View Full Version : Band of Thieves in a Small City

2014-01-28, 12:36 PM
Does anyone have a cool name for a band of thieves that operates in a small city of 20,000, in a transylvannia-like setting?

2014-01-28, 12:54 PM
The Raven Brotherhood/Brothers. Sons of the Impaled. Bastards of Tepes/Drakul.

2014-01-28, 12:57 PM
Depends a little on their demeanor.
For typical hoods, I'd say something like "The Bloody (or Blooded) Blades."
If it's more of a Robin Hood and his Merry Men venture, I might go for "The Restful Wicked."

2014-01-28, 03:08 PM
The first thing I thought of when I read the question was "Loose Fingers."

2014-01-28, 04:44 PM
The Ardeal Picks

Ardeal is an alternate name for Transylvania, and Picks are short for picklocks.