Japanese.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-21, 10:40 AM
Wow. Really? A spiderthing is trying to kill me. Huh. How would you make one of these things? Somewhere in the back of her mind is thinking. More forward though is trying to get this thing to stop killing her.

"Hey now, I have no particular desire to fight you. I don't mean you any harm." To illustrate this, she puts her hands above her head. Which was a lot harder than she thought it would be. That stuff is sticky.

Persuade hopefully. [roll0] 16+8 is 24

2014-02-23, 07:36 PM
Scrap looks at Solara's response to its question before opening the Navigation app. Knew integrating the software of that phone would come in handy. Especially during slow times, some of the games were downright addicting...
Anyway! It floats over onto her and Anima, before speaking in their ears.
"I have directions. Please, follow me."
The dust falls to the ground, and with a quick glance, it's easy to tell that a large portion is moving as a unified whole.

Assuming the others follow?

After some hasty investigation online SCRAP manages to find the general directions to the pub. Unfortunately Anima is slower than the rest, slowing the pace of the group down considerably. It's about a half-hour trek but soon enough you find yourselves outside McFlannels.

The little Oni saunters into the pub, excited about the chance to try some foreign alcohol.

She greets the people in the pub in her usual loud happy voice. "Greetings you American drunkards! I am here inquiring about a group of bad guys. I expect answers or there shall be punchings aplenty, unless the sweetness of your booze persuades me otherwise." Too bad she was speaking in Japanese.

Before you're even all the way through the door the bartender looks at you and begins to say something before you give your speech. He looks at you completely confused, obviously not fluent in your language or even having a basic understanding of it. He mumbles something to the men at the bar which you barely pick up as "Don't ye the booze, back in a second,"

"Did ye lose ya mummie?" he asks in a thick accent, kneeling next to you, making crude gestures with his hands to try to communicate the point. Some men at the bar, regulars by the look of it, seem to find this hilarious and are laughing uproariously.

Wow. Really? A spiderthing is trying to kill me. Huh. How would you make one of these things? Somewhere in the back of her mind is thinking. More forward though is trying to get this thing to stop killing her.

"Hey now, I have no particular desire to fight you. I don't mean you any harm." To illustrate this, she puts her hands above her head. Which was a lot harder than she thought it would be. That stuff is sticky.

Persuade hopefully. [roll0] 16+8 is 24

The spider-person apparently doesn't care or has no reason to trust you. Another amount of webbing quickly shoots forth from its mouth, once again trying to snare you deeper in its web! It seems that the spider doesn't like trespassers much.

Second verse same as the first. You automatically get to try to break free at the end of your turn, so a Damage Roll vs. DC 20.

As for the new web, second verse same as the first!

DC 20 Dodge for 1/2 effect. Resisted by Dodge, DC 20 if first roll fails, DC 15 if it succeeds. Failure will make you Immobile and Defenseless.

2014-02-23, 10:12 PM
Kim stands on her tip-toes and pats the man talking to her on the head.

'Why hello to you too, oh smelly drunk one. For your polite greeting, you shall be spared punchings.'

She moves past the man, and heads to the bar, climbing her way up one of the bar stools.

'Now, give me the strongest of your American Beers!' She pointed to one of the beer taps.

2014-02-23, 10:30 PM
Scrap looks around, and kicks up around Solara and Anima a bit as they arrive.
"We're here. Walk another block and turn a corner, then return from above. Anima, can you detect anyone within the building? I'm planning to go in and take a look, you two should check from the roof down, since if this is the place there may be traps I can bypass that you cannot at conventional entrances."

2014-02-25, 07:33 PM
Solara nods, continuing along the instructed path, then flying up into the air and looking for a top entrance.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-25, 09:21 PM
Sighing, Jac teleported backwards, or sideways. Whatever ways into the lobby. Once more trying to break out of the webbing. [roll0] I guess power? I fail anyway.

2014-02-26, 06:43 AM
Anima silently obliges the nanites' request, scanning the building for the telltale sensation of human minds, or the fainter signatures given off by animal-level intellects. The building looks deserted from the outside, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is.

Perception? [roll0]

2014-02-26, 11:01 AM
"Heading in, let me know if you sense anyyone."
With that, Scrap flows up the steps and under the door, flowing up to the ceiling to pose as dust if it hears someone coming.

[roll0]-stealth to avoid detection
[roll1]-investigate for traps and signs of life
[roll2]-perception to avoid any said life

2014-03-01, 04:06 PM
Kim stands on her tip-toes and pats the man talking to her on the head.

'Why hello to you too, oh smelly drunk one. For your polite greeting, you shall be spared punchings.'

She moves past the man, and heads to the bar, climbing her way up one of the bar stools.

'Now, give me the strongest of your American Beers!' She pointed to one of the beer taps.

The man comes over to you, trying to grab you.

"This 'eres a bar lassie. You cannae be here," he says, trying to lift you off the chair and carry you to the door. "I can call yer mummy if ye'd like," he offers.

Other patrons continue to laugh at you.

Solara nods, continuing along the instructed path, then flying up into the air and looking for a top entrance.

The building has a fairly typical city roof: that is, flat and featureless except for some extremely dirty tables that may have once served as impromptu outdoor serving tables. Fortunately, because there was once roof seating there is a roof access door although it is locked tight.

Sighing, Jac teleported backwards, or sideways. Whatever ways into the lobby. Once more trying to break out of the webbing. [roll0] I guess power? I fail anyway.

You quickly appear right into the lobby, still coated in the stretchy bands of silk. The spider-thing flies rapidly out of the room, door flying open as the spider skitters across the ceiling launching yet another burst of webbing at you. Either it wants to capture you alive or it is trying to work around being entirely unable to smash through your armor.

You see a faint rusty-colored dust flow in from under the door and up to the ceiling. The spider seems too preoccupied with you to notice it.

DC 20 Dodge for half effect, DC 20 Dodge to Resist, 15 if you make the initial save. DC 20 Damage to overcome you current rank. (You may use your Scythe for this. You're basically just hitting the webbing to break it)

Anima silently obliges the nanites' request, scanning the building for the telltale sensation of human minds, or the fainter signatures given off by animal-level intellects. The building looks deserted from the outside, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is.

Perception? [roll0]

You detect hundreds of very weak intelligences, likely just bugs and insects. There are, however, three different intelligences within excluding scrap. There are two very close together, likely locked in combat or the like while there is a third far from the current two.

"Heading in, let me know if you sense anyyone."
With that, Scrap flows up the steps and under the door, flowing up to the ceiling to pose as dust if it hears someone coming.

[roll0]-stealth to avoid detection
[roll1]-investigate for traps and signs of life
[roll2]-perception to avoid any said life

You flow into the room extremely easily and, oddly enough, don't see any traps in the lobby. What you do see is an apparent spider-creature complete with multiple appendages attacking Death Knell. Death Knell is currently trapped in some sort of string, likely webbing and is trying to break free to little avail.

2014-03-01, 05:05 PM
<Two large life-forms near you, one human and one not,> Anima sends to Scrap. <One elsewhere in the building. Shall I investigate the more distant while you examine those close to you?>

Note that Anima's mind-detecting power is both acute and analytical; I'm assuming she can tell that the spider-thing isn't human (unless its mind actually is human-like, in which case I'll edit her dialogue). I'm also assuming that she can tell the farther one isn't Solara, who you didn't mention - with an analytical sense I figure she can distinguish between people...

Anima will use Mind Reading to try to pick up Scrap's surface thoughts for 2-way communication; will make this as a routine check if possible, for a total of 20 (if Scrap bothers to resist at all). She's not trying to pick up thoughts not directed at her (and won't go any deeper than surface thoughts) but I'm not sure how much control she has over which thoughts she receives.

Also, can I tell approximately what the spider-thing's Intellect score is? Animal-like, human-level, etc?

2014-03-01, 05:20 PM
<Two large life-forms near you, one human and one not,> Anima sends to Scrap. <One elsewhere in the building. Shall I investigate the more distant while you examine those close to you?>

Note that Anima's mind-detecting power is both acute and analytical; I'm assuming she can tell that the spider-thing isn't human (unless its mind actually is human-like, in which case I'll edit her dialogue). I'm also assuming that she can tell the farther one isn't Solara, who you didn't mention - with an analytical sense I figure she can distinguish between people...

Anima will use Mind Reading to try to pick up Scrap's surface thoughts for 2-way communication; will make this as a routine check if possible, for a total of 20 (if Scrap bothers to resist at all). She's not trying to pick up thoughts not directed at her (and won't go any deeper than surface thoughts) but I'm not sure how much control she has over which thoughts she receives.

Also, can I tell approximately what the spider-thing's Intellect score is? Animal-like, human-level, etc?

Solara is not in the building so no, it isn't her. Whether or not SCRAP resists is up to him.

The intellect of the spider creature is most definitely that of a human although it is different. It's thought structure and emotions are completely alien and the thoughts are short and rapid but its intelligence is human - nay, above most humans. The other creature has similar level of intelligence although its thoughts are far more vicious and feel heavier than that of the spider-creature.

2014-03-01, 07:23 PM
Solara presses her arm cannon close to the door, releasing enough heat to melt metal.
Mega Flare on the door
DC 20 Toughness
Sustaining until the door either melts, burns, or otherwise takes enough damage for her to enter.

Sir Dancealot
2014-03-03, 11:29 AM
"Oh come on!" Jac yelled in frustration. Angrily, she proceeded to tear her way through the sticky substance, marching forward, her axe up to hit the spider.

[roll0] Dodge vs 20
[roll1] vs 20 or 15
[roll3] Perception!

2014-03-03, 08:04 PM
Wait, was this some kind of lifting contest? Strange. There were no lifting contests in Japan. Maybe the loser bought the drinks?

Not to be outdone, Kimi jumps off her chair and moves behind the man, picking him up by his ankles and waving him about a bit.

She shouts in her loudest broken English "I ... WANT .... BEER!"

Oh yeah. "PWEASE!" she adds. Best they not think she is rude. Grandma always told her to be polite.

2014-03-03, 08:35 PM
Scrap's thoughts are a bit of a mess at the surface level, more like dozens of tiny voices branching towards different views of the same environment vying for importance than a singular voice, like most minds tend to give at the level you're on. However, many ring out with the same word, initially, some excited, some worried due to the arachnoman attacking, others surprised, but all rising over the murmur.
Mother 2!
A quick recording, four faces. One elder woman. Her breathing her last as she fumbled with the buttons that gave Scrap physical form, her face slowly deteriorating from the HE'D radiation. Two elder men, a clip of one struggling to breathe as his lungs turned to gills that same moment. A younger girl, linking to a clip from the heist, to Death Knell.
I...understood, Anima. I'll communicate as such.

2014-03-03, 08:35 PM

It takes a fair bit of heat and about ten seconds but soon enough the door is nothing but a pool of molten metal. You have to quickly take a few steps back to dodge it but the majority rolls down the stairs, quickly hardening to form a mirror of metal. It seems safe to walk down, if a bit slick.

Death Knell

The spider almost seems as if it will dodge your attack only to shift right into it, your massive axe almost cleaving the beast in twain. It falls to the ground, red blood gushing rapidly across the floor. It twitches freakishly, strangled cries barely coming forth from it's mouth. It seems to be in very bad shape.

"Help me....."

From the office you hear a massive shout and can only watch in horror as the wall crumbles into dust as a hulking behemoth runs forth, smashing right into Death Knell sending the suited hero flying back through another wall into the street. As Death Knell skids to a stop she gets a good look at the beast; a massive rhino clad in a suit of heavy armor. It too is oddly humanoid, standing easily on two legs. It's eyes glare red at Death Knell and it's chest heaves heavily, murder clear in its eyes. It takes a few steps to the side putting itself between Death Knell and the spider.

Toughness 27 against the charge. Toughness 19 for breaking through the wall which is covered by your Impenetrable.

New round start! Rhino has an Initiative of 7 so if you're higher than him go ahead and post!


There are curses shouted all around as a small child grabs the burly barkeeper and swings him around like he's nothing. The patrons quickly flee the bar, most of the leaving their drinks although one large Scottsman grabs five or six before fleeing, drinks sploshing everywhere.

The barkeep, once you set him down, flees as well, stumbling from being dizzy and running headlong into the frame of the door, apparently knocking himself unconscious.

You now seem to be alone in the bar.

2014-03-03, 09:06 PM
This is about where Scrap speaks up, giving an overly loud cough from the ceiling, before swirling down into a wall (ready to solidify into an actual wall with those deflection abilities) of activity between DK and the rhino.
"I have healing capabilities. Stand down and I will help your friend and get Mother 2 to halt as well. Assault Mother 2 again and I'll help her against you, then heal your friend, but may be too late by then."
If Anima is still connected, she feels Scrap open some strange mental lock to something...dreadful and wonderful. Then feels it begin cursing as it cannot access the internet or the police computer mainframe to look up an arachnid man and a rhino man.

2014-03-04, 12:06 AM
You pick up nothing about these two.

The rhino creature doesn't budge, either incapable of hearing you or simply not caring enough to respond. It continues to glare at Death Knell, waiting for her to get up.

Then it speaks, a low grumbling tone although is there a hint of worry to it?

"Leave. Once I have destroyed the trespasser in the armor I will proceed to kill anybody else left in this building. I have no quarrel with you at this time; leave while I still permit it."

2014-03-04, 12:52 AM
Sam how down the stairs, taking extra care when going over the smooth metal. Once at the bottom, she looks around, cannon ready in case of danger.

2014-03-04, 12:54 AM
You're met with a rather strange sight: a heavily injured spider-creature, a huge hulking rhino covered in thick plates of armor and standing on its hind legs, SCRAP hovering as a cloud of dust and Death Knell lying on the ground outside the newest doorway to the building.

By doorway I mean big ass hole in the ground.

2014-03-04, 01:02 AM
Scrap replies sternly in turn.
"And that is Mother 2. I will not let you destroy the last of my family, the only one I have found in five years. However, I also will refrain from filling your lungs with a hard polymer to remove you from conflict even if needed. It is not right to do so. I can help him if you promise to not press an advantage. Stand down at least until he is no longer at risk, please."
Anima, if you can hear me, I have Death Knell wounded, an angry rhino man concerned for his friend, and a spider man wounded.
Scrap repeats to the rhino, more warmly.
"Please. I do not wish his functions to cease. Do not make the decision that puts him at most risk."

2014-03-04, 10:32 AM
With the bar now empty, Kimiko assumes she has won, and therefore grabs herself a victory beer from behind the bar. Downing a cold one, she sets about looking round the bar for clues, see if she could find where the smell she'd followed here was.

Sir Dancealot
2014-03-04, 10:33 AM
Jac shook her head and looked at the sky. Well. That hurt. The hell did he come from? Ugh. It's like being hit by a truck again. Still laying on the ground, she replied to the conversation effectively going on above her head ""I'll be fine. Help the wounded one if you can. As I said before. I have no desire to fight you. I will if you keep going after me. If you'll excuse me for a moment." Rather done with the moment and feeling a headache coming on, she teleported backwards as far as she could, and stared at the sky for a bit longer.

2014-03-04, 10:58 AM
Seeing Mother 2 flee, Scrap lets out a dejected sigh.
"That is proving annoying. I need you to help him keep pressure on the wound if you want this to go fast."
Then, since there is likely little the rhino can do to even touch him, he floats towards the spider and begins the healing process.
[roll0]-still not sure if healing adds my rank to it. Persistent, stabilizing

2014-03-04, 01:05 PM
"Um... What in the nine circles of Hell am I looking at?"