View Full Version : Westings' Revenge [IC]

2014-01-29, 12:32 PM
Throughout the smoldering battlefield five survivors emerged to take stock of their surroundings.

Jacoben the Second, Fourth Prince of the Realm and Captain of the King's Shadow Guard. He had stepped to the side to respond to a sending correspondence with one of his operatives. As such, he and his personal guard Lyle, were sheltered from the main assault.

Garaetha was at the back of the group, her monstrous lineage and anti-social tendencies didn't make her popular with the king's men, despite her usefulness with a bow. Mercenaries were rarely trusted, even if they were represented by the internationally renowned Magical Consortium.
When the fighting started she took cover behind a rock and used it to safely return fire, she was one of the few who could claim to have struck the enemy that day, and the rest were dead.

Raven, a Foreign and Interplanar Law Enforcement Department Agent, was examining the meteor when the ship landed. The downdraft generated by the landing ship blew Raven off of his place and tumbled down hill until coming to a rest against a boulder. By the time he regained his bearings and returned to the site everything was over.

When they arrived Jazim knew there wasn't much for her to do on site, but her companion did notify her that there was an eagle nest nearby with hatchlings. She turned into a bird and went off to see the babies only to return when she saw trouble brewing. Sadly bird wings can only carry one so fast and she wasn't able to arrive in time to affect the outcome of the fight.(edit: female, sorry)

OOC Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16889866#post16889866)

Throw them bones! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16889871#post16889871)

2014-01-29, 01:50 PM
Garaetha (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=774014)
HP: 41
18/14/14, Saves 5/8/4
Skills: Spot +1, Sense Motive +1, Listen +5.

Garaetha emerges from behind the rock, her bow drawn.
Rip their throats out! Get some TROPHIES!
Silence. Friends approach.
Nevertheless, she stretches slightly, looking around at the corpses. She smiles, kneeling down next to any dead Neogi and soldiers.
Hey, it's Terry! Hi, Terry, how dead are you today? She takes out her scimitar, chopping off a nearby dead soldier's head and putting it in her bag, walking up to her compatriots.

2014-01-29, 01:55 PM
Jázmin Stone (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=773826)
HP: 41 / 41
AC: 16/FF 14/Touch 16
Saves F 4/R 4/W 8
Spot: +10
Sense Motive: +3
Listen: +10

Taking in the battlefield, Jázmin's eyes fill with tears as she understands what must have happened in her brief absence. She walks around, looking for wounded she might be able to save.

2014-01-29, 03:13 PM
There are two Neogi corpses, one slain by Garaetha's arrows and the other by the sword of a recently fallen guard. No survivors other than the five of you so no injuries to speak of.

2014-01-29, 03:31 PM
What do the Neogi look like? If they're metal, I want to scrap them.
Anyway, Garaetha walks over to the Druid. Pretty messy, huh? Cool. Whelp, there ain't any survivors. I say we loot the place until we can find something that could help. Where's the fourth prince? I need someone to blame.

Totally wasn't me, I swear.
Pick up my arrows from the Neogi corpses.

2014-01-29, 04:00 PM
They're from Lords of Madness. Think big spider with an eel for a head.

2014-01-31, 01:09 PM
Name: Jacoben the Second (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=772704)
HP: 37/37
AC 11/FF 8/Touch 11
Saves F=6 R=9 W=8
Spot: 7
Listen: 6
Sense Motive: 10

Jacoben arrives on scene in time to see Garaetha take liberties with the guards who fell defending his father. He sneers underneath his hood, and clenches his fists in outrage. Calm yourself, Jacoben. This is not the time to indulge in sentimentality.

He bears back is anger, and states in a calm voice, "Garaetha, I must ask you not to desecrate the bodies of our fallen men. If there is some item you must avail yourself of... please do so with a sense of propriety." He grits his teeth saying those last words. How could looting your dead comrades ever be proper? But he could not worry about such things at the moment.

Jacoben thinks to himself a moment. The king is gone. Our first priority must be to get word to my brother.

"Do any of you have access to a sending spell?"

2014-01-31, 01:43 PM
Nada, boss, but I could fly over to him if it's essential.
Gar would quickly hide the head, wiping off her collected arrows.

2014-01-31, 05:30 PM

Hp 48/48
AC 17/ FF/14 Touch 14
Saves F=4/ R=7/ W=11
Sense Motive=2

looks at the battlefield and shakes his head at the carnage this is why i petitioned the king for an undead army to be planted at key points. It was to hopefully avoid senseless massacres like this or at least minimize it. May you all find peace in death and your sacrifices never forgotten. Do any of you have family or friends here that you would like the last rites done for and your Highness would you mind if i call on the ghost of the slain to ask what exactly happened here. As he holds a copy of The White book

2014-01-31, 06:38 PM
"I appreciate your offer Garaetha. We will send you ahead to spread the word once we find out a bit more about why this has happened."

Jacoben looks in Raven's direction. "I'm afraid the last rights will have to wait. We have no idea if this was an isolated incident. There could be another attack impending against the capital for all we know." He points toward the court magician. "That is the man who could most likely provide us answers."

2014-01-31, 07:31 PM
"I appreciate your offer Garaetha. We will send you ahead to spread the word once we find out a bit more about why this has happened."

Jacoben looks in Raven's direction. "I'm afraid the last rights will have to wait. We have no idea if this was an isolated incident. There could be another attack impending against the capital for all we know." He points toward the court magician. "That is the man who could most likely provide us answers."

In all seriousness, boss, we should really look around on the bodies.
They could have something that can lead us to whoever summoned these cute little creatures here.
Gar nods slightly.

2014-01-31, 08:18 PM
Jacoben sighs. The lizard does have a point. "Very well. But do not harm the bodies further. My brother may decide to have some of these brave men and women raised.

...Let us know if you find anything of use."

Jacoben keeps an eye on Garaetha as she goes about her grim business.

2014-01-31, 09:27 PM
Garaetha should make a search check then.

2014-01-31, 10:42 PM
Lyle reassumes his customary position at Jacoben's side, muttering quietly in Quickspeak:

<"Are you all right my lord?">

2014-01-31, 11:20 PM
RAVEN (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=774180)

Hp 48/48
AC 17/ FF/14 Touch 14
Saves F=4/ R=7/ W=11
Sense Motive=2

Your highness i could cast a simple spell that would save us all alot of time. I would be calling on the spirit of one who was actually here at the battle and could tell us exactly what happened and what went wrong. It is my duty as a priest of wee jass to calm the dead and make sure there journey to her realm is as peaceful as possible. I'm sure that their souls are still here worrying that they failed and cant be put to rest otherwise.

2014-02-01, 03:07 AM
Jacoben responds to Lyle in Quickspeak. "Yes. In fact... I am shamefully unscathed given the current situation."

"Raven. You have more experience with such things than I. I will trust in your expertise." He nods toward the necropolitan to proceed.

2014-02-01, 05:27 AM
Garaetha sets about looting the Neogi and Guard corpses.
By the way, necro-buddy, I've been right here. Last one standing, in fact.

2014-02-01, 12:18 PM
Garaetha: Most of the dead are soldiers, of which none of them have anything special. Medium armor, a heavy wooden shield, a masterwork weapon, mostly long swords but a few axes as well, and a bag full of personal junk. The wizard has his spellbook, spell component pouch and robes, but you also find two scrolls. One of the Neogi is wearing a pair of bracers.

2014-02-07, 01:37 AM
While waiting for the ritual, Jacoben will take a moment to look at the spellbook and scrolls to see if it contains any arcane magic still unknown to him.

2014-02-07, 05:02 PM
You decide that you don't have the time right now to study the spellbook to the extent needed to glean any important information and move on to the scrolls. One is a scroll of Sending, the other is a scroll of Dimension Door.

2014-02-10, 01:46 PM
Jacoben immediately casts the scroll, picturing his brother in his mind. Neogi attack. Father abducted, reason unknown. Only five survivors. Send men to recover and investigate at meteor. Not sure if further attacks incoming. Send instructions.

2014-02-11, 12:01 PM
After a slight pause the voice of your brother fills your mind. "Men on way, eight hours, no teleporters. Report to me immediately. Neogi unknown to me, bring data if you can. Stay safe Brother, you're important."

2014-02-11, 10:45 PM
My mistake Garaetha. Can you pls explain in detail what happened here. If u explain i will only have to cast this spell once on the dead neogi and we can find out why they attacked or at least what they were told.

2014-02-11, 11:34 PM
Lyle leans in close to Jacoben and whispers, "Your Highness, we need to get you to cover. Whatever brought these neogi here could come back."

2014-02-12, 12:02 AM
"I appreciate your concern, Lyle, and your caution is justified. We shouldn't stay in the open. Here, help me with one of these." Jacoben points towards the body of the one of the Neogi, and starts attempting to move it.

"Raven, we should conduct your ritual in a less exposed area." He points toward a bit of tree or rock cover. "Please give us a hand," he asks Jázmin and Garaetha.

"I was able to speak with my brother. We are to return as soon as possible, with whatever information we can gather about the Neogi on short notice. He will send men to recover the dead. If anyone else has any tools with which to investigate these creatures, I'm sure my brother would be grateful."

2014-02-12, 12:05 PM
Neogi wouldn't be difficult to move, they're small creatures that weigh about as much as a large child or small adult (humans of course).

2014-02-12, 08:04 PM
"By your command."

Taking another of the dead neogi, Lyle carries it towards the indicated cover.

2014-02-13, 12:14 AM
Jázmin nods at Jacoben, then helps with the work.

2014-02-15, 12:30 AM
You get both neogi bodies under cover. Please describe how you go about collecting data with the skill checks you feel are appropriate.

2014-02-16, 10:37 PM
before i begin the spell we need to decide what questions we need to ask any suggestions raven ask as he begins preparations for the spell.

2014-02-16, 11:55 PM
"Where and for what reason did the Neogi take the king of Westings? That seems the most pressing concern. Besides that, how many questions may we have answered?"

Jacoben looks to Lyle, and then the others to see if they have other suggestions.

2014-02-17, 01:34 AM
With a small nod, Lyle replies"Weaknesses would be useful. I would also put how they know of us high on the list as well."

2014-02-17, 09:09 AM
Well, it's all a blur, really, but... Garaetha points to where her arrows had penetrated Neogi flesh.
They're weak there, there and there. I'm not sure WHAT happened, to be honest.. I was in a blood rage at the time.
She shakes her head slightly.

2014-02-23, 08:03 PM
i may ask 3 at the most with each casting of of the spell. is everyone ok with these 3 questions
why did u attack
are more attacks coming
what are your weaknesses

2014-02-26, 05:30 PM
since this is fine with all let the spell begun raven hands start to glow a purple color and his eye starts to glow black as he says

it is one done now we wait for it to answer he says as as his hands and eyes stop glowing

2014-02-26, 08:52 PM
After ten minutes of drawing runes on the body and channeling negative energy the Neogi's eyes glow black as its head lifts jerkily and turns towards you.

Our ship needs repairs and for that we need cold iron. You were just there.

I am unaware as to whether or not the amount salvaged will be sufficient. If not we will need more.

Without sufficient slaves we can't fly our ships, and in those instances slave lives are more valuable than Neogi lives, that's how we end up in combat despite our physical insufficiency.

Garaetha: Upon hearing this you realize that most of the casualties you saw had been caused by the rays fired from the ship.