View Full Version : Attack of the Bios IC

2014-01-29, 10:00 AM
The common room is bustling, inkeeper Kate can barely handle the patrons without his few serving girls willing to brave the soldiers and ruffians mingling together with the best of pacifiers, ale. The five of you find yourselves seated together at the table closest the stage, a lean bard taking up the last seat, his lute already on stage. A few calls for a song you have not heard and he jumps atop the stage, on the small stool a serving girl brings him before she has a chance to set it down.

"Thank you my girl, don't know where I would be without you."

He turns to his audience and begins with a short tale to set the mood.

"A great wail ripped through the sky as ten great beasts decended on Jos, the greatest city of the Xin empire. It only took about eight hours before it was leveled without a single survivor to warn of the coming war. Two days later, a scout for Emperor Xintas reported that Jos was completely gone and further searches reveled it buried dozens of feet belowground. Months later, with the emperor still unable to find explanation to how it had been buried or by whom, he received word of another city, again the charred remains buried beneath ground. This continued for a year, each month another city buried until finally, they came for him and his."

Content that he had the rooms attention, the bard lifted his lute and sang of the hero of Xin, a fair maden captured by the beasts and with all the bravery one could dream of, cut her way out and gaining favor of a long forgotten god, procedeed to slay the other nine.

It was a good story, but alas it was only that, there is no history on any empire called Xin, nor these beasts that supposedly destroyed it. With his tale's completion, the bard found the table and rested his hands, probably for the fist time in days for we all know the newest story is always the most demanded one.

2014-01-29, 03:16 PM
The common room is bustling, inkeeper Kate can barely handle the patrons without his few serving girls willing to brave the soldiers and ruffians mingling together with the best of pacifiers, ale. The five of you find yourselves seated together at the table closest the stage, a lean bard taking up the last seat, his lute already on stage. A few calls for a song you have not heard and he jumps atop the stage, on the small stool a serving girl brings him before she has a chance to set it down.

"Thank you my girl, don't know where I would be without you."

He turns to his audience and begins with a short tale to set the mood.

"A great wail ripped through the sky as ten great beasts descended on Jos, the greatest city of the Xin empire. It only took about eight hours before it was leveled without a single survivor to warn of the coming war. Two days later, a scout for Emperor Xintas reported that Jos was completely gone and further searches revealed it buried dozens of feet belowground. Months later, with the emperor still unable to find explanation to how it had been buried or by whom, he received word of another city, again the charred remains buried beneath ground. This continued for a year, each month another city buried until finally, they came for him and his."

Content that he had the rooms attention, the bard lifted his lute and sang of the hero of Xin, a fair maiden captured by the beasts and with all the bravery one could dream of, cut her way out and gaining favor of a long forgotten god, proceeded to slay the other nine.

It was a good story, but alas it was only that, there is no history on any empire called Xin, nor these beasts that supposedly destroyed it. With his tale's completion, the bard found the table and rested his hands, probably for the first time in days for we all know the newest story is always the most demanded one.

"Good story," Relenius says quietly, not looking up from the silky black strip of fabric that he's twisting absentmindedly in his hands. "but I've always found the the true ones have a certain authenticity to them that makes them significantly better." His unruly white hair hangs in his face and he's wearing a dark blue tunic.

2014-01-29, 03:34 PM
"What's so great about truth?" Short and plump with a sour face, Lene didn't sit in her chair so much as inhabit it as a nest. "If I wanted reality I'd be baking. Taverns are for lies." She adjusted her misshapen dress. "The more the better."

2014-01-29, 04:04 PM
Velik gives his namesake grin, bards were always an interesting bunch, "I have one myself, an omen from a long time ago, written as a poem. Would you like to hear it?" Velik asks the bard, new stories were always welcome to good bards.

2014-01-29, 04:09 PM
"What makes you think it isn't true? I would absolutely love to hear a tale, just give us a mo-" He leaned back and took a mug off a serving girls tray, leaving behind a coin without her noticing either. He took a quick swig before leaning in. "I've always time for a tail or two, maybe later I could go over Tavein, or perhaps the last wonder. That's not for now, get on then friend, tell your tale."

2014-01-29, 04:24 PM
Velik's grin widens, "nigh unto a century ago, a child was born, hair black as night and skin white as snow, and eyes the color of freshly fallen blood. On the eve of her tenth year, she spoke these words:

Beyond the grave, where lost souls play
Lies a secret that's kept hidden away

Into the dark they drag me in
Put me to sleep and pierce my skin

Drinking my blood until my veins run dry
And feeding on the tears that I cry

Break my bones and tear out my heart
Lock it up and tear me apart

Shriveled and withered, I past away
Killed near the grave where I used to play

and when the last word crossed her lips, the town vanished, no trace but a small tombstone on an ancient grave, with that self same poem etched onto its surface, and a tiny will-o-wisp that tells the tale to this day, in the same voice as the little girl that first spoke the omen.

It is said, on the night of the new moon, that the town emerges, an illusion of that self same night, and anyone caught within when the city vanishes again, is never seen again, their name forever etched onto the back of the tombstone holding the poem. And if you don't believe, all you have to do is follow the brightest star on the night of the new moon, and you'll find your way there, to be trapped within the illusion of the town that once was."

2014-01-29, 04:54 PM
The small ape-like creature, Aria at this point has pulled out a small notebook and inkpen. Standing 3' 2", the painter typically would need to sit on a large book ion order to see over the table, though to any paying attention, it is very obvious that she is acually floating several inches off of her seat in order to make up for her height. Aria is drawing in the notebook. "That's an interesting one there! It's given me a small idea actually." She smiles broadly, looking down at her notebook.
The tiny cat made entirely out of water sitting on the table in front of her gets up, and stretches, then glances over the top of the book. You all are able to hear the gruff, deep voice of an old man say "Jeez Ari, don't you think that's a bit morbid?"

If anyone bothers to look over, you'll see that she's drawing the image of a child crying while being attacked by a vampire, though the focus of the quick sketch is immediately drawn to the tears. Aria knows how to draw focus, even when she's not using paints.


Tereus is leaning back in his seat, a raven perched on his shoulder. The strange bird-man, silent so far, eyes the bard suspiciously and critically. "So if this place is real why has no one heard of it, hmm?"

2014-01-29, 05:07 PM
Velik laughs, "All tales hold a grain of truth my friend," he replies, "as time passes, though, that grain may be lost, a tale passes so many lips that it's possible for names to change, details are exaggerated, and a lot more, but that grain of truth is always there. It's what makes legends so intriguing."

2014-01-29, 05:15 PM
"So you believe that history is more interesting when it's wrong? You have a strange view of the world, boy," Tereus says in response.

2014-01-29, 05:26 PM
Lene glances at the drawing. "I don't think I like your story very much." She shudders.

2014-01-29, 06:17 PM
"I have little interest in history in general," Velik replies, "I believe the way a tale forms and evolves is what's interesting, the history behind them is only the seed that the tale grows from."

He turns to Lene, "it is a rather morbid tale, I admit, but it is a favorite of mine."

2014-01-29, 08:05 PM
"What's so great about truth?" Short and plump with a sour face, Lene didn't sit in her chair so much as inhabit it as a nest. "If I wanted reality I'd be baking. Taverns are for lies." She adjusted her misshapen dress. "The more the better."
"What I was saying is that I find stories based off of fact, more interesting that purely fiction." He pauses, pursing his lips. "Oh, really? I was under the impression taverns were for drinking. Have I been wrong all these years?" He says sarcastically, before tying the blindfold back on, not letting his eyes be seen.

"What makes you think it isn't true?
"I know a bit about History, and I assure you that no place called the Xin empire ever existed."

Velik's grin widens, *creepy story*
"That's... interesting."

Tereus is leaning back in his seat, a raven perched on his shoulder. The strange bird-man, silent so far, eyes the bard suspiciously and critically. "So if this place is real why has no one heard of it, hmm?"
"That was my line of thought for presuming the story was fictional."

2014-01-30, 01:53 AM
After briefly considering the frankly moronic looking blindfolded elf, Tereus focuses his gaze back at the bard, waiting for an answer. As he waits, he lets the vestige Zceryll's mind sensing ability read the intelligence of the people in the room. Was this elf intelligent enough to know this history? Were any of the others? It also never hurt to know how smart the people he'd be dealing with would be. He also decided to use one of the Triad's abilities to gauge the mood of the room.

So he uses the Mindsight granted by a vestige, he can find out the intelligence of anyone within 100 ft, but for now he'll just do the PCs, which I can look at myself (though Bekeleven, are you currently at 24 or 48 intelligence?), and the bard, which I'll need to know.

Then with the Triad, he's expending one power point to find out everyone's surface emotions using the Empathy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/empathy.htm) psionic power. I'd like everyone to just tell me in a spoiler (or in a PM, that's what Edro did) what their character is currently feeling ("fear, fatigue, pain, rage, hatred, uncertainty, curiosity, friendliness, and many other kinds of sensations and moods can all be perceived"). There's no saving throw, no SR, but it is equivalent to a Enchantment [Mind-Effecting] ability if you're immune to that.


Aria is still smiling and drawing.

2014-01-30, 09:10 AM
Relenius is feeling slightly curious, a little bit annoyed and uncertain.

2014-01-30, 01:29 PM
Wonderful, take a little tale for children and turn it into something perfectly origonal. We must take some time this evening to share! He clapped his hands together and paid close attention to the comments relating to his tale; giving that same wide grin. "Taverns are for dreams as well my dear. I do not believe Xin to be a real place, but i certainly believe in the creatures of my tale. My father taught me to never doubt what lies in a tale, while names and places may be constructs of oiur dreams, a childs worst nightmare often comes from reality. Ari, was it, might I have a look?" He did not move from his place, not assuming the scetch would be handed over.

Bard's int is a 19, general surface emotions are fairly positive, most of the patrons are enjoying themselves. Kate is uncertain and slightly afraid, the bard is concerned about something.

2014-01-30, 02:25 PM
The cat turns, looking right at the bard, "That's Aria to you, bub. Why, what's your name?" Aria looks down at the water cat, amused, "Hey, play nice." She smiles at the bard and flips over the book and holds it up so he can see.
"Morbid, right?"

As the bard looks at the drawing, Tereus answers his remarks. "Oh, don't worry, I know all about a child's worst nightmare coming true. I've seen it. I can tell when something isn't quite right. When something is... worrying." Tereus attempts to look the bard right in the eyes on the last sentence. Then he looks to see what Kate is doing currently. Now that he know's something is up, he's going to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

2014-01-30, 03:28 PM
"My apologies Aria." He offers to the cat before turning to Aria herself. "Call me Dail. Gruesome yes, but it holds its own beauty to be certain. He pulled a small scrap of parchment from a pocket and with a piece of charcoal. drew a ridiculous imitation of the cat on it.

With Tereus's remark, surprise and anger flashed in the bard before he returned to his previous state. "That is hardly polite, nor is it a topic for drinks. Tonight is for celebration, it os Kate's fifth year in ownership!"

2014-01-30, 03:40 PM
"Really?" Tereus says, smirking and leaning forward on the table. "Because she doesn't seem to be in a great mood to me."
Tereus is going to activate the Detect Hostile Intent (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/detectHostileIntent.htm) power here.

Gillyweed walks across the table while Dail is distracted with the bird-man, and touches the piece of parchment with a paw, soaking it. He licks the paw and walks back to Aria.
As per the "drench" ability of water elementals.

2014-01-30, 04:09 PM
"You'll have to take that up with Kate, I have been asked to stay out od it." He glanced to Kate who shook her head in return. Dail looked at the parchment and blinked, surprised at its condition. He smiled to the cat and traced the same picture in the table, singing an ancient word as he did. A small cat slowly appeared in the table and grew from it, walking over to its real counterpart. "Can't take a little joke i take it." He laughed and dismissed the illusion; having made his point..

(No hostile intent in the range of the spell, other than the minor one from kate to dail, but that is barely registable.)

2014-01-30, 04:28 PM
Aria laughed at the illusion, the strange fake cat visibly irritating her tiny friend. Gillyweed moves back to her and curls up in a ball at the table in front of her. "I don't like the bard," he mutters. Aria shrugs and smiles. "Lighten up Gil," she says, scratching the back of his head.

Realizing the situation wasn't as immediately exciting as he thought, Tereus leans back into his seat, and glances over at his raven, obviously making some non-verbal comment to it. It hops up on the head of the seat and keeps an eye on the room.

2014-01-30, 05:57 PM
As the bard looks at the drawing, Tereus answers his remarks. "Oh, don't worry, I know all about a child's worst nightmare coming true. I've seen it. I can tell when something isn't quite right. When something is... worrying." Tereus attempts to look the bard right in the eyes on the last sentence. Then he looks to see what Kate is doing currently. Now that he know's something is up, he's going to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

With a look at Tereus, Lene orders another drink.

Current Int: 46.
Current mood: Annoyed.

Knowledge of the species of the ape: Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]
Sense Motive on Tereus. Just what is he getting at talking about nightmares coming true? [roll1]

Ring of Spell-Battle: Identify the two spells that were recently cast within 60 feet. (DC 15+ Spell Level)
Spellcraft: [roll2]
Spellcraft: [roll3]

2014-01-30, 06:38 PM
Current Int: 46.
Current mood: Annoyed.

Knowledge of the species of the ape: Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]
Sense Motive on Tereus. Just what is he getting at talking about nightmares coming true? [roll1]

Ring of Spell-Battle: Identify the two spells that were recently cast within 60 feet. (DC 15+ Spell Level)
Spellcraft: [roll2]
Spellcraft: [roll3]

The entry for what Aria is doesn't have Knowledge DCs. But I'll say that at first glance you would definitely know that she is, or at least looks like, a Gruwaar, which is fey. Though her fur looks lighter and softer than it should. Gruwaars are from Dragon Magazine #317, they look like this (http://i.imgur.com/ySD7GE1.png).

I'm not sure how much that high of a sense motive check would reveal, but you would know that he didn't sound malicious at all, if anything he sounded hurt, like he lost something precious.

I had never heard of that item, but it's fantastic. Psionics require a psicraft check, so would it work against Tereus' powers?

2014-02-02, 09:20 AM
As the bard looks at the drawing, Tereus answers his remarks. "Oh, don't worry, I know all about a child's worst nightmare coming true. I've seen it. I can tell when something isn't quite right. When something is... worrying." Tereus attempts to look the bard right in the eyes on the last sentence. Then he looks to see what Kate is doing currently. Now that he know's something is up, he's going to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
"... What?" Relenius just shakes his head. "You are bizarre. People don't usually say things like that to strangers at a tavern."
Also rolling sense motive, for the same reason bekeleven did. It's really kinda a disturbing thing to say.

2014-02-02, 10:26 AM
"Eh, I've seen bigger buzzkills before," Velik comments, "Just hope he doesn't do that to anyone that'd be really pissed about it and we'll be good, no need for a bar fight during a celebration."

2014-02-02, 08:09 PM
Replying to Relenius, Tereus says, "I say what I want to whoever I want, whenever I want." Glancing over at Velik, he adds, "And I don't care much about anyone's buzz."

You'd likely get the same result as Lene did, that Tereus didn't sound all that malicious. If anything he sounded hurt, like he lost something precious.

2014-02-03, 03:13 PM
Replying to Relenius, Tereus says, "I say what I want to whoever I want, whenever I want." Glancing over at Velik, he adds, "And I don't care much about anyone's buzz."

You'd likely get the same result as Lene did, that Tereus didn't sound all that malicious. If anything he sounded hurt, like he lost something precious.

"I'm not trying to control what you say, I was merely pointing out the strangeness of it."

I figured. I rolled for fluff reasons.

2014-02-06, 01:10 PM
Finishing her sketch and dog-earing the page, Aria flips to a new piece of paper. "Anyone else want to do some story telling? Something... inspiring? Something... raw, elemental perhaps." She smiles, excited to be finding a bit of inspiration in an unlikely place.

2014-02-06, 01:39 PM
"Long ago there was a little man with the strength of a forest. He walked to the end of this world and climbed the oldest oak tree to get the best look at the world beyond. Beyond the oak was a sea without waves, it stretched leagues and eventually turned to rock. The little man leaped from his perch, landing on the sea, grass quickly replacing it as he walked across the end of the world. He continued his journey across the rock and another sea, leaving great forests in the sea and marshes in rock. To this day he continues his journey, finding all the ends of this earth and joining them into one great world."

RLs been busy so I'm leaving you with this little intermission, thank heavens for a storytelling bard.:smallbiggrin:

2014-02-06, 11:40 PM
Aria, upon completion of the story, begins sketching immediately. Shortly, she sighs. "Agh, still water means there isn't much to sketch, but this'll make an interesting painting once I can get out my supplies."
"Well at least this one sounds like it'll be less horrific," Gillyweed mutters from his spot, curled up on the table.

2014-02-07, 03:44 PM
Lene knit her brow. "What does it mean?" She's moving her left absently across the table, back and forth, as though manipulating an abacus. "Is it saying that all cultures become one? Is it a statement about how people homogenize their world? That proximity is enough to change areas, without intention? Is it a lesson on empowerment?" She slams her right hand down on her left, stilling it, looking almost guilty.

"Anyway, it it was just meant to entertain, stick to warrior princesses is all I'm saying."

2014-02-10, 06:32 AM
The bard laughed at you all, entertained by lene especially. He opened his mouth to say something or perhaps continue. his story as a crash sounds upstairs. He is up from his seat almost immediately, looking to Kate who is standing still, listening. All around you men are reaching for swords and axes, looking towards the stairs.

Tereus can detect three hostile forces upstairs, the entire room, more from the bard and the most from Kate.

2014-02-10, 08:00 AM
Tereus quickly looks up then smirks. "Ah! Looks like I may see some action after all." Quickly, over the course of a few seconds, his gear disappears, and he changes into a small disgusting looking bird. It has a long beak and some orange feathers in places, but is missing skin and has small back tentacles poking out of it's neck and torso. He quickly vanishes, then so does his raven.

Firstly, should his 100 ft of mindsight have picked the people upstairs earlier? Doesn't matter, just asking.

He took a full-round action to turn into his bird form, which caused his disguise from Naberius to drop. Since he's bound to Zecryll, he has the Pseudonatural template (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/pseudonatural.shtml), which causes him to have a hideous, gruesome appearance, which he was hiding with Naberius' disguise ability. The transformation caused the disguise to disappear. (At least that's my reading of the rules.)

After that, Tereus used his hide in plain sight ability to disappear.
Hide check: [roll0]

Then he used his Flee the Scene invocation to Dimension Door up one floor, to get to the next level of the building, perhaps trying to get into or just outside of the room the hostile forces are in. He leaves behind an illusionary duplicate for one round.

That's a full round action, then a move to hide, and a standard to teleport. So two rounds if you're tracking that.

Itys used his invisibility, then began to fly up the stairs. (40ft fly speed average maneuverability.)

So if you succeed on a DC [roll0] spot check you can still see Tereus for about 10 seconds before he actually disappears.
There were two spell-like abilities used.

Aria, concerned, looks up to the noise, and stows her sketching supplies, floating up to the roof and preparing to cast a spell at the stairs. She looks over to Kate and Dail and blurts out, "What's going on up there? Anything you want us to know about?"

Gillyweed, looking up at the spot the strange birds just disappeared from, looks around the room. "Anyone else just see that? Tentacles? Anyone?"

Aria flies up to the roof, and readies to cast Slow.

2014-02-10, 09:19 AM
The bard laughed at you all, entertained by lene especially. He opened his mouth to say something or perhaps continue. his story as a crash sounds upstairs. He is up from his seat almost immediately, looking to Kate who is standing still, listening. All around you men are reaching for swords and axes, looking towards the stairs.

Tereus can detect three hostile forces upstairs, the entire room, more from the bard and the most from Kate.
"Interesting." He pauses, seeming almost disinterested. "It seems that somebody decided that Kate's 5th year of ownership would be a good time to break in."

Tereus quickly looks up then smirks. "Ah! Looks like I may see some action after all." Quickly, over the course of a few seconds, his gear disappears, and he changes into a small disgusting looking bird. It has a long beak and some orange feathers in places, but is missing skin and has small back tentacles poking out of it's neck and torso. He quickly vanishes, then so does his raven.

Firstly, should his 100 ft of mindsight have picked the people upstairs earlier? Doesn't matter, just asking.

He took a full-round action to turn into his bird form, which caused his disguise from Naberius to drop. Since he's bound to Zecryll, he has the Pseudonatural template (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/pseudonatural.shtml), which causes him to have a hideous, gruesome appearance, which he was hiding with Naberius' disguise ability. The transformation caused the disguise to disappear. (At least that's my reading of the rules.)

After that, Tereus used his hide in plain sight ability to disappear.
Hide check: [roll0]

Then he used his Flee the Scene invocation to Dimension Door up one floor, to get to the next level of the building, perhaps trying to get into or just outside of the room the hostile forces are in.

That's a full round action, then a move to hide, and a standard to teleport. So two rounds if you're tracking that.

Itys used his invisibility, then began to fly up the stairs. (40ft fly speed average maneuverability.)

So if you succeed on a DC [roll0] spot check you can still see Tereus for about 10 seconds before he actually disappears.
There were two spell-like abilities used.

I don't even need to roll spot. I have blindsight with my blindfold, so he 'saw' them both.
"He appears the have teleported up there, while his familiar decided to take the stairs." He rises to his feet. "Do you have any idea what is going on up there, or is some fool just trying to rob the place?"

Gillyweed, looking up at the spot the strange birds just disappeared from, looks around the room. "Anyone else just see that? Tentacles? Anyone?"
"... Tentacles? Someone had tentacles?" He tilts his head to the side, confused. "I'm going to presume it was the man who teleported, since he shrunk in size before leaving."

2014-02-10, 11:02 AM
Staring at the ceiling, Lene mumbles something, but you're probably not sure what.

Concealed Spellcasting Skill Trick: Make a sleight of hand check while casting a spell. Any onlookers can make a spot check. If they don't match it, they don't realize she's casting.
Sleight of Hand: [roll0]

The spell cast is Battlemagic Perception, which basically upgrades the ring of spell-battle. +5 to identifying spells, and can now identify all spells and spell-like abilities and works out to 100 feet with line of effect. Without line of effect, still using 60 feet and working only on spells. Can discharge the spell to counterspell as a free action.

"Lene" now autosucceeds identifying any spells up to 26th level, although neither effect pinpoints source.

She gets up and backs towards the door so casually it may not be intentional.

2014-02-10, 02:22 PM
"Well, I think I'm gonna see what's going on," Velik says before he winks out of existence and teleports up to the next floor, using his blindsense to make sure he doesn't hit anything, then quickly goes to see if he can sense anything.

I just realized that Fey Charm increases by Charisma score by the number of fey feats I have, so my Charisma score is actually 34 without my cloak of charisma, which brings it up to 40...

Also sending you a PM in a moment about another of my feats, Blade.

2014-02-22, 10:17 AM
In his new location, Tereus can sense several more hostile feeling coming from above him from what must be the roof. The few in front of him are focusing down and a large crash sounds from within the room and they decend.

Relenius can sense five more forms on the roof, slowly making their way around the shutters and towards what feels like an opening in the roof, although you can also sense material there.

Everyone downstairs sees the creatures, two are built like minotaurs with the exception that they have an additional set of arms. The third is virtually human with the exception that it has two serpentine heads, reaching almost a foot as they slither about. They see weapons and hiss, snapping jaws in your direction.

"Kate, don't. Vrl'ks, its good to see you again, did you gain a few pounds?"

Kate still stands behind the counter, one hand clenched above the counter, the second hidden under the counter. The serpent heads hiss together in what seems their language.

"Hlsk vei!"

"That's hardly polite, you could at least say hello first."

The bard dived to the side as a stream of acid came from one snake's mouth, catching him in the shoulder before he gets behind a table.

also, I will do block init, your lots init is rather perfect. Make your posts and I will sum up each round with the npcs.

2014-02-22, 09:08 PM
"That... didn't sound good," Velik says, "welp, here comes chaos," he continues with a grin, activating his ring to turn invisible, opening the door and stepping out into the hall to see what was around, or wasn't around as the case may be, with his dagger drawn, set to adamantine with a lightning aura.

2014-02-23, 02:50 AM
Lene dives over to Dail and hugs him loosely, instinctively, as she whispers into his ear. "Who are they? What do they want?" She peeks a head over the table, then crouches back down to him. "What do we do?"

I suppose sense motive checks would be pretty redundant.

Lene spends 2 inspiration points, using cunning adaptability, to gain the effects of the feat Sudden Silent for the next minute. This is a swift action. She retains 5 inspiration points.

Lene will try to estimate the bard's injuries. I'd ad-hoc this as a use of Heal, but feel free to correct:

2014-02-23, 10:27 AM
"There are 5 others on the roof." Relenius says, almost disinterested, his head tilted up toward the ceiling. Casually he reaches into his bag, and throws marbles across the floor at the serpent headed one, then shoots at him, his arrow screeching and lighting on fire as it leaves his bow.

Move action to get the marbles, which makes creatures moving through or fighting in the area (one combat square, but he threw them specifically at snake head guy) make Balance checks (DC 15) and if they fail they are unable to move for 1 round. As per the Balance rules, they're flatfooted unless they have 5 or more ranks in balance, making them susceptible to sneak attack, which he tried to do with that shot.
His attack roll [roll0] (+15 due to his rogue fix giving him full BAB while sneak attacking, +8 from his dex, +2 from enhance arrow) He's giving it the screaming burst property (MIC) with enhance arrow (effective +2 bonus), and Flaming because he can (+1 bonus).
Damage dice:
Sneak Attack [roll1]
Flaming [roll2] (Fire damage)
Screaming [roll3] (Sonic damage)
The actual arrow [roll4]
If it crits I also get an additional [roll5] sonic damage (doubt this will happen).

2014-02-23, 05:25 PM
"Hey!" Aria shouts, angry, "We were having a nice evening!"
With that, she starts to move her hands and chant something under her breath from her spot up near the ceiling. Suddenly a large, snow-white tiger with wings appears in front of the snake-man, and lashes out with it's teeth and claws.

Gillyweed goes and hides under a table, or somewhere safe.

So he uses a full round action to cast a rapid Summon Nature's Ally IV, enhanced by her Ring of the Beast.

She summons a Leskylor, which then attacks as a full-round action.

Claw 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Claw 2:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

And it has the Touch of Golden Ice feat, so if the Snake Guy is evil, then for each successful hit, he has to make a DC 14 Fort save or take 1d6 Dex damage.
Claw 1: [roll6]
Claw 2: [roll7]
Bite: [roll8]

Also it has Improved Grab, so, so long as one of the attacks hits, it makes a grapple check:

Hearing the clattering downstairs, Tereus sighs and decides to go back down to check out the action.

He uses his move action to try to hide better: [roll10]
Then his standard action to Flee the Scene back downstairs.

Where would Itys be now?

2014-02-28, 05:48 AM
You notice Dail has no acid burns on his skin, his shirt must have absorbed all of the acid. “Sorry dear, that is a tale on its own, let’s just leave it at they are related to the beasts from my story. Kate can handle the ones on the roof, the snake is the only threat while the others will fall easily.”

Your marbles fly true, landing as the snake does. It lands square on the marbles, ignoring them as little more than a distraction while. The snake leans to the side, intending on dodging the arrow but is unable to move fast enough and the arrow catches in its abdomen. You have successfully gained the attention of one head, the other still hissing at the table Dail is behind.
There is a new form on the roof, about the size of a large horse and built like a lizard or dragon.

Upon getting downstairs, you see what caused the commotion, a hole in the ceiling, two four armed Minotaurs and a man with two snake heads.
If you can focus on two things at once, you notice a new, very intelligent mind on the roof. Int 21

The snake dodges to the side of both claws before getting caught by the bite. Your Leskylor and the snake roll to the side, already tangled together.

In the hall before you is a large hole in the ground at three creatures standing on the floor below, one of which is wrestling with a large winged lion.

The first Minotaur lowers its head and charges Aria, ramming a long horn into her shoulder, its head still lowered and offering a good target for an attack. The second bull charges Relenius, proving just as successful at placing a horn through his arm. The snake’s heads elongate, helping it against the lion and one head begins to constrict around the lions legs while the other sinks two long fangs into its side. Dail glances around the table and shouts. ”The bulls hate fire.

Aria takes 23 not including any DR or whatnot, Relenius takes 28. Leskylor takes 12 damage and 5 con damage. Also, the snake probably cannot compete with the grapples, I got an 18 on his first check. He isn’t going anywhere.

2014-02-28, 12:07 PM
"Well if that isn't an invitation I don't know what is," Velik says as he extends a hand, and flames burst into existence around both bulls with a single path to the door.

Spend 3 FP to use Major Image to manifest flames everywhere.

DC 32 Will Save.

2014-02-28, 12:20 PM
Aria winces from the blow, her old adventurer senses kicking in along with all the adrenaline. She then disappears and then reappears ten feet back, then drops down to the ground. "Thanks for the tip!" She yells back to Dail. She steps back, does a small chant and movements similar to before, and a large fiery humanoid snake creature appears to fill the space between her and the Minotaur, it attacks.

The large white winged tiger tears into the snake man.

So Aria uses her Anklet of Translocation to move back ten feet out of the Minotaur's reach, then uses a free action to drop back to the ground, considering she can't fly high enough to stay out of their reach, and takes a five foot step back. Then she uses a full-round action to use a Rapid, Ring of the Beast enhanced Summon Nature's Ally VII, summoning a Noble Salamander which full round attacks the Minotaur.

Slamander full round attack:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] fire damage
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus [roll5] fire damage
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus [roll8] fire damage

Tail Slap:
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] plus [roll11] fire damage

The Leskylor attacks the snake with one claw and it's rake attack:

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]
Attack: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]
Attack: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]

Also, here's an opposed grapple in case the snake tires to break free: [roll18]

Leskylor has 27/39 health

15 rounds left of Leskylor.
16 rounds left of Noble Salamander.

Seeing the room filling up with combat and summoned creatures, Tereus chuckles to himself and mutters under his breath, "Well, might as well add one more to the clusterf*ck." His eyes shine for a brief moment like a reflection in a mirror, and suddenly a lobster-like humanoid creature with tentacles running from it's chin down the front of it's body appears beside Relenius and attacks the Minotaur after the blind archer.

So he uses the Summon Alien ability granted by Zceryll to summon a Psedunatural Piscoloth. It attacks the Minotaur attacking Relenius.

Attack: [roll19]
Damage: [roll20]
Attack: [roll21] - Crit confirm: (1d20+13)[17]
Damage: [roll22] - If it's confirmed then it's x3 damage. [24]

Attack: [roll23]
Attack: [roll24]
Attack: [roll25]
Attack: [roll26]
Attack: [roll27]
Attack: [roll28]
Attack: [roll29]
Attack: [roll30]

For each tentacle that hits, the Minotaur must make a DC 16 fort save or be paralyzed for [roll31] minutes.

14 rounds left of Piscoloth.

2014-02-28, 01:56 PM
Lene bites her lip and, after a second, nods. He will see her make some gestures - they don't look like nervous tics this time - before she stands up. Lene points at the minotaur attacking the elf. "Hey, you bully! Stop that this instant!"

Sudden Silent Freezing Glance.
Freezing Glance (FB). Lets you 1/R freeze a person you look at, but if they're attacked they can make another save. Enchantment but not mind-affecting.

Save DC: 34

2014-02-28, 02:33 PM
"Gah!" Relenius shouts in surprise as the horn pierces him. "They don't like fire? Hmm. The area is too cramped for either of those..." He frowns, and tilts his head, acknowledging the Piscoloth, before stepping behind it, so it was between him and the bull. "I suppose this will have to do." He smirks, and rapidly fires 3 arrows, that all catch fire, crackle with electricity, screech, and glow darkly as they leave his bow, to the 3 enemies in the room.
"By the way, there is another creature on the roof."
It would be really nice if the Piscoloth was flanking the bull with Rel, then he could sneak attack it, but oh well.

I move behind the Piscoloth with a 5-ft step. Pretty straight forward, that.

Anyway, I use Hail of Arrows to fire an arrow at all 3 of them.
I also use enhance arrow to add the Flaming property (+1 bonus) the Consumptive property (+2 bonus), Screaming (+1 bonus), and Shock (+1 bonus)
Arrow 1 (Bull guy attacking Rel)
Consumptive damage: [roll0]
Fire damage: [roll1]
Sonic damage: [roll2]
Electricity damage: [roll3]
The actual arrow: [roll4]

Arrow 2 (Snake guy)
Consumptive damage: [roll5]
Fire damage: [roll6]
Sonic damage: [roll7]
Electricity damage: [roll8]
The actual arrow: [roll9]

Arrow 3 (Other bull guy)
Consumptive damage: [roll10]
Fire damage: [roll11]
Sonic damage: [roll12]
Electricity damage: [roll13]
The actual arrow: [roll14]

2014-03-14, 08:36 AM

The minotaur freezes, stopping with all four hands in the air, balled into a sort of fist.

ouch, that's just rude.


The first arrow catches the bull square now that its immobilized by Lene's spell, it fights the enchantment and inthe end stays still. The arrow after the snake pierces into its tail, causing it to release a short yelp. The third arrow catches the minotaurs hide, fizzling away.


Your salamander makes good work of the minotaur. Each attack connects solidly, leaving cautorized wounds all over its hide. The leskylor however does not manage to get ahold of the snake with its claws.


Your psicoloth leaves two solid cuts on the minotaur and hits with several tentacles, helping with the previous enchantment.


The flames crackle ominously, appearing to scorch each table the cross, causing the unfrozen minotaur to let out one last howl before collapsing.


Two minotaurs halted, Dail stands from cover and smiles to the snake. "You've lost this round Vrl'ks. You might be strong enough to hold me until your reinfircements arrive, but look at how efficently your pets were defeated. You've no troops on the roof have already been dealt with. Your only hope is surrender."

The snake let out a shout and vanished in a flash of light.

"Kate, track him. Someone give me an empty cup or bowl.

The bard waves his hands and some of the blood the snake-man had let out slowly rises, circling until it become a small fluid ball.

Activated a teleport spell for those with spellcraft or the ability to ask questions. Make a spot and a sense motive check for me.

I couldn't get my computer to turn on so I retyped it on my tablet, then I couldn't get to a wifi network to post it. Yay for living in bthe midle of nowhere.

2014-03-14, 10:21 AM
Relenius tilts his head to the side. "So, do we get to know what that actually was?" He asks walking over to gather back up his marbles and put them back in his bag.
Spot: Autofail! He's blind after all... but blindsight should make it so I don't need too... Right?
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2014-03-14, 12:38 PM
Velik jumps down to the next level and snaps his fingers, dousing the flames, "mind me asking what in the nine hells happened there?"

Spot: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

I love having Knack, it's just so useful!

2014-03-14, 11:25 PM
Lene gives Dail a sidelong glance and steps backwards. The important questions have already been asked.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Sense Motive (Main goal: Figure out what, if anything, Dail concluded from their last interaction)

2014-03-15, 02:46 AM
When Dail did not respond and instead turned his back on Kate, she took the explaining on herself. "Long ago, there was an island country called Gylma in the Dead Sea. She looked out to the dead creatures. "Gylma was attacked by creatures none had seen before three cities fell before the emporer knew the first was gone and less than a week later the continent had fallen. Twenty men and women survived. The most advanced land this world has ever seen fell in under a month with just twenty survivors. The gods of old were angry, how could their faithful followers fall so easily. So they were cursed, those twenty survivors would live until the creatures came back and would be given a chance to honor their country and show it as not being pathetic. Then the gods left, making room for a new pathenon to take their place.

Dail turned to face you all, still avoiding as much venom from Kate's eyes as possible. "Those creatures were experiments, the snake used to be a commerade before they captured him and turned him into that thing. The minotaurs are just that, minotaurs with a set of gorrila arms sewn on the make them more dangerous. I know little of the force behind them other than it claims people and creatures from our world and turns them into monsters. Vrl'ks has been tracking me for a few days and I needed Kate's help so I came here.

The dead sea is so named because nothing grows or lives there, it has consistent impossible to cross tides and generally avoided.
I am really sick of rewriting posts.

2014-03-15, 01:55 PM
While Kate and Dail are explaining things, Aria takes the minute and a half left in each of her summoning spells to get her two summons to pull the Minotaur corpses to the doorway for easy disposal later. She listens intently to the story, floating back down to sit on top of the table, Gillyweed coming back from his hiding spot and sitting down in her lap.
"So, just to be clear, are you two of the twenty cursed, or are you their enemies?"
While waiting for a response she moves her hands a bit and mutters something under her breath and pokes herself on the cheek, and her woulds begin to heal.
"And if you all would like, I can help with healing."

She casts Vigor on herself, giving fast healing 2 for 25 rounds. This will fully heal her 23 pts of damage.


While story time takes place, Tereus teleports back upstairs to an empty room and changes back to his hybrid bird-man form, renewing his disguise to cover up the strange appearance the vestige Zcryll gives him. While doing this, he does listen intently to the story, the ending sounding slightly familiar to his own ear. He reappears in the room beside his summoned monster and dismisses it, then looks to Kate.
"Gods are such fickle, childish beings. Your story doesn't surprise me."

2014-03-15, 03:19 PM
I am and Vrl'ks was but Kate is not. I'm afraid even I don't know Kate's full story. I doubt anyone does. Dail takes a seat, looking at his floating ball of blood.

2014-03-15, 03:51 PM
Tereus sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Get the man a mug."
An empty mug from a nearby table floats up into the air an moves over to the table Dail just sat at.

Collar of Perpetual Attendance's Unseen Servant. Also, if there's like, a bowl of peanuts or something that hasn't had liquid in it then he'll grab that instead.

2014-03-15, 03:57 PM
"Kate knows a few scrying spells, this will be more than enough for me to chase Vrl'ks back to whatever made him like that. I also imagine it to be a wise move to ask for your assistance in this matter. Dail dropped the blood into the mug and set it on the table, watching as the last patrons left with the barmaids.

2014-03-15, 04:21 PM
Tereus crosses his arms as Itys flies up and lands on his shoulder, becoming visible again.
"And what exactly can you offer that would entice any of us to aid you?"

2014-03-15, 04:23 PM
Velik shrugs, "I'm game, sounds like it could be fun," he says with a grin, completely ignoring Tereus's comment.

2014-03-15, 04:37 PM
"I'm eight thousand years old, I am the only person with knowledge of where my entire countries wealth lies and I do not care about money. I think I can come up with a reason or two."

Right, forgot about the spot and such, basically the frozen minotaur is dead and just in stasis, waiting to fall over. Anyone who rolled over 27 on either check can tell.

2014-03-15, 04:48 PM
"Sure. Why not. I don't exactly have anything better to do." He shrugs, and absentmindedly fiddles with his blindfold. "I've just been wandering for a few years now. Might be nice to have something to do."

2014-03-15, 05:28 PM
Tereus smirks.
"Well, I don't really have any reason to believe you, but I suppose I don't have anything in particular scheduled for the next little while, and the possibility of great wealth is always temping... What about you Itys? Would you like to help the man out?"
There is a pause, the raven on Tereus's shoulder nods.
"Yes, it gives us an excuse to travel, good point. Alright, I will aid you, Dail, assuming that my payment for the aid will be a great one."


Aria, scratching Gillyweed behind the ear, takes in a deep breath.
"You know, while I'm not as old as you Dail, it has been about two hundred years since I had an adventure. I'm not generally one for conflict. But, maybe now is a good time to get my feet wet once again."
She looks down at her water cat and gives an unsure smile.
"You in, Gil?"

"I suppose. If you are."

Forgot to do my rolls earlier. Though I just kind of assumed they were both dead, hence the dragging them to the door.

Spellcraft: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Sense Motive: [roll2]

Spellcraft: [roll3]
Spot: [roll4]
Sense Motive: [roll5]

Spellcraft: [roll6]
Spot: [roll7]
Sense Motive: [roll8]

Spellcraft: [roll9]
Spot: [roll10]
Sense Motive: [roll11]

2014-03-17, 01:36 PM
I also imagine it to be a wise move to ask for your assistance in this matter.

"Who 'You'?"

2014-03-18, 01:18 PM
"Strength in numbers and all, you few obviously have no ties to them so you are as close to trustworthy I am likely to come across. If I'm lucky, there will be little fighting but considering my opponent, I highly doubt I can accomplish this unscathed."

Kate places a hand on Dail's shoulders, making him forget what he was currently saying.

"I've found him, he is traveling quickly and I cannot get an exact location unless he stops but I should be able to track him for now by following landmarks.

"Excellent! If you chose to follow, I will be in your debt.

2014-03-18, 06:25 PM
"Debt based on loyalty is certainly an interesting commodity, I will follow you into this fight. I only would like to question how long we will be on this journey together?"
Tereus glances back at the frozen and limp bodies of the Minotaurs, then addresses the rest of the room.
"I would also like to ask if anyone here is opposed to necromancy. Two Minotaur skeletons could certainly be useful to us."


Aria looks to Dail, and smiles. It's a warm smile, though she is obviously still unsure of if she is making the right choice.
"Um... yeah. Yeah. You can count on me, and Gil here will help out in whatever ways he can."
She glances over to Tereus.
"I suppose I'm okay with skeletons helping out."

2014-03-31, 06:45 PM
"I'm ready to go whenever. I wasn't doing anything before, so actually having something to do should be interesting."

2014-04-11, 09:52 PM
"I have few ties. I would... like to see how this turns out."