View Full Version : PF: Oradin

Man With Dog
2014-01-28, 01:45 PM
So we are about to start a new game. High levels are possible but we will begin at level 1 and I think levelling will slow down once it hits around 5 (won't be instantly getting to 5 either)

I have been contemplating the Oradin build to do a bit of back up combat (whether using a reach weapon to attack or aiding def/att) And also to add that healing that our group is now missing. Not low on but actually missing and I DO NOT wan't to be a generic healbot.

Now having played under this DM before he is not afraid of what to hit you with so there is always an element of uncertainty about what we're going to fight.

I have had a look through Grrarrrg's Oradin guide.
Just wondering if anyone can look over what I have and point me in directions for the future.
This will be my first ever Oracle.
Going with just over a 20pt build so stats seem to work out ok.

Str:16 Dex:10 Con:14 Int:10 Wis:8 Cha:16.
Dex is due to heavy armour plan - Str for Combat usage - Cha is… obviously.
I have the +2 Human Stat boost to add to this and was thinking Con (due to HP battery effect)
Oracle of Life of course for the channel and such.
Curse: Tongues.
Race: Human (as stated and unsure if others are allowed, likely not)
Levelling up to 5 planned as:
Oracle: 3 (will likely take to 4)
Paladin: 2
Feat Possibilities:
Fey Foundling. (Love this feat)
Other Possibilities:
Power Attack - Toughness - Extra LoH - Selective Channelling.
For the paladin side of things I know Hospitaleer and Warrior of the Holy light sound kinda good.

My main concern is being a bit of both (dmg and heal) - I don’t want to be a little too crap to do anything constructive.

If anyone does feel like throwing constructive idea's in there or advising I change stuff around, feel free to.
Most PF books are ok as long as I can link to them and persuade the DM.
As said, I want to provide good healing but be able to smack someone or help the smacking of said people if need be.

Man With Dog
2014-01-28, 04:18 PM
I guess one of the issues could be the stat set up.
Needs 2 in any stat before any get a boost.
So am waiting til level 8 before I get a stat boost (aside from magical bonuses etc)

2014-01-28, 09:07 PM
Everything seems to be in order here.

I'd recommend choosing your feats as you gain them. Plan out a few that you'll probably want, wait and see what would benefit you/the group more, and then take that one.

Gabe the Bard
2014-01-28, 09:30 PM
One downside with the Oradin is that the channel progression will be much slower than a straight Paladin or Oracle of Life. You'll have two separate channeling pools, sure, but each will be much weaker than a single class progression, leaving your channels mostly useful for downtime healing. I would recommend just going with a straight Paladin or an Oracle with a more martial mystery, such as Battle or Ancestor. Actually, Battle is pretty good. Lets you use Enlarge Person, and gives you access to swift action Cure spells at higher levels. One of the mysteries also lets you use heavy armor and martial weapons.

If you really want to go with the Oradin, I would choose feats that benefit the character overall, rather than a class feature whose progression will be slowed down like Lay on Hands or Channel. Power attack, toughness, improved initiative would all be good general options.

2014-01-29, 05:08 AM
The Tongues curse is really....aggravating. At least for me, someone who wants to communicate in fights. If you're the party face, you can't end fights by throwing diplomaxy out there. If you know that monster's weakness you can't drop the hint. I highly dislike that curse after having played several sessions with it. (I even prefer Clouded Vision!)

2014-01-29, 07:40 AM
Seconding Sporeegg. A 16 CHA is a terrible thing to waste by being unable to communicate.

Legalistic could be fun, occasionally useful, and if you play it right you could even get a good reputation out of it.

Man With Dog
2014-01-29, 08:14 AM
Mostly am looking for a guy who can provide a bit of healing without the generic healbot cover.
Like going Cleric of Oracle: Move - Burst or Move - CLW

I have done that a few times in the past and i guess a few of the others are kinda bored of that prospect too.
The Oradin seems to fit that bill though and it does doesnt it?
The only issue i seem to have (at low levels) is the uncertainty of getting the Phylactery (and when i would get iit if ever) and also
Life Link at level 1 leaves me with no heals other than the 3 or so CLW i would have so think i would need to take Channel at level 1, life link at 3. Otherwise those heals would be used up pretty quickly on just me.

Or if anyone has an idea for a guy who can provide a little side heals and still be useful elsewhere?

And in relation to Curses, i am very open to switching that. Even to lame might not be as terrible as it first seems but again, open to changing the curse at least. Not sure how bad wolfscarred would affect/

2014-01-29, 08:56 AM
Tounges seems like it could be really frustrating, but also hilarious and fun. Especially if you really roleplay it.

2014-01-29, 09:00 AM
Don't forget that the Curse of Tongues only makes you speak in another language! If the rest of the party understands that language, they understand you...

2014-01-29, 09:08 AM
Tongues is one of the best curses to take as an oracle. Each other member of the party can entirely nuetralize it for their interactions with you by simply spending a single skill point.

2014-01-29, 09:11 AM
Tongues is one of the best curses to take as an oracle. Each other member of the party can entirely nuetralize it for their interactions with you by simply spending a single skill point.

Sure, if you wanna take all the fun out of it...

Plus it doesn't help you if you need to interact with anyone other than your allies.

2014-01-29, 09:52 AM
Plus it doesn't help you if you need to interact with anyone other than your allies.

For all the times this issue will come up, just carry a wand of Share Language.

Man With Dog
2014-01-29, 10:06 AM
The curse taken is currently the least of the issues i have though...

2014-01-29, 10:17 AM
The curse taken is currently the least of the issues i have though...

Put the stat boost in Charisma. It adds to your ability to heal yourself, and you're taking damage for the entire party, so that's more important than a few hit points. If you're that strapped for hit points after, you can take toughness.

2014-01-29, 10:25 AM
if you have pure casters in the party and don't require oracle spells so much, I'd suggest only a 2 dip into oracle, for channel + life link (on 2 party members).. then pure paladin from then on.

it's going to be crucial that you have more(and stronger) LoH, to keep you alive, while you give the party fast healing 10 through your life links.

later take selective channel + swift channel, and use your oracle 1d6 channels to power the swift channel feat for your stronger paladin channels later on.

I recommend going pure paladin and not taking the archetypes, and get yourself a vicious weapon if you are able to at level 6.. with full smite evil and a vicious weapon, you won't run the risk of being impotent in combat.

2014-01-29, 11:12 AM
if you have pure casters in the party and don't require oracle spells so much, I'd suggest only a 2 dip into oracle, for channel + life link (on 2 party members).. then pure paladin from then on.

You need at least 3 levels of Oracle to get both abilities from that class. And once you're that that point, I'd consider a 4th level so you can pick up a couple of second level oracle spells (without hurting your BAB any).

2014-01-29, 11:23 AM
Or you could take the Extra Revelation feat and only one level in Oracle, if you wanted to focus entirely on the Paladin side.

2014-01-29, 11:32 AM
True, though the number of people you can lifelink is dependant on your level. Only being able to cover one person with it wouldn't be a lot.

2014-01-29, 12:13 PM
Ah, that's true. The paladin does get Shield Other as a spell though.

2014-01-29, 12:51 PM
True, though the number of people you can lifelink is dependant on your level. Only being able to cover one person with it wouldn't be a lot.

I suggested 2 levels, to cover 2 soft targets in the group, or high priority targets.

2014-01-29, 12:53 PM
The way to get both combat and healing is to focus on swift/immediate action heals such as lay on hands on yourself, and 24 hour effects like reach shield other. Reach is metamagic from the APG IIRC. That reserves your standard actions for attacking. You don't normally channel heal unless you get quick channel (UM).

Man With Dog
2014-01-29, 01:26 PM
Is there a downside of perhaps looking at going:

1: Oracle
Feat (H) Extra Revelation
i) Life Link
ii) Channel
2: Paladin
3: Paladin
4: Oracle

Lets me leave with a rough say 25 HP. Thats gotta be worth a hit on each of the front rankers before i need to heal.

That would only give me a D6 Channel - a D6 LoH and Life Link on 2 players (2 front rankers potentially) And if i sit behind them with a range weapon i can assist att of def / Attack or Trip from a safer position.
If i get in a tricky position i could technically take a 5' step back, Heal myself (LoH 1d6+2 (fey foundling)) then Burst (being out of range of enemies ideally) 1D6+2

Ergh... am not helping myself decide on this right now :smallfrown:

2014-01-29, 01:47 PM
I would say that Life Link's not as important at early levels, as the frontliners are more likely to be able to tank a few hits than you and you don't really want to be taking 5-10 damage a round with no way to heal yourself other than Cure spells and Channel Energy, both of which are insufficient if your Life Linked combatant is consistently taking damage. I'd say take Channel for your revelation and use your 3rd level feat for Extra Revelation, when you have swift action healing. You could also start as a Paladin for some more survivability and take a few Oracle levels once you've got Lay on Hands, but you won't be healing anyone for a few levels.

2014-01-29, 01:49 PM
I suggested 2 levels, to cover 2 soft targets in the group, or high priority targets.

Honestly, I would just save a feat and take 3/4 levels in the class at that point. That way you can cover the squishy members of your party and maybe a plot critical NPC or 2 if you've got an escort mission or something.

2014-01-29, 02:40 PM
You said just over a 20 point build. I don't follow. Did you roll for stats, or did the DM actually set point-buy as something over 20, but under 25?

Because your current stat allotment is a 23 point buy.

16x2: -10 each
8x1: +2 points
14: -5
10x2: 0

Unless you've already factored in spending racial bonus on Con, in which case it comes out to exactly a 20 point buy.

I'm just confused, is all, as most point buy systems are in intervals of 5.