View Full Version : Apex Troll IC

Grimsage Matt
2014-01-28, 08:28 PM
The sun sets on a forest, and all seems well. The owls hoot, the deer munch, and a troll stirs in his cave, carved into the side of a hill near three oak trees and just two hundred feet from a twisting stream through this part of the forest.

Shaking his head to clear the sleep from his eyes the small, by troll standards for he stands nearly eight feet tall, troll slowly rouses itself from his bedding of furs over branches. With a handful of steps, the large giant the color of a moss covered rock reaches the entrence and streches his limbs, showing large claws, yawns, showing a maw full of fangs.

Then, with a snort, he sets off on the evening hunt, as the deer go to sleep, and lower there guard. He sets off to find a meal, but fortune may prove a harsh mistress, and he may go to bed hungry.

Survial check to find Prey;

Survival; [roll0]