View Full Version : [PF] A Ship Named Enterprise

2014-01-29, 12:52 AM
So for fun I was looking at my character retiring in 10 levels with a Starship (he's level 5 now and Rise of the Runelords ends somewhere during level 15 from what I understand).

It seems like the easiest way to implement to the Starship idea is using Animated Objects (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/animated-object) using the Building and Modifying Construct rules (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/building-and-modifying-constructs).

Now, granted, this gets use a Colossal ship with a Fly Speed of 40 that can run indefinitely. So that moves 128 miles a day. Very slow in interstellar terms. So your Warp Drive is clearly going to be Plane Shift. Two Plane Shifts get you within 500 miles of your destination, or within 4 days of it (assuming one allows a creature shifted to bring along what it is carrying, including other creatures). Not too shabby.

A Necklace of Adaption lets you survive in space if needed (I think, it is a bit unclear how it handles pressure). So overall this idea would seem to work pretty well.

While PF does have rules for true interstellar flight, I don't know of any easy way to get that on a player-made device.

Any thoughts on how to improve this idea?

2014-01-29, 03:24 AM
not very familiar with PF specifics, but look into spelljammer rules
it was made for this type of thing, and im guilty of having done spelljammer with a ship name enterprise, so your not alone there, lol

2014-01-29, 04:04 AM
I know the old Spelljammer rules for 2nd Edition covered this. Mostly for fun I was looking at what you could do RAW-wise in PF (since it is a PF game I am playing).

2014-01-29, 04:15 AM
I know the old Spelljammer rules for 2nd Edition covered this. Mostly for fun I was looking at what you could do RAW-wise in PF (since it is a PF game I am playing).

For Pathfinder IN SPAAAAAAACE, you might want to look over the Distant Worlds supplement (PZO9243). While it doesn't have spaceship rules, it does have info on other planets in the Golarion solar system, the effects of vacuum, and a magic item which works as a space suit.

2014-01-30, 05:14 AM
For Pathfinder IN SPAAAAAAACE, you might want to look over the Distant Worlds supplement (PZO9243). While it doesn't have spaceship rules, it does have info on other planets in the Golarion solar system, the effects of vacuum, and a magic item which works as a space suit.

Yeah, I don't have the book, but I've seen the item -- unfortunately it requires both the head and body slot. :P Since it is worth 4k, I figure a Necklace of Adaption (worth 9k) probably does the same thing -- if it keeps air around you but not pressure, you'll get some really funky stuff. Granted, you'd still need temperature protection. Oddly enough, by RAW a Pressure Suit isn't half as helpful as it appears since its protection only goes down to -50 degrees and only up to 140 degrees.

Anyhow, there are lots of ways to work on space survival, I figure. I though it would be more fun to work on a Starship.

2014-01-30, 06:48 AM
Yeah, I don't have the book, but I've seen the item -- unfortunately it requires both the head and body slot. :P Since it is worth 4k, I figure a Necklace of Adaption (worth 9k) probably does the same thing -- if it keeps air around you but not pressure, you'll get some really funky stuff. Granted, you'd still need temperature protection. Oddly enough, by RAW a Pressure Suit isn't half as helpful as it appears since its protection only goes down to -50 degrees and only up to 140 degrees.

Anyhow, there are lots of ways to work on space survival, I figure. I though it would be more fun to work on a Starship.

Eh, the temperature restriction isn't as bad as you might think, as long as you stay out of direct sunlight - because it's a vacuum, space effectively has null temperature. You only heat up if something is shining heat on you, and only cool down if you're emitting heat.

2014-01-30, 07:54 AM
Eh, the temperature restriction isn't as bad as you might think, as long as you stay out of direct sunlight - because it's a vacuum, space effectively has null temperature. You only heat up if something is shining heat on you, and only cool down if you're emitting heat.

You cool down slower, but black body radiation will still cause you to cool down. The Moon's temperature varies from -387 F to 253 F between night and day. So you'll cook in the Sun and you will start to freeze if you stay out of it (if you are less than 1 AU out). It's not immediately as cold as you'd think, but you would freeze over 3 days (how long the air supply is good for). You're probably better off trying to get some sort of Energy Resistance or an alternate body.

I'll grant the suit is fine for short trips out, assuming you stay out of sunlight. The same would seem to be true for the Necklace of Adaption, I think.

Hmm, heating the ship shouldn't be too much trouble with a Permanent Wall of Fire, though you'd need an AC system. Supply air to the ship is a bit more difficult if you don't want to require all passengers to use a magic item. A Bottle of Air is rather outrageously expensive (7.25k price), and requires a standard action to remove air from it for one person. Theoretically one might have a small Animated Object pump out air (if the DM allows), but that wouldn't seem to be enough for multiple people. Though I suppose at 17th level one could have a Demi-plane with a permanent gate to the ship to supply air...that seems a bit like cheating though.

2014-01-30, 08:01 AM
Eh, just wait for Tippy or someone like him to show up. But what about Air elementals? Wont that solve the issue? (By providing air or just killing them and they dissipate)

2014-01-30, 08:20 AM
Well, there are silly things you can do with spell traps, sure. I was trying to avoid anything like that -- I don't think my DM would allow it. Not sure he'd allow a Decanter of Endless Water + Wall of Fire -based rocket either.

AFAIK, Air Elementals can't do anything to make air fresh. There actually aren't a lot of ways to do this, as the game almost entirely assumes you are going to have some sort of medium to breathe in.

Note: Regarding my OP, I didn't note that the Animated Object can simply act as an engine. A Colossal Animated Object in PF has a strength score of 46, so a "quadraped" has a light load of almost 59 tons. If you allow dragging with a light load (technically it doesn't clearly cover that), then we're talking about 590 tons with a light load (space is clearly "favorable conditions"). That's about 6 aircraft carriers, give or take (59 tons is just over half). Pretty good, though a slow speed.

I mean, I suppose you could have two such "engines" and double the speed by having them "drag" each other. It's anyone's guess if a DM would ok that. Of course, since we are acting like moving in space is like moving in an atmosphere (it isn't), then we're already outside of where movement rules really make sense.

2014-01-30, 08:56 AM
A Bottle of Air and a Resilient Sphere and you're ready to go. A Telekinetic Sphere, if you want to get fancy and move around.

2014-01-31, 07:24 AM
A Bottle of Air and a Resilient Sphere and you're ready to go. A Telekinetic Sphere, if you want to get fancy and move around.

Those spells don't last very long though...just 1 minute per level. And TK Sphere doesn't move very quickly, just 30 feet per round. It doesn't seem like you need a Bottle of Air if you are in one. They apparently provide air for those inside.

Hmm, though for a Shuttlebay, it would seem that Wind Wall would work as a "Force Field" to keep air inside. Gasses cannot pass through it. Though a Phase Doorseems to be the easiest option subject to Permanency.

2014-01-31, 07:48 AM
for air breathing: humans breath out CO2, breath in O2, plants do it in reverse, have plants on board?
not sure the exact number or ratio's involved, and if u got a druid in the party, he could make it nice an homey, lol

2014-02-01, 01:15 AM
for air breathing: humans breath out CO2, breath in O2, plants do it in reverse, have plants on board?
not sure the exact number or ratio's involved, and if u got a druid in the party, he could make it nice an homey, lol

Yes, I have been thinking about that. It is probably the easiest way. At the tonnage a colossal creature can pull there should be more than enough room for a massive forest. You apparently want something like 10,000 leaves per person, which is at least a few hundred plants or more.

If my DM allows Continual Light to be good enough for plant growth, then you could have a large green house area that's relatively compact. Or you could go with something that looks cool and have an actual forest.