View Full Version : (3.5) Animal Companion Question

2014-01-28, 08:55 PM
So I was reading through the Animal Companion feature for the Druid and Ranger. It says that acquiring a new one requires 24 hours of prayer and such, but where does it come from? Let us say that I am a druid (or ranger even) who lost his animal companion. Maybe it died, or maybe I dismissed it. Do I need to find another animal suitable to be a companion and perform the 24 hour prayer, or do I just pray for 24 hours and a random animal companion joins me? Or is it of my choosing but it just comes to you.

Opinions are of course appreciated, but if you can find fact please direct me to the book and page number!

Thanks a bunch!

2014-01-28, 08:58 PM
It looks a lot like it just spontaneously comes to you. There's no rule that sets any requirements or restrictions to my knowledge.

2014-01-28, 09:03 PM
Well you could have 24 hours of 'Give me one please...please...please.'

Or heck. "..And I will pet him and love him.."

You are supposed to be able to choose the animal companion, though it needs to be 24 hours of uninterrupted prayer. I haven't been able to find any rules for saves versus fatigue or anything like that. Though, you do need to be in a 'safe spot'. The animal companion needs to be 'typical of its kind'. Though, if you choose a monster manual ( or whatever other book is needed ) variant, you might be able switch out legal feats as long it stays in the line of 'typical of its kind'. Like fleshraker. Trading out improved natural attack for ability focus poison.

-edit- also, some of the alternative ones do have specifics on when they can be taken.

2014-01-28, 09:05 PM
It depends entirely on how your DM wants to describe it, but just keep in mind that there is absolutely no limit to what type of animal companion you can recruit, regardless of climate or geographic location, with the only possible exception being aquatic companions. Describe it as magically or mundane as you want.

You can say that your animal companion spontaneously appears, molded by nature to arrive at your service, a process which takes 24 hours. A bird would be formed from leaves blowing on the wind, a predator could be formed from the brush that it would be fond of hiding in, a burrowing companion would be formed from the earth and spring from underneath you, etc. This would probably be the most magical explanation.

You can say that your animal companion heard your call long before you even knew you would make it. The creature made an arduous journey from its natural habitat across continents to answer your summons, arriving just in time to find you finishing your meditation. It was only through divine guidance and purpose that it managed to arrive safely and in good health. This is probably the most mundane explanation.

Or, just make it spawn out of nowhere like a video game, it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that you get a companion of your choosing, from any type available, regardless of climate or geographic location.

2014-01-28, 09:11 PM
Perfect! Thank you very much! I found those all very helpful.

2014-01-28, 10:02 PM
I've always done it where the character goes in search of the new animal in its habitat. Takes 24 hrs or longer to meditate, pray, track, etc to find it.

2014-01-29, 02:38 AM
When you get an effective Druid level of 13th or higher, this is how your companion arrives:


2014-01-29, 03:32 AM
I recall reading a shortstory somewhere years ago, it might have come from one of the forgotten realms anthologies, it involved a wizard summoning a familiar, the game mechanic is similar, but I recall a brownie going about his day doing what brownies do, then suddenly he "heard the call" and had the irresistible urge to find the source of this "call"
so IMO whatever critter your trying to summon with would react similarly
and also puts a twist on it, what did the companion or familiar do before becoming a familiar or companion. makes for sum interesting plot hooks, forcing the pcs to save the family of the wizards familiar rat, LOL

some guy
2014-01-29, 07:24 AM
I've always (well, it only happened 2 or 3 times that players wanted a new animal companion) ruled that the druid needed to first find an animal, made sure it stayed with the druid for 24 hours and then perform the 24 hour ritual.

2014-01-29, 08:36 AM
When you get an effective Druid level of 13th or higher, this is how your companion arrives:


I DIED when I saw this, absolutely love it!

Thank you all!

2014-01-29, 10:40 AM
I normally play it that the companion can be any qualifying creature that could reach your present location after travelling for one day (allowing for rest) under its own steam. If you want a forest-dwelling companion, better be near a forest.